Tokyo Mirage Sessions Encore

>hated by almost everyone for being a "lie".
>Censored to hell and back.
>The biggest WiiU flop together with W101.
>Is getting a Switch port.
Explain this bullshit, seriously, explain why this is happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because everything is ports and "nostalgia" now.

Maybe, if they uncensor it, it can find a niche this time.

Guess it wasn't that big a flop after all

>there's no longer a lie since we know what to expect
>the censorship can be dialed back and missing content can return
>the Wii U itself was a flop and its games perform better on Switch as a whole
This is the perfect chance for the game to actually reach its intended audience, provided they ARE smart enough to fix the censorship issues.

i didn't buy it for wii u because it was censored, but if they fix the censoring in the port i might buy it.

Im seriously perplexed too, both FE and purse owner fans hate it, the only potential buyers are the horny idolfags and they even removed that appeal. Who the fuck buys this?

It was a flop, but all the parties involved didn't lost money on it. Atlus and Nintendo were basically "paid as mercenaries" by Avex to make this game so they didn't lost a shit and Avex itself got exactly what they wanted out of the game: PR for their singers and profit from concert tickets and music CDs, which seems to have been massive.

The footage was still censored during the direct, if you really want to play it you're better off getting a patched version of the game on a hacked Wii-U that restores the censored stuff.

But the website has uncensored screenshots.


I'm not joking, the one person I know who's played it is female.

Does it has the wedding outfit restored? That one pisses me off to no end.


japan only.

>magic and dragons + teenagers killing god = wannabe idols
I'd bet my left testicle this is the worst vidya crossover ever.
>"look there are swords and lances and axes and they form a weapon triangle, just like fire emblem!!! and there's a hee ho mart, with the little frozen guy you like!1!! that'll be $60."

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>Game is still censored.
>However, the Characters NOTICED it.
>A new story is added about the Characters realizing something odd and investigating.
>Ends with a boss battle agains parodies of treehouse.
>Winning uncensors the game.

Most people have probably gotten over the "lie" at this point. Those who do still care wouldn't buy it anyway, but those who either didn't care or didn't know will now be like "ooh what's this new game?"
As for censorship, that's again something that is probably only really cared about by a small percentage of potential customers.
Most games flopped on WII U because the console itself was a flop. The switch is definitely getting way more ports but I think people are more prepared to overlook it because the ports are mostly coming from a console that didn't do too well, so there's a more legitimate case for "not enough people got to experience this game" as a reason to release, at least compared to something like the call of duty 4 remaster.

Nips love it thats all that matters


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I still don't fucking know. Maybe they're getting paid to shit out a port.

They didn't, they hated it.

They wanted to port a Wii U JRPG but realized that their only other option was fucking Xenoshit so they went with this instead

Switch isnt region locked

>Atlus promised a Switch game
>doesn't want to make SMT V
>port wii u game to Switch
>Here's your Switch game bro
>SMT V cancelled
There's your reason.

The game is like 95% fire emblem jerking, and 5% smt references. Devs don't give a shit about smt.

>Nips love it
>sold 200k copies lifetime
In contrast P5 sold the same amount on opening week on PS3

Can you read Japanese?

Yet Fire emblem fans hated it too, excwpt for a few autists.

Last I recall they hated it almost as much as we do.

Most games nowadays have an english option

What? They are porting Xenoblade 1, with updates even.

Most Wii U games "flopped", because the console itself flopped. Every Wii U game re-released on the Switch has sold better on Switch to some degree, why wouldn't they want to rerelease every exclusive?

Monolith Soft itself said that porting xenoblade x would be "too hard and too expensive" and are, remaking Xenoblade 1 for switch instead.

A niche game in a console that sold like shit

I was genuinely interested in this game but I was using a pc and ps3 as my only platforms during that time, so I didnt get to play it. Now that I have a Switch, I'm eager to play this game when it comes out

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Because I didn't get around to buying it on the Wii U and there is a small chance that I might get around to buying it on the switch.

It was a flop because it was on the WiiU. Haven't you seen all the fags begging for Persona on Switch? Now they're getting it.

"Being an idol is so much fun guys! Honest!"

Because no one got to fucking play it. Every opinion formed about the game is tied to the limited scope of people who bought a fucking Wii U.

Personally, I've always wanted to play it and can't wait for it to be free from the shackles of that huge mistake.

They liked it, also the OST was a MASSIVE success

It’s a legitimately solid JRPG and I’m glad it’s getting a re-release.

Funny considering the game was developed by the team behind Strange Journey. The dungeons and combat are full SMT.

If is still censored, not even the switch will save it. This game, together with fatal frame and bravely second, are the infamous "censored three", the games that made NoJ realize treehouses' bullshit and now they have them by the neck (which is irony because bravely second censorship wasn't treehouse' fault).

>Not Fates
Nigger come on.

Nintendo think Switch fans will buy any shit, and the sad thing is they are right. It will sell this time.

Best part is it's still censored.

If tokyo mirage sessions is censored on nintendo switch, i'm sure as hell not buying it. I boycotted it on wii u.

The game was fun on the WiiU and I'll happily buy it again. Normally I skip ports, but I really liked TMS. It had a lot of soul.

Heres to hoping for TMS2

The switch port is probably nintendo giving it its last chance (considering it has already flopped twice) before dropping this shit series and putting monolith soft on permanent zelda development.

It’s actually a good game.

The Wii U is getting reconned out of console history so I can't begrudge any company from saving its few exclusives from it by porting it to a better platform
That said, for how much they're advertising this as a "definitive edition" they better add some more shit to it, and not just "here's your new special attack + 3 costumes bro"

But I don't care at all about anime tits. I just want to play the game. Though people that do might be the majority on Yea Forums, does not mean that it's a majority of the market for it's release.

>Xenoblade 2

So far they've confirmed a new song and hinted at three new playable characters.

>Flopped twice.

I’m glad at the very least you won’t beable to discuss this game on here you absolute cuck of a faggot.

Makes more sense to remake the more popular game


Holy shit, can you fuck off? this not even a xenoblade thread you fucking obsessed animal in denial!

Probably talking about the first XC flopping on both the Wii and the 3ds
Moronic statement though, the remaster will easily sell a million copies. Not on a handheld and massively upgraded visuals

>Not even 2 million sales after being shilled in THREE different directs

Wait, I'm a cuck because I don't care about the game censoring the tits on an underaged anime character? I have a woman to fuck, I don't need fake anime girls. I just want to play the video game.

The only faggot cuck here is you if you're so held up on enjoying something because you can't ogle fake tits as well in it.

I hope that's not the case. Nintendo needs a good jrpg series and variety of games in general, and I'm glad they realize this.

They wasted time porting this instead of at least giving us SMTV news

They never released at statement if xbc1 and xbx flopped. The only sales related thing they ever said was that "xenoblade 2 sold much more than their expectations".

Ironic weebs?

>I'd bet my left testicle this is the worst vidya crossover ever.
PS Move Heroes.


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it actually is a good game, and now we know what we're getting
having a proper rerelease, maybe uncensored and with new comtent would be a godsend

Unless they're doing an Asian release it doesn't mean shit to 99% of Western Switch owners.

>Replying to the bait.

Wonderful 101.

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>buy my game user!

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The great thing about idols is that they are young (often underage) and wear sexy outfits. Japan actually understands this- Americans don't have a FUCKING clue.

That game flopped even harder than TMS, so probably never

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Kill yourself beaner

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back to resetera you faggot


If they uncensor it I unironically will.

I don't get it.

Its not censored. Fire Emblem 3 Houses had footage censored in the trailer and direct to appeal to normalfags, in the game the footage was not censored. Stop spreading false info.

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Not censored.

Nintendo realized that ironic weebs exist and want in on this cancerous demographic. Also this

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Now that would be kino.

The Japanese trailer used footage from the "localized" version of the game, though. Not a promising sign.

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Yeah, I remember reading that. There was a lot of speculation about a sequel being made. I'm willing to bet that got shelved for a bit and when they saw the success of the switch decided to do a quick port of TMS and restart the sequel

What if is now censored in japan to

Lots of otaku gave it bad reviews and boycotted the game because a) the zipper pants got removed and b) a towel for a special edition got changed from pic related left to right on very short notice, which caused many to drop their preorders.

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>appeal to normalfags

Lol first most Americans can't even read subtitles. Ever. Second they hate the sounds of Japanese girl voice actors: the language is too high pitched. Third this game is steeped in Japanese culture.
Marketing morons.

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concert promoters got what they want.


NO, even if now I got a Switch!

Why user? Do you hate Tsubasa?

I hated the fact I was lied off.

I hate censorship.

My take is they started with the localized version as a base, because that got released later and is the most up to date project, and then started to merge the other stuff back into it.
I really hope they revert most of the censorship but it could be that some of it remains, we have no way to know at this point.

What if the small team working on the port doesn't even know the aversa cutscenes are different between the versions?

>they liked it
>no one bought it
>b-but they liked it trust me!

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200k bought it on a WIIU

If anything, it shows W101 is guaranteed to get a port soon

That's been more or less confirmed already. With Pikmin 3 still not announced, I believe the rumblings of Pikmin being rebooted and P3 being held back ala MPT and MP4 are true. That really only leaves Mario 3D World. XBX is too expensive to do, Tecmo just got sued over Fatal Frame infringement. Devil's Third and Starfox Zero were actual flops.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this game? I vaguely remember it was billed as a SMT/Fire Emblem crossover at first was it not?. What the fuck is it now then?

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Persona but instead of mythological figures your persona is a FE character.

You are making compelling arguments but I'm still waiting until release for game footage. Provided the game is restored, I will buy it. can summon Hector in battle to hit enemies for you or something? What's up with the dancing and idol stuff then?

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Wasn't excited then, not excited now. Persona 5 was shit too, and I'm bored of Etrian Odyssey after 10 games that are literally all the same. Maybe RE Fantasy will be cool but I'm pretty over Atlus

>girl with green ponytail looks the hottest of the bunch
>main girl looks dumb as a brick
Explain this shit

Chill out. There was a literal decade between SMTIII and IV. Once they get their shit together for V, we'll probably see a flood of spin-offs.

>Expecting FE Characters other than original, awakening, fates and now tree houses.
Reminder that IS still is in denial over Lyn being the most popular FE girl ever.

it's way better than Persona 5 honestly

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Not a huge fire emblem fan, I only played most of Awakening and 2 routes in Three Houses but off the top of my head I'm going to assume they push Tharja/Lucina/Camilla/Azura/Edelgard a lot. How close am I to being right?

Is the combat good?
Dungeon designs good?
Can I skip cutscenes so I don't have to deal with this idolshit?
Music good?

All I need to know before buying it. I don't give a shit about anything else.

My only guess it’s definitively not Atlus’s money

I wanted to play it, and now it's finally getting ported a console people own

Makes sense I however don’t care for it

>Is the combat good?
Yes, had some flaws but they seem to be fixed.
>Dungeon designs good?
Absolutely, it's not just linear corridors.
>Can I skip cutscenes so I don't have to deal with this idolshit?
Yes, you can even skip short cutscenes in dungeons when riding a platform or something.
>Music good?

What are the odds they make the main story and sidequests shorter?

Was P5 censored?

Go fuck yourself

>Release date: December 26, 2015
Yeah dude, the game is total Edelgard wank.

I meant the developers in general, not in this game you doofus.

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>Day after Christmas
The second biggest shopping day in the US
I might hate their game but I gotta say that’s pretty ballsy

>3 houses
>not censored
>slew of dialogue rewritten to conceal as many sexual references as possible
Ok chief

>Is the combat good?
>Dungeon designs good?
>Can I skip cutscenes so I don't have to deal with this idolshit?
Yeah, although there's only like 2 actual idols and one of them is male
>Music good?
It's great

Playing through it right now. It's actually really fun.

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That's the Japanese release date.

The cover is really nice

I'm buying Barry's game

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What was censored in the three houses trailer?


The Sword of the Creator was blood free when Seiros cradled it in the initial trailer.

No. You guys are overthinking it. Japanese YouTube has a similar policy on the whole lewd thing, a smaller channel can take the hit but a company can not. If it was censored you would see the Japanese site having it censored which was not in the thread and on the Twitter conversation.
Fair enough judge as it releases but do not be surprised if it ends up being a Catherine Full Body situation where everyone was claiming it was censored due to a VA and it turns out it was not despite the Translator and various early reviews mentioning it was not.

No. Atlus does not do so. Unless told to. which ended up being the issue work Treehouse. But they do not translate anymore. They are just PR nowadays.

This game was one of the biggest flops Atlus put out. Like, near Trauma Team levels, but not nearly as good.

Purse owner fags and nu-FEfags love it though. SMT fans and old school FE players were the ones livid about it.

The first XBC and the 3DS version also were impossible to find after the first run.

Platinum have literally made statements saying they are doing research for porting the game over. I give it next year.

I believe 1.5 million is an achievable number. If it actually gets to 2 million or more I would say Nintendo is going to ask them to make it a series.
This is true and I have noticed games that were on the Wii-U are being ported over to Switch doing well. It's safe to say all games will be ported over.

This game was good mechanically, but a shit show regarding everything else.
At least you don't need to sit through minute long sequences anymore though.

I thought the girl was the MC. Why is she in the corner?

The gameplay is SMT with a vague FE skin.

What? The guy is the MC, he always was.

Itsuki was always the main character, he's the one not familiar with the idol industry and serves to bring the player in by being ignorant. He just wants to support his friend, which is why he slowly gets pushed toward being a producer.

>Port has a new superboss.
>Is fucking Nanashi and Demifiend as a duel boss.
>Hard like the legendary Demifiend's battle in DD2.

No but only because I want Nanashi and Asahi as the superboss of SMTV

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I'd be down for more forefront SMT references.
But considering the nature of the game it should be a Strange Journey or Devil Survivor boss.

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Dammit, I mean DDS1, DDS2 has the fight against Satan which is not as cool.
Here is the demifiend battle for the newfags.

Why are white people like this?

Add Lyn and we have a deal.

I bought it.
I liked it.
I'm going to buy it again.
Suck my dick.

That's just a polite way to say ''never ever, X was a mistake''. They very fact they're REMAKING XC1 instead of doing a by the book port of XCX is really telling.

They are mainly remaking Xbc1 because they want to retouch some lines, add some connections and completely replace Klaus's scene so the SPOILER looks more authentic.

then in the worst case scenario all the non retards with hacked switches will have a patched version

So is this thing getting a special edition or not?

Probably not. They're probably just trying to recoup their losses
A limited edition is expensive

dude M-Deus is already fucking hard, it's the second hardest SMT boss after Demifiend. If Nanashi and Demifiend crosses into this game it sure would become hardest boss in SMT history

I have a friend who refuses subs no matter how bad the english voices are. I can't stand the british voices in xenoblade, the last story, etc. and only will play them in jap

>Recoup loses
What loses?

m-deus already gives dds demifiend a run for his money as the most bullshit superboss in a megami tensei game

The wii u one have like 1 Special edition that costed a thousand dollars sepcial edition before, I'm pretty sure there will be a special edition this time only for japan

Who the fuck is m-deus?

palette swap of Medeus, and only Dragonbane attack can hurt him

Meh, that fucking sucks. Also, is the first time I ever heard that this game actually has a super boss.

Like other FE there's Arena when you can fight challenging battle

What happened to this?

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It's dead, user

Check back next year.

I always felt TMS#FE was the one Wii U title that most deserved a port. Critically underrated game, glad it's getting another chance for people who missed it first time.

>>there's no longer a lie since we know what to expect
Everyone knows it doesn't work like this in the mind of your eternally seething shitposter.

>>hated by almost everyone for being a "lie"
not true
its true that getting promised something like smtxfe and then getting B tier persona was a letdown
but the actual game was also a shit c tier persona

>moments later mentions aversas tits being covered up
is this nigga retarded

and if you play the game, Aversas Tits is full on display five seconds later

>>The biggest WiiU flop together with W101.
Can one really say this when all the music and live performances exceeded their expectations by a lot?
Like the game sales under performed for sure, but all the sales surrounding it did the contrary.

Certainly that makes it less of a flop, no?

It's more like everything related to the game but the game itself was a success.

Ahh yes, the highly anticipated SMT-FE crossover...fucking KEK

which is perfect analogy to trash anime only selling waifu figurines and merchandise but not the anime itself cause its trash

The game itself failed, but the merchandise around it don't. Is frustrating as it means that the parties involved in this lie didn't lost anything from it.

It sold badly because of piracy.
It'll sell badly again because of piracy.

that doesn't change the fact that the cutscene is censored in the NA release on the wii u and apparently the switch release too, does it?

Would you let Tsubasa give you a full-body paizuri?

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Couldn’t we just download the Japanese version and turn on English subtitles?

i really want a smt game

>hated by almost everyone
As usual Yea Forums is wrong by everything.

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More horny weeaboos and otaku own a switch.

>one crossdressing joke is a "slew"
Okay retard

Flayn isn't a child, what?

The game isn't even lewd in the slightest.

interdimensional demons stealing peoples creative energy to eat. entertainment company is also a front for people investigating the above. FE characters are essentially personas. tiki calls you oniichan. Boss calls you ara ara

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>Maiko is now a party member
Worth it for that alone

>Tiki isn't

Tiki has party icon user, She is definitely playable

Good game and will rebuy.

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Why can't they just release this shit uncensored so I can buy it?

No, they'll remove entire gravure dungeon completely and change it with a dungeon about Tsubasa glasses

Based as fuck

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>waifubait game
>can't romance anyone
Nah it will flop

Itsuki is not self insert

And neither is geralt of rivia but it has romance options?

Why romance the girls if you can roast them all?
And Itsuki become president of the company so he can fuck the girls anyway he wants

>Less than 100 reviews.

man I hope so. It's the only game that's still being held hostage by the Wii U and I want to replay it so fucking bad

>Explain this bullshit, seriously, explain why this is happening.
It's super easy to port things and super cheap

It's going to get the Atlus rerelease treatment, so expect a new girl and some new content.
Plus every Wii U game that's been rereleased on Switch has sold way better because people actually bought Switches. I'm glad the game will find a new audience, now we need the same to happen for Xenoblade Chronicles X and Wonderful 101.

It does feel like a compromise though, like Nintendo is saying "Well we're not getting Persona 5 and SMTV isn't coming anytime soon, so let's port this game."

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FE Chiper switch game when? That way NoA will be forced to localized the tcg

>"durr censorship"
>everyone bought Fates when that was censored even worse than #FE

I think people only use the censorship claim as a mask for the fact that the game did poorly cause the Wii U itself did poorly. Plus there's always the constant "I hate idolshit" complaining from people who never played the game and don't even realize the idolshit isn't as big as they claim it is.

Also Mirage Tharja makes my dick hard.

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Who dis? Is it a nu-girl?

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Clearly a new costume for Mamori.

It's Mamori, she's in the original game, that's just a new outfit based on Annette from Three Houses.

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See you in the next /tmsg/

>3H just got censored in a patch.
lol and you faggots think they'll unfuck this game.

Is the card game actually fun?


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I'm not into TCG but kind of, a game that makes tediousness of these automatically would help

I doubt there will be one


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I'm guessing you're pretty happy with the news of the Switch port.

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I actually cried from being so happy

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That's good. I guess I'll finally have an excuse to try it myself.

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Please don't tell me you think that change of a VA is "censorship".

>Changed Bernie lines from fucked up shit to kinky
So NoA will make #FE lewder?

Literal semen demon

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The censorship is 100% inconsistent on Wii U. The problem is that it exists at all though, not that aversa has shadows over her tiddies in a cutscene but not in battle.

the big problems are with chapter 2 replacing the swimsuits with hiphop clothes, vagina bones, the wedding outfit covering any and all skin and such. Things that aren't reverted as soon as you enter combat because of laziness


Cute isn't really the word I'd use

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I suppose.

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I hope her model actually gets ripped this time

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because the devs put 5 years of work and song licensing, the game is actually good and did not deserve to sink with the Pee U

That'd be nice.

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>literally all the teatime lines
>blyat sex joke with edelgard
>several innuendos between students that imply cat calling and casual sex

cope harder

How is #FE fanart situation?

Reminder Kiria is BEST

That new outfit better not replace her old default.

Absolute best sweeper.

Still kinda low.

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A Wii U to Switch port is much cheaper than a brand new game, much faster to produce than a brand new game, and gives it a second chance because Wii U didn't do so great and Switch is taking off.
I know I'm not the only person that was interested in it but didn't want to buy a Wii U for one game. Now I can finally play it.

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The trailer still showed her thong outfit, the new one is just on the cover art to show there's new content

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Gonna have to be honest here Tsubasa and Ellie are the best girls

I remember that demifiend with Lyn fanart, is still depressing.

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Are you sure? I remember reading TMS was literally the worst selling SMT game.

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It's stretching to call TMS a SMT game, but with the same stretch you could say Jack Bros is a SMT game and that sure as hell sold less.

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No they edited one of Bernadetta's lines because it was too uncomfortable.

Because the Wii U was a failure and porting Wii U exclusive games is free money.

Game's actually pretty good and has a very competent dev team behind it. Deserves more sales, but some sort of FFX-2 curse is on it.

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I don't fucking care then.

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>replacing the swimsuits with hiphop clothes
I hope they don't straight up remove Cute Gangsta Tsubasa. Not saying she shouldn't have the swimsuit in the scene, but put the Crips outfit in a shop or something.

>it's only censorship when muh tiddies are removed.
Nice to see the people complaining about #FE's censorship are just retarded semenbrains.

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More accurate Itsuki experience.

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Are you shitting me? This line doesn't even fucking making sense in context now.

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Three houses has an horrible artstyle anyway, why the fuck they didn't get Hidari back?!

Fujo art > Hidari

Two obvious factors present themselves:
He could be busy
Kurahana's designs have a track record of animating well and close to their static 2d look.

money, probably
Both chinatsu and Koei charge fucking peanuts

>ywn gun down the Bloods and throw gang signs with Tsubasa
why even live?


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Kurahan artstyle is shit, Monolith Soft could 1:1 adapt all the artstyles they used for xenoblade 2, why IS and Koei can't?

I remember the bizarre time when everyone thought Hidari was a girl, it went so bad that someone actually asked the man himself and he, a little confused, funnily answered that "I am a man since the day I was born!".

IS and Koei are staffed by pigeons. They need all the help they can get. Honestly I'm surprised that the 3d models look as close to the portraits as they do. Compare to something like Toukiden 2, where Hidari's drawings have only the vaguest resemblance to the 3d models.

being ported to PS5. Surprise reveal next year.

*One month of Netflix has been deposited into your account*

Because everything (save for a few exceptions like sushi Warriors) on the Switch sells, even Fire Emblem Warriors sold over a million copies.

Porting flops is a good way of getting some money.

FEW had the 3ds version help plus the "megaman battle network 4" effect.

And the fujos got fucked as the actual gay guys in the game are old ugly guys.


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How do you port a game that doesn't exist?

Imagine making a game that defies all expectations and unites most of your split fanbase and sells better then any other game in your series and Nintendo rewards you by trying to kill the franchise with this shit again.

Of what game are you talking about?

This game.

>Imagine making a game that defies all expectations and unites most of your split fanbase and sells better then any other game in your series...
I mean this.

is that reimu in the back?

reimu for smash confirmed?

>Biggest flop on Wii U

>y they port it !?!?!?!?

Gee, I don't know, maybe because it flopped and they want to recoup losses and possibly turn a profit?

user please.

>recoup losses
What losses? Avex paid Atlus and Nintendo to make this game and they got profit from music CDs and Concerts tickets. None of the parties involved actually lost money from this flop.

It’s archanea wank. No Fates or 3H circlejerk.

If no one lost money then its not a flop

Is was a marketing flop, the game was supposed to kickstart a series of "crossovers" done by atlus but the game failure made them drop that idea.

You are fake news.

Because a good amount of people who did want to play it ultimately didn't because a Wii U wasn't worth it just for an experimental game.

Besides, the game itself isn't bad.

A flop is something that loses money, that's what the word means

If it didn't lose money, it didn't flop

TGS just started

So how we call this game that "sold catastrophically bad but didn't make the parties involved in its production lose money due to special circumstances"?

It won't be on TGS, Sega and Atlus announced nothing about it

An anomaly

Ok, that works.

Atlus, everything can be blamed on Atlus.
>atlus gets money to make whatever game they want
>makes idol persona
>atlus handles localization
>censors the game retarded in the west even censors it in japan
>can work on any project they want for the switch
>no nocturne
>no smt 1/2 remaster
>no new smt spinoff
>just port of tokyo mirage sessions because most of it has been paid for already


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I predict that the game will be uncensored on release, but still have the same dialogue from the initial localization.


Its not a flop by definition of the term, you muppet

Its just a port of the existing Wii U version, so anything that was changed remains changed

They the game will crash again and this time they will actually lose money.

Because some of us want to play the game but not buy a Wii U

If they didn't lose money last time when they had to actually develop the game what makes you think a port is going to lose money? It could sell 100k copies and probably be profitable.

Goddammit, these faggots literally can't lose and be punished for this Bullshit?

The game has been out for over a month yet this misinfo persists. 2 of them are platonic, the only gay character is Linhardt.

Then the fujos truly lost.

So don't buy it if you don't like it.

It'll probably sell pretty poorly again, and I doubt they'll want to continue with sequels or whatever as a result.

Well with the low adoption rate of the Wii U in general, Nintendo's probably banking on the people who wanted to try the game but weren't willing to shell out for the system to purchase it this time around. They already put all that money into development and the cost of porting the game is probably insignificant compared to the initial development costs so unless it literally gets 0 sales, it'll recoup the porting costs at the very least and any more than that is just money they wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

I won't but I will forever be mad, they teased a fucking SMTxFE game, not this shit.


W101 flop harder yet the sequel/port was teased way before this game announced

If only the same people buy it again it will flop yet again, user.

Blame IS for scraping your dream game because it's too similar with Pokémon Conquest

First time i ever heard this bullshit.

>W101 port/sequel teased
By whom? Nothing but baseless rumors.

How would W101 even work without a stylus and the Switch's less accurate touch screen? Analog-only seems like it kind of defeats the purpose of porting the game in the first place.

Literally a couple months ago, Inaba said they were looking into porting it and were very happy with the demographics/interest/whatever metric they used

Source? I want to believe.
Analog was the best way to play anyway

W101 never actually required the touchscreen, well outside of some of the dual screen where the tablet. Combat wise, you could draw with the 2nd analog stick much like in okami.

>Not The Messiah of Tokyo Millenium's Disco

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What's confusing? I like her tits

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www dot
>We’ve done a lot of intel gathering and the only thing that I can say right now is that I’m glad we did. I’m glad that we talked to a lot of different people.

Nothing. I'm just being silly.

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Not iconic enough, i would say "put all the MCs" but SMT IV FINAL already did that. Also, #FE is after all an idols game so they must be "on the theme", how about Demifiend and Nanashi as dancing starts with Lyn in the middle as their idol singer?

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Have I mentioned that I want to dick this demon

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wait longer for better game

Well I do

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I see. She's nice.

Tell who should I like most Tharja user.

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Kiria is best girl with best Mirage, but this is a game with no bad girls in it really

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Nobody bought a Wii U.

Fair enough.

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It's a really small cast, 7 playable characters and 3 side characters, so they better all be likeable.

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I see. I still trust you to choose for me though.

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>everyone is using same pose and outfit from orig cover except for mc and kiara or whatever her name is
>they covered her up

Why are people arguing about it not being in english?
It has vocal songs by the characters making it impossible to translate.

Personafag and FEfag here. Tokyo mirage sessions was kino. Only bandwagoning muh censorshipfags that haven’t played the game hate it.


You may proceed

Mamori is cute

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Itsuki is using the artwork/pose that he has on the Fortissimo edition of the original game and Kiria is not covered up, they just have her in the new outfit she gets in this game cause it's new and they want to show off how new it is. Although it would have been cool if they put the glasses on Tsubasa as well.

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I wanna Kiria, Tsubasa and Maiko


I want to fuck Kiria and Tharja

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Free bump from me too, since there's not a single good thread up right now

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I wish Kiria's carnage form didn't look so fucking dumb. Really just her stupid eyepatch and awful twintails. I don't hate twintails usually, they just look bad on her. If only there was an alt with a different hairstyle.

I put her in the formerly zipper panties outfit asap.

Everyone has different outfits for a reason. Keeping them in the default carnage form is retarded

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It has to be Abel and Bunny then.

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Itsuki's carnage form is his best outfit and one of the best outfits in the game period though.

I don't know what to say but this deserved a reply.

Itsuki has one of the most limited outfit selections unfortunately. His best outfits are new game+, the business suit and the Marth outfit

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That's adorable

>It's going to get the Atlus rerelease treatment, so expect a new girl and some new content.

It seems like rather than a new girl getting focus a bunch of secondary characters are getting bumped up to playable status.

Kiria is very cute

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Cashing in on retarded nu-FE fans. You know, the ones that never bought a Wii U because they were dumb enough to think it was a Wii add-on.

His school outfit is interesting due to him being a dead ringer for Takumi to the point where I did a double take and thought it was cosplay DLC for a second.

The best scenario would be that secondary characters from side-stories help you somehow, or get their own cards.
I just want more Tiki is Waifu

I wish there was more fanart of the Mirages interacting together/with the masters.

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>Stop spreading false info.
>He says while claiming the game isn't censored based on vague and inconclusive information

They also edited at least one line in the latest patch; the one about Bernie being strapped to a chair and left there for hours was cut short.

This is the perfect game for one of those manga anthologies. Maybe if the Switch port is popular enough it'll get one.

>hated by almost everyone
Just Yea Forums.

your waifu waifu is my waifu