is this a good game to play while waiting for the 2019 reboot to come to PC? I'm pretty inexperienced in fighting games but I heard Samurai Shodown is beginner friendly
Is this a good game to play while waiting for the 2019 reboot to come to PC...
Probably best to just wait for the reboot, though if you want to play some fighting games already you can play SFV for free for like a week or two now.
Samurai Shodown is beginner friendly in the sense that it’s slow. But there’s a lot of mechanics in play to help it be very methodical.
If you're just looking to get your foot in the door with a good starter fighting game you could always play SFV, its literally the best out there for this purpose. Just pirate it first so you can find your character, the FM system is gay so you might as well make sure you buy the character you like the most
> good
V Special is,imo, the best SamSho with 4.
Yes and it's 7 dollars on steam right now. and if you like that get the last blade 2 while your at it.
You don't even play it, SFV is fine
Its basically the only option if you aren't into MAHVEL or Anime shit on PC right now, at least for traditional fighters.
SamSho V is good, yeah. It's a pretty simple game to play initially, because it's not very combo heavy.
The reason it's considered the ''only option'' is because people like you keep telling new players that it is, further centralizing players to this one game that usually isn't what they're looking for.
>some fag that mains a dead fighting game mad that people aren't telling new players to play their kusoge triple jump dash spam focused nonsense or ultra suck ToD combos that no one ever gets to see cause the game is dead
SFV is basically his best option for learning the fundamentals of fighting games, it has the most active community, focuses on the basics for the most part, and will let him start focusing on player vs player stuff more than just player vs controller stuff.
I like Guilty Gear too, but its not a good game to start with, I've probably got a dozen thousand hours among all the fighting games I've played over the years, at least a thousand of those were GG titles, but that game is fucking frustrating to learn.
Even DSP and Aris says it's trash.
Better play some classics like KoF98
Aris is a Tekken player, and DSP is just some fag I don't know why you would care about what he says.
Yes play V special. it has online too with rollback netcode.
cuz DSP is a street fighter pro player and played every SF
Play 2 instead
I started with GG its not any where near as hard as you think it is
If you want to run samsho just download fightcade and you can play all of the older games in the series including v, you just need roms
isnt fightcade for netplay?
You can still play alone by running /play
It's not that it's hard, it's that there is more in the way of just the fundamentals. Being combo focused means as a newbie you'll be more concerned about that instead of learning more fundamental skills like spacing, blocking, etc.
Yeah it is a good port. VSP has a few more mechanics than most of samsho but nothing too complicated. Netcode is fantastic but not many want to play a lat port of a decade old game when the new one just came out.
Jesus you SFV shills are desperate lately, fucking every thread you are begging people. The numbers of players online haven't even seen a boost since the free week.
You can play singleplayer as well, you can also play games like metal slug and shitton of other fighting games,shoot em ups,beat em ups and some casual games as well
Learning basic BNB's isn't hard. A lot of the time in GG it just comes down to piecing together bits you know for the situation you find yourself in. Its a lot more freeform and less rigid than other games. Probably why I stuck with GG and tried to learn it properly instead of just mashing with friends, which is what I usually did with fighting games
I know it ain't hard mang, but I know speaking as a scrub the more things to worry about the less you focus on the absolute essentials. I definitely get the same feeling when talking to friends of mine who aren't into fighting games.
Yes, certain mechanics and the general gameplay that you'll learn will carry over into the 2019 game. Because it's been around a long time as well there's a lot of detailed info you can read up on, check mizuumi wiki. Just be warned though training mode is very simplistic.
5SP is way better than 2019 imo I hope you enjoy it