Why did Heroes of the Storm die?
Why did Heroes of the Storm die?
She was made for Big Dutch Dick
It actually didnt die, blizzard killed its esports and took like half of the developers to use them in other shitty games. Games playerbase is still more or less the same but they release new heroes every 3 months now instead of every month. But if you are wondering why it never took off, answer is simply blizzard incompetence. Came out a lot later than other mobas and no proper marketing.
>don't market a game
>force esports in to it
>release shitty oc heroes
blizzard are retarded
It was made by Blizzard. Dumb fucks couldn't make a checkers game without fucking it up
Oh I forgot all about the heroes that killed the game. First overwatch heroes and their shitty gimmicks and now two OC heroes who are retardedly broken not because their numbers are high but because of their skills and how they were designed. Both of the oc ones are like 3 or 4 different existing characters rolled into one.
Hey now, you're a coomstar
get your game on , go play
only cooming stars break the mold
And they don't stop cooming
And they don't stop banning
And they don't stop cooming
And they don't stop banning
Because MOBAs are fucking shit and only idiots who are still obsessed with garbage like Dota2 still play them.
seething rts cuck
>smashtranny screams
>not because their numbers are high
well that's good because their numbers were high when they were first released
I wish I was a fat assed dragon bitch
Game being absolute irredeemable shit didn't help much either
Yes, no, no, yes, no, no.
Easy, next.
Blizzard pulled devs and poor esports funds allocation. Game is actually not that bad as of now, but devs are still reluctant to do any meaningful gameplay changes. Because of that there is no reason to come back to the game, if you played for like 2-4 years.
I know the game is rip, but where's the model rip?
This game went straight to hell after Li Ming and never recovered.
blizzard killed it
>make a casual game in an established genre way too late to the party
>try to do something unique with the game
>focus on esports
>start removing and powercreeping unique stuff
>esports scene bleeds money
>game's doing pretty much okay otherwise
>lel let's pull the plug on the entire game, kill the esports scene and remove most of the devteam
Fuck Blizzard
Makes me kind of sad since the character designs where absolutely delicious.
Game was pretty weak though. Removing even more mechanics from the whole moba genre really left you with barely anything.
It died because it was shittier than it's competitors, that's it.
Heroes of the Storm did not die. It was murdered
They have to focus on that sweet WoW and OW money.
At least HOTS still has a loyal fanbase so it kind of gets updates.
When's the last time Diablo got fucking shit from blizzard?
boring as fuck, simple as
I used to play this game daily.
Now I can't even bother to open battle.net let alone play HOTS.
The real question is when did Blizzard die?
I feel Classic is one big final breath before they fucking go under.
the chick's are hot but it has the same problem of every blizzard game, overly casualised and too focused on aesthetics
making games casual makes them easy to get into but easy to leave as well, you don't really have attachment to it because you never struggled or had a deep emotional connection, you just kind of fucked around and then left
Activision acquisition
>I feel Classic is one big final breath before they fucking go under.
Too big to fail. I wish they did, but they won't. And I'm not helping by playing it either.
The "pick genre - water down - casualise - good presentation" strategy didn't work in a genre that has ridiculous complexity as it's selling point.
Also, they were late to the party.
God the best part of this game was way back in the day when nova and zera had gathering power and could one shot damn near anything with max stacks.
Not to mention decent cloaking.
Or kael infinite chain bombs.
I haven't played since raven bitch was added.
It just lost any sense of fun or joy with shit weekly's and a terrible ranked system.
they didn't add the one character that could save it
The biggest problem with the OCs is how easy it would have been to just claim they’re from one of the regular franchises.
child of old god cultists, has blessing of whatever that lets her cast her magic sludge
Terran colonist from before the confederacy rose, her colony was on a formerly Protoss world, her people combined Terran and Protoss tech
Congratulations blizzard now you don’t have fan backlash about OCs because your backfilling the lore, have a few voice lines with characters that show they fit in with the universes and you’re golden.
They just killed the esports for the game and everyone took that to mean the game is dead.
Infuriating to hear about this supposed death considering many other mobas actually died before even legitimately being released, rip Dawngate.
heheh coowm :DDDD~~~~
How is HOTS now though? In what state?
Could we have any statistics one how many people are playing?
There are some people playing, and that's about all we're permitted to know.
Its better than League at least, but a shit covered biscuit is better than League.
It had its own niche to separate it from DOTA.
She was made to HAVE a huge dutch benis.
I don't know if it's tied to the SC2 engine they used to make the game, but it always seemed like the game had a litany of gamebreaking bugs that were never fixed because there were no easy fixes and thus it made the game always seem amateur to me, never esports viable.
It was designed to be a fun little game for fans, but Blizz wanted it to be an e-sports juggernaut. It ended up being neither.
>in a genre that has ridiculous complexity as it's selling point.
What? I'm guessing you refer to DotA 2 but that's hardly a defining characteristic of the genre and a lot of the complexity of DotA owes to its autistic creator. What is it about MOBAs that's complex? it evolved from a custom map of WC3 when people wanted casual fun instead of stressful RTS macro/micro.
Would Alex be aggressive or more submissive in bed?
Neither. Dominant, but in a gentle way.
Balanced, gives and takes charge in equal ammounts so both have fun. Obviously.
camera too zoomed in and way too hard to unlock chars
also because blizzard can't into PVP
She sat on it.
>camera too zoomed in
I actually like that. You seem to be even more inside the action and you have a (literal) closer interaction with your character.
Cost of opportunity.
Devs working on HotS might be making them money, but they could be making them a lot more working on their next big game (diablo 4 or Warcraft 4 or whatever activision is gonna reboot next.
perhaps, but that made it unnecessarily clunky looking, killing the streaming scene in the womb, and awkward to play for anyone coming from another moba
blizzard is just a shit company
Look at what they did to starcraft
The actual reason it failed is it was cut and duct taped together with the SC2 engine. Couldn't even be bothered to use the d3 engine. Imagine a moba with those kind of rag physics