I'm only going to say this once. DO NOT FUCK MY DAUGHTER! If you say anything suggestive to her, I'll know. If you make inappropriate sexual remarks about her, I'll know. If you even so much as think lewd thoughts about her, I'll know. Do not test me. I'll make your life a living hell.
I'm only going to say this once. DO NOT FUCK MY DAUGHTER! If you say anything suggestive to her, I'll know...
too late old man
you're gonna be a grandpa
Why wouldn't you fuck Manuela instead? She's obviously best girl
What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of your daughter's loud moaning.
I want to have sex with Seteth and be Flayn's new mommy
Is there an easier way to SR for rare weapons in auxiliary? Make them appear more?
But I wanted to marry Flayn.
I gave your daughter to Raphael.
Now they are running around a tiny village and shouting like fucking maniacs.
I love this Dragon boomer.
I promise, sir.
Your sister's fair game though right?
I hear he's actually a strong character, but I usually don't use pre-promoted characters. Is he worth using?
Bitch who said anything about Flayn. I'm not in your office trying to fuck HER.
Seteth is a pretty decent Wyvern Lord, yes.
If you don't already have a better flier.
He can also reach 100 crit if Trained as Warrior for the skill, but Wyvern Lord is the most broken class in the game so it's really hard to innovate on something that good.
Honestly, this.
He's pretty much specifically built to be good at the best class in the game.
He's either your freebie in case you went full retard and DIDN'T turn the monastery into a wyvern factory for some ridiculous reason, or a very solid drop in the bucket of wyverns if you did.
give flayn the dick she craves!
>Implying I wouldn't want you instead
I like this pairing.
It's hard to experiment when he is already set for the best class, I unlocked hp+5 and wrath in my last runs to help for maddening but he is just so darn good at being a Wyvern Lord that it is hard to justify levels as anything else.
I do wonder if he could work as a Sniper/fortress.
Apparently he could make a decent warlock with Excalibur but that's a lot of investment in someone who is already a Wyvern.
>just S-ranked Flayn
>see this thread
Seteth you're a really cool dude so I'm sorry that your daughter drives me fucking nuts with the need to breed her
So be it
flayn is the worst fire emblem girl
i dont want to fuck her, i just want her to use my face and lap as her personal seat cushion and foot rest
What sort of monster are you?
>plain white undies
I so thought he was going to betray you especially since I played in japanese meaning he was takehito koyasu
He became my favourite character in the game
Boomer dragon dad is a great guy
>enemies invade and try to burn down my troops
>be monster for killing them
>says this when he's playing the invaders
Why would anyone settle for Flayn when you have a superior dragon with you at all times? Except for the part where she's dead so you can't impregnate her, but the DLC will fix that with the new route. This fat goddess butt can now get some proper use.
Yes, and?
They're trying to kill us and we're trying to kill them
I hate Seteth so much that even though I don't care about Flayn I want to fuck her, date her and then cheat on her with Rhea. To have that bitchboi Seteth walk in while I'm cheating on Flayn and fucking the woman he loves.
>revive dragon goddess just so you can fuck her
Didn't Nemesis literally go "TOLBERONE TIME" on her and made Sword of the Creator?
I don't settle with meme victims.
Rhea's his sister, user
>hating Seteth
You got a reason why or do you just base characters on whether or not they suck your dick off right away?
Nemesis killed her while she was in a weakened state, the dubsteppers were the ones who chopped her up to make weapons. Anyways, you have basically everything you need to revive her, and in a genuine way instead of the bodyjacking bullshit Rhea tried.
>you will never be her throne
too late seteth
or should i say, father-in-law
>lap being her new throne
already imagining