name a more kino moment in video game history
you literally can't
Name a more kino moment in video game history
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Sadly, that's also literally the moment Warcraft died.
>warcraft died with the lich king
i hate this fucking meme, warcraft died when wow released
What is your purpose here, Arisen?
I don't understand what you're talking about. In terms of lore, Lich King fight is a huge letdown. Ever since WoW was announced people envisioned an epic showdown between Arthas, Jaina, Sylvanas and others (throw Mal'ganis to the mix, with him vowing to come back for Arthas in one of Icecrown quests). Instead you fight Arthas on your own, except that you're more concerned about jumping plague between varguls and cleaving val'kyrs, and ultimately Tirion turned Mary Sue takes the credit anyway. It's not even very compelling mechanically, it only really stands out in comparison to T9 and the rest of T10 (only heroic Putricide and Sindragosa could seriously even be argued to be involved fights): Firefighter, Knock*3 and Yogg+0 are all much more interesting mechanically.
This moment ruined warcraft. I had no hope for this franchise after that.
>heroic Putricide
Based. Best 25hc fight in that whole instance.
>when the best looking sword of the game gets destroyed by the shittiest looking one because of literal deus ex plot
Look at this thing. It feels like it belongs in a happy meal.
mythic blackhand breaking the floor before p2
No, WotLK had terrible lore, like all expansions. Tirion suddenly getting random super sayan powers and owning Arthas with an anime jump... Jesus.
user... Warcraft design in general belongs in a happy meal.
>Edge taken form
>Best looking sword
How does it feel to be 12?
Why does the story make a big deal about important characters dieing if rezzing is a canonical thing
Why isn't every cut scene of an important character dieing not interrupted by someone saying 'Lets just rez him'
because wow's story is shit
>Worst looking
But it's the coolest.
I guess it could be argued to kinda sorta maybe make sense if the lore behind resurrection implied greater magics being required to revive more powerful characters. The thing is, player character in neo-WoW is on par with the likes of Thrall or Jaina or whoever, and player characters are regularly canonically revived as though it was nothing (case in point, screenshot in OP).
>heroic putricide
>more interesting than heroic lich king
>not very compelling mechanically
>in comparison to other T9/T10 fights
Implying that Lich King isn't a mechanically great fight, but the rest of the fights are worse. Putricide and Sindragosa heroic got singled out for not being total fucking jokes, not for being great.
What do you even do for the LK fight?
>dispell on adds, kill adds
>dps race val'kyrs
>run out/in on the aoe spell and platform demolition
>spread on defile
And something about being teleported to that spirit room?
It feels great.
Check your shit taste wowbab. No wonder why WoW looks like Pixar Movie with chinkz like you.
I'd argue it's mostly the % buff that makes it pale in comparison to T8
There are some pretty cool fights in ICC that got completely destroyed by the powercreep this buff provided, like BQL, PP, or LDW. Same for LK that was supposed to be an endurance test but turned out to be a speedrun with the buff
Without it, ICC can pack 5-6 interesting bosses, and I'd argue it's about the same ratio of interesting bosses than Uldu
T9 is irredeemable though
+shadow traps, and frostmourne yes
The challenge is mostly about having 18 DPS position properly for Valkyrs all while defile pops. The other big challenge is for healers and tanks, as LK HC hits like a truck on both physical and magical side, if you're not overgeared
Nothing in WoW has ever been "kino", whatever the fuck that even means nowdays. WoW was garbage story-wise and lore-wise since its' inception and it dashed away any kind of fun, entertaining or intriguing story or world that Warcraft might have had.
>Leveling my priest in thousand needles
>An undead rogue runs to me and asks me to rez their friend
>Run after him and rez the undead mage
>Fortitude them both
>They thank me and go on their adventures
Being a priest is gives me the happy feelings.
I strongly disagree. If you look at retail progression (there obviously is some player improvement over the 8 or so months between the patches, but I think it's quite reasonable to treat that as a constant and time the bosses remained alive as a gauge how tough they were to beat), everything but Putricide and Sindragosa died the first week and they too died in a few attempts the second week. That's with limited attempts on end bosses no less. In comparison, Ulduar progression even excluding Yoggy+0/Algalon (the attempt restrictions of whom really aren't much more severe than ICC end bosses) lasted a better part of two months, first kill dates varying a lot guild-by-guild depending on where they spent their time, suggesting most HM bosses weren't pushovers that wouldn't impact the time you had for more relevant progress bosses. Yogg+0, despite not having limited attempts, is in a whole different category to anything else in Wrath.
This experience is replicated on private servers. Now, Blizzlike Ulduar with 3.3.3 talents would obviously be trivial, but with appropriate custom tuning a boss like Freya can become absolutely nightmarish with far more involved tactics than what retail version necessitated and all keepers are respectable. Conversely, I haven't seen an ICC fight that becomes interesting with custom tuning. Even something like Kel'Thuzad that has vanilla level of mechanical complexity can become more interesting than bosses other than LK/Sindra/Putricide if you crank up the numbers enough. Granted, that doesn't go for every single Ulduar boss (for example, General Vezax with the buffs he had on Sunwell could in a sense be argued to be 300% tougher than retail version, and he's still one of the easiest hardmodes... you just do him with no other melee but single unholy DK), but most Ulduar fights have potential to be interesting with appropriate tuning.
30% buff is besides the point. That just makes the fights brute forceable for scrubs.
I remember when I levelled mine back in the day I'd see people posting 'LF Priest' instead of looking for healer
i still see plenty of "LF healer pref priest" searches. Especially since pala's and druids level specs arent int heavy
But excluding some outliers like Yogg 0 which is basically an "extra-hard" mode, how much of this do you think is attributed to
-Uldu being the first raid to provide actually challenging content and thus suprising a lot of guilds
-Uldu itemization being pure shit outside of a few bosses, which are basically not the bosses you'd knock down first if you had a standard progress curve (ex: Algalon)
Because let's be honest, Freya itself isn't particularly high IQ, you just get more shit thrown at you, from more directions
Meanwhile ICC brings a more coherent itemization for many classes (most notably palret which is probably the best class to carry an heroic run), a fuckton of good accessible items on the first few easy bosses, and has let guilds time to adapt to the new standard of difficulty WoW can offer.
Is it really that surprising that people were more ready for LoD than for Yogg ?
If tuning is involved, one could argue that Light of Dawn lasted months on warmane's 0% because LK one shot tanks before nerf kek
I was talking about retail.
>that shaman who ankh'd to get a head start
>Uldu being the first raid to provide actually challenging content
Pre-nerf T4/T5 and SWP are respectable, and vanilla raids were also tough for players of their era, even if T7 wasn't. Guilds would well remember those.
>-Uldu itemization being pure shit
Boss difficulty is in the context of the tools you have available. A boss like M'uru scaled such that average damage values are the same relative to average throughput/mitigation available with Wrath talents would be beyond trivial because Warriors would be capable of tanking Void Sentinels and Spawns (unlike TBC paladins, they can spell reflect Void Blasts and AoE stun the spawns), and you'd have a personal or external cooldown up every time a sentinel is up. All tank classes could also pull Sentinels themselves no matter which portal they spawn from, everyone and their mother could CC humanoid adds, etc etc. Similarly, everyone and their mother has both offensive and defensive personal cooldowns so DPS during P2 burst window would be far higher if Entropius HP was scaled to match sustained DPS, ditto for surviving the end of it (just burn some raid sacs LMAO).
Similarly, "shitty itemization" is a part of the difficulty you face in Ulduar. You have to compensate for lower stats with better execution.
>you just get more shit thrown at you, from more directions
Isn't that pretty much the nature of difficulty in a game like WoW? If you had ONE JOB of dodging Defiles or Mimiron fires or whatever, you'd have to be goddamn retarded to fail at that. However, as you get more shit thrown at you AND enrage mechanics also force you to play at the edge rather than having the leniency to play it safe (even one reset worth of gear might allow you to, say, rocket boots to clear side of the room as opposed to standing in the middle of fire being super-diligent not to eat a single tick when it spreads), your attention gets spread thinner and thinner.
Freya also happens to be the kind of encounter where even relatively modest buffs turn mechanics you have to execute to something you REALLY have to execute. For example, even in retail squishier specs might have opted to use HP flask to survive unavoidable damage and you had a generous enrage timer anyhow in the event someone died, but when you crank damage up a bit then she suddenly kills through raid sacs if you don't get things just right.
>Is it really that surprising that people were more ready for LoD than for Yogg ?
I'll readily make an allowance of most guilds treating zero lights as a prestige achievement and progression being finished with Algalon. However, even during vanilla guilds raided hardcore in terms of schedule (they just weren't good at spending that time) and I don't think player skill increased leaps and bounds during Wrath. Guilds progressing Ulduar were progressing seriously, and even if they half-assed it, ICC heroics (sans LK) went down in a few regular schedule raids anyway
>If tuning is involved/talking about retail
Well, if we look at retail progression, even if we exclude Algalon and Yoggy+0, Ulduar demonstrably proved overwhelmingly more troublesome for the guilds.
We can also try to gauge at some more innate complexity/difficulty-of-execution of the encounters. See, you could have an encounter with a bazillion fires on the ground but if they deal zero damage then the fight is as good as Patchwerk. Tuning matters, and sufficient tuning forces you to deal with mechanics properly. In my raiding experience with custom tuned private servers most fights in Ulduar, even the ones that weren't in retail, become involved when you tune them up a bit. In contrast, in my experience fights in ICC are a bore: they don't become "difficult" until the very moment when you start seeing 1-shots. In other words, there's no difficulty of execution to be had with the mechanics they have.
You are discussing raw difficulty but I think you misunderstood my point. I'm not trying to argue that x is more difficult than y, but rather that ICC can be a rather mechanically compelling (which is how you originally described T8 as opposed to T9/T10) raid.
My argument is that while it's not as mechanically compelling as Uldu overall, it is still a pretty interesting raid mechanics wise and is often labelled as "dumber" simply because most people back then, and right now, play with the 30% buff that makes you bypass 90% of the tactics.
I was stating the differences of Uldu vs ICC kills only is response to your argument about time spent for world first, which honestly means nothing to me for the reasons I cited above, and btw LK 0% didn't even happen so I don't even think the argument should happen in the first place
>You have to compensate for lower stats with better execution
Exactly, which people nearly never did on ICC before calling it an easy raid
>outlevel the last alliance territory
>have to farm with horde now
>get ganked constantly by rouges after finishing a mob
>get ganked by parties of two or more
>can only watch helplessly as my life bar drains
>it gets harder and harder to level up
>grindy quest gives you 2k xp out of 50k
>uninstall game
i really wanna play this game but everytime i log in i just remind whats going to happen
dungeons take you even more time to farm xp
>inb4 should've picked non-pvp server
i have 2 days playtime on my char and am not willing to do this all over again, you guys talked me into pvp server
Once again, Algalon and Yogg lights are on a league of their own, I totally agree here
>Freya also happens to be the kind of encounter where even relatively modest buffs turn mechanics you have to execute to something you REALLY have to execute. For example, even in retail squishier specs might have opted to use HP flask to survive unavoidable damage and you had a generous enrage timer anyhow in the event someone died, but when you crank damage up a bit then she suddenly kills through raid sacs if you don't get things just right.
Yeah but does that really counts as mechanics ? Sindra can be theorycrafted to no end if you want to optimize it, positions, gears, raid comps, consumables, especially once you amp up her damage, but at its core it's still regular old Sindra
> However, even during vanilla guilds raided hardcore in terms of schedule (they just weren't good at spending that time) and I don't think player skill increased leaps and bounds during Wrath. Guilds progressing Ulduar were progressing seriously, and even if they half-assed it, ICC heroics (sans LK) went down in a few regular schedule raids anyway
I honestly believe second part of wotlk and then cata era saw a great deal of skill improvment yes, particularly thanks to Uldu
Blame warcraft 3 for leaving everything in a cliffhanger
The only option left is to git gud
>but rather that ICC can be a rather mechanically compelling
Well, I don't think it is. I think ICC fights other than LK/Sindra/Putri feel no more compelling than regular TBC fights (and not Kil'Jaeden or Kael'thas or any of the more mechanically more nuanced fights), except that you also have more powerful classes whose broader toolkit can only make things easier (say, pressing AMS button to negate all damage is easier than doing mechanics "legit"). This feeling hasn't changed even when doing them on private server with hefty buffs that, for other bosses like those in Ulduar, has often revealed a need for all kinds of optimizations.
An example from outside Ulduar: in retail Leotheras the Blind the tactic is "switch to attack your inner demon if you get one" and that's enough, but if they perhaps have double HP, then suddenly you'll find yourself coordinating earth shields and PIs and group swaps for lust. In ICC? It's the same old Sindra or Marrowgar or Lootship (kek) no matter how you twist it. Or, at least, that's my experience. I don't see how I could argue this more quantitatively.
Battle of Belhalla in FE4
TFT ending wasn't a cliffhanger, Arthas fulfilled his destiny. It would've been a cliffhanger if it ended before the Arthas/Illidan fight with no conclusion.
if you make a demon hunter and allow yourself to be sacrificed in one of thr earlier quests, you ghost form and walk back to your corpse. Illidan starts telepathically communicating with you and says "Interesting, you have an immortal soul just like myself. which means you cannot be truly killed. No matter, get back to work and take down that citidel."
Player characters and Illidan atleast can revive back into their bodies because their souls cannot be severed from the mortal realm.
The only cliffhanger about wc3 was the situation in Outland.
And WoW didn't even adress that. It just turned every one into a raid boss.
Warcraft dies when Frozen Throne was released.