Marie Rose
Marie Rose
I’m gonna kill again bros...
Goddamn, why is she so boner inducing?
moRE....MORE...i Need more... Marie...armpits..MOre....eurhhgbbhghehrhhbbehhauuuhhhhgg
Made for reproduction!
Just imagine!
Fucking pederasts, all of you
t. seething old hag
She ruined the franchise eternally.
How can we purge pedophiles from the gaming community?
Pederasty is homosexual attraction between a man and a male child.
So yeah, you're an ignorant piece of shit and I'd bet my money that you're a faggy millenial too.
Please terminate your life as soon as possible.
I'm glad someone else agrees
This THOT up as a dlc joke character, instantly becomes most popular character in Japan so everything after 5 is pandering to her fans and Honoka despite being dlc service bait characters with none of the characterization any of the other girls have.
This shit can fuel nightmares.
I get it, you Yea Forumsirgins have never seen a vulva, but that shit in your pic is simply sad. For fucks sake it's worse than a doll.
give me some miji's mijis
slutboat is so fucking overdone it's become obnoxious.
>Implying you faggots who spam this thread every day don't jerk it to little boy twinks as well.
Fucking neck yourself and clear out the gene pool you useless sack of garbage, if you're over the age of 15 and jacking it to this shit you deserve to die alone.
are there any performance mods?
>liking a 18 years old girl make you a pedo
Here we go again
>384 replies, 235 images
and that's a good thing!
For me, it's Marie and Kanna. They're having separate banners for them in the rock-climbing event, but I'm too smart to fall for that. They should make the swimsuits sexier if they want my shekels.
now uncropped
>giving a shit what soibois from twitter think
The last good DoA was 2 Ultimate on og Xbox, this series has been dead of a decade and a half, the only thing keeping it alive are the top shelf waifus like Marie.
I don't masturbate to drawings or computer models.
Just saw your post and had to point out your pathetic incompetence.
The word you were trying to use is ephebophilia.
I know that you're an angry teenager and it's difficult for you not to be an ignorant shithead but adults can see right through you, as I'm doing now.
The only reason I still browse this board is to laugh at betas like you, I find it amusing and hilarious.
Want to reply again, little shit? Don't make me wait long.
There's no Yea Forums jannies, there's just the other boards cross workers who get called in on an hourly sweep so we can get to autosage before they notice.
Have this instead
>someone mentioned wife/gf
Thread killer