Why don’t Japanese people play FPS games?
Why don’t Japanese people play FPS games?
There haven't been that many shining examples of the sub-genre, and even less translated. I'd love more of them.
Japs can't make satisfying guns outside of the outliers like RE4. Japs also are literally retarded when it comes to aiming in first person, they had to neuter the first Halo even further when localizing it there.
they hate PC gaming and most of them only play Dragon Quest rip-offs or waifushit games. I also heard nips get motion sickness easily, though I don't know if that's true
They mostly play on handhelds and their phones
and most importantly, like 95% of japanese gamers game on mobile, or on portable devices, in the west many people were like "who the fuck is ever gonna use the switch outside the dock?" the answer is the japanese, the japanese are going to do that, nintendo managed to have their cake and eat it with the dock thing.
they are to high iq for dumb caveman shoot em up games. they need games with more thought and strategy for their high iq big brains that is why they eat up rpg and strategy shit and go crazy every time a new dragon quest game drops as people skip work and school for it.
But don’t they play tons of VNs on PC?
Nobody ever used their computer their to even check out at least one of them?
It's not a goos genre. You can only do so much game play wise when all you do is line up a target between the center of your screen. Japanese people realize this and play other, better genres instead.
I think the motion sickness thing is true. They seem to make plenty of third person shooters.
for a nation of technological advancement the average PC user is on some incredibly obsolete shit.
most VNs have vita or mobile ports
Because their tiny, soulless eyes can't focus that way
Turns out slants have shit taste and only gross weebs say otherwise
vns run on potatoes. also the motion sickness is a real thing
Oh well, at least the West has made enough elder god tier FPS games to tide me over for the rest of my life.
because it's a shit genre
There's pretty big tariffs on non Japanese computer parts, so you don't have as many gaymen pcs. But, most VNs can run on toasters so who cares.
But what about DOOM? I’m sure the motion sickness is just due to lack of exposure.
That’s pretty much mandatory for every potato.
Because despite their looks, they have more soul than american snow niggers.
DOOM doesn't have waifus or kawaii graphics, why would they play something like that?
doom just never caught on there, there ARE a bunch of westaboos though, one of the problems I've seen them complain about is if a game doesn't come with japanese built into it they're shit out of luck, though I guess there's also third party companies who sell overpriced translation packs too.
and then they go on 2chan and get told to fuck off and learn english if they want to play western games
Rice niggers can't go without their waifus or bouncy-bouncy bing bing wahoo!
The slitty eyes make aiming a challenge also. Everything is in ultra-ultra widescreen.
It could.
That’s what they did for Minecraft.
And they get seizures a lot easier. That's why the Porygon Pokemon episode was banned. The first wave of kids got seizures from the episode airing and then when the scene was shown on the news there was a second wave of seizure victims.
japanese people are sub-100 iq coomers
you can dumb down any genre to this baby-tier level
I want that but with a Cyberdemon.
lmao what are you talking about?
Because Americans are superior at them, the emperor surrendered so their nation did too
Because fps is garbage. First person games like Kings field sold well though
The Japanese are very fragile people. Please don't shake them they might break.
>The episode contained repetitive visual effects that induced photosensitive epileptic seizures in a substantial number of Japanese viewers, an incident referred to as the "Pokémon Shock" (ポケモンショック Pokémon Shokku) by the Japanese press. As a result of the seizures 685 viewers were taken to hospitals; two remained hospitalized for more than two weeks. Due to this, the episode has not been rebroadcast worldwide.
Apparently two nukes were just enough.
>they had to neuter the first Halo even further when localizing it there.
>"Pokémon Shock" (ポケモンショック Pokémon Shokku)
That doesn't answer the question at all
Westerns cant for shit make animu-like games or RPGs but they are still popular in the west, they just play the japanese made ones
wow you're way too young to be on Yea Forums
user... people born after 9/11 are now old enough to vote.
Imagine being such a weak race of bugmen that you have to go to the hospital after watching cartoons.
Is that you, Luc? How's KA?
They do. They're not as prevalent but CoD has sold historically fine over there
Just add some kawaii uwu graphics, characters etc to any fps and they'll love it to death.
Nothing to coom to
They definitely play them but there's a lot of factors to it.
I know plenty of kids that love Call of Duty and Battlefield back in Japan. BUT the motion sickness thing isn't just a meme. That is why there are more TPS then FPS from Japan and why PUBG is like 99% 3rd person in Japan/Korea/China.
Also I know one person (not Westerner) that plays PC over there and it's only because of PUBG/LOL.
Most people don't even own a PC. It's all tablets/smartphones when it comes to computing.
i don't know where this meme comes from but there's plenty of japanese mods/maps for doom and half-life
I'm really fucking glad they don't, I hate how damn near every Western AAA game is an FPS or TPS, aside from worthless cock sucking hacks like Kojima, Japanese devs don't typically make those kinds of games, which is good
They do, Call of Duty actually does reasonably well there. GTA as well, though that's not FPS.
They're not the most popular franchises, but to say they don't play games like that at all is wrong.
Some do. When I was in Akihabara inside of Sofmap their PC floor was running Counter-Strike as a demo. So they are at least aware of its existence enough where they use the genre as a marketing platform. But the PC market itself is tiny in Japan. So it is probably really niche.
This, just give me my games with bad gameplay and waifubait.
They've got bad aim and eyesight
Here watch it. youtube.com
is this the reason why literally every action scene in anime is dimmed now?
Lmao I forgot nips are mostly poorfag consolecucks lol
It's not as bad as it used to be. Big FPS releases like COD and BF outsell most Japanese games within the same release window, and BR games are really popular. If you filter streams on Twitch by language the most popular Japanese ones will usually be playing Apex or something.
Only for the TV broadcast. The Bluray versions almost always remove the stupid dimming.
They do.
the new Metal Gear guy since Kojima is gone is a big counter strike fan. or fan of western games in general.
he produced MGRR back then so he's based.
Sounds awful and not very Tactical Espionage Action like.
Well, he's a pretty good guy according to Payton
Westabo just like Kojima, but a vidya westabo, not a movie one.
>but a vidya westabo, not a movie one.
As we should have had since the beginning. The real question now is whether he can make Tactical Espionage Action without mechs that don't really fit in. And if he has what it takes to finally end Metal Gear Solid and make a spiritual successor.
They won't kill MG. it's too big of a franchise for Konami.
they will make remakes, and new games.
if they want to restart they can reboot it but that's unlikely.
>The Turnip Mandragora draws near!
>leave dinner to me
>RE4 guns
RE4 is shit to play no matter what controls you use. Controller is dogshit wiimote is dogshit the official PC ports are all dogshit, ironically the best way to play on PC with a keyboard and mouse is to control the wiimote with your mouse. Even then, it's nowhere near as satisfying as fucking quake was years before it.
>They won't kill MG. it's too big of a franchise for Konami
I know, but it has to be done. The series is getting stale and quality can only decline because of it. They can make remakes and reboots, like you say, but it won't be long term on par with a true spiritual successor.
>vidya westabo
So shit
I don't know, if a sequel is good then i'm alright with it being MG, they could also do a standalone story like ghost babel was.
It was during the Bioshock era so it was quite based at the time
everybody gangsta until the turnip starts walking
When you take elements from a culture different than your own then you usually only take the good parts. This is literally the meaning of "diversity is strength" because you take the best of all parts. When westerners get inspired by asian culture and inventions then they don't get impressed with gutter oil and paper-walls, they get impressed with their gunpowder and discipline.
We can only wait and see what the future brings.
>Fries was told he couldn't release Halo the way it was in Japan because Japanese players wouldn't be able to deal with the dual sticks. “So we ended up having to make a bunch of modifications for Japanese players and dumb the game down, make an easier version.”
FPS are fucking boring.
>dumbing down a game already dumbed down enough for consoles
topu keku, i wonder what changes they made to the game. maybe locking into enemies instead of manual aiming?
This is the gist of it. If you've played 5 fps games in your life you played them all.
>Japs can't handle playing a game on thumbsticks despite it being the only series to actually feel decent on thumbsticks
No wonder these retards can't play anything but turn based RPGs and choose your own adventure novels
The fucking state of weebs
The only way they could sink ships in ww2 was by crashing their planes rather than using their guns
Japan liked dead space though
Isn't motion sickness really common over there? I heard that the perspective fucks with their heads or something.
Can't see their cute girl character, and there are no cuties in FPS until recently
who doesn't like dead space? it's unironically one of the best horror serie. the necromorph still scares the shit out of me.
3 doesn't count.
they do play Siege tho
i mean one of the asian servers is based in japland
they even have a vtuber whose content mainly involves siege
Oh yes, this is definitely a first person shooter and not a game with third person pov that allows you to aim down sights for brief periods of the time.
That is the reason we get flashing light warnings in the west
Because japan doesn't have a gun fetish guns are just not a important thing in Japanese culture.
say that to nip airsoftfags
Do you really think a someone japanese would be satisfied with something as simple and plebian as clicking heads?
Because they are sóys
Say that to Europe who loves FPS games
Their wagie closets don't have space for a keyboard mouse setup.
Military reasons? Maybe kids don't grow up plying pretend soldier.
But guns are an important thing in European culture, especially among gamers.
WTF! My wife's son watched this and now I'm in the hospital because he had a seizure. FUCK YOU!
Guns are FUN and slant eyes HATE FUN
>guns are an important thing in European culture
Source: dude, trust me
For most European countries guns are definitely not an important part of culture. Even in countries where gun ownership is high people don't go to a range to dump some mags for fun.
They're usually used for hunting or sport like clay shooting or long-range marksmanship. And even those cases aren't very common.
FPS games are popular but more for the shooting than the gun porn. And they're still not really touching FIFA in terms of popularity.
>Even in countries where gun ownership is high people don't go to a range to dump some mags for fun.
>They're usually used for hunting or sport like clay shooting or long-range marksmanship
Is there something wrong with that?
Uhh, no, but it means guns aren't an "important thing in European culture". They're a niche hobby at most.
West invented RPGs and nips we’re heavily influenced by Ultima snd Wizardry. You should learn more about video games
First person games play and look like ass.
It's an absolutely terrible representation of the range of visuals and the fluidity of your eyesight in real life.
Third person shooters are far superior, and really should be three only ones to exist, which nips recognize which is why Splatoon is a raging success there.
Because despite what "TRUE gamers" would have you believe, being able to read text and select menu options does not mean you are good at games.
RPG's are all boring shitfests of "Pick the attack option that does the most damage" "heal before you die!" "Oops, I'm too weak, I'll just grind since the DEVs were too lazy to balance their spreadsheets before shitting out the same Cookie Cutter Carbon Copy Franchise #37" sandwiched in between highschool-tier story writing.
>Read a book
>Play a game
>Read half a chapter of a shitty book then play a shitty mini-game and repeat till you finish reading War&Peace(Tiddie edition)
Pretty much the only "game" they can get "gud" at are fighting games, which are just high-speed Rock Paper Scissors meta-gaming horseshit once you've managed to grind your way past one of the worst control schemes to ever be designed.
Yeah the FPS genre is way more homogenized than the five thousand iterations of Mario, Dragon Quest and Hatoful Boyfriend.
Rhythm games though
I've never gotten the appeal of Osu and such. Seems like a really good way to get carpal tunnel / RSI for no reason.
Guitar Hero/Rock Band was fun back in the day, but why bother playing rhythm games instead of just learning an instrument?
In PS3 Battlefield 3, there are japanise private servers, they always put mensajes in the server like "noobs only" "no coronel 100" ect.
They were hillariosly bad players, no for the aim or reflexes, for their tactics, always running and gunning while you spray them from a cover easly.
Because its more fun and easier. I think people who who equate learning an instrument to playing rhythm games have never done either.
Because FPS games are for low IQs
Because FPS on consoles is fucking dogshit and nips cant into computers
After learning about the butchered ports of the Spyro games over there I'd guess it's because they're weak baby men who get motion sickness easily.