How the fuck were people expected to find out how to do this before the internet...

How the fuck were people expected to find out how to do this before the internet? There is no indication you can even pick up plants, I spent almost an hour wandering the castle grounds before I had to look up this bullshit.

Is the whole game this cryptic?

Attached: 004.png (256x224, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:物さわるボタン押すかつぐお前知る

people used their imaginations.

>surrounded by a big circle at end of path
user you are just retarded, I easily found this when I was a kid

>There is no indication you can even pick up plants
I know this is b8, but as someone that played this as a kid when it came out, we RTFM.

When I was a kid I went to my friends house and watched him play this. I remembered to do this so when I got the game a year later I knew exactly what to do.

because there's hardly anywhere else to go at that point.

Skywardswordlet detected.

Same shit happened to me also. Had to look up a bid on YouTube. I also got stuck looking for the crystals so I dropped the game.

real question how did people find most of the caves in zelda 1? did they just use bombs on all the walls?

By using their brains and not hand holding prompts on the screen

I know it's hard user, but you might have to use a teensy tiny bit of brainpower for this one.

pretty much the first thing I do when starting any new game is to get familiar with the controls and figure out what I can/can't do. Pretty basic stuff. Maybe you're stupid? I'm not sure

Everyone in this thread is retarded.
The guards outside your house explicitly explain how to pick up bushes.
It does hold your hand.

>There is no indication you can even pick up plants
I know this shitposting, but, you have fingers, and you should experiment with the buttons, like pressing on objects to see what would happen.

>conspicuous path leads to lone bush with unique marks around it
>might as well have a giant red fucking X on top of it that says "DO SOMETHING WITH ME I AM UNIQUE"
>baiters like you were this dense

Attached: IMG_20190912_165638.jpg (3328x1872, 1.65M)

Quest literally fucking says, there is a hidden entrance.
>Path leads to bush
>Bush as 4 stones around it
Ill be honest the only three things i had to look up while playing this game because i genuinely did not know was that you could actually move grave stones, the location of the cat fish, and wtf the ? ment on the line inside turtle rock.

People figured it out via trial and error. Honestly this is like my first time playing LttP with out being a stupid kid and jesus christ this game was so fucking good.

I know you're baiting but aLttP is awful for this shit in its sidequests
>Have to charge at a grave instead of push it like every other one
>Have to make 5 pointless donations to a fountain before getting a noticeable upgrade
>Have to use an otherwise useless item on an arbitrary statue, and the reward is the opposite of what you're actually told happens

i was 8 years old and i figured that shit out. I beat the entire game and i didnt even speak english.

>expecting anyone here to know what that says

>>Have to use an otherwise useless item on an arbitrary statue, and the reward is the opposite of what you're actually told happens
which item is this?

Mad Batter.

>Have to charge at a grave instead of push it like every other one
This one is actually cleverly hinted at, in the Dark World instead of a grave its a pile of rocks, the kind you break by dashing into them.物さわるボタン押すかつぐお前知る

I'm pretty sure if you talk to one of the people they give you a hint about it.

>taking the entire time to copy paste articles instead of just saying what it means
Literal autism.

I found that on my first playthrough. Wtf is wrong with you OP.

Oh shit i did not even know about that. But OP just got his answer about how people found out about this shit.
They talked to their frinds who stumbled across it.

1. it's stupidly obvious
2. Zelda tells you about it
3. the game leads you to it

if there's anything you should complain about it's the ice rod being in the middle of fucking nowhere that's required for a boss and they never tell you where the fuck it is or that you need it to finish the game, link to the past has several instances of questionable/bad game design choices.

Nintendo magazines and telephone line really

Mono ni sawatte A button wo osu.
Mono ga, katsugetari suru ze...
Omae shitteru kai?

If you press the A button while touching thing
Thing can be carried
Did you know that?

Shalashaska tells you where it is right after the first temple.

Sahashrala literally tells you where the ice rod is hidden and tells you to go get it.

Basically. Albeit in some cases you could guess there was something there because the rest of the screen might be a little empty.

reading is hard guys.

I can't believe DarkSydePhil browses Yea Forums

Honestly why didn't they swap the locations of the Blue Mail and the Ice Rod? For starters it makes more sense to find an Ice weapon on the fucking Ice Palace (even if it wouldn't really work against its boss).

Maybe they wanted to prevent getting damage reduction so early into the game, but I still think it should've been like this.

old games were made to make you smart and use your head

>go get a random item you won't need until a billion temples later
why not just put it in the dungeon? that's stupid you could have had teaching tools in said dungeon so you know when and what to use it on such as puzzles and enemy's.

that cave should have been for an Armour upgrade.

>Hold my hand game, I don't want to think!

This is the worst goalpost move ever

I completed this game when I was 11 without getting stuck. It's artfully designed to guide you towards your objectives. Nowadays anything that's not open world or a linear corridor is too confusing for cumbra- I mean gamers.

>Playing Zelda post Wind Waker
Fucking this...

If you had to do the Ice Palace before Turtle Rock then game would be more linear.

>playing wind waker

That's literally how my cousin reacted when he started botw and I told him the game gives basic directions but leave most of the exploration to yourself and he freaked out hard.

guess some people really don't want to think and just follow arrows and feel the instant gratification

Agreed. GameCube was Nintendo's last stand.

Manuals were great, especially altp. Had a mini guide plus a well drawn comic that reminds me of Morbius

They just want to turn their brains off and get rewarded. I've read a surprising amount of comments of people complaining about what's considered good level design by anyone with standards. Their chief complaint is it's not fun to get lost or to get stuck, e.g. the fucking water temple from OoT when if you're able to keep track of 3 things at once then it should be no problem

>I don't know good game design: the post

alright let's just have no hints or text, invisible tutorials or anything, have fun figuring out you need to hookshot across the water in the dark world without the arrow and no players guide, no cracked walls for bombs you just have to guess and you run out of bombs tough shit go buy more with green rupee's since big rupee chests are too casual and if you get game over start over from the beginning

there's a reason why games like zelda 2 and castlevania 2 don't get made these days.

I hope this is bait because if not you have serious brain damage

We actually played the games a lot
more and with more depth.

But we also had magazines that had tip sections with stuff like this, strategy guides, Nintendo had a toll free number for help (called them once, it was great), and of course we talked to friends. This also led to stupid rumors like the Super Mario chocolate factory.

>moving the goalposts didn't work, let me try a ridiculous strawman!

For that you actually needed a guide, most screens looked the same.

This is very weak b8.

The social space was different. We all had the same games or borrowed them from someone who already beat it and there were enough magazines floating around that everyone knew shit for games they didn't even have. I liked the early internet when it all started getting aggregated but before online games ruined cheat codes and secrets.

Zelda tells you about it if your dumbass takes too long

Guess I'm just not stupid because I figured that out easy.

Zelda 2 was a badly made side-scroller more than a puzzle game. I remember the Darknuts being weird because they automatically put the shield at your standing level, so to kill them you had to crouch and jump. Then I think that didn't work with the clone final boss because he just put the shield fucking wherever.


>open menu
>big red box in bottom left says everything that the A button does

You shitposting right?

He is spelling it out, like you would for an imbecile.

oh no internet access either that's just too casual for a HARDCORE gamer such as yourself no friends either hope you can figure out to buy that obscure item that you have to grind money for and wait five minutes at some random wall that looks like every other wall in the game all the while npc's give you non-clues and misdirect you and if you use it wrong you have to hard reset plus the store that sells it is RNG and the item is partly glitched, only for true non-casual gamers
he says, while strawmanning
and link to the past isn't badly made? I mean you can beat the game in five minutes for pete sake not to mention the soft locks and the horrendous dungeon design.

I figured it out when I was 11 and I'm not even a boomer, this was in 2007.

>>There is no indication you can even pick up plants
If you talked to the random guards blocking your path, they'll comment on how you look pretty strong and can pick things up with the A button.

Welcome to LoZ. Being lost or following directions from Google is the game.

>Zelda 2 was a badly made
Stopped reading there.
Zelda 2 is a masterpiece.

>oh no internet access either that's just too casual for a HARDCORE gamer such as yourself no friends either hope you can figure out to buy that obscure item that you have to grind money for and wait five minutes at some random wall that looks like every other wall in the game all the while npc's give you non-clues and misdirect you and if you use it wrong you have to hard reset plus the store that sells it is RNG and the item is partly glitched, only for true non-casual gamers
How does this concern ALTTP exactly? Fuck off, you're not fooling everyone, you won't be able to post this on your epic discord circlejerk

Go to a school counselor and tell him about your learning and observation difficulties. You are having issues with problems primary school children can solve on their own. This is bad.

>and of course we talked to friends
This was a huge part of it. You had one kid who would end up calling the hint line and everybody ended up knowing.

Also, some of us just stumbled across things when others didn't. I borrowed a friend's Sega CD when he was on vacation and played both Lunar titles. When I told him how much I enjoyed the Epilogue content, he flipped out -- he never saved his game after the credits because he shut the system off before they ended, so he never had Clear Data to load and play the postgame stuff.

Now I haven't played Lunar on Sega CD in a long time but I don't believe there was any post game content in the first title.

>le games are not difficult anymore meme

Anything close to difficult gives you infinite retries.

>Zelda tells you there is a secret entrance around the outside courtyard
>Still has to look it up

Oh boy, you are going to have a hard time then. You might want to keep that guide handy breh. I just beat this one again, so I'll drop you a couple of hints because there are a few things like this throughout the game.

>You need to dash into a bookshelf to get a book that translates ancient text
>There's a random homeless guy living under a bridge that gives you one of the bottles for holding health potions
>To get to crystal dungeon 3 you need to pick up a random black rock just north of Kakariko Village
>You need both the fire and ice rods to beat the 3 headed dragon boss
>You can walk backwards by charging your sword (This helps in a late game dungeon)
>Once you unlock the 7th crystal dungeon, go get the super bomb, blow a hole in the pyramid, and chuck every offensive weapon you have in the fountain

Attached: 1567724258556.jpg (1500x1800, 671K)

You don't actually need to find most of the caves in Zelda 1, and everything remotely important is hidden in a pretty conspicuous location that has clues pointing you towards it. You're not likely to 100% the game without a guide, but just completing it isn't really that difficult.

>not knowing japanese
you came to the wrong site

They sold guides

i played this when i hadn't learned how to read yet and figured it how to do this

>you need to learn gibberish to be able to finish the game
that's why I didn't bother playing Zelda games

so do people still play the randomizer? seems to have lost a lot of its community

LoZ: ALTTP manual was fucking great. I remember I was so excited to play it I opened it in the car on the way home so I could read the manual and it had like all the tips and tricks and the explanations for the enemies plus illustrations. It’s a good memory.

Oh and some anons reminded me of a couple of other things:

>To the right of the swordsmiths' house there is a cave with a weird altar. You have to sprinkle magic powder on the altar
>To get into crystal dungeon 4, you have to PULL BACKWARDS FOR LIKE 3 SECONDS on the bars of the entrance...That one got me

You really don't have that much roaming room at that point in the game. It shouldn't take you an hour to find it, and I really doubt that it did, OP. I'm assuming you got lost, went back to the house, wandered around for another 5 to 10 minutes without actually trying anything specific, and then gave up.
This is nowhere near the "mirror under the table" bullshit of Zelda 2. Now that was fucking bullshit.
You're just a baby, OP.

Attached: mirror.png (768x675, 44K)

I play randomizer.
Just did a game of it like 2 or 3 days ago.
That wasn't bullshit. The bitch tells you the mirror is in the town somewhere.

Yes but how was I supposed to know I had to talk to the bitch?

No she doesn't. She just says "I LOST MY MIRROR". She never says it's in town. There's no indication you can directly interact with the background ever (and that never happens anywhere else in the game). It's bullshit. You have to have the desperation from hours of trying everything to just start attacking tables in town.

Cause she walks out of a house like every other person that has an old man living in their basement.

>you won't need until a billion temples later
A new player doesn't know when he needs the item, retard. If the game tells you to get the item you know you NEED the item for something, you can't just complain because you ignored it.

I guarantee you 95% of kids in the 80s had no idea there were bombable walls on the overworld unless they read Nintendo Power

actually, the game came originally with a sort of guide, it said to only open it if you were really stuck, and it had hints about several secrets and parts that they thought you could be stuck on. it was pretty cool desu, if I'm not mistaken it was inside a small envelope.

>the ice rod being in the middle of fucking nowhere that's required for a boss
Decisions like this are why I love the game.
You should explore and feel sufficiently rewarded for leaving the critical path.

>zelda keeps using telepathy to tell you "LINK! THERE'S A SECRET PASSAGE BEHIND THE CASTLE!!!"
>this message pops up every 2 minutes or so
Grade school must have been hard for you

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this is it pretty much, it also came with a map.

skip to 5:40 to see it

Why is it so blasphemous to say the game has some flaws

Because the flaws listed are blown out of proportion and in some cases completely false.

lets hear them then

The bush is definitely not one of them.

It’s not the game’s fault OP is a stupid faggot.

Because these are not flaws, they're just bait from someone who wants to trigger people who played it, if you want real flaws from ALttP we should start, for example, from the lack of difference in dungeons, which, outside of Turtle Rock, Ice Dungeon and Hebra's Tower all look and feel the same

>Hebra's Tower
Which dungeon was that?

The one with the Moon Pearl where you constantly hit switches and fall in pits to go to previous floors

Oh the Tower of Hera.

Are zelda fags really to stupid to get anything done? It looks like beating the boss with the gimmick weapon that was conviently found in the same dungeon 3 times is most you can demand from them

Don't group OoTcucks with us thanks.

>find the weapon in the dungeon and use it to kill the boss

happens at least twice in Zelda 1. Zelda 2 its more 'find the item outside the dungeon then use it to find an item in the dungeon that lets you get to the last boss'

It isn't formulaic if it happens twice

Help I’m a JPlet

Why is it かつげたり instead of かつげる

just going through dungeons in my head. IIRC Digdogger and Ganon are the only two bosses that have to be killed using an item from their respective dungeon

While its not an example of a formula as it is now, it could certainly be considered the foundation of it, especially if the devs feel that its good game design.

there's nothing inherently wrong with the 'find a glowy thing and smack the monster with it', the problem is that glowy thing only working in the dungeon its found. I think Twilight Princess had this BAD.

>Literally a bright white path to it and outline

Attached: akko_retaard.jpg (665x574, 29K)

You had to RTFM, you brain dead zoomer

>not digdigger

How would you know how to build this without the internet?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

The only generic looking and playing dungeons are Eastern Palace, Thievestown, and Misery Mire. Some like Desert Palace play pretty generic but look unique, while others like Skull Woods look generic but play unique.

The real bullshit is the secret heart containers, which are super useful but are technically not required to beat the game.

Thieves Town is pretty unique mechanically. First dungeon to really use the 2 layers of floors to mess with the player's orientation, and the escort. Blind is also a unique boss in that she has exactly 9 hp and counts strikes instead of damage


That’s mostly a problem in the 3D games. There’s only 1 boss that requires that dungeon’s item in LttP for example, and most items have multiple uses in combat and exploration

Nonreal flaws are never legitimate criricism.
Now, that one bomb you have to buy to get the silver arrows is bullshit because as I recall, the game gives you no indication that the bomb shop would have a new type of bomb at some arbitrary point. How were you supposed to know about THAT?


The short explaination is that it implies you can do other similar things with the A button, but doesn't explicity say what any of them are.

>Third world country kid who was not able to read English
>Game was rented so no manual
>Still managed to finish the game
I want to believe that most people here are just baiting. I refuse to believe that so many people are actually this bad at video games

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Sane way people find out with the internet - by talking to other people. Somebody found out, told his friends, they told his and so on, somebody wrote letter to gaming magazine and they printed it.

Tools changed, core never.

I was a brainlet as a kid and even I eventually figured this out. In fact it felt good to do so because the game never explicitly tells you, and it's always satisfying to discover secrets that allow you to move forward by yourself, something many devs don't understand these days.

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>Ice palace

It’s a pallete swap of the same tile set as every other dungeon though

>LTTP only had 1 boss that needed the dungeon's item

While that may be technically true, Argus from Swamp Palace being the one, you need the dungeon item from Eastern Palace, Desert Palace, Palace of Darkness, Skull Woods and Misery Mire need their respective item to actually GET to the boss. And I could also see the argument where the dungeons are the real challenge, rather than the boss fight.

I think there's a separation in this because of playability issues. Imagine if Armos Knights were only vulnerable to arrows and your player ran out, or if Mothula could only be damaged by the Fire Rod. I think that seperation has to exist as Link is above all else a swordsman; it took till OoT for someone to actually think to disarm him.

Trinex is an obvious deviation from this, but iirc Sasparilla tells you through the tiles TWICE in the dungeon you need magic potion, and you get a full decanter just before the boss room.

I think the best argument from LTTP 'WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW' design is Kholdstare, in which you need a full magic bar with the Fire Rod to break the ice block. I still feel that the dev intended route was to use Bombos, which would make all 3 medallions required

On a slightly unrelated note, does anyone remember playing this on the plane?
I find it so baffling that you can fit hundreds of movies, tv episodes and music onto the in-flight entertainment system these days while the video game side of things has gone down the shitters compared to two decades ago. Nowadays, it's either shit games not worth mentioning or nothing at all. I also remember playing F-Zero too. That was the tits. Just what the hell happened?

op ur literally low iq like maybe 70 at best
it goes like:
see bush -> cut bush

I don't care if it's a generic first dungeon, the Eastern Palace oozes soul. It helps the Light World dungeon theme is vastly superior to the Dark world one.

> gibberish

>Blind is also a unique boss in that she has exactly 9 hp and counts strikes instead of damage
Literally only matters for Randomizer. But really good to know for that.

Good thing you don't NEED silver arrows then.

I've heard of people that dip out of TT to pick up the Tempered Sword to make Blind easier. I used to do it myself. Once I learned this it made TT a lot more pleasant

This part was linear and they told you how to pick stuff up and throw shit, dumbass.

>post Wind Waker
Wind Waker was ass you little shit

Devs dont need to be efficient anymore and games are bloated messes.

its the game's artstyle that makes it immortal. Especially its color choices. No really.

We really titty fuck mammaries?

Bombos should have been required to open the Ice Palace. Could've locked the slate behind a portal under a dark rock.

This, OP is a special kind of retard


There was a “special hints” insert in the box with the game. The big bomb was on there

i think he just wants us to repost this for him

Attached: DaveVSPigeon.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

samefag and gay

So? Lives only made sense back when you had to pay to play games. Going back to the start when you die doesn't make the game harder. It just makes it more tedious.

magic potions are free though. There's an enemy type in that dungeon that can only be killed with the fire rod so that's a major clue. If you don't think to try attacking an ice monster boss with the fire attack weapon that was required to even get past the first room, I don't know what to say.

>empty room
>only thing of note is a table with a huge dark spot under it
Maybe I'm just smarter than you.

There are real flaws, but made up bullshit like OP doesn't count. A real flaw is, for example, how the goo eyeball boss fires random lightning that instantly hits you. That's just retarded design.

issue is is that it takes an entire bar of magic to break Kholdstare out with the Fire Rod (with no half magic), while the Freezors only take one shot

Also, Bombos works on Freezors

and its also not required to have a bottle to get that far, so its possible they make it that far without one. Unlikely, but ya know

Another zoomer who values the achievement unlocked more than the actual gameplay.

walkng up to stuff and trying what each button did was a common practice before internet and tutorials, back in the day when learning how to play the game was part o the experience.

>playing level 1 five hundred times in a game despite you already having mastered it is good gameplay

It makes you actually want to collect and conserve lives before the hard part.

>abusing savestates is fine, i already did it once i shouldn't have to do it again


The game is full of empty rooms with tables that have darkness nuder them.

>5 years old when playing the game
>cannot read but still talk to every npc
>finish game by trial and error

Depends on the game, but in the ones where actual planning is needed it encourages you to check your equipment and items before going to adventure instead of just forcing a result through repeated trials for example, with no stakes at hand there is no incentive to get good, of course it has to be balanced but failing a jump 20 times until you get it right on chance doesn't build skill, having you think "Oh shit, I better get it right or I have to do it all over again" does

>i already did it once i shouldn't have to do it again
Explain how this is wrong.

That’s not even the most bullshit thing in Zelda 2

Off the top of my head, finding the dude in a random patch of unmarked forest was worse

what, you saying you don't know Bagu?

wizzrobe boss is the biggest bullshit

Dark Link without exploit is.
Thank god I happened to learn about it by chance

>lemme just save after every kill and reload after every hit i take
Explain how this is right.

Playing the game is fun. If it’s not fun just don’t play it

And I checked them all. It doesn't take much effort. One button press as I walk by.
The friendly slime tells you to look in that forest

Yeah well winding up fucked because you went in unprepared that late in the game, especially when you're warned to bring fire magic, is no one's fault but your own. This one is not a flaw. There comes a point where a game should stop hand-holding and coddling the player at least a little bit. As it is, you can already exploit ether magic and the hammer to wipe out the dungeon's enemies and keep your magic meter topped up.
>A real flaw is, for example, how the goo eyeball boss fires random lightning that instantly hits you. That's just retarded design.
That's not a flaw either the lightning never hits near the edges (which you should suspect since it's the same as the Agahnim fight) and there's a visual cue before it fires. The main eye normally appears covered in goo but then changes color and appears to come up out of the goo to fire the lightning bolt. Just pay attention and you won't be hit except maybe the first time you see it..

It's fun to play new levels. It's not fun to play the same one over and over.
That's an exaggeration and you know it.

>Imagine if Armos Knights were only vulnerable to arrows
That reminds me, the hint that tells you they are vulnerable to arrows made me think that was the only way to damage them, but it turned out you needed to kill some to even get the bow.

Cute pigeon! Cute!

i think the issue he has is that the lightning's hitbox is faster than its animation

>It's fun to play new levels. It's not fun to play the same one over and over.

Unironically git gud. Mastery is fun

When I've mastered it then I no longer need to play it.

> And I checked them all. It doesn't take much effort. One button press as I walk by.
You're missing the point. At no point in the game does it tell you to look under tables. At no point in the game other than this can you even interact with the background elements of the game. Nobody tells you it's under the table. How did you even arrive at the conclusion? When she said "I LOST MY MIRROR", I assumed it would be somewhere around the town, maybe in a cave or the wilderness somewhere, or maybe stashed away in the town. I didn't think "I better start stabbing all the tables".
The mirror was bullshit, whether you want to accept it or not. I know you used Nintendo Power and want to pretend that you naturally came to the conclusion to stab the tables when somebody told you they lost a mirror. Maybe you stabbed the tables trying to find the lost kid too, I don't know how your mind works. I do know bullshit when I see it.

>if I’m bad enough to die it’s boring
>if I’m good enough to beat it without dying it’s pointless

What the fuck do you even want

Then stop being shit and getting game overs. If you truly mastered those early sections, you should have more than enough resources to get through late game.
>That's an exaggeration and you know it.
At what point do you draw the line between infinite retries and savescumming?

>wtf I have to search for things in a game about searching for things

If you need the game to tell you every last minute detail about how to progress just go watch movies or something

I can't think of any game with limited lives that took me 500 tries to beat. There were some games I was never able beat, though, making those I did feel all the more satisfying.
You don't gain mastery of a game just by brute-forcing every challenge one by one. Obviously for a puzzle game like LIMBO, there's no point to replaying most of those challenges, once you figure it out once, the challenge is mostly gone. Many modern "precision" platformers are much more like LIMBO-style puzzle games in that respect, just that the puzzles demand reflexes and dexterity. Meanwhile traditional platformers have rhythm and pacing that gets ruined if you savestate. A game like Mega Man is more dynamic, there's an ebb and flow to the challenges it's not just a sequence of increasingly insane spike mazes and wacky gimmicks.

Sorry, I meant to reply to:
You don't gain mastery of a game just by brute-forcing every challenge one by one. That's like going through each bar of a piano sonata, learning to play that bar and then moving on to the next one but never playing the whole thing through from start to finish.

I don't think you understand how games work. A pixel hunt is bad game design. Having a hidden mechanic in a game only become available partway through without telling the player (being able to stab background elements to do things) is bad game design, because the players have to get frustrated from trying everything they know and exploring the vast amount of game already available to them at this point (again, they give you no hint that the mirror is even in town or close to town, just that she lost it), and just starts trying random shit and attacking every element available to them in the game.

You either get it because you have some weird ingenuity that tells you to start attacking tables because somebody in town lost a mirror somewhere in the world, you got lucky and found it by accident quickly, you spent hours roaming and trying shit until you stumbled upon it, or you used a guide and are full of shit.
The mirror is bullshit. It was worse than GRUMBLE,GRUMBLE, because at least you are likely to start trying random items on him (you're fucked if you never found the shop that sells the meat at that point in the game, though, you'd just be lost).

Attached: moblin.png (768x528, 4K)

It actually took me several hundred tries to beat some of the later levels in Battletoads. Volkmire's Inferno in particular, dear god I'm glad there's a warp to skip that one.

Not that guy, but in the end every game has infinite retries. Even super Mario bros 1 has a rudimentary save system in the form of warp zones. Bypassing the intended checkpoint structure is savescumming. At least pre-gen7, when autosaves started basically save scumming for you

Ah, well that's a very minor issue but at least it is an issue.

We remember that feel, man?

How would you even get the game without the internet?

Attached: thanks_amazon.png (370x370, 88K)

if you think this is hard just wait till you have to use the mirror to climb death mountain

>there's literally a road to it
>you were told to enter the castle
>you can't go anywhere else
OP is just braindead.

I'm sure there's physical releases of Minecraft at this stage. But yeah early on you were obviously expected to use the internet, you weren't going to just guess crafting recipes. But now they have a list of things to choose to craft.

are you actually retarded?

Jesus christ this generation is so fucked

People figured it out before the internet. Now, consider how retarded you are because you can't.

People were dumb enough to buy guides

Your analogy is broken. The proper way to practice performing a piece is to break it down into smaller pieces and repeat sections until you have them down. You master the sections, and then you practice it in its entirety, still breaking down to smaller sections to refine them.
Really, if you're doing speedrunning or anything, that's exactly how you practice as well.

So many people really need to stop claiming shit is bad design. You clearly don't know shit about design or you'd understand that the first thing you do is try to understand the point of the game and you wouldn't make a fool out of yourself by saying "a pixel hunt is bad design" about a game that's literally designed to be scavenger hunt.
> the players have to get frustrated from trying everything they know
Yes that is the point!
Then, when you discover the solution, there's a genuine THRILL something you task-oriented zombies don't understand. The biggest issue with the grumble goryia is that it's a hard block on your progress at a point where you have nothing else to do. But really it's not that bad and calling it "bad game design" is just dumbass hyperbole.
>exploring the vast amount of game already available to them at this point
You're also overstating the size of the game. There are only 8 usable items, total, and a similar number of passive items.

>did they just use bombs on all the walls?
Yeah, that's what I did.

A scavenger hunt is not a pixel hunt. You didn't play enough adventure games as a kid.

>Your analogy is broken.
His analogy:
>but never playing the whole thing through

your reason why it's broken:
>You master the sections, and then you practice it in its entirety
>and then you practice it in its entirety

>but never playing the whole thing through

zoomers don't have those

No the analogy isn't broken because the vast majority of savescummers and people who hate on games with lives aren't practicing the game with the goal of mastering it. Here's the sentiment stated quite plainly: "i already did it once i shouldn't have to do it again" ()

Furthermore, breaking down music in parts doesn't always work as well as you might think. Yes you do practice sections at a time but you also have to regularly do it from the beginning because the context is going to be different. Your brain and body will be in a different state so the section you practiced won't feel the same. The music is designed to be performed as a coherent whole not as a series of detached segments, just as a traditional game is designed to be played through in a single sitting.

>if you want real flaws lets ignore content design entirely and nitpick the graphics to death
never change Yea Forums

We were not spoonfed.

The fortune teller tells you this, but it's never hinted when the super bomb will be available or if you need to do something to make it appear. By the time it was available I had completely ignored trying to find secrets and just made a bee line to the endgame.

This troll thread has 200 replies.

That's largely true, but sectional practice is far more important than full-piece runs. At least 90% of your practice time should be spent refining sections. From a lifetime musician, it's mostly about the focused sectional work if you want to actually get good at all. The context is far less important, and the context work should mostly be done after mastering the sections, not before.

It's just a bad analogy. Music performance is about mastering a skill and a technique. Game design is about enjoying a game. I agree that you shouldn't be savescumming unless you are really trying to refine your skill. It should never be the first way you play any game, unless you are making a living off it and going into it knowing that you have to master it as quickly as possible.

I beat this game when I was 6 with no guide and 56k wasnt huge yet. Git gud faggot

How are you supposed to know you can break those rocks by ramming into them?

Not the first one, no, but Eternal Blue has an epilogue scenario with a better ending.

I watched my cousin do it. So then i knew you could do it. Also the instructions tell you ya retard.

>The only bush around the castle with a visual context clue.
>Zoomer still needs to watch a video.

Attached: Pewds SNAP.webm (1280x720, 359K)

Playing the game

Old games are lost on this generation that expects games to spell every goddamn thing out for you on some tedious, time-wasting tutorial level.

The Switch NES/SNES online has no digital manuals so its fair zoomers are confused

Zelda tells you.

Game come with a manual and you are a casual for being mad at the game concept
They read the manual, which spoonfeeds you a suprising amount of shit. They even put question marks on the overworld where the important secrets are found.

The NES/SNES games should absolutely come with the manuals, old manuals were very helpful and full of soul. Who cares if they get lore wrong?

Played this game in first month of release when I was in 6th grade.
I don't recall having any trouble finding it.

I did

I played this in fucking 1st grade and found out.

i read it in my head with the cool anime voices

>giving 200 replies to obvious bait

You are fucking idiots.

No you're just way too obsessed with nitpicking the analogy and the very clear point that the example was intended to highlight is flying way the fuck over your head.

>This is your average millennial
That's just fucking pathetic.

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We just did. We did all these things you people can't understand without guides. Where the fuck do you think the guides came from? Dumbass, quit being unimaginative and stupid, get good at games. Fucking try being OBSERVANT.

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this i used to try all kids of crazy shit

I beat the game just fine without it as a kid. The first time I played it was a rental and the manual had been stolen. I never saw the manual until a year or two later when I got my own copy of the game.

Zelda fucking tells you there is a secret entrance

Only a small handful of posts are direct replies to the bait retard, obviously the bulk are involved with digressions and people wanting to talk about shit they'd want to talk about anyway.

back in the day, there was a item nowadays phantasmal, known as a 'manual', that generally contained hints or information that was convenient to know on how to actually play the game.

>did they just use bombs on all the walls?
pretty much
same with using the candle on every bush

there was a rule to this though, if you knew it
one screen could only have one cave/dungeon/stair entrance at most

It's not nitpicking, it was just a bad analogy. You started it off wrong by comparing savescumming to get through a hard game without having to get good to honing a skill and talent. It's a bad analogy. It's as apt as comparing savescumming like that to practicing speedrunning in general. They're completely different things and aren't really comparable.

>Have to charge at a grave instead of push it like every other one
So it's a unique grave unlike any other and you didn't think to try a few things in your inventory with it?

It's NOT unique. It looks exactly the same as every other grave, except you can't push it open like every other one, and nothing in your inventory has any effect on it. It's "unique" in that it doesn't budge like the rest of them, but nothing about it hints at what you're supposed to do it open it.

just button mash on objects

legitimately a real question. In ALTTP the walls have cracks and there’s more help, but in Zelda 1 it’s basically secret.

I would love to watch you're playthrough. You're gonna fucking hate this game

A path with a plant surrounded by a circle at the end uhh i guess nothing is there brainlet.

The manual tells you there are bombable walls in the dungeons and overworld. The dungeon ones are easy to find since they're always at the center and you find them in a similiar manner you find them in The Binding of Issac. The overworld ones are a total crapshoot though.

>pigeon gives the game reporter an 8 second head start
>pigeon still wins by a mile
holy shit and people start flame wars over reviews written by THESE RETARDS?

I know you're just shitposting but I unironically believe the first LoZ is a horrible game for this reason, but I'm glad it was successful and managed to create a pretty great series. Even if BotW will undo all that.

Remember that kid that couldn't find the exit in your home in Pokemon?

That's why we have dumbed down garbage now.

Attached: fuck you nagatoro.png (885x545, 197K)

I skipped that level for decades because i hated trying to beat the snake pit. by the time i actually sat down to beat Battletoads without warps i managed to beat Vokmire's inferno with almost no deaths.

This was my first adventure game. Blew my mind how a game could be like that after mostly playing stuff like Mario and Pacman. Didn't know a word of English which only made it more mysterious

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Why do I constantly hear of non-english speakers playing this game in English as a kid? Did this game not get translated in Europe or something?

Nintendo Power. It's how "that kid" knew how to do everything. Then he told someone else, and the information spreads like wildfire.

How can Zelda tell himself there's a secret entrance when he's deaf?

Only into major languages like German, French and Spanish

it took me exactly 3 seconds to find out

if you had played more than just fortnite you might have figured it ou

When I was young, like 5 or so, I just kind of took them on instinct. For example, I was certain there was a bomb wall in that big rock on its own near the desert, so I bombed it until I found it. Beyond that, I typically bombed any screens that had only a small amount of cliffs on them since they were easy to check, found a few like that.

When I replayed the game in my teens, I methodically bombed every wall on every screen and wrote the locations on a hand drawn map. It took a lot of time, but I was determined to have a complete map of hyrule down to the tiniest piece.