>"Yeah I'm so glad we don't have to suffer having the STUPID dungeon finder, we finally have the vanilla experience!"
>proceeds to install Questie and insult anyone who speaks against it
"Yeah I'm so glad we don't have to suffer having the STUPID dungeon finder, we finally have the vanilla experience!"
QuestHelper was like one of the earliest addons in the game. There were popular addons well within the first year of launch. I think a lot of people who played vanilla used things like the early versions of QuestHelper, Auctioneer and Titan Panel.
>"Fuck LFG!"
>"Dude, I have been looking for a tank for 2 hours now"
>"Quest markers ruin games, right Yea Forumsbros!?"
>installed questie 10 minutes into wow classic
This place is zoomer land nowadays
yeah, pretty disappointing to see all the big streamers just install questie
still a better game than BFA though
home... just like i remember it.......
>LFM SM Cath AoE run NO MELEE!
Unironically all addons should be banned, automating questing is no different than automating combat, which gives you an account ban, so so should questie. it affects everyone, not only yourself
I only installed questie because it's fucking aids looking for quest givers hidden in the most random locations. That's all I use it for though.
So nice to have literally nothing else but these flooded nonstop in any chat channel... home...
Questie wouldn't be necessary if the base game and an expanded minimap instead of the artistic map. At least for turning in quests that is.
Go find another game to play Sherlock Holmes in no one thinks your cool.
Questie is fine, the real cancer are the people sitting in dungeons 24/7 spamming their cleave groups. They get to level 60 with absolutely no concept of threat management or general class knowledge and expect the tank to pull big groups, LMAO CC? JUST GO
It's not necessary if you have a brain
>"Yeah I'm so glad we don't have to suffer having the STUPID dungeon finder, we finally have the vanilla experience!"
This is pissing me off how everyone is using addons to effectively cheat and they still suck.
I'm not using a single thing and outpacing every addon user I know.
I don't mind desu, scarlet monastery is aids
except as a hunter I can't get a fast group
All addons should be banned but zergleveling is also a cancer
assuming you don't use stuff like wowhead and stuff, some stuff is in really bullshit places. nat pagle is in the middle of fucking nowhere and he is required for getting the master fishing quest.
Dude im not even trying i literally waste hours just walking around. I'm still outpacing addon users.
so, you are a tranny speedrunner that did this shit 1000 times already?
im not outpacing the poopsocks but yeah I'm 52 with only bagnon installed.
I don't use
Havent played on pservers
Havent read any guides
Nor an expert on vanilla.
I am STILL outpacing people using guides and addons.
Don't talk to me or my son ever again.
Does this shit only happen on the bigger servers or is it everywhere.
>said by a "DPS warri"
any warri who doesnt offtank doesnt deserve playing the class
dont see it much on grobbulus.
To add i even take breaks for entire days to wait for people to catch up to me.
Why don't you interact with people in a FUCKING MMO and ask around instead of installing addons so you can have your "press X to win!" gameplay? You fucking zoomer cunt, your kind ruined MMORPGs
How can people complain about ClassicLFG and in the same breath praise Questie?
Are they not self aware at all?
Yeah how would you ever find that out without using an add-on or Wowhead? It's a mystery
I've never seen either of those before besides seeing an AoE farm group once. Chances are they are on overpopulated PvP server or streamer server full of try hards.
It's fucking everywhere on Mograine EU
NPC retards
inv hunter
>"LFG Caster AOE DPS"
Just read the fucking quest text dude, how hard is it? It's an RPG, play it.
>Brother convinced me to play classic with him.
>Install Questie
>End up not using it because my autistic ass leveled so many alts in the past that I just remember everything.
I see more people making normal groups than cleave groups in /lookingforgroup on my server.
I grinded instances like crazy back when I used to play so I'm just going to do each once or twice for the quests.
Funny cuz most mages have no idea how to kite.
It's the reddit hivemind. Everything is accepted as long as everyone else is doing it. They have threads shitting on retail 24/7 yet they use addons to make the game as easy and convenient as possible. Might as well just add the retail groupfinder at this point.
Some of them are so vague
>The kolkars in thousand needles have a book
It's in the cave in a chest
>The murlocs also have a book
This time it actually is a book laying on the ground
But I did them without any help from addons/wowhead and it felt much better finishing the quest.
i laughed at that quest too. The stupid little box you would easily miss.
The thing is being an mmo if you really have trouble you can ask someone
>mfw general is always full of cancer
You see almost exclusively melee cleave groups with 3-4 warriors on Shazzrah EU being advertised for SM but elsewhere it's mostly normal groupings.
1. CC is absolutely not necessary in this game
2. Questing is fucking suffering.
>kill 15 elite ogres, kill Ogre boss and get 10 ogre blood
>can't solo ogres
>go to the quest site
>25 people are farming the ogres
>ask for inv
>"sorry full"
>kill 150 elite ogres
>1 ogre blood drops during the whole session
>finally farm out every ogre blood you need
>time for king ogre
>oh look 10 minute res time for our ogre guy
>"/target elite ogre boss"
>or just spam tab
>get it after the 3rd try because nobody in your party is fast enough
>spend 10 minutes with getting in a dungeon group
>spend the next 3 hours with farming SM
hard choice
i find questing easy as shit. The issue though is some quests are not clearly soloable.
Theres normal quests you need a party.
Elite quests you can solo.
Shit sometimes makes no sense.
Same here user.
Yeah I love helping players asking in general and when it's a quest I've been having problems with ask myself in general. Then you get those people who entirely missed the point of the game and type "lol just wowhead it".
Was "spellcleave" even a thing on private servers? I played on a couple of them and never saw this shit.
Most people hate retail, because they removed almost every important stat and profession. In my opinion wrath had the most refined mechanics, talents and raid design. You may argue that Cata or MoP were similarly refined, but I would personally disagree.
Classic shitters need to understand that not everyone who doesn't like BfA is a vanilla fan.
I sometimes ask questions but i either get no reply or some ebin underage trollmaster being a faggot.
Let people have nice things.
Let people enjoy things they like the way they like it.
Let people be hypocrites.
Just go back to retail and stop hating on classic mongs having fun in various ways for various reasons. The entire anti-classic discussion you are shilling for is utterly pointless.
Turn off your computer and go outside. Get some ice cream. Sit on a bench in the park. Look at the ducks in the pond.
I never saw it either.
It goes to show that wow was ruined from the beginning. It was the playerbase who infantilized the game, not Blizzard.
is wrestling always this entertaining?
Okay, a lot of people might indeed be holding incoherent beliefs here.
However, they're not inherently contradictory. In the criticism of quest markers in other RPGs it's often pointed out that they realistically cannot be played without due to other directions not being present. I paid some attention to this and in this regard neo-WoW actually does about as well as it used to, but there's another problem: presence of map markers incentivizes design towards mindless follow-the-arrow style of questing. No more grabbing an assortment of quests and planning efficient routes around the zone to hand them in all at once, you go from point A to point B to point C, zone done (often times involving silliness like quest givers magically appearing on the other side of enemy armies they allegedly were unable to get past: indeed, this sort of thing pretty much necessitates quest markers because otherwise you wouldn't know where to hand the quests in). No more questlines spanning multiple zones. That sort of thing. I think it's reasonable to claim that designers are compelled to design different types of quests when quest markers are built-in (see: pretty much all modern gaming), and quests designed under different philosophy would be preferable, even if most people DID use an addon. In some sense, this could even be the best of both worlds. Of course, quest markers don't physically prohibit developers from designing old style of quests, but since experience has it that they will not, you might want to get rid of the markers entirely.
my head is basically questie. Besides, before it people just used thottbot
Why is everyone such a passive-aggressive little bitch nowadays?
>complaining about it when addons with similar functions have always been a thing
I wonder if you people even played back then, or if you did you were too young to understand what addons even were.
30-40 is a shit bracket I don't blame people for leveling this way through it. FUCK DESOLACE
I think people are seriously overblowing how many people had quest helper installed in vanilla. They were shitty broken messes still in their infancy that hardly anyone used.
>that hardly anyone used.
I can't remember anyone.
Most of my guild in vanilla used them, and those that didn't used thottbot for the more obtuse shit. Anyone that acts like this wasn't always the norm was either not actually there or built up their own version of what vanilla was in their head.
People used thottbot all the time that I remember but that's something else than having arrows and pointers loaded directly in the game.
Society got feminized.
Open aggression is shunned my the majority of the people.
do less drugs then
ive never played WoW before so im reading the quest text as best i can to figure them out and if i cant figure it out ill just check wowhead
>Get invited to Gnomer
>Do it because I was in IF and wanted the dungarees
>Party all knows each other over, assures me the level 23 healer and 25 warrior tank won't be an issue
>Party wants to do EVERY SINGLE BOSS
>Get the part with the dark iron dwarves and have our first wipe because the healer went oom and the warrior can't keep aggro
>Their 41 warrior friend gets on
>"Sorry user... you're fired"
>1. CC is absolutely not necessary in this game
This again comes down to player experience. Back during retail vanilla, even supposedly good players sucked so hard it's difficult to conceive from modern perspective.
We might not be talking about pre-nerf TBC heroics where retail players had to use total cheese comps like triple CC or double healers with double CC and definitely not using prot pallies or healers unsuited for the specific dungeon. As a matter of fact, I've researched pre-2.1 state of TBC heroics a lot and you notice all sorts of things like pretty much all videos of Arca featuring warrior tank with Thunderfury, implying it was for the most part done only by "A-teams" of raiding guilds with their main tank and shit. However, even in overwhelmingly easier vanilla dungeons, my recollection has it that people often expected the party to have good CC options, optimizing the runs for safety rather than speed because they really needed that edge.
Nowadays of course you can do even pre-nerf TBC heroics with reasonable comps as fresh 70s, although at that point you do really need to actually play properly, and vanilla dungeons can be played almost as though it was Wrath.
I catch glimpses of that vanilla CC feel by doing instances above the groups level. Felt a million times better.
>been 60 for 4 days now because i raced there aoe farming like a poopsock
>there still aren't enough 60's to have constant scholo/strats running
>doing laps of IF spamming in [lfg]
>takes me 4 hours to get a group
holy shit i fucked up
Level your professions/fishing.
level professions
farm gold
Finding quests in the middle of nowhere is fun. What is not fun finding out that some really cool quest chain for your level starts in a location 20 levels lower than you and npc is in the middle of nowhere. I understand such things in the capital but when there is a quest for STV that starts near Deadmines I really scratch my head with what we're they thinking.
if youre alliance arathi/hillsbrad + strangle + badlands is perfectly fine
What was this doujin called again?
>what we're they thinking
real men don't use any addons
Autocorrect my man. Yes, I am dirty mobile poster, deal with it.
I have 300 engineering/tailoring and have made my archmage robe, aoe farming is so absurdly contested right now that i'll probably just wait till phase 2 to farm DM for my mount
Abuse layering in the meantime bro.
go away
>stands in town spamming lfg for 3 hours
>goes to dungeon, takes another hour to get there
>party wipes a few times
>people leave
>go back to town and do it for another 3 hours
hahah such a fun experience, LFG truly ruined the game!!
I already did to farm elementals in silithus to make the mage robe and about 600 extra g in essence, but its nerfed now
mages need a nerf
>>party wipes a few times
>>people leave
I pretty much dungeoned my way to 60 from 30 and havent had a single incident of people leaving or raging even when wiping, your bfa is showing
in what regard? they lose to priests, warlocks etc in PVP most times, and in PVE they're outclassed by fury warriors and rogues with the exception of the mage rolling ignites
>outlevel the last alliance territory
>have to farm with horde now
>get ganked constantly by rouges after finishing a mob
>get ganked by parties of two or more
>can only watch helplessly as my life bar drains
>it gets harder and harder to level up
>grindy quest gives you 2k xp out of 50k
>uninstall game
i really wanna play this game but everytime i log in i just remind whats going to happen
dungeons take you even more time to farm xp
>inb4 should've picked non-pvp server
i have 2 days playtime on my char and am not willing to do this all over again, you guys talked me into pvp server
This nigga knows. Worst part of leveling by far.
Fucking nigger then let me have multispell macros so i can farm mobs with one button press
t. social outcast
>he can't write cast sequence macro
Fucking plebs, all of you.
In fucking duels, you dumb cunt. Every premade stacks mages, not fucking warlocks.
>i am constantly corpse camped by large groups
No you aren't. What happened is that you got ganked once, couldn't handle it, then ragequit.
but every quest is perfectly doable with the text and if not, just ask, others must have done it before
It's your fault for going to gnomeregan with 23 and 25 levels.
Here docs.google.com
If you want a decent experience make sure everyone in the group has at least +2 levels from the minimal range shown here.
First time I saw addons in 2005 I thought "Is this really allowed? Seems like cheating." You're literally modding a multiplayer game. Fuck you.
.t aoe dungeon grinder
People suck, normies especially. That's why MMOs suck, especially normie infested MMOs
Do you play adventure games with a guide too?
Kill yourself you fucking nigger, you still have to click the button for every new spell. You dumb fucking kike piece of shit. And if you make your own scripts with other software you get account ban. You know nothing, you're retarded.
Make your own group with friends
>playing sierra games without looking up anything whatsoever
The guide for leisure suit larry 1 sold more copies than the actual game itself.
It was invented by the Greeks and originally done naked and oiled so it has it's moments yes.
Is level 44 too high for RFD and SM Cath to be worth it?
>anime poster
>raging fucking faggot
Every. Time.
I bet you think you're a cute twink or could pass for a trap. I guarantee you're a fuck ugly lanklet with a huge schnoz.
As a rogue trying to finish that quest for the series killing the bosses of SM and I just have Cath left this pisses me off.
Dude the game being semi unplayable garbage is part of the immersion and the experience lmao
>spamming 'LFG' instead of making your own group
>nerf a class based on leveling potential
ladies and gentleman your average retail retard has arrived demanding balances
What the fuck are you talking about now? You pretended duels are representative of PvP and I pointed out just how fucking stupid you are. Get over it.
So what the fuck are you talking about? by premades do you mean dungeons or organized PVP? because you dont take more than 2 mages in a premade, and dungeon groups are completely irrelevant to the balance of the game at 60, so start making sense nigger
I don't think that classic should have any class changes but mages are one of the best classes in the game. They're the best ranged dps in pve, one of the best classes in group pvp, and completely destroy most classes 1v1.
>nerf mages
>warlocks are now the best ranged dps in the game and completely destroy most classes 1v1
then all we need to do is continue a cycle of buffs and nerfs for the next 15 years
why did you ignore the first sentence in my post
>So what the fuck are you talking about
Here, this. You can notice what I'm talking about by looking at what I fucking replied to, you stupid sack of shit.
> they lose to priests, warlocks etc in PVP most times
It's retarded, that's what. Nobody cares about duels. Fuck sake, balancing after arenas was bad, but duels? Fucking duels? The fuck are you thinking?
>Every premade stacks mages
t. retaillet
classic premades are one of each class with the exception of 2 priests and 2 mages
>muh stacking
It's because private servers over-tuned elites so you couldn't do this stuff.
The other reason is that streamers were never as big for private servers. Now, as soon as some of the big streamers started doing it (and they're all doing it) suddenly every braindead twitch kiddie out there figures it's the only way to level as well and so they rush off to do it.
Had a warrior join my group the other day and comment "Tried questing, spent an hour and only got 4 bars, never again lol". Him and the mage in the group proceeded to blow through the whole instance AoE spamming everything down. It was awful.
Nothing though came close to the feeling of absolute disgust I felt today though whilst questing in Arathi when some random messaged me to say "Can you please invite me mate, I'm getting ganked and I need to layer".
Only addon I use is OmniCC, come at me
Explain where mages are stacked outside of zoomer aoe cleaves please retard
game's already dead outside of peak anyway, even faerlina gets to low-medium, and that's the big streamer server, who gives a shit?
Game is obviously dead in another week or so.
>and completely destroy most classes 1v1.
I wonder if we are playing the same game. Mage can't kill a healer, so 3 classes are already out, feral will just run away from you, spriest will eat you alive, shamans are somewhat of an issue, but really it's skill dependant. Mage can't kill warlock, it's always been like that. Mage cant kill a BM hunter, just press BW lmao. Rogue is a skill match up. And we all know what mages do to warriors.
>server isnt even full at 3am when everyone is sleeping
There is a default setting for that now. So you don't even need to use it.
>"Can you please invite me mate, I'm getting ganked and I need to layer"
Why is this so funny?
these two things aren't comparable
all I have to do is look at retail and laugh at how bad it is
don't even need to argue anymore. just point at retail and laugh at anyone that thinks any of that trash mobile game design is remotely good for an MMO
but muh questie though amirite
>group has two warriors
>still spend 20 minute spamming chat looking for a tank
Not him but classic likely only has about a month left before it becomes a ghost town. The 40+ grind is brutal and there is nothing to do at 60 in this phase. Players are going to drop like flies when they start hitting zones like Hinterlands that are literally just straight mob grinds.
>can you invite me mate, I'm getting ganked and I need to layer.
Ive had an absolute blast the last few days just pvping everyone I can see outside blackrock mountain, cant wait till phase 2 when honor is put in and people start pvping a lot more to rank up before phase 3 bgs
The pop already dropped massively, and it's barely been two weeks.
People were saying it was gonna survive 3 months were being VERY generous.
It's pretty much just another private server now.
Good, the amount of people I grouped with in the last few days who have been saying 'pog' and shit like that has been horrific, hopefully more of them quit
>there are still 4-6k queues on servers despite free transfers being offered
>i-it'll die any die, next week in fact! yep, people just don't like the game.
I think this is what they call "cope".
Shouldn't have played on a pvp server you gullible nigger
There are queues on servers because they lowered the max player cap and are starting to consolidate layers. This is painfully obvious if you actually play the game instead of shitposting about it.
I was excited for classic; I hit 60 last night and was working on tradeskills earlier today before I realized I wasn't having fun and I honestly don't give a shit anymore. Unfortunately for nostalgiafags, Vanilla was never really a good game. It had its quirks and a certain charm to it, but it has almost no chance surviving more than a couple months.
What dungeons are being spellcleaved? Asking for a friend
Why would the zoomers be the ones quitting? They're young and have infinite time to play the game and patronize faggot streamers. The people who leave are going to be the ones who actually value their time. Once you get five "kill 60 mob" quests at once or realize that you're only getting a piece of raid loot every two/three weeks, most players are going to realize that the game is a waste of fucking time.
all of SM, then ZF, then BRD, then LBRS up until ogres
>"man, classic is so hard compared to the cakewalk grindfest that is retail"
>"LFM aoe farm sunken temple! Need 1 more mage and we're good to go!"
>only getting a piece of raid loot every two/three weeks
>playing classic for the single button rotation pve
there's your problem
>they reduced the server caps because it supports my narrative
>i will not provide any proof just trust me
When's the Burning Crusade happening?
As opposed to for what? There's no PvP rewards and we likely aren't getting honor for a few months at least. PvP in Vanilla is an imbalanced shitshow and the honor system is arguably the worst character progression system ever designed in an MMO.
>"can I borrow 5g for respec?"
Serious question , why do you play classic WoW - it´s not going to be as fun as it was when you were 13-20 first time it came out.
unless it´s for pvp only then i fully understand because it was quite "balanced" but everything else around it is just ewwww no
Because society is crumbling and we are on the verge of war, I just wanted to have some honest fun before things go south.
>why would you do something in a video game if you don't get a reward for it
fucking retailfags holy shit
Why do you spout such obvious lies that can be easily debunked by just logging into the game?
You think every single server suddenly had an influx of thousands of players each, two and a half weeks after launch? They temporarily increased the server caps to deal with the launch population, and now they're lowering them again.
And the layer thing is obviously if you play the fucking game. Anyone who is 50+ will notice that you can actually see other high level players now most of the time, whereas before those zones were almost completely deserted due to layers.
AB. WSG. AV, which is only about coordinating your mages. They're #1 in mass world pvp. They're #1 in 1vX scenarios. They're fucking phenomenal in 1v1s.
They're the best class. They've got the raw numbers to compete with anything, and they're by far the most versatile class there is. By a fucking mile.
They're the only class you stack in BGs. Saying they're shit in pvp because they have a 4:6 matchup against fucking soul link, which afaik is the best of anyone that isn't fucking soul link, is ridiculous.
classic wow is literally the only mmo that is currently officially supported. everything else is either korean grinding autism or a hotbar action game with optional co-op.
>Source: Dude, just trust me
I'm sorry nobody is talking about Shadowbringers anymore. But what does this terminal autism do to benefit you?
>>why would you do something in an MMO if you don't get a reward for it
Fixed that for you. MMOs aren't known for their riveting combat. If there isn't an incentive to play in terms of player progression, people won't play. Mindless PvP with no rewards is only fun for so long
Because retail WoW disgusts me and vanilla/tbc/wotlk ruined every single other MMO for me for life.
I also want to experience 40 player raids.
>The people who leave are going to be the ones who actually value their time
>in an MMO
>a 15 year old MMO
are you stupid?
I don't have a problem with people using Questie, I don't because I feel more immersed. What I have a problem with though is how easy the game is (only 40 so that might change). The bosses have no mechanics and as a healer I'm fucking wanding all the time because I'm semi useless. Almost no healing is required unless we pull a second group by mistake and the tank can't handle the threat, and even then the only difficulty is my mana management. Perhaps it's because I was 14 at the time but I found Vanilla hard back then and now it's a bit of a cakewalk. I enjoy questing but the dungeons just feel like a grind
>i refuse to believe that people like classic wow
Don't you have some daily quests you need to go do?
Why are you samefagging? Just make your shitty post and go play the game you fucking cuck
>stacking mages
there is no way you've ever played vanilla wow prior to today and are just talking out your ass because you got rejected from a spellcleave
>Anyone who is 50+ will notice that you can actually see other high level players now most of the time, whereas before those zones were almost completely deserted due to layers.
More people are actually getting to lvl 50 for the first time since everyone doesn't have 6 days of straight gaming available to them.
>Serious question , why do you play classic WoW
I like pre-Cata Azeroth and questing before it became spRPG without unique content
who are you quoting? he didn't say anything about liking or disliking the game you ape. idk why you're even arguing anyways, they straight up said they would lower the number of layers over time and then eliminate them in p2. which is exactly what they're doing right now
>High level zones are now populated when before they were almost deserted
>This is because of some completely unsourced asspull bullshit and not because more and more people are hitting 50+ every day, rather than a handful of poopsockers.
Were you fed lead paint chips as a baby or were you born retarded?
>In Uldaman yesterday
>Pattern: Rich Purple Silk Shirt drops
>Everybody greeds on it
>I say "Nobody here a tailor? Cool I'll take that"
>I'm not a tailor, was gonna throw it on my alt
>Look up what it is
>Turns out its worth 300-400 gold minimum
Loving every laugh.
Yes, mages are good in fucking AV, you idiot. It's a zerg rush. Unless you've fucking sappers you're not doing shit as anything else. Pick your fucking hill, you moron.
Is your ego so big that you can't comprehend multiple people disagreeing with you?
Why are you desperately seething non-stop about Classic WoW on Yea Forums instead of playing FFXIV? You've been at it for weeks with zero success.
after the ddos attacks the same zones that were completely barren (winterspring, epl etc...) were filled with players THAT WERE THERE BEFORE but were invisible because of layers. they literally said they would remove layers as the launch population dies down. which it is currently doing...because its two weeks after launch. why the fuck are you so assmad about this, you sound like a child. there was absolutely zero chance the game would sustain the amount of people that logged on for launch and blizz is doing exactly what they said they would do. stop being a retard
You can do that on TBC/Wrath private servers with better class mechanics, in terms of TBC essentially the same balance too (Wrath admittedly can get completely stupid with prot warriors and rets and shit). Vanilla servers would of course also be an option, although in that case world content has markedly better quality than Netherwing, or any contemporary Wrath servers. In any event you don't need to deal with layer fuckery or give neo-Blizzard any money.
and what do you have to say about the uldaman --> zul farrak --> brd grinds that follow after SM? guess all those lvl brackets are boring and not worth playing too huh
I'm so glad I haven't played any Blizzard games since WotLK so I don't have any weird qualms about them destroying my games and refusing to give them money because of it.
Just cool smooth sailing from vanilla->tbc->wotlk->vanilla
I actually have no idea what your point is or why you are getting so pissy. Do you think the population is going up?
>Blizzard says layers are a temporary measure to deal with the initial rush of players
>They also increase the server caps to deal with the launch week queues
>they say they will remove layers as players scatter and the server populations decrease, ultimately having them all removed by phase 2
>this is what is happening right now
It's not an opinion, it's what they said they were going to do and what was absolutely inevitable from the start.
Why are you rambling like an autist about random made up bullshit? I've been 60 for over a week and the zones have gradually gotten more populated by the day, there's been no sudden shift at all.
are you winning son?
>LFG tool that parses chat channels and put up a list of who wants dungeons and stuff
>/join world, /join lookingforgroup
>Spam a global channel alongside the entire server for people
>J-just like in vanilla
It's just dumb at this point
Yes, the level 50+ population is going up, because large numbers of people are starting to hit the 50+ zones.
Why is the concept of people gaining levels in an MMO over time so hard for your simple primate brain to grasp?
It's all smooth sailing after 40 save a spot just before un'goro where you tend to run out of quests. That range has some of the best questing zones around.
Stay mad
Okay, so Blizzard isn't doing precisely what they said they were going to do and start removing layers after launch. And instead of lowering the server caps, you think that every single server increased a tier in population at the same time because of some bizarre concurrent influx of players. Imagine being this insecure
more like WoW was ruined by having trash quests like that in the first place.
Once you hit the mid-40s it's smooth sailing and questing throws xp at you.
Do people not like questing? I'm having a lot of fun jerking my wand into ogre faces for hours while I watch other stuff on my second monitor. Are the people who are sick of it all private server players who've done this relatively recently?
43 priest btw
they're talking about queues. there is no explanation for queues increasing other than them lowering the server caps and lowering the number of layers. you can't possibly think that there are MORE players now than at launch. that's completely ridiculous
Chill user it's just players who decided to wait a bit for the initial rush/queues to settled down that are now joining the game.
>nto ogre faces for hours while I watch other stuff on my second monitor. Are the people who are sick of it all private
This is my 3rd warlock Im leveling to 60, yes Im sick of vanilla questing. Im joining a spellcleave party soon as Im 31 right now.
What the fuck are you rambling on about? Your entire supposed """"point"""" is based on some observation that the level 50+ zones are now more populated. And your galaxy brained conclusion is some collapsing of layers and slashing of server population caps, and not because large numbers of people have climbed out of the 40s swamps and hit 50+ in the last few days.
Queues haven't been increasing though, they're lower than launch.
>Shield breaks during shoot
>That lagtime between turning shoot off and casting shield
How is it ridiculous? Because you're desperate to autistically shitpost on Yea Forums about WoW Classic being a failure so hard that you're denying anything contrary to that?
It's unhealthy to come up with wild conspiracy theories, please do something constructive with your time.
...the discussion is about queues, are you illiterate? there are still queues because they're lowering the number of concurrent players on each server to a more stable number. they fucking said they were going to do this lmao why are you so assmad about the server population? there's still plenty of people playing you faggot, they're just progressing with their plan
yes, and they were low/gone before they came back recently. there are even several posts on the general forum about this. so either they lowered the caps, which is extremely likely as they said they were going to do exactly this, or there are somehow more people playing on EVERY SERVER, which is complete fucking nonsense
>using shield
why, it has fucking awful mana efficiency
The funniest thing to me is that the people who are going to keep playing classic are retail drones, because they're so goddamn retarded that they think Blizzard is being "generous" by giving them a free retail 110 for hitting 60 on classic, even though you could level to 110 like five times over in the amount of time it takes to hit 60 on classic. They'll do anything for daddy Blizzard.
oh shit is this real? now i have an incentive to get to 60, i'm 34 atm. Thanks, senpai
Are you not levelling shadow?
Well, for one because the queues have been going down over the past two weeks before they suddenly reappeared again (coinciding with the ream status changing to full/high on servers that were medium or even low). And because there is a zero percent chance that the game will ever even remotely approach its launch day numbers ever again
>STV was a complete horde fuckfest
>Go to Gadgetzan for a turn in and it's 99% horde. A group of 5 on top of the arena sniping the afk 1%
>Go to Badlands where I only saw horde before
>A group of 9 start ganking and they get BTFO by a group of 7 and spend the rest of Badlands killing everyone
The patrician's Classic questing experience.
I've seen nothing of the sort of EU. Are you disingenuously comparing 3am numbers to prime time numbers like some low effort shitposter?
questhelper didn't come out until bc, you fucking retard
It's basically their backup plan to keep retail players engaged in classic. For some reason retail players value a "FREE 110!!!" really highly, even though in this case it's a huge waste of their time if they aren't actually interested in classic's endgame.
Meanwhile the game is thriving, all you newfags live in your own miserable bubble.
Why do you continue to reply to some lonely autists that doesn't even play the game.
Anyway to tell what % of my server is each faction?
All classic servers are overwhelmingly Horde.
Are you the same person making these threads every time?
imagine using this word 2 weeks after something hyped beyond belief comes into existence
these are the people bitching.
Server populations rise daily if we exclude the launch day, literally what the word means bro.
I love threads like these as a retail only player
>classic fags arguing with FF trannies about nothing
Time to go farm comfy mechagon while you losers argue :)
t.phone posted while playing with my dong
That is one thing the Pservers did better (At least the ones using nostcore). The mobs were overtuned as fuck and you had to CC mobs unless your dps and tanks had good gear. Kinda makes me sad blizz didn't up the difficulty of said mobs and bosses in "official" classic.
It's not hard to find groups that don't do spell cleave. I'm a druid and ran cath multiple times as DPS/healer. Just start your own group if you truly can't find groups to do it with.
The reason it wasn't done on private servers was that they didnt give the bonus XP for killing mobs in an instance so everyone just ran dungeons for the loot.
>people complaining about the lack of quests between 30-40
I've been around with a friend, close to 34 now and I haven't even touched Arathi, STRV or Desolace. All we did was do quests and run most dungeons once for the respective quests (though we skipped BFD). Haven't touched SM yet either. We're doing TN/Shimmering Flats right now and at this point we have to worry about doing all the quests before they turn grey in the other zones.
Give this a try
Everything is scaled down to 5 man including the raids. Instant 70. About 150-250 people at peak times. Maximum /comfy/
>jsut start ur wown grup XD
>"sry looking for spellcleave" x 100
I realized I wasn't having fun all the way back at 20 when I remembered every area is just a cycle of kill x quests and farming mobs by pressing one ability. I realized I had little to nothing to look forward to, PVP wasn't fun, talents were all %dps increases, characters and armor look like shit, and instances are all dps and tank checks.
I don't like retail, but anyone who thinks retail is worse in any way is on some serious crack cocaine or simply hasn't played since MoP.
God I wish female humans were real
This, sadly. And despite saying this, people kept hyping up this shit because 50k players on launch day private servers, wow, look at the demand, best game ever!!!
They fail to mention those same servers go to sub 5k players in less than a month, too and are almost entirely populated by bots, russians and other subhumans that play because it's free.
I don't even wanna shit on vanillafags, it's just so tiresome. Stop hyping garbage up. Play it, and if it holds up, then hype it up.
Why do you exaggerate what actually happens? Yes, just start your own group nigger. What server you on? I'll make a character right now and do it for you and then let you have my spot once I get 4 people. Always want to be a pillar of the community and help clinically retarded people who can't help themselves.
Nobody said vanilla was perfect but the community at the moment is fucking great. People actually talking, helping eachother etc. Things like questie I don't think ever were an issue and blizz fixing horseshit respawn timers/adding new graveyards etc were also good moves. Dungeon finder *and* gimping dungeons was a terrible idea tho.
Yes, let me play for the single button PVP instead.
yeah but the game has only been out for so long and a lot of players have already chomped the vast majority of the base game's content, not to mention that all of it is pretty much dissected and analyzed over 15 years and there are no mysteries left in the world, with upcoming phases only adding small droplets worth of new content in terms of time that will actually be invested in doing them. it doesn't help that they're really only just adding raids, and for the average normie player there won't be anything to do at all. hell in phase 2 they're only adding a world boss and a non-max level dungeon
Does Lupos still do the shadow damage bonus?
Because I helped a cunter tame him for a reward bounty today, but I swore they had patched it out of vanilla earlier than the 1.2 patch?
To try and pretend to be 12 again or prove that Blizzard fucked the game up.
I have never, ever seen a single person describe a fun aspect of vanilla that isn't in retail.
No shadow damage.
This is also hilarious.
Any endgame area from MoP on is more challenging and interesting than everything in vanilla combined.
Yet vanillafags love to praise how 'hard' the game is.
Nigga, drinking after every fight isn't hard. It's fucking boring.
to think all blizzard has to do is crank the difficulty on outdoor content, can you imagine the classicfag seething when they actually do and all this need-to-group comes to retail and suddenly classic has nothing special to offer?
lightheaded existed in vanilla
A lot of the players haven't seen shit.
The usual retards are trying to nolife the game.
The game thrives currently because it is alive, you can go on any level zone and find groups of people from your own server doing shit together.
The first test to check if Classic will start dying is gonna be at the end of the sub period, if people start to unsub it's gonna show(even if the pop on the server list is based on people currently playing).
I leveled up from 1 to 90 in WoD and it was an absolute fucking garbage experience, I feel like the subhumans still playing retail have become unsensitized to how shit game is now.
>>"sry looking for spellcleave" x 100
isn't rogue like the second or third most played class on most servers? how does a rogue spellcleave? how can't you at the very least find rogues to DPS if every single mage only wants to AoE?
Yea Forums is worse than resetera when it comes to looking for things to be upset about. he can obviously find a group to do SM if he really wanted to, he's just being dramatic. don't buy into it or attempt to reason with him.
>i'm having fun not playing the game
What the fuck is wrong with people nowadays holy fucking shit
Do people even play games anymore? Jesus fucking christ, get a different hobby.
sounds shitty af
You are either new or baiting.
Retail leveling is almost as slow as vanilla now, they changed it in late Legion specifically to make it more like vanilla.
So no, you can't get that. Getting 120 in current Retail takes a very, very long time.
how about no flying mounts so you have to plan your fucking trips like a proper adventurer
I unironically find classic boring as shit but I'm leveling to 60 because I don't want to spend money on BFA.
Nothing to do the boost.
blizzard tried to remove flying but the vast majority of the playerbase wanted it to stay do you remember this
Not really. A lot of people are truly antisocial and can't comprehend friendship.
A lot of people playing DPS class and playing only pugs are especially antisocial.
I never praised the leveling experience. The leveling experience is equally bad in both versions. I'm talking about up to date content. It's night and day.
Sounds like a multiboxer's wet dream
haha, wow, I've only seen that joke a few hundred times now
no i don't, i haven't actively played across all expansions, i've jumped in every now and then
Nobody likes the grind. People like rewards for that grind. Vanilla rewards are pretty basic.
>40 level you can get a mount to move around the map faster
>60 level you can get even a better mount
lel. blizzard will never ban someone who is less trouble than they're worth, but it's a nice thought.
>plan your trips
No, you don't. You just fucking walk. Avoiding higher level mobs isn't fun or interesting or engaging, it's just fucking annoying and means you might occasionally have to corpsewalk for five minutes.
Don't give me that shit, pretending like there's RPG shit in vanilla. I don't like flying either, but pretending like walking is fun or engaging gameplay is fucking stupid. If there were actual RPG features, maybe.
I just wish flying was implemented better. Different mounts have different speeds and ways they handle, and they can't just fly all the time, they have stamina. And you have to stable them. Bam, flying is now interesting. Same with ground mounts.
The Timeless Isle... home...
it was actually a big debate during wod
blizzard had actually decided to not add flying to wod and expansion moving forward
the playerbase cried enough so they caved and made pathfinder
Yeah I was gonna say. The biggest decision I make is "should I stay in-game and follow the path or just hit autorun and open up Yea Forums until I see something happen"
You like having to wrangle 39 tards to raid with? To each his own i suppose. I can't not like a man because of his shit taste.
its just not fun?
there's barely any interactions and actual thought involved.
the mobs arent even using basic shit like AoEs you gotta deal with.
Its extremely mundane. You admit it too you're literally doing something else while experiencing the lack of gameplay in WoW.
No, the leveling experience is absolutely 100% better in classic, retail is a completely lifeless experience were nothing happens, nobody talks, there's no challenge and everybody acts like a fucking robot.
It's always the same thing. People just praise completely inane shit that doesn't even involve playing the game.
>kill x quests are 'comfy!'
>walking for an hour where nothing interesting happens and you find nothing is awesome!
>standing in town spamming chat to make a group for hours makes people socialise!
The problem with WoW is that 99% of the quest rewards are shit, and the 1% that aren't (decent weapons, upgrades of gear) don't fucking need Questie because it's pretty much a straight line through a dungeon.
Any other competent RPG:
>"Head east at dawn and look for where the two jagged peaks intersect. Once there, climb the rocks and face your foe."
>Do as the quest giver asks, head up the rocks facing the two jagged peaks, find a skeleton lord or a bear that's killed dozens of adventurers
>Fight the bear/skeleton lord, claim your price of a bunch of gold and a new very powerful sword/armor piece
>Head back to the quest giver for your reward
World of Warcraft:
>"The Mayble's farm has been having some hog trouble. Head south along the path and you'll find the farm, then get rid of some of the vermin. Bring me back 10 boar tusks and you'll receive your reward"
>Head south along the path, reach the farm
>Kill 10 boars for 10 boar tusks
>Just kidding, it's more like 25-30 because half the boars just don't drop tusks
>Slowly walk back along the path
>Collect your reward of 40 silver pieces and maybe some dinky boots
>"Oh thank you, traveler! But the Hingdog's farm is having very similar trouble, but with bears in their woods! Could I trouble you to help them out? I'll give you some consumable damage potions you'll probably never use and you can make yourself!"
No fucking shit I'm going to install a quest marker mod. The amount of work you put in to the quest is literally never worth it because the story is shit, the traversal is shit, the gameplay is shit and the rewards are shit.
>i wanna level but there's a high chance I'll get my ass handed to me if I walk this path, because ganks
>lol nah fly
that's probably because we've been doing this shit for 15 years, classic wouldn't exist today if cataclysm hadn't revamped the old zones and added this illussion of something "being removed" because we'd have been leveling through the slog of the old game forever, classic's main saving grace is the fact that cataclysm gave the old game unique content, everything else we've done 100000 times already and yeah, it fucking sucks to do everything again and again and again
while leveling more than 9/10 questlines are bullshit filler.
at endgame you actually get some nice meatier stuff because it takes you through tougher content like raids and opens up other places.
the whole leveling phase of the game is just unrewarding and shit filler.
Why are Warriors and Mages so overtuned in vanilla? Why is Warrior DPS end game just an objectively better Rogue? Why is there not a single aspect in the game where Mage is mediocre? Why does every other class pay a tax of some sort for excelling at something, but Warrior and Mage just get to be the best at no cost? I could maybe forgive Warrior simply due to how shit it is to level, but Mage literally has no fucking flaws.
This, you also didn't mention how getting a blue item during leveling feels like you got the fucking Warglaives of Azinoth or some shit.
You feel the difference between the gear and it gives you a huge sense of accomplishment.
>needing something you don't need
its very funny that retards defend the hybrid tax but warriors just straight up ignore it.
most classes are straight up unfinished. warrior clearly is 100% finished with every spec having a purpose.
Nobody talks because thre's a 1/100th of the people leveling in retail than there is in vanilla, retard. I've seen zero difference in the actual people, it's all just spergs spamming twitch memes and MAGA jokes over and over again.
You stupid fucks act as if people aren't just staying in their groups or partying with strangers to clear dungeons/caves and then unparty.
The leveling experience is a fucking abortion in both games, but at least retail players don't pretend otherwise. And at least there's plenty of content where you have to use your brain once you hit current content.
You? Enjoy Ragnaros, I'm sure you'll have a ton of fun running instances a million times for gear until you beat the DPS/Tank check.
shouldn't you be farming gold for asmongold instead of posting on Yea Forums lil zoomie?
I didnt even feel that way when I got my whirlwind axe lmao.
It didnt even last long, three days later Im already looking for a replacement in Uldaman.
Just because someone put it on the AH for 400g it doesn't mean it's worth that much
retail actually has better questing because groups dont fight over loot and tags arent limited.
also respawns are faster Im sure.
>I don’t play games for fun
If you find questing insufferable don’t play m8
>pretending like avoiding dangerous areas is hard
Bitch, there's flight paths, a million items that let you escape ganks, and about 5 million routes to every place. Imagine being that fucking stupid. I have a 60 and I was ganked... Twice? On a full server. And I could've easily avoided those if I cared enough.
>Might as well just add the retail groupfinder at this point.
The retail groupfinder that lets you post a group and have people join isn't exactly a terrible thing. It's the UI equivalent of the /LookingForGroup channel that everyone spams with LFG or LFM need . In a server with no cross-realm groupfinder is JUST a convenience.
Of course you didn't, you're a guy that makes threads on Yea Forums in order to whine about shit.
I'm talking about normal people, I'm playing with around 10 people that I met online years ago and we have become irl friends and everyone else has commented they felt that way as well.
We dropped BfA 2 weeks after launch, we had hit max level within 3 days.
It's fun if you play it for what it is. A co op rpg. It's not an esport or any gay shit like that.
Another argument I'm willing to accept is lack of utility from Warriors, they provide nothing to the group aside from performance, so having top performance is somewhat understanable. Why in the unholy fuck does a class with Mage's utility perform at top tier in every PvE and PvP aspect of the game? Leveling, dungeoning, raiding, 1vs1 PvP, group PvP, Mage is always top tier in everything in RAW NUMBERS on top of having unique utility, being the best farmer, and being able to make money just for being Mage with food/water/portals. It just fucking screams dev pet class.
Is it okay to roll need on BoE blue drops?
If you need it. I would also equip it in front of everyone to show you needed it.
Retail has better questing because it's just better in the later expansions beyond Cata.
You actually do shit, there's actual stories, mobs have mechanics, zones have variety and gimmicks, and it's more challenging.
In vanilla, you just kill 50-100 mobs for the quest items. Over and over and over and over...
I am playing without any addons, currently lvl 26 undead rogue and loving every bit of it. Met these 3 random guys at Durnhold Keep yesterday, gave me a good laugh. All Orc Warlocks and same outfit and similar names.
this. the automated group matcher like random dungeons/heroic and LFR are barely used by most of the playerbase anyway, outside of some small group of the most extremely casual
It's a multiboxer
So if shadowfang dropped I shouldn't have needed for it even though I fully intended on selling it
Low respawn timer, and competition for mobs/escorts encourages teaming up with strangers instead of keeping yourself isolated in your discord bubble.
>40 man
Fucking underage.
Do I use leather with spirit/int or cloth for healing on Druid while leveling?
oh shut up you fucking retard.
I cleaned up the whole Stormgarde area with a group of five people three times and we still werent close to finishing our stupid badge quest. and after every clear we had to wait for over five minutes for respawns.
we all ended up abandoning it and disbanding thanks to this amazing game design that brings people together.
its garbage and you're garbage for defending this.
Oh had never heard of this before, takes a bit of the fun and charm away. Explains how he did the spells and shit all at once and how they stuck beside each other everywhere.
do you automatically get all paths in retail or what?
retail is also a singleplayer game where you don't have to talk or group up with anyone, ever.
LFM MAGE FAST LBRS XP SPAM (110k exp per hour) PST
People who talk shit about retail questing and people not being social in retail didn't play, or actively make no effort to socialise.
There is zero difference in incentives in the two games, with one small exception of LFG. But I haven't seen strangers talk about anything in dungeons that they don't already do in Retail, ie the dungeon itself and mechanics.
Everytime people talk about this shit, it reeks of people who haven't played retail in many years. Or play it deliberately trying to hate it.
But whatever, pops are already getting low, enjoy your game I guess.
ofc you should, doing anything else is stupid
i won mine on a greed roll tho
Can confirm horde side. Grob is a pretty classic-based experience so far. The only real difference is that more people know wtf is going on.
get a load of the straight insecurity from this guy lmao
>Human female mage or rogue
How is it that these are always assholes 100% of the time in wPvP, while everyone else isn't? No wonder undead and gnomes are KoS.
Again, played BfA on launch, played Legion and WoD on launch.
Retail is a singleplayer game, I could literally not die.
There was no reason at all to group up.
This has been said so many fucking times yet you still retards keep bringing it up.
For porn
but unlike vanilla teaming up actually benefits everybody involved so I still do it.
in classic I never do gather quests in a party because it would just drag things out.
Clever /follow and /assist macros with Keypassing programs(or physical real life switches)
It's actually a lot more challenging than you'd think, but also quite fun. The challenge of controlling multiple chars "correctl" at once is a unique one, and most people are just immediately blinded by "BUT MUH 5x SPELLS GANKING ME" but those same stupid faggots ignore the logic of "well why the fuck did you try to attack 5 people by yourself you stupid cunt?" as if attacking 5 normal people is any different
>pop on some podcasts and audiobooks with occasional music breaks
>grind beast mobs from 30-40 vendoring all the greys and mailing white claws/teeth/feathers/leather to bank alt
>make 200 gold
>haven't even sold the leather yet
feels good man
You're not a qt 3.14 uwu trap like your Japanese animes. You're a disillusioned ugly man. Kys
I don't know why but finding multiboxers makes me really mad. It feels like I'm playing on a private server with gold farming chinks. And it's so hard to kill them too. A multiboxing mage can one shot you, or have 100% chance of freezing you. But I just wanna see them suffer
everyone on the opposing faction is KoS, they are the enemy, it doesn't matter if they're 60 and I'm 10, i'll attack anyway just to make a point
>>haven't even sold the leather yet
leather goes for barely more than vendor prices on my server right now. You actually make more money just selling it to an npc because of AH fees and travelling.
I found a multiboxer and howl of terror'd him. All his characters ran all over the place and the main one died from the mob he was trying to kill. Unfortunatelly he was a mage, so it was stupid easy for him to do
Many things are more optimal and refined in Retail, but sometimes the old and less convenient method is more enjoyable and immersive.
In retail you don't even have to turn in quests, everything just pops up on the screen automatically, because everyone is in such a huge rush.
>Started WoW in vanilla
>Didn't get very far, highest level was a 43 hunter
>Remember the grind being pretty shit, never found much of a community to latch on to
>Burning Crusade comes out
>Get to 60 and 70, get flying mounts, love the new environments and dungeons
>Finally get into a proper guild with its own drama and shenanigans
>WotLK comes out, really hit the end-game, doing 25-man raids and maxxing out tons of alts, have a blast with most of my peak memories from then
>Fall off, like most people, around Cataclysm/the start of MoP
>All nostalgia and love of the game comes from first 2 expansions
>People only care about either full on basic ass vanilla, or modern fuck fest that the game is now
What a bummer. I get why people have love for the old experience, but I'm guessing there will never be enough of a screaming fanbase for "classic" versions of the game with BC and WotLK to get going. I'm completely apathetic towards the old that is being offered and the new that's ongoing.
I remember i bought BFA with 110 level boost and after i finished leveling i found a casual guild and did Uldir normal in a couple of weeks.
A few times we picked someone outside of the guild and i remember how the these guys started to complain about raidwipes and how everyone is shit and nobody knows the mechanics or something like that.
I can guarantee, people who complain about LFG are these people who only do pugs and can't even find a guild because they're not likeable people in general.
There are no challenging quests or mobs, thus no incentive to group up. The only way to die while leveling in retail is to get gangbanged by 5 mobs who are all 4 levels higher than you, and even then you've got a decent chance of survival if you pop cooldowns, and an even better chance of escape if you try
There's no point playing any retail patch before the last content patch of the expansion anyway, since welfare epics will make the previous patch's raid completely pointless
There's no reason to search for a guild to kill [BIG BAD] because you can just join LFR solo to kill [BIG BAD] anyway
Even if your BiS drops, unless it also Titanforges with a bonus stat and a socket you'll have that small voice in your head saying "well I guess it's not 100% BiS"
>a multiboxing mage
lucky you haven't met the terror that is a multiboxing warlock, they are absolutely evil
mages freeze you and you know you'll die, warlocks instigate if just the slightest of hope of survival and take it right back
>The hardest class to play is the best at DPS and tanking.
>The easiest class to play is basically second best at everything else.
True, I'll probably just keep it all on my leather-bank-alt until I level up a rogue or hunter or druid and use it for leatherworking
Asking for BC and Wrath is just asking for a smaller game. Once you level those extra 10 levels, you're stuck with only the stuff introduced in said expansion with little else. That and BC has even more instanced PvP and Wrath has LFD which goes literally against the whole appeal of Classic
Vanilla absolutely incentives grouping.
Last time I played retail I found a rare mob while levling and I thought nice, better find someone to take it down with me. The response in chat was lol just solo it.
So I did and it was super easy. The rare mob then respawned almost instantly for the next guy questing in the area to kill.
Levling in retail is so simple it disgusts me.
>Nobody talks because thre's a 1/100th of the people leveling in retail than there is in vanilla, retard.
Nobody talks because nobody fucking needs to, having more people in a zone in classic actually makes the game easier because you are less likely to accidentally pull 2 mobs at the same. When it's just you and another person in one area you basically have to group up.
Or do you actually think the faggot covered from heads to toes in relics needs my help when you can already 3-shot most mobs naked? He even has a mount despite being level 10, incredible.
>You stupid fucks act as if people aren't just staying in their groups or partying with strangers to clear dungeons/caves and then unparty.
Yep, because not grouping up with anybody, not talking to anybody and just getting to max level by yourself after a week so you can just spam LFR a few times and then get bored and never touch the game again is much better, that's why I play MMOs. Truly it was worth it to shifting all focus to end game content nobody gives a shit about.
actually finishing quests five times slower as a group is not enjoyable or immersive get your head out of your ass and stop with the bullshit lies about fucking quest turnins jesus christ.
>never played vanilla
>playing classic with no add ons or guides
Feels good guys. I'm having a blast exploring
Well, I'd say once you hit level 60 you're generally going to hang around 50-60 content, so I don't know if that's an entirely fair criticism of the expansions.
Regardless, you're not wrong. I still think the content offered in those 2 expansions were fantastic. I'm also of the, understandably, unpopular opinion that LFD had its benefits. And I remember much of Dalaran popping, unlike Orgrimmar/Stormwind which were waiting rooms for people doing LFR. I know I'm wrong in many ways, but I still can't help but to wish there'd be a BC "classic" at some point.
people are pugging molten core right now you dont need a guild for that either lmao.
Enjoy it bro, don't listen to retards trying to make you not have fun.
I feel that the private server faggots have ruined the game more than anyone else.
the world shrinks in vanilla when you reach endgame too. you will literally never have a reason to go to a place like westfall again.
in a way the expansions are better about it because endgame dungeons and raids are all in the leveling zones.
If they do Classic+ I'm sure there will be something like that.
You can always tell the people who don't raid because they're the only ones who bitch about LFR, it had zero impact whatsoever on high level raiding and zero impact on the community.
Warriors are not hard to play lmao.
Stop fucking replying to me.
man I'm watching guildies clear molten core bosses in under two minutes now.
they are easier than LFR.
>zero impact on the community
What community?
>not farming that sleep dust from the air elementals in Westfall
its incentives groups for small elite areas of the zone every other quest is collect 10 bear asses that is absolute cancer when you only get to loot a fraction of every mob
No need for a dungeon finder when you run a dungeon only once or twice anyway.
Best worst game ever. You thought you did and you do.
imagine getting this butthurt because your garbage post was refuted that easily
>on high level
And there's the qualifier. Piss off, cunt.
Sure, but I feel Blizzard only begrudgingly made Classic because of how much of a frothing desire there was out there for it. BC and WotLK naturally have their fans, but nothing like vanilla's.
Also forgot a big reason why I enjoyed WotLK: I mained death knight. Shit was my jam, felt like the first class I enjoyed utilizing their rotation. I miss that.
I literally spent more time standing around waiting for respawns than actually playing the game all the way to level 43.
>"Yeah I'm so glad we don't have to suffer having the STUPID dungeon finder, we finally have the vanilla experience!"
>proceeds to install Questie and insult anyone who speaks against it
That's right. A menu that breaks the need for human interaction, creates parties without input, magically teleports people from their zone and back to their zone, and makes the hardest early gameplay somehow easier than regular PVE...that's just like questie, an add-on that shows general (not live) mob locations on the minimap.
OP you might legitimately be retarded if you felt that these two are remotely similar.
Classic is about building up your character little by little, making friends along the way.
Retail is about reaching max level asap, with some cinematic shit inbetween just as an excuse to sell the expansion, so that you can play the actual game.
classic is absolutely about reaching max level asap because there's fuckall to do before 60.
hahaha no
To be fair, the teleport part is useful, and I'd be okay with it if it even put you outside the entrance and you still had to run inside e.g; Deadmines or Maraudon's mazey entrances. Walking to shit like SFK or BFG is a pain in my ass when I'm 3 maps away and guildies are waiting on me, on top of how long the runs usually are anyways.
its why so many are dungeon spamming. they are sick of the shitty samey fetch quests and want to actually play the game.
Not many are dungeon spamming.
You are seriously living in a bubble of self delusion.
The game has people questing on every zone, it's alive.
The most overlooked aspect of classic's success imo, is that it acted as an equaliser for everybody, so people could feel like they aren't 100 miles behind other players in the race, and always will be
No one is level 110 with heroic sets in classic, who won't bother doing 60% of raid difficulties, having seen it once, gotten what they need, have thousands of gold in the bank, and have all the mounts in the game already
Yeah, probably my favorite thing about it is that the zones aren't full of low levels with heirloom motorcycle escorts
I would be fine with that if they weren't from different servers as well.
Seeing the * next to their names always made me feel lonely in Retail.
No quest markers encourages exploration and you’re rewarded sometimes with cool quests. It’s immersion and role playing over convenience.
>tfw you get a Warmonger for 25g.
Why can't retail players accept that classic WoW has completely replaced retail? In the past, the idea that the consumer needs more than one vendor had never been seriously posed. But in the age of digital, and the advent of MMORPGs, it seems that the industry's acceptance of this idea is slowly dawning on developers. There is a tendency to see retail as a necessary evil, especially with WoW. But with digital, and the advent of MMORPGs, I think it is a natural evolution from retail, even if it doesn't always look that way. That has to change, and it has to happen in tandem with all those online features.
I don't understand what makes retail so different than online, or any other type of game. But that will change with a more inclusive industry.
>playing combat rogue
Play a dagger spec like a real man or reroll fury warrior.
I'm using swords and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm in the early-20s level range and having a good time taking things slow. About to out-level DM (some say VC) which is kind of sad though.
Just hit 40 on my troll priest last night. Only got 65g, need to get that farming done this weekend so I can run around and actually help my friends.
>Target macro + shoot
>0.5 second delay autoclicker
>Youtube on second screen while waiting for mob spawn
I get the tag 95% of the time.
Genuinely fucking seething.
>Run RFD
>Some fucking pleb activates the escort quest before I get it
>Run it again
I am so fucking mad.
Fuck this garbage piece of shit game. I'm not even playing. Straight up, this one fucking thing has drained any joy I had from this game and made me despise it.
Fucking GARBAGE game design, why the fuck do you have to talk to him 3 (THREE) FUCKING TIMES to do the quest? Clearly nobody can tell which part starts it and which part people need to stop talking to him at to wait for everybody else.
Why not simply have it be -
>Talk to NPC
>Quest activates, automatically asks everybody in the party if they want to accept it too
Piece of fucking trash game.
They amount of butthurt posts on this game and the inability for zoomers to comprehend playing something for fun are both astonishing.
>no new content!
Why does this matter?
>I rushed to 60 as fast as I could now what!
You were suppose to just play the game and explore a huge digital fantasy world
>raids are easy!
Raids are the worst part of the game. Only like 1% of people in og classic did naxx
>why do I have to look for group?
To have fun and go on adventures.
I play this for fun lil zoom. None of the dumb shit you bring up matters.
these activation quests are just absolute peak trash design on a level rarely seen in videogames.
>except for the changes I like
fun is not an argument. and the game does not reward exploration in the slightest bit.
also imagine thinking that fetchquests are somehow better than raids
>undead or gnome
Have you tried talking to people?
Classic feels way too easy. Even if privates were overtuned, I would rather play that.
A hard mode server would be nice
I never understood why people think spamming a global channel with lfg macros and whispering INV builds community over a convenient lfg tool that displays a list of available people. BC private servers were so comfy compared to how robotic classic is, before even getting into cleave cancer.
Because Nost was a fucking cult. After Blizzard shut down their beloved server they started crying and cryign and crying. Now they got Classic. Now they realised that their Nost Cult isn't reality. Now they are coping.
bc will be kino when it's released
>fun is not an argument
It’s a video game. Fun is the only argument. You are addicted to collecting shiny bits of digital material online. Have sex and then have fun bud.
>talking to people is less social then being paired with people by a tool
Every Tauren player I've ever had the displeasure of grouping with has been an absolute shitter that has made the dungeon run an infinitely worse time than it should be.
I'm convinced that all Tauren players are literally newfag zoomers.
fun is not an argument. fun is a conclusion.
>source: dude trust me
>completely replaced retail
>log onto retail 30 minutes ago
> 20+ servers all on full
>log onto classic
>Only Faerlina on HIGH, not even full.
Jesus, I like Classic, but it is nowhere, nowhere near replacing retail and it is most definitely losing players, anyone can see that.
Interestingly, I also saw people in Stormwind discussing the game and chatting, whereas classic, there was just silence with a couple of item sellers.
But hey, let's spread misinformation because we want Classic to succeed, right? That'll help.
QOL changes eh? thatll be one expansion + flying mounts and since that is ridiculous, mount shop
thank you for shopping quickie mart
just liike microsoft doesnt want to patch windows now without a subscription, they dont want to fix anything without a subscription which any more is not the monthly costs, no thats their free gibs to fund their jackpot machine. every new (((expansion))) is the subscription costs.
and oh btw people they think consented to this when they paid theeir employees to play anything beyond vanilla
All female tauren are 40+ year old women. Nice, but not good.
I feel sorry for those who actually type out their lfg messages for hours straight and not using macros at least. In the end, it's just more manual effort for the same result.
Im just using the LFG addon.
Gotta be a retard not to automate it all.
Im having a lot of fun with world pvp and questing, Im just not sure what spec I want to take my priest yet. Im not doing shadow as I want to focus on healing but discipline and holy get some cool skills. Does spirit of redemption see any use?
Takes 10 minutes on the long side what the fuck are you doing?
It was really bad when I played on mograine but I recently rerolled on a smaller server and people are just normally looking for groups there. Maybe it's because zoomies think playing on full servers is the way to go. Easier to find groups too compared to smaller servers.
tfw I have been playing classic without any add-ons and having a blast.
> Actually reading the quests, so I know the story reasons behind what I'm doing, even if it's bland.
> No magic marker on my map telling me exactly where to go or what to do
> Having to actually physically explore and search for things
> even collect x number of horns quests require me to search and figure shit out
> Dodging ganks and excess pat mobs
> running or FP everywhere, world feels large and is immersive
This is pure kino tier way to play. Only plebs and zoomers need the helpy tools.
I mostly just see people take whatever they can get, just the other day I was running BFD with three druids and a hunter.
Of course the hunter rolled need on my dinosaur fang dagger while I'm a rogue
Shame it doesn't seem to be lasting. All my friends already dropped it and the servers already almost seem as dead as retail with the exception of the streamer ones.
Had a group with a hunter 3 druids(2 feral 1 moonkin) and we cleared BFD no issue. Folks really do fuck themselves by trying to have meta comps for low level dungeons.
I've been using Questie to find markers for quests I didn't know existed or I forgot about. If I didn't use it, I'd probably just default to doing the same things every time I level.
immo best set up:
some meele
some other meele
any random dps
shaman/druid with some off heal
optimal setup is simply bringing the classes that wont conflict too hard when it comes to rolls.
basically paladins can get fucked.
this desu, loot conflict is the only real class comp issue you'll have in 5-mans
No it isn't, retard. You don't enjoy it because you don't play it right. Fucking enjoy the journey and take your time and quit rushing shit. Then you won't be sitting at level cap with your fucking thumb up your ass bitching because there isn't anything to do. Maybe if you didn't AOE or dungeon farm to cap as fast as fucking possible you wouldn't be bored.
the journey is trash fetchquests and braindead pve encounters you cant lose for 60 levels.
you gotta be below 50IQ to find that entertaining in any shape or form.
I'm a paladin and even without the mana back skill it's not hard to heal. Sometimes I go oom or if theres an off heal they'll help when shit hits the fan hard. Shit had a sfk with 3 paladins a lock and a mage and we did just fine.
while ganking people
wpwp is the height of WoW
Tadaa, you've found the target audience.
There is nothing fun about classic.
It has a single thing over retail, and that's itemization, everything else is a million times worse and completely unbearable to play.
The general rule is if somebody in the group can actually use it, you don't.
true, but wpvp will be a bit sparse in most areas until phase 2.
There's no fucking point rushing to 60 now when all there is to do is fucking MC and Onyxia.
Just the other day I was running a dungeon while we shot the shit about playing retail vs classic while helping our rookie tank learn things like line of sight pulling etc.
We wiped once or twice as he learned his pulls but it was comfy
Asmon layer...home.
Hit level 41 last night! Feeling strong but still nowhere close to having my mount
I have spent too many hours on Thottbot when WOW was released. It was an experience, I'll give you that. Now I'm older and have responsibilities and limited time to play so let me use a few fucking addons, please?
Are you retarded? Just look at the fucking chat
The whole fucking "communication" is literally just searching for people for dungeon aoe farming.
Nigger you clearly shouldnt be playing a fucking mmorpg. You are obviously need to be doing an arpg. Every mmo I ever played functioned the same fucking way.
can do some actual fun and huge 5man dungeons, work on your professions and make cash for the ebin mount, can start grinding reputations for recipes and enchants, can work on your gearset that will actually last for a while and wont get replaced after a day, can actually play with your guildies which isnt really a thing in the leveling phase because everybody is so spread out.
endgame is way more varied than leveling.
Why do Druids get a bad rep? Is it because they get less burst dmg?
not every mmo is boring shit fetch quests.
ragnarok is a great example.
i never used anything outside of vanilla except for recount
They don't? The only class with a bad rep is hunters since they're so easy to level.
Means you can make it to 60 without knowing how to play your class
Just ignore the meta game, leave it for the mega-autists.
This shit is put together worse than a private server anyhow, I'd unironically rather play TurtleWoW on megagrind mode than this zoomfest
>All female tauren are 20 year old creeps LARPing as 40+ year old women.
I love Ragnarok but it's a grindfest like EQ/FFXI/etc. It's more solo-friendly and has great music, but at the end of the day you're still just grinding mobs.
Constantly worried since I only have 30g at level 31
Wait I'm a warlock I get it for free.
Cata did it better
I'll agree
Raid*, Ulduar had the perfect difficulty mode integration and they threw it all away for the laziest model ever
>needing on melee weps
>pet aggroing everything in dungeon killing your group
They're referred to as huntards for a reason
True, I mean people are beating all the content so far with green gear. The game isn't as cut throat as people have made it out to be
Just wait till 60 and you gotta do the epic quests and spend hundreds and hundreds of gold on materials and fees.
yeah you actually grind mobs. you actually play the game.
you dont wait for respawns and you dont run across the world telling some fag that you slapped some mook.
you can also work on gear you will use way later super early. what a cool game.
classic sucks.
The people doing that are people that actually have experience with the game. I swear 50% of the time I do PUGs for some of the later dungeons, retards wipe multiple times and it takes forever for us to clear it.
you just need a competent tank that tanked anything in retail in the last ten years and you're fine.
the pull is the single hardest part of any encounter. if you have the IQ to not pull the whole dungeon you cant wipe.
I dunno what your experience has been, but on the Horde at least there's tons of kill quests you travel around doing then turning in all at once. It's more of a guided grind, whereas whenever I play Alliance I start seeing all the fetch quests people talk about. Westfall/Redridge as the most abysmal shit.
Huh, I guess we have a different outlook then. I view questing as playing the game waaay more than mindlessly grinding mobs for hours.
>Be druid
>Don't pick fights
>Alliance druids want to fight all the fucking time
What is with these Nelves and their small dick complex anyway? It's not even an interesting fight whoever gets the jump in cat form wins the fight
no I'm a great tank my party just sucks
Fuck off to retail trannies classic is literally perfect
sure :^)
No addons until 60!
>you will literally never have a reason to go to a place like westfall again.
>What are professions.
>What are world bosses.
>What is playing through a story line you skipped.
>What is resource farming
>What is world pvp.
Westfall is also a bad choice of zone in particular since the elementals there drop sleep dust which is always useful.
I never understood why people got so triggered over this. Who cares?
I am proud to say I do not have any add-ons and I refuse to use a Database. I have been having a blast exploring the world again, and reading the quest.
>deviate delight is now medium
umm.... grobbros????
Call me a huge fag but I actually love the fact that the NPC tells me I need to find something "northeast of here in the foothills" and then I fucking go north east, search around for a bit and find it without a fucking quest marker.
It's like, fun.
not sure how completely accurate this is but it seems reliable
plenty aren't
I always pick up all the quests, read them to find out where to go, wander around and find the location, move on to next quest location, repeat until all are finished and go turn them all in. No flashing markers on maps doing all the work and thinking for me. Very engaging, even if the actual quest objectives are simple. Its like all these fucking zoomers never played an mmorpg. Only stupid quests so far are the ones where you have to fp to another town and hand someone a letter, and even those are fine for world building and scale. People aren't big brained because they cant into this, they are impatient.
Yes that, ESPECIALLY if you're a class that doesnt have a reliable CC.
>Tank you need to wait need mana
>t. healer at 75% mana
>t. desperate ddfag
Its mentally engaging. You have to think and read. Then, you have to wander and explore, searching for the shit you need. The world and quests were clearly designed for a sort of "immersive" exploration. People just want to fast track shit. They don't want to think, they want to be shown where to go and told exactly what to do. They dont want to explore to take the scenic route to get somewhere, they want to fly over all the terrain and mobs, pick the shit up, and be done. Then they wonder why they are bored. Go figure.
>leveling a warrior because shaman wasnt all it was cracked up to be
>Feels like Im blazing through levels
>Check /played on both
>Warrior is a full 24 hours less played and 2 levels higher
Am I meant to play warrior?
>just started watching Asmongold's stream
>he's ranting about abusing layers and doing everything he can to control the server
>hunting down individual Hordes with his huge raid group in Un'goro Crater, killing everyone and farming Devilsaurs
Not everyone likes the changed not-changed version of wow classic.
Personally I would like a LFD tool. Maybe not LFR, but getting dungeon groups together should be easier. I would also like them to put stone summoning back in.
same shit happend to me 3 times on a cracked server the whole time i was within the level to do that quest. couldnt figure out how many times to talk to him or when it was time to turn it in. you talk end conversation. talk again and turn in an item. then stop. the next step starts the quest. sucks.
Thank god that's all contained on one server.
You do know that grinding mobs is most exp an hour than questing right? If you wanted to grind you are more than welcome. I also think Ragnarok Online is one of the best MMOs ever made. But, just because a game has quest doesn't mean you have to do them. The gear progression in RO is kino tho, and no MMO or RPG has ever come close to it.
> kill the furbolgs
> you will need to draw out the leader and kill him specifically
> they live east of here
> go east
> no furbolgs
> go easter
> some furbolgs
> they don't count for the quest
> east even more, a little south, find none
> keep searching the direction that is east from quest giver
> stumble upon camp
> it's the right one
> not even 100% which path I took to get here
> finish quest
> walk back through the woods west
Just imagine how boring and bland this would have been with a quest tracker telling me exactly where to go.
Personal I would like BfA trannies with their retarded ideas to leave
>dude retail is so simplified! all classes are the same!
>proceeds to play vanilla with literal 1 button rotations
wew lad.
>Quest says go east to the border
>Go east
>Hit the sea
>Feel retarded because I reread the quest and it said go east to the border of the barrens and durotar
>Go east to the border
>Feom razor hill
I shit you not, make a warrior and level to 10. The defensive stance quest tells you the guy is somewhere out in the ocean
No. Maybe an in sever group finder, but no dungeon queue matchmaking bullshit. No afk till dungeon pop bullshit. No instant tp in and out of dungeons. This is literally what killed the open world experience in retail.
Just go play retail then
I have been playing both classic and retail off and on. I have things I like/dislike about both.
problem is it is 1.12.1 on 1.0 game.
its way overpowered gear stats. they just purely shitted this out and it wont even be but the last 3 months of vanilla when they finally release everything.
>you think you do but you don't.
fuck blizzard cant do any QOL changes that is the point. no i dont want blizzard to do shit. everything to them is another chance to advertise more.
2-2-2 for overwatch composition in matches now in quickplay, want regular? well head over to arcade for quickplay (((CLASSIC)))
Warriors are the most gear dependant, if you've got a good weapon you can outpace most other classes aside from hunters and mages.
If you're using two-handers try and get a group for whirlwind axe at 30, you're set for at least 10 levels and probably a little bit beyond.
Kek isn't that some shit. 15 year old typo?
Dude the orc obviously said west and you just heard him wrong.
>Oooh weast?
>I thought yo-
You fuck
>Warriors are the most gear dependant, if you've got a good weapon you can outpace most other classes aside from hunters and mages
So just keep a leveling weapon progression then? Whats a good rule dont keep a weapon more than 2-3 levels?
Zoom Zoom Reatrannies
Thats not true. As of right now they are easy as hell and kick the shit out of everyone at every level as well as being able to tank with a two hander dealing more damage than the dps for most levels
>FUCK that LFG addon! It would have destroyed the game!
>every realm has people spamming in LFG chat asking for mages/warlocks only
I think he means that Warrior is most likely to die while doing solo content. They have no sustain and fairly low CC.
Pretty much yeah.
Also dont be afraid to use staves if you're using two-handers in general, they usually have a good DPS and spirit is good for your health regen.
Intellect also helps with weapon skill.
Check vendors when you get to a new zone or if you visit the capital, a white weapon might have significantly higher dps than your current especially in the early levels where you're only losing +1 stam or str.
Also carry around literally any shield+ 1-hander and you're good for tanking, you dont need to specialise for 5-mans nor take more than rank 1 in your prot skills.
I agree that all addons should be banned. Then they should be implemented into the base game.
If implementing them hurts the game, then they always hurt the game even as addons. If they don't hurt the game, they'd be a good addition.
>All these fucking zoomers pretending that they played Vanilla
>"Hurrrr no one used addons"
>"No one tried to level as fast as possible"
>"No one tried to optimize anything"
>"Muh community"
Vanilla WoW was filled to the brim with normies who had never played an MMO before, and most of them have never played an MMO since.
yo mongrel, find friends and play with them. that was what wow was about in the early day anyway. the shit you are describing also happened 15 years ago
>Every server
Rattlegore here. Ran every dungeon up to maraudon as a huntard. Longest I ever had to spam lfg was 25 minutes for RFD.
Dont forget
>leveling hard
>raids hard
Also stop using heroic strike.
It costs 15 rage but as it replaces your normal attack you dont get any rage from the hit and the damage increase is minimal, only use it if you have 60+ rage as a dump.
Get a swing timer addon and weave your skills inbetween normal attacks so you dont interrupt that damage.
Sunder armor should be your go-to and booming voice is a good early talant so you have less upkeep on battle shout.
If you want to go full tryhard you can hamstring kite so you take less damage but it's not needed.
>doing some warlock quest in dustwallow
>have to talk to this lady and fight a femon
>a bunch of other warlocks and mages there
>it's one of those quests that make the npc move around and have dialogue so nobody can talk to her while she does that
>the demon fight is timed and you can't turn in the quest after the fight if someone else activates her too quickly because she becomes uninteractable again
>like 30 people sitting here unable to finish their quest because retards keep activating theirs
>abandon quest and go somewhere else
this piece of shit game was not designed as a real mmo and it shows over and over and over again
Does anyone actually find McRaiding enjoyable?
Yo your dailies are waiting . Cant skip the grind just log out after till tmrw
That is a flat out lie faggot. Vanilla didn't have a quest helper till maybe a while year and a half into the game. And even then it was a pile of shit and no one installed it.
Stop making up a false narrative to support your stupidity.
>weave your skills inbetween normal attacks so you dont interrupt that damage.
nigger, the only thing you've got that can even do that is fucking slam
don't use slam
>Just ran RFD again
>I activated the quest this time
>Finished doing the survival shit
>Brazier appears
>I click it
>Blank page with Continue (greyed out) and cancel
>Couldn't finish the quest because of some fucking faggoty bug
Yep, I am mad. I literally will never get a better ring than the one you get from this until fucking raiding.
This is the most bullshit garbage I have ever seen from a video game.
>30 year old boomer
>all my friends from high school are back playing
>we are almost level 40
>one of our most hyped friends is still only 14 and constantly only logs into play retail as he doesn't have the attention span to level
>even in Burning crusade he offered me money to level his character
>he decided to level a priest...
It is quite frustrating
>using questie
>using step-by-step leveling guide like joana/zygor/wowclassiclive/whatever
Who do no-helper purists despise more?
QUESTIE. No one actually follows those guides and people wing it. I sometimes check 1 once in a while only to realize that is isn't helpful at all as I done most of the quest or something similar.
I'm stalagg alliance side 99% of groups are spellcleave only. As a rogue I have to make my own group which takes awhile and I've had people leave saying "no mage zzzz gg"
Im stalagg horde side and we havnt had much of an issue making non-cleave groups for SM. Its been more of a pain finding tanks because if feels like even though 20% of the server is warriors none of them play at the same time as I do
made potential characters on Kromcrush, Benediction, Incendius, and Sulfuras
what one should i go with bros? leaning towards Kromcrush right now
OP is for once not a faggot. WoW's biggest enemy is its own playerbase.
>leveling hunter
>no one wants to do instances with me because lolaoe
>hit 60
>don't have to look for groups, get whispered to join strat. brd, ubrs, mc
easy life
I spent an hour last night trying to get a normal SM LIB run as a warlock. Nothing special. I stood around the portal because people would definitely already be there and summoning stones of course don't work because community which means kick if they have to wait.
An hour for the most popular low-mid instance. The place was brimming with people. An hour of fruitless LFG in every channel. I'm on gehennas, one of the most populated EU servers. Thanks nochanges friends, loving the "interaction" brought by flooded chats and metagaming.
>retail defense force gone into overdrive since classic launch
I love how much you guys are seething, but where were you for the first year of BFA, hm? :)
anytime, friend
I miss the old times.
>Play Vanilla
>Use Thottbot
That sucks. Took me 15 mins on Ashbringer as a warlock by the summoning stone.