Death Stranding looks like shit ngl
Death Stranding looks like shit ngl
Yeah, fuck that shit I'm going back to playing California Speed
hell yeah brother
nigger gay loser
twitter lingo. should be bannable just like how emoticons were a decade ago.
Time to boot up some Quake 3 Arena
*crack* *siiiiiiiip*
why are they so proud of their energy drinks wtf
They just dont make games like that anymore
this place had emoticons?
How new are you?
Seamens moving
Got it in my Dreamcast right now
That's the same guy.
It’s basically an outdoor hike simulator. Boss battle looked fun but the majority of the game is boring ass walking. Fuck this.
It looks comfy, you autistic pissant
Because it's a walking simulator.
You can't be this sheltered.
Nigga, ngl was a thing well before twitter.
Go get the wwe title and kill them all.
Looking at him put smiles on my face for some reason
what the hell
i mean i thought all those photos were staged. like wtf i'd be more proud with a cup of Starbucks
Comfy is for faggots with too much time on their hands. See a therapist if you need to relax.
why do american adults drink energy drinks?
>Comfy is for faggots with too much time on their hands. See a therapist if you need to relax.
Go see a therapist and kill yourself.
Here user, have a little bit of the bubbleh.
This has got to be one of the most retarded posts I've seen on Yea Forums in awhile and I see retarded posts every couple of minutes.
I could beat up Jericho, he's an old man now
How is it? PC is still superior?
Nigga you couldn't beat up Ric Flair.
But you can beat Jericho (forma monstruo energia)
>Jericho (forma monstruo energia)
Has since been surpassed by Jericho (BUBBLY)
>ngl was a thing well before twitter.
Yea Forums doesnt have restrictive character limit. there is 0 reason to type ngl instead of not gonna lie, aside from being a rotbrain twitter fiend who literally cant stop typing like inner city black youth.
Or because it matters so little and you know what the person means anyway. you're just being autistic for no reason in order to protect precious Yea Forums culture, which has been in the fucking dirt since 08.
sm h tb h fa m was filtered for a reason
ironic shitposting
>when you're so mad about twitter that you go act like a 57 year old English teach on Yea Forums
Why do you cunts keep talking about your seppo boyfriends all the time?
Nobody but spergs care.
at least drink the one that's not made for girls
So is Jericho’s gimmick he’s a boomer that pisses off the zoomers in AEW? He’s the oldest guy there by a lot
I'm honestly glad Yea Forums is utter shit now. you retards dont deserve experiencing even 1 second of the site in its prime over a decade ago. I'm here just to remind you of your misfortune.
who's that sexy man?
based jeriboomer
seek patience
>baby Zoomer doesnt know about the gift of Jericho
"niggle" it's a nigger giggle
His gimmick is that he put AEW on the map and nobody in the company gives him his thanks that he deserves. Also he is the AEW champ.
I wish my cunt had monster rehab. I spent a week in the states and loved that shit.
>mfw this dumb motherfucker had his title stolen out of his limo as he ate at some shit chain steakhouse
He's from Winnipeg, you idiot
most of the people who buy them regularly have physically demanding jobs and shitty sleep cycles
i work in a gas station
I was about to say you were based until you started typing like a nigger.
Make the transition Yea Forums
It's gonna bomb, seethe more
>is heel
>purposely make a shit finisher
>you're suppose ot hate it because I'm heel so therefore the finisher works
fuck the judas effect
The Ayatollah of Cholesterolla
Yea Forums is finna ding-dong diddly gonna go over the jasethy Yea Forumsetty simps
Jericho 4 - Greenberg 0
whats the age difference between those pictures?
2 hours