overview trailer
I can't believe how gorgeous it is. so charming, so many details, truly beautiful
overview trailer
I can't believe how gorgeous it is. so charming, so many details, truly beautiful
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yeah, yeah, we get it, it's le epic sarcasm shitpost thread again. I agree it looks like crap for 60 dollars but no need to keep spamming it.
go away, you lifeless scum
what shitposting thread, you scum? fuck off to Yea Forums
why didn't you warn me about the irritating british narration?
I, for one, anticipate this game.
Fuck gay OP.
imagine Oracle games with the same treatment
it will happen, right?
So are there any extras besides that little dungeon mashup creator mode? Looks clean, but $60 still seems a bit much for what is a remake of an old game.
that was the point, you brainlet. the fuck is wrong with you, people?
but it's a quality remake, you can't deny that
Yeah, each one for $60 sounds reasonable.
Well you'd expect that if they're going to remake a game from 1993.
Positivity is so rare on Yea Forums that people thought OP was sarcasm. Anyway I think it looks fantastic outside of some framerate drops. $60 is still too much, though. I haven't played LA since it came out on the OG gameboy, though, so I'll definitely get this if it ever goes on sale.
imagine if nintendo was smart enough to just use ALBW to remake LTTP, they already did 80% of the work required by creating the whole map and nearly everything in the game
Aww shit Sans is in the game!
In red and blue!
I wish everything was shaded more like clay, since it almost looks like it
because this video is from the Nintendo UK account you stupid amerimutt.
no, I was not sarcastic. I never shitpost, because I'm not an idiot. jesus christ, this place is unbelievable
everyone knows you all talk like that!
bet you have crooked teeth too
If it was visually good looking or if it added significant content I might have been interested. As it stands I'm not paying money for an objectively worse version of the game. The only real offer here is the semi-procedural random dungeons, that's not worth the price to someone who already owns the original game.
these baits ...
You read correct, just like how the changes to Majora's Mask 3DS make it objectively worse than the original too.
I might download yuzu just to play this
1/10, made me reply
It looks good. Not sure if there's enough new content for me to play it though. I don't give a shit about the dungeon creator.
I shudder thinking about how much soi you have to chug to think this looks good in any fucking capacity. Say what you want about Sonyfags, Xfags and PCfags, at least they aren't as delusional as Nincels nor are they as obnoxious due to their platforms ever really taking off on Yea Forums. Now it's cool to be a nincel drone and worship every streaming pile of shit they serve you. Disgusting.
considering how much the Oracles reuse assets from ALTTP they should've just done all three games as a bundle anyway
Imagine having a life so miserably meaningless that you feel compelled to go into threads about things you don't like on an anonymous Haitian finger-painting image board and complain about the thing and the people that like it.
>game price should depend on art style
there's also that shitty colour dungeon from the dx version in it
Imagine projecting this hard. Imagine being this triggered over someone telling you you like shit.
You're a stupid faggot and he gave your boring-ass post too much credit to even respond to it
>You're a stupid faggot
I'm not the one looking forward to buying some clay-looking remake of a game I can emulate because muh Switch, muh Nintendo, you benighted catamite. Thank you for letting me know how much my words bother you, though.
>use ALBW to remake LTTP
user... ALBW is already LTTP remake+sequel, and better in every way.
There's no point in using the same engine to make and inferior game.
Now pay attention kids, THIS is how you post real bait.
Not shilling, but this actually does look good. These changes are huge QoL updates, not $60 worth though
LTTP doesn't need a remake.
Fucking this why do we need to remake fucking everything
holy based
>imagine Oracle games with the same treatment
I'd rather not.
I’ve already beat it though why didn’t they just make a new game in this style?
Just so we are clear, all this hype is for a gameboy game remaster?
Like sure it was a fun gameboy game, based on the technical limitations at the time, but honestly is the game worth $60 when you know you can beat it in one day, easy?
Standards have changed for games, and this remake doesn’t look like a $60 game to me, I’ll pass this time.
you don't have a single healthy brain cell
This is one of my favorite games of all time and I'm unironically not buying this unironic soul vs souless crap
Remaster, remake, rerelease. Use whatever word you want, game isn’t worth the price and if you think otherwise you’re deluding yourself.
Being someone who knows this game like the back of my hand, I'm more interested in the speedrun than the normal game itself. THAT'S the part that would be completely new for me.
im still not buying it
don't worry, I'll buy 2 copies
I hope this boss gets a better boss fight. I love the design, but it's so easy to beat.
There's been footage of every boss, and, as I suspected, they're changing them for the better. LA's bosses were always too easy, but now they definitely seem more at least thought-provoking. From the small snippet, Big Angler seems to charge more often, and rocks fall down. I imagine a cutscene like the other bosses prevents you from just whaling it instantly.
The real question is, though, does it have bomb arrows?
It actually looks really awesome. Hopefully this will lead Nintendo to create a Zelda Maker game and hopefully remake Oracle of Ages/Seasons.
First give us new topdown Zelda games
Why couldn't we get a Trials of Mana style remake?
>why didn’t they just make a new game in this style?
because you need to buy this first
>Nintendo knows their consumers will spend $60 on an ugly, lazy remake of a short GB game
It's almost too easy.
testing the waters with an established property. From this they can make a proper Zelda maker or more likely a new topdown Zelda
the worst bait I've ever seen, seriously
Why would I pick this "new" game over the old one ? It just has a shitty 3D style which is why Nintendo took down fanmade 3D remakes to cash in.
vote with your wallet and don't buy it. Literally no one is forcing you to buy it so what's the complaint. Do you just hate seeing other people be excited
you still gave it a (You)
Yeah, seems like they weren't sure about making a topdown Zelda on the same system even though you know they want to make four swords:three swords 2:1 sword.
Triforce Heroes 2 or I'm gonna fucking kill myself
>Do you just hate seeing other people be excited
Unironically yes.
I don't even own a single Nintendo console after the Gamecube or 2DS. LA is still my favourite Zelda game though. This basically amounts to a good fan game. LA isn't that long either. You can easily complete it in a few hours. And they made it even easier by introducing bottles and shit. Why ? If they had made it fully 3D like OoT then maybe it would worth a buy but right now it's the same shit as back then. Link now looks like a soulless husk so I guess that's new.
you still have the old game though. I doubt anyone is going to be calling this LA the definitive one
> but right now it's the same shit as back then.
Literally the idea.
better get the pills out
Nobody in their right mind would take the original over the remake, solely on the point that item management in the original is godawful. I've beaten Link's Awakening a half dozen times and I love it but there's no way I'm going back to that shit, it was always my biggest gripe with the game.
so all this people claiming it's soulless are willing to give away their soul simply for convenience
Is this sarcasm
>item management in the original is godawful
Really loving this meme, truly top notch.
They can go ahead and keep it then.
Lttp is ugly as sin
>solely on the point that item management in the original is godawful
it never even bothered me when I played the game desu
agreed, alttp is fucking ugly and it needs a visual overhaul
Gamexplain preview confirms it does.
I'm happy that they put in Hero mode from the start, the regular game was always too much of a cakewalk. No heart drops either.
So you can't map items with the 4 buttons? Great, so much for quality of life changes.
No it doesn't. Focus resources on doing something fucking new, every fucking game doesn't need a remake for christ sake, stagnating the fucking industry with this shit
Shadow Link should spawn randomly and maybe a Zelda version of shypox
Honestly, one of the biggest weaknesses of Link's Awakening is all the constant menuing you have to do just to do shit as menial as walking around due to the constant switching into rocs feather, power bracelet, peg boots and an offensive item
B is always sword, A is always Power Bracelet, R is always shield and L is always Pegasus Boots. X and Y are two more free item slots.
>they went with hamburger Moldorm again
Link was eating McDonald's when the storm struck his ship.
Oh shut the fuck up, if you want new shit so bad then why aren't you making new shit yourself?
God fucking damn is that ugly, hamburger is an accurate description, I hate to say it.
why not let us map stuff to the d pad, ZL and ZR
that's not how the industry works
I'm loving it
What kind of absolute retard response is that. Yeah fucking moving the industry forward, lets just play the same exact games over and over. I couldn't imagine being as fucking dumb as you, holy shit
That’s from LA DX on the GB color zoomer
>when the game has heart AND soul
I never had any issues with that. Roc's Feather and the Bracelet were a bit annoying at some points but most of the time you rely on [ITEM OF THE DUNGEON]. LA's a short game, there are way worse games with that kind of management.
Ah yes, back to ALBW we are
Shut the fuck up you fucking lair. OP always shitposts because OP has been a fag ever since he first posted.
Yeah, most people like to replay their favorite games. Not to mention the entire generation of people who werent even born yet when it came out, and the people that havent played it, but oh yeah those don't exist because the world revolves around you, you fucking retard.
so magic meter or not? I can't decide if a magic meter is useful or not. I suppose it's like stamina just another bar to look at and manage only health is truly essential. I suppose if Link actually used spells it might be more valuable but usually he uses magic items which have intrinsic limits as to where they can be used rather than how many times they can be used before Link runs out of juice
Magic meter is perfect to me, and ALBW did a neat thing with the items where instead of having inventory you had a stamina meter that drained as you used items or stayed merged in a wall.
I wish magic would come back for real though
I rarely found it that problematic in my playthrough of ALBW. You have to be going fucking ham with something to hit the bottom of the bar, which, aside from a few moments during a couple of the bosses, I only ever encountered when I purposely went ham in the Treacherous Tower.