Does Yea Forums has a solid opinion on her game?
Does Yea Forums has a solid opinion on her game?
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I've got a solid opinion on her if you know what I mean.
Wow feet
that's just Marche's outfit from FFTA
what the fuck is with anime girls
human beings don't stand like that unless they have serious skeletal problems
Christ I'm so tired of weeb trash.
my favorite meme is people talking about a character with a massive thigh gap having huge thighs
where are her fucking eyebrows
my favorite meme is people talking about video games on Yea Forums
Japanese have different legs from white people, they can stand like that
I heard alot about this character and her thighs here, but I don't even know what her game/series is about or what the gameplay is like.
What are you doing on this board then?
are japs aliens?
Rent free
They made the gameplay shit for no reason, but fans won't care because character design is more important than game mechanics.
Can they really sell this game on thick thighs alone? What kind of message will this send to other game developers.
What more than a great set of thighs do you need?
It's true
What do you mean?
My girlfriend is Japanese, I should know what their legs look like
I don't know, and I don't care because I like them hell of a lot better than White Wenches
I've never seen a Jap stand like that before
>I've never seen a Jap stand like that before
they do it when they wanna look cute like an anime girl. White weeb zoomer girls do it too.
I spend a quarter of the year in Japan and I can't remember ever seeing anyone doing that, must be an internet meme like all Japs go to KFC for Christmas
Any pics of her back?
just google japanese bowlegs. its a thing
only got the side
More like she puts my opinion diamond solid if you catch my drift.
what a treat!
Waiting for a Hotline Miami thread.
yikes my dude
What do you do in these games?
It's a JRPG, you stare at your character's butt while mashing the same button for hours.
They hit the goldmine with this character design
Gardening and house decoration.
I'd plow this hoe
Please don't do it. Atelier is for comfy.
It's okay, I have a wife and I can't cheat on her
God fucking damnit, I am gonna jerk off over this image so fucking hard I will then cum all over my left hand and then eat it - devour my own cum : CEI. It's what I enjoy when I see some REALLY good fap material.
It's painted wrong, her thighs should be blue around the top of the boots/stockings. There's no way any circulation exists there.
I'd comfortably plow this hoe
No but I have something else solid on her
>Got doujins even before the game comes out
Yeah, in my professional opinion this game is going to be a success, at least in Japan
Suzumiya Haruhi ???
haha I wonder what they'll do with the statue once the show is over
I want that game so bad.
what a great company
The japs can play it in like 2 weeks while we eubabs have to wait an extra month.
Low budget game, animations are stiff as fuck, as most pantyquest shitty weeb games
shouldn't you be playing classic with your twitch celebs?
I heard a new patch for Anthem and Fallout 76 is ready to launch.
The fuck does that mean? Stop defending this shitty cashgrab of a game with random insults stupid fuck
holy based
Too bad they didn't have Lila there
No one is going to have a solid opinion on her game until it comes out.
Ryza's thighs look terrible and no one who actually likes thighs would care about them.
Open-toed boots are shit that only appeals to footfags and they ruin her design which is otherwise decent.
hurry or you won't make it in the asmon layer
I just tried it, it's possible to stand like that but it's really unnatural and weird.
>He doesn't know about the $80 day 1 on-disc DLC pack
Thanks for letting me know, now I know what to buy. Does it include the swimsuit costumes?
This. Her thighs look stupid and fake. All the worse considering she's pushed so hard as "thighs: the character"
Also I don't think I've seen a single pic of her where she's not making that exact same expression as the statue. Always with the same happy open soi mouth. She looks like a borderline-retarded airhead
Using Ryza as my personal cumdump!
those thighs look so disgusting while constricted
have you ever looked at a fucking magazine? youd break your back if your natural pose was like any of those pics.
A model posing is supposed to be aesthetic, not practical, aka the ENTIRE POINT of posing you sperging retards
t. homo and fake thigh lover
as a fledgling buyf/a/g, god dayum I have to wonder how much that statue costs
damn, she's thick
Do I have to play other Ateiler games before it? Kinda tempted to buy her game
Imagine being the person that will keep this statue when the publicity is over.
I did this pose naked in front of a mirror. Made me look like buffalo Bill.
I would drill a hole in the crotch of this doll, install a fleshlight and bang it 24/7. That's my opinion on her game.
I've always been interested in Atelier games but they've also always come across as a bit overpriced for what they offer. Adding to that, this cock magnet also has "early purchase" outfit shit and I have a policy of only buying games with this type of trash at least a year after they're out
>those proportions
I still have not played Lulua. I don't have time to play every game I want. I miss being a NEET.
Sophie is the best for a first timer. It doesn't have a strict time schedule so you can get a feel for what the series is about. Its also the only one thats reasonably priced.
Her body is just screaming to be bred, holy shit
I hadn't noticed it was at a lower price point than the others last time I checked, thanks for mentioning it user, and sophie's a real cutie too
I want to mating press that girl.
That face looks creepy as f
An*me style on 3d models just doesnt work
Is she from the new atelier game?
Yeah, she's one of the playable party members
what's she made of? are the thighs squishy?
Looks like weeb coomer fodder
Eat shit and die
Thigh indentation should not be that exaggerated
Made for Sneed
Lewd, but Ryza is still perfect
too fat
I haven't watched a ton of the gameplay, it's supposedly more JRPG-focused like the mana series, but I did see that there's some stuff about you "crafting" the resource nodes.
I know this board got colonised and infested by sjws about 5 years ago now but why do thigh gaps trigger you trannys so much?
You bet she is
Crafting is the main focus of the Atelier series
pics or it didn't happen
Thank you user I've played 7 of them and a spinoff I think I know how the series works, but you don't normally craft the resource nodes, which is why I was commenting on it.
Is that yogurt on her thighs?
Sure, why not
How to buy this fig?
mga sakang mga hapon puta mga bobo
Fly to japan and steal it.
You can’t, it’s life-sized
They'll just probably have it at the gust studio in the hall or something
I want Ryza to sit on my face
i want boobs not legs
Ryza has it all, boobs, thighs and butt
Plus Lila has even bigger boobs if that's what you want
I can't believe sophie is first, literally any other atelier main girl would have been fine but nope it's fucking sophie it sounds ludicrous to me
god bless life sized anime statues
Oh my I want to smash Reisalin!
I want to fuck it though
So is her face just permanently frozen in this open mouth happy expression or what? I don't think I've ever seen her make a different face in all the hundreds of shill pics of her that have been shoved in my face over the past months
Pigeon toed standing is deemed cute and feminine in Japan, and a sign of tickets elsewhere.
>Hundreds of shill pics
Even as far as shitposting, that makes no sense.
Do you know how much that would cost in commission fees?
I want to cum on her feet
fuck it's not fair
Imagine being the guy who has to clean up all the stealth faps that guys leave on this
I can only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to wear something so tight
I want to breed this statue
Sup dunkie
>Toe ring
Extremely nice
Horny virgins will pay it for 'muh thighs hohhh overexaggerated skindentation hohhh THICC'
God I love Ryza so much
The japs went crazy (who can blame them?) and they took a bunch of pictures.
Just scroll down.
I've been waiting for this!
I'd like to use her legs as earrings.
Atelier Ryza looks promising but I doubt it will sell much more than other games, we can still hope though
Seeing her like this makes me realize her boots and socks are WAY too tight for her legs.
Atelier either needs to bring back the time limit (even a pretty soft one) or change the basic structure of the game so it doesnt feel like it's still built around a time limit
>A fucking dude in the top 5
Never played his game, how did he manage it?
I will say that while I feel bad for the people wanting to discuss this series gameplay and what not, Im also really glad for the new fap material ryza has created.
The only reason I want to give Ryza's game a try is because there are no time limits, I hate when a game tells me how fast I need to play, I like to have my own pacing.
Does Gust still release plus editions for their Atelier games?
Imagine being the guy who had to make that statue.
His ancestors must be very proud. Not sarcasm by the way.
It's just like a modern day fertility statue, they used to hot glue those too
Not enough hot glue in the entire world for that statue.
Asanagi's sameface kills this pic for me
Do you wonder how easily she'd give birth?
Okay but is the game good?
We'll find out in November
this but unironically
I doubt she'd struggle, she's a healthy girl
Why cant real women aspire to be more like Ryza?
She definitely needs to be blacked
Is it ever explained in the games Lore why her legs are malformed and knees bend inwards? Im really curious what depths this character has experienced to survive as a cripple child.
That's already happening
It's a JRPG with crafting
Watch this
>JRPG with crafting
who gets to take that thing home
>perfectly flat toes
I am not even a foot fag but the shitty way nips draw and in thus case, sculpt, feet and toes is fucking retarded. Toes bend you fucking slit eye cucks
foreign (western) men have been conditioned to dislike femininity like that
I've never played an atelier before but now I am genuinely interested in this game.
Oh, I'm solid right now, that's for sure.
is there an edit with this video + the 'im gonna cooooom' voocaroo over it?
isn't the fig ruined after that, wtf just get a 3d headset or lucid dream where you can fuck your waifu instead of fucking up your 300$ figs
Switch or PS4 guys?
Switch so you can play it comfortably in bed.
It'll be censored on piss4
PC for mods and 4K.
so uh, what game is it
What game is this?
So what happens to these life size statues when the events are over? Do they just get stored away or do they get auctioned off?
I never liked Cardcaptor Sakura
She has some juicy thighs
They earn their freedom
Yep, he's japanese shadman
They perform a group hot gluing and then scrap it.
No it isn't.
Yes, we all figured out it has been astroturfed to fuck and that is all the game is, marketing.
That’s kinda her whole thing
Same shit
is this the first atelier game that isn't rehashed shit?
I’ve never wanted to eat a pussy this bad
Literally made for BBC
say it again
blacks don't exist in 2d, only whites
It’s a new battle system so probably
So me.
Prove it!
Changing my name to BBC
This isn't possible.
he cute
Game Boy
I wonder how many people that went there tried to feel her thighs to see if they were made from a squishy material.
You're thinking of Ashe from FFXII and yeah it's the same shit.
i'd rape her to death
Is the main appeal of this game just looking at cute girls with thick thighs and big fat tits? If so, I already played that game.
God I can't wait for the hotglue videos of her
Play it again.
have sex
Everybody likes hot girls. Every game should have cute and sexy girls in it to boost sales and please it's audiences.
It just makes sense.
but 3d women can't compare to 2d beauties, that's why they have infested gaming and made western devs exclusively use ugly women in their games now
cute girls are just an excuse to make shit games, gamer will buy them for the tits anyway
It looks super boring. The porn is great though
They usually sell a limited batch of those statues. 5-10 pieces. I don't know if the exhibition ones are among them.
That gap with those tighs doesn't make any sense
ok virgin
Thigh gap is defined by having the gap when your feet are together. It makes enough sense in the statue.
Yeah, I'm thinking she's in.
Can't believe I'm the only one who thought Lulua was hot. Mother-daughter sandwich when?
Sorry, just posting to say that this game is BASED.
Good evening.
It's shit just like most weeb games.
they're both sexy, but man are they also both retarded
that's not lulua
No but she is from an earlier game and is still looking fine.
non-plus Rorona was a mistake
Its Logy from Escha&Logy and he was also for some reason aside character in sophie.
They really need to work on their light setups. Use some fucking diffusers, not spotlights. Stark contrasts kill things that attempt to emulate anime shading.
PS4, she's its mascot
>doesn't like weeb shit
>but it's perfectly okay with senseless violent murder simulators
Sasuga west.
>this closeup was posted on the official account
do you care more about censorship or playing at more than 20fps?
Don't you have a Smash thread to be posting in?
What was the sculptor thinking while creating this statue?
>I love my fucking job
>I love fucking my jobs
hard choice
>game isn't even out
>shitton of high quality fanart
based alchemists
Kinda funny how much free advertisement they got for their game simply because a character has thick thighs.
>Her thighs look stupid and fake
>mfw my girlfriend literally has these same thighs and proportions as her
>user being a trannyfag again
Sex sells. Why do you think the porn industry is so huge?
The question is, will this popularity turn into sales?
incels will buy it en masse
and cute feet!
don't forget the feet
Waiting for Switch gameplay.
pretty sure fatty tissues are plenty easy to indent instead of muscles
she has a lot of fat in her thighs, if it was muscle then she'd be more toned
I'll buy this game.
>not playing every multiplat on PC
Literally fucking why?
Imagine owning that statue
>digital only
so, what kind of game is this? please don't say turn-based JRPG.
ATB, not turn based.
It’s a JRPG but not exactly turn-based, watch the gameplay video
JRPG with farming and crafting
And? Why do you want a bunch of useless plastic?
Cope, not buying your digital shit ever.
I suggest avoiding this thread and focus in bethesda or bioware new games.
Don't give a shit I just fap to this slut
She’s not a slut
>it's it ruined
No. They're made of PVC. They're not going to get damaged unless you decide to scrub the figure clean with a wire brush and some dishwasher detergent.
I desperately want to jiggle and fondle Ryza's thigh fat.
Glad yuri games are picking up in popularity.
Only sluts dress up in booty shorts and obscenely tight leggings
Life’s not fair
It's not being sold at Game Stop?
Ryza isn't a yuri game. That said, Nights of Azure unironically is and it sold so fast that Gust literally couldn't shit a sequel out fast enough.
It's not out in America for another month and a half. If Gamestop even lives that long and they aren't selling it, Amazon is.
If it isn't kept in the HQ of the studio or something it will probably be auctioned off. Do not underestimate figure collectors.
lol, eat shit, zoomer.
>>mfw my girlfriend literally has these same thighs and proportions as her
well done sir
do it for us
It’s just clothes that are easy to move in, her body is just too lewd so any clothes would make her look like a slut, doesn’t mean she’s a slut
Pic rel. Some dude who bought a scale biyori and had to repair it himself after it got damaged.
This might be the most fertile looking female character design I've seen.
Holy shit these are great
I appreciate how skilled he is at taking care of his autistic daughter.
The artists who make the 1:1 statues are real pros.
Instead of an alchemist and adventurer, this girl should be the mother of at least 8 white kids.
got any of that silver haired busty vtuber?
you are fucking _based_
Pretty sure they just 3d print the parts and assemble it
We must go larger.
True in many cases, but some figures are still sculpted by hand to create an original master clayjack that all of the molds are based off of.
Besides, 3D modelers and painters are artists too.
Here's an interview with a pro sculptor.
That's a little too big.
Not even a fan of this dumb slut but i very much appreciate quality scale figures
That sides.
No such thing
i was thinking the same thing, at least the lighting gave us this
peak autism
I'd like to just put a pillow between her feet and stare at her butt and panties
>those proportions
fuck gamers
>she squats down
What does it feel like to be a sexy, young girl?
Why don't you ask your anima
Must be shitty knowing that everything wants to fuck you.
9 years ago I might have bought her game, but I know better than to waste time on atelier where the game is nothing but blue ball baiting. I'll just fap to all the art we already have and all the art we are going to get of her. I know there will be some good doujinshi with how popular she is on pixiv already.
>if its creative/passionate or painstaking work it's automatically autism
>ywn own a lifesize fig
Why should I go on?
Thank you user. Sadly, she doesn't let me fuck her thighs or boobs. At least I can grab them as much as I want.
Atelier games are always comfy, and the gameplay and engine improvements seem good.
Start of a new trilogy too, so great for newcomers.
sweet jesus
a developer had to model and texture that, this is just creepy
No it's based
Just because you find something creepy or weird doesn't make it so.
There's a video of a girl that did the panty modeling/texturing for Type-0 and she was really excited about each girl showing her unique personality through their panty choice.
and? not even a japan thing either, imagine modelling lara croft
Fuck off faggot
>There's a video of a girl that did the panty modeling/texturing for Type-0 and she was really excited about each girl showing her unique personality through their panty choice.
One girl with mental illness doesn't prove this to be okay.
So based
You're the one with mental illness, though
By the looks of it I am the only sane person here.
>Actually it's everyone else who's crazy!
ok this was funny but you can stop now
Insanity is rare in the individuals, but in the groups it's a lot more common. Those people often don't even realize the have lost their way.
The west is well and truly cucked, isn't it?
It's a different culture with its own specific set of rules on modesty.
Why isn't this a global release? One month wait must mean it's already done.
Must be erotic, you mean.
A one month wait is actually incredible. Most localizations don't flow that smoothly.
>Insanity is rare in the individuals, but in the groups it's a lot more common.
t. typing from a mental hospital
>all that pudge
they really went for the gold with this one
God's work.
It's a common knowledge if you studied human physiology & behavior. Even for someone who didn't this should be obvious.
Want fuck!
Kill yourself.
You don't have what it takes user.
probably a lot of effort, you have to make sure you have no body hair at all, no fat, perfect makeup, hair, decent clothes and then you can enter the fray where others put in the same effort but have better genes as well
That's where whores belong
>no fat
What's the point then?
Dedication. Top cute Renge too.
and by that you mean fat in the right places, which is again genes, for most girls the choice is between being a stick figure or being a potbellied goblin
sexual bait
no way
I'm looking forward to it. It kind of sounds like Firis which is greatly underappreciated.
How much do you love Ryza?
>in the right places
That is a subjective notion.
not really, thighs, ass, boobs = good, anywhere else = bad
>tummy = bad
To each their own.
dumb memers
why does she have that retarded pose?
I don't know who designed this bitch but they're a literal god.
Are you really telling me you wouldn’t wan’t to grab a chubby tummy from behind while engaging in doggystyle?
have sex emcel
This guy
>handsome as fuck
Is he really a nip?
I can't find his real name but it seems like he's fluent in Japanese so probably
Ryza is a slut and I’ll only change my view of her if she lets me fuck her thighs
I like this menacing looking little girl. Who is she?
>looks 22
So what we get 10 more years out of him before he retires?
one of the girls from araburu kisetsu no otome domo yo
Thanks, user.
Ryza but as a lg
I need a Ryza gf.
Yes they came from the moon and worship the sun longing for the days they can return back to their homeland.
It's just posing, you dumb nigger. The logistics don't matter.
What is this body type called? Squishy, Juicy, motherly?
Goddess of fertility
Breeding cow
>that potato face
He looks like he takes it up the ass
Wouldn’t it be funny if he dressed up as Ryza and took it from behind haha
This is one of those few cases where the fan art doesn't come close to the official art.
I disagree. Most fanart isn't as skillfully executed as the official art, sure, but with what the artist is clearly emphasizing it's not surprising that fanart has gone the way it has either. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a bit by design on his end, he probably knows how this shit works.
>tfw can’t draw
On one hand it’s good because I won’t spend the entirety of my day drawing Ryza cute and lewds, on the other it’s bad because I can’t draw Ryza cute and lewds
Atelier games are usually comfy as fuck but Namco always parcels their modern games out into DLC packs. They always have nice character designs too but the worlds always seem pretty shallow compared to the older games. The alchemy gameplay has always been simple but solid fun. I'll eventually buy it for the comfy music and to better appreciate the doujins.
Haven't really been keeping up. Has there been a release window announced for the figure shown at Wondercon? I'm not a figurefag but I really gotta have it.
what if I told you you could learn how to draw ryza's thighs
In essence, that's just sketching two large sets of parenthesis next to each other.
you mean koei tecmo?
Yeah, my bad. They're both almost identical in monetization tactics now.
Yeah, and look at how well its working. Has there been an Atelier game with the same level of free advertising before?
Is the ps4 version censored? If so in what way?
the atelier series main claim to fame is the very detailed crafting system.
I have no idea how you people don't know this, atelier is a thing since the ps2, and have been consistently releasing games almost every year or so.
They have more games/year than pokemon
Atelier games aren't lewd enough to get censored.
Ryza’s design is lewdness personified
Buying her game now
the only reason I know about them is ryza's thick thighs
So was Totori's.
Making children with Ryza!
When you said "pot bellied goblin" I got a little erect.
its her pants they are really tight so she has to cross her legs cause its almost like she has to pee really bad cause theres pressure around her crotch haha maybe i could help her out
So i know this and atelier sophie are on pc, but what other atelier games are? Which of those are worth playing?
reisalin should be busy doing alchemy not dressing like a slut.
The Arland games are pretty nice. Their mechanics and graphics.are somewhat dated, but still worth a playthrough. Lulua is their most polished game so far, but it's the sequel of the Arland trilogy.
Here's a more in depth guide for the other games.
holy fuck im jealous on whoever owns that Kanna statue
I've noticed a lot of Asians are bow legged or just have really short legs
Sounding with Ryza!
Dont bother, the series are NTR bait, nothing happens tier, and a ending that will make you mad.
>NTR bait
Explain further. I looked up the show and I'm not surprised nothing happens, but what do you mean when you say it's NTR bait and it'll anger me?
is that ai kizuna? didn't know she got a game
they are perfection unlike 3dpd