What do you think about Baten Kaitos?
What do you think about Baten Kaitos?
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Fucking near-perfect couple of JRPGs. Great story with god-tier ruses, beautiful music and atmosphere, fun combat, voice acting still makes me laugh LOOK AT MAH BEAUTIFUL WIIIIINGS. Man I gotta replay those soon
Eternal Wings is infinitely better than (((Origins))), voice acting aside.
Also Mizuti is fucking useless.
One of my favourite JRPG, plot is great, graphics are beautiful ans music is wonderful. Disappointed by the prequel tho
Look at this cutie
The title and boxart were enough to keep me from ever buying it.
Fun game, good soundtrack except for awful battle theme (still not as bad as Eternity from Lost Odyssey), great battle system. Would love to see HD remaster.
Origins was crap, never actually bothered finishing it.
>still not as bad as Eternity from Lost Odyssey)
I'm an idiot. Not Lost Odyssey; I meant Blue Dragon.
underrated gem
I liked both of them.
Look at my beautiful wings!
Good stuff all around, aside from the voice acting.
It's a gorgeous game despite the way its models look.
I liked the Prequel a bit more. I'm actually pretty surprised to know people didn't like it.
We have the undub patch
God tier art direction
Great games!
Origins was better
It would have been one of the better JRPGs ever made, if it hadn't been a card battle system.
Why all the hate for Origins?
>better soundtrack
>battle system is much faster and more engaging
>better waifus
>MUCH better voice acting and sound design
also post tracks
Being released at the tail end of the Gamecube's lifespan really crippled any chances it had to be a hit.
Classics, both of them. A shame that no one remembers them, and we won't get a 3rd.
I'm a little torn, because I think Origins fixed most of the gameplay issues from Eternal Wings, but the story is just so much worse and you don't get to visit Mira.
Aww I loved the battle theme
It may not have been super intense but it was so catchy. Plus, the rest of the soundtrack was golden
I don't think the story is worse but holy shit losing 80% of the boss fights in Disc 1?? It's such a bold decision in its stupidity that I ALMOST respect it.
The only decent thing Masato Kato wrote without help.
It actually super works with the battle system. Essentially, they're just modified boss fights, and healing items are infinite so it's not like you're missing out if you try to win. Still, you're right it's kinda dumb.
Regardless, compared to the layers and twists of the first game, Origins felt more inclined to tell a character driven story at the expense of the rest of the plot. And for what it's worth, the power trio is pretty good, though I think I still like Kalas and Xelha more than all of them. They really should have just focused on the present day setting OR the Wiseman bullshit, doing both left neither truly fulfilled.
>and you don't get to visit Mira.
Yeah. This one kinda bothered me too. I get they made up for it with a newish Island. And the ending is about the MC going there. But it still sucks.
>tfw still stuck on Geldoblame's fight after all these years
I fucking hate it bros
The first video game to do unreliable narrator correctly. The battle system feels really smooth by the end when you're weaving card combos with the c-stick. The points of no return and permanently missable content is kind of annoying, but overall the game is very good.
I just had the realization that the only times you win a boss fight in Origins is when it's completely inconsequential to the story of the game
>giant sandworm in the Wiseman section
>stupid fucking lava fish
>holoholo bird (jesus christ fuck that bird)
>Giacomo Ravioli Spaghett
Every other boss fight, you just get stomped into the dirt because story. It's BOLD, and it works for me because they're still challenging, but man I can see why people say Origins sucks ass if only for that alone. The "you lost in a cutscene" trope is hated for a reason, and this is 80% of the FIRST disc.
>more engaging
>cards only have one number on them
>combos are basically just use an armor or weapon, then use 1-3, then hope the game top decks the 4-7 (which is almost always does at end game)
>every card has four numbers on it out of 9
>you can get combos like straights, flushes, pairs, etc.
Eternity is godlike, so is Baten Kaitos.
Nah, but hit the nail on the head.
Origins gameplay is a huge improvement over the original, and it has some cool plot moments of its own like (you) not being a guardian spirit but actually malpercio but generally speaking the original has far superior atmosphere and pacing.
I also preferred Guillo and Milly to the party members in Eternal Wings.
>awful battle theme
Nigger what? EW had a great battle theme and Origins has one of my favorite of all time. The battle announcer just made it even more hype.
I prefer Origins too just because the battle system and localization are so much better, but in retrospect a lot of the areas feel poorly rehashed and the ending is kinda anticlimactic.
The only true casual filters in EW are the fucking Giacomo trio fights.
If you could get past the cabin encounter then I don't see how you can be having trouble with Geldoblame.
>was super stressed knowing the holoholo bird was coming up on my playthrough after hearing all the horror stories and barely scrapping past the first Giacomo fight in the first game
>steamroll it first time without it healing once
Feels good
For me the hardest fights were the god damn guillo battle and that god awful first verus encounter in the final dungeon.
You forgot to mention how random battles take a fucking eternity by the time you reach the end of EW since you'll be using about 10 cards per turn.
No hate, Origins is a great game but the experience of the first game is just better, if the original is a 9.5/10 Origins is a 9/10
I get why people hated it, but for me it really cemented how fucking overpowered the Afterlings and the Machina Arma were supposed to be. And if you power through it and get to disk 2 you get the sweet sweet satisfaction of globetrotting around the world and killing everybody who fucked with you in disk 1.
I loved it, loved the battle system, the visual backgrounds, the story was fun to work through with the characters and I first played it and it's sequel during what was my most productive and fun gaming summer. nothing but the fondest memories and it still holds up on revisits, 10/10 even with that wack dub
I've was never so fucking pumped as a child as when this shit started playing in the last dungeon.
Yeah Guillo is definitely the hardest fight in the game for me, as well as it should be since it comes at a very climactic point in the story. Though obviously the fact that you have to "win" only to lose in the cutscene kinda made me hate it in retrospect.
>If you could get past the cabin encounter then I don't see how you can be having trouble with Geldoblame.
I didn't have much of a problem against Giacomo & co but Geldoblame always wreck me. Either I don't get the cards that resist death, or I get them but still get OS anyways.
did anybody else get casual filtered by this nigger?
fucking fantastic games with some aggravating as shit design decisions but also gorgeous soundtracks
>Mr. Pacman
>pushing those fucking rocks up to the cliff for Milly
>getting absolutely shitslapped by teen Guacamole the first time
A lot of people did actually, that fucking dirty bird sucks ass
If you got hit by a truck and reincarnated in the world of Baten Kaitos, where would you choose to park your wings and what would you do with the rest of your days?
Dropped it after the twist when you were just backtracking to all the islands to get the macguffins. I climbed the fucking tree on the rainbow island only for the game to say I needed to climb down and get something and then come back for no reason and I just stopped.
That fight was annoying, but having beaten this game multiple times the only one that still gives me trouble on repeat playthroughs is Fadroh, his damage is just too damn high.
Yeah I like the fact that you get your ass beat because it feels better when you beat them. It's kind of undercut by the fact that Arma have no real basis in our understanding of power scaling, and it's like you actually learn anything to be able to win you just get stronger.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that Origins' battle system is at least more polished. It's not all RNG, it's active time, full heals between battles ensure that normal fights can be a challenge. I get it though, if I'm being honest I still probably prefer Eternal Wings' combat just for nostalgia and the fact that it feels more like a true card game. IMO, it's like the difference between a turn-based RPG and an active-time RPG. Both require their own skills, but in theory you can "solve" the former, while the latter always remains interesting.
Also by the end of Eternal Wings your decks are so stacked that you should always be getting final straight sunrises.
Yeah I super agree there, Monolithsoft the GOAT
This game is great but it's especially nostalgic for me because it gave me my love for both RPGs and long games. Thank you two discs.
Farming mountain apples in Sadal Suud. I think it has the comfiest aesthetic out of all the islands
I'd live by the giant tree and take vacations to that candy town
I do NOT remember the game looking that terrible.
Heya user, have you seen any quest magnus lying around..?
Of course not, it's stretched to shit.
I love Deep Purple / Ian Gillan, but God, it's like he was forced to sing that song.
...and to think that people shitted on Axl when he had a tour with AC/DC
This seems like the right thread to ask.
Did any of you play Eternal Sonata?
I did, X360 version. I say that because I read somewhere that PS3 version has a different ending. (wtf)
Actually a good game, would recommend.
Yeah it sucks.
No. But it looked like a okay game.
Yeah. Good but underused battle system, gorgeous game for the time and one of the best looking of its gen, nice story.
It's a beautiful trashfire.
I liked it until I got myself stuck and couldn't get past that difficulty spike on the ship when you battle those repeating villains.
I wouldn't mind these games getting rereleased, but now that Nintendo owns Monolith it seems a little bit unlikely.
Isn't Namco a publisher for Baten Kaitos, as well as Xenosaga? If yes, then Nintendo can't do a thing, even though they own Monolith.
Yes, that's why I say it's a bit unlikely.
I can't wait until Sagi gets into Smash instead of Kalas. The salt would be something to behold.
great game
Could never get into it. Might try again if they upload it to Switch.
I wouldn't doubt it
>12 years ago still stuck on Holoholo bird
>7 years ago stuck on Godcraft
>5 years ago stuck on Verus
>finished it but still stuck on magnus collection and Pac-man sidequest
Origins isn't a game you win. You just do a little better each time.
Although i gotta say i hate how i have to rely on ice queen combo all the time. I want to use Milly and Sagi spevials too damnit.
Apotheosis is just so broken too. Also why didn't Milly get a 4-mana special? It's not fucking fair.
For some reason Giacomo shouting "Imperial Force!" during that attack has stuck with me all these years. I haven't played that game since I was a teenager but I can remember that line clear as day.
They did manage to get Xenosaga characters into Xenoblade 2 so it's not impossivel. Bamco and Nintendo do seem pretty friendly recently.
It's one of my favorite games in the genre. I've never tried the sequel, though: I'm not that interested in a prequel plot-wise, and the mechanics changes sounded awful.
Plot-wise the prequel is just its own story but it takes place long before the original. The only things connecting it are shit like "oh look it's THOSE characters from the original". Well, and Malpercio.
We got spirits (which are trophies kind of..) and a fucking awesome remix. I'm already satisfied. I dont want Sagi in because people will complain about him because MUH SWORDS and MUH IKE LOOKALIKE. No, fuck that. Just give us more songs instead.
You should give it a shot if you liked the first, the changes are mostly good
Yeah, user. That was probably some kind of a deal between them.
From my understanding, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, re-release of Baten Kaitos and/or Xenosaga depends on Namco, not Nintendo. if Namco decides to release those games, they will. If not, then there is nothing Nintendo can do.
Nintendo could, I don't know, make soem kind of a deal and publish games instead of Namco (plus do the marketing), but Namco will ask for some money... but God knows how much and who knows if they'll reach an agreement.
You should really try it. It's story is still really good, and the gameplay is significantly better. No more going to church to level up, you fully heal between battles, faster movement speed, and it's significantly harder (and thus more fun)
It's acceptable because Sagi has a huge weeb katana instead of a JRPG shortsword. People will just think "oh cool, katana angel boy".
Best JRPG of its generation to me, ignoring minor flaws.
The OST is Sakuraba's best (Souls is shit in comparison). The art, the fresh combat system and satisfying combos, the amazing level design with the cute puzzles, all the hidden items everywhere and optional things to do...
Don't know why they completely relinquished real level design and dungeons with Xeno games.
This thread's gotten me feeling nostalgic, I'm gonna have to replay these games soon.
It's the laziest rehash ever made. A few things are better but somet hings are just dumb. It's even trying to make Malpercio this kind of antihero crafty plotting guy when the first game went out of its way to make it clear that there isn't even a scintilla about him that's redeemable. He is pure evil, through and through. The satnatic and disgusting way, (see how they refer to him being a pedo when he talked to little girls in the town or his room with the dresses and shit).
Origins is horrible and somehow even made the combat worse by removing unique cards.
It's like some fucking weird mix of Legend of Dragoon and Chrono Cross.
Shit, same here. Hell, maybe I should give Origins a second chance lol.
Did you actually play the game? Almost everything you said about Malpercio is wrong. Not even subjectively, unless I'm missing something. Oh wait, did you mean Geldoblame?
Also the combat is better than the first in my opinion, though they are two totally different playstyles (card game rpg vs. real time rpg)
that i can't find the damn undub iso anymore besides on that piece of shit MEGA
Is undubbed Origins actually better? I liked all the voice actors quite a bit, especially Guillo and Milly.
can you propose another hosting site?
I have them
Shit yes, Geldoblame. For some reason my brain likes mixing up their names.
Hey thanks
Geldoblame is not particularly evil in Origins but he does become evil after an inciting incident. Really the game just has the recurring characters for the sake of going "hey this is what these guys were doing 20 years ago" or whatever.
you people make me sick
GDRIVE or even a torrent, anything without shitty DL limits and that actually works.
gdrive is even worse, actually
about the torrent give me a sec
>Really the game just has the recurring characters for the sake of going "hey this is what these guys were doing 20 years ago" or whatever.
That's the problem. And adult people don't just change so drastically. It's literally a different character. And even if the Origins one seemingly has more depth, you don't do that with a prequel/sequel unless you are an idiot and/or don't even know the original work.
Yeah that was a little weird, he should have been more evil, though I wouldn't call him an antihero.
Also Verus was a terrible twist villain. No real foreshadowing as to his true intentions and no indication as to whether or not Wiseman was controlling/influencing him or if he was just a dick that Wiseman latched on to.
Speaking of, why does Wiseman come back ONLY IF you kill him in the past? My only guess is because the Children of the Earth kill him and seal him permanently, and you fuck that up if you kill him yourself.
Still, I liked the story. The characters were great, and the past storyline as well as the twist that you are Marno were well done. Also, I liked beating the Arma after an an entire game of getting my ass beat.
It reminds me when MonolithSoft wasn't the Xenoblade studio
I like Xenoblade but holy fuck expand your portfolio, you're gonna get as bad as From at this rate and even they made Sekiro in the meantime
here, seed it tho
Sometimes people who weren't so well mentally just snap. There's countless stories that use that as a plot point.
how so? gdrive never gave me any problems while MEGA has small DL limits and gave me some headaches like when it "download" but won't actually save on the PC wasting the limit.
does that robot have nipples?
Yeah it kind of suffers when it tries to introduce Eternal Wings characters in a story that has little to do with them. Ladekahn and Gibari were alright, but Giacomo was terrible. The game was at its best when it created new characters for the plot, instead.
if too many people download something from gdrive or too many people at once it gets autistic and ask you to wait a day
at least with mega you only need 5 every 20-30 gb downloaded
It's just the sheen, don't worry about it.
*you only need to wait 5 hours
interesting concept but some annoying execution.
I hated how some good cards would change into shit cards over time.
I played the prequel but I somehow had no idea what I was doing and I didn't like the "everyone shares the same deck" mechanic and some bosses, like the mech suits just ruined my day
thanks user, will do even if my up speed isn't that great, damn that never happen to me.
i fucked it up
uploading on gdrive
don't worry user, i can still use MEGA even if i hate it.
I think it's a very pretty game with a good story and characters, but pretty slow/tedious combat which lowers it to an 8/10 for me
One of my all time favorites and needs an HD port with Origins super badly.
I just remember that I got poisoned during the final boss, everyone was dead, I had only 30 HP left and was down to my last card (which was a trashy one) and killed the boss with it
it was great
All I remember is that it was too easy, had like 25 levels saved up at the end because I stopped leveling to try and get some challenge out from the game.
BK was one of my childhood favorites. Origins was never released in the EU so I played through the game on dolphin last year. Visiting all the old islands especially the starting area gave me one of the greatest nostalgic feelings Ive ever had
I loved it and I loved Baten Kaitos
I'll chill in Sadal Suud with this user and probably become a lumberjack or something, I'm buff enough to work it.
Not HD senpai, just a port. All the prerrendered images might be lost, and you don't want HD versions of 480p images.
pretty cool, played it for the first time a month ago. Don't know if i'll ever replay it but i'll play origins eventually
well they have a new IP due soon and they have zelda now
man what the FUCK is going on with the intro
I actually retard-powered my way through it.
I really liked BKO's faster battle system, so I ended up spending more time in the Arena that I probably was supposed to.
I read later that you were meant to use fire/ice attacks on it. All I did was trash it and its babies until it died.
I’d love to see another game like them. Very ambitious and original, there’s a lot to appreciate if you think about all the shit in those two games.