13 Sentinels looks hella cute. Personaly I can't wait to play it, since the gameplay looks great.
13 Sentinels looks hella cute. Personaly I can't wait to play it, since the gameplay looks great
it's shit mate.
finna flop
Since I didn't really like Muramasa or Dragon Crown, I've come to the conclusion that I'm less of a Vanillaware fan and more of an Odin Sphere fan. I still love the art, though.
Gameplay looks like fucking trash
Any news?
There will be news tomorrow
Great. Would love a western release date, but that was just yesterday's anomaly. Game looks very good so far.
I doubt you'll get a western release date at TGS.
Also, do you know who's drawing the character renders? It can't be Kamitani with those hands, and can't be Maenou since it's too "properly" proportioned.
>western release date
It's atlus so be prepared to wait a year
i like the art but the gameplay looks boring, i hope it flops just to spite vanillaware for being snoy niggers
Gameplay looks like absolute shit, but I'll still buy it. I trust Vanillaware.
>mobile phone gameplay
I mean, the SaGa games' had western announcements for some god damn reason yesterday.
>more separate characters than Odin Sphere
>time travel for some reason
This game's going off rails, I love it.
>not wanting to be in the commander position and control the flow of a battle
I'd honestly like the battle scenes even more basic looking.
Although I think the game looks interesting, it's console exclusive, and not only that, PS4 exclusive. RTS and this stuff don't mix so well. However, this is not unheard of from VW.
I prefer a mecha side-scrolling action just like previous Vanillaware game. Turn out it's not, still buy it though since I like characters design and I'm a huge /m/echafag.
Dragon's Crown doujin coombrains gonna get filter by this one
I personally can't see them making a sidescroller mecha game. It would be too sluggish for its own good, and the fully animated snippets from different angles during battle are great.
The middle row is best. All the other sluts can suck it.
I want top right to step on me while middle right sits on my face
Im just glad they're still naked
do you have a stroke or did you always have braindamage?
What's going on with vanillaware? Wasn't this shit meant to come out years ago?
Last year. It got delayed for some unknown reason. People where saying it was gonna get censored and Im glad it's not but really I have no idea what the fuck was up.
They never were particulary fast with their releases. I am confused though why did they choose this style of gameplay.
I'm glad they try something different than character action, but that one screems 'we didn't achieved what we actually wanted so we shoved in a tower defense game to at least get the story out'.
Yeah, honestly I do like the idea of playing from a commander's POV but there's a lot of questions I have of this games development cycle for us to only be seeing gameplay now.
Where my Bridge Bunnies at?
This game makes Grim Grimoire look like gameplay masterpiece.
>people complain how vanillaware games are too similar and repetetive
>people complain when they try something new
I hate this board.
>people complain how vanillaware games are too similar and repetetive
Literally nobody complained about it.
Apparently you've never been in an odin sphere thread because half the people posting there usually say how they didn't finish the game because of the repetetive nature.
Not complaining about shit, game looks great.
They coimplain about the repetition of stages and environments, not the repetition of game mechanics, 'cause, let's be fair, vanillaware gamesplay way different than each other
Dont why people say the gameplay is confusing, seems like tower defense with a mix of SRPG
It's probably because it looks like shit. Shiny dots is not something I expected from Vanillaware.
You still get your boner inducing animations sequences when fighting though
Some people did. Maybe a minority,I don't know,but I've seen this criticism more than once.
Man, I've always said that Vanillaware games are for the art style equivalent of graphics whores, but this pretty much seals the deal.
Why do the characters look like straight out ripoff clones of that garbage Blue Reflection game?
>why do schoolgirls look like schoolgirls?
dumb frogposter
I'm talking about the artstyle/actual models, you retard
>beat game once with one character in a few hours
>beat the same stages and bosses with a different character that is not that much different to extend the gameplay to 30~40 hours
the gameplay is also mostly just mashing a single button
Well, I already know 99% of the gameplay, and meh.
But different routes ARE different. Different bosses, different locations, even different gameplay. Mercedes has shmup segments in Odin Sphere for example. Dragon's Crown is a grinding game.
They still don't though. Just shut the hell up, maybe.
Soundtrack was really good.
>Strategy game with a ATB system
>But enemies and player units are just dots on the screen
>And you have to defend the larger dot in the center