oh no no no
Oh no no no
Even trannies are starting to realise that it's all a scam.
`Who gives a shit
>indie developed game has a LGBT main character
Every fucking time
>Game about suicidal depression
You fill in the rest.
>Owned by Koch Industries
Nice try.
hey free publicity from trannies and tards like OP
Chapter 9 made me want to die regardless of the story
Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?
Still shocked it was so highly acclaimed. It's okay.
leftoids literally can't have fun
reactionaries aren't creatives
if you spend your time just getting furious at the different how are you supposed to make a compelling original project?
"the left can't meme" is like the highest-tier projection from a group that's been using the same two memes for the last ten years.
>what is Angry Goy
It has some great screens but also some of the absolute worst in the game
I feel like they took the common criticism of the C-sides mostly being just rigid paths through spikes and made an effort to make the new screens more open ended, and were worse off for it
Both extremes fit the bill.
Yeah because shit like "Miku made Minecraft" is so funny
I don't think user would disagree.
if the game is speicifically a "rightwing" game then it would be "reactionary" no matter what.
Putting a flag for mentally ill retards in your game is reactionary.
Nice. She is a nazi
>in favor of social liberalization
>reactionaries aren't creatives
>practically every major pre-Industrial work of art was produced or commissioned by or for the Church or otherwise themed around religion
"Reactionary" in this context means going against the liberalizing trends of culture/society
Increasing LGBT representation in media is very much in line with cultural liberalization
Bros, I can't believe our girl Celeste believes in showing respect and common decency towards all kinds of people. We can't let them get away with this!
They made KCD and it sucked ass but that doesn't answer your question.
On the contrary, they're smart enough not to insert their politics into them. The only time that happens is when it's an obvious parody, and even that is usually an amateur venture done as a joke.
yes we get it OP, you've made the same thread for several days now
ah yes, very respectable indeed.
Now shall we partake in our daily child grooming? Or do you perhaps fancy cutting your penis off?
>yes, out yourself so we can attack you
No, im keeping my beliefs to myself and taking money from my libshit employer. I can fake right think all day.
Trannies stamp their tard flag on everything for attention and to push their mental illness onto people
I won't tolerate this meme being forced until it produces some quality Madeline/Badeline dickgirl porn
Who cares?
Nice false binary, user.
You're being played like a fiddle then, because you can't stop talking about it.
Doubling down on being a faggot in response to being called a faggot doesn't make someone a "reactionary"
this but people will pretend like its not true
Why is this game in particular so completely impossible to talk about on Yea Forums?
>harass people who aren't mentally ill online everyday
>durr why are you so obsessed
take your tranny shit back to resetera
>caring at all, let alone getting outraged
>What is Minecraft
user, you are extremely mentally ill
Reminder that the "Right" always loses and your grandkids will be brown and trans.
I feel like this is good bait in that everyone here knows that its bait but you also realize children won't understand whats wrong with it and feel obligated to explain whats wrong with it.
I'm back from my vacation.
Can we bring feminism back?
Radical women are nowhere near as annoying as men pretending to be women and hating actual women.
>got to american shopping mart
>entire union fell apart
Is the left the biggest loser on Earth? Can't even beat fascist Portugal and Spain
yes, /pol/cels are children user
what did you expect?
>In the 1860 presidential election, Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln, supported banning slavery in all the U.S. territories.
Why can't the Left read history?
>every major pre-Industrial work of art was produced or commissioned by or for the Church or otherwise themed around religion
Yeah. And?
You actually read that shit? Even when it goes full propaganda I wouldn't call The Aeneid "reactionary," it's fairly neutral on reform and is more about how big Rome's dick is.
>that pill is a medicine
>the picture is her short hair, girls do have short hair
>the flag is just a decoration
Cope more, Reseteras.
So why do trannies have such a sexist view of gender?
>Oh I feel just right in this dress that must mean I'm a woman :)
I thought gender was a (((social construct))).
>your grandkids will be brown
Pretty much impossible for them not to be.
>and trans.
i dont care give her a cock and let me jerk off to her lewd art
The left isn't creative at all and wokeness is not real counter culture.
Gender roles are a social construct. The idea that men should have short hair and women should have long hair is a social construct, made especially evident by the fact that some societies have championed the idea that men should have long hair and women should have short hair. The window dressing, as it were, is the social construct.
> blacks were sold into slavery by jews (95% slave owners) , freed by the white man and are now getting comfy in the slave seat again
Terrible omen, it's like blacks are designed for slavery or something. not having kids is probably a blessing for what's to come.
>90% brown
I fucking hate retard kike slaves
Well not exactly, men were less effective hunters without their cut.
>95% of Southern plantations were owned by Jews
Imagine being ignorant enough to believe this.
What am I looking at here?
Madeline is cute!
>we can't have all this money in our accounts
>lets just fuck up everything and diversify those funds
why are americans so obsessed with gays and trannies and forcing them into literally all of their media
>shocked sjw jo*rnos are praising sjw game
hello newfag
>Fuck off back to r3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Have sex incel.
I have bad news.
Where's his bulge?
i wonder whats going to be the next target
Niggers, Gays, Trannies, Sandniggers ect.
Its fun to watch it develop
Because the alt right doesn't make videogames, people with right wing ideology makes videogames that usually have no politics
Unlike left people whose sole fucking life is so tied to their political drama struggle that everything they do might as well be credited to the retardation mass known as "the left" due to how blatant it is
take the Notchpill
The fuck is this and WHY are so many of you queers pretending to care
I hope you had a good time, Ampharos!
not shocking. The composer is a transwoman.
>make some neo-nazi ultranigger KKK holocost game
>cant sell it
literally the only reason, that and people ALWAYS want to take credit for something, so people wouldnt make games because they cant get the credit for it because if they did they'd be out of their McJob by Mr Shekelbergoldstein
I let them have their shit games if I can keep my shit games.
Complaining about it in reverse would put me on the same level as a SJW on twitter by doing what I hate about them.
I don’t understand the meme behind you, but I like the cut of your jib, and you’re cute. Welcome back, friendo.
Welcome back, no trannies in sight?
Because the video game industry like Hollywood is heavily left wing biased? Just like how any conservative actor in Hollywood usually gets blacklisted.
You're thinking of the jews in the media
They push it all the time even though people don't really watch it
None at all, and I like it that way.
The sad truth is that indie games are a huge clique and they adhere to a very strict mindset.
Isn't this guy depressed and unable to get laid?
>National Socialists
The only conservative thing about the Nazis were their hatred of the degerancy of the Weimar Republic and wanting to return to traditional family values
who says right wingers don't make video games?
thing is, they don't have to be GOOD video games to get the only thing non-leftist vidya will ever get (lots of media butthurt, along with a global internet ban)
>showing respect to mentally ill animals
Ah yes, the Shekelstein Plantation.
>The only conservative thing about the Nazis were their hatred of the degerancy of the Weimar Republic and wanting to return to traditional family values
wtf I love nazis now
>The window dressing, as it were, is the social construct.
the fuck does that even mean, tranny?
>he thinks women didn't struggled for marriage in history
>ignores how fathers paid small fortunes for the grooms to take their daughters
>he thinks mankind developed around his tiny social media network
>shitty asset flip
>video game
lol, the guy who made that is a leftist and claims it to be just a joke
>if you're not a cocking sucking faggot you're a nazi
99.99% of games are "alt-right" by that logic
Proposal: we rename Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /his/, and Yea Forums by putting pol behind the original names, so Yea Forums becomes /vpol/ etc. Because that's the only popular threads on these boards anymore
>Some people care about a small detail put into the game that doesnt really affect the gameplay nor the story since its only reflective of what happens on her journey
>Some people have known shown an interest in the game for that reason when the game is solid and recommended enough without needing this to help promote it or others have suggested frustration by including that
Both sides are retarded since they miss the point of games
Are you blind?
>fathers paid small fortunes for the grooms to take their daughters
And they aren't doing that now. See, social construct. There's no immutable law of nature that made it so, just people deciding that's how it should be.
Bolivia's and Argentina's flag.
The medication is for her panic attacks you fucking buffon
Its stated several times in the story
people have said that she doesn't take meds for that.
has this been confirmed yet so we can put this to rest and make porn.
>grandkids will be brown and trans
fucking americans lmao
In the game while talking to the hipster guy she states she had some medicine back home to take care of it but then he teaches her how to calm down by herself
well maybe if you faggots stoped posting in obvious bait threads and twitter screencap shit and actually replied to threads about video games the board wouldnt be Yea Forums 2.0 : political edition
left wingers are more likely to be artists in general. personally I would consider myself right wing and at one point I tried to get into programming video games, which could have led to having more creative control down the line, but decided there isn't much point. Developing other software often pays better (you can easily look up what pays what for yourself) and I don't like the idea of taking that risk for the possible chance to design games in the future. I think a lot of people on the left care more about enjoying themselves in the moment than planning to enjoy themselves in the future. If you try to have discussions with people of different political views about economics you'll know what I'm talking about
Why do leftists always have to subvert existing companies and influence their games
>oh no no no
this but for the whole game & the devs in general.
So they turned the girl into a faggot?
I actually forgot this game existed until all the recent shitposting. I unironically just downloaded the game. Might even buy if I like it.
This may be the most braindead comment in the entire thread. 10/10 made me reply.
Can you like die please?
>anime reaction image
>stupid fucking opinion
Checks out. Looks like a newfag to me chief.
at last i finally see the end goal of trannies... to change society for their own gain
>make game with anything conservative
>vidya articles and websites "don't play the game it's racist and homophobic"
you don't even need to be straight offensive or actually racist, if your game doesn't have black characters, gay characters or whatever is just not gonna stick, when madeline was revealed to be trans everyone went "this to buy this game!!!"
even if the devs are not super left wing friendly, you are fucked, your game is doomed to fail
Why in gods name would people give a shit what an indie developer chose to put in their game? So the character is trans, how does that impact anybody?
You actively have to look for it to even fucking find it out and yet people do, only so they can be angry.
>just a joke
yeah because shooting gays as Jesus himself didn't seem like a joke right away
Why would anyone be angry about this exactly
It's a very good game
diversity is more important than graphics you know
Allow me to gently pirate this image, I'll repost it later.
I feel offended by playing with a trans character
Too busy being stupid
I suggest you take your own life
trans rights
As long as there's trap hentai of it I don't care.
My name is not important
why the trannies don't do that for a change tho
most people are not interested in other people's fetishes
Then don't play the game. I'm sure you'd say the same thing to a woman being offended that a game stars a masculine womanizer.
not playing
not purchasing
and also telling everyone how shitty it is
>Poorly made unity asset flip simulator banking entirely off of wacky memes
Man it's so ironic though so i guess the developers deserve my money it's SUPPOSED to be bad!
There is literally no difference between gay conversion therapy and transexuals besides the financial costs.
They would frequently chemically castrate and labotamize men during gay conversion therapy.
Who the fuck do you think programs all these games
because of the cowardly way they did it. They did it AFTER the game was a success, and well after pro-trannyism became a proven way to get twitter upvotes. This isn't brave or making a statement, it's needlessly tacking on a character trait just for the sake of virtue signaling and promoting a mentally ill death cult.
Is the tranny flag just an upshot of a vagina?
"curing" anorexia with liposuction is not treating the anorexic with respect.
What the FUCK did he mean by this
Reminder that this is what progressives want
Because they'd get their games "canceled" if they're as explicit about it as your supposed counter-culture
It's another tranny flag.
That's literally everyone's goal
Why do people care about this pointless indie game that only "journalists" like all of a sudden
There's something to freak the fuck out about in it now so now it's pressing news, and literally destroying the foundations of western civilization. Nobody is going to remember they were even mad about this in a week or two.
The white is the hole, the pink is the vagina lips, the blue is the boy it is attached to.
The amount of upset (You)s this got, whether they're genuine or not (most of them don't even pretend to acknowledge what was said and wheel it around to DA LEFT), is fuckin' stupid.
What vidya even is this? Not being tongue in cheek, literally what game is this? It has that "generic indie art style for people who haven't actually developed an art style of their own" vibe to it so I can't even fucking tell. Is this Celeste?
Literally who literally what literally why drag your crap here you twitter-educated fag. Unlike you we here at Yea Forums don't have a phobia for faggots and trannies.
Based, now leave idiot.
based simple and straight forward man
given that one of the people working on the game is trans, I don't think it's a far stretch to assume that maybe they had it in mind originally.
But I thought they became liberals?
The best thing about this non-issue is how much Yea Forums shits itself into a frenzy every single time, like robots pre-programmed with a predictable subroutine.
reality check
reality check
reality check
>doublejumpdash platformer with a plot that would only be at least not completely boring if it was actually about abortion
So creative.
But nazis are lefties
thanks pol, we already have one of you here posting your manifesto material.
fuck off tourist
newfriend watch your mouth, read the thread and keep quiet please.
>names boards without the slashes
>has the audacity to use the term "newfriend"
fuck off tourist go back to whatever shithole you crawled from
>has the audacity to use the term "newfriend"
is this bring your redditor friend to Yea Forums day.
>one of the richest men in the world
>unable to get laid
pick one
>reddit spacing
like clockwork
Seething alt-cucks.
>make thing
>sneak in two little barely noticeable snowflake flags
why do people do this?
>the implication that you've used reddit enough to know their post-formatting is very odd
>if you've never used it, you can't actually confirm it because of false-flagging and that the double-spaced paragraphs bit was around on Yea Forums well before reddit even existed
>if you have used it you're a dumbshit hypocrite
>>Seething alt-cucks.
Dilate tranny
your turn
No joke but why do trans need flags doesn't the lgbt flag represent them too? Why does everyone need a flag.
How is a creator choosing to put a flag for some made up social identity turning video games into a "hollow shell?" What even is the problem? I don't see how this would be an issue so long as you're judging games based on gameplay and artistic merit and not how closely they align with your world view.
>Dilate tranny
>your turn
>make thing
>sneak in two little barely noticeable snowflake flags
Why do people do this?
>he doesnt have a flag
Lol what a faglet.
not quoting the post and using a "this is you" image is a posting pattern i'm getting pretty tired of honestly
>>Why do people do this?
Gotta be an even more special snowflake, LGBT is too broad.
You mean flaglet.
>not quoting the post and using a "this is you" image is a posting pattern i'm getting pretty tired of honestly
Totally owned him fellow redditor! Have a free gold, also upvoted ;3
Can you upvote again, it doesn't show up on my end.
choose your fighter
this is what feminazi's always dreamed about
a world without men
The Left can't meme because, as you say, reactionaries aren't creative.
I wonder where all these people will be in 10 or 20 years?
Fuck this thread.
>angry lefty resorting to pedo posting
not surprised desu
It is a silly thread isnt it. It's just pixel sized flags and look how much people let themselves be impacted by it.
put a conservative flag in there and watch trannyera burn into the ground
Working as a Walmart janitor while looking like a middle aged man with long pink hair and a dress. If the “guy” at my local Walmart is anything to go on
because that's literally what they want. Trannies can't reproduce so they have to brainwash kids.
>indie dev is a tranny
seeing a pattern here
>implying I’m a ‘lefty’
No, you absolutely massive faggot, I’m sick of seeing you fucking retards argue over some stupid flag instead of talking about games, unlike literally everyone here I’m not obsessed with dick snippers nor do I fucking care about anything, I don’t even know why I bother to be on this godforsaken site anymore I am a mere husk of a man.
Don't burn out the bulb in your projector, child.
Obviously. Then why choose to be just as fucking retarded as resetera faggots and waste your energy raging about 5 pixel flags. Surely "They would be angry at the other flag so im being angry at this flag in return!" is just the most retarded position one can take, unless their time has absolutely no value.
>Doesn't link back because he's afraid of getting bullied
I thought you reactionaries were a bunch of tough badasses who epicly trolled everyone, but you are so pathetic and fragile.
In the words of the clown you admire so: Sad!
>>Doesn't link back because he's afraid of getting bullied
>I thought you reactionaries were a bunch of tough badasses who epicly trolled everyone, but you are so pathetic and fragile.
>In the words of the clown you admire so: Sad!
Sure thing user, have you caught yourself checking gender reasigment prices and started thinking about sleeping with a nigger yet? Dont be influenced, you may not know it, but you may be already partly a faggot, because of the brainwashing fagificashion material thats hidden everywhere!
>I am a mere husk of a man.
nice edge bro, you do knope you can always leave at any time but we know you won't you'll just stay here bitching and whining over and over again.
Actual answer:
Because the alt-right is a lefty term invented because they couldn't understand how there could be a (loosely, if united only by their opposition to identity politics) conservative youth movement that upended them.
I want you to go outside, find the next person you see and say that out loud to them and look at their face.
You mean its a righty term thats been ruined by not keeping their values and audience in check and letting neo-nazi faggots slip in and rot their movement from the inside out, leftards only had to point and the term turned itself into shit synonym by itself. If not for the skinhead retards america could have had a righty president, not a muppet.
Nintendo really took a risk with that one
not an argument.
Ironically, liberals have become the defenders of the status quo. The world is so fucked that now, conservatives are the ones actively fighting to change the world. We fight to stop the killing and eating of babies, the corruption of our youth, and the extinction of our race. Join the good fight, aka the future victors
You didn't think that one through very well.
>You didn't think that one through very well.
If you mean the "classical liberal" meme then yes. Koch are pretty lib right.
>he ran out of soi wojaks
Leftoids want to kill whites so bad, why don't they just kill themselves?
conservatives are the ones actively fighting to change the world. We fight..
Thats some comedy gold user. This should be a pasta.
Keyboard-warrior tears are too delicious.
implanting the concept of gender dysmorphia into the minds of children is objectively evil and will never be anything else. You're getting angry because you're being called out.
Because they made the right choise and code for banks/companies making bad money
this is true but they still want to see themselves as the brave rebels and that they're shit is counter-culture. There's really nothing counter-culture though about being backed by nearly every corporation.
Actually you're getting angry, stop getting angry user. Dont say that you're not angry or someone else is angrier, that would only prove my point angry user.
It’s funny how we’ve come full circle and now the “actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company” are posting this.
one thing i learn about /v /is that 90% of you guys are fucking liars
Fairly certain everyone on Yea Forums has seen your thread by now
and you're getting angry over a problem constrained to freak cult-circles in "bend over backwards" liberal areas that you will never encounter in your day-to-day life (most likely in your entire life) and is already hugely negative pr for the surrounding communities and the people responsible whenever it does happen, which is why it only happens so rarely and why everybody keeps pointing to the same handful of one-off instances when they need to start bellyaching about the liberal conspiracy or how civilization is LiTeRaLlY cRuMbLiNg
and when it's brought up that people will never encounter the thing they're complaining about, they deflect and say that it's a problem their children's children will face, or that it's a slippery-slope downwards and it will only get worse, which is patently hilarious because it assumes that the average user will get out of the basement for long enough to reproduce without paying an escort to have their flipper-baby
but this is all assuming you're actually getting angry about it and you're not going to forget you ever even posted itt in five minutes, that you're not being a pedantic keyboard warrior who responded to the thread's dog-whistle and is just posting about politics because it's heckin' based and redpilled xD
>>he ran out of soi wojaks
The flag and childhood pic could have been left in the game and still been fine had the developers not opened their mouths. Because Madilyne turned out to be just a Mad Man the depression and it's reasonings just seem "oh, THAT'S why your boyfriend broke up with you" instead of vague for us to possibly interject our own problems nto the character.
based tranny game
The real question is why is this non-game shilled so much on Yea Forums?
How is this not considered an off topic thread? Oh well whatever
>The flag and childhood pic could have been left in the game and still been fine had the developers not opened their mouths.
Where did the devs say anything about the flag or photo?
Remember anons, theres a fine line between having an opinion and unwillingly developing an unhealthy on demand trigger everytime you see a fag flag, or hear a word 'feminist', or seeing a tranny, or some faggy shit or some righty crap. Dont develop politurd ptsd, stay healthy user. Dont be slaves to outside triggers.
Why yes I fap to whatever makes my dick hard how could you tell I'm a 28 year old virgin?
The last line "My wife, daughter, and the American taxpayers are—they are the real victims."
imagine having a father that transitions to a female, that shit would fuck up any child's perception of what is masculine and what is feminine.
>the game's extreme violence (especially against members of left-wing politics) have led to some outcry.
Extreme violence is okay, unless it is against Leftist?
Not really. The outside world influence is substantialy stronger than your inhouse rules. Thats why you cant grow a tomboy girl on demand as she will be influenced by what she experiences outside. Society is an efficient self-correcting mechanism.
It would be thousand times worse growing up in an abusive family, than your fag-dad putting on a dress.
It's not about media creation, but who runs it.
(((Who))) runs it?
They'll celebrate this and hand over money for the next blockbuster, while complaining about Bob Iger and other CEOs making millions.
For game companies.
If they were Liberal cucks, you'd know it.
Every time there is someone in the industry speaking out against Trump or whatever, it's always "developer".
How many company heads do that?
>Didn't actually post any of it
Do it you fucking pussy or kys.
He was married at one point, then she divorced him after exactly a year, entitling her to half of his possessions per Swedish law. He was force-fed the biggest redpill of all, I wouldn't be surprised if he wants nothing to do with women now.
Inbreeding limiting their mental capacity.