So Trails of Cold Steel III is finally releasing next month, who are you aiming for? Sara all the way.
So Trails of Cold Steel III is finally releasing next month, who are you aiming for? Sara all the way
Aiming for Millium just like the last two games. Now if you excuse me I'm getting the fuck out of this thread before I get any spoilers. Have fun OP.
I planned to go for Towa two years ago but I've grown up and realized that she'd never be able to have children. One maybe but she'd die while giving birth, she is just too petite. Also she's a workaholic, a happy life would be nearly impossible.
The adult choice is Laura, she is healthy and will give birth to many strong children, shares interests, is generally a fun person and offers the chance to live a wealthy, chill live in a cozy village. The downside is that she has no housekeeping skills and no talent for it but that's what servants are for anyway.
For me it's Musse!
this poor user...
For me it Sword Autist Laura, however, I secretly have grown to love Fie more...
For me, it's Fie
>Sara didn't want to fuck Rean cause he was too young
>She clearly wanted to though
>"N-no more freebies."
Bitch all you did was hug him, fuck off. At least suck him off or something. And in 3rd game Rean is a massive chad that all the girls want to fuck even harder, so Sara fucked up big time.
Ahhhhh all the girls are so hot, so I can't really pick a waifu to stay dedicated to. Even Emma is pretty fucking hot, but I also like Laura and Fie as well. I don't understand how you people can just pick one girl.
Towa, she was very nice from the get go and is very cute.
Musse, but I have to wait until 4.
For me, it's Juna
Fuck no. The story is shit and the characters are shallow.
Polygamy is not a sin
Polygamy IS a sin, you must pick one waifu per work or you are literally in utah
>can train under father in law who is strongest swordsman in erebonia
>can flaunt on Laura fangirl club and piss them off when she gets pregnant
Doesn't matter, it goes back to status quo at the beginning of IV anyways
Redpill me on these games please.
Pink hair always gets me.
Poor OP, Sara isn't even a romantic option in 3.
In fact you're shit outta luck if your choice isn't Laura, Alisa, or Emma.
>CS4 won't be out until late 2020
Do you actually get to hook up with your girl this time, or is it just one scene at the end again?
Planning on getting Laura btw, how does the save transfer stuff work? You get a boost if you import Cold Steel II save data with your girl's ending right? Does the game still push Alisa anyway?
You can't transfer from CS2 to CS3
Originally released in different consoles
I love her despite being underrated.
Alisa is still clearly the devs' favorite but she never gets pushed as hard as in CS1 because all of the romantic subtext is in her bonding events instead.
I played CS I & II on steam and I really dont want to play them again on ps4 just to get save data for III
3 doesn't carry over any data from 1 and 2.
They are fun turn based rpgs full of anime tropes.
They are very wholesome, a little too much so for some. Trails of Cold Steel I mostly has you running around a military academy as a high school sim with monthly expeditions to some far off city where you inevitably get caught up in shenanigans and witness a nation moving towards war.
Trails of Cold Steel II has you actively living through and occasionally fighting in the war, but you are a third party not officially on anyone's side just trying to help people in need.
And I haven't played the third one yet.
There is romance, you pick a girl through using bonding points on them which show you special cut-scenes with them in your downtime.
For me, I just love the characters, Jusis and Machias are my bros, Laura and Fie are a great duo, Sara is a hardass but I love her, Elliot exists I guess.
Oh and you can either let the game set your party members up for you or you can artistically build them up yourself, and no one is locked into any particular style other than the basic ranged/melee/magic classes. My favorite is to build Fie and Rean with high evasion and just have them whittle away at the tougher enemies while rarely getting hit, and then have Laura and Jusis/Machias stay out of range so Laura can use her line attack with unilimited range and Jusis/Machias can give magic/healing support where needed.
Unless they changed it somehow for the west, there isn't any save data transfer from 1 and 2.
So theres no reunion scenes for the girl you romanced in previous game? Lame as shit
Alisa likes to take Rean's stinky cum in her pussy
Thanks for the elaborate response user. I'll give it a try.
Every girl does
I dunno what you expected, 3 came out three years after 2 on a different console altogether, and the Kai versions came out after 3.
>still no PC release
Fuck me.
for me it's the cave rapist
I'm going to be a good teacher to my students and hang out with my bros instead.
We all know Rean wants the Crow dick anyway, the homo.
3 kind of dials the harem aspect back with Alisa, Laura and Emma being the girls being the most romantic out of the old class and then 4 goes all out with the harem aspect.
So hows CS3 translations? NISA tier as expected?
Its the matter of when at this point.
She scored6th overall in Sen4 popularity polls (which includes all characters) and 3rd in Sen4 final event achievement rates. I wouldn't call that underrated. For Sen3 underrated though I agree.
>no save data transfer from CS2 to CS3
What kind of bullshit is this? They've always done it before, across multiple systems, even the PS4 re-releases let you import your PS3 save data so it's not like they can't do it.
My religion allows me have up to 4 waifus.
CS2-->CS3 is practically a soft reset in relationships due to everyone moving on with their lives.
In other words it was too much work to make it work over 4 games and Falcom gave up.
>ever putting in effort
Their games just recently reached PS3 levels of graphics.
>everyone moving on with their lives.
Not Rean
haha... fair enough
Going for Towa. Petite bodied pantyhose queen
Altina is my daughterwife.
and who does the port, hopefully they get durante again so i can mod some music and difficulty in the 2nd playthrough
what a cute little cumdoll
More like Trails Of Same Face
It doesn't matter because none of the """romances""" go anywhere or have any impact at all haha
>So Trails of Cold Steel III is finally releasing next month
no its not
cold steel 2 is shit and im not having fun
cause its mostly just treading water despite everything interesting they could have done with civil war
Claire because this is the last chance I'll get.
CS2 is the DMC2 of CS
Imagine if there were a game almost 2 decades old that let you keep up relationships with girls across multiple games, each time with its own events and challenges, impacting the overall course of the story and having other characters actually acknowledge the relationship. Imagine if such a game existed while a game made 2 decades later did absolutely nothing with their wanna-be galge system and reset every relationship every single game.
Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Haha...
Started part 1, I'm at like 70hrs and I dont think I'm even close to the end
What is CS4 then? DmC?
Each game ends on a massive cliffhanger so that's probably why. 70 hours sounds about right.
DMC4, in fact every CS from 1-4 goes hand in hand with quality compared to DMC
So not as good as 3 but still on par and possibly better than 1?
I never got round to finishing CS2, pretty sure I got to around the end of Act 2-2. Is it worth the bother of dusting off my old PS3 to finish the game? Or should I just read a plot synopsis before CS3 hits?
I've never liked jumping back into a half-finished game, but I don't want to burn myself out by playing it from scratch again either.
Anything important will just be reiterated in later games anyway. It's not like the overarching plot actually went anywhere.
If you don't care for the S Rank you could just rush it. Flying around everywhere starts to wear thin after a while anyways.
Literally everything that's wrong with JRPGs in a single post.
Well that's good to hear.
>Poor OP, Sara isn't even a romantic option in 3.
3 is the worst then if that's the case
Its well worth it.
I'm not buying it because I don't trust NISA's translations.
Alisa, Emma and Laura are the flat out romantic options in 3. Everyone else is either blueballing/teasing again or X-zoned in some way.
4 fixes this though, unless you're name is Kurt.
>Aiming for Millium just like the last two games
Look up the first hour of gameplay and then come back. If you don't like it then, fine. If you do, more power to you.
Friendly reminder to the "hurr no romance options"fags that in cold steel 4 you can romance literally any cold steel girl you want pretty much
if you play it again then use a completed save file or wach this after you finish the game since it's locked to NG+
imagine buying coldsteel 1 & 2 on PC only to get cucked out of coldsteel 3 & 4 on PC because NISA are lazy hacks.
For me it's dying Millium!
>only to get cucked out of coldsteel 3 & 4
They're coming though
Which artbook is this?
I can't believe there are people who don't plan on banging their qt pink haired student. Musse is also a good choice for red-blooded males who want a pretty young thing over whom they wield authority.
Does CS3 add/change anything to the battle system or is it mostly the same?
Feels good to be a Alisachad.
Even the hahaman himself doesn't want to bang her. She practically forces herself on him.
it changes quite a bit, normal and mecha fights
Cs3 and cs4 has a system that is mostly the same but more "kill them before they slaughter you" with the whole guard break or we it's called that stuns enemies for a while and the fact that every boss pretty much powers themselves up for 100% crit attacks against you if you let them
UI is like how Persona 5 did it.
Brave Orders
Break bar
Some other shit that I can't remember
Juna is the correct choice for alpha bulls who want to cuck an entire nation
imagine having the option to have the perfect wife and become the king of liberl but you go for the dumb bimbo instead
It's kind of hilarious, but Rean essentially pulls a Sara on her.
How do I stack evasion in Zero? I heard that there's a boss at the start of chapter 4 that will kick my shit in if I don't have 100 evasion on Lloyd. I'm only at chapter 2 now but I want to know what items I should look for and where to find them. I know you guys are all busy sucking Reans dick, but I don't know a better place to ask this question.
Jusis is the best bro.
That's in Ao, not Zero.
why would anyone pick the blonde twintail tsundere childhood friend, you literally cannot get more generic than that
>I heard that there's a boss at the start of chapter 4 that will kick my shit in if I don't have 100 evasion on Lloyd
i don't remember having problems with any boss in zero so i never did evasion stack, you don't have a master quartz so just use adamantine guard if you have problems
For me, it’s Rean May Cry
Jusis is also a degenerate cumdoll lover
She was literally only tsundere for one chapter in the first game though. Also "generic" bro? Have you seen the other stereotypes?
>complaining about generic characters in Cold Steel/JRPGs in general
Whities have shit taste, more news at 11
>Bro posting in 2019
Dear brother.
My man Jusis has excellent taste.
Nevermind then. Guides and random posts on reddit get confusing sometimes.
So it's literally just Sky all over again, got it.
It never went out of style, bro. You're just not cool enough.
Trust me, bro. I will.
I've not seen any gameplay yet. Is NISA's localisation as bad as we expected?
yeah, randy gets obsolete later where arts are king again, lloyd gets a nice self buff but he still does shit damage, i guess you can use them for combi crafts
For me, it's Sharon.
She's overwhelmingly the most popular in Japan as well. Except for Crow of course, haha...
Hello Anton
For me, it’s Sharon with a face veil
Imagine falling in love with a cute cumdoll.
There's plenty of footage from the first hour. They had some dumb typos here and there (fixed according to their discord at least) afaik but beyond that the overall quality doesn't seem bad by any means.
Does Altina get her CS2 costume in 3 and 4? Please say yes.
Millium's the worst character in a series chock full of bad characters, but hey - you do you
>Nips also have shit taste
If you waited till 11 you would’ve learned that
Damn you white people are are in love unironically with cartoon/3d characters. And you wonder why you are dying faster than being born.
Keep it civil will you?
I like her with Jusis. I'm not saying she's my favorite.
I expected typos lol. How about the actual dialogue and VA itself? Does it come across as semi natural or is Hatsuu's direction sorely missed?
Based AF
>you are in love unironically with cartoon/3d characters
Yes, and?
Bad bait. Please try better.
Sounds really good to me.
>How about the actual dialogue and VA itself?
Not white but procreation is not the purpose of life.
My only real gripes, from what I've seen so far, has been Arianrhod's and Ennea's voices which kinda fail to capture what they were meant to convey.
Lmao is that Ann from Persona 5? She sounds incredibly stiff in this. Sean sounds just as good and corny as he did in the first two games though so that's fine. I'm cautiously optimistic that NISA won't drop the ball as hard as they usually do.
>he thinks the people who play these games are white
God I love face veils
Do you just have to become an asshole to get to bang this?
What are they then?
Most likely, she hardly pays attention to normalfags like Lloyd and Rean which immediately makes her more complex than 99% of the females in this series
>So Trails of Cold Steel III
>graphics on a PS4 game in 2019
Yikes after seeing FF7R i'm never playing falcom trash again, they're holding back the genre
Bottom right is best design
Mostly spics, chinks, russians, pajeets and other assorted breeds of creatura
The only JRPGs blacks care about is KH, Chrono trigger and Persona
>paying 60 bucks for vita tier graphics on a machine that cost 400
Damn Falcom are great at making character models that make me horny just by looking at them.
Based Sharanon
Paki here
Has Mela Lee confirmed whether she's voicing her again in III?
Between Sara and Fie, who I both like a good bit, Sara had the best final bonding event in 2. But since I like Fie more overall I'm hoping they'll finally give you something actually romantic with her in 3 since she's no longer just 15. Also I'm at the internal castle in 2 so I'm outta here, I've been spoiled enough already
You can only romance Alisa, Laura or Emma in 3. Sorry bro.
>Paying 60 bucks for a game everyone already played just because it has new graphics
Totally not retarded
Not in 3 but you can romance and kiss her in cold steel 4
I won't be getting it till its on pc but for the first game I went Towa, almost went for Fie though and for the second game I went with princess Alfin though Claire and the other two were strong contenders. I just can't say no to a girl with long blonde hair that wears cute dresses.
they got people who worked in the first 2 games for this one so it should be "ok"
I can't believe they didn't make artwork of each waifu with them standing next to you pregnant to display during the ending in cs4. Wasted opportunity.
Her final bonding event made me squeal like a little girl
Many of them are underaged though
Who cares
Furthermore, I don’t think Altina is capable of such a thing
Yes, and?
For me its George
I can’t believe we didn’t get a harem ending
Teen pregnancy is not the solution to Japan’s problems, Abe
Forgot image
Only the students and Elise/Alfin are underage
he had ONE JOB
Ask me how I know you’re white
Because he's smarter than you?
Damn, internet getting even more obsessed with white people. That's 4 mentions in this thread. Guess it's only natural, we don't look and smell like shit lol.
Alisa because she is my favorite.
>Whites are THIS arrogant
Meanwhile the birthrate for you lot is fewer than how fast you’re dying.
Higher IQ corresponds with lower birth rate.
Nah, you just think guns solve everything and embrace inbreeding once you hit the south
>we don't look and smell like shit
>Whites are arrogant AND delusional
Based. She's the canon girl for a reason.
I like this outfit. A lot.
There are no canon girls. The """romance""" has progressed even less than the story in the last 4 games.
>Playing at the same time as a friend who's a Laurafag
>He'll be able to have his gf and I won't
God damn it, at least I'll have Agate Tita and Rixia as party members though
Just wait till next game bro.
yeah... about that
Which is why the countries with the top 5 highest IQ are white, right? Cope.
Altina is fully capable of bearing my children which is why she's pregnant with my baby right now
I need to finish the second one.
Why does it matter? The next game everything will be reset and it'll be like all of the bonding events never happened.
>Nah, you just think guns solve everything
It's right to bear arms and defend yourself
>embrace inbreeding once you hit the south
I find it very ironic that you would bring up inbreeding when we're in a discussion for a Japanese weeb game who's country and culture is all about incest. You're IQ is showing.
Not what I said.
And it makes all the romances shallow as fuck. Which sucks because they nailed it with Joshua and Estelle by having one relationship all the way through and showing how their relationship grew.
CS's storytelling really hurts from this type of harem shit.
>this dumb hatred for whites
>meanwhile all the girls and guys in the game series we're currently discussing looks white
We're not even guaranteed to get 4 though, are we? Especially with the NISA switch fuckery going on
I bet you they are working on CS4 right now and we will get it by early 2021. I'm sure NISA discussed the deal so both games would come out in the west because Falcom wants to bring these games here.
Nah, we'll probably get CS4 around the time CS6 is released.
>Cheating on your girl
I mean it's probably safe to assume that NISA got the contract for both 3 and 4 at the same time.
N*ggers are mentally ill
>canon girl
Rean is going to show up in Calvard with Altina and Crow, and no amount of coping is going to change that.
Japs abhor homosexuality so nah
Haha I hate war and fighting so much now let's get our terrorist friend back to school! Hey Crow don't forget to wash all that blood off your hands before you do your homework haha
Is there any hope that them showing these two means we're going back to a simple main couple instead of more harem stuff? Or is the temptation of the population Sen gained too much
Why do Japs always do these popularity polls?
>Japs abhor homosexuality so nah
Any word on when the new Trails series will be announced?
I remember someone somewhere saying next march but the source is my ass so take it however you will
Need to know what merch they should make and what characters to market the most.
I honestly don't know. They could go either way, but harem shit is probably the safebet.
Kondo said they'll go with whatever fits the story more
I'm aware that's just proverbial pr talk though
Everyone knows Falcom originally wanted Rean and Alisa. That's why they pushed them so hard together for the first two games and why they had all those moments in the first two games together.
The original story planning was for Alisa to be the MC and Rean the main male protag who takes on a Crow role. They went against this because they felt it was too much like Estelle and Joshua.
I'm happy to hear she's pretty popular.
I'd be fine with more bonding stuff as long as it's more like Ao than CS, no more self insert protags pls
Can you choose not to romance anyone or do you have to pick one?
So are the old Class VII reduced to cameo appearances in this game in favor of the new Class VII or is the screen time more or less evenly split?
For heaven's sake I hope they improved mech battlzs because theu were not fun at all
Incel mode is a valid choice.
It's optional, and completely canon for the second game that Rean is alone.
Is the fifth game coming soon?
It better not fucking be cold steel 5
New waifu, what a cutie. Pink twintails..perfect.
Haha, user...
The most probable option at the moment is "CS The 5th", something similar to The 3rd.
That'd be fine if 1) it has a different protagonist like 3rd did and 2) we get doors again
I'm going to commit vehicular homicide with my difficult student!
Enough with the fucking swords you sperg
Anton scored and therefore the saga has truly ended
'End of Saga' is literally just the beginning haha
I'm so happy that Falcolm finally invested in ass technology
Apparently it will be similar to The 3rd, so lots of plot dumps and hints and may or may not star Rean as the MC haha.
I'd be worried if one of my butt cheeks were twice as big as the other.
Millium dies? Aww I really liked her... tell me Shirley and Arianrhod are still alive. Only played the first CS and stopped there
Be patient, Juna.
user, you may want to take a seat
She just turns into a sword.
No one dies in this series. In fact more important characters are resurrected than die
>CS1 fan
Don’t think you’re ready for this one user...
Are you a troll or do you not understand anatomy?
>But they'll never bring back Loewe
It's a joke, user. In reality butts don't stretch quite like that when you're ascending a ladder, but that's the best we can hope for with their simple models and animations.
Not really a fan of CS and I don't get the pic
He actually has dialogue in CS4 through his broken sword somehow
>No one dies in this series
It's fine since he's just a spoopy ghost.
Is it just me or do I always imagine Towa as the one singing this stupid song
That's market manager otto he dies when celdic is burned down during the civil war
Does the third game keep up the awesome worldbuilding and NPC dialogues that made me like the first games? I remember something about problems with the localization team so I'm worried.
Altina eh? Thanks Milli.
Based cumdoll
How many people here who know everything that happens in 3 and 4 have actually played them? Just curious, I've been wondering if there's a large percentage of Jap speakers or if people have just resigned themselves to knowing everything that happens before playing it.
I prefer the nu-thors students to old ones
I mean, it's the first rpg ever where I felt compelled to visit previous towns every chance I could just to see how everyone was doing, not just for quests.
There are spreadsheet translations already out for both cs3 and cs4 so it's entirely possible for EOPs who play them. It's just not ideal
>9001 hours of fucking filler
Nu-Thors is far superior.
For everything in the game or just the essential dialogue? I find it hard to believe they could get absolutely everything considering how much there is, but that's impressive if so
Old Thors had some cute students
Just main script+side quests, the vast majority of npc dialogue is not on the sheet.
I don't deny that
Shirley is fine
She even gets hotter
Ari has the lamest death in the series though
More chuuni please
Best thing that came out of Sen
Yeah I was reading her wiki page, seems one of the few actually complete too. Why does everything I like die reeee
Being white and looking white are two different things.
>McBurn is a super powerful otherworldly being, but not even he is strong enough to make Kondo finish the plot of Trails within 10 games
The series is going to die before it ever finishes.
Ouroboros is literally too intelligent to win
So which of these games should I start?
Are they good?
You can start with coldsteel or sky
>Are they good
Start with our Rean’s game
Trails in the Sky
cold steel on the pc
Don't listen to people telling you to start with cold steel, the series starts at Trails in the Sky and has 5 games of worldbuilding and buildup before cold steel
Trails in the Sky doesn’t have Rean though
Sky FC and so on. Release order.
>pretending crossbell matters in any way
Rean is all that matter
>pretending Sky matters when we still don't know what Ouroboros truly wants, why they want it, and how they plan to get it
That's why they're good
>tfw we're still pretending any of these games matter when the real plot isn't going to be explained until we get to the vatican
>Best Jap voice
>Best enforcer
>Best boss fights
>Best themes
Mckino is based
>grand scale main plot is all that matters
Why can't people enjoy small things anymore?
>implying implications
>There are people who started with cold steel without knowing what Erebonia even is, who Osbourne is, what a Sept Terrion is, or anything about bracers or the church or Ouroboros
Just having a laugh, user.
This series is getting to be a joke though when it’s been 15 years and we still know basically nothing and the antagonists win over and over again
Playable when
I find it incredibly intriguing trying to figure that shit out from the bread crumbs.
Damn, Dwight's Arms and Orbal Factory makes the best crab cakes I've ever had.
McBurn will join the party in the final arc because they will need a local representative for adventures Outside.
You can be sure once everything’s revealed people are going to act like they knew it from FC
That's just the nature with people and conspiracies in general. Just look at the Epstein shit for example.
Falcom should put out a musou
>what Ouroboros truly wants
Sept Terrions
>why they want it
To save the world from something, or something like that? At least that seems to be what they think
>how they plan to get it
Crazy ass plots like the Gospel Plan and Phantasmal Blaze that get whole countries thrown into turmoil due to the nature of how the Sept Terrions were sealed away.
Really I'm more interested in the character stuff, like how all of the Anguis individually came to become loyal to the grandmaster and who the grandmaster even isAidios. Caring too much about their actual plot will lead to the One Piece problem, where the big mystery of the big thing at the end of the story gets hyped up for so many years that it becomes literally impossible to write something that lives up to the hype. The more crazy stuff gets and the more we learn about how deep Ouroboros goes, the more weak their ultimate endgame will feel when it's finally revealed.
a Trails musou? Count me in. Every fucking character available to date. I'll be sure to main McBurn while playing Severe Blow or Exceed in the background.
>Sept Terrions
False or a half-truth at best. Just because they wanted and got Space doesn't mean anything about the others. They didn't give a rats ass about getting Earth/Fire or their fusion.
>To save the world from something, or something like that? At least that seems to be what they think
A really speculative at best. All we know is that they're operating on a time limit, it's "necessary for this world" whatever that means (does not equate to saving btw) and guiding the souls of all.
>not maining Rean
but she is
Not a romantic one
>Not loving Rean
Here is your cast
based sen zoomer
Hold the fucking phone, Estelle and Joshua? Do they meet in CS4?
But would it be a Trails or Ys musou?
Who /towa/ here?
Which girl is the biggest bitch?
I'll probably end up liking her the most.
Is the new Class VII cool? I grew attached to the original one so if the new one sucks that might ruin the game for me lmao
Post a pic
For me, it’s /towa/ and /fie/
what made you think they didn't?
I don't understand
Fuck off Kondo.
start with cold steel if you don't want to be bored to death
They are new enough to warrant love and affection, plus you get Altina. Can't get better than that.
Cutest midget
You can literally romance Estelle and steal her away from Joshua.
That’s our Rean
Is Rean the most effective harem protag ever in video game history?
Irina, Alisa's mom
They're cool in CS3 but get kind of lame in CS4.
>having to spam X through hours of mommy issues
What was Kondo thinking?
Adding another to complete the triangle
Not even limited to her family
Why the fuck Alisa's issues have to take half of IV plot
>Rean is going to show up in Calvard with Altina and Crow
nothing wrong with that
You say that as if it’s a bad thing
God I wish Sharon would kill me bros
This is your brain on Rean
I love Towa
I'm gonna aim my cum inside Rean haha
I mean
Muh swords is her whole character
Yes but you can't romance Estelle ignore that lying retard who says you can
Haha, that sounds like him alright
Whatever helps you sleep at night
>even the fucking cat
A cat is fine too
Estelle does not get a final bonding event with a heart icon fuck outta here retard. You didn't even play the game.
At this point he's fucking Celine eventually right?
I want her to kill me through suffocation with her big tits
Estelle doesn't get a bonding event period.
Human Celine makes me peepee hard.
Please don't touch my wife.
Haha, he'll go on to impregnate every female in Zemuria, especially the Liberlian sluts.
>He didn't saw the H scene where he has an orgy with Celine, Emma, Vita and Roselia
Cmon now
>can do ANYTHING for (You)
>not asking for wire and knife play
You're fucking with me right? I want more Vita in my life.
Stop loving things and they will live.
Nothing's impossible with our based Mean Bean Rean Machine in the picture
None of them. I don't really care about the romance shit. I just want to see the plot advance.
>plot advance
>in a kiseki game
Should had died
Rean Schwarzer might be the single most overwritten clusterfuck of a JRPG protagonist ever conceived.
>master of a particularly formidable school of eastern swordsmanship at age 20
>pilot of an ancient and powerful sentient mech
>wielder of a dark demonic power that gives him super-strength and reflexes
>de facto leader of a special snowflake class from the most famous school in his country
>adopted son of a noble family
>biological son of the most powerful man in the continent
>national war hero
>family friend of the imperial family
>harem lead who's able to romance almost all of his former female classmates and current female students
Worst girl.
>harem lead who's able to romance almost all of his former female classmates and current female students
And a cat
Is my PC ready to handle Hero Chronicles: Roads of Flash the 3rd?
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
RX 5700XT
16GB RAM 3600MHz CL16
1TB Samsung Evo 860 SSD (741 TB free)
When it comes out in 2020 or 2021 yeah probably
The cat isn't a romance option in 3 or 4, just a party member in 4
What is that from?
Events prior to the game
Based and Sara-pilled
Back when she was a jaeger
>tfw was going to romance Claire and then found out she's not an option in the end
Sara it is
Why are her breasts so uselessly big? She doesn't deserve them.
Painful right? Hopefully Sen 5 will fix that.
Pay respects for Clairefags.
t. Fie
>Sen 5
I thought Sen was done
Fucking shame
>canon kiss scene
>can't be romanced
fuck this gay earth desu
They said that there will be two more. One sequel and one spin-off sorta
Please God no
The cat is for the Gunlord
There's no god here.
Only Rean.
No, they said they have 2 games in development: One related to Sen and one focusing on a new arc.
Claire and Duvalie end dream isn't dead yet
I mean at least she gets a pity scene.
Yeah they suffered too much, shame about her character i' general
Duvalie is made to be bullied but only McBased can get her.
No they said there are two games in the works. One is related to Sen, which is probably its 3rd equivalent, the other is an entirely new game.
Yeah in 3
In 4 she's just shit all over and becomes the generic
>Muh I know I am making retarded decisions but MUH LOYALTY to the big bad is too ingrained
bitch that happens in JRPGs from time to time
Makes the love interest baiting in 3 even worse for anyone who was actually hoping she would be an option
They also said CS3 would be the last game and CS4 would be the last game. I hope you're looking forward to CS7 haha
>Can't romance neither Sharon or Claire
Guess i'll go with Sara too
>Please look forward to it.
Yeah I totally forgot about Sharon not being an option either
Why wouldn't you go with Sara anyway?
does rean stop holding back in the 3rd game? asking for a friend
I like Claire just a little bit more because of her duty, military style and color scheme
In 4 she gets one as well.
It's more of a consolation prize, but at least she has something on the final night.
There's still some girls left over that Rean needs to headpat.
Imagine being NTR'd by Anton
Antoned. com
>Oh no, they won't let me eat these two moldy cakes
>I'll just eat this third moldy cake instead
I feel like a lot of the more minor new students have way better designs than the main ones
I like the spear autist and the green haired Nord girl
That's not Juna
Ashe's girlfriend is pretty cute.
I really wanted spear Laura in the group for real.
I just love cakes
Nothing wrong with that
Me too
He literally has to hold back so he won't go out of control for [reasons]
>that one bitch who's mary sue tier strong and knows all the storystylesfags
I don't get it at all. The romance segments are extremely brief and ultimately don't make any significant difference at all, but people eat that shit up and talk about it constantly.
Imagine being a Clairefag in 4 and finding out she has a scene, only to get baited out and taunted that she isn't a proper romance option.
Thats how you know that we've ran out of interesting topics to talk about
Yeah but it's more of a closure scene for her character arc before the final boss, it doesn't really do anything to help people who feel jewed out of a romance with her
And she looks like she's on fucking suicide watch in the ending CGs
Pirated cs1 and 2. About to finish 1 and I am so fucking invested in this. Is buying a PS4 worth it for 3 and 4? Or is the PC release the same date?
>Opens to Rean in 2
>Romantic bait in 3
>Suddenly she does a 360 to her character and becomes a bad guy
>Doesn't even join back after being defeated like George or Sharon
>She fucking tries to kill herself on top of that
There will probably be a delay for PC, it'll happen eventually but it might be awhile is my guess. Depends on how much you enjoy it,
ALso get the fuck out of here before you spoil yourself
Muh Osborne.
Slow down and don't impulse buy. Play through your pirated 2 first to make sure you're okay with a shit ton of filler and glacially slow plot advancements. If you still love the series after 2, then you can consider buying a console for it.
It's more like she was always a bad guy she was just in love with Rean too
"Second form...GALE"
*cuts all enemies at incredibly fast speed*
"That's the power of the eight leaves"
*sheathes tachi*
To be fair, Osborne did nothing wrong and is pretty damn charismatic.
I hope the dub can be at least decent for the absolutely apeshit Rean moments in 3 and 4
Sean is good and pretty autistic about this role so I think it'll be good. Can't possibly be worse than the jap version anyway
Thank God I'm not a fucking Milliumfag you get shit on twice over
Is Emma a recurring character in yhe series? I refuse to continue without her.
Emma is a main character so of course
It's highly unlikely she'll show up outside of Cold Steel so you might as well drop it waifunig.
For Cold Steel?
Yes. If your favorites are the class members and Sara you're fine
Anyone else they drop in and out
Honestly I never really felt they connected enough in a way to justify this. I know harem anime and shit but c'mon. It'd have made more sense for her to be the tragic villainess who loves the bad guy.
I think you're supposed to infer she's combining the love she never got from Osborne and her dead brother into Rean as a surrogate for both
But why do I not see Emma on some of the cover arts for 2,3,4?
She's there trust me.
In 3 she's not around the whole game but you still get a romance scene with her and then everyone reunites for 4
It's still dumb.
If Sen the 5th is a thing then Duvalie and Claire could still happen
I wouldn't count on it, maybe it was a "director's cut" of 4 but thinking a 5th sen game would add even more romances seems out there
is there even a demand for it among the JP fanbase
irrelevant character
more relevant than Fie who didn't even get a romance scene in CS3
She is there in 2
pointless character since celine, vita and roselia exist
I love sword autists!
Especially blue ones.
Fie has more plot relevance with Rutger.
If CS3 doesn't get released for PC by the end of the year, I will eat 50 mira.
Haha, I guess it's time to stop holding back!
>still holds back
Calvard when?
I love her so much bros..
Poor user is going to die of old age before Calvard is out
Guys, I love Alisa so much. She is so great in everything and I love her development.
Made for Rean Schwarzer
Made for Rean Schwarzer
It's over, bros... I took the Aurelia-pill and now no one else is good enough
worse than blacked posters
Emma should have been the cold steel protagonist.
she's not even a romance option so you fucked yourself
>Caring a out Kiseki after that shitfest that was Sen 4
Battered Wife syndrome, enjoy Sen 5
Rean'd is the BBC of Kiseki. All of the girls desire the BRC.
I will
Not as cute as his boyfriend or girlfriend (male).
Calvard when?
Imagine choosing a waifu who already has a black husbando.
Don't care. I love her.
To be fair though, he gets fucked royally hard in the endings of all the games really. Took a time traveling plot and a deus ex machina on top of that just to let him live. Plus the national hero thing is a fake anyway and the guy who made him one knew that he was gonna have a fake national hero title.
The "green haired Nord girl" isn't from Nord user. Hell, she's way far to the west.
I mean, technically you could aim for Millium in CS3. At least a day before she dies.
>witch that's better with orbal technology than magic
>protagonist material
she's already being pushed with Juisis at that point
It's even worse because she doesn't even get a hug unlike the other two.
does anyone have this but with emma? I forgot to ask about her when someone was posting them.
Rean is a homo no surprise there.
What a hussy
damn I really like the alternates for emma and sara compared to what they got
Here's a PDF of the entire digital edition.
There's fewer pages than the physical sadpanda rip, but the quality for a lot of images is higher.
tfw Emma's tattoo nude costume will be censored
Yeah cause clearly Lloyd and Elie are officially a couple now.
>Lloyd higher than Estelle
What the fuck, I thought Estelle is the most popular Trails character. How the fuck is she that low?
Sucks that higher res versions of the top image exist. Would make a great wallpaper for a multi-monitor setup.