why they keep saying this has the most impressive graphics of all time when it's jut average at best?
Why they keep saying this has the most impressive graphics of all time when it's jut average at best?
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Because the game is about a stronk womyn and they want those types of games to do well.
looks identical if not worse to other Gears games with far more smoke and mirrors bullshit to compensate for resolution promises on consoles.
One of the worst box art attempts in a while as well
>looks identical if not worse
Have you actually seen the original gears trilogy or are you just autistic and lying? How the fuck can anyone think grey EVERYWHERE is anywhere near on par with 5?
Old games aren’t grey. Not even the first one. Gears 2 and 3 both had very colorful and varied environments.
The meme about the games being grey and brown came from butthurt Sony fanboys who had nothing but Talladega Nights and Resistance to play at the same time. BTW Resistance actually is the most brown shit smeared game ever made, look at any screenshot.
I think you're forgetting the saturation overdrive that kicked in after the first game.
I honestly can tell GoW 3 and 5 apart, the assets all look the fucking same.
You're right, look at all this colour.
Marcus' son seems to have hit the donut house between 4 and 5, he looks wiiiiide
Usually the gnasher is my go-to weapon but the lancer feels really good in this game.
nice feet
It's unreal engine 4 going all out on graphical features while maintaining close to 60fps on a console.
It's impressive to normies.
Seems like something that impresses kissless virgins more. But the ones here arent impressed. They watched a crowbcat video and that's how they form opinions.
>you watched eceleb I win bye bye
Gears of war is now a tired and old TPS franchise. It's time has passed and has showed it's age in quality long ago. It's time to just sleep and put it to rest. Ending a game franchise that makes millions seems silly but it's for the best.
Uncharted did it
I'm not going to say it's the best of all time, but it holds its own against stuff like God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn, and it's fucking amazing to look at on PC with everything cranked in 4K.
Also, nobody actually saved Del, did they?
It has a early next gen vibe to it maxed.
Specially the reflections, don't have that vodeogame look to them, look much better than rtx stuff for some reason.
>Uncharted did it
Druckmann destroyed Uncharted and did a character assassination on Nate.
It's a tech demo for the UE.
Pretty much all major releases are impressive graphically.
Why do people even care about that anymore?
>Specially the reflections
why does this game make sn*ys seethe so hard
Because the cover is fucking retarded and it actually pisses me off
Go fuck yourself retard
No fucking idea.
For me even assassin's Creed looks amazing.
I guess graphics are just good enough for me nowadays.
I'm an xbro and agree with you, I've seen better. It is the best graphics on XB1 though but that's hardly an achievement on outdated hardware.
Does anyone even care about the single player? Haven't even considered playing it. Last game I played was Gears 2 and even as a kid the stories in these games were just nothing lame ass army stories. Can imagine they're really cringe now a days.
They're toxic masculinity. You wouldn't understand, zoomer.
coalition did the same with jd
Commit crosswords.
>It is the best graphics on XB1
Base maybe but RDR2 on X is phenomenal.
Yeah, I wanted him to be the main protagonist but I guess something happened at The Coalition after they made Gears 4.
paid marketers or ideological marketers
the game is simply awful and not beautiful at all
>Yeah, I wanted him to be the main protagonist but I guess something happened at The Coalition
jd is a straight white male cant have that anymore
The game has no global illumination so it always looks wrong
Too much contrast too
Or because he's boring? JD has zero character at all, which is impressive considering Marcus has none either and yet still is legaues ahead of JD. Kait makes more sense as she has something at least story wise going on with her.
>muh destructibles
Gears 5 is shitload more dense and spacious than 3. There's more destructibles in 3's levels, yes, but those levels were mostly just barren fucking tubes with some assets thrown around. That shitskin is just baiting and/or dumb as shit.
>game has no global illumination
You don't have any fucking idea what you are talking about, do you?
>Or because he's boring? JD has zero character at all, which is impressive considering Marcus has none either and yet still is legaues ahead of JD. Kait makes more sense as she has something at least story wise going on with her.
yeah and coalition devs have nothing to do with it right? fuck off faggot lmao
>No refute
Dude people will make the most disingenuous arguments and omit information to appear correct.
I'll bet in like a week someone will have the "There's only 5 levels in Gears 5! Proof that this game is trash!"
When in reality they mean Azura, that city, the snow place, the desert and ephira or whatever the fuck it's called.
Just shit they'll rattle off despite it clearly just being statistical noise and not really meaning anything in the context of what it actually means.
Go watch their vidocs. They literally say they tried to make JD likeable and failed because he's generic soldier man. It's to late to retry now since Kait's story arc was in full swing halfway through 4, you'd have two stories going on at the same time and that's something a retard like you woulnd't be able to cope with.
>Gears 5 is shitload more dense and spacious than 3
oh wow a game made using 512 mb ram is less spacious than a game on 2013 hardware? your moms pussy is more spacious than gears 5 lmao get flossed on faggot
It literally doesnt have GI.
Not even DF mentioned GI once in both of their videos.
Turning him into a fat bald guy in the sequel didn't help either.
>They literally say they tried to make JD likeable and failed because he's generic soldier man.
they failed because they're shit? gotcha
They seemed fine in 4 when they made him "le Marvel quip man", suddenly he can't be light hearted and quippy when Kait's story is going on?
What's even worse is they went for a "He's being an asshole turning into his dad" angle and then COMPLETELY FUCKING DROPPED IT BY THE SECOND HALF OF THE GAME
>there are people who unironically are still interested in the gears games
Kys weeb
Been liking it and beanbagging queers for crying about wallbouncing since Gears 2 buddy, I'll bet you were probably one of those guys seeing how invested you are in getting people to think the game is cringe.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and not assume you're some child that got shitrocked his first game
Yea Forumsermins and their talent to talk about thinks they clearly don't understand will never not be amusing.
JD in 4 felt like a Fortnite character to me. In 5 they gave him some grit by making him fail a bit. Still a bit obnoxious but better.
Marcus is better than he has ever been.
Baird is good.
Del is bland but non-offensive.
Kait could be fine but her emo outbursts come off as theatrical. The minduck sequences could've saved lot of her but they never were creative enough with them.
coalition is shit
No I played gears back when it was fun, 10 years ago.
>killing SJWs
>making him fail
Yeah, its not like Gears 4 was already seeting up Kait to be the new protagonist or something. Could you make it any more clear you didn't even bother playing the recent Gears games and that you let Yea Forums form your own opinions?
2 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 3
They are doing right things and 5 is a vast improvement over 4. Still lot catching up to 2 and 1 from 5 but at least it's nowhere near as god-awful as 3 was.
I think they completely dropped the ball with JD
>Make him have a tragic event
>He's a dick, understandable
>"Oh wait now I'm here to help"
>Oh shit he must be spying on us and feeding Jinh info!!
>NOPE, he's completely normal after months of being a stone cold dick according to Del and Kait
Baird was done well I think
>Maim your best friend's kid for life
>"Have you seen JD around lately?"
>"...I try not to kid"
Del was alright, I liked his childlike enthusiasm
>"I like to know things, is that a crime?"
Kait just came off as completely unlikeable
>Shit talks JD even though he could have arrested her on the spot for not following orders
>Ungrateful to Del
>Becomes irrelevant after link severing
>Yeah, its not like Gears 4 was already seeting up Kait to be the new protagonist or something
and they failed to make both protags likeable like cole,anna,marcus,baird etc. you know why? cuz your mom is a whore
Play the game, or at least watch the story cutscenes before coming to spout shit. Or if you are just a legit /pol/kike provocateur, you need to go get your throat slit open right now, trans-incel.
>That holosight
Don't nu devs get how these things work? Even cod mw2 got it right.
Because that's the marketing pitch. I've seen the same "this is the new best looking console game" pop up by """users""" in various communities. Meanwhile anyone who played it knows it varies between a mediocre looking Xbox One game to a decent looking 360 game.
It's straight up marketing and the 13 year olds living on placebo. Nothing else.
Because people talk about the graphics of a game when they know the gameplay is shit
it looks good but its nothing amazing im on pc playing on 1440p ultra everything. im almost finished act 3 and its been the most boring part of the game so far everything is red and shitty. also when your flying about on the skiff her hair doesn't move at all like its super glued to her head.
The peaceful protests were about social justice and against women being forced to have children.
>Hop into the MP
>Get absolutely stomped by some 200 ping guy going 20-0 that will never go to a LAN in his life and if he did he would get stomped so hard he'd stop playing the game
>Every other game is with 50-70 ping people
>Stomp them into the dirt because I have a decade of experience on them
Ah, good old Gears of War, giving spics the advantage since the old days
this. based user
I actually said "Oh shut up, bitch" at the part later on when JD said "I'm really glad that we came", clearly trying to have a nice moment, and Kait basically says "Yeah...well if we don't get this satellite launched it won't matter whether you came or not". It's like she was written to have a cunty retort to absolutely everything everyone said. Except Del, she couldn't stop sucking that guy's dick.
Also, it bugged the shit out of me how she was the one giving all the orders to Delta, when she's just some recent conscript, and is outranked by absolutely everyone else there.
>Also, it bugged the shit out of me how she was the one giving all the orders to Delta, when she's just some recent conscript, and is outranked by absolutely everyone else there.
this plus her people hate gears
Also, that truck JD hammer-of-dawns was filled with SJWs? You have to be this tall to post, nu-shitter.
So how does one unlock scrap? Seems so far you get it pretty much never.
I'm only playing it because gamepass was 2 dollars for 2 months or whatever so I figured why not.
Gears 5 is really fucking bland, I already forgot what happened in 4 even though I played it not long ago, and graphically 5 doesn't look any different to me so I don't get it. Game feels soulless.
People play Gears for the gameplay, not the story.
How is Reyna still alive as the new Locust Queen, btw? She died when Kait cut her loose a the end of 4. They just kind of gloss that detail over.
stop thinking and asking questions just buy microtransactions and be excited for gears 6
Ryse and Forza are much more impressive looking games on Xbox. Heck, even Assassin's Creed Unity still looks pretty good. Or even Halo 4 in MCC. Or the water in Sea of Thieves.
Don't forget Quantum Break
Has the story in this series ever made sense?
it looks like fucking cartoon with this colors
give me back 1 and 2 grey soul
>stronk womyn
That look more like a faggot male than an actual woman, wtf.
Gears 5 is unironically my favorite Gears campaign since 2.
Because Xcucks can't remember what it's like to not eat shit anymore.
I think I lost 7 IQ points watching that.
>better looking than Gears 5
I wish people would just stop obessing over graphics but the fact that its sometimes the only thing they seem to care about while being enabled by an industry who is just fine with it has me doubting anything will change every.
Xbox fans are desperate for a good exclusive after how awful the gen has been for them, so they elevate and overhype mediocrity like this.
If I get this 2 dollar pass can I cancel it whenever?
They pussied out of making Kait the queen as it should have been so they had to retcon that.
Cool, I'll just play the campaign this weekend and see if it's any better than 4's.
>toy around with the idea of showing the Locust side of the story for years
>set up Kait as becoming the new queen, which would've worked as a good tool to do looks on that side and give them some complexity
>nope, can't have that
Yes, but it would be extremely painful. Seriously, Microsoft sends you a subdermal ID-chip injector to verify the subscription, and if you cancel it any time, the chip will eject itself out of your body.
It is or it at least feels more like a proper Gears game.
gameplay was lit, too bad they ruined the game with too many walking talking sequences
>Yes, but it would be extremely painful
for you
Exactly, krill and other nonsense was literally the main part of the series
Just accept it as a fun shooter and for the multiplayer
I like the game enough. It gives me my multiplayer fix. The HDR options are really nice, probably the best I've seen. As far the rest of the graphics its not ahead of anything else.
So which death is going to be canon in Gears 6? Del or JD? I get the feeling that Del will live because he's gonna fall in love with Kait. Marcus must suffer and lose all will to live so that he sacrifices at the end. Or will they do the Wolfenstein thing and have two separate campaigns depending on who you saved?
>Usually the gnasher is my go-to weapon
What a unique and original player
Using the gnasher in gnashers of war
Does 4K really make a difference for Gears 5? I think it looks just alright at 1080p minus the smoothing thing they have in place.
I liked the campaign as well, the pace was quite good and never got me bored, something that fucking Gears4 did a lot.
The game looks good for being 60fps, of course i can't compete with monsters like RDR2 or other 30fps that have a bigger performance budget.
>why they keep saying this has the most impressive graphics of all time when it's jut average at best?
Because lying to people until they believe you is a viable marketing strategy
Is it worth getting a gaming PC for this game and MCC? All I need is a GPU.
Buying the game at all isn't worth its own price, let alone $300+ for a new GPU.
>Amazing graphics
>Plays like a 2006 game
This is why modern games are shit. Fuck these super realistic graphics and fuck the brainlets who gush over them
probably why theres pride flags in the game
Fuck no dude what the fuck is wrong with you? Also MCC is not even ported yet.
Still no. Worse animations, worse particle effects, less complexity in the world.
The first gears of war actually played better and tried to slightly innovate for its time.
Gnasher is pretty shit in this game
The gameplay looks like shit. That's all that really matters.
I've always hated the aesthetics of the Gears games, and I never understood why the visuals were praised so much
Wait, really?
>t. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeething poorfag playing on a 10 year old potato pc with a 720p monitor
It looks great on xbone x with a 4k tv, all the guys saying it looks worse than gears 1 and looks like a ps2 game need some fucking glasses
Yes, really.