>he won
how does he do it
He won
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>Nigger named die Hardman is wearing a cravat.
Literally shut the window 10 seconds into the video.
must be a tough existence seething over such mundane details
Not at all, I have a great life. But it would be really hard to exist if the opinions of others forced me to find coping mechanisms to deal with cognitive dissonance.
Glad we agree.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I actually love niggers and am just playing around lol
What If die hardman is just a code name or the name of his program because hes just an A.i./copy of someone's memories/digital copy of someone's brain just like the chick in the trailer appears to be? Nah you're right die hardman is probably his real birth given name.
Die Hardman is a really shitty codename.
>What If die hardman is just a code name or the name of his program because hes just an A.i./copy of someone's memories/digital copy of someone's brain just like the chick in the trailer appears to be?
My god, is this supposed to be a good thing? Just look at what you wrote and try to tell me that's good storytelling.
>"I walked. I could do nothing but walk. And then, I saw me walking in front of myself. But it wasn't really me."
That is Kojima talking about being with Konami. That was what it was like for him.
>"The gap in the door... it's a separate reality."
A life free from Konami.
>"The only me is me."
Kojima saying "I am myself. Nobody controls me. I'll do what I want."
>"Are you sure the only you is you?"
Kojima asking other employees of Konami, basically "Are you who you want to be, or are you playing a role that they want you to play? And are you sure they don't see you as expendable?"
Absolute genius.
>window 10
Enjoy your spyware.
7 minutes long briefing.
Dude if I want to read Tom Clancy's books all over again they are still on my library, untouched
The madman. I'm still watching the videos, but this starts to make a lot more sense now. We needed that exposition of the first vid after all these years.
Genuinely hope Kojima dies tbqh
so what kind of game is it, been watching for about 10 minutes.
holy fuck man
Conceptually interesting, and I imagine it would be an engaging and interesting experience for at least 10 hours. But think about it this way - after those 10 hours, and you go on to play your favorite game (which obviously has replayability), what's gonna make you come back to this game? Even if playing DS crosses your mind, you're gonna think about the walking, and probably go 'nah cbs with that' and play something else. I frankly cannot see the replayability in a title like this, and it's scary because even MGSV - wherein the shills kept retardedly spouting 'you're suppose to make your own fun!' - got so boring as for me to drop it and never complete it 25-30 hours in.
The only saving-grace I can think of is if on the harder difficulties, the game turns into a challenging survival game. In that case, I can imagine booting it up a couple of times a week and doing a trek.
Probably the biggest and most intricate "fuck you" in the history of fuck you(s).
Of course it's about America. Why is Kojimbo such a cowboyphile.
>imagine hating something so much you shut down windows 10
I agree completely. I've replayed MGS 1, 2 and 3 plenty of times but just the thought of sitting through MGS4's cinematics and other barely interactive segments has put me off of replaying it. Same with MGSV but with the boring nature of the missions.
that's complete BS. 80% of his old studio didn't followed him. in fact the oldkojipro wasn't even disbanded, just renamed.
I'm not saying this to be consolewarrior as I also own a PS4, but holy fuck this looks so clunky compared to BoTW.
looks fine
>container condition fully repaired: sperm and eggs
I for one can't wait to haul coomies all over America for Kojima.
Not him but in what world does it look fine?
it looks better each time i look at it though.... the lack of any buildup to the jump still bugs the fuck out of me
I dont fucking see whats wrong with it, explain yourself or shut the fuck up, he has a fucking exoskeleton
>it's actually goty material
>Yea Forums btfo again
You know the character is wearing exoskeleton legs in that scene right? It's not his muscles jumping, it's steel and hydraulics. It's not supposed to look natural.
Not him, but it is bad. It's context sensitive jumps. I wouldn't even be bothered by it, but the game has actual jump button, and it does not let you jump that far. There are a few more in the video. Looks like they magnet you to the closest safe ground and it does not look good.
It's the SPEED exoskeleton, not the POWER exoskeleton, and it doesn't look visually appealing either. The speed exoskeleton should not be able to cross a massive jumping distance without any buildup, he stops at the ledge instead of using his momentum to jump, implying he's jumping with sheer strength, which shouldn't be done with an exoskeleton not designed for that purpose.
Finaly some gameplay. Looks like reskin of MGS V honestly.
You sound like a faggot that lets pol memes control its entire life. Lmao, kys spineless worm.
Well you go ahead and seethe about the sci-fi magic not working according to your sci-fi magic logic. Enjoy.
Oh haha forgot to say this also, I only love them when they fuck my wife haha.
He got them robo legs though
This was expected from the start. You think all these years of preperation, drama and big names and checks wouldn't literally pay off in the end?
I'm hyped about this game and I'm not even a big Kojimafag.
It's not sci-fi magic logic, it's simply logic. The power skeleton would allow you to carry heavier things and make big jumps like that, the speed skeleton would only allow for something like that by using momentum, which he was NOT using.
This garbo sounds like bible class where the priest sees made up shit in text that's not even there.
I still giggle at Bad Heartman
If you couldn't have fun in MGSV then you should probably just stop playing vidya.
Everything is full of spyware today. You can't escape it.
>It's the SPEED exoskeleton, not the POWER exoskeleton in vydia
I'll be damned, you actually do play as a post-apocalyptic mailman.
>a post-apocalyptic mailman
Plus Secret Service-like agent
More like this is teaser for death stranding and have nothing to do with silent hills.
Sam's limbs are Big Boss jacked. Delicious.
It will take some time for that. With no script and 50 minutes of dialogue, it's not easy to sub the whole video.
blind nigga jealous other can see the light
>watch video
>40 percent walking around lifeless landscapes
>20 percent different kinds of resting
>20 percent fighting braindead soldiers
>20 percent fighting a boring bullet sponge boss
No wonder Kojimbo waited 3 fucking years after revealing the game to actually show gameplay. He wanted to create an army of fanboys who have this perfect imagined game in their heads and have them mindlessly defend the gameplay when he does show it to the public.
For over a year now, people have been saying that if Metal Gear Survive was its own IP and had a full dev effort behind it instead of just old assets, it would've been amazing. The best part about this gameplay demo is that those people have now been proven 100% correct.
>lifeless landscapes
this is the worst part
This is fucking painful to watch.
At least some walking sims have good narratives, this is just walking around the lifeless landscape with a bit of horrendous combat.
I will take things like Journey over this trash any day.
Even the settlements he comes across are drab and dull.
>Walking sim
The only way to have fun in MGSV is to treat it like a toy yourself, if I wanted a tech demo sandbox I wouldn't have come to this series in the first place.
what wrong anakin? not enough cut scenes
Oh there were cutscenes aplenty but not enough videogame between those. I can still hear 'analysis complete' and fulton's sfx anytime I think about them.
Wait, Kojima put his childhood waifu in the game and then made her his self-insert's love interest? Kojima is such a goon, lmfao.
I don't know how anyone can have fun doing shit like "press square to massage your own shoulders", "hold square to sleep", "press square while sitting in first-person mode to soothe the baby" and so on. From 15:55 to 18:29 in the video, the character literally does nothing but sit on the ground and do these things. Apparently that's something you periodically have to do to recuperate your strength. Then at 21:14 you can stand around doing nothing at a shelter and give a fellow player a Like for putting on music or some shit like that. Is that really what Kojima has been working on these past three years that he's so fucking proud of? He's proud of putting social media whoring in videogames?
>I will take things like Journey over this trash any day.
At least Journey didn't have gimmicky shit like in Death Stranding.
What actual combat we did see was just retarded. At 24:40 in OP's video, you see four yellow soldiers running at him. One of them literally just runs to the left and pauses doing nothing before continuing to run again to the player. The player later throws a backpack at the enemy and the enemy doesn't even try to dodge. He just stands there while the player slowly throws a backpack at him.
>too lazy to animated reedus tying his hair properly so the camera just moves down while he does it
this isn't even a good movie
miss me with these creepy ass babies
good soundtrack though
How does Kojima just keeping winning and shutting down all retards that try to meme against him?
That boss fight was lame as fuck. You just throw grenades at it?
He didn't win shit, he made an ass out himself again by showing off his over glorified walking simulator. This whole thing is about to blow up in his face and his retard fanboys will finally realize he's a hack.
Looks pretty trash to me.
honestly well done to him for this
Kojima says multiple times he's just a zako, a normal mob
>makes the female host cum
the game is shit
he will only win because people love dick riding kojima even though hes a big hack
The jump animation looks great. The landing animation looks like shit, though, and I don't understand why didn't they fix it.
Posts that call Kojima a hack might as well be generated by a bot at this point and there would be no difference.
And yet robots don't lie. Coincidence? I think not.
Yes, and there is another animation issua at 41:30 when you can see the backpack moving in a very weird way.
Anyone have the story summary leak from a few years ago? The one that knew about Lindsay Wagner long before the reveal
Interesting for this as well, I remember reading something about the ending and how it would kind fuck us like never before but i think it was all pre-hyped shit
You mean the leak that said she turned down the role and that a dozen other actors who aren't actually in it would be in the game? That very legit leak? Nah.
Kojima is like the Vidya version of John Woo, does a shit ton of great unique stuff back in the old days, wears their westaboo influence on their sleeves, try ever harder to get accepted by their burger peers, with varying success, and then degenerates completely as success, hubris and dementia takes hold.
a Hideo Kojima bump