Hey anons, I liked the original Mystery Dungeon Blue and I have played a little bit of Explorers of Darkness, is this a good title in the series?
It's $50 Aus dollars plus 10% off.
Hey anons, I liked the original Mystery Dungeon Blue and I have played a little bit of Explorers of Darkness, is this a good title in the series?
It's $50 Aus dollars plus 10% off.
It is good but you may find yourself using items (especially wands) more than usual because your moves are weak. Recruiting is different from previous entries. You may or may not like the partner in this one.
It messes with the mystery dungeon formula a fair bit. You rely more on items, and dungeons are shorter but each enemy is harder. I think it's a good game.
How does recruiting work this time around?
Basically you have a grid of missions to accomplish where you can take requests for missions and unlock new pokemon and more missions for doing them.
>max party members you can bring along with you are 2 instead of 4
*instead of 3
>Explorers of Darkness
Get Explorers of Sky instead if you're ever going to revisit it.
It has more content and better postgame.
Explorers of Sky is the expanded version, like Emerald is to Ruby/Sapphire.
It adds a new shop, some new postgame content and short episodes where you can play as other characters. It's good if you enjoy the story.
It's the best one. Explorers has a more expansive postgame if you're into autistic grinding, gives you more freedom in regards to party composition, and its narrative has more gravitas to it (it's still cheesy anime schlock aimed at children tho) but that's about it.
Super is worth playing for the soundtrack alone, it's fucking amazing.
Its pretty good. Like the other anos said you ate going to rely a lot on items like wands because enemies are more tough compared to last games.
>Super is worth playing for the soundtrack alone, it's fucking amazing.
That's true for every Mystery Dungeon though.
Yeah but Super's is the bestest
There is tough competition, I wouldn't declare a winner just yet.
>Not having a homebrewed 3DS
It is a solid entry in the series. Buy it user.
What if the winner had your song too ?
A challenger approaches.
Huh. That's pretty neat. Does it also have Primal Dialga from PMD2?
Why don't you just say it's 45 dollarydoos
>and I have played a little bit of Explorers of Darkness
Then just play through the Explorer games, preferably Sky since it's objectively the best version.
It's alright, and it has a lot of throwbacks to previous games so it's worth playing Gates first.
50 bucks is way too much though, I'd reccomend emulating it first at least to see if you like it.
It has some classic PMD music in the jukebox like demonstrates, but the Great Canyon remix belongs to an actual in-game level. Super in general is full of callbacks to the older titles.
The final boss of Super Mystery Dungeon is personally one of my favourite scenes in a game with respect to how well the music presents the events taking place in game. Spirit Tracks also does this tremendously well.
>get cucked in revelation mountain 2 because i fucking suck and hate AOE attacks
>put it off for months
>try it again one day
>still fuck up
>eventually push through it
>what the fuck are these shitty plottwists
>last dungeon, decide to give up because im so tired of its shit, there's even a midway boss
>final boss is the embodiment of bad feel
what the fuck
Play Sky instead.