What the fuck happened to this website? It's extremely hard to find someone interesting to watch. Also i've noticed viewership number of top games have gotten lower.
Where did everyone go?
What the fuck happened to this website? It's extremely hard to find someone interesting to watch. Also i've noticed viewership number of top games have gotten lower.
Where did everyone go?
Other urls found in this thread:
viewbots got higher prices
kids starting school
the minecraft fad is over, its still popular but there arent legions of underages watching it all day
top games are all garbage
whore streamers taking over
twitch getting greedier
There are a lot of factors
beta orbiters started to watch actual camgirls in just chatting category.
children watch fortnite
both together are already like a million viewers
wrong board this is for video games not Just Chatting
korean and chinese girls not playing videogames but just talking and eating taking over too
Just watch Jerma
ninja left
kids don't give a fuck about wow classic
no new good watchable games out
Yeah the streams really sucks, I also can't believe that there are people out there who want to watch some middle-aged man grind in wow
I've switched over to youtube like half a year ago, I still drop by twitch sometimes to look at people I used to watch but I see that their numbers either stayed the same or decreased.
Why is it almost fucking impossible to find a streamer without facecam nowadays?
Frankly, a lot of the streamers I enjoy get into periods where they just play boring as fuck games like Monster Hunter World.
Hearthstone era was peak twitch
You need to be a cat throwing dog choking psychopath to be on twitch, but most of those people are getting found out
Even Brote uses a webcam sometimes. At least he doesn't show his face.
Here's a crazy idea. How about you just play games yourself instead of watching someone else, you addle-brained teen?
tip #1 for new streamers is have a facecam
because streaming is a friend simulation activity
>implying I can't do both at the same time
You're just proving you really do have ADHD.
justin tv was always cancer & banned for a reason faggot
Having some entertainment on the side while I do some monotonous shit in Minecraft means I have ADHD? I can see why that shit gets diagnosed so much nowadays then.
What happened?
the camwhore writeoff site stopped being a writeoff
>he doesn't watch sub-300 viewer girl streamers playing obscure/retro games
just lurk harder
>It's extremely hard to find someone interesting to watch
Because the site stopped being about games and started being about personalities. Aside from very few exceptions no one is interested even checking out a pure gameplay stream without cam, mic or obnoxious music.
I hope you meant to type sub 30
Thats who I throw my free twitch prime at every month. Look for a poor girl try harding with some random game.
I never got twitch. You cant compare it to sports. Its a lot harder to organize a baseball game with 30 friends than to press the power button and play your video game. Watching people play a game more than 5 mins is pure sociopathy
>What the fuck happened to this website?
It's shit now, you can't say shit, and they force you content you don't give a fuck about.
Even viewers complain about no cam
>stream rayman once because why not it doesn't affect me in any way and I can type in the chat without interruption
>in 10 hours I played the game I hade some people tune in for few minutes but every 3rd person complained about not playing with mic or cam
8ch spergs had to ruin it
Twitch mods think with their dicks and thots should have been booted, unironically people jumped to youtube streaming and mixer because twitch couldn't handle something as simple as "Run a game streaming website"
Wasn't it because google was blackmailing the dude? Same with vidme?
I don't think so, never heard of that story. The only I thing I remember is that some board on 8ch doxed the stream.me staff and their family. They got scared and nuked the site.
Ah, if I had to guess it was probably /baph/ if they actually did do it. Then again you got stupid motherfuckers doing dumb shit all the time and blaming it on 8ch because it scares people.
90% of what I've seen on twitch is people reading out donations and subs.
So fucking boring.
I don't mind 8ch, I used to lurk and post there all the sime. But some boards just had dedicated autistic who liked to ruin fun for others.
Yea Forums - children watching others play games instead of playing them.
viewer labs it's the only bot website that still works, others just took the money and walked away and left their websites up so they still make money but their bots don't work, this is the 2019 viewbot pricing, enjoy
Beta orbiters in moderation
Inconsistent moderation
Just chatting
I say this as someone who enjoys a couple of just chatting streamers
The combination of the three just leads to lazy, uninspired content
Many streamers are just watching random youtube videos, why play games when you can just "react" to videos?
men have to be ugly or gay to even survive, and they usually stream since 2012, sodapoppin was the king of the gays and used to viewbot like a mongo...like 120k viewers with botting, streamers that used to have over 3k viewers now have barely 100-200, imaqtpie, do you remember him? the "one of us" that "made it"? he went from 20k viewers to 1k viewers, those are the real numbers without bots
Boopty bls why u no play dee em see 2
lol why would you watch a stream other than listening to the streamer and chatting, if you want to see a game just play the game
It’s basically common knowledge that a face can leads to more views. If you can’t understand why you have autism. Don’t worry, I don’t get it either.
I still got $10 left on my weekly allowance, which streamer should I sub to?
I understand why. I just hoped there would still be people left just streaming for the hell of it instead of whoring themselves out for views.
Me nigga
Why did they stop paying for bots?
Poor Vinny
I've always preferred not wanting to do facecam at all, but I feel as if people would bitch about it down the line. Think people just want to see a good game be played and not see some caricature in the corner..
finally some good content on the youtube twitch channel
You can see the pain in his eyes
So the secret to twitch is having my fucking ugly face on for people to laught
I´ve been streaming this last month with 0 viewers at al, should I use my phone as a webcam for them shekels?
I'm not trying to defend Twitch kids or whatever, but why the fuck would you just assume anyone would want to watch context-less gameplay with no talking or no personality involved?
You can go to Youtube for that shit. Why would anyone waste time on that?
diminishing returns
I meant the yogscast twitch channel, my brain melted
meant for you but I fucked the post, diminishing returns
No. Why are you even streaming at all? What could anyone possibly get by watching you?
Would you watch your content?
I miss Justin.tv
If twitch catches it you are banned.
Those motherfuckers, they done my boy in right proper they did
you need viewbots to highlight yourself, people don't look for streams with less than 200 viewers for just chatting, for videogames alone you probably need at least 3 to 5k viewers to have a highlight and people finding you, no one scrolls all the way down to look for 0 viewers channels
I'm somewhat surprised that you guys didn't get angry at sjin when he spent the last few years seething about trump
No one watches their own content, you start wanting to change things all the time and you are never satisfied.
The issue with QT is that he's a cocksucking unlikeable faggot who's been trying to branch out from League and it's really not working.
For the past like two years he's been acting more and more like a piece of shit, and not in the way he used to where he used to play it off as jokes, and people finally got fed up with it.
there's no way for them to catch bots though unless you show them the viewbot dashboard on stream
Outer Heaven Network doesn't use facecam, there are 3 streamers running this channel a d they only play Metal Gear but they also have their own channel. I dont really watch anything else on twitch but them
Twitch stopped caring about male streamers
I recently built a new computer and got a good conection so I enjoy streaming for some friends or playing old emulation co-op with them it´s just fun
I aint got money for a fucking webcam , less even for viewbotting
>you need viewbots to highlight yourself, people don't look for streams with less than 200 viewers for just chatting,
That has literally never been true. It's just dumb shit people who thing "lol imma becum a streamer liek my favrit Yutuber and maek lots of monies!" tell themselves when they turn on their stream and realize that they have no viewers and won't magically get viewers just by playing a game in silence.
When you have 0, your shit is at the bottom of the list AND you look retarded because you've got nothing to show but a video game on screen. Nothing makes you stand out or offers anything interesting for people to watch.
You don't just press Stream and then magically Twitch delivers you viewers and fans, that's not how it works.
You also forgot to mention that they're massive faggots
Yeah, but you also have to bear in mind people still think Yea Forums is some nightmare website, and it probably freaks them the hell out since 8 is twice as much as 4
When really it's more or less the same but jannies can't be triggerhappy with global bans
>you start wanting to change things all the time and you are never satisfied.
That's how people get better at things, you fucking retard.>I recently built a new computer and got a good conection so I enjoy streaming for some friends or playing old emulation co-op with them it´s just fun
He mentioned that they only play Metal Gear, I think that qualifies.
I only watch TMR. You never know which game he will play because it's random, and a lot of shit and frustrating games are fun to watch.
>I recently built a new computer and got a good conection so I enjoy streaming for some friends or playing old emulation co-op with them it´s just fun
I've honestly never heard a more pathetic and half-hearted justification for anything in my life.
If you just stream for your friends, who gives a shit about viewers, why are you complaining? If you actually care about viewers, why isn't your problem that you're grinding your ass off and it's not working? Either you don't care about viewers and will do it anyway for "fun" or you care about doing it for real and then you're going to bust your ass trying to gain a foothold. There's no middle ground.
Because you are stupid. I have 4 streamers online right now with 1k+ views and no webcam. I also know ~100 viewer streamers with no cam.
vinny has only himself to blame for resorting to faggot-normie humor,
what's your problem? I mean outside of autism...like, are you scared some crazy rich guy will bury your favourite streamer with bots? are you worried about yourself? because that is literally how twitch works unless you're a thot half naked on Just Chatting fishing for easy viewers, so you either bot or become a tranny, your choice faggot
at least he refused to play UT
>what's your problem?
Either you actually believe what you posted, in which case you're wrong, or you don't believe it but were just funposting in which case you're wrong and stupid.
>are you scared some crazy rich guy will bury your favourite streamer with bots?
No? Nigga I don't even watch any streamers, I work in the industry so I know them all personally, but I don't watch any because I'm not kid who has a favorite e-celeb or whatever the fuck.
>are you worried about yourself?
Nope, I got out of actually streaming years ago.
>because that is literally how twitch works unless you're a thot half naked on Just Chatting fishing for easy viewers, so you either bot or become a tranny, your choice faggot
This isn't even good shitposting, it's just weird. Who are you trying to convince, me? Other people in this thread? Yourself? Do you absolutely need to believe that all of Twitch runs on viewbots so you just keep saying it?
Lemme let you in on something that you won't believe. I used to stream for years. I never used bots, even before Twitch cracked down on them, I didn't do dumb gimmicky or character shit, I didn't play the latest fad games or anything like that. I just did my own stuff that had very little to do with video games, and I was front page on Twitch close to 10 times and had my own meet-and-greet at Twitchcon. And I wasn't even close to the biggest, but I worked with all of them.
There's no magic button, no bot is going to make you popular. If anything, social media is way more important than viewer numbers.
ok user you either drop the play or timestamp you e-larping faggot
I'm gonna pass, specifically because I actually love the idea that you refuse to change your beliefs unless it comes from a verified e-celeb. That's literally the most zoomer of zoomer things I can possibly imagine.
So I take back everything. You're 100% right, the only way to make it past 0 on Twitch, is if you're viewbotting your ass off, while also being a cam-free, mic-free shit gameplay channel no one would actually want to watch for more than a second. Seriously, I'm behind you on this, go do exactly that and see what happens.
Because everyone only pretends to care about games. It's just e-celebshit all over again.
>what happened to this website
whores unironically combined with shitty games
>it's hard to find someone interesting
just watch le streamers who could pass for autistic "dan"
you can also watch dsp for gameplay with no personality. there is unfortunately talking though.
>all your favorite LPers became Twitch sellouts
>they just upload unedited 3 hour stream vods
>it's just them with a shitty facecam and reading out donations and chat comments every five minutes
Why do women have to ruin every male interest?
Why can't they just fuck off and leave us alone?
Why is it so hard?
Requesting sauce for pic, reverse image search yielded shitty results
Nevermind I was being dumb. Brain matter filled with white substance and all
Is that really anything to be proud of?
Not women, thots.
I legitimately watch my own streams, I make about 200 bucks a month streaming, and I don't use a webcam. The only way to get "good" at anything is to figure out what you're doing wrong.
>favorite Youtuber becomes Twitch sellout
>gets even crazier
He asked for it once he severed ties here.
I miss this so much. Charismatic people with a great voice and no face cam. It created an air of mystery that made me want to watch their videos for hours. Now everyone has a cam and it's easy to see they're just some normal scrub playing video games in their dimly lit room. Plus the cam gets in the way of the actual game. Meh.
just watch cirno
i don't like pedos though
how much e-celeb virtual semen had you gargle down? did you send them pics of your tight anus and creamy feminine dick? I bet if we check your bank account you probably have donated and subbed for a total amount of 50k since 2012, shit's good yo, now I'm going to invest an insane amount in bots and fuck your beloved e-celeb streamers in the butt just to piss you off, and I will give out free bots to my friends too just to make you pained in the glutes, cucklord
zoomers happened
now it's cancerous e-celeb shit.
>liberal platform
>censoring meanie words
>peddling thots and lgbtbbq+-=
>channels nuked for having ray-cis youtube channels
now that they're so highly priced I should only invest 700$ a month and make my sister make just chatting, doing 50-50 on earnings
Lirik I guess still doesn't use a cam?
but he has less personality than my left nut, never understood his popularity, must be a hardcore viewbotter
this POS is making me wish for a youtube monopoly on streaming to be honest. fucking god-awful lately. they STILL haven't fixed the video skipping around randomly when you switch tabs. they STILL haven't settled on a sane policy regarding VODs (keeping them unless the streamer opts out, duh). they STILL change the quality setting even when you've selected one manually. they still show this damn top and sidebar bullshit cluttering your screen every time you open the site. twitch is just not evolving whatsoever and instead is actively getting worse, seemingly with intention.
and I know youtube is shit at streaming. but I'd have more faith in google trying to create a non-insulting user experience at this point. and yes, that's saying a lot.
Oh, those folks exist. They're just low viewer count streams unfortunately.
some people just need it, and cucks even donate bots to keep their beloved one up and going, the real number of those 250 female streamers are probably 25 real viewers/donators
>you are now aware it has been 5 years since Seamus first went dark, what marked the beginning of the end
Good streamers are never the top streamers and they rarely use webcams and its impossible to actually find good streams since the entire site runs on nepotism and is ruled by middle aged san francisco cat ladies and beta males(this isn't a joke, you can find pictures of who runs the site from twitchcons)