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No one bought this shit.
Terrible game no matter how much people hate Kojima or how many misleading webms get posted.
Sorry for what?
Not a great game but fixed Kojimbo writing since Peace Walker explaining why prequels have better technologies than sequels. Sorry.
For what. They had a working spin-off cashcow remake with FOBs. If they turned them into MMO sort of thing like Elite Dangerous, with nukes and community actions REALLY making a difference, it could be GoTY and could actually survive.
I can't stand how retarded japs are, if they do something right it's usually because even a broken clock shows the right time twice a day.
So is singleplayer for this playable?
I remember trying out the beta/network test/demo or whatever and it was decent fun even if a bit repetitive
I don't care much about MGS story mind
lmao, playing singleplayer is the last thing you should do in this game
You were playing the co-op mode, the actual singleplayer is an entire story mode with an open world map, and its fuckin awful
You can try to play the co-op singleplayer, but good luck, its going to be hard as fuck alone unless you use exploits. pretty much NEED people for it
Single player is very much playable.
why are you posting garbage?
this was death stranding before death stranding, after seeing the gameplay is even more obvious.
the single player is pretty good if you want more mgsv gameplay
Eh, the survival aspects and the shitty map hurt it alot.
no they don't, that's partly why it's good
for its current price its worth it, just remember that theres no post game except two bosses that spawn.
>entire game is about coop
>the playerbase died a month after the game came out
yeah theres no reason to consider playing this game, its just grinding to get slightly better shit and shitty always online resource management so if you take a few days break your entire base starves to death or dies of injuries, havent played in a year and wonder what would happen if i played it again
>>entire game is about coop
I played through the game and it was fucking shit, and was barely 4 hours long
>ooohohooohho the reason MGS had all that advanced tech was because some nigger got sent back in time!!!
and yeah, im pretty sure the nig is SIGNT
>creates super advanced tech
>out of place clothing for the time period
>age is similar since it was a teenager that went back to 1948 so he'd be around 30
>I played through the game and it was fucking shit, and was barely 4 hours long
why are you lying, the SP is long as fuck
no it isnt, i spent more time trying to find a coop game than playing the entire singleplayer
Dude it's really not that long. You can run through the whole thing in a day or two.
no it isn't you lying asshole
SP is the most disappointing aspect of the game
well it was longer than it needed to be anyway
>gets BTFO
>yeah well umm it was long in my mind!!!
The future is in your hands...
Death Stranding
>Tomorrow is in your hands...
What is the meaning of this??
calm down dude we're just having fun, at any rate it's much longer than 4 hours lol
no it isnt
It doesn't take much longer than 15 - 20 hours to clear the singleplayer
only if your a braindead retard that cant play games, singleplayer doesnt last more than 4 hours sweetie, no amount of NUH UH will prove it otherwise
while SP isn't super long it's definitely longer than four hours
i'd say it's probably around 12 hours, but i did take my time and explore a lot
>but i also took hours to explore everywhere...
yeah, you exploring the empty shithole ISNT singleplayer content
Low effort troll post. You have to explore the environment to progress in the singleplayer missions, gather materials, food/water etc.
literaly death stranding
nigger i'm not the guy you were arguing with originally, but saying the game is 4 hours long is plain false
you literally confim what i am saying, you say it yourself,
>You have to explore the environment to progress in the singleplayer missions
>single player missions
nice cognitave dissonace kike
metal gear survive is alot like death stranding, lots of walking around doing nothing
sure kid, thats what all samefags say, the game is 4 hours no longer no less
i am that guy and no it isn't ;)
I knew it was only a matter of time before you made this thread sperg. I played it at a friends house. It's shit.
im not that guy you replied to but your a nigger
racism is not allowed on Yea Forums uwu
I dunno user, I kinda wish mgs v had the survive mechanics, but maybe to a less cripplingly hard degree. It wouldve given being out in the overworld way more purpose.
no, the game is NOT 4 hours long if we're talking about completing SP mode. You've yet to post any kind of proof supporting that
I did two playthroughs of game's SP mode and it definitely wasn't that short
Post your game time
neither is furfaggotry
no matter how hard you squirm it wont make the game last longer than 4 hours
provide a single bit of proof for the "4 hour" figure you're claiming
and no,
>dude trust me
is not a credible source
>179 hours spent on this shit game
really the only problem with the game is that the MP community is dead
yeah, the multiplayer was surprisingly competent and bustling with people early on
i'd even go as far as calling it fun
all in all though, it's not a bad game, it's not great either
it's probably the most average game i ever played
lol imagine being THIS much of a sheep
It also low key has the best progression system in a shooter at least
I won't apologize for liking Survive.
have you even played the game? be honest
Good lord I just find it bizarre that the people who hated MGS and Kojima wanted to spite Kojima fans so hard they were willing to shill Survive.
And then literally no one played it on release. They tried sooo hard to make it sound like it's some special complex zombie-survival game when it's literally a zombie-survival tower defense games with some retarded ass crafting mechanics. It was super generic.
Thats why the shouldn't have made it MP to begin with. I don't remember the MG community begging for a MP experience.
please provide me a source that proves the game is above 4 hours.
>I don't remember the MG community begging for a MP experience
you sure about that?
MGO2 and MGO3 were a thing
This. It was all about Kojima's complex storyarcs from all of his games and Konami thought it was a good idea to make Survive. Figures that it would fail.
>MGO2 and MGO3 were a thing
We still didn't ask for it. And the communities were never alive to begin with.
first, my anecdotal evidence accumulated over 180 hours of gameplay
second, websites like
a simple google search will provide you with results, most of them claiming between 15 and 20 hours
No it wasn't it still had fox engine style combat and fun survival mechanics
The more I see of Death Stranding the more I think Survive was in Kojima's plans before he got the boot from Konami.
>anecdotal evidence
>he tries to make an arguement on personal "evidence"
>lorefag is retarded
Crafting and replaying levels over and over again is considered more than 4 hours. LOL
lmao look at him go
it totally is bro, just the way MGSV took 100+ hours to complete as it was BURSTING with (reused) content!
I love how these Zoomies have no understandings of the genius that is Kojima. All of his games WAS about Lore and cinematic storytelling.
Even still the story content alone is more than 4 hours. And the game's cheap it's essentially MGSV undead nightmare edition
it's just as much of an argument as yours, that's why it isn't the only one i provided
second, the shortest SPEEDRUN of the game (on NG+, meaning access to weapons and tools far better than you should have) is 3 hours, so the "4 hours" figure is completely unrealistic
the saddest part is me trying to be civil about this despite obviously knowing you're trolling
>Poking crystal unicorn zombies with a stick from behind a fence and being reminded every 5 seconds to PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR STAMINA
>"pretty good"
Survive is too you silly brainlet
>whines about muh sources
>was using anecdotal evidence the whole time
anecdotal evidence =/ a argument
Maybe you should get good?
seeHonestly though building a zombie fort with PW style mechanics and goofy MGS gadgetry nonsense sounds right up my alley too bad Konami was trying to kill it :/
yes, that's why both your claim and my anecdotal evidence are moot points with no proof
now go ahead and refer to the other things i posted if you're so clever
>Whoaaaa zombies and muh alternate dimensions so deep yo!
You're a fucking joke.
>Konami cucked Kojima by releasing a MGSV survival game ahead of his MGSV survival game
>It's not muh kojimbles so it's shiiiiiiit :(
I'd love to know what you think that webm somehow proves.
Kojima is a literal genius with actual awards to back it up. You're just those fags who get butthurt when we praise him. Where's your actual evidence to back up your claim that he's a hack? I'm waiting.
cope harder faggot
>using some gay website as a source
>The **ONLY** reason it's bad is because Kojima didn't make it
not him, but the
>poke zombies with a stick
meme originates from a single video and literally doesn't work in the game outside tutorial levels
Just because I like survive doesn't mean im butthurt about kojimbles my man
i see, so you're just a meme spouting faggot uninterested in actually discussing anything beyond writing
i'm done replying here, i've posted all that i needed to anyway
Kojima has nothing to do with this though.
>literally doesn't work in the game outside tutorial levels
Wow, it's like "lying for Jesus," but you're lying for Konami instead.
>hurrrr, the zombie fence stick poke is fake news and literally only happened in that Dunkey shill video
Yeah it was pretty retarded how everybody decided to believe Jim Sterling's impressions on 5minutes of gameplay was honestly reflective of the entire game.
ah yes, let me tell you how much i'm getting paid to shill a $30 game that came out almost two years ago, played regularly by less than 20 people
truth is, fence poking literally only works in tutorial areas. There isn't much to argue about here. Hell, how would doing that even have any effect on enemies that jump over the fences or mortars firing at you from a hundred meters away?
>The guy doesn't do it in this video clip, so that proves it's LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, and any footage that shows it happening was faked by the Kojidrones!
I never implied that you were being *paid* to lie, just that you were lying.
yeah a fence is a great deterrent to something that mindlessly jumps over it
pray tell to tell me how i'm lying
i've beaten everything game has to offer so you can tell me about defense tactics on any map and i'll discuss them freely
unless you're gathering all your knowledge about game's combat from dunkey's video, that is
I downloaded it since it's on gamepass, and holy shit even if Kojima is fucking gone, it still feels like a MGS game. For maybe 5 mins of gameplay, I sat through over 30 mins of cutscenes with a bunch of movie references. I had to stop because I was so fucking bored.
but a fence + spear combo does literally nothing against, say, mortar that shoots explosives at you from far away
Make me faggot
Nah, that game retained everything I hated about MGSV, I'm not apologizing for shit
>more mgsv gameplay
In what way? There's a shitty stamina system and the combat is actually awful compared to the main game. It also lacks the fun freedom mgsv has to play any goofy way you want
No, Konami can apologize to *me* for making such an atrociously awful game.
I don't recall having somebody shrieking at me to wAtCh YoUr FlUiD iNtAkE!!!! through an obnoxious voice filter in MGS V. I must have missed that in the entire 30+ hours I've played somehow.
That only happens once each time you start the game talk about autism lmao
>cancel pt
Nah they can still fuck themselves
So, is "owning the Kojidrones" Yea Forums's equivalent of "owning the libs," i.e. defending something, no matter how awful, if it means you get to call the people who don't like it "shills" or whatever?
Yeah, you would have to be autistic to enjoy Survive.
but it's the people who do like the game that are getting called shill
in this case, it's the other way around
majority of Yea Forums hates Survive, and when somebody implies that they enjoyed some aspects of the game everyone goes apeshit screaming
They're idiots for defending an objectively garbage game, but I don't think they're getting paid for doing so or anything. I'd chalk that up more to denial, the usual Yea Forums contrarianism, and possibly a bit of the ol' sunk cost fallacy.
Go back to /pol/ and never return
>objectively garbage
prove it
Never been to /pol/, try again.
Yes. I just don't understand the weird obsession over "Kojimadrones"? I think he is a literal genius and not a hack.
>sunk cost fallacy.
>over a $40 stand alone DLC
how poor are you lol?
>Shit combat
>Shit enemies
>Shit mechanics
>Shit story
You know that sunk cost can include time investment too, right?
lol they had the SH guy do the monsters in this it's fantastic you plen
it was $30 on release
was even cheaper on GMG if i remember right, that's where i got it from
>video game
>time investment
im so salty i had so much fun with that game lmao
if that's all you got from the story then you must be retarded im sorry to say
>the multiplayer was surprisingly competent
>2 fucking maps
>no purpose to playing it, regardless
>"surprisingly competent"
Bullshit. Fence poking is the main form attack all the way through the entire game. That webm was really, really retarded. Just a bunch of pointless running around for no reason. Probably trying to create some kind of dramatic effect.
Unironically kino
Got me a sub button on twitch for 0 work. Shame it has little content.
>poke enemy to death while on horse game play good when Nintendo does it
>noooo your game can't have spears what do you mean I don't know what I'm talking about nooo
Id rather have a short game that is highly replayable than one long 80+ hour game that's a slog to finish and I'll only play once
>Fence poking is the main form attack all the way through the entire game
no it isn't lol
yeah, and he said that it is bad irrespective of its relation to kojima, because some people praise it like the tribalistic retards since they hate kojima and it was not made by kojima, therefore it absolutely must be good.
But it's actually pretty good
Yes it is. Melee is your main, most reliable and most effective form of attack and that never changes. You need materials to make all ammo and explosives and it's never wise to just piss it away.
>duur nope! DUUUUH!
>Nope! uhuhuhuhuh!
>It was good in [unrelated game], so it must be good here too!
well, you're wrong. Yes ammo is expensive, but you're encouraged to use all your gadgets throughout the game.
Kill yourself.