Other urls found in this thread:
...can we stop this shit?
stop posting this underage faggot cocksucker pedoera fag twitter posts. fuck off.
It is a way for socially slow people to start a topic. They are incapable of asking for a discussion outright and do so in an alternative way to avoid being denied. Yea Forums, specifically some areas like Yea Forums, are notorious for this low test inept way of asking to talk.
not OP but, when did he show support for REERA?
Also forgot. It is also a good way for a company to post their game without anyone suspecting. Shills/marketing can just copy the newest trend.
>Its based bros
>OHNONONONONO IT SOLD BAD (when a competitor wants to talk shit)
>Whos playin this kino?
etc. The memetic bullshit is too easy to astroturf.
shut the fuck up, idiot
>Browses board
>Doesnt like culture from said board
OH NO NO NO have sex
wait, does this count physical or all?
since obviously a lot of people bought the expac digitally
Ok. Continue the shitposting.
that's right, bitch, don't tell me what to do
>People don't want to play more "monsters run, you chase for 10 minutes to kill them" repeat
shut the fuck up, idiot
>legit one post talking about the sale or the game
jesus, i know we used to make bait thread to start MH thread but this is a bit too much
>Embrace the nu-fanbase of console wars shitposters
>Surprised that you can no longer have threads without shitposting
woaaaaahh... bugged shitposting mechanics!
seething cope OH NO NO NO have sex reddit tranny jew
those are retail sales faggot, 250k between master edition and the physical cardboard with codes for an expansion out for only half that week is good
250 copies.....what happened bros.....
>>Embrace the nu-fanbase of console wars shitposters
I never embraced that shit, i mean shitpost in the sense that making dumbass stupid statement about the game like how unfair a certain monster is etc
I don't even know, isn't this some re-release along with DLC ? why would you expect more ?
Reminder OP is a nincel resetranny
Restricting the people who can start your dlc expansion to people who have already completed the game will absolutely reduce your player base. It's retarded but that's just how it is.
>a dlc
>without PC sales
Sounds about right? Why is this dude making comparisons with the main entry?
Wait for the PC release. PC still has a massive audience.
>inb4 steamcharts cap
>inb4 they don't know about the custom client
>inb4 console shits
this “dlc” has as much content as the base game though
OH NONONONO posting is relatively new, within the past year maybe. It's only solidified as "culture" because newfags like you think that's what it is.
Yea Forums was never good, but it sure as shit was better than this
You forgot to mention it came from vine/twitter and was only good for about week
Cope harder faggots
And it's still the best G game I played, just missing Fatalis
>since obviously a lot of people bought the expac digitally
Yeah, like the 2'6% of people on xbone who got world starting the dlc, or the 88'6% of the 45% of people who managed to clear the story on ps4 according to the achievements, or the fact that the game bombed hard on uk counting both physical and digital sales
I don't like this thread amd I don't like when people trash talk the best monster hunter ever made that could only be done by avoiding a release on a toy tablet
Pfffttt hahahahhahahaha
Should have stuck with the GU, sony shills.
PFFFTPAHHAHAHA thats what you get.
>40 dollar expansion
>thinking the west will eat that
just make each new monster 2 dollars each.
Easier monster, floating damage numbers, super simplified skill and armor system, and the slinger make this game casual garbage
It looks nice, and the no loading zones are neat, but they assfucked the gameplay quality for it.
That shit is literally from a twitter meme that had nothing to do with Yea Forums before people started saying it here.
For someone who seems to value our culture it's fucking sad that you're exactly the one diluting it.
That's shit, especially since other g rank games did 5x better in the aame time frame.
>but it's physical only!
Japan is not as keen on digital like the west is.
So more than the Nintendo games?
it's a fucking dlc you retard
the 250k are new players buying the retail game now
is pc multitplayer still alive atm?
That's in Japan. Can you read?
we'll know in november, famitsu takes a few weeks after the month ends to release total physical+digital sales for the top 30
There's 15k playing it according to steamcharts but it's been pretty died to that level when Iceborne released.
So what's the issue with the weapon designs?
What kind of fucking argument is this? Other g rank games were expansions as well. The 200k was the base game and the expansion, the other 40k mh iceborne on media create was just the expansion alone. Other games did better.
>Japan is not as keen on digital like the west is.
They're not as heavily digital as the west, but they'll still buy a digital expansion if they already own the physical copy of the game and it's cheaper than buying the physical game+expansion.
Oh, No, No, No, and No
The ninturd games sold way more
Even xx sold more than 800k my fellow sony chad
Except that iceborne had a physical release in Japan. It isn't just digital, as in you can only purchase it from PSN.
What the FUCK
I knew they treated xbox like crap, but I never thought that much
Instead of making an interesting and unique weapon model, they took the basic iron/bone weapons and taped some scales to it
I like it. I like that it’s different, I can always go back to the old ones. My only real criticism is the build of the huntress being too bulky, especially around the shoulders.
>no loading zones
At the cost of more than 1 minute of loading before any quest or changing zones on console
Trust me, you don't want to see those numbers worldbab
I can't go back to old Monster Hunter because the QoL in World spoiled me.
But I can't play World because the actual game bores me.
Fuck Iceborne. Just announce the next Monster Hunter. I don't care what platform it's on, I need the best of both.
the base game is on gamepass
How does this stop achievements? He's also talking about iceborne.
>dlc sells less than the actual game
achievement tracking sites for xbox base expansion achievements by total players of the base game, gamepass players treating things as demos add to that number.
The marketing direction Iceborne took was really weird.
If they wanted it to sell like World did they should have just made a new game with importable saves from World.
I don't know who made the decision to just make a DLC that can only be unlocked by playing through the main story with that much work put into.
If they thought it was a good idea then Iceborne was either relatively easy to make and didn't cost Capcom that much money at all or whoever directed the project is a moron.
I'm going to be positive and say that everything is going as they had it planned.
Yeah I’m in the same boat. I still love world but have a hard time adjusting because of the amazing QoL
>...can we stop this shit?
you know what user fuck you, for this im buying mhw right now
Is iceborne on gamepass?
no, that's why the xbox numbers that user posted are fucked while ps4 aren't
>on console
Nobody cares.
>im buying mhw for the third time right now
FTFY toddler
Of course not, because the culture you created is cancer even compared to the standards of this place a while ago.
nah this is my first time, ive always wanted to get it just pushing the button now
The ps4's are low, too.
You saved capcom
But he's right, that meme is reddit/twitter tier.
itt: mad toddlers
With Iceborne world has joined the holy trinity.
FU 4U Iceborne. So it is written.
cope harder
Piss OFF, Sonyncel.
No it’s not. Oh no no no roast me compilation black dude was from like 2014 or 15
40%(88% of 45%) isn't that low for an expansion, is there a better source than that user's percentage of a percentage?
Stupid fucking 2016 cancerfag.
Are you getting this from psnprofiles? Because that only tracks people who have an account on that website.
Great fucking thread, everyone.
omegalul seethe have sex and cope OH NO NO NO the left cant meme
I'm getting it from my ps4, what the fuck is psn profiles
no, I'm just going off that guy's numbers. does ps4 split expansions from the main game with no way to accurately judge?
cope seethe
Yes, iceborne is its own thing.
Have sex
>But he's right, that meme is reddit/twitter tier.
>40 fucking burgers for some dlc
Deserves to fail.
please fucking kill yourself
Both the meme and his response were
seething cope have sex
lmfao triggered
Doesn't units imply physical copies and not digitally sold copies? Also isn't a massive chunk of the user base not even able to play for like another five months? It's easy to pretend something is failing when you disregard the other factors that lead to its success entirely for the sake of japery.
World cannot sell without riding off the Nintendo Monster Hunter fame
It's a good thing for the series that Monster Hunter S, exclusive for the switch, is already in development
*raises paw*
wait, what's wrong with what he said?
Smells like onions
>The purchase that saved Capcom
Balls in your court to explain where I'm wrong dude. Though to be honest I don't really care about sales in the grand scheme of things any way as long as I have fun playing.
This is not only the worst Monster Hunter thread that I’ve ever seen, it’s the worst thread on Yea Forums that I’ve ever seen as well.
I didn’t even read what you posted honestly
I'm waiting for PC, simple as
>I'm waiting for PC
3mil is pretty low for japan.
I wonder if they will try to make a game to pander to them or just keep going with World only as thats such a huge hit overseas.
Has anybody made a single post longer than two sentences?
Yeah, usually happens when you only want to see your game praised Ryozo
It includes download cards, which is much more preferred by the nips, and the MHW + Iceborn physical combo. Now factor in that the nips doesn't like to go digital so people are expecting lower sales than other g rank games.
I dont think the QoL in World is that gamechanging except for fast item pickups.
Didnt have many issues going between World and GU.
It's a twitch emote you fucking clueless boomer
*sheepishly hides under the table*
ok... O_o
Stop shiptosting, lancechads. How are the elemental lances doing in Iceborne? Or is it still max raw+new offensive guard skill? How is their damage in general now?
Don't try to change the subject and take it like a man you faggot, you have your own general for that
>custom client
I know this post in hours old, but what are you talking about?
No! That can't be!
13 million support us!
God, what a disgustingly bad design.
Shit taste. I love how gross it is.
I bet that's how you cope with looking into mirrors.
Here's your brachydios weapon bro.
To be fair, its LS wasn't the best looking, but at least it was unique.
What did you expect? Ever since Listfag started posting and the sonyfags took his bait MH threads have mostly been real shitposting.
>at least it was unique
it's a bone weapon reskin
Brachy LS was dope, what the fuck are you smoking.
>obsidian katana with a green streak
>when you fill spirit gauge it turns into a full on glow like it's a heated weapon during smithing
Retards buy multiple and WoW Destiny "Expansions" for more.
I'm beautiful like Velk. You're like my boy mushroom vaal.
Absolute madman
Sorry it doesn't look like a plastic toy
There are alot of empty rooms in master rank.... dunno about lr/hr tho
I'm sure you're unaware, but 'oof' also isn't part of the board culture. Just reddit garbage you brought over.
Some lesser informed people might be turned off by the full prices DLC thing.
While a good chunk of those might be waiting for the superior PC version instead like me.
Especially since there's still no integrated transmog and a lot of weapons are still BONED/STEELED.