Meanwhile, Shodan looks normal again.
You can go back to wanking to kojimbo now.
Meanwhile, Shodan looks normal again
who is protagonist?
Jerome Jackson.
I'm wonder if that's accurate to the in game model and animation because I'm impressed about the improvement. That's rare.
Her face shows up in the new trailer and it looks like OP's image
Original VA is reprising the role as well
Oh shit, I thought all the nigger shodan memes would make them double down on making her ugly, but this is a nice surprise.
Because I took it from the trailer.
>look atchu cracker
It's been a while that devs actually listened to the complaints instead of just calling everyone against it bigot/racist/xenophobic/sexist/etc.
It's a pretty big departure from the last one though so I'm guessing it was also a very early build that wasn't meant to be anywhere close to final. Or it actually was meant to be final and they realized they needed to actually do it right.
*smacks lips*
That trailer made me angry for a full week. Specially when I saw people actually trying to defend it.
looks generic sci-fi with a small amount of bodyhorror/dead space thrown in
I cant say im very excited for this.
inferior to ss2 shodan
Yeah one thing I'm concerned about, why does she have teeth now?
Funnily enough, Dead Space started out as System Shock 3.
Imma smack u like a roach u lil crakkka boi
*evolves from primate*
The better to bite you with, dearie
>L-l-l-l-look at you cracka
I'm aware, I was refering to the specific aesthetics of the environments and the like.
These attempts to remake System Shock never seem to fully understand what made the original great. And this project looks plagued with the same shit every triple A game is plagued it. Devs just cant help themselves from tacking shit on and adding all these completely unnessecary bells and whistles that just convolute everything.
looks cartoonish
It might've looked off if she spoke without them. Although they should be immaculate, worthy of a god. OP's pic seems like the front teeth are kinda big.
that's a faceapp edit
>dead space
I'm angry just thinking about it, DS1 and DS2 were literally perfect games. DS3 was such a fucking pile of shit.
Hopefully this new SS gives me my craving for space horror
hasnt this game been in "pre-alpha" for 5 years now? vaporware
she's an AI, she could look like Kizuna if she wanted Shodan doesn't give a shit
its what I thought looking at the trailer
That's the SS1 remake
I hope someone mods the game to replace SHODAN with Kizuna.
Ah, I get ya. The trailer has kinda choppy footage so I'm still holding out hope. How would you define SS's environments?
They could at least be green or something
>v-tuber shodan
I would 100% watch this
I wanna fuck that robot
Visceral is dead as well. They really didn't deserve that fate. I have my problems with 1 and 2 for being more action focused but 3 really was the EA cancer taking over.
>They could at least be green or something
I'd have to see some edit to know whether it would look goofy or not.
>Why yes, I DID preorder System Shock™ 3, how could you tell?
I don't know, being her able to mimic is kinda off putting.
Should've been static like in the previous games.
She just 2D now
As it should be. That weird hologram thing in the previous trailer just looked weird, even if the face had been correct.
>Should've been static like in the previous games.
I like this look a lot. I just wonder if it's meant to be a computer rendering or a live camera feed, since she possessed that woman at the end of SS2
I think we can all agree that the ending wasn't exactly thought out. Shooting a screen really shouldn't cause anything more than Shodan laughing at your intelligence.
they showed the best footage they could, looks good and modern enough
That's just the cutscene, but I found her more intimidating during her reveal.
No soul
Maybe that's why she's actually animated like a person, that's actually Rebecca's head connected to a bunch of wires.
But I'm guessing that the game will start after Shodan has regained her power, meaning Rebecca is long gone and Shodan is full digital again.
>just the cutscene
which is a part of the game
Not really. She's just MOMMY -tier in 3.
How long until the kotaku/polygon/RPS saying how the devs are racist? And how long until Yea Forums makes sure to give a lot of attention and clicks to said article?
>which is a part of last few minutes
I wonder how many people will get a dominatrix fetish after this game.
Bros. I know she's a murderous AI....but she already had that weird seductive voice at times before, and now she also looks hot.
Bros, I am supposed to fight her not jerk off to her.
They're in Shodan's cyberspace dimension at that time, so it's not just a screen he's shooting.
Maybe they should have had her as some big hologram but her whole gimmick is being intimidating from behind a glitchy screen.
I got a femdom fetish after the 2 game
You have 5 minutes, commander.
why would i play this modern cash grab when i could just go and play system shock 2
The "Fuck you Sally" moment. Should be "Nah, fuck you Shodan".
I thought the cutscene was after he had left the cyberspace, since Shodan is back to being a screen.
The entire ending and last part of the game is blatant how budget ran out so I can't blame them.
while I like this design, I think the SS2 one looks better. I think not giving her eyebrows and making her seem more submerged in the wiring really helped it. This new look looks more aethereal, which has its charms
>ending cutscene is totally part of the gameplay
Stay retarded user.
>severe autism
>can't even read
Everything checks out.
Looks like a Disney wicked stepmother.
Can't argue that. It felt like Shodan's Cyberspace Funhouse was supposed to be a while new chapter but they obviously ran out of steam.
Why are you quoting yourself?
Based Ricardofag
>also can't understand basic logic
user, you're not helping yourself here.
Am i the only one who loves the Nah at the end?
Just a guy who has been through abunch of shit and the enemy is pleading their last case. Protag just gives a hard pass
2's design is iconic and will never go anywhere. But she does seem to have a progression. 1 is like a monster born out of wires, 2 has her more human but only barely, 3 goes more human but still very sculpted.
I do hope they don't forget the whole idea that Shodan should be trying to look more than human, her interpretation of a god.
The way I've always thought was, if mankind invented true AI and we asked it to draw the face of god, in Shodan's case, she'd draw her own avatar. But it shouldn't just be some random face, it should be the PERFECT face.
Why are you talking to yourself?
dead meme
Built for hacker cocks
>Am i the only one who loves the Nah at the end?
Yes user, you're the only one.
I was gonna say, the symbols and decorations on her face always struck me as the sort of thing you'd put on the idols of deities. The whole design is like a mix of archaic worship mixed with advanced technology. Thats why I can't say im as fond on the new design. It has its charm but it doesnt seem to really capture the same idea.
The lack of eyebrows in particular gave her a human-but-not look. Like she's still made in the image of humanity, but hair is savage and this is an improvement.
She still looks weird.
We already had System Shock 3, it's called Prey from 2017.
No, in fact it might be one of my favorite endings.
Telling her the equivalent of "fuck off" after her bossing you around the entire game was great.
Stop being a miserable shit, you miserable shit.
>Prey from 2017.
I like this post. Nice take user, I can see that.
If you hated that game then you didn't like System Shock in the first place, now fuck off.
>Y-You won't attempt to destroy me again you pathetic hacker, right?
Why so mad Arkanefaggot?
Gonna get closed soon because you can't sell your games to the masses?
prey is nothing like either system shock game
it's like saying the shitty dishonored games are thief sequels
If you have to ask "am i the only one" then you're not.
But anyways, it's objectively a bad ending. It'd be like ending Schindler's List with a dance party while All Stars plays in the back. But I have a soft spot for it. It's so out of left field that you can't help but laugh.
My murderous AI can't possibly be this cute!
Both series took direct inspiration from their predecessors
That's a nice way of seeing it. I'll have to check the video a few times but I don't think she actually has eyebrows. I think that's just a deep shadow due to how sculpted her face looks. But I really like that idea of the symbols being a mix of archaic worship and tech combined. Which helps explain what those things actually are.
I mean it kinda makes sense, doing all the shit she wants while insulting you can get tiring after a while.
I am saving this pic for later.
>Gonna get closed soon because you can't sell your games to the masses?
Yeah because System Shock was such a mainstream success right?
>Yeah because System Shock was such a mainstream success right?
Well people talk about it more than your turd. :)
I can see how the devs might've thought that it was meant to be some cool one liner but it's the sound effect with that zoom in that always cracks me up.
>prey is nothing like either system shock game
It's very close to System Shock 2 actually, at least in terms of game design.
It's the age of mommyfags again. Truly a blessed timeline.
SS2 Shodan has sharp shapes, like a knife-eared scheming elf or some furry japanese fox kuybi thing.
This one has some mommy thiccness to it.
Actual faggot
I want Judy to be my mommy.
what happened to this being a remake of 1 and warren spector making 3?
Would Judy Shodan be called a Jhody or Shudy?
Shit happened.
Shoda Popps
SS1's remake is still in production, though last I checked there was shit about the devs making compromises and still wanting to take it in a direction that disagreed with purists that just wanted a 1:1 modern remake of the original but with high-fidelity material in the same aesthetic like the Unity demo.
Confidence in it was eroded just a bit.
both of those things are still happening
I missed hearing her call you h-h-hacker. Especially when I started SS2. I'll miss it here too.
Unresolved psychological issues with fixation on mother figure. Maybe they were not given enough love and attention during childhood?
Holy shit was a massive upgrade. Looking at this now, it looks like something that would've come out in 2005. What the fuck were they thinking?
While Nightdive Studios still owns the rights to the System Shock franchise and are in the process of making a remake of System Shock, System Shock 3 will be developed by OtherSide Entertainment, a studio formed of ex-Looking Glass Studios and Irrational Games developers who worked on one or both games of the System Shock series. Among them are Looking Glass' founder and ex-creative director Paul Neurath, and ex-Irrational Games concept artists Robb Waters and Nate Wells. SHODAN will return in the game, with her original voice actress, Terri Brosius, providing dialogue.[3][4]
Guess I got confused cause the remake and 3 look so similar
But she's smol, user!
Ok cool, what's the release date though? Didn't this get announced fucking forever ago?
I guess they thought that could do a redesign like System Shock 2 did.
the remake of 1 unironically looks better
So what's the current situation with Warren and Otherside? Last I heard their publisher was in bankruptcy or something and sold the IP back to them.
L-Look at you silly f-f-fox running through my burrows.
I think it's a combination of them putting these trailers out WAY too early, and the editing being god fucking awful with all the cuts.
What the fuck are they doing
If it's as early as I hope it is, everything in that trailer will be due for an overhaul at some point.
Wait why is it called 3? i thought its a remake of 1.
Doesn't look very good at all
And Nightdive has all but abandoned its remake of System Shock
Stick with the classics, boys
>Craft a pawpsicle
>One-shot everything
I love Judy!
I can't fap to shodan no matter what I do, I just think about how ss2 was hell for me at the time and get angry instead
>And Nightdive has all but abandoned its remake of System Shock
wrong, they're making progress, slow but steady, they do monthly updates on their KS page
>So what's the current situation with Warren and Otherside?
Dunno, did they end in bankruptcy because of Underworld?
>how ss2 was hell for me
We're 3 fucking years into this pre-alpha shit. They showed another demo 5 months ago which wasn't too different from what they made available to play 3 years ago. The med sci level with only two weapons and one enemy type when there are far more enemy types and weapons on that floor. At this rate it'll take another 8 years to finish
He probably dropped the wrench.
the many can go fuck themselves
>the many can go fuck themselves
They probably do
Even if he did, there is enough ammo for the pistol.
Boomer hacker coming out of retirement for one last job.
yeah maybe but they're making it and keeping it faithful to the original, releasing smaller projects like Blood remaster and SS2 enhanced sometime later this year
They fucked up with moving the game to UE4 and scrapping it all, but they haven't cancelled it so I think it'll turn out alright, but I feel you, it's taking them too long at this point
>Blood remaster
That was a fucking huge disaster too
Oh great, Bioshock without people. Might as well just play Prey again its the same shit. Remind me why people like this garbage better than Bioshock again?
Old man Hacker ready to give her some proper dicking now that she is flesh and bone.
>wait a minute, that card
SS 2 ending, shodan is now Human after she fused with the milf doctor.
also There is another copy of her adrift in space
they fixed it, the updated video is literally in the description of your linked video
It's wrong to release a product that is worse than fan modes, but if it was fixed within a few days, how is it a huge disaster?
Explain this stupid ass fucking meme right now, im tired of seeing it.
Ask nicely.
What meme? literally just play bioshock 1
They better be bringing The Many back. At the moment this just looks like another remake of System Shock 1. It sucks that all that people remember about System Shock is Shodan.
I know where its from, but I don't get why its a fucking meme.
This is night dive we're talking about here. They progressively make things worse not better.
System Shock 2's latest update has seriously broken the enemy respawns to the point of absurdity
>System Shock 2's latest update has seriously broken the enemy respawns to the point of absurdity
The fuck are you on about, they still have not released SS2 enhanced version?
they update them with LeCorbeu's NewDark updates, which are fan-made, as far as I know they themselves don't touch the game's code at all.
it's being ported to kex, i wouldn't expect it any time soon
Wait a minute, now he's shitposting SS2 after Blood, Shadow Warrior and Ion Fury?
Technically she would probably rather you do the latter
>Bloodlines 2
I hope I won't be let down
>night dive makes all the games they buy worse
>blood remaster fucking sucked and was broken
>powerslaveEX still isnt out despite it being pretty finished years ago
>fucking up SS real hard
>shadow warrior reboot sucks complete ass and its sequel is even worse
>ion maiden cucked out, is just generally shit and one of the artists is that Hdoom goy
every new attempt at bringing back old FPS games was a complete failure
>current year +4
There is only 2 people in SS 2
Yep, His posts are ALWAYS predictable.
thanks doc
Is he also the superior limb based combat/ rain-night in cyberpunk guy.
terri brosius? related to erik brosius the gu6 who did the music to ss2?
Yep, just look at the pattern
its the same scratch disk
>>SJWlines 2
You will be.
They're married.
Still looks like shit.
It's like Shodan decided to be a real woman now.
There's no purple.
>night dive makes all the games they buy worse
How are turok games bad?
How is system shock EE bad?
How is SS2 bad? It's literally just original with fan mods which is jewy but doesn't mean it's bad
I swear you bitter fags always bitch and lie to push your retarded "wah everything bad" take
Those eyebrows and the way her face is pointing upwards makes just makes her look like an uppity bitch.
SS2 Shodan's face was pointing downwards and eyes slightly up gave her an intense and intimidating look
Sorry but not sorry pleb, superior beings have standards unlike your kind that eats shit on a plat and begs for another log
ok so no argument except for
In a ship full of killer cyborgs, mutants, zombies, robot assassins, and a single malevolent AI with an ego, the main character, who has been fighting through it all, seeing bodies of the former crew members, the one who nearly made Shodan an actual "virtual god"
And he simply says "nah" at the end.
I suppose thats the point it evokes more arrogance than disdain which is a change for something I can't say weither good or bad myself personally.
watching molymeme doesnt make you legitimate or a debator kid
>No third person to see your own back of
What a flop, dead on the spot, who do they think they are?!
Now that is creepy, looks like an uncanny humanoid, a bit of lizard in there too.
What is molymeme? anyway you can't even explain how nd's ports of mentioned games are bad because they're literally not bad and accepting this truth would be too embarrassing for you, it's okay you don't have to, everybody sees through your bullshit anyway
That's an edit. In motion, she looks pretty good.
>blood remaster is completely broken and some fatures are straight up missing
Blood had 3 patches by now and is fixed, but i'll give you that because they released it broken, but that's 1 game as opposed to
>all ND's games
Why do you ignore the others?
>fucking up SS real hard
The fuck are you on about? The source port of SS1 is the best thing that's happened to the series in a long time.
>why did you ignore the others
because i can
no it isnt
Yes it is.
If i say it isnt then it isnt, no amount of your mental gymnastics will prove it otherwise
Sorry but you're wrong.
but dishonored games are great
WhY DO you INSult our glorius fleSH?
Nothing ever satisfies your autism, does it user?
I don't like it.
I liked the graphics of the alpha demo more. It looked like a space station with the shiny, foily surfaces. This now looks like a factory.
Are you lying or haven't played the game since launch? Because most of the complains have been adressed by now. Stop playing stupid and argue like a proper adult.
Alpha demo was for the System Shock Remake, this is System Shock 3 which is a different game
Be honest. Would you fuck a cyborg midwife, assuming it’s actually not going to kill you?
Yea, I wouldn't call that normal. Like at all.
Oh wow. Kinda cool news.
>"look at me I'm greentexting your quote"
>"le epic frog phrase"
>"I'm silly XD"
>wojak poster
Her sparse facial movement (or rather, lack of since we don't see it anywhere other than the outro) made her appear disinterested in the sense that she knew her eventual triumph is assured, her plans being foiled was just the inevitable being delayed. I would much prefer her to be menacing in a calmer way - let her deadly creations and various traps do the work.
Little ones need lots of meat to grow big and strong.
looks shit
warren spector had no involvement with the previous two games
>mom says it's my turn to play
He was the producer of the 1st game
What did he actually do though? He's supposed to be responsible for Deus Ex, but when I looked up the designers of that game, all of them went on to work for Arkane, Spector made Epic Mickey.
Why would you go and play system shock 2 when you can just go kill yourself
he was in california while the rest of the team was in texas
are you telling me he designed the game through letters in the mail
i'm uninformed then
tbf he definitely worked on thief 3 and deus ex 2 both of which sucked so I'm not saying him being involved will make SS3 better
E-mails already existed back in 1994, user.
or rather him being involved doesn't guarantee success
>both of which sucked
I too get my opinions from RPG Codex.
>he likes Deus Ex 2
invisible war does suck, sorry user its no longer 2003 and there are much better alternatives