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>I guess
Yeah it's alright
Physically cannot because of the combat power requirements
TF2's master difficulty is so easy
The only difficult fight in the entire campaign is vs. Ash because it's a tiny arena and she has a melee-focused titan vs your limited loadout options.
Worse, you have to babysit BT because if you just jump out and try to fight on foot you fail when she rushes him down.
>he thought I mean Titanfall 2
Astral Chain.
Very much.
The game is sick.
try not to kill yourself
I dislike this comic, I feel the artist knows nothing about ants.
>Tetris 99
>I'll quit if/when I win Invictus
I'm sorry, but I can't contain my autism and must say that 100% of all worker and warrior ants are female. Male ants exist only to copulate with the queen and die.
outer wilds and control
loved them, put outer wilds on my like top2 and control on top5-10
of course I finished
real empty now
dont know what to play, dont think anything will come out that can top those in years
Horizon Zero Dawn
Not disliking it but not loving it either
Still going on
Secondary quests design is mostly trash: fetch quests, lack of balance in distribution (go to Meridian and you'll get almost 10 of them, go to other places after that city and you'll get a max of 2), the lack of decision making and having to bounce from one end of the map to the other makes them a pain 60% of the time (yeah, even if they end up giving more context and infos about the world).
The writing and characterization can end up being poor or simply insulting to the player's QI, especially when it comes to the villains.
Dicey Dungeons
Mixed feelings, it's a fun and simple roguelite but the artstyle was kind of offputting
I 100%ed it anyway
But only the ants who fly are males, and they die after fugging
Imagine equating your intellectual level as one on the level of ants. And then wonder why society is failing despite being in the most peaceful and prosperous levels in history.
Astral Chain. Probably my least favorite Platinum game. I'll finish it though.
How RNG heavy is it? Is there any situations where no matter your build you're at a coin toss situation?
I'm playing Megaman 9 right now and it's great. Just gotta clear the castle and I'm done.
There's a lot of ways to mitigate RNG on your own turns but enemy attacks can be very high variance. I wouldn't call it a cointoss but on the hard mode levels you can end up in hopeless situations. Overall though it's not that bad.
Thanks for the info.
>diversity quotas for ants
>99.99% of an ant colony are already female
What did he mean by this
The last game I finished was The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan. With movie night-mode, 4 friends and a ton of beer it was actually damn fun. The plot is retarded and the "gameplay" nonexistant but we had a fun night anyway.
I'm currently playing The Division 2 with a few buddies and its pretty fun, probably gonna finish it too.
it's okay, the details are interesting enough to keep me playing
I just started last night
Night in the woods
I liked it a lot
the characters were all interesting in their own way and I related to the main character to an almost uncomfortable degree in a lot of her experiences what with going home to your small town and feeling an odd mix of nothing changing and everything changing. Ended abruptly and left me wanting to learn more about the world and all the spooky mysteries, shame he died n stuff.
Baba is you. I finished it 100%, but it left me mixed feelings. The game has fun mechanics but some puzzles are pretty bullshit.
No, it's shit.