This is operator 6O. Her senpai just rejected her and she's very sad about it. What do you say to cheer her up, Yea Forums?
This is operator 6O. Her senpai just rejected her and she's very sad about it. What do you say to cheer her up...
something something critical to mission success desert rose etc etc.
Dont worry 6O, you will be dead in half a year anyway.
There there, I'm sure the commander will let you eat her out again if you ask nicely.
Get a boyfriend.
but the best girl is 21O
stop being a homo and go to church
Give her earth flowers.
>t. 9s
>2B gets an obnoxious idiot as an operator who just gets blown the fuck out together with bunker
>9S gets an actually interesting character with a heart-wrenching resolution to her character development
Does the game actually imply that the commander fucks all the operators or is that just a meme?
I like to believe that Pods recreated some of the Yorha after Ending E. After all tower had a lot of data in it and maybe pods found some and revived some of the operators... I really like to believe that.
6O is important to 2B.
Its a meme, although the androids dont seen to give a fuck about whats hetero / what's homo.
There is only person in the heart of commander white, and its Jackass.
She literally gives no shit about her death. Zero. None.
9S is actually shaken by the sorry state of 21O to the point he can't find strength to finish her off.
The only actual lesbians in the game are 11B and 16D
Which is amusing since they had awful abusive relationships.
She can't give a shit because she dies literally 10 minutes after the explosion.
6O did mention her senpai was a she.
>he doesn't know
She gives no reaction to the last message of 6O. Then she proceeds to sacrifice herself for the sake of 9S.
Operator 6O says commander doesn't organize her clothes properly and always forgets doing body checks. When 2B asks how does she know that, she says it's a "secret". I think that's pretty much it
Two-Bee... I am OpERator 6O. T-t-thank you for the FLoWers. DeSERt flowERs are b-b-beautiFUL aReN't they?
Only in english translation.
That's only in the subs, I think
Well, I would too really. 9S is a cutie
It doesn't matter. Even in the supplemental material there are no male senior YoRHa androids because they are all dead. Scanners are the latest model and they are the only males in YoRHa.
It does matter because there's a ton of scanners around and they are popular enough to be the local idols.
Really? That's great, I always wanted 6O to be an actual lesbo
He means they can't be her "senpai"
Depending on the rollout time or functions they fulfil on the station, they can.
Shit, one of them is managing the YoRHa inventory.
No, user, they're all younger AND none of them work in the same field. So there's no valid criteria to say they can be an operator's senpai.
Probably other Operator or maybe some girl from other wing of the bunker, like R&D team or something.
>No, user, they're all younger
Physically? Maybe.
Mentally and in terms of rollout date? No. Some of the scanners are pretty serious, way more serious than the retarded airhead 6O at the very least.
>none of them work in the same field
Scanners are the intelligence gathering units who also perform station maintenance and other internal duties. They are pretty closely connected to Operators.
In fact it makes more sense that her crush is not another operator since they join their minds together to perform their duty better.
Fuck off, you're just doing mental gymnastics
Your denial is not my concern, yurinigger.
Come back if you have actual counter arguments.
it doesn't make sense that scanners would be both local idols and super best friends with the operators. the other retard is right, you're just doing mental gymnastics.
42S is a YoRHa Squadron idol from North 12C Defense HQ
Now fuck off into the same cuck shed as other user
you're missing the point brainlet. calling them idols implies some kind of distant prestige, they can't be personal friends of the operators and idols at the same time. shit doesn't work like that. go ask any of the retards in Yea Forums jpop/kpop generals if they personally know any of the idols they stalk.
>they don't work together but she calls him a senpai anyway
>she does this because he's more "serious" despite being older than him
Your logic is retarded and so are you
>calling them idols implies some kind of distant prestige
A Publicity Agent which is official designation of 42S doesn't imply he's forbidden from forming bonds with other YoRHa personnel.
You still can't understand the fact Scanners can fulfil a shitload of internal YoRHa duties including R&D and anti-virus warfare all of which is closely connected to Operators.
You don't have a logic, you're just a child screeching about the game not catering to your yurifaggot delusions.
>literally making up random scenarios in your mind where the things you say make sense because you can't stand homos
>you're just a child screeching about the game not catering to you
>w-well his OFFICIAL designation is publicity agent!
and what does that have to do with him being an idol? you don't even know what an idol is, keep deflecting smoothbrain.
Reminder that the Scanner inside the castle and the combat model at the desert oasis, as well as the junkies, are all alive at the end.
>actual in-game lore
>random scenarios
I'm not the one so fucking starved for content i see homosexual subtext in literally everything.
>and what does that have to do with him being an idol
The fact he's an officially appointed YoRHa media person?
I dunno user. You're just arguing with your own retarded delusions at this point instead of something actually implied by the game.
They are all dead. All YoRHa are offline by the end of game events aside from reanimated main characters.
What does that have to do with him being an idol in the context of you trying to use it as proof of your headcanon of operators and scanners being super close? Scanners being treated as idols means they aren't. You're the one reaching for these extremely specific and unlikely scenarios where an operator would call a scanner senpai instead of accepting the obvious answer.
The lore and what you're saying said lore implies are two different things, why are you playing dumb? I'm not gay or care about gays, you're literally obsessed.
learn to code
I thought emotions were forbidden? Why can't this game make up its damn mind?
This type of comments are always hilarious to me, I thought normalfags were the non-autistic ones? What's up with this shit then?
The androids who made them built them wrong, as a joke.
How did you not understand this basic fucking recurring theme.
>missing the whole point of the game and its characters
That sfm scene where you and 21O double team a guy was pretty good, you should do it again.
Because you didn't play it, faggot
>The lore and what you're saying said lore implies are two different things
Look at the mirror user, because this comment surely fits you better since "6O is a lesbian" is a giant headcanon based on a shit traslation to begin with.
And you do care obviously, like all yuriniggers.
>What does that have to do with him being an idol in the context of you trying to use it as proof of your headcanon of operators and scanners being super close
YOU are the one who latched on Scanners fulfilling idol duties alone while ignoring the fact they also fulfil other duties within YoRHa, and even then you're using your own retarded logic to justify why they CAN'T be close.
This is pretty sad to watch, really.