I am glad I bought her game.
I am glad I bought her game
Yeah yeah look how pissed off i am over pixels waah waah, look 40% of transexuals commit suicide waah waah
Stop posting spamming this, or else you are gonna attract the /pol/turists
Sage goes in the options field.
Go back to /pol/ asshole, we know you're ironic about buying it. God, I don't get you asshats. My gf would beat you up.
Im glad I dont buy games
>developer inserts a tiny harmless LGBT reference and doesn't scream to the hills about it or use it for marketing
No word from the creators so this is all pointless
>"Lol, if if these faggots and trannies have a problem with it, they should just make their own games!"
>"N-No! We were kidding!"
>yes goy keep defending trannies goy don't ever worry about your dying white race you stupid goyim
to trannies even take pills any more? I thought they had injections or patches now instead
There were some problems with Elizabeth 3.0 so we recalled it to test for a bit longer
This reaction also enforces the otherness of trans kids, pretty cringe
But I take pills for my epilepsy, does that make me trans?
did the holobunga ruin your math skills? 0,5% isn't exactly enough to make the ''white race'' vanish
What is a goy?
yes, kys tranny
except other races are more likely to be trannies
based trannies saving the white race
you think trannies make up 1 in 200 people? not even in shithole western cities
I wish white genocide was real, then maybe Yea Forums wouldn't be so shit.
>to trannies even take pills any more?
You mean aside from when they're trying to commit suicide?
>2012 Steam
They take a lot of sleeping pills.
I can still call it gay shit, just because you made it doesnt mean it cannot be criticized you asshole
A normal person.
A non-schizo.
>reddit filename
I dont get it, is it a girl with a neutered penis that's into girls, or is it a girl with a neutered penis that's into guys.
I didn't buy it. Hell, I haven't even played it. I wasn't even planning on it, but I'm most CERTAINLY not going to.
I feel like we should be encouraging trans surgeries because it seems like the obvious straying point when it comes to further human augmentation and development. Like this feels like baby’s first step into a Sci-Fi society where human augmentation is advanced and quality of life is improved greatly.
Common trope but not true. Most transgenders are very happy with themselves. Only the miserable ones get reported on.
The DLC part is legit at least, it's not even within reason to buy all of a Paradox game's DLC.
>considering good
>stopping piracy
That’s her mom you stupid fuck
I don't understand what any of these pictures have to do with gay or trans shit. What is bottom right even supposed to be?
regret buying this one
Fuck you I want advanced bio-tech.
Whenever did you see me saying they should stop making garbage? Just cause it exists doesn't mean I'm gonna play it. And I can still call it for what it is, just don't get mad when I call it shit and refuse to play it. You do you, and you leave me to my Japanese games. Ofc, I can ignore you, but you still get butthurt at the games I like existing.
Goy is the term Jewish people use to refer to non-Jews. Goyim is the plural. Same as gentile.
Did you not play the fucking game?
>my gf would beat you up
Because beta males can't fight their own battles
For what purpose
>boy in the portrait
Are you being dense on purpose?
good goy very good goy indeed!
Kill yourself, tranny.
user I know while 40% doesn't qualify as the majority, its still way too fucking many compared to the base average of 1.6%.
Okay so yeah I haven't played this shit so I didn't really understand but I saw the images and it looked like the girl (main character?) was like 5 years old in the image and the blue haired one was a grown ass woman so I was confused.
I also don't see how having flags means you're any of them. There's nothing stopping you from supporting their garbage without being one.
I don't give a fuck about gay trans bullshit, the gameplay is amazing.
Im not suprise if the dev is actually put this as part of the story or he's really gay?
The game is good so who cares?
But if people like you screams over a fucking mini shit reference of gay shit then your colors are truly start to show.
How a autstic scum do you have to be just to trigger over a small reference?
No, it's because he's unironically getting pegged, so he thinks since he's the bottom "his" gf is the top, so a man basically.
You've been watching too much anime.
I’ll help you out retard-kun.
1st Panel: the girl at her computer with trans and LGBTQ flags.
2nd Panel: the girl in her bed
3rd Panel: zoomed in photo of the girl as a child that looks like she was a little boy at some point.
4th Panel: bottle of pills, perhaps hormones adjusters(idk what you take when you’re trans)
I skipped every cutscene once I realized the story would be hot garbage.
Still a decent game, if you enjoy these "Super Precise" type of platformers.
dude that isn't fucking true; white people (and their pets) are the only ones buying into this LGBT crap. Atleast the based mexibros are gonna save America from trannies.
Estrogens, you take estrogens. You know, the opposite of what Serena Williams takes to look like a silverback.
Interesting, thank you
But user, Nobody said that. I was talking about the falseflagging OP and the people bitching. The beauty of being able to choose what games you play is that you don't have to play everything. That said, it's sad to waste so much effort crying about a game you'll never play or calling it garbage without ever trying it.
>getting triggered by a flag
this site is pathetic
white people are more accepting of trannies
but other races are more likely to actually be trannies you dum dum
Not a goy tho
As a slav, I'll be spared.
Son I don’t know, think of the possibilities. Cloning, advanced stem cell regrowth, downloadable and transferable conscious, cryo sleep, etc...
pills are commonly prescribed. injections are said to be the best though.
What are you so mad about? OP said xe was glad. Stop being such a transphobe.
At the rate it's going, probably not for another 30-50 years.
And you think you will be able to afford all of that?
Or it could just be a short haired girl.
Which is plausible if she's fucking young.
I don't understand.
Why are you guys acting like OP is such a bigot? OP clearly states he’s glad he bought the game and that it’s even better with trans representation.
It’s not like /pol/tards would buy this game anyways since its not a dark and gritty FPS about war and dumb male stuff (ugh xd), and everyone knew that some of the devs were trans too, which /pol/tards hate.
Hell, I’m pretty sure y’all is /pol/tard trump supporters false flagging as allies.
>43% suicide rate
>happy with themselves
well, you're sort of right - dead trannys aren't unhappy anymore.
White males commit suicide more than any other race, safe to say if you are a white male, you are not happy.
>Supporting gay rights automatically makes you gay and trans
>Photo of a little and an Old woman isn't a Photo of a family but a proof that she's gay
>Having pills in the table must automatically be related to your hormones
>Laura Kate Dale
Why does this bitch show up for the stupidest reasons
Last time she shoved herself and made a bullshit claim about knowing a game that game delayed because earthquake Nintendo direct and she was fucking wrong
Why are you defending degenerate shit? Kill yourself, tranny.
Yes devs confirmed it
No she just has the lgbT flag you nimrod
wouldn't that make them straight?
Haven't played the game myself, but i thought the photo shows the mother and her daughter. Also those pills are antidepressants, so i thought.
Because it makes you mad.
Technically speaking, the overwhelming majority of men that openly support that shit look like massive faggots, so the association isn't that far off.
>Game meant for trannies has a tranny protagonist.
Is jumping into a pit to your death simply just skipping to the ending?
You can’t be trans AND Gay
>gay and trans
what does that mean in this context? like a tranny "lesbian" who is a tranny but likes women? or is it gay so like men and then also tranny so they think they're a girl?
It’ll be the same as today, some third world shitter will do it on the cheap. If I’m old I’ll gladly roll the dice on extending my life or renewing parts of it.
only reason i'm mad about this is because i thought it was a cute redhead
that is not true, but I would love to see your white mind try to defend it
I can call something garbage without playing it if I feel like it. Pandering to hipster social justice is reason enough for me to shit on a game.
However, you don't see me going out of my way to try and stop these games from being made, or change them from how the devs choose to make them, which is a lot more than I can say for the retards who gobble this shit up. The moment any game doesn't appeal to their twisted morality and views, they throw a massive public shitfit loud enough to ruin the shit I personally enjoy.
That's where the issue lies. This wouldn't be a culture war if we both ignored each other, but sadly I can't have that now can I?
The point of the picture is to show she was a boy when she was younger
outside of Yea Forums, /pol/ and /lgbt/ trans people are generally regarded as the gender they identify as and the sexuality is according to that too. so a straight trans girl would be into guys.
Lol get a life, you're just jealous of her. Have sex.
>a game developed by a literal tranny has tranny characters in it
Fuck man, how did they get away with it?
>/pol/cucks feel attacked
>/pol/cucks attack trannies
>people defend trannies
>he doesn't know
A solid number of mtf call themselves "lesbians".
Basically you want to get laid as a man even though you look like a woman. It's a thing.
They want to be considered women, they want to be treated like women, but they want to fuck women with their dicks. Take the hint.
What if I don't enjoy them because the skill they require is extremely one-dimensional and will never be satisfying to play?
And then we'll have immortal boomers. No thanks man, I'll have to pass on that one.
Wait how can the game be about abortion if Celeste is trans???
Your not straight if your trans
>but sadly I can't have that now can I?
You can. YOU'RE the one that responded to me.
>muh /pol/tards!!!!
Just admit you'll never see Yea Forums become yet another SJW circlejerk already.
Obviously not, the world is against them, they're being replaced politically, in media, all propaganda is against them, but still most of them persevere. Whites are truly the strongest race.
>the entire point of the game was getting shat on for wanting an abortion
>Turns out she was trans
What the fuck