What unironically went wrong?
What unironically went wrong?
The video games.
Nothing. If anything he's gotten tolerable and even watchable over the years.
He stopped enjoying video games
Absolutely nothing
He is having a ton of fun playing minecraft, he got a beautiful wife, earns a lot of money etc
He is living his best life.
ADL gained influence over YouTube
ADL blackmailed him by threatening the deletion of his channel
he announced on video that he was donating $50,000 to the ADL
everyone realizes this is out of character
shitstorm strikes the ADL
pewdiefag wins
>Say nigger
>Yes this is peak comedy, you just don't understand, he changed, he's based now, I love this, no I don't have the humor of a retarded 9yo kid
>Do whatever he upset you I don't even know
>Wtf this guy is shit!
I fucking love this place, you're pathetic jaded manchildren
He realized the incel audience isn’t worth the trouble
The (((ADL)))
He's gotten a lot more openly liberal over the years.
Nothing. He is the most famous guy in the world, and is based and cucking all the boomers. He'll take over showbusiness when TV is cancelled and everything is streamed.
Yeah, the (((ADL))).
wtf alt-right bros I thought he was supposed to be /our guy/ :(((
Fuck off 9gag
Nothing, I used to think he was cancerous but his modern content is super chill and authentic. Pol tards are just butthurt that he realized there’s better forms of comedy than yelling nigger
Nothing. He was an annoying manchild 5 years ago, he was an annoying manchild 2 years ago and he's still an annoying manchild.
This, he stopped pandering to the 12 year olds and started acting like his typical racist self.
>The mental gymnastics of unironic Pewds shills
He simply sucks up to them because he makes more money now than ever. His editor Brad didn't leave for no reason either, he probably wasn't okay with him selling out to the jews. Brad was not even at his fucking wedding and didn't congratulate at all. He didn't just leave to "do his own thing". He did his own thing all along on the side.
he was born
> He is the most famous guy in the world
How long have been since you last left home?
Every rich person pays people off in order to get them off their back, this isn't new.
>rich enough to pay the jews away
>"wtf no you were supposed to be a martyr"
/pol/tards are retarded
He was always shit
protection money
lol bradfags are the worst "he didn't even thank him in his 100 million video" when you can clearly hear Brads name being said.
>pewdiepie fans are now old enough to post here
Yea Forums died as soon as people born in the 90's stopped being openly mocked
>the deletion of his channel
Do you seriously think they would ever do this? It would honestly and depressingly cause a larger shitstorm than epstein getting suicided.