>kojimbo deniers BTFO
Nothing to see here bros.
No gameplay depth or anything.
Just a walking simulator.
Kojimbo deniers BTFO
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Is that yellow circle indicates the center of gravity? I don't know if that's a good indication for the mechanics fun or just plain bullshit.
is he a delivery guy
whats this
short answer, yes he's a delivery guy
>post apocalyptic uber eats delivery boy simulator
no thanks
>pleb = filtered
Roughly it means the distribution of the cargo that you are taking with you.
When was the last time Kojima put out a game that wasn't walking between cutscenes?
>it's another movie game tard
Got bored of rewatching rdr2 or something?
Why doesn't delivery man drive a car?
Piss Standing - :Kojima Production:
sorry faggot, that fallacy doesn't fly after this trailer
leave the hardcore packaging and route planning to real gamers and go back to your bing bing and fortnite
>not walking between cutscenes
I wonder what kind of delusion do the people who shit on DS but like MGS1, 2 and 3 go through.
The old MGS games are the worst stealth games ever made and clearly focus entirely on the plot with it's obnoxious amount of cutscenes.
The lack of polish, atrocious controls and over all low amount of it show that the gameplay is just an afterthought in those "games".
What kind of person gets excited over this trash? I can't even see normalfags liking it beyond "oh cool (insert actor here)"
>go back to your bing bing
I feel like browsing Yea Forums right now, not playing actual vidya. That said I think Yea Forums would suit you better.
He can.
You have a bike, and you can steal cars from the bad guys, so you can probably call in cars too.
But why
that boss battle was also fucking atrocious, fucker didn't even learn anything.
Why not? Someone has to create jobs for cinema wagies. They'd be fired if they didn't have anything to CLEAN UP.
>n-no it's s-still a m-movie
sure keep ignoring reality, pleb
this game will filter all brainlets and zoom zooms and will be all the better for it
do you have a youtube link of that shit
>super huge advanced technology
>you need to send a man instead of a robot to do simple deliveryes
>Bridges can't afford a chopper or some other flying vehicles
>only 1 man to do a super important mission (is not even a super secret stealth operation that requires the least ammount of people possible)
I mean...
This shit makes no sense but ok, the game seems okish for a few hours. I hope you can get more gears and better vehicles during the game because delivery stuff on the long run it's gonna feel more like a chore than anything else.
Considering it has actual action, it's already better than anything that came before.
MGS boss battles have always been atrocious because the controls were terrible.
When you have to fire your gun constantly and the shooting controls are utter garbage, the game is utter garbage.
>actor walks around meeting other actors
did I describe the game correctly? Didn't watch gameplay
>it's another "moviegame fag pretends his shit game is too kino and anyone who doesn't blindly shill it was flitered" episode
Seems to be a thing that happens a lot with snoy games.
>has more depth and systems than entire other games
>it's just the packaging stage
>"noooo i-it's a m-movie! s-snoy! b-buzzwords"
t. filtered brainlet
Based, can't wait to walk through another empty map with a handful of outposts from cut scene to cut scene!
>ignore the million things and challenges that can go wrong while walking from place to place
why are you people so obsessed to oversimplify this game when there are now 50 minutes proving you wrong multiple times per minute?
Game looks fun.
>I need constant action packed stimulation or my zoomer brain gets upset!
this and Cyberpunk has sadbrained autist ASSBLASTED for some reason
they'll post any lie and fallacy to put them down but it's in vain
>sunk hours into eurotruck simulator 2 doing delivery missions
>gonna sink hours into this doing delivery missions
>gonna have comfy banter on Yea Forums about my delivery missions and kojimbo's latest shenanigans
It's called depression user. They are depressed with their real lives so they go online and try to fight some giant legion of Cyberpunk/Death Stranding/Astral Chain.
Never played eurotruck, I think the idea of death stranding could be interesting (dropping off packages and more trying to traverse the environment) and like the idea of a game about being a courier, but what exactly are you doing in euro truck? Just driving from A to B? Does anything ever happen in between?
Yay I can work for Hollywood FedEx lol
>This shit makes no sense
Overtly making no sense is Kojima's idea of being deep.
Give me a single reason why I should be excited for this game beyond the fact that Kojima made it.
Its a fetish thing.
No. I'm going to make you miss out. Enjoy not knowing faggot.
Why are you being so fucking mean?
Looks like a very comfy game, reminds me of long distance recon patrol times in the army
Now the big question is: are you gonna set up ropes and ladders for fellow patrollers or will you be a light packing bitch who steals other peoples' ladders?
Enjoy wasting your time and money on a walking simulator, sperg.
You know what? Enjoy not knowing why I am being mean too.
You literally carry containers of sperm. How could you not want to haul jizz for Kojima?
There are light game elements to it with needing to watch your fuel and fatigue (you just pull up at a fuel station/rest stop and press a button to refuel/pass a few hours), but in general it's my go-to game for putting music on in the background and killing an hour or so. Nothing "happens" as such beyond random roadside events.
You can hire drivers to get a share of their income, expand with extra garages and drivers, upgrade your truck, but 99% of the game is driving. I have other games for more involved stuff, I play ETS to zone out. If it's appealing to you, it'll work, but I can see it being pointless for a lot of people and that's fine too.
This is a game actually trying something different with a big budget, and you sit in a bubble roleplaying about being a fucking Yea Forums crusader without having even played many real video games.
I hate cinematic games so much. I watch a lot of movies but the thing is even most movies fail at being movies and they have actual movie people professionals that knows what they're doing. Watching games become what it is today and you see all this "pllllz take us seriously guys it's an ART form" is just so pathetic. Games is way more FUN than movies are but only if they actually give a damn about being games. Death Stranding is like the culmination of the cinematic movie game. It has celebrities, Sony jetpacked Kojima out of the Konami fire because they lacked exclusives and gave him budget to fart out a movie game that will surely win several GOTY awards and all the fanboys will talk about how this "piece of art" changes gaming forever and critics will do the same. The worst thing is this is what Sony fanboys want. Doesn't matter if it doesn't have any gameplay or if it's just walking, as long as the story and graphics are there they'll buy it
Not him, but I can appreciate a high-budget game trying something different, but that means jack shit if the game is boring regardless.
>trying to be something different
This looks like a boring open-world TPS
Maybe survival games just arent for you
looks like a typical walking sim just with more money dumped into it whats so new and different about it?
Games should focus on the things that they do better than films, like being immersive, offering a challenge, interactivity and so on. Being a movie except worse is a terrible goal for a game. It always fails in basic areas such as pacing, cinematography, writing etc
you're not being deep by posting that you know
kill yourself you underage cretin
>looks like a typical walking sim
Either you're blind or you don't know what a walking sim typically entails. Firewatch or Gone Home are nothing like DS.
>Death Stranding is like the culmination of the cinematic movie game
A "cinematic movie game" by and large doesn't simply refer to amount of cutscenes in a game. DS gameplay trailers have been pure gameplay so far, and nothing like loading-disguise-setpieces in TLOU. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>Either you're blind or you don't know what a walking sim typically entails. Firewatch or Gone Home are nothing like DS
Oh you're one of those people... Nothing could convince you what this game actually this. In fact, what genre is this game in your opinion?
Cool blog
Not him. But it's clearly third person action. You're just being ignorant and associating action with needing to be like Bayonetta or some shit. It clearly showed stealth infiltrations, chase sequences, shooting, close quarters combat (that legit looked deep as fuck, allowing you to improvise on the fly), vehicles and boss fights. But sure, it's like Gone Home.
>Oh you're one of those people
Yeah, I'm not one of those retards who confuse two extremely differing gameplay concepts, if that's what you mean.
>Nothing could convince you what this game actually this
Not like you're putting much effort into that.
>what genre is this game in your opinion?
I can give you better than just a label. It's an open world game with a heavy emphasis on survival and some action elements. This is also not an opinion, by the way. It is objectively what DS is presenting itself has, therefore it's nothing like those other games that have become known as "walking simulators" that play more like a very slightly interactive novel.
except you know, the boss at 30.00 circa
Thank you, remember to subscribe and donate to my patreon ihaetsgames
>therefore it's nothing like those other games that have become known as "walking simulators" that play more like a very slightly interactive novel
Survival has always been a meme in video games. The truth is you do the exact same thing in Firewatch, the difference is one has a high budget, Kojima and Sony marketing behind it. At least in Firewatch the game was short and sweet and not waltzing around a boring open world
>Survival has always been a meme in video games
>The truth is you do the exact same thing in Firewatch
I don't think anyone could possibly say more stupid shit if they tried.
>weight mechanic
Nigga Western RPG's have had this since forever.
It;s about time the gooks caught up.
But please elaborate on why you're still sucking this man's dick so hard.
Keep telling yourself that. 50 minutes of "gameplay" and it was just walk walk walk
They can literally play the same game and instead of paying for a overhyped trash, they could make money out of it. It's called Uber. I sometime can't figure out what Kojimbo drones think. I don't think they even think or have any semblance of rationality, they just consume whatever turd their cult leader says and do.
Cue the yakety sax webm.
Don't you have a lootbox to open little baby zoom zoom?
The ridiculous map size and focus on inventory prep and weight distribution and what looks like a manual center of gravity. Being able to build structures like bridges, shelters, whatever the hotspring does, etc and have them appear in other player's games with everyone gradually leveling them up as the map gets built upon.
The risk of causing void-outs which leave huge craters in the world means you want to carry nonlethal weapons to avoid killing people, and rainy areas mean you need to carry anti-BT weapons because if the umbilical ghosts catch you they drag you into a boss fight with the giant monster they're attached to.You can see the people in the base he attacked all used nonlethal electric weapons, but we know the Homo Demens are willing to kill so the farther west end of the map will probably be much more dangerous.
I'm just talking about the new TGS footage, they didn't even show more of the first person segments or the Hades realm you go to when you die yet.
Mad because bad.
I don't need to tell myself anything. There are significant gameplay challenges present in the trailers that makes DS not anything like the aforementioned examples. That's just an objective fact.
Say it with me Yea Forums,
>There are significant gameplay challenges
Walking isn't hard. Go out more, lardass.
Yes, because Kojima games always sell so poorly.
Even the parts where you fight?
Walking is fun. Have you never been on a walk?
>splatters his DNA all over the place
>gets imprisoned for 5 years
Eh, the combat looks mediocre at best and it looks like you won't be doing too much of it either.
The anus lion fight looked really lame.
Even assuming certain mountain roads are beyond repair, it would still be easier to use pack mules or horses than to send a lone man on foot to deliver packages.
>inb4 b-but all muh animals died in the disaster too!
So the technology to make artificial wombs surived but no one thought to save a few horses? Talk about contrived.
>Yea Forums is now praising walking simulators just because muh epic based japs make one
fucking weeb retards
That doesn't sound as interesting to me. I like the look of Death stranding for the idea of the obstacles you encounter that you have to overcome or force you to rethink your route. Eurotruck sounds like theres nothing to really worry about outside of the occasional stop for rest or fuel. If the game has survival mechanics like needing to eat which adds another element to worrying about how much you can carry I'd like that.
>avoid killing people
Just walk around the craters dummy
>shows 1 hour of gameplay
Yea Forums is just full of retarded zoomers isn't it?
It's not a walking sim if it has combat.
A walking sim is something like Gone Home.
Seems like there's a good amount of depth to the traversal. I like the idea of having a bunch of different tools that you can use to get past different obstacles.
I hope the game can pace itself with combat and stealth well, though, just walking around will get dull after a couple hours regardless of how in-depth the mechanics behind it are.
this doesn't sound good even on paper, I imaging how retarded is implementation.
Literally just go play MMO
Making something more boring is technically trying something new, but it really isn’t.
Peak delusion. It even has the ultra casual mode so anyone can beat it just like all walking simulators
>Kojima sucks West cock constantly
>his games are shit
I wonder if those two are connected somehow
Did those games made it so if you put too much weight on your left side you'd trip over while walking along a slope and all the shit you're carrying would break or be damaged?
Even if the combat is easy it still isn't a walking simulator simply because it has combat.
'Walking simulator' as a term was invented to describe games like Dear Esther, Gone Home, Stanley's Parable etc where you do literally nothing but walk around.
user I appreciate your sincerity but this is Yea Forums, where teenagers go to confirm their hate bias not have actual meaningful conversation about vidya.
Yeah, because they purposefully avoid showing off the fun gameplay, right? How can you ever hope to judge a game without paying for it?
48 minutes is not an hour dumb shill
They don't have to, Kojima made it. Nothing he's ever made has sucked.
>Nothing he's ever made has sucked.
Have sex
>what is mgs4 and 5
>Walking Simulator is a sometimes-derogatory slang term for a type of video game in which the gameplay consists mostly of a player moving around an area in a first-person perspective while a narrative unfolds based on their actions or ability to complete simple puzzles. The term has been used negatively by some gamers and critics to describe these games as not true "games," while some critics have praised the genre for its ability to present compelling stories in a new way
Notice it says mostly walking. Mostly. Meaning most walking simulators, like Death Stranding, still has some combat. So fuck off already
He wouldn't have even made those if he hadn't received death threats by ravenous fans.
Why are there english words if it's the japanese version?
Unironically this but also the 50 minute demo he just showed looked fun as fuck and is all the proof you need.
Two good MGS games that are better than 3.
>implement weight mechanic
>make it even more tedious than it has to be
Game of the Century right there.
Looks comfy.
>posting omg so deep facebook bullshit
>calling anyone underage
well alright then
post yfw CDPR is going to blow the fuck up Kojimbo AGAIN
you have to go back you underage pissbrain
I think a small remnant of the final era of real Yea Forums from pre-2016 are still here primarily lurking, watching the corpse of the board burn.
call me another buzzword and it'll seem like you almost fit in
>posts nig
>has nig IQ
I'd rather STRANDING
These levels of cope shouldn't be humanly possible.
I guess a lot of people call you pissbrain that it became a buzzword for you, pissbrain
He's fast!
It looks ok, I didn't like the way jumping looked like at times, the boss area looked interesting but the fight was super dull. I like that the game seems to be focused a lot on travelling and not just on being another third person combat game so there's that to look forward to.
If you honestly believe calculating your weight distribution requires you to be a high IQ mathematical prodigy you're the retard here.
genuinely turned off at this point. Kojima is a fucking hack. How fucking slow is that truck exactly?
>sees things he doesn't like/doesn't understand
>w-what a fucking hack!
He had an exoskeleton equipped to run faster and it drains batteries. Maybe try actually watching the video.
Fuck the society
MGS5 has the best gameplay in the series, just because it was literally an unfinished game doesn't tarnish the really nice gameplay feel
Actually sounds a bit like Metal Gear Survive. And That's Unironically A Good Thing.
imagine the orgadm that person had
i am sworn to carry your burdens
the irony. shitposters in general are too fucking lazy and stupid to do some research about the game they wanna hate.
you're not making this game look better lmao
What research? It's MGSV with swapped assets.
>oh wait, it's not just an empty boring walking simulator, YOU CAN HELP OTHER PLAYERS AND RECEIVE UPBOATS
I fucking knew he will just ape indirect online mechanics of Journey and Souls games
>The old MGS games are the worst stealth games ever made
He didn't play on European Extreme or go for a no-kill run confirmed.
Is there an English video without that faggot yongyea giving his input
>MGSV with swapped assets
If you ignore half of the gameplay mechanics. But that's all you morons do: oversimplify shit because you're not insightful or clever enough to come up with better arguments or even witty remarks.
no, because that would be fucking stupid
Being a cinematic game is just a theme, not even a genre. And it's not more or less art than BotW, Stardew Valley or Diablo is. I think you dislike the fans more than the subject matter itself.
You mean how everything is dumbed down?
Instead of calling people who criticize this scam brainlets why don't you give us actual arguments as to what makes this game good, because everything I've seen so far looks dull and half-assed.
I was genuinely surprised when he threw one of the container into the face of that one dude. It's, well, realistic to be able to, but surprised me a little nonetheless.
I think it's for mechanics. If you look when he's running loaded down, there's a "shift weight left/right" control. Probably to keep you upright when running full tilt while loaded up.
It starts around 7 minutes user, no commentary.
literally this but without a dynamic world and less guns
Well we can only say what is really good about it when we play it now, can't we? What we can do, though, is disprove people lying through their teeth with the gameplay footage that is freely available.
>Its just mgsv but with a greenworld instead of a brown one
>you'll spend hours farming mats to make slightly better boots and containers that last longer in the water by farming respawned bases
>during the story the parasite teleporting animals will fuck with you but you won't care cause you can just walk away and throw a grenade at them lol
You can easily ignore fanboys, you can't ignore cinematic games that's ruining the industry. Cinematic games aren't gonna go away
there is literally nothing wrong with cinematic games if the core gameplay is still good.
>cinematic games
It looks worse and has less gameplay than MGSV and that game was mediocre at its very best so I can probably already guess this will turn out a like shit, as can most others.
Exoskeletons bitch.
C'mon bruh
>Without a dynamic world
The bottom line is that you vote with your wallet. Enough people like the games that the company makes money.
"dynamic" as in 'the terrain can change based on what you do in it, for good or for worse (i.e fall into a river and lose cargo)'
Sponsored by Monster Energy™.
No that boss battle was literally peacewalker, just run around the t-rex and lob grenades at it
there is no skill involved with that shit
>Considering it has actual action
Hmm, I don't think that cinematic games in itself ruin the industry. I think what you mean is more in line with how animated movies started to lose their soul in the mid 2000's. With studios banking on celeb voice actors and such, there are some great YT videos about this. Due to the similarities cinematic games face similar problems, one of which is being artsy for the sake of being artsy. But the cinematic theme in and of itself is not a problem. I would consider FFX pretty cinematic game and it's a great.
>The bottom line is that you vote with your wallet
It's hard to vote with your wallet if your favorite genre is a fucking wasteland, every promising game is a mirage and some dumb fuck like you comes along and says "dude just vote with your wallet" get your low IQ outta here
>actual action
That dude dick doesnt work right if he is spraying like that
>You mean how everything is dumbed down?
How in the fuck DS is "dumbed down" from MGSV? Not even MGS3 (and arguably MG Survive) had movement or survival this complex. Hell, most games don't either.
>why don't you give us actual arguments as to what makes this game good
How can I possibly argue for this game being good if I've never played it? This is what you retards don't comprehend. You're already shitting yourselves ferociously over DS being a flop or an awful "walking simulator" that you can only think in binary terms. This is especially bad when many people haven't even watched the full video. I've already caught clueless idiots complaining about Sam running as fast as the truck and they didn't even notice he equipped an exoskeleton for that purpose.
The only thing I could possibly is say is there are no other games that look like this so I'm interested in it, and that discussion could be so much better than mindlessly shit on something with one-line statements. Learn some fucking nuance.
I've watched it. Why are you replying to me?
Yea the masses also enjoy eating shit if you have your marketing in order.
So the game is a walking simulator where walking is going to be tedious? Fucking hell.
What's the long answer?
It looks boring as fuck. This is it for Kojima.
Sorry it was meant for
I can't get over how goofy this backpack looks and the forced celebrity appearance.
>even in the Japanese dub Sam still yells in English with Norman's voice when you press the yell button
The only new gameplay mechanics I've seen are pissing, everything else is literally identical to MGSV.
Looks pretty in depth to me
>if the game doesn't tell me I'm doing well every 5 minutes it's a bad game
Imagine being this much of brainlet
The movement isn't that complex at all. Most survival games have way more complex survival elements than DS does.
>there are no other games like this so it might be good
The game looks like MGSV (which was just mediocre at best) but with even more content stripped out and even bigger empty areas.
Outposts will function the same as ubishit towers.
All Kojima did was take elements from Western games, half assed them in his own game and called it finished.
the company would actually have to hire someone to go after that person, the police arent going to respond to a call 'someone pissed all over our bathroom!'
even then youd actually need a reference to check that DNA with and most of the population hasn't had theirs tracked by the government (yet). remember to never use genealogy tests!
Kojima fanboys BTFO
>you need to constantly grind for materials to use the Chiral 3D printer
>It's basically MGSV you need resources to use load out
So with this we can confirm it was kojima and not konami that added that shitty system
Its called piss canceling,he holds pee for half sec and releases short accurate piss blast
Will this be in the game?
Not him but reductivism is not convincing.
I actually falling asleep watching this shit, wtf.
DLC only
The movement is completely different and has more options for traversal. The weight system clearly affects the moment-to-moment gameplay and there are many more resources you have to watch out for.
At one point in the trailer Sam used a rope, and after descending there was no option to retrieve it. So that brings it closer to something like even Spelunky than MGSV.
>The movement isn't that complex at all. Most survival games have way more complex survival elements than DS does
Please name me a game where I have to worry about my boots' durability and have to bring an extra pair for a long hike while carrying heavy cargo around and weight influences my movement, I can assault enemy bases for supplies and rappel down mountains. I want a game like this but can't think of any.
>Outposts will function the same as ubishit towers
To conflate this game even remotely with casual auto-running shit like AssCreed shows how disingenuous/clueless you are. The problem with those games is that gameplay is brainless hold stick forward. You mention those things as a bad example but don't truly understand why they are bad. It's mind boggling.
>if you ignore half the gameplay mechanics
so like kojima did when he took out half of mgsv and named it death stranding?
I hate how much this game resembles MGSV, I'm so done with Kojima
>courier simulator 2019 (with bonus weird things happening)
>implying that's not exactly what I wanted
He delivers sperm and eggs to random outposts and leaves ladders and bikes for other unseen delivery men for social media likes and occasionally fights other humans and monsters with grenades and electric bola.
I love BoTW too
Read the thread
>after descending there was no option to retrieve it. So that brings it closer to something like even Spelunky than MGSV.
wrong everything can be dismantled, he has to return to the peg to take it out of the ground or leave it there for other players. You can dismantle other players ladders but there is consequences
so if i understand the gameplay loop correctly:
>you are a delivery guy taking quests to deliver items to cities
>you can grab more on the way and have tools to help you out, but you must manage your resources such as stamina and thirst/hunger
>on the way you can encounter things left there by players across the world as well as interact with their items or songs and other activities (pissing)
>you can encounter BTs and if you fail a stealth check, you will be pulled into a voidout and a boss battle. If you win, the voidout is prevented and all the BTs leave
>if you lose I assume the voidout happens, you restart from checkpoint but the area is heavily damaged? maybe players cant go?
Why would anyone read the thread when they can just watch the footage themselves. There is no denying its incredibly similar from a technical stand point.
I don't know guys, this game seems kinda boring to me...
The gameplay premise looks sort of interesting, but god fucking damn, does it get annoying with "Look at what other players left to aid you! You can leave a like!"
Just fucking show me the core gameplay, lord.
I actually forgot to the screencap I took, but I went to check the video again and saw no option to retrieve the rope after descending, only the ladders after you go across them (because that makes more sense).
Are you a bot? I've already tore down this argument. Just reply to that instead of making me repeat the same points over and over.
If you'd never played MGSV, Death Stranding would seem exciting and new.
Kojima wants you to be a selfless good boy cuck and leave nice treats for other players to get through the game.
Why are you being selfish meanies! just leave the shit on the ground you don't need it anymore, don't you want upboats and likes you piece of shit! no wonder you don't have social media
That was a bit more dense and diverse. Now Xenoblade Chronicles X was perfect.
Or you can skip the whole "I'm pissing and shitting myself over an innocuous gameplay feature" part by simply playing offline.
ah so it's a strand game
I bet it will have a version of MGSV's stupid nuclear disarmament post-game content, that will never, ever get unlocked
You can't pick up everyone's left over shit willy nilly you have to spray it clean with a limited spray in order to take it. This stops people from just trying to pick up everything, you can only pick up things that matter.
Not him, but isn't the entire point of Death Stranding to work and survive together or something?
>remember to never use genealogy tests!
t. mutt. You have to be tested in order to prove you're actually white.
>running around collecting shit in an empty world filled with monsters from another plain of existence with some objectives and mission delieveries
Woah....just like metal gear survive....
>weight limits
Kojidrones really are retarded
You could just do that without upvoting anyone. I mean, the Souls games also had a feature to rate messages, so I'm not sure what the problem is exactly. Plus, .
Wow that user got 1000 likes for leaving that ladder in the most convenient of areas
better dismantle that faggets shit. haha, its almost like kojima doesn't know people like to fuck around, no wonder there is no dislikes/thumb down
No it fucking isn't. You barely do any actual courier shit in New Vegas, it's just your backstory is you were one.
>If the game expects me to do more then push forward the stick it's bad
Fixed :^)
>Literally a walking simulator
>Yea Forums is shitting their pants over it
Neck yourselves
>being a brainlet
It's not simply a weight limit. Carrying more cargo affects your movement significantly such as your speed and balance, possibly making it harder to cross ladders over a gap or swim in a river. You run the risk of losing a bunch of time and cargo if anything goes wrong (e.g. being attacked by enemies). From what I understand, your cargo can also be damaged and you have to repair it with that spray thing.
>From what I understand, your cargo can also be damaged and you have to repair it with that spray thing.
So it'll be like the pointless injury system that was in mgs5 that will barely ever happen.
>carry too much in fallout
>can barely move
>people complain it's a stupid mechanic
>Carry to much in Death Stranding
>Can barely move
>kojimbofags COMING at the thought of this
So, why are we delivering sperms, eggs and babies?
Did some kind of catastrophe happen and humanity can't reproduce anymore or what?
This is why god doesn't talk to us anymore.
i can't wait to rush through this and then return it to amazon before the return deadline
When Japan
Does it
I mean Yea Forums of all places has earned it, not more so than other boards necessarily but the battleground of regression and stupidity that this place has become is offensive to the senses in a unique way
no its going to be a walking simulator where walking is simulated
Sounds quite the opposite. The ridged landscape while having to run and keep your balance sounds pretty interesting. Reminds me of those Melon Races from Yoshi's Story.
but dude, Celebrity Line up, Cinematic experience, EASY MODE
That depends on how the game will be balanced in the final release. It's impossible to tell from a video presentation that may or may have not been set to a lower difficulty.
It comes a point where I honestly can't tell if this is sincere or just plain idiocy. Let's ignore the vehicles and exoskeletons. Let's also ignore the fact the obstacles in the game are designed around traversing. What the fuck do you do in Fallout besides holding the stick in the intended direction? Jumping barely works to reach a higher platform.
so is this game coming to pc or what? i'd rather not get any hype for a game not even coming to the most important platform (PC if there was any confusion)
Complete quests and actually play a game.
wich gameplay mechanics all i saw was norman fetus walking for like 30 minutes in a dead lanscape with nothing but lame rocks on it fucking shill kill urself right now and the donwgrade is glorious bitch i hope u buy 10 units of this piece of shit
>fetch quest the game but It's also an escort mission
Ah epic
Sneaking is not the same as walking
>game turns walking, which is easily one of the most boring aspects of any video game, into a new mechanic that takes thought/planning
I'm not going to say it's the best shit ever, but if they can turn walking into something engaging, fair, and it actually takes off, video games will never be the same.
>Complete quests and actually play a game
Sounds like stuff you do in DS too. But I see you've abandoned the original argument because the weight system is actually nothing like Fallout and it was a fucking retarded point to begin with.
Truly a master trole
>people slowly realizing what the word porter means
Way later, probably, most likely, hopefully.
Most the game seems to be based around questing, travel and combat though. I don't get how you can look at something like Phantom Pain and this and not see the similarities.
Walking simulator with an inane checklist of sandbox bullshit.
So botw as well as Death Stranding?
Haven't played BotW but if it's like this then PASS
Calling it now. This game will literally just be walking with intermittent moments where you see other players and it's supposed to be "touching" or something somehow, like what that retarded Journey game did.
What do you play that's not a PASS?
>b-but Nintendo
They're both boring concepts, quit deflecting.
This looks like the MGSV menu, tilted screen and all.
Open your heart user.
Not bullshit open worlds that are such empty shitzones that the devs had to pad it out by making the controls stiff as shit and overloading you with random meaningless tasks, I'll tell ya that
>as well as
You a ESLfag or something?
>RDR2 drops
>Reeeeee!?!?!!!! To much realism and physics
>DS drops
>Not real enough!!!??? Reeeee!!!!
No winning with this autism
Let me guess Souls/Fromsoftdrone?
Bloodborne is the only one I've played.
what about this implies depth?
Then why even bring up botw? This thread has absolutely nothing to do with Nintendo or zelda. You're obviously buttblasted that Death Stranding is a walking simulator else you wouldn't bring it up.
problem isn't that it's not realistic, it's that it looks like shit, the animation looks bad. When Spiderman does big jumps it doesn't look dumb because the animation is good.
So you are playing a pizza delivery boy with a baby in a bottle and take hot naked baths in volcanic lakes.
>what is a exoskeletion
So we really are talking to a bunch of young teen autisms with shitty marvel taste in here.
>trying something different
like what?
I'm calling out a shit walking sim and comparing it to another. Only person getting assblasted is (You).
people were okay with shadow of the colossus and okami and elder scrolls and breath of the wild where the majority of gameplay is fucking walking to places
but if one game suddenly decides to focus a little more on the depth of the traversal aspect and it's produced by Kojima, oh nooooo, it's a blunder!
The POINT of this game is walking.
You're not walking to reach another area where the task is something other than walking.
You're walking so you can have someone tell you to walk again.
That's dogshit.
I've never played that game, and I never will. Why are you making this about something else all of the sudden? Is it that hard for you to acknowledge that the animation for Sam's jump was bad?
Alrighty then.
There's nothing wrong with that particular animation. He's using an exoskeleton and the way he jumps and lands comfortably seems appropriate enough.
So it's like those games he mentioned.
it's not really that different
you have bases with stealth segment (like in metal gear solid), survivalist elements (like metal gear solid 3) and the multiplayer help that's somewhat like dark souls.
Of course the elements seem to be well balanced, truth be told Yea Forums children are simply mad because they are contrarian tards.
The video was amazing, Kojima is a genius.
Every game involves walking you retard. This cope is pathetic.
Consider the fact that Sony basically gave Kojima unlimited money to make an AAA-quality game with the idea of an indie developer, and Sony somehow not getting mad at them for making a game without combat or cutscenes as the primary focus.
>2 years of marketing is nothing but cinematic cutscenes until the few months before release
>gameplay is walking to see other cutscenes with the occasional "uh oh you have to walk faster"
>"it's not focused on cutscenes"
The jump looked ps2-era tier in terms of animation.
Why do people keep telling me that he's using an exoskeleton? I watched the demo, I know. The point is that the animation, the speed of the jump, the trajectory all looks wrong and bad, this is jarring.
>he wasn't around for MGS2
Was it actually a physics based jump or just a baked animation?
>just wait until e3
>actually i meant gamescom
>it was just a tease tgs is the real deal
nothing to see here as expected
MGS2 was almost 20 years ago, user. The marketing campaigns after that have been straight forward, I mean he's had some fun but he's not straight up lied.
> The marketing campaigns after that have been straight forward
and that was under konami who were probably less lenient than sony.
>I hate cinematic games so much
What makes it cinematic? The amount of contextual animations for every single little action that can happen?
Every time somebody calls a game fucking cinematic all I think about is some casual who replays Mario all the time, like pic related.
>no, because that would be fucking stupid
Like actually making walking into a game mechanic that will require planning and (some) dexterity. Planning routes, making sure to not tip over, all while actually playing the actual parts of the game make me think it's going to stack up pretty well to other games.
You mean I can deal with weight limits without any meaningful combat? Woah
If the jumping works similarly to MGSV, then there isn't a dedicated jump button, but a contextual pop up when you're near a ledge and pointing in the direction of another platform. The exoskeleton probably increases the distance to which jumping between platforms is possible, hence giving this "magnetized" look.
This is the best solution given the circumstances though, because depending on the physics and momentum like in a typical platforming game could result in frustrating moments because you don't have complete control over your jump. The game probably has many inputs as it is that pure platforming can't be a primary focus. Like you couldn't reasonably expect Ninja Gaiden combat in a Souls game. There are more parts to the whole than just pure combat.
I still think the animation is fine, though. Maybe not perfect, but still not as bad like Ground Zeroes had no rolling animation when landing from a dive at a certain height, or BB's arm clipping through a body that he's carrying on his shoulders while sprinting.
Don't care unless its on PC.
Those FPS drops in the video and having to pay for psplus is a big no for me
Exoskeleton you cuck, how else do you think he runs that fast and jump 3 times further than the average nigger
>there are lengthy replies ITT
I really feel bad for anyone who takes the opinions of autists on Yea Forums seriously.
>What makes it cinematic?
Maybe the fact that probably a third of the campaign is nothing more than cutscenes or walking around talking to people.
>a few sentences
>lengthy replies
Why are you niggers so dishonest? Ignoring the enemy base and boos fight.
>only plays cinematic shit
>calls others casual
The irony
I'd like to know why they couldn't just do it by drone too.
>>a few sentences
Sure, kid.
remind me why the fuck you have to deliver all this shit?
is this Amazon training simulator?
wheres this
I thought the amount of cinematics in TLOU was perfect for giving me the right amount of immersion.
The one time during TLOU where I felt COMPLETELY unimmersed was when you get given a tour of the hydroelectric(?) powerplant by your brother and you notice there are thigh high walls everywhere, it looks like fucking gears of war, I KNEW there was going to be a gunfight there with some faggoty raiders or fireflies or something and it was actually a downer.
I'm not complaining about having more gameplay I'm complaining about how hamfisted it was.
>atrocious controls
Lol call of duty not keeping your attention any more, boomer? Gotta come in here spouting nonsense?
Ah yes, so Zelda?
I can't find the yellow circle, can you draw a red circle on it please?
There's not a single post with more than ten sentences in this thread.
John Carmack is an autistic retard. You can clearly see he's never read a good hentai doujin. Sometimes, the porn is an accessory to the plot, since the plot is so good.
Are you retarded?
Which one? The only ones I've played aren't at all comparable to the last of us in terms of directed gameplay vs regular gameplay.
still, its a bad game, because Kojima still doesnt want to reveal the plot.
we know NOTHING about why the fuck is ANYTHING happening, just that you are some SCIENCE! baby mailman, and the president sent you somewhere and that theres ghost soldiers.
I hate yongyea so fucking god damn much he's just an unlikeable faggot.
If this was rdr2 there wouldn't be actual full fledged mechanics it would all be reduced to shitty button prompts.
If the story doesnt get in the gameplay way I'm gonna love it.
If it's another MGSV then not for me.
He cried again?
The apocalypse happened; ghosts, ghost monsters, and rain that ages anything it touches have forced all surviving humans to retreat into isolated bunkers all across the world.
The point of the game is to deliver precious goods and heirlooms to remote communities, to build goodwill and convince them to link their community to a larger network, in an effort to rebuild the United States.
Because the outdoors is so fraught with dangers, and because all infrastructure has crumbled into nothing, these trips have to be made by experienced survivalists.
>its a bad game, because Kojima still doesnt want to reveal the plot
This logic is pants on head retarded.
>we know NOTHING about why the fuck is ANYTHING happening
Open wide youtube.com
>inb4 but I still don't have complete knowledge of the game's lore before it releases, therefore it's bad
I haven't seen you plebs this pissed in a long time. Maybe since The Last of Us eternally blew you the fuck out. This is great. What a glorious day.
>Which one?
All of them, according to your post.
I made this before the gameplay reveal and it was right
i never said i wanted to know the lore or the ending, just the fucking premise.
also, why did Kojima showed this behind closed doors back in july when it was clearly done?
>i never said i wanted to know the lore or the ending, just the fucking premise.
This game is aesthetically and thematically unappealing. Look at that fucking garbage.
The Briefing trailer was leaked as far as I know, and they've been showing other trailers over these past few months.
If he adds anymore backpacks he'll have an exosuit. Does this have mecha at all?
>he doesn't like hiking, rain, detailed advanced technology, immersive holograms, or underground survivalist bunkers
shit taste
Yes, I want my main character to look like a realistic depiction of an RPG loot hoarder.
I don't like this man.
I don't remember ever walking around and talking to people in the Zeldas I've played. I don't think NPCs can walk in the ones I've played or at the very least they don't. Cutscenes were also pretty sparse if I remember correctly.
Why do you feel the need to lie?
alright, i watched the original video with kojimbo speaking and i don't know japanese, do ladders and ropes stick around longer if people like them?
It's exoskeletons with speed running and long jumping mod he picked up few moments earlier.
how the fuck is that not ocelot
on the ground underneath of him
>I don't remember ever walking around and talking to people in the Zeldas I've played
What Zelda's HAVE you played user? Just the first one?
this picture broke my heart...i hate been a wagefags fuuuuuuuck
Clearly a guy with a water bottle spraying it.
2D Zelda and some N64 Zelda.
>2D Zelda
Wow, that really narrows it down. Just a heads up that A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, both Oracle games, The Minish Cap all contain NPCs that you talk to.
>p all contain NPCs that you talk to.
Don't be obtuse.
>Cutscenes were also pretty sparse
When you press the B button, there's a cutscene of Link swinging his sword user.
I did this all the time at highschool and when going out to eat.
I also liked shitting in the urinals and if I found a plastic bottle in the restroom, like in a bin. Then I'd shit in it if I couldn't I'd shit in the toilet then scoop it in with the bottle then hide the open poop slightly pissy bottle above the ceiling or hidden somewhere.
It's great. I've moved on from that now.
Kind of.
I like to carry a shit in a ziplock back then I'll drop it in a high traffic zone where someone might not be looking at their footing. Or under a seat at cinema. Did it at amc for It 2.
But for the most part nowadays I'm into cumsharking. If I simply want to get my cum everywhere then I collect my cum in my thin vials I can pack on a belt then fling my spermies at unsuspecting women, girlies, stupid animals, food, clothes on racks, handles, utensils, drinks, feet, shoes, hair, paperwork that looks important, so on and so on.
If I'm horny then yea I stratego jack. I can cum ropes at a semi flaccid state now. I'm really good honestly.
It's just frickin funny.
>Don't be obtuse.
Can you try to make an actual argument or do you want to keep being a dumb nigger?
>Can you try to make an actual argument
You make a shitpost and think it's time to move on? You're basically a fucking moron.
>You can clearly see he's never read a good hentai doujin
>your cock is ging into my ass, now let me describe how its going into my ass in 7 different ways while explaining that I like it but I dont like it but it feels good but at the same time it doesnt feel good but I like it
>cums 3 times in the same area
What the fuck are you on about?
>Shows less than an hour of gameplay
>kojimadrones out in full force
konami did nothing wrong, kojima is the george lucas of vidya and metal gear survive > mgsv
>game looks like boring trash
I expect to see this shit from you fanboys a lot in the upcoming months. Typical that you Kojimadrones use the same defense used by GoWfags and furfags that defended Night in the Woods.
>This is the average snoy
>make a walking simulator
>add bethesda weight system
>call it revolutionary
>The risk of causing void-outs which leave huge craters in the world means you want to carry nonlethal weapons to avoid killing people
How the fuck can a shooter game be fun without gore. Why is kojima so against murdering pixels?
so what you are saying is you never read anything with plot because you couldn't get past the retard filter
>pachinko machine noises intensifies
>If you've never played a video game before, Death Stranding would seem exciting and new.
I'm sure the german crowd is going to love Mailman Simulator, now with revolutionary distribution system for balance.
i'm guessing the technology limitation is explained away by there not being oil based fuel to power things like vehicles, probably related to seeing oil all over the place but it's associated with death and the enemies and the evil dimension, and the acid/fast aging rain and all that
Yes it is. Go out more soi infused city "human" who has never scaled actual terrain
You see, this walking simulator thing is the new crap this board has latched onto since the term was improperly thrown around during BotW.
To me this is just MGSV with forced stealth sections. It might actually be just MGSV when you get a gun inevitably by the time you're fighting the homo demons.
>Have to move things around your body for optimal balance
>Same as a number cap for thousands if objects magically stored in some unknown dimension
Keep trying.
Of course Germans would actually be autistic enough to be that specific. Most americans would generalize to walking sim and leave it to that when they shitpost.
Why don't they use the hover things to transport shit
Nanomachines and aliens.
"You're here forever"
Yea Forums is like a ghost ship. Nobody wants to be here but we're doomed
Inconvenience is how you have any sort of game. Maybe it'll teach you something.
Because a human is better at persuading people to 'reconnect'
>white """"""people""""""
Can't even say I hate the concept. I actually liked the movie Postman, which I'm guessing Kojima also saw.
more like Wait for your Death, Stranding while playing this dull turd
>yay I get weight like skyrim but with extra tedious steps, picking boxes in a menu is so much fun
it's as if it's made by the same designer and developer studio...
Next time, just call a friend to help with moving apartments.
Don't worry I have the solution right here
You can help the homo demons and engineer void outs to destroy player structures. Why is everyone a retard in these threads ?
wtf this game went from 0/10 to 10/10
Shut your faggot ass up. Black women love stomping their shit down the shower drain.
Shoop a thrilled soi boy face reacting to the right of the bottom pic and a bored soi boy to to right of the top pic and it would be perfect.
Exoskeletons don't bend the physics of reality, that looks retarded. But then the kojidrones are absolute brainlets who unironically think MGS2 invented totalitarian fiction, so it's hard to explain things to them.
>not working somewhere small and local
It's company picnic day for me. Getting paid to eat free ice cream.
They're permanent if nobody breaks them.
fucking kek
>make sci fi game
>"I'm mad, let me tell how I would do it!"
>thinking kojima is showing you everything
good. this game is pleb filter for open minded people.
bing bing wahoo fagnuts, weeb coomers, calladuty normies, and brainwashed zoom zooms: stay far the fuck away, as you should
if anyone closely related to you uses one it's already over
>MGS2 invented totalitarian fiction
Said nobody ever except assmad haters who desperately need to shitpost.
you're to narrow minded to see the issue
the problem isn't just realism, it's that they use realism not to enhance the game but to make it worse
in RDR2 everything is realistically animated so if you kill an animal you have to wait while Arthur skins it, then watch him carry it on his shoulder, then put it on his horse, and so on, it looks nice but gameplay wise it only makes things way slower
now, I don't think I have to explain to you why weighting boxes isn't an appealing feature
why are you so full of shit. this game is trying to be real fucking life. look at the gpddman setting.
This reminds me of when people were saying that the rabbit bimbo looked like she had a broken spine, and retards were raving about her tits.
>kojima adds pissing
>woooow no one would ever make a game so realistic, this is pure genius
>unrealistic thing happens
>it's a sci fi game, it doesn't need realism
based whiteoid chimping out
>duuuuude let's have vast open areas for players to build in
>duuuuude make your own fun
Oh buy, this will be Sony's BotW won't it
Honestly if Kojima can make walking, eating, pissing, taking a bath and going to sleep fun then he is a genius. Let's see if he pull this off
>if you don't adhere very very very specifcally to this one thing I find fault in it's all ruined.
wow aren't you a fucking hypocrite.
Hey zoomer. No one cares about your preferences. Some of us like variety and don't need every game to play exactly the same.
>the base clearly has vehicles on standby
>demo video specifically ignores them and shows walking instead
Are they trying to make it look more boring than it is or something
>now, I don't think I have to explain to you why weighting boxes isn't an appealing feature
Have you played tetris? Arranging boxes can be fun, let's see if he can pull this off.
they fact that Sam uses them proves they use them within the universe of that game though. That's not the point or the goal of Sam as a character though.
as pointed out
what a gay porn addict you are
maybe just maybe Kojima wanted to show off the primary mechanics of the game?
He uses several vehicles throughout the demo. What are you even trying to complain about?
>they just consume whatever turd their cult leader says and do
this is exactly right. i brought up the fact that death stranding gameplay looks like a boring walking simulator and a kojidrone instantly said "fuck you" and "kojima is just too deep for most people". this person doesn't even know about Yea Forums and still unironically says things like this.
it's mindboggling
>How the fuck can a shooter game be fun without gore
Play an arena shooter fucking zoomer
you don't have to play it, it's not decreed by law. don't like it, just pass on it.
It isn't about each separate function, it's about the whole. You can sit at a fireplace in Skyrim, by itself it isn't fun, the few times I did it I wanted to at that time because as you are roleplaying it seemed like the thing to do.
You guys nitpick the dumbest shit. It's honestly sad and pathetic, but I guess you can't help it. That's where i'm the fool, thinking some of you actually have a choice or the ability to be anything other than sad and pathetic.
>show off the primary mechanics
What he showed is a dude running towards are really far away checkpoint. The segment was so long and boring they had to cut in the middle of it. What he has shown is that it's too boring to demonstrate. Maybe use a vehicle if you have to go that far.
>if I keep ignoring all of the other mechanics and parts of the demo, I can keep being a reductionist
kojimas notorious for not showing the audience key things so probably.
>Watching video
>Almost 30 minutes pass before he even gets to combat
>All of the human enemies have such retarded AI that if you briskly walk away from them you'll be okay
>They don't even follow you 100 feet out of their camp and their weapons are slow as fuck spears or some shit that are super telegraphed
Okay, I chock it up to them playing on easy like most showcases do and it being a beginning area.
>Later on get to the giant lion monster thing
>Shitty animations, telegraphed as fuck attacks, again can be defeated by simply walking in a circle around it at a brisk pace.
This isn't exactly selling me kojima. It's like they added a ton of bullshit but forgot to add actual gameplay.
The problem is 70% of the demos so far were about walking pissing bathing and sleeping. What I'd rather do is sneak around and fight in WW1 which is clearly also in the game. Maybe show off those parts.
Carrying weight is always retarded. Gothic did it right.
So like
All the games he mentioned? Each time you kill a colossi in SoTC you get returned to x point to get told to go and walk/ride a horse to kill another one.
In all honesty the "game" looks like a flaming piece of horseshit
So you're really just going to straight up ignore my points? Seriously?
Why do you think being reductionist and disingenuous will convince me of your poor argument? You don't have to buy it if you don't like it. You seem more obsessed with getting a rise out of posters by being as absurd and you possibly can. I don't get it
It is if the majority of the "gameplay" is walking around. If I watch a drama and there is a gruesome murder shown for 5 minutes with lots of blood and gore it doesn't make that movie a horror film, it's still a drama. This game looks fucking boring and nothing short of an autist would find fun in weight distribution, menu management, eating and sleeping, and peeing. Kojima is done.
Also, why the fuck does anyone want to see celebrities in games??? It ruins it for me in ANY game.
>kojimadrones call people who criticize their supreme leader "deniers"
It's official, they're a cult who think everyone who doesn't adopt the same beliefs is some sort of heretic.
not gonna lie i'm a little disappointed, but also found it more comfy that i thought
This is a game for boomers, by boomer
posting in based KOJIMAD thread
So this is the revolution of gaming I was going to witness.
Not enough pedobait ;^(
i think hes reserved because he showed literally every cutscene from mgsv in the trailers
Ringfit Adventure looks more fun than this, and was made with a fifth of DS budget.
Well you're ignoring my points as well so I think it's pretty fair. If your gameplay is so boring that you have to do jump cuts, maybe show something else. That's my point. You can show off walking after you exit the vehicle somewhere close to your destination
mandatory lurking FBI marshal pls watchlist this fag thx
Was MGSV your first one or something? He's done this type of shit since MGS2 and has gone on record saying he likes to do it.