Why did they have to use that God fucking awful weeb shit anime way of speaking? I was happy enough with the game, even with it being episodic but holy shit that voice acting in the new trailer is fucking awful. It's a yikes and a pass from me, dawg.
Why did they have to use that God fucking awful weeb shit anime way of speaking? I was happy enough with the game...
Just post her big feet already
You normalfags are why this game looks like trash. Kill yourself.
>>Why would a game made by Japanese people not be explicitly made for English speakers?
So all Japanese people speak like they are in an anime? Don't be a fool.
99.9999999999999999% of Jrpg and Jap shit is fucking awful, this is the only decent thing they have ever made and they now fucked it up too.
>Final Fantasy game
>doesn't have voice acting
I'll probably play it.
>Final Fantasy game
>has voice acting
Didn't you watch Advent Children?
Yeah, it was shit.
She looks like a clown.
Well yeah, obviously.
But there is precedent for the characters to talk like this. Steaming stinky gaudy precedent
Jfc those are some canoe feet
Well at least she’s endowed where is counts.
If they catered the games to adults then they might not be so bad.
Symbolic low poly characters were universally relatable. Now the gestures and attitude turn out to depend on the motion actors nationality or the animators tastes. That gives even some AAA titles that live action japanese movie feeling that may look eerie.
True, we could project on them and imagine how they sound.
This. Japs have completely different body language. My grandmother was deaf and she could tell someone's nationality just by this.
Are you sure she couldn't tell because of the slanty eyes?
Imagine her jamming those things ankle deep down your throat.
>Why does a Japanese game sound like a Japanese game?
English VAs fucking suck though
No she was white but she could tell East Asians apart, South Asians apart, Europeans apart. She said Chinese slouch more than Japanese but a Japanese avoids eye contact. Koreans have some confidence in their movement, but tend to have mannerisms copied from television. Slavs move with less grace than Nords. Portuguese have more swagger than Spanish, and French sit funny.
She sucked at picking out Americans though. And she said African-American body language is usually identical to their white economic peers, but she's only ever met a few through her work.
dilly dally shilly shally
Whoa, slow down australian man.
So then how come in live action shows, Japs sound absolutely nothing like that?
You know what they say about women with HUGE feet?
>weeb shit anime of speaking
are we talking about the actual choice of words, cuz that's localization, tale as old as time. If you try to localize too much to make it sound like how an american would actually convey a sentiment, you get on a slippery slope of changing something too drastically. Or are we talking about actual tone and diction. What triggered this ambiguous statement.
This. Look at the translations of the early Final Fantasy games. The English ones may as well be a completely different story
Obviously because live action shows are not video games.
>So all Japanese people speak like they are in an anime?
Well, not quite, but there are certainly phrasings and mannerisms that don't translate well to English speakers.
they really want the player to love Aireth and not Tifa huh.
Still I go Tifa, and she better be in her blue dress.
you know what they say about a girl with big feet
Big shoes
Big payout for boots that fit?