So how are you enjoying classic so far Yea Forums ?
Friendly WoW classic thread
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Why are you playing classic. Come back to the real game. We actually have a healthy pop with way better graphics!
I'm suprised how most people I've met in game aren't assholes
Nobody cares
>healthy population
Full of underage whiner children.
>real game
>forced storyshit
>dumbed down everything
>fucked up world with nothing interesting to do any more
You have helped kill real gaming.
one of the worst things blizzard did was add all those stupid mounts in the game
i tanked Scholomance and Stratholme yesterday!
I am 10 bars from lvl 60.
Even got my first part of the Wildheart set!
I enjoyed it, but I'm done. I got to level 25 and had some good times, but I don't want to play any more.
Yeah I just helped my bro steal broken tooth from the horde, since I already have mine. I spotted an orc taming him, I managed to ice trap him before he finished taming, and my friend was able to tame broken tooth while the orc was dead. Makes 3 for the guild now
It's been pretty fun so far, I just wish Alliance players would stop running away and start grouping and fight back in PVP.
>level to 30
>realize I don’t want to play that class
>create a new character
>level to thirty
>get bored again
I’ve done this four times. Help me
I'm almost level 52 so I think so.
same but longest i can stand is 20
i guess time to roll huntard again
levelling in hillsbrad during rush hour is an absolut racket. wpvp is back on the menu, bois
Level 30 on my warrior. Got all the items for whirlwind axe just need those bloodtusk scalps in stv. They're level 33-34 and camped by horde and endless warriors. Only a 33%~ drop chance as well.
This is hell, and always the lowest point for me with a warrior. Probably not worth the effort but it's a right of passage damnit. Gonna level up a bit and come back to it
What game is that? I don't recognise it
I fucking knew nights used to be darker.
I hate how bright the game is now, completely immersion ruining.
It’s been an interesting experience. I started in WotLK on ICC progression and played all the way through 1 year into Legion. I was an Alliance fanboy back then, but now that I’m an actual adult I’d say I enjoy Horde way more. The playerbase is a lot more mature than Alliance it seems. I mained Ret paladin in retail, but since I’m Horde the closest thing to a paladin they have are shamans. I was going to level a shadow priest because of how broken they were in vanilla pvp, but shaman so far is really satisfying to play when you’ve got good gear.
I’m currently level 42, but I had to take a break for a couple of days to prepare for an interview. Since I don’t actually have a job yet I have all the time in the world. What would be a useful suggestion for me whose never really played vanilla aside from leveling a priest to mid 20’s on Light’s Hope to increase my leveling speed. So far I’ve found that I’m taking an average of 6 hours to level. I know that might seem cringe, but there has to be a way to reduce this. I know about addons so i’ll have to download them later today, many higher level people have suggested leveling in zones with green quests. Any other tips?
I abandoned my day 1 character at lvl 12 because it was a Human Mage and my autism forced me to make a Gnome Mage instead. I got 3 other mages to 10-15 as well because I couldn't decide which realm to roll on. Finally stuck with 1 character up to 30 and I regret not just sticking with my day 1 character. I hate being a Gnome and I wish my level actually reflected how much I've been playing. Otherwise, I've been enjoying the leveling experience
when i said wow is gonna kill wow, Classic is not what i had in mind.
just got my mount!
Wow, it must be hard to get entire realm pop into one place
and charged with real money for them. remember the retarded horse?
What a goddamned clusterfuck. I can barely even register what I'm looking at at first glance. Cosmetics were a mistake.
In a way I do too, but it's symptomatic of the general population rather than the faction.
Horde players seem slightly more aggressive than Ally, but equally they outnumber ally on all PvP servers - so that might be an illusion (also in terms of ability to group up).
I've been ganking whilst levelling on both my rogue and lock, and there has been remarkably little resistance.
i'm not enjoying it because i can't stop being paranoid about having picked the right server or not
i can't stop worrying about shit like faction balance and whether or not the server will have a healthy population in the future
not to mention server transfers aren't really an option for me because my name is already taken on all other servers
Neither of these games will ever die.
I'm in SM atm, about to spam some spellcleave so I can catch up with my brother.
>old guildmates kinda forced me to play on shazzrah
>they are rushing 60, had raids already scheduled before release
>picked priest, powerleveled it till 20 something, queues still in hours.
>get burnt up, fuck this game
Week later
>friend told me to come play on diffrent server
>chill out guild, people still around lev 40
>rolled warrior, playing slow, having fun
>friend play feral, hes waiting for me to level together
>stv will be fun
Slow down lads, game is to be savored
is having a 40/60 ally/horde faction ratio on your server bad or still somewhat acceptible?
That's not a recent pic. Noone does that world boss anymore.
A whole lot. Almost all my friends have jumped on board, and 5 of us are leveling at the same pace, which makes grouping comfy and fun.
Currently 47, playing priest.
Haven't all pets been normalized tho?
>world boss
it's just a regular elite user and people still do him because of the chance of a mount drop
>Slow down lads, game is to be savored
This is what's confusing me. Why rush sixty when you have like six months between raid tiers?
Absolutely abhoreent post, fucking zoomers ryining classic
All addond should be banned
The balance on my realm is 70/30 in horde favor. I play alliance 9/10 times, PvP will end with a metric fiction of hordes being summoned. So I don't initiate PvP, but if someone attacks me, I fight back. It does get old getting ganked by 5 man horde premades tho, but I find post STV that it's not really am issue anymore.
>tfw 34
I am taking it easy, sad I didn’t get to exploit zoomercleave
the alliance needs a strong leader. I organized several deathballs in hillsbrad that were able to kill several lvl60s rogue that tried to defend the zone. But I'm on a rp-pvp server so the balance isn't completely fucked up.
i'm 32 alliance right now, should i grind some SM for a few levels before continuing with questing? or should i start questing now?
Thought it was the big bird world boss, typhon-whatever
The alliance on my server fuck the horde up constantly. I've been saved from ganks several times by a party of heroes that appear out of nowhere
Noone can answer that but you. So you wanna farm or quest? There's no "should" here, just do what you enjoy.
quest quest quest
in my server horde players are generally really nice people (waves at you, helps you with killing mobs etc), and I've actually seen more alliance players start the pvp.
Too bad literally EVERY streamer uses questie.
>Anyone younger than 26, but old enough to post here is a zoomer.
Sure thing faggot.
if your faction ends up dead on your server due to a major enemy faction majority, does that mean it'll be easier to get honor ranks?
It gets on my nerves how hordefags call for buddies when they get served
>farming elementals in arathi
>warrior and mage farming there as well
>don't bother with them, just do my thing and plan to move on
>this goes on for a while, they're in sticky situations but i don't bother them
>the fucking pussies wait for me to pull 2 mobs and attack me when i'm at 60% hp
>seduce warrior, pop HS+potion
>dot them up,die, use SS and kill them
>they call another warrior that's 6 lvls higher
>get super pissed, come back to ress and they're not there anymore
It really made me mad, put them on my ignore list so i can remember their names
well i prefer questing, but at 30+ questing seemed to start getting extremely slow, or perhaps i was just doing it wrong.
already dreading 40+ and 50+
Kys niggerfaggot
>muh streamers
You absolute zoomer sack of shit
The horde players aren't too bad on my server, but they are more aggressive, and tend to group gank more.
In terms of solo assholes, definitely more alliance, ganking groups, more horde.
Yeah, that really gets me too. I tell myself horde players probably experience this as well, but goddamn if most of my PvP encounters dont end with the hordie crying for help, even when he started it.
mass FOMO instigated by streamers.
Troll priest here. I am forced to carrry a grey shield with me so that "pvp" and "dps" warriors can tank instances because nobody carries a shield.
There is some merit in being among the first to get to 60, especially with layer exploiting for gathering professions. Also, it gives few more chances for legendaries.
Has there been any good classic streamer ganking compilations yet?
My levelling partner wants to stop to farm spider silk in hillsbrad and toss about with other tailoring bullshit all the time, when the enemies keep destroying him cause they're levels above him,especially when he's a mage
It's much easier to just get 5-10 levels above and clear out the profession skill levels after
>In terms of solo assholes, definitely more alliance, ganking groups, more horde
yeah I agree
>but goddamn if most of my PvP encounters dont end with the hordie crying for help, even when he started it
I would say this is more of a general thing than a specific horde trait. You are mad and want to avenge yourself (but you have to call aid because you are too weak yourself LMAO)
>abhoreent post
>All addond should be banned
You do realize addons were part of Vanilla?
>Addons where even more powerful in vanilla
>Always there is a deranged low/no skill shitter screaming to ban them
Absolutely amazing how easy posers and shitters are to find out
You're literally describing what happenend to me in Ashenvale but im horde. It's not a faction thing.
What level? You don't need one until after SM. It's just 2H tanking until then.
He is a shitter he didn’t know they existed because he didn’t know how to play and refuses to learn or get good
Probably keyboard turns and he is angry in retail people turn him down because he’s dogshit
30. Didnt think 2h weapon could keep threat
Anyone on Ashbringer here?
Horde warlock lvl 19
I finally let it go. The thing kept me in it's claws for 2 weeks. Fuck MMOs.
Depends on the quality of the warrior, but they should keep most of the threat. It's best done using kill priorities too, but again not really necessary at that level. The kill speed should make up for the increased party damage.
I was always a pve guy but playing a (dwarf) shadow priest is making me incline towards pvp. I love dueling against higher lvl undead mages and baiting will of the forsaken, abuse fear wars against warlocks, fearing constantly the hunter's pet... Too bad there's no honor system till phase 2
Keep getting ganked like the shitter you are :^)
>Full of underage whiner children.
Classic players sperg out nonstop over what streamers do and if people level via dungeons instead of the world.
>years of crying
>years of spamming 'home' threads
>game finally eventually comes out
>2 weeks later its dead
are blizzdrones the biggest cuckolds in video game history?
just stop replying to me oh my god
They thought they wanted it...
Im enjoying it very much. Lvl 24 working my way through darkshire.
I wish it was, I can't stand the queue anymore...
It gets so boring once you hit the early 20s.
I'm lvl 24 human priest, it's pretty fucking great so far. I never played WoW before Cata, so it's a very fresh experience for me (I have never even seen some locations before the Shattering). Having to run everywhere and seeing the world up close, quests being actually challenging, having to manage money and items, planning my build and asking for help when needed. It actually feels like a role-playing game. After this, retail looks more like an action game/a museum where you faceroll everything from level 1 to mythic raids, and that's where things get a bit more interesting, but that's also where the game is over.
I wasn't sure if love for vanilla was about nostalgia or not, but now I definitely see what people were talking about.
How the fuck do I level warrior? All the guides are telling me to use the hamstring method but thay doesnt work anymore apparently, and a single mob on the same level kicks my ass down to like 2-3/5ths of my health. I've only ever played retail wow up to the trial limit, and it took me like 6 or 7 hours to get to level 13.
pussy faggot using guides lmao.
Warrior is by far the hardest class to level. What you describe is normal, that's why you need to buy a bag full of food and brace yourself till endgame, where you become basically the most useful class in the game (just make sure you're an actual tank and not goddamn DPS).
just got my mount at 40 on a warrior, kinda wish i had a pocket healer
that's where the fun begins, when you go to pvp zones.
im sure a lot attributes to this but not having cross server stuffs rlly helps thrust responsibility on your actions
Hit level 40 today now im working on unlocking dragonscale leatherworking
Kill mobs that are either same level or below. Hamstring kiting is mostly useless unless the mob has fast as fuck attack speed and your weapon is very slow (3.8 or slower). Get 5/5 cruelty from fury and respec into sweeping strikes at level 30 and then proceed to get mortal strike at level 40.
Weapon progression is very important. The staff from deadmines/wailing caverns main quest will carry you well over to level 30, but after that the slog begins and there aren't many easily acquired weapons available. If you are horde you can try farming RFK to get Corpsemaker. If you have a friend who is high level, he can help you grind the mats for whirlwind axe. Alternatively you can grind the troll tusks yourself, buy the elemental crests (cost about 15g on week 2) and try to find help for the level 40 elite.
If you are alliance you can do Scarlet Monastery mainquest for even a better axe, but it's very hard to find a group for that until you are around level 37. Those axes will carry you over to maraudon main quest where you can either switch to fury and use thrash blade, or get the staff from it and use it until you can grind end game dungeons for relevant loot and xp.
Ask food from mages. Use first aid if you aren't low enough to warrant for eating food. Warrior leveling is slow but isn't as bad as everyone says. It's comparable to rogue and shaman leveling. Once you get sweeping strikes things get a lot easier and faster. Also in generally run more dungeons, it's great xp and warriors shine in group play.
Kys faggot your kind ruined MMOS i dont give a shit if it was in the original or not it was like cheating then and its like cheating today
why the fuck would you level a warrior aka the most overrated class of Classic?
It's shit at leveling, shit at farming, get shat on in WPVP by pretty much all classes, constantly cc'd in BG, and has the most boring class fantasy in the game.
What do you get in return? You get to play a class that will be expected to tank which is fucking boring and...that's it.
Warriors suck ass
False flagging kike kill yourself
>>tfw 34
>I am taking it easy, sad I didn’t get to exploit zoomercleave
I'm 30 atm. I've just started. It's not THAT fast, but it's decent dosh.
I already quit for the second time (level 33-35 both times). Think this time it will stick.
I really want to reroll Alliance due to the insane A/H ratio on PVP servers because I love WPVP and I don't want to wait an hour for a bg but my gf doesn't want to reroll :s
BGs will be cross-realm unless Blizzard backs down on it. They confirmed this a month ago.
Me and my friend gave up when we realized how grindy and slow this game is on top of competing for enemies to kill, ended up shitposting the general with AVGN quotes and laughed at the classic fags that squirmed and tried to desperately defend this game, after that we gave our gold away to strangers.
My friends moved on to FFXIV but I can't seem to really get into that game either so I'm just sorta stuck playing astral chain
It was interesting to come back but I really can't think of it as anything more than nostalgia fuel
yea and almost every PVP server is horde dominated so I expect huge queue times for Horde players
Tell your friends to play Astral Chain too, I've had enough of wowfugees in FFXIV. Moving from a 2 button rotation to a 30 button one is too hard for them so they end up doing like 3k dps in dungeons. It's infuriating having to deal with these shitters.
I'm glad you and your zoomer friends quit already.
Classic was never for you
Gear is very important, in the begining even white gear from vendors make a lot of diffrence. Also dont be shy to ask people to level in duo, especially people who can heal, as a priest, random warrior in barrens was a godsend for me. Basically no downtime and we were stomping everything. He even was nice enough to let me deal killing blows, so i was never oom.
Is pirating MMOs a thing? I don't want to pay a decent singleplayer game's worth of subscription money for something I don't even know I'll like.
Private servers exist yes, just google it to find instructions on how to play
WOW used to have trial periods
a blast from the past.
13 year old me leveled 2 warriors to 60 (makes me sick thinking about everytime). if he can do it without guieds, then you sure as fuck can.
Game is full of autistic, joyless min/maxers nowadays, what even is the point in playing this anymore when you can't experience the same sense of exploration as you along with everyone else did when playing it for the first time?
Isn't it depressing since the game feels like a shadow of its former self now that everything is figured out and people are just going for efficiency and stroking their e-penis rather than enjoying themselves?
I freshly hited 41. 19 level to go