Okay, this is epic.
Okay, this is epic.
Other urls found in this thread:
Who fucking cares
Gas the rich, class war now. The entire Saudi Arabian royal family deserves the Romanov treatment.
Starting twitter threads should earn you a perma ban
rich people play videogames, news at 12
>is real
>he's also a weeb
Based billionaire weeb
Is that the guy who muredered and quartered that journalist in Turkey? Fits, I guess.
>Call myself Donald Trump
Woah look, Trump plays PUBG!11!!
Im sure its real and not a larp at all
>you will never own billions worth of shares in Yea Forums’s parent company, reddit
I thought video games and anime were haram?
Cant he like buy some real lolis or something?
>Twitter screenshot
check the whole twitter feed it's actually legit
Its confirmed that thats his profile, though.
What an absolute fucking legend.
I'm unironically envious to my core.
Based. Fuck t*rks
kys secularist
There are literally billionaires that use Steam.
This is especially obvious during Dota 2's TI battle pass season where literal oil princes and son of chink billionaires spend an ungodly amount of money on the compendium.
>rayman legends
>Alice series
>weeb games
pretty based honestly
goddammit, how many jav models do you think he flies to him monthly to fuck. it isn't fair
Based weeb prince
this guy sounds very far up his own ass lmao
assuming its real that is
weebs dont like 3D
>implying he’d stoop to fucking literal whores when he can literally buy virgins and toss them out after use
>sandnigger is retarded
wow thanks user, never would have come to that conclusion on my own
whores are whores and whores are worthless
You would be too if you were born filthy fucking rich.
>not being far up your own ass when you're a mofo billionaire
especially since the guy didn't make his own money but was just lucky at the lottery to be born as he is.
of course he will be entitled as fuck
is this what you would do if you had money? buy used goods? pathetic
there are like a million princes there
at least it evens the playing field since people born rich are likely giant babies
Based and redpilled.
>there's no need for me to stream
>because I've made billions from twitch's owner already
Based sandnigger just casually BTFOd all your surrogate e-celeb siblings in a single fucking sentence
>you could have been born in a rich family, being able to buy everything you want without worrying about money
life fucking sucks
Arabia is doing deals with japanese anime companies (Toei) to make halal animes for Saudi Arabia. Royal Arabian family are a bunch of weebs.
And it's gonna be kino
he companies will produce the film in both Japan and Saudi Arabia (Manga Productions has branches in Riyadh and Tokyo). Manga Productions is fully financing the film, and has the worldwide distribution rights.
Manga Productions previously streamed a teaser trailer in November 2017 for "The Woodcutter's Treasure," its first collaboration with Toei Animation. The project is a 25-minute animation based on Saudi Arabian folklore and aimed at children and families, and it served as a pilot for a television series. The company stated in November 2017 that it has two upcoming projects with Toei Animation: a 13-episode television series and a 90-minute film.
Manga Productions also streamed a trailer in February for a separate new animated series releasing this year, but it is currently unclear if this work is also part of the partnership with Toei Animation.
Manga Productions is a subsidiary of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Foundation, also known as MiSK, and named for Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. The company aims to create animation, comic, and video game projects " to "promote Saudi ideas and messages internationally." MiSK signed a memorandum with Japan's Digital Hollywood University in October 2017 to train Saudi designers and programmers in creating animation and games.
>be saudi royalty
>go to eat lunch
>they slaughter a fresh camel
>make 20KG of lemon rice
>have a 5KG camel leg with the giant dish
>eat 1 hand scoop
>rub hands on the robe of the servant
such is life
>the evil Yea Forums doxxes people by their social media
Will he finally make catgirls real?
You say it like its all I would do with money, but yeah. If I had the money and had the choice to either masturbate or higher a 10/10 slut for an hour, yeah why the fuck wouldn't I?
I can't tell if that's curry or just some desert replica.
He was an american.
that looks fucking delicious
>ywn feast on the corpses of your enemies in a giant bowl of rice with your sandnig homies
why even live
Honestly twitch viewers being told they are worthless parasites is refreshing when you see some rich sandnigger do it
>tfw no rich gf(male)
I mean, it makes sense, if I had to eat out of the same plate as sandniggers, I’d bend the rules and make the plate as large as humanly possible, too.
Is he the same dude who goes to Comiket all the time?
>It's just rice and camel meat
Do royals really? I eat better than this
>be insanely rich
>still eat like the lowest of plebs
>Saudi Arabia
super based
I've been wondering this for a while now. Do you:
[ ] Buy nubile young virgins for one time sex, give 'em half a million bucks, and then throw their asses out
[ ] Buy young males that you turn effeminate by completely and utterly mindbreaking them
Your reading comprehension is so atrocious you could only be a mutt
Food is not even a thing when you're rich. It's just that one thing you gotta do real quick so your tummy stops bothering you in the middle of everything else that's important.
So, what's his favorite game and who is his waifu?
>Alice madness return as a prefered game
absolutely based
>he plays dota
>he has spent so much on battle passes he has funded a notable % of TI by himself
WTF I like saudi arabia now
Sounds like my dad, he says he feels like he's wasting money if he eats expensive food. Feels nice, since he pays for literally all my bills and my flat.
>single steam review is ZTD
>he loves Akane
>buy virgin girls
>deflower them
>turn them into boys
[X] Thank The Lord for not allowing people like you to be rich
>All those chinks cucked three years in a row.
>They will do it again
Shut the fuck up you disgusting Eurotrash. I could care less about your opinions especially considering my mutt country will likely be glassing yours within the next 5 years.
[] Buy an island, and fill it with cute and funny companions
there are probably 1000+ saudi "princes"
it depends on whether you're straight hot-blooded virile male or a flaming homosexual
>I did too but what else could I do
>they invited me, I had no other choice!
>he'd want to pay money to have bad sex over and over again instead of ever having good sex
who do you trust less
A chinaman or an arab
There's nothing more straight than dominating another man to become your bitch.
>[ ] Buy young males that you turn effeminate by completely and utterly mindbreaking them
This is the thinking man's choice.
Based and red pilled
Boys are for love and joy
Women are for incubating new humans and never being seen
The faggot larping/avatarfagging on twitter as Shinji is more cringe imo
Try not to get shot in the supermarket, Aaron Rodriguez
there is a lot of princes in Saudi Arabia but dam he got taste
>72 virgins
based oil lad
what the fuck is that
how about fucking women instead of guys
>he fell for the whores are good at sex meme
>especially jav whores
shut the fuck up homo
>Yea Forums will never experience this
>turn 16 in saudi royal family
>get 8 billion a month in your account
>own house
>own private slaves
>only law is not to fuck with tradition or you get executed
Try not to get hit by a truck of peace on the way to your cubicle in your muslim shithole, Ahmed Abudihani
Lol, what a fag!
Maybe they'd behead him if he dishonored them by refusing their present.
Where do you get a pan that large.
Alright, which one of you fags?
Based mutt owning himself.
This guy probably paid anime studios to make sequels of his fav shows just for himself, Imagine this life.
Based, behead those who do not respect the shota boypussy
A woman for duty
A boy for pleasure
But a melon for ecstasy
heard that news since last may. is it even 100% confirmed or its just some guy larping?
When you're as rich as he is you don't buy women for entertainment, you breed them.
Neither, but I will take the chink because I can handle weak and insidious, while I might die from violent and irrational
>be born in a nigger body
some things you can't buy
this, the novelty would wear out after the 70th virgin
fact of the matter is that we all fap to all types of porn with all types of scenarios, the difference is that he doesn't have to fap to them he can just live them
>people with experience are worse than an awkward starfish
What makes you think he didn't make the thread?
He could fucking buy Yea Forums and have a board dedicated to him just shitting on everything and everyone
this guy gets so many beggars asking him to accept their friend invite iirc from his ama.. mostly from other mudshit countries like uae, indo, malay, russians etc..
based and pederastpilled
You think he also posts here?
Reminder that boyfucking almost disappeared in Afghanistan while it was controlled by the Taliban until America came.
I mean, this only proofs there are weebs on every social class
>Check profile comments
>"You are not cute"
Thanks user
how did america bring it back?
JAV actresses are awkward starfish that sound weird
id rather have camels shitting on bitches backs than playing vidya
Man, knowing I will never be hemorrhaging money like that is a pill I can't swallow. Doomed to be a shitty poorfag wagie till I die...
Seems based.
They pushed out the Taliban and Soldiers were explicitly told to not interfere with the boy fucking after reporting it while they guarded the opiom fields
>all the cool 80s and 90s OVAs he could fund to be finished with tradition cell animation
>he funds moeshit
By overthrowing the Taliban government and the next government not giving a fuck about it.
there are like 15,000 saudi princes
You just don't get it do you.
>majority of jav actresses don't know how to fuck
>only fuck the ones that do know how to fuck
He has his 6-year-old loli brides cosplay as neptunia characters as he fuck them. (remember aisha was 6 that's why)
Whoa there islamophobe, Muhammad didn't fuck Aisha when she was 6 she was just a child, he waited until she was a women at 9
>6-year-old loli brides cosplay as neptunia characters
That sounds really cute and funny
That's Pakistan though isn't it
Poor kid. Too bad her husband wasn't there to stone those roasties proper.
>tfw saudi prince will marry non while you live yourself as a virgin for rest of your life
life is too unfair
>tfw ywn findom a rich oil prince by roleplaying as his waifu
Fucking based.
He's actually in jail and hasn't been heard from in years
Just locate your nearest Saudi prince, skin him, and wear his skin as a onesie. With the towel on your head and the sunglasses, nobody will notice.
imagine the smell
Even better
Why not just dig up a dead saudie prince and go full Weekend At Bernie's?
do those guys kill each other for the heritage?
niggs gonna nigg
goddamn gypsies
Sorry 9 yeh. Who cares really.
yes, around the time of las vegas shooting many of them died.
This ain't the Ottoman Empire, there is enough wealth and prestige around for all of them. Why not just chill and live life without gay politics?
The issu of houris' genders is a matter of debate among Quran commentators.
t. butthurt disinherited prince
>Today, my brothers, WE FEAST!!!!
>Just fuckin rice and some animals roasted whole
He's actually an enlightened individual who doesn't care about 3D, he's probably throwing millions at VR and other methods of being with his 2D waifus. A man who could buy or even woo a harem of girls of any shape or size but instead chooses 2D, truly the modern hero of sandniggers.
BS, they don't have anything in Amazon, y'all being conned
It's not camel meat. I've eaten from these plates and it's very tasty. The meat in those countries is much more supple as well.
>will never be a saudi prince that gets to BTFO a cop
>have to play the role of a goodboy like a cuck
fuck off sandnigger
You could be erping with this guy right now
Who? What?
Based, but gas the jews first or they will hijack it again.
Reminder that THE SAUDI PRINCE funded Final Fantasy 14.
Bow to your one and only prince
Stop harassing his Highness.
>Saudi Arabia
its his father
Nah, he is just a delusional fake.
Well this shit isnt gonna last long lol
For real?
Cope poorfag wh*toid
I laugh as your countries become brown from my complex
Seething snownigger
>mutt cop LARPing THIS HARD
holy shit
Imagine the level of NEETdom this sandnigger could achieve
To say I'm jealous is an understatement
holy shit that cop is cringe
>I have a federal exemption
>a what?
>nigger I'm a prince I own your government
>nobody called the guy on filename
he is fucking here! shitposting with us!
[ ] Buy japanese cakes and have them cosplay as my favorite anime moms
anyone have the image of the roastie thot that got conned by the saudi to fly over and fart/shit on his younger brothers face?
He even paid for the ticket
He knows what's up with 3DPD females.
>You will never fund next season of DTB with your oilbux
Reminder this happens daily in dubai. All your favorite instagram thots get fucked by digs and get shat on for 100,000 a pop.
Get out of here Bolshevik.
>we own billions of shares in Amazon
do these rick sandniggers know it only takes USA, China or Russia to put "sancitons" on their shithole country and they lose everything they own outside of their shithole?
>All your favorite instagram thots
where do you think you are
>SJW embrace mudslime diversity
>Mudslime embrace the weeb way, something that SJW hates
Now I cantnmagine how the son looks
properly based
Fuck Off Commie jew, didn't you had enough satanic sacrificial rituals?
There is not even any proof that it is his.
>guy spend a lot of money to do shit
Like WTF proof is that?
/pol/ can use this?
Bullshit, but I'll believe it with how FFXIV has turned out since HW.
Post source
>mutt cop trying really hard to be badass
>seething so hard he cant hear him speak
>"a WHAT trip?"
Only America is capable of putting sanctions on anyone. Russia is a complete shithole and China is a paper tigger
It wont happen as long as they are dependant - its the reason why they have so much wealth in the first place.
>Why yes, I like to pretend that I'm anime girl online, how could you tell?
You should understand that there is no difference between jews and the sandpeople. They have their hands on everything. If you sanction them, your whole economy will suffer.
how was she conned if she got paid?
Cute and based
yes, but only bottom of the barrel tier muslims need to care about these religious nonsese rules. the upper class doesn't really give a shit.
>He thinks a new season would save DTB
There are literally tens of thousands of "princes" in SA. He's just a regular dude from a rich family.
He invited the devs to give a lecture and teach students the basics of game developing and tell them the experience about their development of Final Fantasy 14.
I was about to attend the lectures but I couldn't.
Are people surprised? I know a lot of Muslim weebs, they're just as common as black weebs.
why? it'll go bad before they even consume 1/10 of that
Honestly he's based as fuck. I too yearn for the day where I'm rich enough to stop giving a fuck about what other people think.
>women are literally the same everywhere
>China is a paper tigger
spot the sandnigger
whenever you see a weeb or someone posting retarded weebshit or someone posting in "steam friend threads"
this is who they are
all weebs are degenerates that deserve death for being leeches on society
Not really, maybe SMT is because of the whole kill God thing
Afghanistan I think.
>militant atheism
we need this everywhere
>falling for these fake subtitles
He has like 500k$ in dota items, he might not be a saudi prince, but he is quite rich.
The husbands were blacks. You think they would stay to raise a family? Those were niggers too.
You'd probably start to develop a distaste for 3D too if you had to be subjected to your entire family flying over a gaggle of whores to shit, piss, and vomit all over them on a daily basis. The Saudi royal family are a bunch of freaks.
Are you okay schizo-kun?
What are you doing here if you hate weebs?
Uh Yea Forums? There are so many posts here with insta thots. You seem to think Yea Forums isn't one of the worst boards or something.
the chincks are the good guys
He's next in line to be King, it's the crown prince.
There is no proof that it's his.
You literally have no idea how rich some sandpeople are.
These aren't sandniggers. They are uyghurs. Good looking people getting genocided by insectoids.
That's Mohammed bin Salman. This is his brother.
Those are just americans my dude, everybody knows how they are and still we accept them.
We got too cocky
Not him but you can like anime without being a pathetic ERPing faggot. Fuck off.
Based chinks saving the world from goatfuckers.
Why is he wearing a McDonalds emblem?
Is that an actual mcdonalds badge
Holy fuck ACAB
rent free :^)
no wonder the woman there aren't allowed out alone
Because it was recorded in burgerland
>that black guy cracking up
top kek
God in SMT is jewish God, so it's okay.
McD special forces
They also force their shamans to say that allah/mohammed is wrong and some shit
I thought you sheep didn't like chinks. What happened lol?
Cry me a river, faggot
>the largest muslim minority
Any time an Instagrammer is in Dubai, assume that they have been paid to fuck someone.
This is the case 99% of the time.
I remember in a Yakuza thread there was an arabian rich kid telling he fucked JAV girls because he had connections with the yakuza. I wonder if he still browses Yea Forums
That's his brother(?). This guy is just a prince and has no political strength, and he's still a teen.
But the rich are the ones fucking kids and doing crazy shit in the woods.
Hmm... makes you think...
the enemy of my enemy is my friend
>billionaire King has 273 levels
>me, a poorfag, got half that thanks to one event
Thanks Gabe.
>Omg he's like rich but he like uh does relatable things that like soooo funny and ahah gotta share that with everyone!
Tell me again Yea Forums, why do you hate women so much when you behave exactly like them?
Hi OP, why did you link a tweet when you could have just used the pictures from the tweet?
It's more evil vs another, different kind of evil.
>poorfags cope
>when you take 2 barbecue sauce packages instead of one
Why would muslims be your enemy? Especially uyghurs who you will probably never see in your lifetime? Your real enemy should be jews.
Yes theyre a massive family whats your point?
Any doujins with this aesthetic?
Why is it the cops fault he has to work extra at Macdonald to make a living wage? Sounds like a political problem.
>Eastern MMO shit
lmao, faggot.
kikes, mudslimes BOTH need to die
Am I the only non-retard here that don't get attached to people they see online? I don't give a fuck if she sucks 10 cocks before she sleeps. Only thing I care for is if I can rub one out from their pictures. I don't give a fuck what they do after those pictures and videos.
Who the fuck is roll playing you colossal autists.
Because Yea Forumsincels are actually bitches.
>eat this bacon
Damn, what a torture.
They don't even want to fuck very much, mostly it's about taking a fat ogre shit on them or making them drink piss and such
Arab prince's are such gamers they are bored of regular sex.
>can only exceed its force in its own territory, not even all of it
>economy is an artificially inflated bubble that will burst sooner or latter
>Chinese military equipment falls apart like the knock-off shit it is
>it only take 1 American president that isn't a boot licker to make the chinks shit themselves
Wooow what a super power
Holy shit, absolutely based and redpilled
>act like a complete degenerate and larp as a cute little anime girl
>behead people in your country that do the same and fund brutal terrorism the world over (hope you all had a happy 9/11 btw, 15 of the 19 hijackers were saudis :)) )
epic !!
Where do they get the rice? Are paddy fields even exist in arab?
Why do people who haven't done shit to you deserve to die? They are a symptom of what the real enemy is causing lol.
The dorkz in this video you fucking retard
USA is run by corporations they sponsor governmental services sometimes.
>This police raid brought to you by Happy Meal, I'm loving it.
Yes i'm from an Arab cuntry can confirm things like this is usualy for weddings tho.
The only part i hate about them is how they behave themselves in my country and how they talk about my religion.
They are the biggest savages, they rape, murder, beat up strangers. I don't like that.
Yeah sure they hate jews and sjws, that's nice, but that doesn't removes the fact that they also hate my people and my religion.
*perma rangeban
normal bans mean nothing as long as phone users are still allowed to post, rangebans at least mean they have to go well out of their way to get around it
9/11 was an inside job
you'd get the rope first, trannie
>be USA
>only bomb shithole 3rd world countries
>Russia send 10 jets to Syria
>USA shit their pants and gives up on Syria
>Not him but
samefags are always pathetic.
He calls the shots in SA. The king is apparently a complete dunse.
>Why do people who haven't done shit to you deserve to die?
>you should kill jews tho!
Hmmmmm....really activated my almonds there.....
jews are rich
Are you an actual schizo?
>China has enought nukes and ICBMs to flatten the whole USA
>can only exceed its force in its own territory
ok retard
But jews are responsible for muslims being in your country? Hello? Are you being purposely disingenuous?
Are you saying they aren't literally cybering? What the fuck is wrong with you man?
Michael Jackson would like a word with you
>America doesn't want to get involved too deepl into another ME quagmire
>Russians come to save their puppet regime
>America already decided to back off, not worth wasting American blood on another Iraq
>RUUUSSIA STRONG *injects crocodile and gets AIDS*
It's meant to be enjoyed by a shitton of people
Also, leftovers for days
Uyghurs are central asians, not sandniggers.
Are you retarded or just teenager?
yeah and? saudis and kikes are best buds
These. They literally add nothing and only result in extreme shitposting.
All the Saudi kids I know are obnoxious.
The only reason why people like them is because they got money.
Are you mentally ill?
his nose would like a words with you
he was literally the person I was thinking about when I wrote that
kek fucking burger cops.
>nukes being ever used
>China only has 80-100 nukes anyway
Half of them would fall apart due to being made in China
That's Mohammed bin Salman. This guy is his brother, Abdullah. I know they have similar names, it's confusing me too.
Where did i imply that they are sandniggers? My post didn't say anything about them.
They only thing i did is pointed out their horrible behavior
If you say theres no reason to hate muslims then why should I hate jews for putting them in my country?
I fucking hate Saudi people because of one incident.
This fag started following us around and kept gloating about his villas and cars in his home country. Talks about how he drives his BMW and shit in manual right?
We're driving him home and he points to the shift stick and asks us if that's the clutch.
From then on, I hated every Saudi retard.
>Think this is a joke reading his bio
>Also see his account has 2 of the rarest items in dota and all of the baby roshan couriers and a battle level of 175,000
kino taste
>christians being forced to act against their beliefs from a secular government
>muslims being forced to act against their beliefs from a secular government
yeah but who let the jews in? those are the real enemy, the chosen people are completely innocent
>it only take 1 American president that isn't a boot licker to make the chinks shit themselves
What did trump do even make them shit themselves and what did shit themselves even mean?
Neither is a good thing
Muzzies deserve it.
Who told them to invade and colonize shit outside of the Arabian Peninsula? You reap what you sow.
Do you really think that there aren't people like him that are rich?
>how they behave themselves in my country
Because they look like this. The ones that come to muttland is from arab countries. Uyghurs don't come as refugees to western countries. In fact they're being kept in their land by China.
>Only one singular article that says this and everything else links back to said article
>Article has no proof
>christians being forced to act against their beliefs from a secular government
More like from the liberal SJWs.
BASED and twitpilled
I'm saying you shouldn't be wishing for their death when they were literally brought to you by a third party. If you removed said party, you wouldn't ever have to deal with them.
You can think of it like this: the people you get from any kind of widespread diaspora are bound to be filled with retarded commoners, fundamentalists, and criminals that wormed their way out of their broken country. It explains why Europe has a more pronounced "Muslim" problem than other places, because they were stupid enough to take in millions in one go.
I'm not a mutt, so i don't really care. Your post still doesn't changes the fact that what they did
>b-but it's different kind of muslims so it's okay for them to be monsters
Sure thing.
Defend them all you want on the internet, maybe you will be able to convince some middle/upper class snowflakes living in guarded white-only safespace, but you won't change the mind of simple folk that live in shitholes and have to interact with those savages everyday.
All cops are based?
Trump is putting economic pressure on them and unfucking Nixons biggest mistake. Reminder: China would still be the famineridden communist shithole Mao made today if it wasn't for Richard Nixon.
Uyghurs didn't mass-convert to Buddhism like Mongolia did as atonement, because they don't feel atonement and instead feel a need to eventually wage war and overthrow the local culture, religion, and government.
Why else would they stick with labeling themselves as followers of warmonger and slaver Muhammad instead of converting to anything that's not Islam which would bring them tolerance and peace?
Of the 3 Abrahamic branches who believe in the same God, they chose the one created for war by a warmonger, and now they will suffer the consequences for the message they created in doing so.
>hoping he will send you money
Watch till the end it's a white woman
Why are you surprised, every arabs love anime.
wonder if other world leaders have steam accounts
what games would putin play?
All cops are bastards
How zoomer are you that you don't know this?
>Romanov treatment
Harsh. Those qt royals didn't deserve that. Meanie.
He's not a brainwashed commie scum.
The saudi oil bubble will pop eventually. There is fuck all outside investment in any other area in that country, despite how much they try to get it. Turns out acting like third world shithole means foreigner powers will only tolerate if it benefits them.
If I was filthy fucking rich, I’d do the exact same thing and make it as degrading as possible for the girl.
Have you already forgotten Epstein?
Yeah, "he" (You) isn't. This isn't a commie thing zoomer, it always existed. Those boots taste might nice yeah?
i was making a joke but it looks like i went over your head
Absolutely cursed.
Maybe stop being a fucking criminal and maybe your nigger ass wont deserves a beating, you brat.
>what games would putin play?
x4 strategy games. But he's boomer who hates tech.
Medvedev on the other hand is very trendy and likes things like tech, Instagram, twitter. But honestly i have no idea about his tastes
I not a nigger or a criminal. Cops are still bastards.
It's people like you that eat ass so much that shit like 1984 becomes possible. Kill yourself faggot.
No, its secularism that does this.
>Q: Do you stream on Twitch?
>A: That's a nice idea and I would love to do that. However, there is no need for me to stream, because we already own billions worth of shares in Twitch's parent company, Amazon. But, who knows? I might stream for fun someday!
He will legalize lolis worldwide
t. tranny
Islam is a threat to human dignity.
>what games would putin play?
Silent Hunter
Hearts of Iron or Europa Universalis
WWF No Mercy
>if you aren't prejudiced towards groups then the story about prejudice being the norm will happen
Doubt you've ever seen a copy of 1984 in your life. Did a cop pull you over and take away your weed and now they're all pigs?
As someone with money (not billionaire but a hefty sum), I'm just gonna let you know it's gonna get old FAST
If that's true then why is Putin bros with MbS?
He should play VRChat
papers, please
>money doesnt make you happ-
btw i read about this guy in my history book in high school lol. Still remember his name from when I memorized it for a test.
>Food is just that one thing you gotta do real quick so your tummy stops bothering you in the middle of everything else that's important
Well, apparently I am rich.
And this, is why China will take over the world. The west is soooo fucked.
The same reason Russians always were.
Befriend the faraway ones to murder the near ones.
they literally did, though.
Why does his badge say oreo? That his name?
OP is a fucking retard
>Prince Abdullah bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud AKA Sweetheart Yuki
Not all of them
Said the guy obssesed with furries, lol.
Good response. Reminder that secularism enabled the existence of trannies in the first palce. Remember when trannies were everywhere in still Christian America? I don't
Make way for Prince Adbullah bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
doesn't roll too well on the tongue
To be continued next time on /pol/
Cool projection bro, continue being a bootlicker.
If anyone thinks its real they deserve to be mouthraped. No head of state, or royal family member is going to be caught dead on steam first of all. If tomorrow you were all billionaires, you'd never be on steam or this website ever again, I promise that to you.
he has 30 wives
Russia has the biggest Muslim population of Europe you trog
And how would you know that retard?
Do you know there are many famous people having Steam accounts?
-Kim (North Korea)
-Vin Diesel
-Osama bin Laden
-literally who millionaires/billionaires
and more
DESU the Sudi princes actually seem like pretty cool dudes. i would not be surprised if once their parents kick the shitter, stuff in the middle east mellows the fuck, out.
russia isnt in europe
Does he have good taste in vidya?
>being this beta
>t. Corporate bootlickers that like watching the rich fuck over middle-class America like the cucks they are
The absolute state of (You)
Which changes what I said, how?
Not a century passes by in Russia without an eventually and traditional mass cull of Mudslimes.
Why not both
continue being a commie
This is his younger bro prince
>he doesnt know DREDD
Don't know what you are talking about, says oreo on the badge. Judge Oreo.
It is partially and that part has the most of the population living there
What country do you live in?
>be in jail
>Sweetheart Yuki
The crown prince, who's like 34, is basically the leader at this point. He made some concessions like letting women drive and opening cinema and concerts, but it's still not that much different compared to before.
You don't have to conform to the tastes of virgins on Yea Forums when you're a billionaire.
No one in Europe or Russia considers Russia to be part of Europe
>Dota 2
Shit tasting faggot
>I thought video games and anime were haram?
Nigger Osama bin Laden was a weeb
>all the anime avatar subhumans trying to be friends with him in comments to milk some money
Nuclear war can't get there soon enough.
>Saudis are richer than anyone will ever be
>emulate the culture of poorfag anime NEETs
What is the phenomenon? If they're so wealthy why don't they make their own pop culture? Why do they always emulate Americans somehow?
>Evict islam
The weeb sandnigger is cool and all, but can I get sauce please?
Reverse search isn't turning shit.
What games are his most played?
Kill yourself
>being a weeb is a poorfag neet thing
Must suck living in America with so many shit taste low IQ plebs.
t.rich weeb
>please click view more info, thank you very much
what an attention whore
Why are you lying?
Can't wait for baby prince George to have a Steam and Twitch profile.
It's almost as if Northamerican pop fizz burger cola culture ended up taking over the world, and now that we have this monoculture everybody does the same thing no matter where you go and everything feels dull boring and soulless.
Even a prince feels bored after pissing on some female slave for months straight, might as well play vidya.
There's nothing more soulless than buyfagging.
the kids? no
>says the american who emulates japanese hikki culture.
Eveiction or genocide or conversion, those are your choices, and eventually you will have to make one because karma is right around the corner.
He was a Turk who had American Citizenship.
I've played far too many games throwing abuse on mic at middle-eastern sounding guys with anime profile pictures. Feels good knowing I might have gotten the chance to tell an oil prince to eat shit and die
Middle Eastern culture was wiped out by Islam, if you actually obliged by that culture you would do nothing but pray 20 times a day and fuck little boys.
>the US president 50 years from now might be a Fortnite baby today
This. I bet a bunch of them know islam is bullshit too.
What a time to be alive.
>>There's nothing more soulless than buyfagging.
I only avoid buying games from companies I hate (which is honestly quite a lot of them), otherwise I buy because it's still more convenient than piracy if money is not an issue.
Its shit.
>However, there is no need for me to stream, because we already own billions worth of shares in Twitch's parent company,
Didn't he get sacked too when that new royal cunt put behind bars most of own family? Afaik OP is still imprisoned, as is his father.
>Prince Salman was detained in January 2018, two months after the 2017 Saudi Arabian purge. Salman's father too was arrested two days after his son. People close to him told the Washington Post that he was summoned to the palace in the middle of the night, then beaten and arrested after he arrived. As of November 2018, Salman and his father were still not been released according to his Paris-based attorney, Elie Hatem. Either of them had been charged as of October 2018. Were not brought to trial, and there was no official recognition of their presence with the Saudi authorities. The lawyer and the family of the two princes confirmed that there was no corruption suspicion against them and stressed that they had been detained because they expressed their opinions.
>Sources close to Salman told the Washington Post that they believed the current Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, harbored "personal jealousy" toward Salman.[3]
>Salman and his father were held at the al-Ha'ir Prison. His lawyer was in contact with the President of France Emmanuel Macron and the French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian to achieve their release. Several members of the royal family campaigned in favor of Macron. The most active was the billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal who was still under house arrest. Following the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on 2. October 2018, the family of two detained expressed grave concern about the fate because they have not heard any news about them since they were summoned to the Royal Palace 10 months ago.[4][5]
>my face when this guy's life and then my face when i think about my life
>botox goblin
Based as fuck
He deserves it for that fucking awful username
>he's still a teen
He's a 39 year old weeaboo.
He might be rich but he's also the perpetual target of backstabbing sand nigger royalty shenanigans. You dont want his life even if he enjoys some rare luxuries.
Seems like a nice guy, would play vidya with
>being a poorfag need is an american thing
do mutts think the world revolves around them? or maybe the sun revolves around the earth too? even then euros where the first NEET weebs outside of japan
>you will never fund an adaptation of every single remaining Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei chapter
But Daddy Trump loves them. Shouldn't you?
>anime profile picture
>probably watches hentai videos as well
>going to thailand without fucking a ladyboy is like going to turkey and not eating a fucking kebab
That's not being a commie but ok
What gay-beating commie sub-human would want to say they are part of Europe? And what tranny euro-cuck wants Russia to be part of Eurostan?
>tfw the only difference between how he spends his day and how I spend mine is mostly in the price of the chair we sit on and that I probably get more free time than him
guy gets anything he wants in the entire world, entire existence, whenever he wants it, at any time. he can go anywhere, do anything, experience anything, enjoy anything, eat anything, take anything; so long as he doesn't say anything.
i think it's a fair deal don't you?
Putin lets ch*chen do whatever they want so they don't sperg out
Muslims were defending themselves from persian and roman invading empires you retarded fuck. And Arabs were not limited to the Peninsula.
The kind of gossipy shitheads these kind of threads attract are status obsessed faggots, be it race, relationships or politics
Europeans may live with their parents until they're 40 but the virgin anime NEET phenomenon is more American than anything.
>the guy is only 34 and he's become the leader of his nation
>meanwhile I'm almost 30 and still work low wage jobs
Where did things go wrong?
Based COMposter
its real but its not saudi arabia
>Push out women in your society
>everyone turns gay
Wow, how wacky!!
The guy is obviously cute and funny pilled, and yet you fags turn and ruin this thread into boy-fucker-central. Go back to Eton.
First part no, second part yes.
We are officially the nobility of Yea Forums now, fellow coomers.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal.
Hope you stick to your words and don't call the cops when Tyrone steals your stuff.
ask him if he knows anything about this guy
What? Are you telling me based Pootin will not lead an orthodox crusade against the muds?! But /pol/ told me he would! :(
Genuine questions: are there actually Burgoids who can't tell at a glance that this isn't Saudi Arabia, but rather the Afghanistan/Pakistan region? You can see it on the guy from a mile away he's from those parts.
no it isnt, its japanese
i would troll Yea Forums by buying and smashing 5 switches a day with different videos and pictures for each escapade
and then i'd buy CDPR and make them do anime dating sims for 10 years
No, as a matter of fact I think that "Daddy Trump" deserves exactly the same.
Its all Islamic so who fucking cares
>Muslims were defending themselves
>religion literally started not by excuses of defense but by the megalomania of a mad warmonger called Muhammad crazed with conquest and slavery
Get the fuck out.
If Muslims were defending themselves ever in history they never would have gone beyond the Arab peninsula to mainly spread through war, rape, genocide, slavery, and forced colonization of lands where they have no business to be in and where they forced themselves unprovoked with Muhammad's over 50 war campaigns of pure aggression as examples.
Who the fuck do you think you are kidding? Think people can't read the Quran, Hadith, and well documented (for a change) history?
Murricans are dumb, news at eleven.
Is is supposed to be news to me that rich kids are just regular kids except with a larger bank account
If anything I'd bet there's far more weebs in the 1% than in the 99% (by ratio) just due to them having more free time on their hands and having to find something to spend that money on. There's a reason you constantly hear about crazy furry fetish art that got commissioned by like fuckin lawyers or doctors or some shit.
Dota2 apparently
scas you need to kill yourself as soon as possible
>A billionaire weeb
You either come out of the right vagina, or find the right vagina to put it into. It’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich girl as it is a poor one.
LMAO people with simular (if not worst) taste like him make up the ruling class of the world.
>wants to be women
>act like women
wew lad
That's Salman, OP is Abdullah
God bless this Rudol guy for posting the brothers in arms art.
the taliban control more territory today than they did before the Americans arrived
Thing is, the cops will take so long to respond, Tyrone would take everything by the time they arrive. They don't help.
>have a sandnigger classmate named Fady
>Always avoided calling his name because he's actually fat
Why do you even bother posting this shit on a video game board on an anime website, can’t you just go to twitter to spread your ideology? You will only meet degenerates here
Why does it matter that jews are wealthy? They earned it.
>level 100k dota battle pass
He single handedly pays for the international prize pool.
fucking based and habibipilled
why don't they just
buy plates
>arrested and "disappeared" (i.e. assassinated) last October
>his Steam description linked the Putin-MbS handshake, which happened last November
>his Steam description also talks about his brother highly
This doesn't add up. Either this isn't his Steam account or someone took control of it.
third post ABSOLUTELY based and truthpilled
Lmao you know one of the Tsars would have made Russia a fully muslim ckuntry but he didn't because alcohol would be outlawed?
That's not him
Saudi princes have murdered american teenagers before and got off scott free
You think this article on some asshole's steam account was random, dont you?
When I was at school we had a sandnigger named Abdi Anus (pronounced aniece allegedly)
Wrong prince, that's Salman not Abdullah
and that's a good thing
>It’s just as easy to fall in love with a rich girl as it is a poor one.
Kek yeah but it isnt so easy to get them to love you
>Rich billionaire lives exactly like a NEET
What now wagies?
>not in Saudi Arabia
Good thing then that he didn't turn Russia into an even bigger shithole than it already is by adopting Islam.
The real reason he didn't adopt Islam is because Muslim shits pulled the first knife against Slavs in history and made a blood grudge of their own making.
Any Slav adopting Islam is a traitor to their own ancestors who were raped and enslaved by Mudslimes, and every Slav who is not a Muslim is itching to genocide as has been for centuries.
Shit won't change, not even Putin can change this. When the old dog dies it's gonna be party time babyfucker.
you guys think he brows Yea Forums?
Because real life has better graphics.
Q: Can I see where do you live or one of the palaces/mansions that you own?
go back to sucking off Netanyahu, trumpo.
It should, but pic related can't be bothered to actually do their "jobs" unless they're pushing progressive politics. Gays deserve the fucking rope, btw.
>Cyprus is painted red
did a burger make this
>Yea Forums on current affairs
Kashoggi was an Arab national and former friend of the Saudi royal family. He fled the country and started writing for American newspapers about Saudi Arabia. He went to Turkey to take care of some administrative business at the Saudi consulate in Turkey, thinking a neutral country would be safe.
Based, imagine all the billions in oil revenue managed by a small nationalist clique than a thousand greedy princes
Cyprus is a lost cause. The Greeks ain't doing the job they are supposed to be doing there.
>even an arab billionaire prince is consumed with escapism
really says alot actually.
>brags about his palaces
>instead of posting PC specs
Seems like this poor sandnigger can't afford a 2080ti lmao.
What a sòyboy eunuch lmfao
interesting how hundreds of oligarchs control your life so subtly yet powerfully that you don't even realise it but you'll defend them senselessly
Use saucenao you stupid piece of shit
>blaming the Greeks when the Americans backed the Turkish invasion
I don't care about any of that, I just laugh at the fact that you think Russians will cull muslims lol.
Based MBS gives no fucks about western betacuck "laws" If you aren't an alpha male, you don't get to rule shit. MBS is the .one and only future king of Saudi Arabia
>fight for your religion like a warmonger Muhammad taught you to be
>amass over 4 billion non-Western people who are now genociding you in Asia and spreading
LMAO get wiped out faggots.
Rohingya genocide, best genocide.
You laugh at the idea every century. Every century your laugh gets cut down proportional to the percentage of Muzzies being starved to death or genocided or sent to labor camps.
Then you whine to the West to save you, except there's no West saving you anymore.
Wrong account.
It hurts to realize that being rich guarantees you a partner regardless of anything else. Can be the most worthless beta in existence and nail tens constantly if you're rich enough. Meanwhile Chad hoovers up all the women who aren't yet gold digging. If you're a normal guy you might as well not exist.
They're getting sent to camps by chinks though. Not Ruskies.
You do know that Arabs tend to not give a fuck about south asians at all right? They are pretty racist like that despite religious doctrines.
you're pathetic
Are you a Turk rapebaby or something lol
What Chinks start, Ruskies eventually follow through with as well. Same with Mongols, same with Turkic shit, same with Muslems.
>noooo Westerners, save us pls! These countries who all want us dead because we invaded them first in history books shouldn't be allowed to seek revenge! Muh Islamophobia? Why you Islamophobic after we murdered, raped, and enslaved you?!
Get genocided Muzzie.
You are sub normal my man.
Seething rapebaby holy fucking shit kek
Turkics and etc. are literally muslim lmao, all the -stan regions are majority muslim you rapebaby
Can't contest that honestly, rolled pretty bad on character creation. Probably just gonna reroll soon.
>when you have a warmonger branch of the Abrahamic religion invented by a pedophile warmonger slaver, and Buddhists of all people beat your shit up and kick you out
LMAO go join the 72 virgins in Hell babyfucker
All the stan countries will follow in the footsteps of Mongols and already are. Conversion or JUST AND VIRTUOUS ETHNIC CLEANSING
based as FUCK