Do I lose much going from windows 10 to windows 7? It just fucking restarted on my face again while I was playing and I can't make the updates go away, I think I'm done wiht it.
Do I lose much going from windows 10 to windows 7...
it's outdated
How so?
Just go to Windows 8.1 and use Classic Shell. Or just stay on top of your updates better.
Supposedly, there are quite a bit of programs that are incompatible with it. It is an old OS after all.
Take this guy's advice. Windows 8.1 is just as good, and it'll continue being used for a long time.
By the way, don't fall for anyone who talks about security updates. Trusting Microsoft with your security is laughable, and your computer will be better off with updates turned off.
t. hasn't had an update since 2017.
You'll lose all of the blue screens of death, the invasive and condescending UI and the inconsistent ugly design.
Also if you have an XBone controller, it'll have less functionality outside of Windows 10.
Nothing, its better in every way
I'm having zero issues with 7, whatever game I want I just pirate it and it works out of the box, I have a cheap OG Xbone for the 1% of the games requiring W10
I'm still using W7, no problems here.
I use Win7 and its far from outdated. Its still an excellent OS (by Microsoft standards, fuck off Linuxfags)
>I can't make the updates go away
I just switched to windows 10 and I can't understand what's so annoying about updates. I've gotten one so far and it didn't even force me to restart or anything.
>getting a new CPU and mobo soon
>going to have to install w10 because it doesnt support w7
>>Supposedly, there are quite a bit of programs that are incompatible with it. It is an old OS after all.
I dunno I've been on W7 this whole time and never had any compatibility issues. If anything I've distinctly noticed I'm always the exception when everyone else is having issues with something mostly because I'm not on W10 which by all accounts is a clusterfuck.
>going to have to install w10 because it doesnt support w7
>Supposedly, there are quite a bit of programs that are incompatible with it. It is an old OS after all.
Worthless if you can't name some of them. I've never encountered a game or program I couldn't run on Win 7. It's usually the other way around due to worse compatibility with older programs on Win 10.
Just get the unofficial version of 10
If you built your PC in the last 3 years you'll lose more than half of your FPS in games going back to 7.
Quite a few VR applications don't support W7
you can postpone the updates now on win10
have to do some gymnastics to get win7 to recognize ryzen chips
that's... your defense?
no its... your defense
I use Win7 on one machine and Win10 on another. The Win10 machine crashes and has more problems than the Win7 one does. I eventually got so fed up with it I changed the Win10 one to the older OS about a month ago.
I swapped to 10 just a few weeks ago. Kept all my files and things work great. (other than having to changes some settings in Nvidia control panel to get unity games to work)
I'm liking the design, my Bluetooth adapter now fucking works like it should, and I turned off all the Cortana bullshit. I'm quite content that I upgraded.
>w-well you use google and stuff so it spies on you anyway
you are a fucking retard
no... you are
gonna need a bigger res for your image to make a point fåm
Cool thanks. I just found this program, seems neat, if it works I'll keep it, but if it goes back I go to Windows 7 or 8.
>using win 10
Win10 is inherent in its telemetry, you can shut off annoyances but you will always be spied on with that terrible OS
You just have to bake usb3 drivers and something else mmv(?) in your windows installer. That's it. That's all that is stopping you from installing Windows 7 on new hardware.
how can anyone justify using this pile of shit?
holy fuck
you could have 43% more windows