Ice and water are separate magic schools

>Ice and water are separate magic schools

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Fuck off, whenever they get combined it's Ice that gets all the good shit while Water gets the shaft with only one or two spells themed around it.

Yeah because ice is cooler

ok that was pretty good
fuck you

Based icebro

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Ice and Water would be more like different masteries of the same school.
Obviously water would be more fluid and creative, more of a utility with some room for healing, defense, and offence.

While Ice would be a lot more focused on offense. I mean hell, have you ever been pricked by an Icicle? Shit hurts.

more like:
>water and fire magic: wind magic
>water and wind magic: Ice magic

Water is algebra and Ice is calculus
Have to understand how to control the water before you can start fucking around with temperature to change it from a liquid. Same goes for Steam magic but no one learns that.

nice gay faggot magic there

>Ice isn't just water+air

This has to be samefagging, because there cant be two people retarded enough to think water+air is ice

>i'll just push you away lol
Why is wind the worst element?

its literally the only way to make ice if the room temperature doesnt allow it naturally. Go suck a log out of an asshole idiot

That's not how temperature works, user. Take a fucking science class once I'm your life.

Based, fuck watercucks, coldchads rise up.

>ice is its own school
>there's no school for water

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magic wind would allow you to lower the temperature of water in order to make ice tho. Also its fucking magic to begin with so i dont get why youre so assblasted about it you nigger.

>snaps and your lungs collapse and you get the bends

>4 basic elements are fire wind water earth
>their counterpart somehow are ice force time/space poison

Yeah, water is all washed up

>darkness and light are weak to each other

>water spells are their own school of magic
>fire and ice spells are both from the thermal school of magic
Why the fuck do no games do this? It would make so much more sense.

Wind doesnt just fucking absorb energy, energy flows to reach equilibrium. If you've ever felt a warm breeze youd know that wind, no matter the speed, doesnt cool you off, that's just your sweaty aura being blown away from your body. do you think that wind mages just harness the power of AC? Learn how an air conditioner works.

Water and Ice are the same school of magic.
Water and Freeze are two different schools

Water + Freeze = Ice

its cold wind nigger. seriously neck yourself

Or the other case
>Water gets all the good shit
>Ice gets some terrible damage spells
>Poison get some okay damage spells

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>Thunder is an electric spell/attack

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To control and create ice, you need to have the ability to reduce the air temperature around you.

To control water you need to have psychic powers that allows you to move water around, which is completely useless unless your enemy is made of paper, or that you're strong enough to drown them. Honestly if you can telepathically control water you might as well use toxic/acidic/basic substances diluted in water to cause much more damage.

>Learn how an air conditioner works
Technically it's the fluids moving inside the AC that are affecting the temperature. The air is just moving the heat and cold out of the system, not producing any of it.

Underrail kinda does this for the fire and ice psi. They are both under metathermics.

Yeah. It could also be wind. Blasting a bolt of lightning up someone’s ass would cause thunder too.

No you dumb bitch, it's magic. I don't gotta explain shit.

If you were a smart air mage youd know how to control the gas molecules' speed to dictate their temperature. Or just create a superhigh pressure system to crush their head with pneumatic force, or blocked their oxygen supply, or superheated their airways, or literally anything more interesting than lolicanmakewaterintoice

>i'll just push you away lol
>not creating a vacuum and suffocating someone.

>earth and poison are the same

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>water and ice is separate
>fire and magma is combined

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You can literally cut things in half with water using enough pressure.

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>create low pressure zone in immediate area
>air can expand
>temperature drops
>it's a little hard to breath though
Close enough

>Ice and Water are one magic school
>Includes separate offensive Water and Ice magic lines, as well as defensive cleansing and healing magic

Not everyone can be based, OP.

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It's one of those elements you have to master for it to be any good, but you can most likely use most other elements for similar results besides the utility.

You can literally put someone in a personal tornado, then hit them with heavy objects for additional concussions

Is Wizard 101 a thing still? I used to play it when I was a kid.

>Magma is literally earth in a heated state and not just pure fire.
>If you were to touch it, it would glomp to your body part and stick and burn.
>People still think magmalava belongs with fire

>poison is just DoT
>its not based on max health %
>absolutely useless because anything dies before anyway

Runescape did it right.


well it's still going on if that's what you ask

ice is offense/defense
water is healing

Sure, but you can do that using just about any substance. It's not the special properties of water that cut, it's the energy used to create such high pressure difference. It's a mechanical force more than anything.

Meant for

What games are you guys talking about?

>personal tailwind or other movement altering abilities
>Projectile repulsion
>Concentrated rock-slicing wind pressure

Ultra based.

pokemon nigger

Etrian odyssey and Divinity mostly, others games don't have real magic systems

>poison status is actually flat damage
>it can get absolutely OP
Based Etrian Odyssey, one of the few games I've seen doing ailments right

What have you been inhaling user? Go seek medical attention.

>What have you been inhaling user?
water+fire of course

Nah I'm definitely a Water guy. Ice is a subset of Water magic.

Water magic is the control of its movement

Ice magic is the control of its temperature


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Both wrong

>dude air magic is just earth magic because earth is silicon oxide and oxygen is in air too
fuck off

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Because the users are such chads that they don't need good elements to be effective.

>earth magic and gravity magic are different schools
Uhhhh sciencefags?

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Are there any games out there where magic is mostly about utility instead of flinging different colored magic missiles depending on the element?

Ice magic is almost always more accurately described as cold, but it just doesn't sound as good. It's not all frozen water.

>Earth and Tree are not same
>Electricity and Light are not same
>Poison is a separate set not affiliated with anything else
>Ice and Water are separate, Fire and Explosion are two unrelated sets
>Life magic is separate, NOT a part of Light magic

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Arcanum: Steamworks and Magicka Obscura has you covered. 16 spell colleges and the overlap between spells is extremely small.

Very few but magic is best that way. It's why Might and Magic 6 made me rock hard with a sorcerer. Flying and beacons.

>Ice magic is the control of its temperature
>want to make an ice bolt
>have to fetch a pail of water and splash it manually every single time

Yea, the ability to essentially remove heat energy instantly is incredibly OP as shit, and doesn't need to do anything with water.

>Lol a tree and this barren acidic piece of dirt are the same
>One is electrons one is photons
>Fair enough
>Ice may be the "upgraded" high intensity form of magic, as is explosion to fire
>Lol carbons and photons are the same thing.

I i were to cast lava would that be fire magic or stone magic?

Throwing rocks isn't the same as manipulating gravitational fields(which is useless anyway because electric fields are infinitely stronger)

What a crummy school of magic.

Or just become a Blood bender considering the human body is 70% water.
You could basically turn someone’s stomach acid into a fucking instantakill Nuke

SHITTY wizard.

One is liquid, other is solid. But I call that water magic anyway.

Earth magic obviously
What else can it be?

>The rubber and gum are separate elements.

Earth element magic just like stone. But why fire magic isn't air magic?

>game has poison damage
>it behaves like acid

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Technically yes since ice by definition is a mineral/crystal. It just has a very low melting point.
So if someone can manipulate ice does that mean they can manipulate other solid minerals too?

Ice is literally water

Because it also, the digestive acid.

>game has no Impregnation School of Magic

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>Not accounting the flying ability.
Literally unkillable.

That magic school get lot of loans and gpt bankrupt.

>game has magecraft AND sexcraft

>Americans cant understand differences between Cold, Frost, Ice, Water.

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>Water + Fire
>Not steam magic
Eat my brown cherry.

Because fire can burn in the space like a sun.

>Chaos is random effect le quirky spells instead of letting you give birth to the Greek gods

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Honestly the best example of elemental magic where none of them get the shaft is wizard of legend, you can make some really cool combos or themed move sets

Water is soft and Ice is hard water so that means they're different retard.

What about pressure magic, and speeding up of atoms.

It's not really Ice magic. It's Cold magic which is a lot like Fire magic if you were doing it in reverse.

That is speeding up and slowing, atoms magic.

* Water requires a certain amount of MP per cast
* Ice requires twice as much and a prerequisite in fire magic

There, I fixed the argument.

>You can literally force chock a dude Darth Vader style lifting them off the ground and all.
Wind magic is actually OP as fuck
You can spear mother fuckers with mailboxes, trees, fucking cows
Cause internal Hemorrhaging by causing a pressure build up that blows out your fucking eyes and can deafen you.
And don’t even get me started on Torandos

Totino's? What?

Even controlling wind to cut people to ribbons or suffocating people, even amping up fire to make it burn more.

why is water different from earth when both move physical objects?
why is fire and move object magic different when both manipulate energy?

So you are saying you dont like loli mages?


I like wolverine healing magic and bone expand claws magic. Literally OP (overpowered)

Water = you can control water, as in you move it around and such but won't change it's state so it will always be liquid.

Ice = you can move around and control water BUT only if it is frozen, you cannot move the water if it is liquid you can however froze the particles on the hair and control cold.

>tfw no vapor magic

1) Different materials
2) You are channeling energy into a specific point to increase temperature while moving things is simply applying force around and object to control where you want to send it.

So we need heat magic?
Wind + Heat = Fire
Water - Heat = Ice

Why not use that on someone directly?
Instant hypothermia is OP as fuck

Reminds me of this superhero CYOA that has a twist of "superpowers are made more powerful by bravado and belief which is why superhero culture exists" and the protagonist realizes his power isn't just Electricity, it's Energy Control, and uses it as a force multiplier in an all-out brawl to kinetically enhance his strength, as well as shield himself from harm by absorbing the energy from the villain's punches.

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>air is better than fire because a thermobaric detonation is worse than a fireball
your comparison is so out of scale it's beyond retarded.


The only game i can think of where they use element based magic schools is HOMAM VI, and that one was shit.

That's nature druid magic.

I will not be seduced and lose my powerful wizard abilities

Morrowind magic has a lot of utility outside of combat, but in combat its just different colored magic missiles

You dumb broad Water Magic is a meme.

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you fell into my trap, fire magic also only moves plasma, a physical object.

you are foolishly trying to apply real world logic into something that specifically disavows these, but worse, you are trying to make up an explanation to something that defines itself by not explaining shit.
except when it does, and then your explanation is correct, but only then. everything else has its own metaphysical reasoning, to which yours is inapplicable, and therefore wrong, or none at all, in which case, also wrong.

>You can create Fire tornados they burn and Suffocate the ones it couldn’t burn
Getting real WW2 up in here.

no it cant
and the sun isnt fire

>drain a nigga's water from his body
>he turns into a dried up husk
Would this work?

Stop drop and roll plus the fire can literally burn off your pain receptors making you unable to literally feel pain.
>Thermobaric Detonation
Literally the best murder ever
>Completely destroys your fucking brain while your head is still on your shoulders

Fuck outta here Wind Mages are the deadliest by a country mile.

No he’d still drown but the overall content of water in the body would not change unless removed.

>Water and Frost are separated
>Together they make Ice
>It's a really shitty spell
Steam + Arcane all the way

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Water + dark = blood magic.

Is there a more overpowered kind of magic? it can literally kill anyone instantly and do all kinds of fucked up things, is like necromancy but more brutal.

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>Ice magic does double damage to fire
>Water magic does normal damage to fire

Completely useless against specters though.

Because the fire has to exert energy melting the ice, which then douses the fire, duh. Opposed to water that has to fight fire at full power

Completely OP
That’s like Late game abilities where not even bosses have resistances to it

Dark > Ghost

Is ok, you already mastered both water and dark to cover your weaknesses against anything that lacks blood.

So just use a dark spell on em ghosts.

Nuclear mgic is fire magic too.

That's atomic telekinesis to throw two atoms at each other. And you don't even need probability or other materials. You just throw them at each other and bam, nuclear power.

wot manga? google image search gives me nothing

No different since fire is result. However lights magic is different from fire magic.

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I actually already forgot, some shoujo one

>since fire is result
Radioactive energy is the result
Randomly flung around. You need to shoot two atoms to intersect right at the center of your target so the explosion and resulting radioactivity kills your foe and the area around it.

For me it's lumping fire and ice into the same school

Was it any good?

>le electromagnetic force is just fire or wind meymey
>le decreasing molecular motion is just water meymey
Simply eric

Ice and water have completely different physical properties, just how dumb can you be?

Stopped getting scanned after few chapters, but yeah

Ice is literally water

It's water in a completely different state, you moron.

Man not even saucenao finds anything and this thread is the only place that this image has been posted. Do you have a full page?

Radiation is heat that cause fire means it belong to fire element. Not whole telekinetic magic.

Ice can be gas too.

>make someone's blood system wiggle a little
>instant brain hemorrhage

Then why fire isn't air magic?

Water magic is a "generate" magic, like making rocks from the thin air.
Ice magic, even if it use the same generate water magic, its about lowering the temperature of an object, like piro magic its about increasing the temperature.

Because fire is heated oxygen, baka.

Fire is heat and not only oxigen baka.

>fire magic also only moves plasma, a physical object.
youd be a pretty shitty mage if you had to be near a source of plasma to pick some up and throw it

What about other gases? Do laser or plasma magic is fire magic too?

I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World!
Here, just found it in previous thread I used this image as op

yeah okay fair enough

>Wind behind them
>Push them into the sun
Nothing personnel.

>just blow the opponent's magic back at them

>I Want to Be a Receptionist of The Magic World!
thanks brother
They are fire magic to me.

>forcibly removing the air in a person's lungs to suffocate them
>not OP

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Are you sure it stopped getting scanned and the 3rd chapter just hasn't come out yet?

>ice isn't its own element
>but ice is under the earth tree

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I just want my favourite element to be appreciated user, why do you have to absolutely destroy me like that?

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>ice is actually void magic, with the ice being a secondary side effect

Manipulation of energy states and telekinesis would encompass most schools of magic. While as logically consistent as magic can be, it just isn't as fun as Ice and Lava wizards.

It's a lot more colorful to just have demi-elements like ice, lighting, lava, etc. just be mixtures or specializations of the basic elements.

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Sun belongs to fire magic by canon anyway.

>not removing oxygen from their bloodstream instead
step it up, airhead

You know what by your words all four elements belongs to telekinesis magic that moves objects. But it is more complicated than that.

Information magic that creates magic.

Brainlet, go learn what "thunder" means.

>ice magic school
>no snow spells

Yep, that's what I was trying to get across. All magic could just fall under the umbrella of telekinesis, and all wizards could do everything. I just find it dull.

>game uses dragon element

what the fuck is that even supposed to be? Just reptile breath?

>anything but dark and holy
>usefull against the undead

Still need separation on magick elements because one telekinesis is too simple and hard too master.

What is fortune magic? Money magic or something?

>All magic could just fall under the umbrella of telekinesis
Not really.
Heat magic isn't telekinesis.
"Throwing rocks/water/ice/fireballs around" are telekinesis. MAKING those materials are different shit.

Actually it is gravitation magic, that also is spin.

Absolute Magento level control of water would be busted as shit

Faggot detected

The fact that ice isn't very effective vs water is still some of the dumbest shit ever

Just manipulate individual atoms to bounce around faster, or to slow down. Telekenisis, nigger

If water and ice were the same "magical element" then so too would be something like nature, fire, and stone. "If you build up energy in wood it will catch on fire" "wood under pressure and time would eventually degrade into hard carbon".
Every "magical element" has actual science behind it that, when alerted at the atomic level, can step into the realm of another "magical element".

It can depend on what you consider telekinesis, and what the setting is. Moving atomic elements, or agitating them (some sort of work) to a significant degree, is heat practically by definition. "Freezing" would just be slowing them down to a lower state of energy. It's applying the traditional "move stuff with your mind" on an atomic level.

Air benders have a very short range for their air control, they are very much like for benders in that way where so the fire comes from out of the bender. (Unless korra added some bullshit that i haven't seen because I'm not watching that garbage)

I mean, it isn't.

By the time it gets in the blood it's binded with hemoglobin molecules in blood cells for transport. At this point it is solid and thus does not fall under the realm of air.


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It hurts so much bros

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He probably didn't think his post would make such a big splash.

>firecucks/watercucks/windcucks have to ape other elements to stay relevant
Chill out, Ice is a superior element

>fire and magma are different elements

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>game has both fire and earth schools
>lava is a fire spell

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That's belong to spin magic anyway.

Motherfucking Wizardry.
That's the reason why Megumin is a joke in-universe. The best spell are KATINO (sleep) followed by MOGREF (AC debuff). Until you unlock TILTOWAIT(), that is.
That's how it bled in Japanese games like DraQue and Pokémon as the de facto OP but boring strategy, before Sleep Bombing was made a viable option.

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>Earth school is poison

Most bending rules stick around in Korra excluding a few:
1. Blood bending was more widespread than just 1 old lady and Katara, and some blood benders can do it without a full moon
2. Lightning bending isn't exclusive to the fire lord's family any more
3. Magma bending exists, and probably is more likely to show up in earth benders with a parent from the fire nation
4. Air benders can achieve flight by dispelling earthly connections
5. Metal Bending was actually ez as shit and whole cities and police forces use it now
6. Platinum is unbendable for some reason

I liked the way runescape handled combination elements. They've got air, fire, water, and earth. Then you have in-between runes that are combination of two elements. Steam, dust, mud, smoke, lava, and mist.

Water magic is elemental, ice magic is thermodynamic.

They are both belong to telekinesis, see.

It makes sense that new rare techniques would eventually get spread around. There's 70 years between ATLA and Korra.

As far as platinum goes, the justification is that metal bending is actually manipulating the impurities in the metal, and platinum doesn't have any impurities.

If you were a psion, maybe, but in discussing magic it's obvious that water magic is elemental manipulation and ice magic is part of the thermodynamic control school.
Ice magic need not only concern water ice.

Thermodynamic that's belong to ice element.

But all magic are about control atoms. So mages are espers.

>creating water is one school of magic, creation
>changing its temperature is another school, energy manipulation

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>tfw no yuki-onna gf

They're all evocation

How can evocation create matter?

It's magic.

Ice magic is heat magic.

Go away ESL retards

That's literally what evocation IS, dude


So one school of magic to make water
Another to make it cold
And a third to throw the ice spikes you made into the enemy.

You don't need to change the temperature of water to change it into ice.

Nah, evocation creates energy not "things", that's creation or conjuration

A bit of creation magic and kinesis could help you accomplish all 3 of those.

PS1's best JRPG disagrees with you, so there's that.

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If you can evoke a fireball or a strike of lightning, you can evoke water. Fire and electricity are equally as made of matter as water is.

I guess you change the pressure, but that's not cool at all

No, by talking with user I can be a less esl.

Fire and electricity are not matter.

And ice magic is a wacky offensive class.

They literally are 100% composed of matter

>wind and lightning are the same school

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I fucking love water

i see someone hasnt summoned a tornado in Dragon's Dogma

Lightning magic and electricity magic aren't the same thing. Summoning lightning from the sky as from nature is undeniably wind magic, but calling electricity from your fingertips is not.

>water school of magic summons river nymphs
>always wet 4 u
>ice school of magic summons ice elementals
>gay ice clouds that freeze your dick
easy choice

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>lightning magic and electricity magic aren't the same thing

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Ben Franklin and Sasuke would like a word.

Absolutely fucking based

They're "technically composed of", but aren't.
Neither "electricity" or "fire" refers to the matter they are "technically composed of", they refer to the phenomenon.

People cut steel with water. It's this kind of ignorance that shows how little of the population would be mages if we had video game magic.

Water is telekinesis and ice is thermodynamics. Totally different things.

Fire and Ice magic ARE the same though.

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Lightning comes from the sky during a storm. It is exclusively a phenomenon of nature. If you zap somebody with electricity from your fingers you did not cast a "lightning" at them.
Lightning is wind or nature magic. Electricity is electricity.

Fire magic is less about thermodynamics tho and more about reactions.

Wind has absolutely fucking nothing to do with lightning, either in it's creation or release.


Absolutely retarded. Go back to school.

No it's still the worst element in Dragon's Dogma because it completely blocks your view and every goddamn pawn has it because it's popular with retards who like having their pawn do everything while they flail uselessly.

The quake spell, Seism, while weaker, is much better. Because it doesn't block the entire screen with a giant black tornado.

So for all in tense on purposes its the same school

I'm addicted to this shit, can't live without it

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They aren't "technically" composed of matter, they are LITERALLY matter. Matter is the only thing that fire is. When a combustion reaction occurs, heat is released and a cloud of hot particles is created, and that cloud of hot particles is everything that constitutes what we call "a fire".

>Not giga chad muscles
>Not summon steel destroying claws
>Not the power of flight
>Not the ability to speak in dragon tongue
>Not Both Fire and ice breath powers
>Not the ability to breath underwater
Seriously what the fuck?

Reactions aren't magic, they're chemistry. Generating and transmuting chemical components I suppose is magic, but then aren't you more of a conjuror?
If you're generating light and heat through magic you're most likely just shunting energy like a scientifically impossible Maxwell's demon, and by making something really hot you're simultaneously making something else really cold, maybe far away, maybe on another plane, but you are. Even if that place is just the reservoir of your mana that is "colder" now that there is less energy there.

>not ice

Heavens, what a fucking shit sucking faggot we have here.

>cloud of hot particles
lmao way to out yourself as a smooth brain.

You’d literally make Lucy from Elfen Lied look like a weak sauce bitch.

OBVIOUSLY water + fire = ice
because master knowledge of fire magic would inform you that you're actually controlling heat

reminder Fire + Holy is the best combination

>a phenomenon that exclusively happens in the atmosphere because of conditions in the atmosphere
>absolutely nothing to do with the thing which the entire atmosphere is made of
Ok kid

We're talking about magic and you're failing at basic logic here my dude

You're assuming mana is energy as we know it or that magic is fucking scientific at all user. It's called magic because it just works.

your opinion is a diamond dozen in this doggy world

Can you read?

>>a phenomenon that exclusively happens in the atmosphere because of conditions in the atmosphere
Listen fag, don't blame me because you didn't listen in Earth Sciences.

>fire isn't matter
I think it's very clear who the real smoothbrain here is, and it's not me.

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The only thing your sense of vision can detect is light released from the reaction. Light is not traditionally "matter" as much as matter is not traditionally "waves" even though as a high energy physicist they are absolutely the same thing.

Lightning IS static electricity you idiot. Everyone with a high school level education should know this.

>no u

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>low wis high int magic realizes they can emulate high level spells by combining low level ones
>everyone loses their shit

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No matter how fantastical the setting, magic always follows its own rules, but it DOES have rules or else the setting is not consistent.

If you have mana, that IS a source of energy any way you slice it.

I’m currently playing the shit out of this game on switch

A high level kinetic mage could emulate ice or water magic. Or he could just learn the basic ice/water spells instead of autistically sticking to his forte.

>you're wrong but I'm not gonna say why or how, I'm just gonna quote the correct thing you said
Ok kid

Yeah and you don't call static electricity "lightning" unless it happens in the fucking atmosphere during a storm, do you have a sub-room temperature IQ?

Again, you're assuming it's energy *as we know it* when the fact is that's impossible because magic doesn't exist irl. Even then, I've never heard of a magic system beyond FMA that actually accounted for energy in this way. You're just wrong here man.

you can judge which school of magic is the best by comparing their elemental beings and it's clear as day that fire elementals are the hottest

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Nigger i know they're composed of matter, but it still makes no sense to say combustion is matter, combustion is the phenomenon that happens TO matter, this is like saying evaporation is matter, yeah technically it is, but if you were talking about matter you'd call it vapor, it's the phenomenon that's evaporation.
Why did i get into this stupid semantic argument

Holy fuck, you're a retard. It's the same phenomenon and has absolutely nothing to do with how windy it is.

When you evoke a fireball you aren't just causing light to happen, you are literally creating a physical fireball to hit and burn someone with, you fucking retard.

I'm not giving you an 8th grade science lesson senpai. There's a search bar at the top of your screen, educate yourself on how lighting forms and why you're retarded for attributing it to "the wind."

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Fire isn't combustion you absolute idiot

We're talking about wind MAGIC you double nigger not just the fucking air moving.

>just stop thinking and pay for ice magic classes goy

Lmao just turn that energy into matter

>i feel like doing ice magic
>what? no i'm not paying for lessons, i'll just learn to control the molecules individually so I can cool them at will.
based retard

Just because magic breaks the rules doesn't mean you should break all of them at once

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Fire is the byproducts of a combustion reaction it isn't the nonphysical classification itself you idiot.
When you magically cast a fireball at somebody you aren't throwing the concept of a type of chemical reaction at them you are throwing a physical ball of physical fire as an object.

Absolute Magneto level control of electromagnetism would be even more busted

If I were a mage I’d go full autist water/ice element

Yeah, no shit. The point is it's retarded to say they're the same school.

E=mc^2 my dude

>i'll just learn to control the molecules individually so I can cool them at will
sounds more widely applicable that
>lmao ice missile

Ice magic is about manipulating temperature, dunkass. Not literally water ice.

>When you magically cast a fireball at somebody you aren't throwing the concept of a type of chemical reaction at them
Yes you are.
What the hell would fireballs even be made of?

We're talking about someone already that high level. The control required to make kinesis into pseudo-ice magic is ridiculous compared to just learning low level ice moves.

Just because they are equivalent doesn't mean they can spontaneously turn into the other.

No it's not you fucking retard. You can move the air with wind magic. You can change the air pressure. The air temperature. You can make clouds and conjure storms with wind magic.
You only use the word lightning when discussing the thing that happens IN THE ATMOSPHERE DURING A STORM and those conditions are entirely within the domain of wind magic. Making a lightning happen is the domain of wind magic. It happens naturally because of the fuckin atmospheric conditions during a storm for fuck's sake.

>not flexing you command of the universe over pleb elemental ""mages""

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I prefer to dominate people in their own arena tyvm.

They would be made of FIRE. The physical thing you see when something is on fire. The physical thing that you are looking at when you see a fireball hurtling towards your stupid face.

There is no such thing as "physical fire" though, because fire is a reaction, not an object or material. That's what people are teaching you.

The byproducts of fire are ash and carbon dioxide. Which is not what you're throwing at the enemy.

Saying fire is a byproduct is the same as saying melting is a byproduct or that there is such a thing as a "physical melting".

>anything having to do with the atmosphere is wind magic
lmao guess water magic is wind magic too.

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The "thing you see" is just materials that are glowing because of their high temperature. Fire isn't a substance you dumb nigger.

I prefer Necromancy and Blood Magic myself.

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You're a complete fucking retard m8. Wind is about shooting hurricanes out of your ass and blowing chicks shirts up so you can see their vagoos. Wind isn't lightning just because they're both in the sky.

The "thing you're burning" is mana you dumb nigger. Since that's already invisible it just looks like a literal ball of fire.

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Blood magic is neat, but blood mages are always shitters.

I'm a chemist, fuck you. Fire is not a reaction, fire is a thing that can be produced by a combustion reaction. The flames that you see surrounding a combustion reaction are LITERALLY what fire is physically.
You can perform combustion reactions in such a way that they do not produce what any reasonable person would call "a fire".

You are retarded.

The "thing that you see" is literally what fire is. It's what we call fire. If you type fire into google and go to images you'll see a bunch of pictures of this because this is what fire is you dumb retard

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tfw the idea behind blood magic are really cool but you can't ever do anything with it because its also edgy as all fuck

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>you can't use wind magic to make clouds or conjure storms
>you can use wind to make storms like a hurricane but not any kind of storm that produces lightning

Ok retards

But Ice is just the solid form of water...

Blood magic is cool when you're actually using HP.

It's not cool when you're just like a normal mage, but edgy.
Also necromancy and blood magic should probably be opposites, no?

I have a thing for anti-spell magic in games.

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Gods have abstract concepts as a part their powerset

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If it was 99% of other compounds it'd be hard to justify having two schools of magic but let me sit the wizards down and point out how fucking WEIRD water behaves between its two stable states.

>Floats, this is fucking weird as hell, nearly everything else gets more dense and thus heavier in its solid form, ice doesn't. This is good news for life on earth because without that shield there's a good chance we'd never have fucking existed evolved and come to be in state where we're shitposting goddamn now on this Ascension island macramé klatch. Thank ice every day for your life and your cold colas.
>Has capillary action, and specifically van der waals force. not only is this one weird trick (biologists hate him!) another basic reason life can exist, but allows pondskaters to rest on the surface of a liquid that isn't custard (custard is also a school of magic, different conversation) and can be a greater adhesive force than gods-blessed full blown druggy solvent wood glue. Water is so fucking sticky insects had to evolve a fine covering of hair to survive the first drop of rain absorbing them and drowning the little bastard in some kind of liquid orbz fun time.

Everyone makes a mistake with ice and water, they think big. I get that, we see tsunamis and glaciers and imagine power. This isn't where the magic of ice and water lies, its in its most fundamental and singular, infintesimally small components. The next time some fire mage walks up and tries to slap your homunculus on its ass because he thinks he's so fucking hot exploding an element that is basically made to fucking explode remind him your two schools are the reason he's even here to do that. Respect ice mages, Respect water wizards. Winner's don't do divining.

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Flame is the visible gaseous part of fire that people refer to as fire. That's the physical manifestation they probably mean.

Ice = Water + Time magic
You essentially cast "Slow" on the water particles to freeze them. This could also explain why ice attacks often slows enemies too.
I actually liked the minecraft mod. There you can choose between using your own blood, or just harvest the fuck out of everything you find.

>necromancy and blood magic should probably be opposites,
I don't think so. Necromancy already features blood magic in itself. Either having to sacrifice some of your blood in order to raise a corpse or heal your summons, etc.

>you can use wind magic to do all this other shit related to storms because hurr storms = windy an shieeeet
Fuck you, faggot. Wind is not lightning, wind is the not clouds, wind is the not rain. kys.

>Always pick as many force-nullifying powers in all star wars games as I can.

What is a jedi without the force? An idiot with a laser sword.

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then wind and fire should be the same thing, fire is just hot wind

Well how ELSE would you do it?

>controlling air flow and air pressure is totally not a thing you can do with wind magic
Ok Mr retard good day to you sir

And then comes the abjurer with the power to say "No".

darkness should be always weak against light but darkness should be strong against every other element

Hot wind is plasma, which fire is mostly made of, so kind of but not completely.

And of light?

Necromancy is more often than not a type of clerical magic, and those usually contain a mix of all kinds of magical effects

I keep forgetting that this game exist despite how much I played it when I was a kid.
What's the population for this game like nowadays?

>air pressure and shieeeet
You can't even make up your mind if air magic is "le magic I don't need to explain shit" or has some basis in reality.

light is always strong against dark, but it's normal against all others

that's fair as long as you don't do the standard x2 with those other elements.

Only DnD did this and only in modern editions. Cleric spells and necromancy are violently opposed in 99% of scenario.

>yfw there's no game that has lightning/electricity magic that evolves into plasma from you manipulating a fuck ton of electricity to create magnetized plasma from the air

the potential of the devastating moves for this from you shooting a focused beam of it to melt anything it hits or by simply channeling it through your arms like an energy sword or a weapon to slice shit apart. the only thing that you could technically call plasma is the neon powers from second son

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>Custard Wizard
>Can walk on all liquids as long as he moves fast enough
>Reagents are just sachets of Bird's custard powder
>can turn any liquid into a solid by punching it.
>Punching your blood into instant blood clots
>Great at parties with a bit of clingfilm and some big speakers.

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if you have oxygen and a burnable material then the only difference is the heat, so the difference between wind and fire is just that fire is hotter

>lightning magic and magnet magic are seperate things

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How exactly would you balance that for your hypothetical game?


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Necromancy isn't strictly a school of magic, it's more like study that encompasses many schools.

Ice damages by piercing and low temperature, water damages by pressure and blunt force.

There's not a lot of elemental prestige classes like that out there desu. Most of the time becoming a pure lightning wizard is the prestige class upgrade, not going from lightning mage to plasma mage.

Magic can never be crazy in depth because then it would be over powerd as fuck.
If someone does something more powerful that fireball its a plot point and you have to stop them probably with a fireball

give mage players an inch and they'll take a mile tho.

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>Best God uses lightning/electricity
>The only thing it doesn't kill instantly is other gods

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can you think of anything more cuck than wood/earth/nature magic lmao

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at that point everything should be just lightning magic because everything is made out of energy

>space and time are the same school of magic

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that's fair, it should be gravity and time since those are closely related, space is unrelated to those

portal magic by itself can get kinda lame unless you decide to take a batllemage style with it, which is uncommon in itself, whereas time magic more than stands on its own. it's just sharing the love.

>kills you with fungal spores
heh nothin personnel kid

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Literally everything that happens during a storm in real life happens because of the movement and conditions of the air, dude. If you could magically control the movement and conditions of the air you could reproduce any of those phenomena.
Did you have some kind of stroke?

Sure if we've hit industrial revolution levels of magic healing, otherwise I'll never complain about someone who can bring the mad woodlore and wortcraft.

>tfw no mmo magic casting system that uses magika's

No thats trash, space/time/divine whatever special snowflake element is best against all elements. It makes no sense for dark to beat elements like fire or water. Its dark, the fuck are shadow mages gonna do to water or wind? Or fire, a thing which CASTS LIGHT. Next your gonna tell me that light is HOLY and dark is EVIL.

Only if your game is made by unimaginative fags
>enchant an arrow to kill someone 100 miles away
>enchanting oceans with trade winds favorable to your nation
>divining information by listening to the wind
>enchant the skies above your foes nation to be horrible and dark, causing their crops to fail and morale to fall
>conjuring phantoms made of mist to trick the enemy general
>altering your body into mist to be invulnerable to physical attacks
>conjuring a shield of air that repels arrows
>a whole host of lightning spells
God I love Dominions

steam magic is alternate school of ice magic
both require water magic as prerequisite

> light is HOLY and dark is EVIL
ye, that's the point

>Only DnD did this and only in modern editions
I'm not talking about it being literally called clerical magic and using the "cleric spellbook". The fact that it opposes holy/light magic in most fucking games makes it a type of clerical school of magic. You ever killed a zombie with "heal", dipshit?
Necromancy is regarded as clerical or shamanistic by a shitload of settings and games, because it was performed historically by fucking priests IRL and devs did some fucking research.

>magic affinity is based on personality

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>best god
>isn't the god of smiths, craftsmen and artistry

>water can be consider as being healing magic
>but so is earth/nature magic

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Christ m8, storms have a lot of atmospheric shit going on. It's way more than air pressure, as I said; it's also ice particles and, get this ELECTRICAL current.
>I can make it rain because blah blah, air pressure
Oh yeah, so now you're manipulating a fuck ton of elementary particles.
>N-no muh magic needs no explanations
Then just shoot some lightning out of your ass
>N-no because that's not lightning it's electricity
Lightning IS static electricity
>N-no because that's not nature and shit
Oh, so you have nature magic?

You're running on this retarded circular reasoning.

Reminder that the best element of magic is lead

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>god of smiths, craftsmen and artistry
Do these actually overlap often? Usually artistry gets thrown in some faggy gods pile whereas the smiths get world shapers.

Not that guy but light and its absence are a fucking magic goldmine taken your way anyway:

>if you can transmute into it, congratulations instant and terrifyingly fast movement/transportation. Or just turn light into a solid magic carpet and zoom around the earth 2.5 times a second.
>obliterate people with photon cannon spells like that poor bastard who stuck his head in the LHC.
>no expensive candles
>no naked flames
>invent magic optical fibre and you've just made the mageternet
>All the enlightened puns you could ever wish for.
>create shields of absolute darkness that absorb all waves of energy, basically render any non-physical attack as irrelevent (light has this with reflecting too)
>Mad money making the BLACKEST clothes for the goth market
>Thieves love him!
>completely undetectable on radar
>threaten an eternal eclipse when the mage revenue service sends the bailiffs.
>Black comedy is basically a sub-skill by default.

I'm more insulted when stuff like this isn't the case. Lore should be done hand-in-hand with balancing.

Don't they usually add a course sand to the high pressure waterjet?

Nice try cucklord but you're not fooling anyone, in nearly all settings something called a cleric and something called a necromancer will have different spells.
lmao at the argument about healing zombies, it's a trope used to portray them as antipodal magic, why dafuk are you owning urself

I mean. Every other element does the same thing, only like half the time they do it better.
>Elemental missile
>Just destroy the crops instead of waiting months, because most food crops are more dependent on soil condition than sun
>Conjure elemental golems to just crush the enemy generals

I always see water and ice as different elements, but never fire and lava. I wonder why.

Nobody knows what the fuck to do with chaos.

Dark, light, fire, energy, psionic are easy, but nobody knows what the fuck kinda abilities chaos should get.

And nobody knows what twilight(dark+light) should do.

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Not that guy but yes, but also water itself at high enough pressure can do it, the sand just lessens the energy required.

My bad, I meant artisan but since all artists are artisans I conflated the two.

Then lets take a moment to think about the idea of no one magic being tied to some form or moral or divine status. Its all just out there available for any shmuck to practice and master. In this case how would anything other than light dark make sense?

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we gud. I was just curious.

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most of that work was produced by a huge machine made of metal so this is clearly an example of metal magic

is the power of controlling thermodynamics the most OP ability?

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what the fuck is your idea of darkness magic here user? most darkness magic completely envelops everything.

Dude do you understand how lightning happens? How that electrical current is generated? How all the particles get there?
It's the air bro storms literally happen because of the fuckin weather.
Do you think somebody needs to be there to place all of the electrical currents in the fuckin clouds? Or do you think the electrical currents happen due to the motion and conditions of the air that makes up the fuckin storm?

Do you think storms are spontaneously generated by Jesus fucking Christ? God, man, where do you think the weather even comes from? If you can fuck with the goddamn atmosphere you can create the goddamn weather, how is this so hard for you to understand?

>dark and chaos are separate elements
for what purpose

Chaos can often be represented by entropy, one way to handle it.


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>make things hot or cold
not really. can't go wrong with the basics tho.

dark is the lack of light so light always wins, if you can't see then you're fucked though so dark always wins against something that isn't light

Hot and cold are relative, controlling thermodynamics is energy manipulation taken to the extreme.

Not that user but Jesus Christ does not have power over creating storms but rather to calm them.
He is some sort of a SuperCleric

>Defeated by Greater Summoning of Boltzman Brains
Laughing at you right now Thermos wimps.

>not doing both
do you even cast fist?

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I mean if I got sent back in time with any magical ability I want, healing 100% of the time. But if that wasn’t on the menu making things hot or cold is an amazing power set. Use it offensively, defensively, practical, and technological. It is the best power set. Outside of healing.

Water is substance control school
Water + arcane = ice or steam

>cast magic
>unga warrior just resists it and stabs you
What the fuck?


>to the extreme
nigga obviously I'm using simplified terms, but I know how thermodynamics works. I do HVAC for christs sake, it's my job. It's not really OP, but something so simple can be used to massive effects.

Thermodynamics is by no means simple, is what I'm saying.

Jesus dude, did you read anything I said? You can't use the "I don't have to explain shit" routine and then arbitrarily decide where the science begins and the magic ends. Just pushing the wind isn't going to generate shit (I assume you've heard of fucking magnetism? As in, the magnetosphere?? The atmosphere??? Charged particles????) Seriously go back to school m8, you're a fucking retard.

It is tho. Don't try to act pompous over simple vibrations. The effects can be great, but that's all it boils down to.

Because Water is a chemical compound, and "Ice" is just shorthand for the removal of thermal energy.

It's like saying Cow magic and Cheeseburger Magic are the same thing

>elemental magic
what's the point?

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Water is strong against Dark
but Water is weak against Chaos

Go figure.

Serious question that is in no way meant to derail you two; if I have power over thermodynamics, how fast things vibrate, could I use that ability to make someone cum be vibrating their genitals?

how the fuck do shitters manage to put food analogies in everything? this really activates my almonds.

Wind is awesome.
>Creating a vortex of air to deflect projectiles
>huge fucking tornadoes
>fuck with opponent's balance in a fight
>air punch
>long range pocket sand
>directed poison/mustard gas
>Napalm tornadoes
I'm just scratching the surface.

Well it's really molecules vibrating, but I guess if you could control enough on a large scale then maybe. Definitely wouldn't be thermodynamics by that point but the principle could remain the same.

but ice is water

What about TWILIGHT?

Ice magic would be pretty balanced between defensive and offensive applications, invoking cold weather upon a battlefield would drastically debilitate unprepared opponents. You could also make ice chains or freeze an enemys weapon.

Man, this game was such fucking wasted potential. Great concept but the poorly implemented mechanics and non-ending ruined it for me.
Cute fairies, though, and the MC has a nice ass.

cryokinesis and pyrokinesis the same in my opinion, it's just moving energy from one area to another, the same way your freezer works.

Aerokinesis has so many applications and the most versatile of the four elements:
>You can fly or surf the winds
>Repel attacks because of air vectors
>Use air pressure to land stronger melee attacks
>Enhance Speed by reducing air resistance
>Amplify sound due to airwaves
>It can increase sense, if the user is able to feel and detect air around him/her
Air even be used as a form of telekinesis, where they can control objects via wind currents. And telekinesis is one of the most broken powers out there.

It's pretty OP similar to how people who can control water should be able to control people's blood, which makes their victims helpless puppets.

The opened shirt looks good but he needs "ouch!" tattooed on his chest as a final touch.

It's like mayonnaise. They go with everything!

>Steam magic
Steam is fucking devastating. Why don't more games allow you to use steam offensively? Or hell, even just media in general. Everyone sleeps on steam.

>chaos magic
>no order magic

Well at the very least you'll be in pocket with photographers.

You can freeze solid almost anything liquid

The only true way to define the elements is by Aristotle. The element was named after a traditional element but your level of control was based on characteristics of your target.
Fire had control over anything hot and dry
Air has control over anything hot and wet
Water controls cold and wet
And Earth controls cold and dry

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Ice is folded into Water along with the elements of Wind, Fire, Earth, Space, Time, and Mirage. But if you wanna use the good spells you need enough of each element. Hope you have enough magic rocks.

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Where's quintessence on your list?

>Fire and ice are different schools

Because you are basically styling with two op magics anyway. If you can combine fire and water, kill with fire or water.

>imagine having magic schools dedicated to elements instead of having magic schools grouped by their purpose

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I think you meant 7:39

In Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (a roguelike) one of the type of cloud (environmental hazard) is steam. It deals surprisingly good damage and can be created by casting a fire spell on a tile with water. The game used to have a spell call Evaporate that could be used to create various effects with thrown potions. It could be used with bottles of water to create lethal clouds of scalding steam, it was removed from the game for being too imbalanced.


>implying a TES destruction mage could even beat a WoW pyromancer

Nothing wrong with the push spell, I would say it is even overpowered, cast push on an arrow and the enemy mage won't even have time to react and counter it. Only way to stop a wind mage is with forcefields(Good luck making one without wind) or setting everything on fire, that is why you use wind mages to snipe a fire mage before he goes on a village burning rampage.

>what is reality warping/omnipotence
>food analogy magic can access any form of magic one can make a food analogy of

>best school of magic
>not transformation magic

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just used that pic because oblivion's class portraits were comfy af, not really big on WoW lore but it always seemed like their mages could do whatever and they just split them into fire/arcane/ice even though they could do much more in warcraft 3

Nah there's definitely specialties. Even Jaina/Kael only really used Ice/Fire magics respectively. My only point was that being a jack of all trades is always worse than heavy specialization.

Darkness is just the absence of light, the light mage should have the advantage until their light source dims, which is inevitable as light is finite yet darkness is infinite, their is only so long the dark can be illuminated for.

>Terramancer cast earth armor
Your wind arrow is null.
>Push spell is overpowered
Why push with wind when you can hurl a rock and push with that

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>because then it would be over powerd as fuck.
In any self respecting universe with magic, magic should be overpowered. Being magicless in a world based on magic should rightfully make you the weakest piece of shit in a direct fight. That's why assassins are sneaky, and why warriors come in the thousands to compensate for their lack of individual ability.

>Why push with wind when you can hurl a rock and push with that
That's not a push user, that's a punch.

RIP stalker class. Game was never the same since.

A punch is just a push that has abandoned all pretense of diplomancy.

Yeah so it's not a push anymore.

That's bullshit.

The best spell in DD is Gicel followed closely by Comestion.
The ideal Mage pawn setup was:
>Levin (or fireball)
>Holy pact
The ideal sorc pawn setup was
>Holy Affinity

Well yes but in elder scrolls the difference between the knowledge you need to use fire and to use ice is pretty much nonexistant and it's mererly a matter of preference, also the fire/ice/electricity thing is only a gameplay limitation, those elements are the most common but a skilled destruction wizard can do much more.

>use wind to increase the force behind your unarmed attacks

Not really. What would be the point of specializing if everyone could just be god mode at everything. Even in your own example with TES I bet they'd be more powerful casters if they did elemental/energy focus instead of casting school focus.

What are some action games with spells that let me fuck around with the enemies and shit

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dark mesiah

I really feel like they would be more powerful in general if they split the schools differently. As it stands the only mages to really stand out are ones that shatter that mold.

Good luck putting up your rock armor in 1/100 of a second that my arrow pierces your neck.
>Why push with wind when you can hurl a rock and push with that
Lets say you miraculously get your rock armor up and throw a rock at me, I simply just push the rock back at you, the bash type damage should be able to harm you through the armor. Slow big damage won't work on a versatile school of magic like wind.

not really spells, more like magic whale powers but you can do some cool stuff with it in dishonored

Not that guy, but I feel like you'd already have to vastly overpower the earth mage to be able to throw his own rock back at him. At that point it's more of a battle of magic output than elemental forces.

Yeah I'm aware

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Is there a separate school of magic for every allotrope of ice or are they all the same?

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Why do developers make Time and Gravity magic overpowered bullshit

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>He didn't become a Gas Wizard
I'll assure you your death will be quite pungent my dear

Honestly i believe that dark mirrors light in a lot of its abilities such as "magically solidifying" the element, the difference is in how its applied

wait until you face the electromagnetic and nuclear magics.

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that's not how magic works in tes, magic is magic, you do whatever you want with it, the only thing that limits you is your skill and knowledge in an area of magic, swaping out fire for ice is super simple whereas restoration spells and destruction spells are very different and require different skill and knowledge

>Nuclear magic
That is clearly just fucking science

Storm is kind of water

magic is a science

If dark mages can make EVERYTHING dark then by that same logic fire mages can make EVERYTHING fire. How do you fight a fire mage when you get incinerated before you're even 20ft from him? You can't, therefore there are limits to what mages can accomplish IMO.

Yeah. Windfags are always like that. “I can summon tornados and create mile wide vacuums of air, how can fireball even compete”. Pretty much the only way someone can pretend wind is even good is by being retarded.

But what if light is just the absence of darkness?

Loved that little brat, he was one of the MVPs of the final fight.

not nuclear as in nukes, but nuclear as in the elemental force that keeps atoms together. Basically you kill people by dousing them lethal doses of radiation, or by nuking them.

>He doesn't main Strong Nuclear Force
Enjoy being utterly annihilated at the atomic level wind/water/fire/earth fags

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You should apologize to Gravitychads since nothing is repulsed by them.

that wouldn't make sense, because darkness has no way to be directly or indirectly measured.

lel I'm heart nigga, you now have no motivation. good luck ever getting an erection again lmaoooooo

you know what
thank you
Yea Forums is forgetting itself

Literally Dungeons&Dragons like Baldurs Gate.
Mage vs mage is like hacking duel montage but with spells.

if you call it ice magic then people assume that snow isn't involved. If you call it frost magic, then snow is included, which is good because otherwise snow wouldn't have an element to fit with.


Would wind and fire be the same then you fucking smarty pants?

Water magic is the basic class.
Ice, which is just frozen water, would be the advanced class since you would still be using water magic, only enhanced with cold effects.

>Stone and Earth are two different things.

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>Impossible to predict
>Infinite options = an answer for any problem
I think we can all agree that CHAOS, CHAOS magic is the best here.

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No, make it stop!

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anyone knows the manga this was from? I like magic school shit

>ghost is an element

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>bone is an element

Strong force is a one trick pony
Electromagnetic force is elder god tier

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Divinity Original Sin 2 has a pretty good magic system.

>if there is water on the ground of mist in the air you can electrify it
>oil can be lit on fire
>using water magic can extinguish fire or wash away other crap
>you can teleport enemies, allies, and objects in combat
>necromancy allows you to absorb blood from injured characters to heal or reanimate corpses
>certain foes are not harmed by or can even be healed by certain elemental magic, so you at times you can use offensive spells to heal certain characters
>plenty of buffs and healing spells
>there are also some oddball spells like charm that allow you to temporarily make an enemy fight for you

Uhhh it ls tho

what game

>earth magic deals elemental damage instead of physical

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>earth and rock are seperate elements

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>ice counters fire
>water doesnt

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Duh why do you think Firefighters shoot ice at fires

>nature damage

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>magic shield blocks 12 tons of soil being dumped on your head
>doesn't block some dude punching you in the face

>game has scat magic

>paradox magic

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>bosses arent immune to poison

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>time magic
>nothing actually happened because it already happened but didn't

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>mysterious time spell
>it takes you back to the start of the game

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Next you're going to claim lava and fire magic are the same thing.

Lava fits better under the nuclear magic.

Lava is an earth ability because volcanoes are a rock thing.

I don't like this gif, please never post it again

Are there any games that allows me to be a powerful alchemist?
I really enjoyed playing Divinity Original Sinand hurling shit at enemies.
I'd much rather bean someone in the face with a bottle of acid than shoot a poison spell

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Yes, skyrim

>Elements are fire, water, earth, wind, and metal

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