>Nintendo's newest gimmick is a fitness game with adventure mode and turn based combat
what the fuck
>Nintendo's newest gimmick is a fitness game with adventure mode and turn based combat
what the fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
this will bomb
no JRPG player ever did fitness
>Wii Fit rpg combat
Looks like the fun kind of crazy.
This game is gonna give me an instagram-tier ass. Move over Stacie, there's a new fitness ass model in town
Fuck that bitch, Ring Fit Trainer is my new waifu
I hate the main character and villain but I really dig the artstyle, is it bad?
They do state several times in the video that lazy fucks can set the movement and strenght required to minimal levels.
Looks great desu
but even standing up is too much for them
I think this game is supposed to be for 30yr women rather than jrpg players
Looks cool. How can Yea Forums shit on a game like this. What the hell.
>we want the 80 years old audience
lmao, the wii in never coming back nintendo let it go
>80 burgers for an add-on to play a basic as basic goes RPG that I doubt it will be no longer than 15 hours
If you pay money for this, you dont deserve to complain about the industry state
This is gonna be the new Labo material the snoys will use the coming 5 years isn't it?
Probably has a masculine counterpart like Wii-fit.
Move over Pokemon, Nintendo has a new Baby's First RPG.
Ringfit girl for Smash?
This is actually cool as fuck.
My fat ass will buy this.
With any luck next Smash, there’ll be a new stage, music, and a gimmick moveset for WFT to work with.
And a good excuse for her/him to stay in the roster next time.
Yellow Female WFT on Gaur Plain spirit battle at best
Ring Fit Trainer should be added to smash as Wii Fits echo fighter
I wish this was set in Wuhu Island. I'd love an excuse to FINALLY walk around and explore the island.
The dad looks like a cool dude.
We need that bodybuilder demon in Smash.
Best you'll get is running around in Wii Sports Resort.
Assault mode was fun as fuck, they should port the game.
Someone at Nintendo pitched an idea about a fucking Fitness RPG game and it went through.
What a time to be alive.
>30yr women
>jrpg players
It’s a week of long, slender feet and purple, disembodied feet.
not for me, but this would be great for some people
People are fatter than ever if this helps one fat cunt be fit then it's good for the world. Props to nintendo.
>enemies resemble fitness tools
nice one, Nintendo.
This is gonna be a PS5 accessory in 5 years, knowing Sony.
unironically interested in this and I'm fit by american standards. 30 second L sit, easily bang out 10 ring pull-ups, run a 5k, OHP 1pl8, squat 3pl8. mostly interested because i'd enjoy the exercise variety. even if it's light adding exercises to my daily life for fun is always a good thing.
Yeah just like they made Sony Labo, dumbass
Nintendo should make a battle royale with miis set on wuhu island and give it for free to nintendo online subs like tetris 99
In Japan, yes.
Christmas cakes will buy it in droves and play for a week.
it hasn't been long enough for sony to copy it yet, retard
now THIS is fetish fuel
Sony's motion controls were directly inspired by the Wii mote, also Sony had Wonderbook.
>I'm fit by american standards
so you're overweight instead of obese?
I'd unironically buy this if I had a switch
I'm a lazy fuck and the fittest I've ever been was when the kinect just came out and I was playing sports minigames for like 3 hours a day
>Sony copies everything Nintendo does
>still no Sony Labo
>y-y-you just didnt give it enough time
Kinda salty at Sony arent we?
>The Adventure begins when an evil, bodybuilding Dragon-
Imagine being 10 and you find out you’re Gay because your mom buys you this game because she’s lame
Now you want a dragon to pick you up like you’re nothing and fuck you, but you done understand fuck, you just know the evil natty lizard makes you feel weird
I wish Sony would copy Nintendo and put some gameplay in their games.
Going to get a huge trap but now thanks nintendo
That actually looks cool and I don't even have Shitch
The blue one on the left also resembles the Sidesteppers from Mario Bros. Nice touch.
I laughed so hard when they said that. Freaking Nintendo.
But gameplay and fun are problematic, they should be replaced with minority sympathy training programs for the PS5
porn of her when?
>Wii Fit Trainer is the final boss
imagine all the fujo furries that love bara and will draw so much art of him
Would you shut the fuck up you unfunny retard
Holy shit did I hit a nerve or something?
It's kinda sad you have to screech about Sony on a Nintendo game thread, at least goes to show you nintendofags are indeed obsessed with them
digibro is that you?
She's the Vergil to Ring's Dante.
>throwing anus joycon shell
Would prefer for not another thread to go that direction and instead just have fun discussing video games instead, how about that?
That doesn’t count because Labo wasn’t nearly as successful as the other things that were copied
Why does this environment have more soul than BOTW?
>unironic "that doesn’t count" excuse
Because of Wii U.
Trying to bring it back to the Wii days which got literally everyone playing, including people who never touched anything vidya before.
If it's done well I could see this taking off. It'd be fun to have a second wave of the kind of success the Wii had, where everyone and their granny's started playing.
Incoming Echo Fighter
In an industry where everyone else makes the same thing, why does Nintendo get flak for being creative?
I hope they pay you for this.
>secret super boss has you twerking like a motherfucker and looking like you're taking 8 dicks at once to avoid getting insta-wiped
at least he would be getting paid, unlike (You)
I just want a new Paper Mario that doesnt suck balls, not WiiFitRPG
That's flat as fuck compared to BotW. The only thing BotW needs is to get rid of that washed out shitty filter on everything and then the game is soul overload.
Sign me up
wow I really like the enemies in the game
Why does this shit actually look good? I want to play it.
>Gains Goblin
Go away, /fit/
Ok but where's the porn?
It was probably Miyamoto, I doubt some random intern has this kinda pull over R&D. Plus he's getting pretty old, he's the guy most likely to care about fitness and heart rate monitors.
How does the ring tell that I'm actually doing the squat and not just holding it out in front of me?
Your low iq is showing
This whole thing screams the team responsible for Labo to me.
> A Nintendo rep told me that if you played for an hour a day, it’d take between three to four months to finish the campaign.
The game is long like 60 hours lmao
You need glasses mate
let me guess, the plastic ring will cost 499
Is this achievable natty?
Probably in the labo price range, 80 bucks at least
Nintendo desperate for geriatrics yet again.
>an RPG fitness game
I'm in
labo was recycled cardboard. This is recycled plastic!
i'm going to cum gallons to that bodybuilding demon's tight muscle ass
Whats wrong with recycled plastic?
>turn based rpg with action commands like paper Mario but controlled using motion
I would unironically play this.
labo was overpriced cardboard*
nintendos pricing projection
according to nintendo:
cardboard > gold
plastic > ?
>that black monster in tight workout clothes
we live in a universe where a proper paper Mario sequel is actually a fitness game
and this won't be overpriced plastic? What makes you believe this?
I'd actually play an actually polished game like that, too bad this is just 20+ yo girl bait
The idea is interesting but the game could have design to work with joncon alone. There's no need for ring gimmick at all. The sole purpose for this thing is to sell more expensive accessories just like what they did with Power Glove
Yes. She's topless and the skin on her left arm is just baggy, dummy.
because the clothes are only texture, this would be so easy to nude mod ON A PC
I'm sorry Spyro, but he's just better than you
Didn't they release the constructions so you could just make your own out of cardboard boxes?
>just like what they did with Power Glove
You're retarded
Because, while calling Nintendo fans drones, its everyone else who's one, asking for more of the same
The ring is needed to give you attrition, just don't just move the joycons in the air.
Yes the game can work by just doing that, just like you can cheat in WiiFit, but that defeats the whole purposed of the game.
Breath of the Wild was also on Wii U, so it was held back technically so that it would run on that
Me on the bottom
>an hour a day
>3 to 4 months
I didn't realize 3 months was 60 days.
>this guy presenting it
Jesus fucking christ I've never seen a less sincere presenter
He looks very high, just pay attention on his eyes and his idle while the girl speaks.
I like the idea, might get it but probably not on release with how much shit is coming out then.
Because you're literally running along a predetermined path.
Hahaha guys, fitness to stay health
imagine buying this game just to watch her haha
hahaha wtf guy!?
!t's just got bigger haha
gotta stay those glutes firm right? haha
is it bad that this looks really rad
Reggie and his kids have been kidnapped by Bowser.
No, user. There's literally nothing wrong about liking this game.
I can see myself grinding this shit just for the sake of RPG grinding. I think adding a fucking VIDEO GAME to a fitnessshit like this makes it a gorillion times better.
Sucks that Wii Fit Trainer will get replaced by firehair mcwhore, though.
Is it weird that I'm genuinely upset the Wii Fit Trainers didn't show up here. Multiplayer campaign with them as P2 when.
>firehair is bad
sorry user but i have good taste
Same. Are they evwr gonna bring them back? Fuck just calk them the Fit Trainers. They dont need the wii/wiiu name attached anymore.
pretty based
>b-but I don't want to move
ok so it's not for you
>variety is bad
>firehair is bad
Never said that chucklefuck.
Delicious brown hothead amazons are a miracle of the universe.
>buy game
>don't want to use basic controls to play
Ever consider buying a ps4 exclusive? You just watch
>How can fat NEETs shit on a game that requires them not to be fat NEETs
jrpg players are high-test chads. you're thinking of wrpg soiboys.
~500 Watts for 10k steps, just doing basic daily things and getting Munchlax and Spiritomb out of it was pretty sick
I'm getting okami vibes from this shot, lots of SOUL
>Now you want a dragon to pick you up like you’re nothing and fuck you
The real ring fit adventure.
>nintendo finally gets a new game
>nintendospergs only care about what it means for their stinky party game's roster
boss theme:
they used to be creative with gameplay. now they're "creative" with forced overpriced gimmicks.
It's fucking Rolly Road from Black Mirror.
>I'm sorry Spyro, but he's just better than you
R.I.P. Spyro.
Will we get to see him working out?
This is fucking brilliant. Also
>Nintendo fitness game for moms , 60fps
>flagship sony onion dispenser, sub30fps
jesus I thought it'd be like a 10 hour introduction so you can do the minigames and sets
After their appearance in Smash Brothers, a sort of "life" was breathed into them, and people became attached to the Trainers. I don't have anything against the Ring Fit Adventurer, but it really does seem like a missed opportunity to not have them in this game. I'm also rather happy with the idea of them showing up as a bonus campaign or a superboss mission (series). Just do something with them!
Ah, damn. I made a new thread but I wasn't aware someone already beat me to it, was wondering why my thread wasn't getting any replies.
>Nintendo fitness game for moms , 60fps
>Nintendo platinum action game and notArmoredCore 30fps with drops
Sounds like they want people to build a routine around this exercise game. The rpg adventure campaign sounded like a perfect trick to trick me into playing the game, and it looks like they want people to make a habit of exercising. Sounds very well thought out
Men can't twerk, retard. Only the gay dudes with fat booties do that, and even a lot of girls can't twerk properly.
looks fun, I wish the artstyle and world wasn't so sterile for all of these games and it wasn't just completely secondary to the fitness.
>>Nintendo's newest gimmick is a fitness game with adventure mode and turn based combat
I want to see the accessories be used in a future Wario Ware game
how fucking little effort did you put into this
I honestly feel embarrassed that you were willing to post this
You want the world lore?
Nah, not the leg part. These things need to be passed around fast for the hotseat multiplayer
Fuck you, user. I want to see cute girls/traps play RPGs with that.
I don't own photoshop and why do you care? Paint is for low quality memes, everyone knows this, newfag. Go back to Plebbit.
yes, make it more like boktai or monster rancher gimmicky and less like kinnect shit gimmicky
We re getting there
Go back to your social medias, this is worst than wojack tier
Am I the only one that is extremely annoyed that the moves don't really do anything in combat?
like you just do the move and then some damage falls out of the sky & hits them
I wanted the different excercises to have different attacks like the feet extending & hitting the enemy or some charged blast shooting out of the ring at youtu.be
or shooting arrows at youtu.be
or throwing the donut from DBZ in youtu.be
as it is, it doesn't feel like the moves you do impact anything in the fight
>Now you've heard about Ring Fit Adventure, but have you heard the story of Jesus Christ?
even with paint I have to image you can do much better
everyone can download paint.net for free & make things far better than that with still practically no effort
Well, wait for someone to do better or fix it yourself if you care so much. Pretty sure lots of anons on here have photoshop.
Then go do it, frankly I don't care if my picture was low effort. You're the one getting upset over it. So go make it better if you care that much.
>tfw you will never watch him lift insane amounts of weights with his strong, gorgeous body
So since the NES days. You do remember ROB and the Zapper, and Power Glove and Super Scope, right?
For Nintendo, this is part for the course
It's fine, but if nintendo really want to succeed into making people lose weight, they should make a gacha game that improve your chances by how much exercise you do.
I'm not making your shitposts for you, but I expect if you're going to make shitposts you'll at least put some effort into them
People will just outsource
See youtu.be
Post workout routines that don't involve leaving the home in a price range of 0-however-much-this-will-cost.
This thread isn't a flame war battleground. Stop making fun of Nintendo. If you don't like the game then leave.
I'd let K. Rool up-throw me and disintegrate my spine any day.
>console wars
>making memes
>sorry, I don't have photoshop ;-;
You must be 18yo to post in this site
It's not that I don't have the money to buy it but I have no legit reason to have it on my computer. I'm not an artist and I don't make memes enough to warrant buying it. Most people with photoshop are usually artists or people that draw and like to alter photos, also I'm 27.
>final form has him tear off shirt
would be kino
hahaha, wouldn't be funny if her pants got ripped or something?? pls rate
So is Ring Fit Girl one of the strongest Nintendo characters?
She defeats demons with astral projection via the power of fitness.
My only problem with that is why is a Bodybuilder a villain?
Are they trying to say to do bodybuilding is wrong and you should only stick to calisthenics or something?
>Nintendo creates a Chad BBC Dragon that appeals to millennial thots in their 20's and housewives
>All of Big Black Dragon's art is going to be gay low quality furry shit instead of him destroying the chocolate fitness Amazon while doing pull-ups
It's all going to shit.
keep going user...
he says cardio kills gains while this is a cardio game
If my fat ass didn’t live in a small apartment where everyone could hear my loud steps, I would actually buy this. This honestly looks pretty cool.
Maybe western JRPG players.
Because it's also creatively priced.
>All of Big Black Dragon's art is going to be gay low quality furry shit
There is gonna be high quality gay furry shit too hopefully
>fitness roasties don't care about adventure games
>adventure game nerds don't care about fitness
Not sure what they are trying to do here.
You're a retard. Stop posting about things you know nothing about
There is a silent mode
Do you even candy crush?
Well then, leave the meme-making to us and fuck off.
>Yea Forums
>why don't they keep making the same game over and over
>also Yea Forums
>lol ANOTHER mario platformer? haha how many times they gonna release the same game
fuck off
Alright so go fix my meme, mister expert.
Would you buy this ironically? a fucking plastic ring? What does the fuck happen? Last week you were making fun of it because it was a wii fit rehash. Now everyone praises it? Is nintenyearsolds really this retarded?
I'm an adventure game nerd that has never played a fitness game, yet I'm interested in this one. The reverse probably happens as well.
>asking for a Mario PLATFORMER = asking for a Mario RPG
are you being retarded on purpose?
Not gonna catch on dude lol
>cute Ringirl doing yoga
>bara dragon for furies
I know I'll end up finding the lowest possible effort way of manipulating the controls.
>Not compatible with Switch Lite
>Gay ass dragon probably getting into Smash
Ruined my whole day.
>Gay ass dragon probably getting into Smash
I wish.
>retards still think botw has some bizarro "filter" applies to it
>Not compatible with Switch Lite
Are they honestly repeating the same shit they pulled with New3DS?
It looks good and has a good message (that the unironic faggots here are desperately trying to deflect from towards their own deviance), the clincher is how well it will play.
Why are you defending yourself on an anonymous imageboard? Its pathetic, get the fuck off my website retard
Was there a releasedate?
switch lite was made for business japs to play pokemon on metro rides, nothing more.
I don't remember Aru's arus being that big.
>Not compatible with Switch Lite
I mean, honestly you should have expected this when they made the Lite have integrated joy-cons. The joy-cons are used for a lot of movement and wireless purposes. When you take the joy-cons away then you lose a lot of functionality that the OG Switch has. Also joy-con lets you play with another person, but on the Lite you can't do that. The Lite is literally just a single player console meant for people who don't plan to do multiplayer at all.
The problem is that you can't detach they joy cons from the switch light, but I think you could just buy a normal pair of joy cons and use them instead
if they include a tai-chi simulator, I'm sold
I'm not saying they're the same
I'm saying you're asking them to keep making the same shit while others complain they keep making the same shit while they both keep making the same shit & keep making new shit
lets me play in my bathtub with more ease :)
Yes but
>check your 4 Mista
>decided to lose weight to not be a mass of despicable lard
>fell into the healthy BDI
>decides to pick up sport to shape myself
>the gym is 30 minutes away by car
>this game comes up
I am actually interested in this
the problem is that Mario RPGs havent been good in years and even if they do make them every year or so, people would be inclined to like them more if they were...you know, good and different from previous entries
why the fuck would you want to play a game under tehse circumstances. it sucks
switch lite only exists to sell pokemon to children
Leave it to Nintenfats to be unironically excited for stupid gimmicks like cardboard goggles and exercise toys
Fuck, you idiots were excited about this thing back in the Wii days
>Fuck, you idiots were excited about this thing back in the Wii days
How could you not be excited about a horror game that responds to your heart rate?
unironically looks more fun than death stranding
>the ring will turn physical force into powerful attacks
So basically 0 damage from nu Yea Forums and anime posters?
I play all of my handheld games in the bathtub or on the shitter, it's comfy
there's been 11 mario rpg games user
Looks fun but expensive. Although most new $60 games nowadays are $50 everywhere
>When you’re doing your workout correctly — jogging at the right speed, or following exercise instructions properly — your character’s hair will catch fire. The bigger the fire, the better you’re doing.
Because it wouldn't work as well as you think
When people find out they can mod it as a pseudo sex toy
portability only serves to accompany you when you're relaxing on the countryside or something
but if you want to do bing bings while you poop and pretend that it doesn't feel like a chore and you're enjoying it, go for it
you can set thresholds yourself dummy
remember when sonygros said motion controls were shit?
>there's been 11 mario rpg games user
and more than half blow dick
Somebody stop them
One of the most popular anime in the obsessive otaku market right now is about fitness.
so maybe you should be happy they stopped?
just like needs to stop
>remember when sonygros said motion controls were shit?
remember when nintendorks said online idiots paid twice for using their internet?
b-bros can I get /fit/ with this?
zelda edition when?!
It'll be in the bargain bin next to those cardboard toys a few months after it releases
The people who buy this and bought Wii Fit don’t know what Yea Forums is and they never will. I wish I was one of those people.
>nu Yea Forums
yes, because surely boomers have a lot of strenght and reflexes left in those decrepifying bones, you gymcel boomer
go work on that belly fat, chop chop
>the dragon will get tons of art and the main qt won't
This. I got a Wii Fit and balance board for like $20 back in 2015.
god of war is 22$ btw
Why did it make me laugh when she did a thigh squeeze attack on the monster?
>actually kind of want to get this
what's wrong with me bros
just work wih plastic bottles while looking at porn instead of payin 80$ just to look at waifu butt
>sees a dragon and the first thing that comes to mind is interracial
Just a reminder that they're selling 1-2 Switch for $50
Sure you can, bud!
here's how you gonna look after a few adventures, the ladies will be all over you
>seething this hard
Hellooooo Tranny~
>just bought a gym membership yesterday
god of war sold over 10 million copies
how many copies did labo sell?
>Nintendo never lowers the prices of anything even if it's shit
In other news, water is wet
>he thinks he'll get a better workout with Wii fit 2
You don't need equipment to workout bro, ditch that shit.
And yet, GoW is bargain bin material at best.
Selling that many at 20 dollars a copy isn't impressive
I bought wii fit
that ring looks like it was made for weak little japs
I’d smash Ring girl
>Ring Fit Trainer + Wii Fit Trainer porn anytime soon
The wait is killing me bros
old man, don't overdo it
>the American trailer is censored compared to the European one
This is the second time Nintendo have done this recently, somebody in marketing obviously didn't get the memo that a lack of censorship is supposed to be one of Nintendos selling points this gen.
>paying for (((gym)))
you can do that shit at home
Drawfags I need your austim
>this argument
Guess WiiSports sales and such arent impressive given it was bundled with every fucking Wii made
pretty much the disney experience and the reason why we have furries today
I feel intimidated
>he doesn't go to the gym
You people are actually NEETs...
>very hard difficulty
Make her an Echo Fighter for Wii Fit Trainer.
Not even being subtle with it anymore jesus christ
so you're saying it's not going to be bargain bin? thanks for agreeing with me user!
another stupid sonygro btfo
is she some kind of fucked up polygon elf, the fuck are those ears
Was it autism...
Any chance of them making more balance boards.
>not realizing it's a rape metaphor & nintendo is hella redpilled
she's a fit young white blonde woman fighting off a black rapist who physically overpowers her by shooting him
The concept actually is interesting, although I'm not sure people who want an exercise game cares about the rpg aspect, but why are the presenters so creepy? It's Get Out level shit
Seeing the character run along the preset path has me nostalgic for dragon quest swords
God the nun chick on that was fucking hot.
they act like they're in an episode of black mirror
You have my attention
It looks odd as fuck, but at the same time, I can't say I'm not interested...
It's weird, but some of Nintendo's weirdest games sometimes tend to be their best sleeper hits.
It gets the resounding maybe for me.
What happens if she fails and gets a gameover?
>so you're saying it's not going to be bargain bin?
yes because nintendo knows their fanbase would buy anything even if its terrible and the fanbase is happy with being treated like that, thanks for agreeing with me user! i pity nincels
In honesty, I'm pretty impressed. The previous Wii and WiiU fitness titles were fairly limited, but this one seems to be much better. The hardware seems to more more in-depth and set up with more features.
The game element of it being a JRPG is better than anything we've seen to date and they seem to have a wide variety of exercises too, which is nice. There's a lot of actual "game" there for those who want it, as well as hard fitness focus, mini-games and what looks to be a lot of content.
I'll be interested to watch it come to Yuzu especially. Oh, and I'm curious if there will be multiple avatars, both male and female?
I'm curious about how much resistance that ring actually has cause it looks flimsy as fuck
The guy has a constant red eye so he might be drugged up as fuck. Girl just wants to dominate you.
That threw me off as well
I assume it's just the male avatar that can go topless though.
yes, there should be male and female avatar
maybe costumes too as unlockable
I truly want a game that makes me exercise while feeding into an addictive gameplay loop. This isn't it but I hope it's a decent step towards that.
Round 2 please
Plastic and silicon
Their are computers and censors inside the ring.
See above, the ring isn't just a piece of plastic
Okay but why does it look so good?
Same desu
Beat Saber.
I don't know why Nintendo is so adamant on trying to make the new Wii Sports. This won't work, just like Labo, maybe a million if i'm kind.
Is it desperation or are some of their development studios just that incapable of producing titles for main IPs? Slap Mario on everything & it sells better than these.
This really does look like your typical "innocent thing turns out evil" Black Mirror setup.
Finally some good fucking fan art
>Imagine playing a game designed for women
How heavy are the dumbbells you lift.
I want more than rhythmic beat games. Imagine a punching bag you have to exert X amount of force into to move the boulder as Chris in RE5.
>imagine COPING this hard
So you're saying they were always "creative" with forced overpriced gimmicks
I like the idea of actually gaining XP and attacks by doing exercise moves instead of just getting points like in Wii Fit.
What the fuck, this actually looks kind of fun
>I don't know why Nintendo is so adamant on trying to make the new Wii Sports
because it is still the nintendo product that brought the most money in the entire history of the company.
Of course they're trying to replicate it, especially because it could only be avaliable on the platform due to the use of the console's gimmick
>This won't work, just like Labo, maybe a million if i'm kind.
Labo was an experiment, no one expected it to succeed commercially, the goal of the product was to grab the interest of the crowd, which worked
>actually tempted to buy this
nintendorks pay less for internet than Xbone and PS4 players do just sayin
Don Bluth was the one who animated Dragon TF tho
Ok fatass, enjoy your pilates game designed for soccer mom's and chubby nips
Lololol fucking peak newfag
What is having a diverse library?
Nintendo literally funded fucking Deadly Premonition 2 of all things
These hosts are fucking terrible, jesus christ.
I was literally just quoting someone else
oh boy I can't wait for all the twitch thots to play this in their bikinis
/fit/ here.
It looks fun, I'll probably pick it up unironically.
Also any suggestions on new Switch games before Pokemon comes out? I got these already:
Three Houses
Astral Chain
Octopath Traveler
Mario Kart
Pokken DX
Xenoblade 2
I play my Switch while walking on the treadmill, it is a great way to pass the time.
Enjoy never getting a 3rd game Katfag
Is it going to be possible to pirate the game and get the physical stuff for a discount?
Enjoy COPING, cuckjak.
Grab some eShop games like Fast RMX, Cadence of Hyrule, BoxBoy, LUMINES, Voez, Deemo and Cytus
Monster Hunter is peak treadmill kino
Boxing game on Switch
one million
Unironically get Monster Hunter GU
I once spent over 3 hours just walking and playing and went about 15 miles
It didn’t even feel it I was just having fun blasting monsters
no it doesn't
I swear
you fucking Nintendoddlers
It's always the same buzzword with you. "Might get it, it looks fun". "Well, I love this game because it's fun."
No fucking shit you dope. Would you love it if it WASN'T FUN???
It expresses your love for something. It doesn't actually mean anything besides that you like the game, and saying "OH THIS GAME IS GOOD BECAUSE I LIKE IT" is fucking idiotic. Calling a game fun is the same as calling a game good.
See how pointless such a statement is?
What are the elements that make it fun
Explain yourself, you fucked Nintenbitches
Wrong, only 300,000 physical copies.
SEETHE harder, cuck
she gets raped
What's wrong, did Shekelberg Cuckmann suck all the fun from your games?
You can't make this shit up.
Neil Druckmann please calm the fuck down and just drink your soi while you dismantle the patriarchy.
Oh, I also have Mario Maker 2.
I'll look into them, especially MH.
Odyssey, Smash's story mode, FE3H and Xenoblade 2 were pretty good games to play while walking. I thought Octopath would be, but the lack of full voice acting and the tiny text made it surprisingly terrible for it outside of combat.
3H was great because I could have the dialog play automatically allowing me to pick up the pace during cutscenes.
Think of it this way: There is a much bigger chance that Kat will get in Smash than she is to get a third game.
Fuck that show
I just realized Yea Forums will have a difficult time trying to make shitpost material out of this because the purpose of the game and its gimmick is getting /fit/.
You can't make fun of someone who decides on their own to get off their ass and lose try to lose weight.
what the fuck VROOOOOS
when is SHE IN?
i don't even care about games anymore I just want to know is SHE'S IN (I also don't play smash that much anymore haha)
The gay furries put me off buying this.
I always thought it was Balto's fault, considering 99% of all fursonas looks like a rainbow variant of him.
first question: why is the kettlebell so smug?
second question: LOZ DLC when???
you're right, it's not an argument
it's THE argument
I want to draw him so freaking bad but I can't in privacy yet
>Intentionally makes the dragon ugly to keep the homosexuals from doing porn of it
>The gays are obsessed regardless
When will homos finally get some standards
What would playing Arms on the treadmill feel like?
When will YOU get some taste.
fitfriends, what's an easy way to integrate exercise into your lazy lifestyle at home? I'm thin and don't care about getting big or anything, I just want to do it for my general health and well being. I've thought about treadmills but I thought they were shit until you started getting into the thousands price range, is that wrong?
I don't get it either
>flat SMASHED face
>skipped leg day
Post height and weight RingFit bros
>5 ft 10 and 145lb
6ft 3in
mega based
Because you're a retarded faggot
Imagine if they make a cockring and an impact detector so the game can properly measure a couple banging each other.
learn metric, stupid burgers
I want that dragon so sexually violate me and make me his eternal cock slut
So will soccer moms get into jrpgs or will fat weebs become /fit/
Repent Trannie
Both hopefully.
Looks fun, I'll probably give it a shot. Like most fitness games I don't know if it'll be played for more than a month but hell anything to get more exercise in my life.
5'9", 128lb
188cm and 100kg
ayy lmao
From the trailer it looks like enemies have way too much health. Not in a "my knees will buckle before I kill them" sense, just that it looks really tedious in general.
5'10" and 130 lbs
5 ft. 7, 110-115lb
the face is hideous, but everything below it is amazing
>tfw you will never spill your useless cum unto the ground as he spreads your ringhole wide with his huge dragon knot
>being a cuck
I worry for you straight people some times.
>not making a 2 player mode where you have to pilot a giant robot.
First Splatoon, then Arms, then Astral Chain, and now Ring Fit Adventure. How many new IPs does Nintendo have?
That's pretty clever. At the same time Square-Enix is throwing turn-based into the trash, Nintendo understands the value of its simplicity and how it can create immediate appeal for their gimmicks. I'd play it.
I never was able to get the wii microphone to work in monhun.
What? How?
6'0" 162.5lbs
The two presenters for this are unnerving as fuck, it seriously feels like the prelude to a horror movie or some shit. The creepy maintained smiles and eye contact are one thing but somehow it feels like their movements and speech are faster than they should be, like the recordings were subtly sped up by 10% or something.
It's not just me, right?
>I just realized Yea Forums will have a difficult time trying to make shitpost material out of this because the purpose of the game and its gimmick is getting /fit/
Jokes on you I'm a /fit/izen
>Nintendo creates a Chad BBC Dragon that appeals to millennial thots in their 20's and housewives
Are you retarded? Lay off the blacked porn.
Have sex
with me
You don't want my autism, trust me
Don't you have a job? Just walk to your work place.
It feels like an out of touch corporate executive trying to appeal to suburban white america
>Just keep smiling
>Stay excited at ALL TIMES, even when nothing is happening
>Make this product look FUN and EXCITING
like dude, just show the game, this corporate PR bullshit culture needs to die and actively kills interest I have in things
So are we just not gonna acknowledge the QT /fit/ protagonist
The part that's at 4:48 in ops video is lacking from the American upload, I guess somebody at NOA marketing decided he looked like some sort of mentally disabled spastic and was afraid of offending that lobby. Probably the same guy that censored the demon x machina trailer on the US YouTube.
Have you been reading?
>Probably the same guy that censored the demon x machina trailer on the US YouTube.
Nintendo's newest gimmick is a bendy plastic ring, and rather than go "Why the fuck is Nintendo's newest gimmick a bendy plastic ring?" you fucks are excited for it.
wont we have to have a lot of sex to make it a workout?
>explain yourself
go choke on a cock
There's a comparison video floating around somewhere, I didn't get a good look at what was cut though since I was on a tiny phone screen at the time.
all of the gore censored in NA trailer but intact on other region
The dragon is just the fake-out "final boss", after beating him these creepy fucks are revealed to be the actual villains of the game.
You've heard of Wii Fit Trainer. Now get ready for RING FIT TRAINER
Would genuinely buy this if the ring had weights in it.
A light plastic ring will only be a light workout for 80 year olds. If it was decently heavy it would be much better
Daemon x machin last trailer is full of dead people so they censored that part in the last trailer.
It's a ring because it's the apparatus that works best with the idea and the joycon itself, what more explanation do you want?
I'm in
So ripping off Sunset Overdrive?
And now its leading people to think the game itself might be censored. It won't be but the trailer people need to be more mindful of the fact that cutting back on censorship between regions is a major part of Nintendos strategy for this gen and people are going to be on the lookout for any sign of them slipping on that.
Well probably not so much trailer people as trailer Person
Having 2 sepeate trailers be censored only in America in less than a week leads to to suspect they just got somebody new running the show.
>Cute traps
No such thing. There's a reason they hide their faces, wear socks and dress like a 16yr old emo girl with those arm warmers.
>The Adventure mode featured in Ring Fit Adventure takes place across 20 different colorful worlds in a quest to take down Dragaux, a giant, chiseled dragon with an ego to match his oversized muscles. Jog, sprint and do knee-highs in real life to travel through the world, and use the Ring-Con accessory to perform different in-game actions, like jumping, hovering in mid-air or steering a raft on a river.
he has a name to tag now
what show?
nigga you gay
Pokewalker was the best thing to come with a pokemon game but with them forcing switch gimmicks nothing similar will ever happen again
So how long until people mod the game to become fap fit? I mean, have the leg strap become an arm strap, change the game style into a fap hero equivalent, and viola, the game /h/ always wanted.
>inb4 American leg strap is designed to be able to fit around larger legs
the band should have had a blue line like her headband
prove me wrong, you can't fuckboys
Nobody who has gotten that bad is gonna buy it anyway but they might go ahead and make it larger anyway.
It looks like velcro, so worst case scenario, hamplanets just need to add another piece of velcro.
They might change it before release.
Or maybe not
>Dropping the same day as digimon
Tough choice
Haha look at that lady squatting. Wouldn't it be funny if she just pulled her pants down and took a shit right then and their haha.
Just to be sure it's suitable for the US customers Nintendo made sure the leg strap would fit round an overstuffed binbag.
Whose haha?
Ring Fit Trainer and Wii Fit Trainer tribbing when?
the wii u fucking flopped hard because it was shit, but also because the com was so bad most normies and soccer moms (who are a big demography) though it was some kind of add-on for the wii, which mean they though it was 300$ for a tablet (who would buy that) on a dying system
this video is the just reaction where they make the presenters do what said
Exactly what I was thinking. Advertising #FE on Switch as being a new uncensored release should be an obvious selling point but instead that trailer having censorship combined with the Japanese gameplay footage just has everyone confused and killed what should've been hype for it.
well, actually the plastic ring was mentioned as a device that has more detecting capability alone.
Nintendo to have the sexiest, most cut userbase confirmed
that has detecting capability alone itself.*
Oh shit I forgot about that one. Although that one is probably just laziness rather than delibrete censorship.
>selling point
The mainstream audience does not care at all about whether something is censored versus its Japanese release. Bringing it up in marketing is wholly counterproductive, a negative connotation suggesting a problem that needed fixing.
they've made new ips every year for the past decade or so, it's just the usual spergs arguing that it doesn't count
>Although that one is probably just laziness rather than delibrete censorship.
On the contrary, having censored footage when all the other gameplay was shown in Japanese would indicate that censorship was added to all versions, since it's now multi-language and the Wii U version didn't have that censorship. Of course we won't know for sure until they give us more info, but right now it's a big marketing fuckup.
The mainstream audience does not buy a Japanese game that's a crossover of two niche Japanese series and is itself a JRPG about Japanese idols putting on concerts and using songs to cast magic and which only has Japanese voices.
#FE's censorship was such a fuckup because it alienated the game's only potential audience.
The mainstream audience isn't gonna buy idolshit to begin with.
>that waist to hip ratio
From a design standpoint, they probably have to be a lot tankier than the usual jrpg enemy, since there's a minimum number of exercises you have to do together for the workout to be effective.
If Dumbbell is popular why is there no porn?
Fuck off you no fun having faggot
What the fuck is Nintendo's endgame with this shit.
Absolutely fucking destroyed
Do you need porn when there are so many fanservice shots.
There is also a lot of fat art though, I'm still not sure why fatfags are latching onto a show that represents everything they hate.
You may be right, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to put "NOW UNCENSORED" in bold print. That just leads to the question of why it was censored in the first place, the outcome of which is a less favorable impression of Nintendo.
>calling others newfags
>doesn't even know about gimp
The irony
Never post again
You haven't looked hard enough.
>Do you need porn when there are so many fanservice shots.
Yes. Especially when there are fuck all armpit shots despite the opportunity for plenty of them and the few decent ones are covered in visual filters from the muscle lesson segments.
I don’t get off work for another 2 hours
I love my job gives me plenty of time to shitpost and draw but I hate I can’t do lewd shit here.
6’0 215 lbs
>but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to put "NOW UNCENSORED" in bold print.
It hardly needs to be that obvious, if the western trailer had showed a scene from the gravure chapter with none of the previous censorship that would've told everyone all they needed to know.
But will it actually be any good?
>that love bara
Retard, girls don't like bara.
I don't need to justify my fun to some virgin on the internet.
/pol/ has rotted your brain, video games shouldn't be srs debates.
I can convert to metric off the top of my head, I just don't because people who can't don't deserve to read my posts.
Do it for him
6’5 300lbs
imagine the speedruns
king of manlets
>Lifting is bad, mkay?
>He doesn't want to be stuck cuddling against those muscles while you wait for it to deflate
Your loss.
Looks kinda fun
>those legs
>slight underboob
>vagina bone design on pants
Because "See that mountain? You can't climb it"
Oh no, a fitness game, Yea Forums's mortal enemy!
Better post on Yea Forums about how this is horrible between bites of my double bacon cheeseburger, large fries, and jumbo milkshake!
Why do you think cartoons are pushing gay people all the time.
She's RingFit Trainer's mom.
Plastic=$20 apparently. Game+accessories is $80
the ring has tech though
I really don't understand why they can't let it go though. The audience that is currently buying Switch games is more reliable, they aren't going to get bored two seconds later and abandon them. They've currently got something better than grandparents and soccer moms.
>all these posts about the dragon
So this is what it's like to be on the other side when everyone's getting excited about a cute girl with big tits, huh?
they're ironic
I hope
I've heard that lifting is essentially frowned upon these days, and that a lot of women are starting to prefer the meteosexual spaghetti armed guys.
Confirmed not reading the thread
Reception is surprisingly warm for this game since it actually looks decent.
reminds me of Globox
They gonna have to change the WiiFit universe to the Fit Universe.
Nobody on Yea Forums is gonna play this game, not for them. It's just fun to speculate or masturbate to.
a gym near me had ddr, still does i think
you bring the ring thing in and people will likely have a lot of fun with it
but that has a lot of obvious risks to it
>enemies are based on exercise equipment
what are these mollusks supposed to be? punching bags? helmets?
Boxing gloves