Do you think that in few years there we will be similar wave of throwback shooters, this time focused on early 2000s, like we are currently experiencing with?
Do you think that in few years there we will be similar wave of throwback shooters, this time focused on early 2000s...
Yes, definitely.
You can for sure expect the "twitch shooter" Call of Duty type game to exist for many more years to come, fueled by the indie game scene
early 2000s was the worst era for shooters, prove me wrong
we had a lot of new types mechanically and interesting stuff going on. brown filter was terrible though
No because those we're all trash. How can anyone ever be nostalgic for 2 weapon limits, regenerating health and giant glowing icons saying "go here dumb fuck!"
I can’t, it was the worst.
I’d like to see a revival of PS2 era platformers myself. We are starting to come around with stuff like the Spongebob remake
>early 2000s
>quake 4
nigga what.
As to you question they had often interesting ideas that were too big for technology at that time. Also many offer good mix of story and gameplay, unlike post HL2 games which are usually bloated with story.
Prey is only the standout ID tech 4 engine game from that whole era.
"twitch shooters" are more late 2000s, early 2010s trend
Stuff like Nolf and Rtcw? Yeah I'd be down for that
nigga what?
2001-2004 had shitload of great fps games:
Red Faction 1+2
Alien vs Predator 2
Halo 1
Serious Sam
Tribes 2
TimeSplitters 2
Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast
Soldier of Fortune 1 (2 sucks)
007 Nightfire
MoH Allied assault
Unreal Tournament
No one lives forever
Call of duty
Hidden & Dangerous 2
Halo 2
Doom 3
Far Cry
i wish fps games would be as half good as those games (cover shooters are a meme)
>don't you miss when games were fucking shit
>yeah, Mike, I can't stand it. Games are just too good now.
yeah, nah
I want Enemy Territory to come back.
all these are inferior to their 90s counterparts. timesplitters is definitely the standout of the era though
>all these are inferior to their 90s counterparts
fuck off you wannabe boomer
>cover shooters are a meme
Thank you.
I dont understand the appeal of these games like Amid Evil etc. They are LIKE Blood, DOOM and Quake, but they are not those games, those games are good. Being like a good game does not make a good game for fuck sake, the modern iterations are boring as fuck.
So what exactly makes a game good if not doing all the things that good games do
>all these are inferior to their 90s counterparts
most of those games don't have 90s counterparts
ahhhh wolfenstein 3d that's a good game
t. Fortnite player
You can take ingredients that you like and discard those that you don't like.
One example is that someone might like how fast where those old shooters, but at the same time dislike that many of them use hitscanners to increase dificulty. So a game like Dusk is fast but doesn't have any hitscanners etc.
well I had FUN playing Amid evil, so I guess I have shit taste in games if it's really not good
So why are the old games good and new games not good if both do the same bad things
I don't think so. For me there's the before Half-Life and the after Half-Life era of shooters.
Shooters from the early 2000s are the same as the ones we have now but with better settings and characters, better pacing, better variety better gameplay and less cutscenes.
Some trends just need to disappear like context-sensitive actions, NPC that do things for you while you have to wait, regenerating health and cover systems.
Dusk and Amid Evil are good games though most fans of 90s FPS would tell you that.
They dont have the level design and weapons, level design is a huge part of what makes these games good. In Dusk the weapons were so boring I was actually surprised. These games all want to be like Doom but refuse to use the auto targeting Doom uses, which means players need to aim precisely, which slows down gameplay. In Doom you are running and gunning, you should not be running and aiming.
>So why are the old games good and new games not good if both do the same bad things
They don't do the same thing, as I explained. Dusk isn't carbon copy of Quake, Amid Evil isn't carbon copy of Hexen 2, Ion Fury isn't carbon copy of Duke.
Maybe Im being hyperbolic. The games arent complete shit, but they are not as good as they get credit for. The attitude that if you dont like something means you think its 0/10 is pretty dumb.
When I think of early 2000s shooters I think of all the TECHNOLOGY, If some indie dev could make something like that then it'd be great
>Players need to slow down to hit shit
Speak for yourself
Should have linked to
>>Players need to slow down to hit shit
>Speak for yourself
how is this relevant to my post?
>These games all want to be like Doom but refuse to use the auto targeting Doom uses
I really don't think you need to bring all the negative aspects of old-school shooters along to make it feel like one, Quake brought us vertical mouse aim, so why not use it? People praise the old-school days for their level design and fast movement, people don't remember the lack of vertical aim so much because that was just a limitation at the time.
You can still activate "aggressive" mouse aim in the options so you just need to aim in a general direction
I'm basically repeating what this guy said
Retro FPS desperately needs too move on from just copying Doom. I like Doom, but once there's a sizeable amount of games that are just heavy metal and demon aesthetics and are obviously alluding to Doom it becomes too much. I'd love to see a retro shooter that is played completely straight and has originality without much tongues-in-cheek old-school-ness. Because Doom actually wasn't a very funny game at all, it was pretty depressing and completely bleak and humorless, but it was endearing because it was a good game and people made it a subject of of comedy. Quake was played straight too. So was Half-Life. So was Unreal. We need a new FPS that is played straight and breaks from crowd. I think it would be brilliant if done correctly.
Amid Evil is better than Quake.
this retro revival is just a direct response to how stale the shooter genre has become over the years, so if these old school shooters keep on coming they will definitively have to evolve a bit if they don't want to become a joke.
But I already think that games like Amid evil has a personality of it's own, it has strong inspirations from Quake and heretic, sure, but it's far from just "dude metal".
Ion Fury has also pushed the genre a bit simply by having such massive levels that couldn't be made back in the day. Again, nothing like Doom, it has its own cyberpunk theme going
>Ion Fury has also pushed the genre a bit simply by having such massive levels that couldn't be made back in the day.
I'm not really sure how to feel about Ion Fury. I like the few things it tries to expand on but the game fails pretty hard when it comes to stuff like weapon design and enemy variety. At the moment it just feels like a mod that's been in development hell for a decade or so.
>the game fails pretty hard when it comes to stuff like weapon design and enemy variety
I think that's being exaggerated a bit, but still a fair point.
The game is pretty long, and they save the more powerful enemies until second half of the game, then it becomes a decent roster.
as for weapons, yeah... the shotgun reserving two weapon slots makes it sting a bit more, it doesn't even hold a candle to Blood or Shadow warrior. But the weapons that are there feels pretty good, revolver is very useful, the bomb's homing technique is fun to use, the crossbow is ridiculously overpowered.
>"Soldier of Fortune 1 (2 sucks)"
based taste
Chrome sucked though. Can't say I had much fun with Red Faction either, though I only played the first.