I’m trying to add some extra funds to my steam wallet but I can’t wrap my head around what it wants me to do.
Note that I don’t usually buy shit on the internet so I don’t quite know how it all works.
ITT: you help give steam my money
It’s all in swedish so I helped by adding some notes :)
user....just put your credit card number in the box....
Whichever credit card you know has money on it, use that one
All of them?
Are you retarded? You seem to have no trouble naming the fields just fill them with what it says
Yes all 16 numbers on the front
Yes the expiration date MM/YY
Yes the three little numbers back
If you post it all here we can help you put it where it needs to go.
whichever one you want to use
It wants you to let a muslim nigerian immigrant fuck your wife, that's the only way to get the game
Faktureringsadress is the adress registered on your card so it should be your home one. Expiration date is on the front, security code on the back where you can write your name. you'll know that it worked if it processes your payment in a few seconds.
>If you post it all here we can help you put it where it needs to go.
I might be retarded but I’m not stupid.
Sure i can name most of the field, but that don’t mean I know what they mean.
Like invoice adress, I don’t know where it lives. Does it want my adress.
And wtf is CARD supposed to mean?!
>I might be retarded but I’m not stupid
Jag är inte sjuk, jag är bara svensk.
Thank you, some useful info
Now the only question is what ”CARD” or ”postort” is.
Den som sa det han kan va det
Left to right, top to bottom
The 16 numbers on the card
Month of Expiration
Year of Expiration
The security numbers on the back
First name (user)
Surname (Ymous)
Your billing address (123 Main Street)
Apartment number, if applicable. If you aren't in an apartment leave this blank.
Postal code
street and number in adress field 1, postort & postnummer in corresponding fields. leave adress field 2 blank, it's for countries with more complex adresses.
Vänster till höger, topp till botten
De 16 numren på kortet
Månadens utgång
Årets utgång
Säkerhetsnumren på baksidan
Förnamn (user)
Efternamn (Ymous)
Din faktureringsadress (Main Street 123)
Lägenhetsnummer, om tillämpligt. Om du inte är i en lägenhet lämnar du det tomt.
Detta är google translate, det bästa jag kan göra.
bara skriv in skiten som finns på ditt kort user
>Den som sa det han kan va det
Dom som sier dom er domme, dom er domme dom.
retarded swede
postort = kommun.
user ... do you own a credit card?
runkbulle är en svensk delikatess
Thank you, amazing work boys but steam does not want my money it seems.
It seems it can’t complete the transaction. This is so sad
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