>Umbrella Corps 2.0
>Reused assets
>The only White male is the bad Guy

Capcom Just give a 180 and Walk away from that redemption Arc Huh?Cant wait for the Tyrone and Paco memes

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Other urls found in this thread:


RE Engine was an engine made for savings and people praised it as if it was the second coming of Christ when in reality it just was a salvaged, toned down Panta Rhei that costs less to develop with and features ugly looking scan visuals to please the worst kind of normies, like the ones who love the new The Lion King movie.

Whats the point of the damage numbers tho!?

Take your meds skelenigger

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first far cry: new dawn, now this game. Just fuck off numbers, this ain't a RPG.

go look up the 7 minute gameplay video, its much worse

knew this was going to be shitty when i saw how ugly all the characters are

>black guy
yeah, I'm thinking Capcom is based

Revelations had it, it's fine.

I fucking love RE games but this is a guaranteed fucking failure. Capcom got fucking cocky after the success of RE2make.

I warned you about jumping to conclusions from one or two good games bro

revelations was awful

>Capcom is back

Didn't some user literally call this when the first trailer dropped, that it was some Umbrella experiment?

Didn't take them long to throw RE back in the shitter huh?

Revelations was fantastic, you have shit taste.

Revelations had for a reason, the game had leveling system, which doesn't seems to be a thing in this one.

>all those fags coping about it being outbreak 3 and how it totally isnt going to be a 4v1

no it fucking wasn't lmao, even for a DS game it was shit


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agree to disagree

This is like Saw: The Game
Too bad, I Really thought they were going to expand on the Ghost Survivors concept or give us Outbreak 3

>damage numbers
>particle effects
What the fuck are they thinking. These two things pissed me off more than anything

My disappoint is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

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Kill yourself

RE outbreak makes chronicles look like a masterpiece. I've never played a bigger piece of shit than outbreak 1 and 2.

raid mode says hi

>Resident Evil multiplayer game where 4 people have to get through an Umbrella facility while 1 guy tries to stop them by controlling zombies, lickers, etc. like Zombie Master
>But we aren't getting Outbreak 3 or even a remaster or rerelease
Two steps forward, two steps back.

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Best part, it looks like shit but consoleniggers will jump at it.

get some taste faggot, the game was dogshit

consolenigger chiming in. I won't be buying this turd. thanks for listening.

Looks fun

So it’s Resident Evil: Left 4 dead?

>still no RE coop game about playing as the umbrella team survivng the HIVE and red queen

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>>The only White male is the bad Guy
how is that a negative?

but yeah this looks like some slapped together cash grab

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why would there be?the shit films arent canon

except not good

Absolutely triggered about those generic names

>be white guy
>get to kill ethnics
>game rewards me
where's the issue

You can spawn traps on top of survivors
You can spawn zombies on top of and directly in front of survivors
Whenever a zombie spawns in front of a survivor it looks like Metal Gear survive where a big red particle effect wormhole shows up and the zombie just fades into reality

Even Capcom doesn't know what Outbreak is LMAO

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I heard raimi is a character design consultant this time around

I think it looks pretty cool desu, not sure why people are bitching so much. If this was a paid DLC for RE2R instead of standalone I bet everyone would be hyped as fuck for it





Capcom wanted to forget about that abomination as much as the rest of us.

>why would there be
because its the perfect premise for a RE coop game, the HIVE is the best map in any custom server it appears in, the uniforms and weapons are cool, it still has elements of survival horror AND it would make for an enjoyable game with shit that made classic RE good
>hurr durr the movies are shit
except the first 2 were kino, skip all the alice sections and it gets much better

>skip the largest chunks of the movies and they're okay
Lol retard

I’ll buy it if they add best boy as a pre-order bonus like in REV2 or as a character down the line

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Anyone who unironically uses the word kino can be safely ignored when it comes to their opinion on film.
The RE movies are fucking dogshit, only worth watching to laugh at how retarded they are.

you haven’t played it

Paul stop posting, your wife is fucking other directors for roles again.

underrated post

I didn't have to play metal gear survive to know it was shit either.

>if this possibly fully priced game Was instead a 20 Dollar dlc, people wouldn't be mad
Your false equivalency fallacy may work with your retarded discord friends, but not here.

yeah, if you had played MG:S you'd know it's actually pretty good.

it’s good tho

How can they forget one of their own games? cant they just look it up?

What's this soulless trash.

You're just assuming it's full priced. It could easily release at $30

>Yea Forums forms prejudices based on little Info and not actually trying for themselves
Yea Forums doesn't play vidya
Color me surprised

it was fucking shit
t.actually played the game

Did that nigga Tyrone just cast a spell? wtf.

the zoom zoom in this post hurts my soul

we wuz wizards and pharoahs n shiet

>Yea Forums doesn't play vidya
You are just now realizing this, retard?

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Its not Capcom, the game is outsourced.

>how do you know it's bad if you never tried it
>tried it, it's shit
>how do you know it's bad if you never beat it
>I beat it, it's shit
Fuck off, Crapcom.

i'm 32, outbreak sucked.

I think your opinion is shit tbqh

even then a simple search will show that the game does exist

Capcom is the best video game dev of all time. There's no disputing this.

It was better than RE2r, RE5, RE6 and RE7.
Does it hurt your feelings? I hope it does.

I'm 32 and I think it was great.

I’m reserving judgement until I can try it with friends

>like old RE games and the RE2 remake
>think this looks like fun

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>It was better than RE2r, RE5, RE6 and RE7.
Oh thank god you are just retarded, I thought you were serious for a minute.

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Lol who asked for you're opinon tranny?

Nah, as someone who played the beta the core gameplay just was not good.
Kojima is a pretentious hack, but he knew what people liked about MGS, which Konami clearly doesn't understand.

the beta was shit but the story is great fuck off.

Why? It's a close call with RE2r but the other games are fucking rotten turds, so it's an easy win.

>DBD clone
>it's not on PC

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Resident Evil Project Resistance
For people who don't want to watch the videos, here is everything I've found from watching them:
>Takes place in a secret Umbrella facility on the outskirts of Raccoon City
>4 survivors each with special skills - Valerie (support) January (hacker) Tyrone (tank) and Samuel (melee)
>They all have their own skills with ranks
>Survivors must escape and the mastermind must stop them
>A guy called Daniel is the "mastermind" who spawns zombies and other monsters and can take control of them
>The mastermind can lock doors, take control of turrets to shoot survivors
>Survivors start with 5 minutes to beat the level, but gain time and lose time for certain actions
>When you run out of time it goes into overtime mode (not sure what this entails)
>Have to solve puzzles (really just collecting items) to advance
>Variety of melee weapons, they have durability and can break but you can find repair kits
>Something called Umbrella Credits possibly used between levels to buy guns or ammo
>Yellow herbs return, don't know what they are used for yet, could be to increase max health

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it is on PC you dumb nigger


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>1 shot by cops irl

Didn't realize you could also play as the mastermind setting up traps and playing as Mr Meme. What other game let you do that? Kinda like Dead by Daylight but I know there's another game that let you set up traps and stuff with he same 4v1 concept.

Who gives a fuck about the story in a video game if the gameplay sucks ass?

when do you think it’ll release?

Garbage reused assets arcadey shit
I hope they aren't thinking of selling this for $60

tl;dr It's Resident Evil Dead by Daylight but instead of running away from a killer to start generators you run through a gauntlet trying to escape some asshole who can spawn zombies and shit

yeah they say tyrone's a tank but since when were cops stronger than military vehicles?

And you can't read. Go back to your debate club, maybe you will learn how to form and express your ideas there

6 is the only game on that list that is a rotten turd.

Are you absolutleh certain? Im here to see Pahco!

>When survivors die they turn solid white and demateriliaze then respawn
>When zombies spawn they materialize out of the floor
It's all a simulation

>t.never played NieR


>Hey guys, our last multiplayer game flopped really bad
>What should our next game be?

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I couldn't even finish the original Nier because the gameplay bored me to tears.
Same with Drakengard.
Nier Automata is the only tolerable Nier/Yoko Taro game because it's the only one with gameplay that's not absolute trash.
Stick to wanking over Death Stranding and similar shit if gameplay in a video game is secondary for you.

never tried umbrella corps, looks fun

>2 players in the last 15 hours
Jesus it's worse than I imagined.

>All time peak
>not 500 players
Jesus Christ, imagine the game director, and how he had to explain the higher ups his idea Was misunderstood or not developed correctly
That must have been stressfull as fuck

No zombie master was a HL2 RTS multiplayer mod, you have the players against 1 zombie master who could spawn zombies and create traps

None of these characters look appealing. Remember how cool some of the Operation racoon city characters looked. They should have just remade that.

I don't like nor want to play DS, I just know NieR is a masterwork worth the playthrough.

Not really, you'd get more out of it just watching a no commentary playthrough or reading the wiki.

ok pedo

Glad they didnt make a good game because now i can shit out my outbreak clone and not have any competition lol

Would’ve been alright if this a tacked on game mode to a main line game, but as a stand alone no one is gonna buy this shit. RE fans aren’t asking for this garbage.

Calm down white kid, stick to reading more articles on murderpedia.

>We thought Resident Evil 2 was going to flop
>It turned out to be a big success and people really liked it
>We should capitalize on this renewed good faith in our company and interest in Resident Evil
>By making a Dead by Daylight + Zombie Master clone
Maybe I'm retarded because I don't understand this train of thought

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A gauntlet sounds a lot better than trying to start up a generator to be honest.

>Dead by Daylight
Yeah, between that and not properly quoting anybody you're probably retarded.

>latest game gets you an audience
>make a game that doesnt appeal to said audience
Operation Raccoon City 2

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> I don't understand this train of thought
japanese devs are rely on luck, if they make a good game then it was just lucky, when they make a bad game its becayse they dont actually know what the fuck their doing and didnt get lucky this time

this. only time I'll play as a black guy is if he's a real nigga like Cole Train

>We thought Resident Evil 2 was going to flop
We did not. The only one who thought so was Michael.

Hope he got fired, and went into huge credit/debt, declared bankrupt, his family gone, wife took the kids and left.

>Panty raid engine
Oh yeah that was a thing. Anyone remember deep down?

i don't like what i see
also red glowing eyes on zombies wtf is this shit?

exactly raid was shit just as the whole game

"We" is Capcom user, they expected it to flop hard, thats why the game lacks features when compared to the original RE2.

Do your laundry, Michael.

zombies glow when the mastermind takes control of them

>RE2 has likable characters
Make four automaton stereotypes that don't say anything, have any sort of past and don't actually exist because it's a simulation
>RE2 has a great map and atmosphere
Cram everything into a sterile, lifeless lab (and totally ignore the city that people praised)
>RE2 has interesting gameplay and puzzles
Replace it with generic run-and-gun shooting, fistfighting zombies, totally disregard how each room was carefully laid out by giving a player the ability to spawn 5 Lickers and a dog in a hallway
>RE2 is probably the best, or one of, the best singleplayer games of the year
Multiplayer cash grab

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>Be Capcom
>Make RE4
>Not actual RE, but really good game
>Think that RE needs more action
>Make RE5
>People liked it, not as much as RE4, but still good
>Think it's because it didn't have Leon and it needed more action
>Make RE6
>Almost no one liked it
>Oh shit, but RE4 re-releases keep selling well, what do?
>People liked to play as Hunk in RE4, let's give them that!
>RE ORC, flops
>Sir, people say it wasn't a RE game
>Fuck them, I'll give them a game alright
>Umbrella Corps
>Massive flop
>Also released on 3DS, Revelations
>Praised for it being a horror game
>Let's try that 3DS thingy
>Release RE M3D, flops because you can't erase save data
>Fuck the 3ds
>Release Rev2
>Praised, not as much as Rev1, but praised nonetheless
>Intern tells the manager while sucking his dick about PT and how they Internet loves it
>Sure, we don't know what the fuck we are doing with RE anyway
>Oh shit, good, now how's that remake going?
>REmake2 with free dlc campaigns
>Universally acclaimed
>Wow, people must really like RE for the action, what if you were a dude creating zombies in a sadistic test environment?
This is Capcom

Who are you quoting?

I would punch your lights out

>Capcom Just give a 180 and Walk away from that redemption Arc Huh?

This is something people fabricated entirely on their own. Capcom produced or published good quality games even at its lowest point like Dragon's Dogma, but cases like SFxT, Asura's Wrath DLC practices or the DmC reboot overshadowed that in their eyes.
There is no redemption arc, there has never been. People just assumed that because of releases like MHW, RE2make and DMC5.
You're just suffering from capeshit citizen's syndrome where your praising for something mutates into rabid hate at the minimal boiling point tip.

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It was. It wasn't anything amazing or revolutionary, and had balance issues, but it was a dumb fun game. At least on console, the PC port was bad and mouse aim would make the already bad balance even worse.

I also doubt it was a total flop, given that it probably had hardly any budget and was sold for a way higher priced than it should have been.


>A multiplayer game which is obvious a cheap side game for the multiplayer meme

Why are people so triggered by this again? You faggots eriously think REmake 3 and Resident Evil 8 isn't being made?

Look, I don't really care how you worded it nor whether or not you personally think it yourself, Mr. random anonymous asshole #54323466554. That's irrelevant. My point was that people are still just assuming that it's gonna be full-price when we really don't know yet, and that's hugely skewing their judgements already.

I can understand people being disappointed that this isn't R3make or RE8, but the autism over this game is just cringy. Its obvious that Capcom still wants the normie audience, and them attempting at it with some low effort spin off is totally fine in my books. This rage isn't justified as it was with 4/5/6.

I'll take it over bland design by commitee that appeals to no one.

Are we sure it's going to be shit?
I want a new L4D to play with friends.

This is Zombie Master if anything.

>that annoying and terrible french accent
>4vs1 dead by daylight/killing floor shit
wtf were they thinking? who decided this was a better idea than a new or remake of outbreak?

>this faggot again
its nothing like zombie master, yada yada 20+ people you know the drill

>I dont care what you said and how you worded it, I still hold my irrelevant opinion based on 0 people saying this

Not being the exact same shit from Zombie Master doesn't means its nothing like it, the concept is still the same.

Do yourself a favor and start thinking for yourself instead of listening to shitposting morons on Yea Forums. Literally just ignore them all and make your own judgements based on the gameplay footage. Only like 5% of posts on this site are actually worthy of paying any mind to with regard to newly announced games

They've been in RE since REvelations with Raid Mode. Not to say the game is better or worse with it since Project Resistance doesnt look good.

it isn't the mid 2010s anymore, we don't need to settle for the lows of RE that were Rev games. And, if it isn't about settling, if it's about waifus (which it always is), I am sure there is a Silent Hill 3 thread you can shit up with that behavior.

Rev and Rev2 are shit.

.............what brainiac could have seen that coming woawh

So there's no chance it could be a lower priced game because nobody is blindly speculating that like they are when blindly assuming that it's gonna be $60. Got it.
Also I don't think my pointing out that we don't actually know the price point yet qualifies as an opinion. Just a reminder not to jump to conclusions

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This could be kinda neat if they add in levels from other games in the series but I doubt they will since it looks like 99% recycled RE2 assets.

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>reused assets

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Are you retarded

>look mommy i posted the same dead 10 year old meme
>haha no i wouldnt post rage comics those are cringe as fuck

>redemption Arc
There's no such a thing.

>shoot a zombie
>numbers pop out of it

>I can understand people being disappointed that this isn't R3make or RE8
No you shouldn't. It's retarded to expect that quick of a turn around on a flagship title. This is an outsourced spin off with zero relevance to the development of those titles.

Mastermind gets to use Mr. X, the Survivors get HUNK as a hero unit if they fulfill certain conditions, like the Friday the 13th game and Tommy.

A game called Breach did a fantasyish thing like this. Company went under and the game shut down sadly, was quite a bit of fun while it lasted.

This is actually a genius move
>outsource this to some no name shitter company
>make it appeal to zoomers
>zoomers buy it in droves cause yaaay hot new thing
>all the profits can go into funding the real project, Resident Evil 8
4D chess, well done Capcom

I think they also said there will be multiple masterminds to choose from, with different traits, abilities and bosses.

>down time in between mainline, in house titles
>throw a few resources at a budget multiplayer spinoff
Why get so pissed about this outside of sanctimony? There might be some janky fun to be had and if not it literally affects nothing.

Why even have "damage numbers" for zombies? You can't even see their health so you'll just smack them/shoot them until their dead anyways

Honestly fuck CRAPCOM
>Cancelled megaman legends 3 and starforce 4 to make a shitty mobile game that died
>make another 2 shitty mobile games instead
>that entire SFV shitstorm, garbage release, dead scene, FUCKING ADS IN-GAME
>DMC V and DEMAKE 2 were both disappointing
>goblino characters in recent games dmc, demake 2, monster hunter
>character designer admitted to making them ugly on purpose for dmc v
>Microtransactions in DMC games
>selling replica dante leather jackets for literal thousands of dollars
>marvel vs capcom infinite
>megaman 11 was phoned in as hell
>pachinko machines
Fuck capcom and fuck CRAPCOM SHILLS on Yea Forums, we could've had Resident Evil Outbreak but they fucked up again

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It cheapens the "Resident Evil" name and franchise and makes Capcom look cheap and scummy, like they only care about making money instead of their image or fans

>Update that adds a Mastermind with access to The Pursuer as a teaser for ReRE:3


it's outsourced garbage, what did you expect

>It cheapens the "Resident Evil" name and franchise

seems like there gonna add dlc characters for surviors and masterminds. seeing theres some type of deck and ability. this reminds me of that mmo game that failed. "Breach"

Are you going to main tank, melee DPS, mage, or healer when resistance comes out?

archived the comments
click on the time posted next to the name and post the url in archive.is if you want to update it

>CAPCOM is going down this path again

Attached: moment.png (411x411, 332K)

Reminder that people were unironically asking for RE3R with reused assets and were hoping for a release this same fucking year as RE2R came out. And those same people now act disappointed when they see this game is reusing assets just because it's not RE3

Seething Nintendoniggers. It'll be a sucess just like Monster Hunter World and Iceborne were. I'm literally preordering now (using code CAPCOM05 for 5% off) and there's nothing your diaper brigade can do about it.

"Maining" is for huge fags, you play them all

At long last left 4 dead 3 is getting released

>It's retarded to expect that quick of a turn around on a flagship title.

We all know that, but deep down its what everybody wanted. Thats why I can't grasp the autism going on since it became obvious when we found out about the game being outsourced.

Why do people keep comparing this game to other stuff that has nothing to do with it? It's a resident evil themed zombie master with updated mechanics such as being able to control monsters.

Whats cheapens the "Resident Evil" name is a game like RE6, nobody really gives a crap about spin offs.

Is this a new Scooby Doo game?

I'm really disapointed the abilities are so generic "gamey". I wish they were more subtle like the black guy starts with a gun, or one of the girls could climb in vents or fit in gaps the bigger characters can't. Instead they went for fucking battlefield classes.

>Reused assets
Since when is that a bad thing?

Attached: yak.png (685x211, 43K)

>the nigger is literally called Tyrone

Attached: monke.jpg (1000x1113, 81K)

This has never worked before. This is the fourth time they have tried it.

I disagree

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>Reused assets
Nothing wrong with that if they look good. A company shouldn't have to spend millions every single game; that being said, only 40% of your assets should be reused, maybe 50% if the new ones are good.


>can use voip over in game loudspeakers
Fuck, I might buy this.

What if they pull a SF in this game and change his name in the western release to avoid "controversy"!?

>he still can't read

good for you goyim and dont forget the special dildo edition for you wife and her boyfriend

>you run through a gauntlet trying to escape some asshole who can spawn zombies and shit
that's zombie master

it's just a shitty spinoff to fill time for next-gen consoles

if RE8 or RE3make look like shit, then sure


>beating up a woman is too controversial for the american market
>make the character a transvestite to avoid controversy

I was wondering when a triple A studio would finally steal the gameplay from Zombie Master.

metal gear survive had a 25 hours story mode in single player...and is a tower defense shooter in multiplayer, it's not like that.

people crying about project resistance are literally retarded.
no, it won't influence the next main game, and they won't announce this one either, why ? people next gen is coming next year but isn't announced yet. that's why most of the industry can't announce any big project. everyone is afflicted by that.

I think it looks ok.

this thing looks literally like a mini game, it should have been a free dlc for RE2 remake instead of a separate game

>don’t have new monsters like the hunter
>don’t even have the molded
>characters can respawn
>decks are permade so you can not even make a crazy deck with molded and zombies with Lisa Trevor as an unkillable boss
>we probably won’t get the super tyrant again
>damage numbers
>levels are short and segmented into single floor areas

Yeah this, seems like they have no clue about games and every good one was done on accident.

Yes, and Scooby is the one in the control room.

They need to fire their whole market research team, what an absolute out of touch morons

Looks fun. I'll def get it. I keep thinking back to how shitty umbrella corps was. This in comparison looks fun. Hope its 30 bucks.

Yeah this might have been cool but they're really going out of their way to make it as gaudy as possible.

>30 bucks
Even if it's not, these days games go on sale quickly.

>black guy

well meme'd capcom

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fuck outbreak fags they’re the reason we get multiplayer garbage

Yeah it worked so well with UC

I think you guys are obsessed with this shit.

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Who gives a shit? It's an experimental "inbetween actual projects" project. Why do you people always give such a big shit about those?

They never turn out quality and just end up as weird filler games that are dead within a few months. ORC had some charm but was mostly shit, and Umbrella Corps was total garbage.

They could have just done a Outbreak 1 and 2 HD and it would have looked better.

Rev1 was good rev 2 was shit.

both suck

Told you Resident Guido was no good

Yeah sure, its like people don't complain about petty shit all the time on Twitter and Res*tera.

Why does it look so souless? is like Umbrella Chronicles 2 - Stranger Things.

All you had to do was re-release outbreak.

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And it would flop again...

Back to doing shit games

what the fuck is even canon at this point.

I don't like what seems to be the real time placement of zombies, breaks the immersion if it looks like they're just teleporting in front of you.

I wonder if Michael is going to be the contrarian he is and praise this to hell and back

He says that Project Resistance is actually a code name for R3make, and that the gameplay we've seen so far is from the game's multiplayer.

Got my hopes up thinking it was gonna be like Zombie Master

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This is bullshit. Everyone is gonna wanna be the chad.

No it wouldnt, online has come a long way since ps2 modems.

How is it not? It's fundamentally similar with a few new added mechanics such as being able to directly control monsters. Is it because of the smaller player count? The point system and buying ammo/weapons? Seems like a more evolved state of zombie master to me.

>RE meets Dungeon Master
seems hella Fun dont be So gay all thé time u idjits


Not really my point, is just that fixed angles and tank controls have no appeal today.

And no, pandering to some few nostalgia faggots is not a good financial move.