wew, I didnt expect a bunch of inbred island monkeys to have this much common sense
wew, I didnt expect a bunch of inbred island monkeys to have this much common sense
Other urls found in this thread:
Ok you are somewhat alright UK
our government just loves banning things, was bound to happen eventually
Fucking finally. Looks like I have one half decent thing to say about this god forsaken dirt pile for once.
Cool, can't wait for the legislation banning them to get delayed in perpetuity until the next government forgets about it altogether.
This is the only way EA will die, Yurope crippling FIFA revenue. We're making progress bros
laughed because it does really feel that way sometimes, they create a lot of problems where there arent any in general. im not speaking about this particular issue but others such as pornography
Only a recommendation, doesn't mean anything will be done.
>UK after Brexit
Nobody cares.
I love to see the West force this shit in Japan.
Considering how long it's been delayed already, people are mostly wondering if it's ever gonna happen.
But it is now fashionable for all the other countries to to actually do something it's a catalyst.
Don't get me wrong, I'd love the sound of EA execs jumping out their windows when they lose that FIFA money.
>deemed gambling
they haven't even proposed a bill yet dummie
Fucking manchildren can't control themselves and now the rest of us suffer.
You guys are fucking idiots.
libertarians btfo again get fucked
They can't even force Japan to stop jacking off to school girls.
Publishers have already moved past loot boxes towards battle passes, at least on console.
It’s a shoah for the Jews selling mobile games though.
Nigger you forgot Valve who did it first.
>ruins everything
>Valve who did it first
The first ever Ultimate Team was in FIFA 09, Mannconomy wasn't until the next year.
Not true, EA started the lootbox craze with madden. Steam no doubt help popularlize it though.
>Uhhh Loot Boxes are "Surprise Mechanics"!
>Thanks for the hot take Admiral Retard. it's gambling
>Uhhh Loot Boxes are "Surprise Mechanics"!
>You know you raise a very valid point. I think we're going to let this bill sit in commitee until the media hype around kids gambling goes away. And then the bill will go away
What's it like to have a functioning system of government? Being American is 1984. Business daddy gets the final word on fucking EVERYTHING
They're worse than gambling.
I spend $10 on a slot machine and have the chance to make that back and more. I spend $10 on a loot box and get a shitty skin with no actual value.
I'm surprised it has gone on this long.
>Functioning system of government
we voted for Brexit more than 3 years ago and they're delaying it AGAIN
nice nice, when lootboxes are universally banned tho we will see an insane rise in advertisements in games, get ready to see Ciri chug pepsi in witcher 5
Maybe if the government spent those 3 years working out what brexit would entail (or perhaps before the fucking vote) instead of saying stuff like "red white and blue brexit" and jerking off right-wing grug voters nationalism, then we'd actually be somewhere by now
This is the one that would hurt EA the most and make them change FUT.
FIFA sells the most in the UK they couldn't just refuse to sell it like they did with Belgium or they'll lose out on their biggest market.
Anyways, you guys can thank me for this. I shown some of the MPs you can resell the player for irl money online pretty easily.
>What's it like to have a functioning system of government?
Thank you for the compliment Burger, but that unfortunately isn't the case here at the moment. Brexit is an ongoing constitutional crisis that simply can't be solved.
I've been following politics for years and nobody has any idea what's going to happen any more.
Westerners are so afraid of a strong government that they have no government!
This doesn't happen already because of the licensing hell a game would go through after just 1 year past release. If it wasn't such an issue we would have been seeing this in every single game post 2010 already.
>zoom zoom
Games with lootboxes:
>EA shit
So basically dead games. Why are we scared of lootboxes taking over again?
lol dumb cucked anglos
That goes for you anglotwinks ITT as well who are supporting this shit. Lol dumb bootlickers.
Maybe if a remain voter wasn't put in charge of making a deal that she didn't even want to make for the past two and a half years we would've made some progress
Well in UK you have to run a background check to buy plastic utensils so I'm not surprised about this.
>defending paid lootboxes
Lol dumb bootlicker
lol anglocuck
The Government in charge of implementing it put her in charge, but mostly because no one else wanted to go near that fucking dumpster fire
ITT: Faggot OP and retards who didnt even bother to read the article.
Nothing was banned, they just forwarded a recommendation that lootboxes should banned and that the government should do something
How fucking dense are you? Farage could be in Westminster with a full majority and they'd still find a way to block and delay it. The powers that be do not want Brexit and the puppet government who do their performances in front of the cameras will not resist them.
you propably shouldnt have let people that understand nothing of ecnonomy and international politics make a decision so instrumental to the future of your country.
Stupid fucking fag OP, as usual.
"Useless MP twats say sonething SHOULD be illegal".
That doesn't actually make them illegal.
Will we ever have an OP that isn't a next level faggot?
UK MPs say no!
UK is irrelevant
Based deep state cucking the gammon
I don't think Loot Boxes in any way constitute as gambling but I'm really happy their going away.
>The Government in charge of implementing it put her in charge
yes and it was retarded
>implying Farage isn't controlled op
lmao don't call anyone dense retard
If the United States was ran as badly as Britain, the election of Donald Trump would be postponed for 3+ years while Hillary Clinton ran everything in the meantime.
That was basically my stance. I'm not pro EU at all, but I am anti-knee-jerk
I understand why they had the referendum but asking laymen what to do with a decision that big is so fucking stupid
Based, guess the nanny state is good for something after all.
Hope my own nanny state here in Australia follows soon.
Don’t worry they will. Anglos are all lemmings and retards
you only need a valid passport and proof of TV license to get a spoon permit now you dumb mutt
Not video games take this shit to
Valve did it first but it does not account for most of their profits.
I expect lootboxs account for at least 80% of EA revenue.
UK government is disfunctional, just a different kind of disfunctional.
>UK MPs have called for the government to regulate the games industry’s use of loot boxes under current gambling legislation — urging a blanket ban on the sale of loot boxes to players who are children.
>Kids should instead be able to earn in-game credits to unlock loot boxes, MPs have suggested in a recommendation that won’t be music to the games industry’s ears.
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
was that a gutbutt lmao
You're joking right?
We're heading towards the battlepass system.
that sounds ideal though
>I shown some of the MPs you can resell the player for irl money online pretty easily.
lmao, yeah ok it's over, goodbye EA
What's wrong with unlocking the same stuff through gameplay?
Is Brexit actually happening?
>all those Belgian pro-FIFA players who literally had to move country because not being able to spent thousands in real life cash on packs when the game launches puts you at a massive disadvantage
really shows you how insidious this whole lootbox thing is
are yout stupid? I mean obviously but are you aware of that?
Need to grind or git gud
Redpill me, Yea Forums: if loot-boxes are considered gambling, shouldn't that be the same with collectable cards like Pokemon TCG or Yu-Gi-Oh?
Yes, they should have the content of the pack in the label
As I recall with physical card games you can resell and trade it. Plus the only way a card becomes useless when it gets whacked by a banhammer or powercreeped hard.
Two things that aren't going to age well: the post I'm quoting, and this image.
>Kids should instead be able to earn in-game credits to unlock look boxes, MPs have suggested in a recommendation that won’t be music to the games industry’s ears
The UK did something smart for once? What the fuck
>slimy AAA devs in charge of competent age verification
>slimy AAA devs in charge of setting reward thresholds
Is it though?
>not PES
fakkin suvvern kunts fakkin up everithin
The past 3 years have shown us all what a total sham “democracy” and voting is.
>reward thresholds
The only reason reward thresholds tend to be fucked these days is to encourage people to just pay to avoid the grind and annoyance. If a AAA dev has no way to make money out of their lootboxes, they have no reason to make the lootbox an annoyance to unlock through non-paid means. That means they either make it enjoyable to unlock so players are encouraged to buy the game, or they remove the mechanic entirely. The whole thing collapses on itself. I see it as a win.
I don’t think there is a lot of separation between CCG and loot boxes, but at least with CCG you’re buying physical cards with value.
It’s possible they are gambling, but nobody ever looked into it because the appeal was much less. Nowadays you have loot boxes prominently featured in the most popular entertainment products.
It's official, the UK has fallen to communism. How disappointing.
"Earn in game credits"
I mean what's to stop them selling "boosters" where it quadruples your gain speed which without is like a crippled snail bleeding out on a 90 degree verticle
get fucked neocon
Being resellable would make it way more like gambling. There’s no difference between going in a casino to hope to make 1k and buying packs in the hope to sell an ultra rare for 1k profit.
Lootboxes have essentially 0$ value.
Wanting to regulate all of life with moronic regulation has always been a trait to the worthless Anglo.
>The report also makes a recommendation on deepfake content, with the committee saying that malicious creation and distribution of deepfake videos should be regarded as harmful content.
>“The release of content like this could try to influence the outcome of elections and undermine people’s public reputation,” it warns. “Social media platforms should have clear policies in place for the removal of deepfakes. In the UK, the Government should include action against deepfakes as part of the duty of care social media companies should exercise in the interests of their users, as set out in the Online Harms White Paper.”
>“Social media firms need to take action against known deepfake films, particularly when they have been designed to distort the appearance of people in an attempt to maliciously damage their public reputation, as was seen with the recent film of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi,” adds Collins.
not sure how i feel about this desu
I would rather it just be a blanket thing rather than only kids but making it about the children is a good way to press legislation through.
The anglo reminds me of the borg. Forcing themselves where they don't belong, unwarranted superiority complexes, a patchwork of blended ethnicities and cultures. Not to mention the English language is the linguistic version of a quadroon.
I'm a fucking mess I can't control myself, I coom constantly and I spend all my money on fucking digital lootboxes
European governments aren't as slow to close loopholes as American ones.
>t. EAshill absolutely seething
Where were you when you realized coom heads ruined everything again
In regards to micro-transactions in general:
>The games companies we spoke to were generally reluctant to accept that they might have a role or responsibility to intervene proactively if a player’s spending fell outside of normal patterns. Moreover, they said that it would be too difficult to determine what level of spending might be harmful. Alex Dale, senior vice president for King, the makers of Candy Crush Saga, told us that while it used to alert users when they reached a certain spending threshold, it had stopped doing so because of player feedback. He told us:
>we would send an e-mail out when a player’s spend was $250 in a week for the first time. It was an e-mail that said, “We notice you are enjoying the game a lot at the moment. Are you sure you are happy with this?” […] We got back, “I wouldn’t spend the money if I didn’t have it” and things like, “I’m fine, please leave me alone”. We felt it was too intrusive so we stopped doing that
If your players are spending over $250 a week on a video game, don't politely ask them if that's what they want. At that point just give them free access to everything. No game is worth over $250!
EA does. The UK is one of FIFA's biggest markets.
The only one who complain about lootboxes are idiots who buy garbage games like fifa and starwars.
People who gamble for girls on their mobile games are smart enough to know what they’re dealing with and accept it usually.
Welp, there goes 80% of revenue EA gets from FIFA. About time.
Regulation is needed because normalnigger npcs buy the boxes. I dont buy the boxes, and as a result I am denied access to content that normally would have been included
this is why we need regulation
They'll ride this shit right up until the day it finally goes to legislation, but yeah any investor worth a shit should probably gtfo about now.
>tfw the massive decrease in profits from FIFA lootboxes will result in EA axing some of their studios or doing mass layoffs to recoup their losses
based waffleman
Haha Onion is a funny place. There's no way the bongs are this smart.
This is pathetic, user. Your sarcasm is on the level of a 14 year old.
Good. So can I not buy lootboxes anymore?
I have very poor self control. Protect me from myself.
And nothing of value was lost
They might even need to create games that don't depend on loot boxes.
It would sure suck if all studios outside FIFA and Madden were axed....oh wait.
>respawn getting killed before Titanfall 3
i know you do user thats why we need to stop you
>ever happening
Even fucking bongs are tired of this shit
Plebs keep buying loot boxes and developers are releasing shit behind them.
As far as I'm concerned this is good in that developers have to actually release something worth buying instead of reaching for low hanging fruit.
>EA has to actually put effort into games
Oh horror
>NFS might actually be free of EA in my lifetime
its been so long
whiter than you, Hernandez.
>tfw the based bong nanny state saves the world from lootboxes
Pretty based, wish they were banned in the US.
Two can play at this game, mongrel.
Reminder that the Britbong taxpayers willingly fund webm related.
This is how cucked they are. Bongs are beyond braindead.
>The rest of us have to suffer
>When the in-game gambling becomes illegal, games will have to be inherently rewarding without begging you for money
>This is suffering
now Brexit needs to pass too, for full basedness.
>Taking your rights away
>Not taking away your rights
>”This is just like 1984”
Humanities biggest mistake is letting idiots live long enough to breed.
>During the enquiry it emerged that the UK government is working with tech companies including Snap to try to devise a centralized system for age verification for online platforms.
Absolutely seething
This is unironically a good thing you idiot. You're probably a brainwashed open borders commie.
The problem with that picture is Israel is just as conservative socially
I wouldn't worry. Nobody has watched Doctor Who since David Tennant.
Why? You're the idiot defending a country that imprisons people for mean tweets while ignoring child rape crime.
Bro I think you're coping way harder atm than I ever could lmao
Stopping the horde is more beneficial than saving 1 life
>sorry kids, i have to die from my curable disease because i don't want to put my family in to crippling debt
Only a mutt wouldn't see the problem with this, but i guess they enjoy pharmaceutical cock up their ass.
Face it guys, gaming is already dead: even outlawing certain microtransactions won't save it from jew tricks
What the fuck is happening to America's male population?
Meanwhile the police in Bongistan will arrest you for trying to stop a group of pakis from raping your 12 year old daughter.
I wonder what would happen if it hit Yugioh? I just buy four to five packs of every new set, then buy the rest online in the form of singles.
At some point can we all agree that both of our countries are shit, but still better than most of the world anyway?
The UK and the US are two of the best places in the world to live despite their many, many flaws. I'd much rather live here than fucking Greece, India or any of that shit.
If the Britbong government is watching me type this, can we put our efforts into sorting out Brexit before we tackle anything else?
t. Remainer Britbong
>Fake Muslims/Israel dichotomy
Fuck em all, but at least they know what mental illness is.
Damn, it's almost like the entire world is shit and nowhere is perfect.
I'd like to throw Japan in there, good place if you know the language, but still has flaws.
Gotta love how the angsty little commie bongs coming out in full force to defend their authoritarian regime.
I just got my bill for posting on Yea Forums
1 $4,001.00
1 $632.00
1 $790.00
1 $2,215.00
1 $9,755.00
1 $3,625.00
1 $85.00
1 $0.99
1 $25,551.62
$46655.61 + tip
You can see it's real because the numbers are actual numbers.
The issue is that this whole thing is easily bypassed.
>Remove the ability to buy lootboxes
>Introduce a system where you exchange money for in-game credits which can then be used on lootboxes
Canada, Japan, I'd add them both.
China, Russia I'd add to the shit pile. Beyond redemption.
Nah, at least in the US, the police don't arrest you for kicking Pakis off your 12 year old daughter.
Honestly, even Brit/pol/ knows better than to defend their idiotic country. You are beyond delusional, moron.
can't believe vaping is gonna get banned before lootboxes
dammit America
>Thank you for raping my childhood Randy.
Even America is full of retarded migrants.
Who says I'm defending Britain?
>defend democracy STOP BREXIT
>inb4 EA uses brexit as a scapegoat to try and draw attention away from them
Tories need to do something to stop the boomers considering voting lib dem.
That had nothing to do with it, Brexit was done just to stop the Tories splitting; all the retarded red lines that May set out are still in place with BoJo because it's not about what's best for the country, it's about what keeps the Conservatives alive.
This is why there's so much talk right now about "maybe a period of opposition would be good for us" so they can drive out the UKIP entryists and go back to being the party of old established money.
I don't understand the highlighted part, but I understand that things cost money, and if you don't have the money, then don't get expensive shit. Don't have a kid unless you have the money, I don't care if you have to be in debt to the bank (similar to mortgage) or hospital to pay off a bill, have sex all you want sure but just don't have a kid unless you are financially responsible for it. But, if people really did that, there would be even less white babies running around and more black kids to single moms or hispanics.
Why is it always about "think about the children!" when it comes to gambling.
Do they ever question on how the kids get the money to buy shit? Why is nobody blaming the shitty parents not taking care of their kids and giving them credit card information?
Hi Yong
It's funny you should say that when multiple times a year police/sheriff's are caught raping 12 year olds in America
It's incredible how white the anti-Brexit mobs always are. You'll find way more diverse crowds in the leave groups.
>Absolutely seething
You know for a fact it's far worse than that. Nearly every single game coming out has some kind of loot box mechanic or randomized elements to promote microtransactions because of all this shit. I haven't bought a so called AAA shitheap in almost 8 years and I don't intend to buy any ever again because of how shit things have progressively gotten
>People thinking if they give the government money they'll do what they want is a good thing.
The highlighted part is saying the hospital charged the mother $60 to hold her baby
Shame, I really wanted to go to Russia and China when I was younger, reading those Mickey Mouse books of him and his friends visiting various parts of the world in my youth made me want to travel.
Don't try bringing this up with Yea Forums, they love defending shitty parents.
Really, all of Northern Europe is better than both of those countries.
>bongs on Yea Forums out in full defence mode when someone highlights how deranged their country has become
>project all their insecurities onto america
>bongs actually doing something positive
A broken clock is right twice a day, I suppose
pic unrelated
>deranged their country has become
We have a fucking useless head of state in 2019. We literally just have a head of state that can't act to check the power of the head of government in any way because "MUH TRADITION"
I love it when we find common ground.
>bongs on Yea Forums out in full defence mode when someone highlights how deranged their country has become
Not a single genuine Brit here defends this shithole.
If you don't think Bongistan's problems arose long before then, you really are stupid.
Except it isn't true at all, that's a room fee, meaning she was charged for a single use of a room designed and used for that purpose. You don't do skin to skin in the delivery room.
you charged a mother to hold her baby
The EU is not giving them any more extensions. It's going to be hard Brexit time come Oct 31.
That's a good question, i don't know any child that would spend their parents money without their permission, i also don't wanna hear the excuse "Oh their just kids how should they know." that's fucking bullshit, when i was a child i wouldn't even think of taking money from my parents without asking first, let alone have access to their fucking credit card funds and going on to spend it on fucking games.
It honestly seems like a problem on both ends, shit parents and retarded kids.
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
Mobile, thats what.
Maybe they'll ban videogame microtransactions entirely next and kill this sort of jewry entirely on their country at least.
That's just a report analysing the parts of a lot of Islamic communities that do defer to a sharia council and the ways that it's incompatible with the law; it looks at the ways those councils operate within the bounds of the law and outside. Shit like traditional islamic marriage and divorce which is perfectly legal, and ways to try and integrate that more with civil cases; like how Christian marriage is.
>i-i-it's not real! t-pain posting about hospital bills obviously isn't real!
Actually both takes there make sense. The US relies on free market forces to purge undesirables, whereas the UK depends on daddy government. The problem in the US is that the consumer has grown complacent and stupid.
>Be britbong
>Need a license to watch TV even if you don’t watch it
>Can’t own knives, not even butter knives without permission
>Get arrested for self defense
>Get arrested for disagreeing with politicians in your “democracy”
>Can’t afford decent house despite having several of your expenses paid off
>Goods cost a fortune (if they aren’t already banned)
>Your family being murdered or raped is covered up by the media and government
>Doctors let your child die because they don’t feel like letting him live
>Government cares more about the brown people they import than veterans, so much so that they seize your house for one migrant
>So miserable that clapping and tips offend you
>Still no Brexit
>Celebrate that something you aren’t forced to buy from games you aren’t forced to buy gets potentially banned
Honestly, how can brits live such in shitty conditions?
It started the moment we re-invited a monarch. Actually the civil war itself was a mistake too.
The French are just playing bad cop, they'll offer a 2 year extension.
nobody asked you, faggot
I don't really get the problem with loot boxes. Kids spend money on stupid shit all the time. They should just restrict loot boxes to kids whose parents earn over like US$1 million a year or something so it allows them the pleasure of gambling and supports the videogame industry, but doesn't negatively impact poor people.
The funniest thing about all this is the people acting like their big issue with them is how it affects children and people with addictive personalities. On 4channel.ord of all places.
kek'd a lot over this whole thing.
>Need a license to watch TV even if you don’t watch it
But that's not true, unlike other countries with a TV tax (like burgerstan or krautland) if you don't watch broadcast tv you can opt out.
In fact most of what you said is wrong.
the EU will extend forever. the longer it goes the more likely it is to be called off and that's what they want
>He can't lie because he makes music lmao
I bet all his lyrics are factual too.
No, they didn't. They charged for using a sterile room and the staff's time and expertise.
>The committee said it found representatives from the games industry to be “wilfully obtuse” in answering questions about typical patterns of play — data the report emphasizes is necessary for proper understanding of how players are engaging with games — as well as calling out some games and social media company representatives for demonstrating “a lack of honesty and transparency”, leading it to question what the companies have to hide.
>“The potential harms outlined in this report can be considered the direct result of the way in which the ‘attention economy’ is driven by the objective of maximising user engagement,” the committee writes in a summary of the report which it says explores “how data-rich immersive technologies are driven by business models that combine people’s data with design practices to have powerful psychological effects”.
absolutely fucking based
Not happening. The EU is tired of this mess and also wants UK to suffer. Hard brexit is the least they can do.
>ban vapes
>mom and pop smoke shops go out of business
>ban lootboxes
>corporate fatcats make a percent of a percent less per year
>R6 Siege
>Elder Scrolls Online
>Destiny 2
all the modern games I play have them
>Need a license to watch TV even if you don’t watch it
Literally the opposite. You don't pay the license fee if you don't have a tv. Americans actually fund public broadcasting regardless of if they have a TV or not.
but in the US, I expect to be robbed by gunpoint or knifepoint at literally any given time I am walking at night when I don't see anybody else in sight
you cannot buy the lootboxes with real money nor with the premium currency
why is Yea Forums very obsessed with this one tranny, especifically?
Secondary market decides the resell value. Not the company makes the cards.
This image is stupid considering that Brexit campaigners told muslims to vote leave so they could replace Eu migrants with more from the subcontinent.
>all this arguing
Anons, why bicker about this? We all know where the real problem lies. Its the chronic shit eaters that still buy Blizzard and EA loot crates. Anyone playing Overwatch or any of EA's shit should be endlessly bullied.
getting arrested for disagreeing with polities is something that has existed for most of human history. shit, it is even that way in china right now. but as a millenial, i cant afford ANY house. but where is the story about seizing a house for one migrant at
>namefag is retarded
who could've guessed...
Why the fuck do you people play AAA games? How shit is your taste? And no, AAA games won't suddenly become good because of this. It's not that simple. They'll find plenty of other ways to fuck things up.
All this does is make government regulation of videogames normal. I don't trust the UK government at all when it comes to this stuff, I want them to leave the internet and videogames alone as much as possible. I don't know how you could possibly think it's worth letting them regulate stuff just so shitty AAA games are now slightly less shitty.
gambling is degenerate though, lootboxes contain property.
>We all know where the real problem lies
>The EU wants the UK to suffer
Are you deluded? the EU has repeatedly said they want the UK to stay as a friend, and they most certainly don't want a no deal which might encourage the UK to become an American aircraft carrier.
Macron just wants to look tough because he's got the popularity of a dead horse.
Yes because /pol/'s opinion definitely matters
Because They being out their brainwashed bugmen that believe in their cause. Plus there's like 60 people there at most. They just take photos from angles that make them look more numorous
Well, yeah, that too. They know damn well its kids that buy that shit with their parent's credit.
pic unrelated
Is that supposed to be a point in favour of Brexit?
Says the country that always projects things like "Muhammad" onto us when our country is 87% white and yours is only 62% non-hispanic white.
REALLY activates the old almonds, eh?
If the UK was run like the US, Remain would have won even though Leave got more votes because of the electoral college.
>Because They being out their brainwashed bugmen that believe in their cause.
>people that go on marches believe in it.
Stunning analysis.
A large part of it is that a lot of communities around other commonwealth nations want to get free movement deals for places like Nigera, Pakistan and India. So no shit they campaign for Brexit.
Imagine denying reality because you can't deal with your shitty country being rightly criticised. How pathetic.
Because not all of us are content with eastcuck dogshit like Nier Automata or the occasional VN. Grow a spine and get outside, weeb.
Yeah they bus these people around to go to different rallies
i really really like this image, mind if i save it?
about half the people that voted voted remain, it's a pretty much 50/50 split now (slightly edging remain cuz old people die)
It's not like it's a fringe minority.
You sure can, fren :^)
I'm a britbong you retard. The fact that you think showing numbers on a nondescript piece of paper is somehow an absolute fact makes you a retard. I guess it's easier to assume it's right because it conforms with your beliefs.
This is why America was founded.
Is there a pro-Lootbox version of a remoaner?
Are you an idiot? If UK leaves the EU unscathed, it's going to have severe repercussions for the rest of the EU. If you leave the EU, there must be consequences. That is what the EU wants now, nevermind the fact that UK is acting like a complete retard and deserves all this shit coming to them now so to remind everyone else to not be like them.
>hey, MPs, how's them brexit negotiations going?
>they're not going so- hey look at this! we've just banned corporations from forcing your children to gamble! these things are called lootboxes and they're in computer games such as fortressnights. you're kids are playing these games. we're on the cutting edge of law-making
>UK gov doing something right
Is hell freezing over?
>our country is 87% white
The US will give us money to make the EU seethe. We will not suffer any consequences.
Is it really still a 50/50 split now? It was that close in the actual referendum but I personally know a lot of leave voters who regret voting that way and I haven't met a single remain voter who regrets that. Obviously that's just anecdotal but I just find it really hard to believe that it wouldn't be at least 55% remain if we had another referendum
>t-pain makes stuff up because he's actually a brit who is covertly trying to disparage america!
An idiot like you doesn't deserve to be in our country.
Stay in the EU and the migrant quotas force muslim immigrants into the country. Leave and the government uses it's greater control over immigration to open the borders and bring more muslim immigrants into the country.
We were damned if we do, damned if we don't.
The EU is far more structurally sound than it was a few years ago. Pretty much all the major anti-EU movements have been put back into their little boxes and even the French now resoundingly reject the idea of leaving the EU.
The idea that Brussels has to punish the UK is one made from ignorance, we're going to be partners in most ways even after Brexit, both sides acknowledge this. Europe would rather not risk half it's banking sector getting fucked up by no deal than "punishing" the UK.
Fifa ultimate team is fucking finished
This is bad news. We usually take one step forward 50 steps back so we definitely about to do something real dumb.
It fluctuates a lot. Most polling has an edge towards remain though.
Can you even read? I'm a britbong, I don't live in America, I hold no allegiance to America. I'm simply saying posting a picture of a piece of paper for internet clout and ass pats doesn't make something factual. Otherwise you'd be engaging in ass play with another man right now because I'm calling you a faggot.
>The EU is far more structurally sound than it was a few years ago.
Can't put a price on good publicity.
I'm in Saudi right now and they're pretty chill here desu fampai, I'd rather have these guys in the UK than slavs.
That proves my point. The Eurozone can do that now, a few years ago it would have been too sluggish to react pre-emptively.
No, but it is getting a bit chilly outside.
Hell froze over when Thatcher died and privatized all the pits.
UK in 2011: 87.17% white
US in 2013: 62.6% non-hispanic white
Just 2 years apart.
Fucking moronic cunt.
Some people are just meant to be slaves
>he can't read the word "our"
I'm done. You've lost the argument at that point.
I don't see how QE makes it structurally sound.
>78. We put some of these concerns to Kerry Hopkins from Electronic Arts, who responded that the way they have implemented this mechanic in FIFA “is quite ethical and quite fun”. Yet this is noticeably out of step with the attitude of many of the gamers who contacted us following our evidence session, including those who vehemently rejected her characterisation of packs not as loot boxes but as “surprise mechanics”. One gamer called the company’s testimony to us “a bare face lie”, and another told us that the company has:
"heavily marketed and referred to their systems as ‘loot boxes’ for several years and […] the mechanics of the system are exactly the same no matter what they choose to call it."
Printing money is not a particularly radical idea. Schools of thought that aren't literally stuck in the early 20th century mostly agree that it's generally a good idea and by and large doesn't actually create the inflationary pressure that people used to believe it did. 2008 should have killed monetary theory dead, but people are brainlets.
Ok i get it, UK is a shitty place to live and the US isn't that good either.
I'm happy with my home in Peru but i'd still like to know if there's other good places to live so help anons
If EU can’t keep the UK from leaving, their next best interest would be to fuck them as hard as possible, so that no other country thinks it would be a good idea to leave.
No one thinks it's a good idea anyway.
I hope large change reaches my country one day
Definitely. Quite a few countries want to leave but they're too afraid to. If they see the UK leave successfully, then they'll leave, too. The EU will destabilise and fall apart.
The western world can not allow this to happen. A lof of the poorer countries, ones being propped up by the EU, would suffer total economic collapse.
If you believe that printing money that's based on how a country should do instead of tangible assets is a good idea then your nuts
Good fucking riddance, loot boxes are fucking cancer.
>being globalist shills
>Quite a few countries want to leave but they're too afraid to.
Who do you actually think wants to leave?
The French don't, the Spanish don't, the Portuguese don't, even the Italians don't really want to.
Re-denomination of a currency is a HUGE problem, anyone on the Euro has a massive pull not to leave; the EU needs further structural reform to sort out the mess that is the Euro but only the utter fringe think it's a good idea to leave. Salvani and Le Pen both backed down their anti-eu rhetoric.
This thread is full of EA marketing team members
>EA actually being called out on their bullshit
Did I wake up in bizarro world? What the fuck is going on?
It's literally provably better. There's a reason everyone sane went off the gold standard.
The EU is the single largest anti-globalisation organisation on the planet today. It's a HUGELY protectionist organisation.
What is the difference between lootboxes and trading cards?
Trading cards themselves are on super spurious ground, that's why Konami, wizards, etc NEVER acknowledge the second hand market exists.
>dude just stop gambling looooool just apply self-control haha
>implying the UKs masters in Germany would ever just let their property go.
Nobody whines about trading cards yet so they're ok. It's just videogamers who are retarded
If wizards of the coast even for a fraction of a second acknowledged the second hand market, they'd get cracked down on. The reason they get away with it is because of that, and the fact that it's not tucked away inside another video game and holding back content in your 60 dollar video game.
>Mass shooting in UK
>government bands handguns and handgun ammunition
>Mass shooting in US
>US government doesn't do anything and insists the reason is because Jesus was taken out of schools
>lootboxes obvious predatory mechanic designed to take advantage of children and addictive personalities
>UK recognizes this, US doesn't care
Yeah, nice government "for the people" you yanks have got over there.
t. G*rmoid
trading cards have actual physical value
The US believes people should be free to be responsible for their own actions. You're free to do whatever you want. It's an individual liberty thing.
Places are already putting the same bans on where you can do vaping that smoking currently has.
Leaving out Jesus is why your nation went down the shitter too, limey. Now it's filled to the brim with pedos (sodomites, muslims)
Interesting how you also left out the death panels at the NHS.
And that somehow makes it LESS like gambling?
>a few tweets on social media is all of america
Are you retarded?
Ah yes, because doctors that say "this treatment is incredibly unlikely to do anything for you" is so much worse than. "This won't be cost effective for our profit margins so we're not funding it"
>surprise mechanics
Still fucking gets me every time, holy shit.
>lying through omission again
Liberal bongs truly are insufferable. You left out the part where if you're too young or too old, you're pretty much shit-out-of-luck with the NHS.
The contents of lootboxes aren't tradeable.
You have no way of exchanging these with other players, either for money or for other lootboxes contents.
Also, a trading card is tangible. You can throw it away, burn it, make a card tower, turn it into some kind of weird art project: you can do what you want with it because it's your property.
The contents of a lootbox exists solely in the confines of the game and you use it on the developer's terms. If the developer decides to stop supporting the game then you better hope you got your money's worth out of it if the lootbox content was online related.
>mom and pop smoke shops go out of business
Good. Fuck those hippies. Hope it becomes legal to hunt them for sport.
Firearm ownership is too ingrained in the US to do anything that widespread about it. Try to take away people's guns and another civil war would start within a week.
Plus there's a big enough black market for guns that banning people from getting them legally wouldn't bother the people who use it for crime.
>believing what the state tells you on what can do anything for you
Dumb motherfucker you are.
pic unrelated
>two years from the US figure
That also applies to all games purchased through an online store such as steam, origin, epic, valves thing, Sony store, Nintendo store, etc.
The second you lose that account all those things well you don't own them the companies own them and you will be unable to download or access them if they are not already downloaded
Meanwhile, in Japan...
>Mass shooting in Japan.
>> JSDF takes care of it.
>Gacha obvious predatory mechanic designed to take advantage of children and addictive personalities.
>>Japan recognizes this and not only had companies like CyGames (one of the biggest gacha companies in Japan) find ways to replace the gacha in their games when the diet looks into the bullshit gacha caused in Japan but even having it's PM Shinzo Abe said "If you actually care about gaming you will have a Steam account, a gaming laptop and a Switch, and if you don't have them get them right away.", it's that bad.
>>>TL;DR Japan recognizes this, they recognized they much worse with this then the west.
Same as the slots in 2k, they're literally rewards for doing good and winning matches. Hell 2k gives you codes for you to redeem for you to use them. I feel like 2k was trying to be cute and be smart asses and decided to put a casino skin on their reward system just to trigger people and it worked, although it's biting them in the ass.
Japan is a ethnostate that has the luxury of trying different things and then recovering in a generation or so. Too many third world dummies that fuck it up in the west.
>Gacha obvious predatory mechanic designed to take advantage of children and addictive personalities.
>>Japan recognizes this and not only had companies like CyGames (one of the biggest gacha companies in Japan) find ways to replace the gacha in their games when the diet looks into the bullshit gacha caused in Japan but even having it's PM Shinzo Abe said "If you actually care about gaming you will have a Steam account, a gaming laptop and a Switch, and if you don't have them get them right away.", it's that bad.
TL;DR Japan recognizes this, they recognized they much worse with this then the west.
The UK's government might be shit at most things but they're hot on consumer rights for some reason.
You can go private if you want tho.
>Not being allowed to spend real world money on pretend shit inside a computer game is what I call suffering
Either way, the problem lies with the consumer.
Yeah, but you're still paying for the NHS.
>mfw USA counts Sandniggers/Arabs/Mudslimes as"White"
And Abe is telling them to get a Steam account, a gaming laptop and a Nintendo Switch.
Don't forget castizos
You mean mestizo? Castizo literally means light skinned or white skinned.
Because everyone with a brain now wants to remain, only a minority of prideful conservacucks keep delaying it because in the end they'll remain in the EU.
>No satan you aren't allowed to eternally damn humans
If you're an Americuck you still aren't spending any less even if you don't contribute to public health care as much trough taxes.
Payroll taxes, lower wages, Whatever you are still paying for this.
Fucking good, lets hope so. If we're lucky we can get rid of Scotcucks too.
Amerifat here and I've got a question for you Britanons. How does parliament get shit done at ALL? I mean,our political system isn't smooth or efficient or anything like that but Christ alive I watched a parliament session and it was just a bunch of people yelling and screeching and jumping around speaking a language I could barely understand. Then they brought in someone (they said it was a woman) dressed in some outlandish costume and she? looked like captain crunch fucked the Quaker oats man and then they all started yelling at her while she just sat there. Why.
>Castizo literally means light skinned or white skinned.
If you're fucking American maybe.
> first world country
> United States Ally
> other countries will soon follow
It's over. The nightmare is done. The dark ages past. We must now work together video game developer and player and build a new better future and better video games.
Namely Japan as seen here..
>everyone with a brain wants to be under the jurisdiction of the upcoming European Army
get fucked
isnt the uk too busy trying to solve Brexit for this?
It's complicated but basically Brexit is a very divisive issue and it's hard to get a majority vote passed in parliament about it as a result, meaning not much changes. Our PM has shut down parliament which the queen has OK'd, as a way to make a no deal exit happen on the 31st of October without a way for anyone in parliament to hold some sort of vote to stop that. Most of the guys kicking off the other night you saw were pro remain and didn't want parliament shut down.
Which should be looked into as well. One thing that raised a lot of issues a while back was when GTA Vice City forced an update which removed a lot of music from the game because the license had expired. There was no way to opt out of this so if you wanted a version with those music tracks still in you either had to download an older version of the game from a different site or use a fanpatch to add this content back in.
Some games also have other issues. If an update breaks something you like or makes the game less enjoyable then you're at the mercy of the online store if there's a way to roll-back to a different version or not.
>The nightmare is done.
>this is your game on digital divegrass
Futbol, not even once.
They still won't do a damn thing about Pachinko though.
I understand Brexit just not the seemingly theatiric way parliament operates.
This just means games will be sold even more incomplete with even more season passes.
Still less evil than whaling fucks with lootboxes tho
Tradition n shiiet. Look at the queen herself, doesn't get much more theatrical than that.
Given the way UK politics is right now I highly doubt any movement will happen anytime soon
They striping the "exchange coins" at the very least.
You'd have a better chance of taking guns out of america than Big Pharma.
You're witnessing one of the most dramatic and chaotic times in parliament history. I wouldn't say now's the best time to get into British politics if you're looking for a gentle comfy time
>Person who saw how dangerous a divided Europe is first hand
>Bunch of people the poster knows absolutely nothing about, other than trying to police other people's sex lives
>y-you cunt!
Idiots like yourself sure do love saying "cunt".
Seethe, little Euro.
I'll file you under "Millennial nihilist liberal race mixer"
It's just zoomers trying to be edgy.
>Person who saw how dangerous Germany is first hand
Fixed that for you. Those forestniggers have been out to ruin Europe for literally thousands of years now.
this, how to we solve the kr**t problem?
You know when politics started to become more talked about everywhere like its the Cold War again? Yea. The mid-late 2010s are that period again. Parliament was never this bad, you picked possibly the worst parliamentary session in years, since everyone knew that Parliament would be shut down.
Britain never really had a reform like America or France, we kept a monarchy for years, once the empire was installed, the monarchy become more prevalent and important, they were seen as symbol of power and had the right to execute it. Realistically, Britain is much less of a democracy than most democracies around the world, which is pretty ironic huh? We have a whole house we don't elect. Strangely enough, the House of Commons, the ones we do elect (recently its been between a rock and a hard place though) has been the main pushing force for brexit. The Lords have sat back and I can't blame them.
Similarities between the US and the UK come from parties, you can run independent (though you'll lose) or you can run for the big two parties. That's it. Don't run for the Conservative party? You won't get considered or media attention. Same for labour. This is worse for more left-leaning voters, since you either vote labour or you're better not voting at all, since there's no possible way the party will win if they aren't the big two.
Which is a shame really. Looking at a lot of the smaller parties, you do see much more sense from them. They're portrayed by media as either far-left or extremist right, and that's not true at all, for the so called "far-left" parties too.
Green Party actually has some decent policies, like not spying on everyone who uses the internet and likes privacy, encouraging better IT programs in schools, basically much better education in areas which need it right now, like Art which has no funding.
Parliament as a whole works with the idea of uniting parties. You hear moans and groans a lot? Its trying to make people like you and your ideas.
>EA doesn't have literal billions to just bribe their way through any kind of regulation
did you happen to forget GTA5 was the most profitable piece of entertainment, IN HUMAN HISTORY? Nothing stops this train, and I guarantee you people have been/ will be getting killed over this too.
Makes since. It sure is fun to watch.
>a bloo bloo why are people having sex but not me :(((
I'm sorry for being a lazy fuck who requests this, but any of you kind anons got some posts of butthurt corporate bootlickers in this thread? It's a huge thread and the only reason I'm in here is to see butthurt faggots whine that their friend corporation might have to slow profits down a little.
They actually approved another today if member states ok it first
This is literally illegal and quite patently not real.
we're not at war with anyone and germany would kill itself in such an event so why is his 'divided europe' the same as ours is now?
I believe in freedom :)
Lootbox items have no value and you have no way of knowing what you get from them, along with the fact that you do not own them whatsoever, the company owns them and you're basically leasing them indefinitely. With card games the value is determined by multiple means, you are free to trade however you want for the cards be it money or even a single common card for the $120 ultra mega super holographic serious foil meta foil card, you are always guaranteed a rare card no matter what, and the rates of the cards are clearly stated on the packs themselves. The same applies to things like Kinder Eggs before you ask, the point is that even though these items are random chance you physically own the item therefore it is immediately of some value regardless of what it is, you can trade or sell the item if you want, and it's yours to do with with clearly stated odds.
>I believe in freedom :)
As far as I can tell the House of Lords just kind of approves everything the Commons puts in front of them unless it's something really, really dumb like David Cameron's infamous 'porn ban'.
Activision and EA shills on suicide watch
It doesn't.
The major issue with Brexit was that parliament had no contingency plan for a Brexit vote actually winning. None of the major parties campaigned for it and they were so convinced that remain would win that no one actually looked into what it would involve.
So what you have now is a situation where the major parties are trying to hash out a deal that none of them wanted in the first place and none can agree on how to do it.
The Lords lost most of their power in the early 1900s, they can only reject a parliament bill from commons twice, and it has to be accepted on the third attempt
They do make decisions, but they are usually in the background or not too important. They don't really effect the whole country as a whole, media will only really report on whatever they do when they deny something or make an out-of-the blue "why does the house of lords exist?"
Yea. Its fucking amazing when a house you don't elect, a house full of old aged fucks who are either close to retiring or are sons who are trust fund kiddies have more sense than your own PM.
it's real, the principle got in trouble for it.
>have more sense than your own PM.
Why would you ever have expected Boris to make sense?
Well, the past 3 PMs haven't been very forward thinking.
What's it like being a complete, utter moron?
They held a public workshop in August to evaluate the issue in its entirety. Congress has hundreds of other bills to consider in addition to this one that range through the whole spectrum of problems. This one is certainly NOT at the top of that list. Idiot.
got some source for this?
>the english were allowed to vote on scottish independence
god i hate humans
Nooooooo they are surprise mechanics
But they at least possessed the CAPACITY to think.
His brother is more smart than him.
Which was why he got out when he did.
They do rock the whole 'brothers with white hair' thing better than Dante and Virgil though.
Boris Johnson was actually pretty funny on the old hignfy's. Wish I could find that clip of him condemning cocaine
>t. hans
nice job, bongs
>people actually fall for Bojo's "buffoon" persona
He's an Eton boy, was president of the Oxford Union and has been in politics most of his life. He's no Donald Trump
the posh banter is half the fun of watching the Commons
>Tories need to do something to stop the boomers considering voting lib dem.
Thats only a risk in London/the south east
And probably increase the price of games that didn't even have lootbox shit to begin with. No clue which ones though since I don't play their crap. I know it's shocking, but nobody is actually forced to play whatever games this stuff is found in.
Now if only Konami was compelled to refund me for every pack of shitty Yugioh cards I opened as a kid.
Just use image search you fucking retard.
I did and nothing came up through neither google nor iqdb. Hence, I asked for source on the story
What if you organize such a referendum but only among: investment bank, counseling business firms, investment funds, asset management funds, senior students in economics and so on, on this thread.
I wonder in the end if it'll represent even 2% of population, but then you'll have a significant popular vote right?
I mean asking literally everyone else too works - but I'll never settle on 50% + 1, only 75%+ for such an issue.
principal? its headmaster you lying yank twat
Didn't the UK ban anal porn?
how do you ban anal porn and why?
If they did then I'm in trouble
Up to your post I did not get a different impression tbqh, it's exactly what everyone else talked about.
Maybe some sub 100 character posts, promoted that idea - but I filter them automatically.
But are they actually going to do something about it or just meme for votes and do nothing
Not him, but know your place, dumb bong. Your country is far worse off than the US right now.
>Japan recognizes this
And then proceeds to do nothing about it
Make it illegal faggots
You fags, you guys are just annoyed that AAA games are filled with this shit and you don't want to be reminded you're wasting your life away playing multiplayer games. It was never about wallets, it was never about the kids. And the worst thing is that you know you will be getting shit by buying a AAA game. It's like buying food at McDonalds and complaining the burger isn't good enough
If you're a moronic cunt then I'll call you a moronic cunt, simple as
>fined a guy for covering his face from their newly installed cameras
>fined/arrest anyone who calls out muslims for predominately killing and raping their own citizens
>arrest people for fucking TWEETS
>tv license
>butter knife ban
>porn license
>their prince was on epstein's pedo island and they're defending/covering his ass
name a bigger joke of a country than britain, you cannot
>porn license
Not implemented.
>the man who started brexit fucks off to America as soon as the results came in
What did he man by this?
The munchie box is an invention of pure Scottish magic, shit talk it again and see what happens cunt
Based Bongs
I'm not even a Jock but those look pretty fucking good.
We colonised common senses homeland
Made it part of the commonwealth
Took it as a national dish
Then gave it back and moaned because your lot don't know how great it is and we are for inventing it.
I agree and the solution is to allow McDonalds and fast food chains to sell tainted meat to people, don't like it just don't buy it.
the UK is a joke of a nation nowadays but they actually did the right thing for once
imagine being so fucking awful at your job even politicians who spend every day dealing with liars and thieves go 'man these fuckers are shady as shit'
The government banned certain types of porn being created in the UK (facesitting, sm, bondage, choking, fisting). Basically, classic British nanny state shit with "think of the children" rhetoric.
There is a "porn ban" (more like a porn block) coming but it keeps getting pushed back since they probably realised its pretty much impossible to do. It essentially requires you to prove your age to watch porn on the internet, either giving your credit card or form of identification to the porn site or buying a porn pass from a newsagents (convinence store). Essentially, "oi, you got a loicense for that porno sir?!"
Using a cooking analogy for Britain isn't a great choice old chap.
if selling games even more incomplete with more season passes was profitable they would be doing it anyway with or without the lootboxes. no amount of season pass shenanigans will ever be as profitable as getting compulsive whales hooked on lootboxes.
Most of britain's "cuisine" is stolen anyway
That's wasn't even a cooking analogy trollop
Bad news for FIFAniggers and EA's investors. Everyone else should be celebrating.
>black pudding isn't good
this anime girl has absolutely shit taste
Yes because you can trade and buy individual cards second hand without ever interacting with a crack pack.
>country will have food, medicine shortage in one month
>bigget problem they care about are lootboxes in video games
But nothing has actually changed yet, our MPs love discussing things
>he fell for project fear
lmao retard
Literally retarded. Kys nigger.
Only corpos and the elite are free to do whatever they want. And the only ones who are ever truly held responsible for their actions are the peons.
>one MP raises a topic for discussion
>this faggot doesn't understand how parliament works and rages about it
>dies in Federal custody
What a shame, we'll just have to close his investigation forever.
legislation passed due to media hysteria is retarded
nigger, they couldn't even defend lootboxes without disingenuous mental gymnastics
dude they found that pic of Clinton in a dress isn't that nuts haha well I guess that was the big secret we can all go home now nothing else to look at.
>reminder that the general public found out about the elite pedo ring and then promptly forgot so they can go about their npc lives with children routinely getting abducted, raped, and murdered, and nobody giving a single shit or willing to do anything about it
Cringe and bluepilled, why the fuck are you posting cartoons that are literally made for either children or paedophiles
Based and redpilled. I don't hate Japan by the way, they're an alright country. I do fucking despise weebs though. And also that bean thing is fucking weird, I've seen it before. Weird as fuck.
Well at least the guy on this committee can say they achieved something in the last three years unlike literally the entire House of Commons.
t. braindead zoomer moron.
Well there’s your problem.
>retards start buying incredible amounts of bread and milk like they always do
>people post pictures of empty supermarket shelves to Twitter as if it's brexit's fault
I'd genuinely stake money on this happening.
You can blame the Brexiteers for that. Even those in favour of the single market voted for the withdrawal agreement which would take us out of it (people like Ken Clarke, Philip Hammond, Rory Stewart, etc.). But the Brexiteers wouldn't support the withdrawal agreement. They stopped Brexit from happening.
But anyway yes, the fundamental issue is the disagreement in the Commons on how to deliver Brexit. Some people are in favour of retaining close economic ties (either staying in the single market, or in the customs union, or both). Some think we should leave without a deal - although most of the Commons is against that because of the economic damage will cause.
To be honest, Cameron should not have walked after he promised that his government would implement the result. The promise of "the government will implement what you decide" was a promise made by HIS government, not any other government. So he should have stayed to deliver on the promise that he made.
Please mr government tell me what to do i'm too retarded to live my life without the guiding hand of mommy gubment
We don't want this shit, that's why we get it. The rest of the world may hate us, but it's nothing compared to how much our government does.
I'm not a zoomer mate. But you're clearly a thick cunt. Getting triggered by facts about ethnicity mate? Sorry about that.
Indeed, so actually it's even lower than what I quoted, lmao.
seethe harder gatcha nigger
this is true for at least 50% of the populace of any nation
and every nation could do with losing about 50% of their populace
if you want to live in an ancap utopia feel free to move to an afircan shithole where 'mommy gubment' has no say in your life. every relevant first world nation has government regulations.
Honestly I think that if Cameron didn't drop everything and fuck off the situation today would probably be a lot better. He may have been your standard self-serving Tory but at least he wasn't an emotionless robot so bad at running election campaigns they end up with a smaller majority than they started with against a communist meme man.
Nah i'll live here and just disobey everything big gubby tells me
It's not about common sense, the UK just jumps gleefully at any new restriction they can write into law. Doesn't really matter what it is. English regulation addiction surpasses even Germany.
>outing yourself as a low IQ retard
go outside and count how many mudslimes and niggers you encounter
you're fucking embarrassment to our country
I quite like how we do it honestly. Even though it's indistinguishable from a classroom of spoiled middle class teenagers, it does mean that politicians have to actually fess up to what they've said. As for the golden sceptres philosopher's stones and Captain Crunch, the traditions go back a long way. Britain likes traditions. As you may well have noticed, we collectively pay for an old bint to live in a mansion surrounded by 16th century soldiers.
Lmao, enjoy that faggot.
>I'll live here and break the laws
so you're literal nigger.
what do you play? indies? cmon you are full of shit.
lil timmy racked it up with bad parenting my man
better than a bootlicking kiss ass my man
They finally did something beneficial
>folliong the laws of the country you live in make you a bootlicking kiss ass
no, you're just a nigger.
>I'm not a zoomer mate
There's no use denying it you braindead idiot.
It's sort of impossible to conceive of a future where he stayed though, because he clearly had no intention of implementing the result if it wasn't the one he wanted. Which means he shouldn't have called a referendum in the first place. He should only have done it if he was actually prepared to implement either result.
yeah if you're following a law you don't agree with i live by my own morales not what some faggot tells me
>i live by my own morales
typical ESL nigger
not an argument you ad homo faggot
You've outed yourself as a yank for two reasons:
1) You're seething like mad because our country is whiter than yours.
2) You're so stupid that you're trying to appeal to two years as if that makes a difference of 25 percentage points.
Sorry Cletus. You're a fucking idiot.
They went after my facesitting fetish.
I wasn't responding to one you straw dicksucking nigger
i'll suck all the straws i want buddy now go back to being a good little boy for gubbyment
>seething like fuck because your country is less white
>"y-y-you must be a zoomer! i have no other argument!"
Why so mad, Cletus?
>i do whatever i want fuck da law xD
go be a nigger somewhere else
thats not how it works dumb dumb
only the laws i don't agree with bootlicker
says the nigger
says the bootlicker
Yikes, you should be a better parent then.
t. Cocksucking faggot who gladly pays $200,000 (plus tip) when a reckless driver breaks his leg
"Please corporate bigwigs screwing my country, let me suck your McCocks™!"
nigga i dont give a fuck
fuck these corporate douchebags that put this shit in games
>The government banned certain types of porn being created in the UK (facesitting, sm, bondage, choking, fisting)
It's okay, others will still make them. Nobody cares about britporn anyway.
It's you and your degenerates friends faults for being such poor male specimens the only women you could lure to sit on your face have to be sure not to step onto an elevator more than two at a time
>following any government regulation is bootlicking
wrong nigger
>not following every government regulation is being a nigger
wrong bootlicker
nice try you goalpost moving nigger, your first post was against any government regulations
>following any government regulation is being a bootlicker
this is you
nope never moved the goalpost my man
The fact that you ask this just shows how much of a normalfag you are. We have decades worth of old games to play/emulate. We have countless indie games. Even some AAA games don't have the AAA bullshit that we're talking about here, stuff like Nintendo basically feel like big budget indies.
yes you did nigger. again, your original post was against the very concept of government regulation.
no it was against certain government regulation such as this
thats not what the original post implies, nigger.
nah you're just a brainlet who assumed too much and now you look like a real dingus
nobody assumed anything, waterhead. Go ahead and post a single example of a government regulation that doesn't involve the "guiding hand of mommy gubment" telling people what to do
you can't because you're a sped who is desperately backpeddaling after backing yourself into a corner like the dumb nigger you are.
you assumed my stance on government regulation dumb dumb
>when your oh so sensible and genuine political ideology involves literally purging half the population, and you're totally not contratrian bleeting on behalf of your corporate masters
no, you explicitly stated your stance on government regulation dumb nigger
>>Please mr government tell me what to do i'm too retarded to live my life without the guiding hand of mommy gubment
>Noo I can't throw hundreds of dollars of my money at a service to maybe get a digital item that I could have easily bought for $2.99 otherwise!!! Gaming is RUINED!!!!!
first i implied now i explicitly stated pick one ya brainlet
>can only mindlessly spam frogs and strawman greentext
Like the complete idiot you are.
>Oi mate, you got a loicense for that underage, virtual casino?
instead of being a pendantic nigger and playing semantics, how about you explain
>>Please mr government tell me what to do i'm too retarded to live my life without the guiding hand of mommy gubment
somehow isn't against the concept of government regulations
>le argument
Whats with all you faggots thinking you're master debators just because you've seen a molymeme vid?
it is against government regulations just ones i disagree with now how about you explain how i can both imply and also explicitly state at the same time
>it is against government regulations
Exactly, end of.
>just ones I disagree with
try again you goalpost moving nigger.
it's ok that you're stupid i don't judge you
No mate. I have never spent money on a fucking loot box in my life. But do I want them out of games? YES I FUCKING DO, so that you can unlock things through actual GAMEPLAY instead of money.
says the dumb nigger who can't even own up to his own shitpost
anyone have the gif of that dude at E3 doing the jew hand rubbing?
no shitposts here my friend just quality disagreements
ok retard
>bunch of inbred island monkey
The UK bans everything this is nothing new.
From knifes to porn.