Yea Forumsros... Im sorry... Im actually a retarded zoomer
I bought Doom 1 and 2 on switch and i cant fucking play it
Im on mid difficulty, ffs am i bad at vidya?
>Inb4 switch
I need excuses to get more playtime out of it, it was just gathering dust
Yea Forumsros... Im sorry... Im actually a retarded zoomer
Just play Brutal Doom on PC
Doom sucks. It's just old boomer shit.
t. boomer
this. quake is objectively better.
I think i tried the quake demo once ony old highschool laptop but it didn't work, so just didn't bother
Perhaps itll work on my current laptop
Play Quake HD mod
Brutal Doom is for fags.
Play the vanilla game with mouselook and OpenGL support (if you're a graphics whore) for a decent compromise between classic gameplay and modern features.
Turn auto run on, 'cos it makes it 10x easier to dodge enemies/projectiles, and put the sensitivity as high as you can handle. The only real bullshit levels in Doom 1 are on episode 4, so otherwise if you just methodically work your way through the levels you should be fine. You can even quicksave any time you get to a hard part if you really want to
Losing at the game is part of the learning experience.
You won't be good on the first time. Keep trying.
user, the truth is that old games aren't built as well. They have a design philosophy that isn't as refined and so they are mechanically more difficult to play because they have more jank to contend against.
And yes you suck.
Why do people dislike Brutal Doom so much
Especially if you're gonna add mouselook anyway
Not enough soul and atmosphere
Feels like parody of "Your mom doesn't want you to play this!"-stuff
Same reason why I didn't like D44M
T.Not him
To each their own
Doom needs to be played on a PC. It's designed that way and is unironically a lot more fun.
It never is as good with a gamepad; play 64, 3 or D44M if you need to use a gamepad.
no. play it in software mode with mouselook so you can look up if you need to, but the whacky fake3d look makes you keep your crosshair in the middle. its the perfect compromise. having 3d mouselook looks weird for a game we played without vertical camera adjustment, and not being able to look up when you want to see something is one of the games fatal limitations.
using software non-3d vertical mouselook is the ultimate compromise
no soul
+the weapons in brutal doom fucking suck
both of you, though do what you do - these are just my thoughts care to hear why im wrong
People tend to forget dying is part of video games.
It attracts retarded secondaries who know absolutely nothing about Doom beyond a few panels of the comic that they saw on Reddit.
I managed to clear Doom2 on the GBA (not even an SP with lighting), it shouldn't be a problem on the Switch.
this. OP needs to shut the fuck up and get gud he has analog sticks for christs sake
When I played doom as a kid all i had was arrow keys and constant wrist cramps from playing the game that way (which caused more deaths than I can be held accountable for because i would play until they spasmed)
go back to fortnite looser
theres a basedtendo switch port for that one, too
Original Doom isn't hard. At all.
All the "Doom is hard" memes come from expansions like Plutonia and fan made levels.
Software mode can be pretty expensive at high resolutions though.
That flag doesn't belong to you, grandpa.
Even the original Spider Mastermind and Cyberdemon, the two toughest enemies in the original could be cheesed because their stages were either intentionally or unintentionally designed to help you do so. I unironically found nuDoom slightly more difficult because the enemies are designed to be sponges to make sure you use the execution system like a faggot.
Just buy doom 3 and play it on the in game computer.
Just don't use any HD textures and turn off texture filtering.
On pc*. Also use the dpad instead of stick on switch.
>+the weapons in brutal doom fucking suck
I dunno, I like that you can fire the SSG one barrel at a time.
>Im on mid difficulty, ffs am i bad at vidya?
Yes. The fact that you own Switch further underlines this.
>Brutal Doom
End your pitiful life. Now.
>Why do people dislike Brutal Doom so much
Because it's turbo edgy and completely ruins the games' style and balance.
>Especially if you're gonna add mouselook anyway
I absolutely cannot understand the brainletts who use shit like BD as some sort of "modernization patch".
BD fags are also the reason why new Doom was turned into linear QTE beat-em up.
He’s using analog sticks instead of the dpad.
Fuck, I remember playing the original Doom on the GBA. Shit must have run at 15 fps, it was awful
I'm dirt poor but I'm glad I bought a good PC when I wasn't before
>Because it's turbo edgy
mate you're playing doom
i hated doom4
Its just a "press the melee button" simulator
Its like they wanted to be different from the crowd of modern shooters, but in doing so made gameplay as repetitive as that which they tried to avoid
Doom 4 makes rage look good, at least its a functional game
Rage is good. Just needed more bosses And needed to Use the mad max convoy mechanic of shooting bandits off your car in first person.
le rip and tear lol
Well, I don't know how doom plays on a console, but I can't be much worse than playing it on a keyboard like some did back then.
Use autorun, keep moving to avoid projectiles, hitscanners can be a bitch but you have to prioritize the shotgunners because they take away a large chunk of your health, and they can miss you as long as you run.
Pinkies are pretty easy to stunlock, just move back and forth and their bite won't reach you.
Berserker packs makes your fists stronger for the rest of the map.
And git gud
If you can't beat E1 on ultra violence yeah you're a zoomy with no hope
are we seriously trying to pretend doom hasn't always been edgy
adrian carmack literally hated working on commander keen because it wasn't edgy, he just wanted to do more doom shit
>unnamed man
Unrealistic article. They would dtart by dragging his name through the mud
dieing is part of the 90s experience. only in past 20 years games are made to be 'won within a day'. you should have a challenge on mid difficulty, that's why it's medium difficulty, you are medium. get better.
also witha controller this game is harder to play.
learn the map layouts, listen to your surroundings, learn what monster is fought with what weapon the best. (tip: weapon 4 for the big red cacodemon)
he's playing at hurt me plenty
>Brutal Doom
I'll bet this thing could release some serious cacodemons!
>on switch
Dear lord nintentrannies get some tastes asap, you can't even run any doom wads on this shit. And I heard there's no gyro controls. Why did you bought this shit nigger?
>Brutal doom is BAD, it's SOULESS and RUINS THE BALANCE!
You fucking memeposting retards wouldn't be spouting that kind of nonsense if you actually did played this mod and realized that everything can be turned off or modified. Yes you can play brutal Doom with no executions, no abusive melee, no headshot, or no voicecommands. Now shut the fuck up, brutal doom is great and is legitimately better than vanilla doom where every gun feels like a peashooter
>vanilla doom where every gun feels like a peashooter
Brutal Doom is good but this is some dumb shit. Vanilla Doom and Doom 2 shotguns are class.
>ITT a bunch of failed modmakers jelly of Brutal doom
The Super shotgun is alright but all the other guns sound like shit. Again I'd rather use the brutal doom version.
Classic Mode turns off too much making it even more soulless.
>Someone breaths new life by making doom something the developers would've made it, if hardware had been better at the time.
You and everyone like you are a community of morons who haven't even finished doom at least twice.
>Brootal Dewn
Never reproduce
Just play on easy then.
Go do some 'soul-searching' off a nearest apartment roof or a cliff
I understand it was discussed earlier in the thread, but who genuinely likes Brutal Doom? I'm a sickening shit-eating zoomer whose first Doom was 2016 and Brutal Doom just looks tacky and silly to me. Doom 1's balance and design is god-tier and BD kinda fucks with it.
Who plays this??
you just bad
I'm 9/11 kid, but beat every doom (except n64 and 3 because didn't even touched them ) at least 3 or 4 times, plus different wads with brutal doom
also, everything under ultra violence fucking sucks
git gud, fag
or go play something else, idk
tons of people, it's extremely popular
Why, though? That's what I'm asking. Classic Doom is already perfect, why would you add a mod with tacked on shit like reloading? Or, like, the "enhanced" graphics. The Imp's fireballs and the bullets and blood and all that, it looks so fake and weird because it doesn't mesh at all with vanilla Doom's graphics, so you get this ugly combination of "modern" blood, bullets, and fire + pixellated 1990s sprites. It looks gross.
you can choose between normal difficulties and bd designed diffs
well, I found bd fun because it's expand game in many ways, and after beating original doom it makes game feel fresh
*breathes in*
you can turn off reloading and other additions
Play it on PC instead. It's more optimized, and you'll do better with a mouse and keyboard.
You are completely right. The people who like it are the same people who listen to Pantera and watch The Walking Dead. Trash taste plens who are attracted by the edginess and the edginess only. It doesn't even occur to them that the game balance changes are almost exclusively for the worse.
you don't like it, others do
it's not a big deal
I can't believe how much of a fuckup the switch version is. Why couldn't they just port GZDOOM and let us load wads?
It is kind of a big deal when lots of people with shit taste dictate the future of something you like.
>trash like Pantera
>didn't know that there is literally their tracks ingame
shut up, muppet
if you don't like something only because it's fun or it brings joy to people you better kill yourself right now
it's really not
if classic doom is perfect what reason do you have to care about doom 4 or any other shit
>the same people who listen to Pantera and watch The Walking Dead
Sounds like Doom-era id to me.
Because doom 2016 could have been good but instead they pandered to the brutal doom audience. They've even balanced all health/ammo drops around glory kills in doom eternal now
yeah but classic doom is perfect so just play that.
You gotta be stupid to think turning that shit off saved BD from being a mess of a mod that ruins all maps except for the ones made for it.
Doom autists once again proven as one of the worst fanbases on Yea Forums.
if doom is already perfect for you then you should replay games or play different wads
if you don't like what's happening to doom - too fucking bad, because everything changes and moving on
nobody gonna change shit just because user doesn't like it, so just forget about it and remember that you already have a good game
if you don't think that sufficient complaining has a significant impact on future games you're a fool
The wad-loading would never have gotten on Switch. Being able to upload SD card files in a Switch game would make homebrew loading laughably easy.
My main issue with the Bethesda ports is the framerate and music. Fix those two things, let us rebind controls, fix the performance issues, give us more display options like GzDoom has, and you've got a decent port.
ANOTHER fucking doom shill thread. just what we needed, thanks!
I hate Brutal Doom but I actually fucking adore nu-Doom and I think it's just as fun as classic Doom.
>br*tal doom
well, nobody gonna listen to Yea Forums retards that's for sure lol
Why? Nu-doom doesn't have the classic level design and the whole strafe+ shooting gameplay is destroyed in favor of glory kills. Map design and ammo/health economy is completely gone. Level designers can no longer guide your experience by revealing weapons and ammo through the course of the level since you have unlimited health and ammo through glory kills. There is so much artistic and design complexity removed. And it was all replaced with boring as shit arenas where enemies slowly spawn in one by one instead of groups of enemies encountering the player when turning a corner/entering a room/ etc.
whats the issue with BD? I only played base 1, 2 and 4
Autism, that's it
I like nuDoom because it's fast, and it's fun. Sure, the intricacies of Classic Doom's design is gone, but nuDoom is a fun game to play when I just want to fuck shit up and unwind after a long day.
It's definitely inferior to Classic Doom, but it's still leagues better than any other FPS released since it came out.
I refuse to purchase this rerelease on any platform until the music is fixed.
>I like nuDoom because it's fast
You aren't providing any arguments. nuDoom is plenty faster than most other non-Doom FPS games.
I can actually respect that opinion. When playing nu-doom, I don't hate it intrinsically. But after a while I just can't ignore the loss in quality.
first of all, doom should never be played on anything other than a PC. refund the game now or accept your loss and just get a PC copy.
second, imagine paying the inflated Nintendo prices for a 25+ year old game and then having fucking DRM on it holy shit what is wrong with you