ITT: expansions that were better than the base game
ITT: expansions that were better than the base game
Eh, I didn't really like knowing that my Elizabeth's story ends with herdepowered, tortured, and beaten to death UNDA DA SEA
She genuinely deserved better
Shit was retarded, and soured me on Bioshock in general. Felt like Levine burning the building down on the way out.
What made it so good was that it was genuiely sad.
In a forced way though. In order to facilitate drama, Elizabeth had to suddenly become an idiot who forgot that she was a god of time and space long enough to get killed by a Big Daddy, and then performs a bunch of tasks for a guy who by all rights shouldn't be trusted in any capacity, and essentially condemns a city of thousands (including children) to death, all for the possiblity that Jack will come in and save the Little Sisters, even though it's just as likely that he could decide to harvest them all.
Well yeah, it's sad to see a character you like die in such an awful way.
Call me sentimental but I got really attached to Elizabeth and don't really care for this DLC. It's connections to 1 are clumsy at best and it does really feel like a mean spirited way to nuke the franchise
Also the only character who felt true to nature was Atlas/Fontaine.
Cohen is a child smuggling pimp
Ryan is fascinated and not immediately overcome with paranoia by the idea of an extradimensional spy
The Lutece's are flat out begging Elizabeth not to throw her life away
GhostBooker is overly sentimental
Elizabeth is vengeful and stupid despite ending Infinite as a detached Dr Manhattan type
Just left a bad taste. I appreciate that you like it though
burial at sea was complete horseshit once you got over being in rapture again, while it was thriving. also some decent slightly non linear sections but the story is fan fic tier, makes the base game's story look flawless
This is accurate.
Hearts of Stone is without flaw.
Blood and Wine's plot is a flawed mess but at least I could give a shit
>BAS Liz
it was better than 2's single player.
It was good. Not like BaS though.
It's still better than 2 and that's what counts
Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark, too.
Pic Related
Hearts of Stone was better than it had any right to be.
This dude shares my thoughts.
I just wish it was longer.
Also this.
Unironically the best game to come out this year.
and this
hated that game. very low quality cutscenes ruined it.
They weren't that bad. Sure, they had the feeling of a cheap 80's Saturday morning quality cartoon, but that was the point of the whole game.
Better than the base game of Infinite is a low bar my dude. BaS wasn't very good, one of the highlights was Elizabeth's design because it made me COOM.
Reminder to all that it's a borrowed bra stuffed with padding
It's not hard to be better than Infinite. That game was absolute garbage. Even Elizabeth was terrible.
They complement each other perfectly. If you want another big playground to whistle for your magic horse and a shit ton of quests, you get Blood and Wine. If you want an excellent story, you get Heart of Stone.
>If you had a feeling, a suspicion that the agent in front of you was bad, and you could take them out right now no questions asked, would you do it?
>Blood dragon
Mah nigga farcry peaked right there and everything since has just been one dying gasp after another. And the only follow up we ever got was a fucking trials mashup are you fucking kidding me
>shitty meme game that introduced more faggots to shitty memewave genre that Yea Forums made up as a joke
DAILY REMINDER to meme responsibly kids or else shit like Yea Forums gold will become real
Hmmmm. Good point.
BaS somehow managed to make the ending of Infinite even worse.
Why is Bioshock 2 so hated? It’s unironically my favorite Bioshock game.
It was really good but I feel like it didn't live up to its incredible opening/setup.
Thank you Sebastian
It implied communism is bad
I remember thinking it was just fine. Good lore, natural escalation of the story from the first. The neutral ending still makes me cry.
Infinite is literally only good because of Elizabeth, and you saw how much respect they had for her in BAS.
>>yo dawg I herd you liked our sweet innocent Disney Princess Pollyanna dreamgirl in the sky! So we turned her into a stupid murderous big tittied femme fatale in Rapture!
The ending of Blood and Wine was the perfect send off for Geralt
Both are kino.
That was so disapointing I even payed the full 20$ price for it.
I mean 40$