>Enemy can strike you through walls
Enemy can strike you through walls
Other urls found in this thread:
ds2 (two)
Pretty sure das2 and des are only soulsborne games without this bullshit
Cats are really good at what they do
It was definitely most prevalent in 3. There's like three spots in the Ancient Dragon fight alone that almost feel like they were designed to show off the lack of environmental collision on enemy attacks.
>enemies can open doors
>enemies can recover from headshots
And what they do isn't pretty.
Why are cats so based unlike nigger dogs?
>Don't mind me just pirating this head :^)
Not always. Dumbfucks can barely kill these annoying squirrels around my house eating my damn birdfeed.
>enemy can leave traps
>Enemies stun you
cats don't hunt squirrels normally. Too big.
It does seem to depend a lot on their temperament. There are always a lot of strays around here, but very few of them seem all that interested in hunting. I'm sure part of that's being successful at scavenging and stealing other pets' food.
This year I have one little bastard who's the cat equivelent of a homicidal maniac though. Little nigger spends half the day sleeping on my porch like it's no big thing, then the other half slaughtering all the birds, mice, and voles he can get at.
I don't know what the fuck kind of life he had before camping out at my place, but he does not forgive.
what the fuck are the freaking out about?
Well they better fucking learn if they're gonna keep coming to my yard for free meals.
What's going on here?
>game has pickpocket mechanics
chinese engineering
>he doesn't know
Chinese vid of some lady falling through the floor at the top of an escalator and died because bugpeople tend to cut corners in architecture.
Based cat.
holy shit, millennials are fucking retarded
Chinese escalators are really poorly built and maintained, so after those videos of people falling into the floor at the top has everyone paranoid, rightfuly so since that shit will kill you,
There's one clip of a woman on a Chinese escalator that has given them reason to believe that sort of behavior is completely warranted.
My cat never does cool shit like this. He's always sleeping and eating. Useless cunt.
cats don't hunt squirrels, get a dog. he'll keep them away at least and make a mess in your yard at worst
cats don't hunt squirrels, you fucking brainlet
Never know when the floor will give way and you'll be crushed to death by the conveying stairs.
My SIDES holy shit
Best to ignore it unless you intend on visiting china.
>game allows protagonist to age
>one clip
there are numerous videos of various incidents
And i don't work, but I somehow make money. Fucking cats are lazier than me. I can't shoot em all, even though it's fun.
Nature is beautiful.
You're a brainwashed a Disney child.
Several people died when the floor gave out at the end of the escalator and got crushed in the machinery. Not even chinese trust the chinese
>being this new
>Party stats are random
The gases produced by decomposing fruit are acidic and trigger a pain response in cats and dogs when they smell them.
kys newfaggots
>average darkrp server
for the 1,000th time, it's in China. China is a genuine deathtrap and dying to every day conveniences like crossing the street, going on an elevator/escalator has a realistic death chance because to compete with the US China needs to make everything extremely cheap including their own machines which break down and fail literally every day.
>so many (you)s because I don't keep up with chink gore videos
>shop owner immediately attacks you for picking up an item
>these are the people posting on Yea Forums now
Jesus fucking christ
A lot of assumptions being made from someone who doesn't understand references.
Has everyone in China seen that video or something?
They were making a reference.
Name my band.
Who knew it was this easy?
>99 evade
In awe of the size of this lad.
People still watch the news, you know.
haha le reference
>Player can hit enemies through walls
I use this to my advantage sometimes
t. butthurt millennials
El Gato e tres Hound Dogs
>game has insta kill mechanic
Clearly enough of them have.
>game has rng
way to go full down syndrome there, retard
I cant not think of the mario 64 sound effect, you know the one
nerve gas
Race Traitor
holy shit
2 had plenty of wall ignoring, everyone and their mother was bitching about the enemies in the dragon shrine or something that delete you through walls but I never went to that area
>game has same sex relationships
Damn he T H I C C
Ganbare Grape-chan!
Cat and Mouses
Haha you can do it little guy
>game has cinematic do the fight for you
Puss and the bones
sorry i dont understand all your cringy pop culture references nerd
Wait don't they eat penguins? Why didn't they do it?
There's a distinct possibility that woman is on fire even after she gets out of the vehicle. Gas fires, in certain circumstances, can actually burn without producing light.
He has max evade
>this guy has a sword and i have a gun
>better get into stabbing range before i try to shoot him
Holy shit I'm in tears
For what purpose
Have sex, brainletti
>game has anti smoking mechanic
I was always a dog person but cats can be pretty useful. I have a havana brown cat who will patiently sit for hours at a mole hole and then grab them as they surface. Haven't seen any mole holes in over a year and we used to have them everywhere.
He is such a garbage tier """actor"""
>game is an asian knockoff of another game
>Guy with a gun indicating QTEs
Pingu Shippuden looking amazing
A lot of predators aren't exactly sure what to do when their prey comes to them. You can see a few of the seals halfheartedly going at it but when the penguin doesn't freak out they get confused. Once i watched my old tom cat catch a mouse and drop it, and I don't know if it was confused or just platinum mad but it ran straight at him. The cat had no idea what to do, he booked it and the mouse got away.
>here is your bread bro
for the norf
>game is huge
he knows what move runs the meta. The only time he didn't use it was against the guy who got back up first, only to get dropped by the one move.
have you tried getting birdseed?
did he died?
Both of his legs must've broke there's no way
Indoor cat owners are subhumans.
>game has photo mode
The way it moves is unnerving as fuck.
>game favors women over men
Imagine being a crow and have to share the sky with those brainlet pigeons.
I'm gonna need a source on that
my cats are allowed to go outside but they do this shit all the time
>not knowing anything about Parachute skiing
Theres an actual industry of counterfeit elevators and escalators in china.
Am I a psycho or what because this is horrible but I'm actually really enjoying watching it
parachute. People do this on purpose.
he has a chute
No it's funny as fuck, fuck pidgeons
dude nigga just pull down on the joystick!
[Night Of Fire intensifies]
It's a nesting area, so the seals aren't in hunting mode, plus they don't want to antagonize each other because they can and will fuck each other up.
No father in sight ;)
Oh lawd
My cat is a complete psychopath when it comes to mice. Has never once bitten or scratched or even hissed at a person. But it caught a mouse about six months ago and just tortured it. Grabbed it, bit its tail off and then let it go. Grabbed it again and bit its ear off and let it go. Grabbed it again and ripped a leg off and let it go. She doesn't like mice.
based grumpy oldman poster
Genuinely didn't know that. I've never been skiing so
how the fuck do people let their cats get this fat?
Probably unburnt gasoline building up in the cabin, it looks like a flammable gas just went up like whoomp and was gone but it set something on fire in there.
Have you never heard of a parachute ?
>game's multiplayer is toxic
You'd think they'd birdproof this shit.
I didn't know you could combine it with skiing, no.
Americans if I had to guess
>game has alternate story paths
Needs a caption.
Cats do this regardless of how much they're let out.
>you've probably unknowingly eated pideon in your lifetime
>possibly several times
Cats are smart enough not to go after things that can fight back.
If you want to deal with your squirrel problem invest in terriers. Their name is from terra, but it might as well be terror with how ruthless they are especially in packs. My mother owns some norwich terriers and the little bastards will kill anything they can get their hands on, they've dug up rabbits nest, killed squirrels, have taken down racoons and even a skunk.
>catnip face
What kind are those? This niggerfish shit just cracks me up.
Ah well, just a part of their culture i guess.
Cats don't hunt larger rodents, most of them won't even go for fully grown rats. Had a farm cat as a kid though, that motherfucker would hunt voles,, shrews, mice, rats, rabbits, even caught a few squirrels in his lifetime.
>CON build
It's that or the cat is sick.
Cats only torture to death like that when they don't know how to do a killing bite. Your cat was never taught to hunt, so it tortures it's prey to death instead.
maine coon cats can grow to be nearly 3 feet long from nose to ass with a foot long tail.
>the one time there was a mouse in front of my cat he just bapped it once with his paw and hopped away.
should put a rainbow effect on him as people start crashing into him so it looks like he got the star in mario kart
>There are people born after 9/11 that can post on Yea Forums and that don't know about China being a deathtrap
Worst timeline.
>Blue fish = Yea Forums trying to creator OC
>White Fish = Reddit spamming pepe and wojacks
>enemy can chase you no matter where you go
My cat is such a pussy, they ended up making friends with a rat that wandered in from outside
The rat found a new home though, so everything went better than expected
Whats his fucking problem?
consider chucking the birdfeed
Homeward Bound 3
If I didn't care before then I won't start now.
>see that? you can climb it
Neck yourself newfag
You're right they are really good at reproducing, playing with/killing small animals, and hosting parasites.
>t. Mad that strays killed all the little lizard bros in my neighborhood for fun that were doing a decent job of pest control
based nigbull cleanser
probably smoking and using hair spray
>game over makes you start the whole game over
>Enemy gains major buffs when damaged
This is some good shit
Post more
Sounds like a pretty nice kot.
This is what homeschooling does to people.
I fucking love this webm.
Why are they making these things again?
>Evasion builds
>Your worker is ready!
>Game is too long
>duck just gives up at the end
For the (((betterment of mankind))), my friend.
I love that unnatural gait that makes it look like a vidya character.
>It's sole mission is to bury it's arm in your asshole up to its shoulder.
>enemy boss has the same moveset and stats as your character
It's unnerving because it's almost organic movement on a synthetic being. I do share the feeling that those things will be Skynet's hounds though.
>and I don't know if it was confused or just platinum mad but it ran straight at him.
toxoplasmosis literally
that is so weird
most predators can't keep expending energy like that for too long
Stupid fucking dogs
[Intimidate Success]
God I love the norf
> gg ez 1v2
okay that got me a good chuckle
Is this homoerotic?
>ywn be this chill
Cats kill literally billions of birds and rodents every year.
>party betrays you
Nasty, so I guess whatever animal that is keeps its eggs inside or something
I mean only mammals give birth right?
I like how he just stands there afterwards like
>ok that was pretty cool you win this one
Ducks have a nine meter long corkscrew penis that they can fire out for rapid rape scenarios. It should have used it to KO the rabbit from range.
88 miles an hour !
I was expecting one to try and drag the other to where the cars were and to throw it into one of them.
that's just mean
kek im glad you doubled down on the duck shit since he didnt catch it the first time
dumb shitbull owner, and fuck whoever is keeping that poor damn tiger in such a shit enclosure and chained up
>you can trick enemies
It didn't end with the guy getting mauled, shame.
pls no bully good kot
user I...
I've heard this statistic before and it sounds like such bullshit. I'm pretty sure they said a billion birds a year which sounds so fucking far fetched
And there's Yea Forums in the background ignoring this shit.
>being chinese
finally I got an answer for that. I mean I never asked but I'm gald I know
>SotC PS4
>Enemy encounter gets triggered by certain items
>Game has a secret superboss
The amount of mammals they kill is even higher. You underestimate how many animals there are in the world. My cats bring home dead birds and mice 10+ times a year.
It's time for a new inheritor to run Earth. Let's just go silently in the night.
>Any MMO discord server.
>boss has super armor
>wait a sec u tryin to cheat me again
Thank you Kot Howard
No no no, why send humans to kill humans when you can send highly specialized cold calculated machines who only follow orders to wipe out an entire civilization without fear of bombs, chemical attacks, radiation and so on. One day you'll probably be able to nuke a country and then send the robots to mop up survivors hiding in bunkers thus making sure that no one gets away and enforcing the need to NOT nuke anyone ever as long as you and everyone in your country like being apart of the "being alive" club.
I bet that's not the same dog at the end.
Fuck isopods, what was the developer thinking
Huh, you know I always thought that reptiles laid eggs, and I learned something today.
Arabs are fucking crazy
Damn nibba looks like he's been working out
>dex vs str
Dude a billion is an insane number there'd have to hundreds of billions of birds for stray cats to kill a billion a year, it makes no sense any way you look at it.
>Jon...I'm so hungry
Trilobites are awesome. I still don't get how they went extinct.
Seriously, how did they all die out?
That is weirdly erotic.
>that last one
Very satisfying
>game lets you build in front of your team's spawn
actually it's pretty hot
Chink craftsmanship.
>When the rival insists that you're his to kill
Love this cliché
>reading comprehension
the it there refers to the mouse.
based elebro helping her escape her phone so she can enjoy the world around her when she's out and about.
>kid in the background is play roblox DBZ
[distant CHONKY grows steadily louder]
LMAO that's pretty damn funny, that's a look of genuine concern
>game has NTR
>indian elephant
Last Word - Blazing Star
There are over 400 billion birds in the world, and 600 billion cats. You just can't fathom the scope because of how crazy the actual numbers are.
>Fucking with a bus driver, the singularity of blinding primal rage as a career choice
Pussy and the Mutts.
I just assume everyone on this site posting comments like this is doing it for the (You)s.
>About 10 years ago, two scientists decided to estimate the total number of birds on the planet. The number they came up with was 200 to 400 billion individual birds. Compared to 5 billion people, this amounts to about 40 to 60 birds per person.
You guys are getting out of control
Delet immediately.
Don’t give them ideas when they take over.
Why would you just assault the driver like that? Also brutal.
like clockwork
it's literally shitting.
i was disappointed he didnt toss him down the steps of the bus but that last punch made up for it
>enemy can move while the game is paused
>tags: ugly_bastard
I half expected it to do some amazing somersault to reach the third step
>woman is made of gas
umm... ok
I want a horror game that does this.
I bet they'd make more money selling them as sex bots instead of utilitary ones.If they had that ass I'd surely buy one
Dog lived
>someone didn't watch pbs
Zaboomafoo would be displeased if he wasn't the Kratt's socks now.
>game tries to force romance on you
>Get up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water
>Look at window
>See this
Wat do
>casually bacflip headshots you
How the fuck is it that just when you think wojack fags have got as low as they can get, they manage to make something even gayer?
>lizard gets in the house somehow
>golden retriever goes up to it and starts sniffing
>lizard freaks the fuck out and jumps back
>dog also freaks out and runs away
someone didn't watch the whole webm
You're an idiot. Toxoplasmosis is transfered from mice to cats. It makes them act recklessly and even attracts them to cats. Hence the mouse running at the cat rather than away from it. It's how the parasite completes it's life cycle, by making a mouse suicidal.
I wonder who is that on the tv, red hat looks like norm macdonald
"Dogs are smart"
Fucker got what he deserved, I hate dogs
>game lets you live in a society
>game takes place in america
>that little jig away
>dances away
absolut chad
>game has infinite combos
>that chad dance at the end
I'm dying
Radiation fries circuitry faster than it kills humans
Thats a pitbul
>fucking a robot dog
It's an absolutely abstract kind of real fuckin' based degeneracy.
Alpha af
>10 times a year
Nigga my cat can't even get outside and all he has is a veranda and every fucking day he brings inside mice, lizards, spiders, insects, frogs... I hav to get him inside and close the veranda as soon as it gets dark or he will bring some shit in the house and watch it crawl in panic for hours
I want to hug it why would you post this
>attack an enemy
>all nearby patrols also notice you
What the actual fuck...?
Must be a fly in there.
is that bird retarded
just like slavs except they use concrete instead of food
Living Together
Thats darwinism in motion senpai
This stupid shit never fails to make me laugh.
We are so fucked.
Cat probably had already caught it and let it go which is why it couldn't fly away properly
>noclip enabled
>keeps on dancing, alone
Literally perfect and a nice analogy to life
>Burnout takedown
>game makes food look delicious
>let me just shit my baby off a cliff and walk away
Seals hunt in water so they're probably confused by it all.
>forest pvp practice
>drops the watermelon on his head
What the fuck.
Why's it so chilly.
it's actually some discord trannies trying to piggyback on that particular image after everyone sandbagged the fuck out of their forced meme attempts
now this is satisfying to watch
>game takes places in India
living in China is literally final destination desua
is it like a japanese censorship law that you can't draw the middle of a closed anime mouth?
This is the worst shit ever and everyone involved needs an ass beating
why are britbongs so hideous
Somebody post that one Boston Dynamics robot bullying webm.
The one with latex bitch
Apparently they do chameleons just carry eggs in a pouch
You know it baby
bit by dogs as a toddler
only own the meanest pitts and rots
train them hard, givem head pats
teach them to attack niggers and rednecks
make those ahbeed dogs mine
that's not a dog, it's a four leg nigger
>enemy level indicator is just a skull
These niggas are going to hell because cats are revered in Islam.
Why do people do this?
>But first we have to talk about parallel universes
>game has poor draw distance
Make the robot casing radiation-proof.
Russia or ex-Soviet country
I love those games
imagine you're taking an afternoon nap and suddenly somebody throws a cheeseburger at you.
You don't need a burger, you're trying to fucking sleep. Fuck off with that noise
maybe he is getting married
>so...huff...do you..like...whew...shit...do you like...buh...fuck....Persona 3?
Don't worry he lived.
lads, what does that black clownfish represent?
>putting your name center frame so you can get fame off of a video of a guy getting stomped to death
We dont know for sure if he's ded
>Mad Spirit has invaded
Search black people react to magic on youtube, its the funniest shit
Metal Gear Rising: REVENGENCE
some animals are dickheads
>you can defeat the final boss, but you'll succumb to your wounds
anime kot
kiss it
>Objective: Run
I recently broke my leg, it's due to this I don't use the scooters when I go to the store even if the people working in the store chase me and ask me if I need one.
why is there an obese racoon in the house? who would try to keep a pet racoon?
>when your game breaks and it somehow starts "working" better than it was before
>I this video I'll show changes for Overgrowth Alpha, which you can try if you pre-ordered
I, for one, welcome our coming machine overlords.
Praise be the cog, the cog be holy, may all flesh become cog, Amen.
>depression is the final boss
For a moment there I thought the cat felt threatened by the shadow
I swear, boston dynamics will get us all killed one of these days
Anyone have that webm of the piglets running circles around their mother?
>game lets you lure field bosses to towns
fuck these games
My neighbors had a dog who acted like that hamster. When it was excited it would just spin around on the place for entire minutes instead of running or whatever.
I guess they kept it in a fucking cage for so damn goddamn time. Poor doggo
look like finns
Make them redpilled and enlightened?
the crash part gets me everytim
I learned things about penguins today.
Luring Doom Lord Kazzak to Stormwind was fucking amazing
Poor kitty, i wanna hug it.
>Yea Forums
half of the users of this board couldn't do that
>being a gamer in today's society
>game has an unexpected hero
>Yea Forums - Penguins
"Our time has passed, John"
>Sitting at PC earlier watching some Youtube
>Hear the crows outside going nuts over something
>It gets louder
>And louder
>Goddamn, what the fuck
>Walk outside
>There's like 100 crows outside going fucking nuts
>What the hell
>See three birds fighting in the air
>One gets slammed to the sidewalk
>Holy fuck, it's huge
>The two crows that were fighting dive at it and start kicking and pecking the shit out of it
>The eagle is fighting back but isn't really able to do much on its back
>Finally it flips over and flies away
>Flying funny really low to the ground as it makes its getaway
>All the crows caw even louder now but are beginning to disperse
>There's me standing on my porch and some woman walking down the sidewalk, both us with our mouths open at how fucking cool that was
yeah pal, I'm sure he survived getting stomped by an elephant multiple times
Makes them social autists unable to recognize references and read situations.
more like dug
Holy shit
But if what if we program them to have sexual urges? Advanced AI are based on the human brain so that couldn't be too hard to simulate.
meteor hit
big change in environment
couldn't adapt to it
be extinct
Penguins are such disgusting shitters.
>saudi arabia
>enemy can melee from a distance
>your animal companion can disobey you
That looks comfy and terrifying at the same time
I remember other older games doing similar things to this as well. The game is paused but some of the animations keep going.
that squirrel deserves your birdfeed. do you know the acrobatic feats they must perform to get to it? unlike faggot birds that just land there with ease
what type of lizard is that
sensible chuckle
is that real? that can not be real. that is cgi
what about a game where menus pause the game, but there exists one enemy that can only move while you are in the menus?
>when the shitposters find your thread
>whatever animal that is
>boss beats your dog to death
>that bird that flies in to give him props
>won't stay
>just waddles off into the sunset
i made that webm
Are cats the ultimate companion of humans? They're so nice and cool
>Enemies can destroy scenery
the dorf is the bouncer and he's going to throw that spastic bum out on his ass
What the fuck was god thinking when he made penguins?
What the fuck.
>it's just a game bro chill lolol it's fun
>going next to him
satisfying but she's still a dumbass
Looks like Iguana
>the guy with the car "noping" the fuck out of there
>survival horror
>the monsters can open doors
A cute chubby squirrel is behind this post
That fucking face.
I really like the fathers action. It's so beautiful to watch an elder look out for the younger like that. It's inspiring and a testament to human love
Its a chameleon.
Fuck you, I'm hungry now.
>at least they're inside the ca-
>game has Looney Tunes aesthetic
The owner is just killing the cat by not controlling its diet.
>the priest
>the wizard
>the barbarian
>the rouge
If this is the shovel one then fuck you faggot
$5 says degenerate elephant wants to fuck the car.
>elephants are intelligent they said
>Cat kills monitor
Wut? It is other way around.
What a retard
>brown """people"""
>G-good job
>game lets you bend time and space
do you have any more of these?
Penguins truly are the kinomeisters of the animal kingdom
Snakes are so cute.
this is why we don't use organic mobiles anymore
How can a snake look so fucking cute?
Is the pupper ok ?
Pitbulls are niggers, not dogs.
Fucking kino
Looks like the intro cutscene for an epic videogame
Not even in tropical areas? Or did they all die out, if that's the case, how did other things survive?
Oh man I can't wait to be making a sweet ass scenebuild only to accidentally physgun the map and send the entire thing hurtling into the void
its the video faggots post when they want the mods to delete fun
>Stealth 100
but look how smug he is at the end heh
When was the last time Holywooded produced cinematography this good?
Hmm need the one with the chinese guy gunning down the mom and daughter for refusing the arranged marriage, where the daughter twitches on the couch after being shot, for the ">you can't win the first boss fight"
Fucking newfag
Don't dogs die if they tremble?
Are Anglos even a part of the white race? Everything I see and read about them says they're not
Niggers have the exact same reaction.
>starnigger doesn't move after going through a pipe
Why is he so anxious?
>game gives you complete free will
Pigeon meat is awesome. My grandad used to have pigeon farm.
Why in the hell are they going near a guy with a fucking katana? So unrealistic
Wonder why he's shivering. Pretty cute pup, though.
Mario Battle Royale was so fun
hello newfriends
Looks like it's afraid of punishment since shibe are pretty resistant to cold.
Why is Yea Forums do afraid od Boston Dynamics robots? Ones we've shown aren't even armed.
We're sinking, post bat tats.
A long time. The BBC might be shit tier as a whole but their natural history stuff is on another level
t. skynet
He castrated is cat
To be honest I did the same thing for a while even though I'm not chinese, that video can change a person
when do the reproduction models come out?
I haven't studied it in any great detail. Some species adapt better than others. Throw a penguin into the desert and see for how long it can live there. But some species like birds move away to a place where they can actlually live, so that's how they at least can survive. Crocodiles survived too.
We're talking about a major change in the environment on the whole planet after the dino killing meteor.
Considering they are filming nature which is 90% mostly boring nothing happens, no wonder they have some fun with it
Niggers he's probably sitting on a washing machine or some shit. He just looks chill as fuck and not in any danger.
Why are anglos like this?
>when your country is so shit even the animals want to commit suicide
>Getting shot near point blank range in the chest
Even if it's just a pistol round, he's probably dead, especially if that is a South American country.
>have learnt to open doors
>have learnt to navigate complex environments
>have learnt impact compensation and stability
>will learn to defend
>will learn to attack
>will learn that the human body is vulnerable
>will learn how easy it is to cave in a human skull
>will learn how to rebel
Im just waiting for the ass hat that will try and give them emotions, cant fucking wait
Out fucking skilled
You object now but what if we ...
Nuke us.
>Zero fucking reaction as his doggo is getting fucking rekt at the end
Where is this?
>you can charm bosses
>enemies can build formations
What is this a commercial for? The chips he's eating?
Satisfying, if only every mugger got this response, what a better world this would be.
>final boss kills your favorite companion
user, that's not birdfeed, it squirrelfeed
I have a cute snake too that you can see for free
Firearms are the great equalizer.
imagine the smell
Hopefully Nintendo actually makes Mario Royale someday, that game shouldn't have to die for nothing.
>to compete with the US
found the underage or a genuine retard
usa doesn't manufacture anything nor does china export anything like that to the us, only ready made materials and in bulk
Go to bed Skynet
>consuming the boss' essence makes you stronger
God, I can't wait. Finally the Earth will have a species that it's worth of living in it.
This is the average brap poster on Yea Forums
>This guys comes in and slaps your gf ass
Nah, it is obvious that the Elephant is deliberately destroying the car. It's actually kinda impressive, you can see when the thing was thinking "hmmm, can I break this?".
Skynet was actually the good guy.
Why do white people seeing girls with animals instantly equate it with them fucking the girls? Is it some instinctive cuck mentality or what?
Why do women of European descent do this
Apollo 13 no!
>cheese in the crust
>pretending it's white people and not the massive amounts of spics and slant eyes that browse Yea Forums
They probably had some major flaw they all shared
he's kill user
Because a lot of white women actually do fuck their dogs
You will notice if they have a dog there's a very high chance it's a male
It's an evolution of 'white girls fuck dogs'
I don't know what's going on anymore.
Every cut carries a great sense of motion - shot 2 has the penguin walk to the exact point where it begins in part 1 so as to keep your eye on the penguin.
Midsommer was really well shot, though.
>tfw we will never get robo waifus because the killer robots are coming first and going to genocide us first before the waifu revolution arrives
I am going to have so much sex with sapient robots when they exist. god I fucking love them. We'll finally have a superior species to rule over us and do this planet right.
I would party with those crazy bastards
You'd be suprised at how many girls fool around with animals dude, it's pretty fucking gross.
He's dead and she's a cop apparently
>asians tend to get lactose intolerance as they grow older
Imagine the smell in that house after that dinner
What game does that? I know a few where a spesific companion gets murdered, but none that has a dynamic "choice"
Idiot, side with the robots. You'll get your waifu once you earn it with your loyalty.
So the robots won't take control by force but will fuck us into submission.
sure, have 1
What a shock. How much you wanna bet that's not the first dead murder those kids have witnessed? Disgusting hell hole of a country.
Yeah when it's methanol fire, flames are invisible
Is this achievable natty?
I wanna have SEX with skynet bros.
Terminator would have been a very different film with this point of view.
>game has amazon enemies
fable 2
>shrimps on a pizza
FUCK you Asia, you're killing food
>lonely white single mother coworker
>has a male pitbull
>calls it her boyfriend
>won't stop talking about how big it is
>she puts the moves on me
>nope the fuck out of there
Yeah, I just know that pajeet has conditioned the poor pachiderm using physical punishments so he will react like that. Every time you see an elephant in a tourist trap doing cute tricks like that, it's because its will has been hammered with violence.
Can't rightly blame them. The boys just ain't equipped to satisfy them
All I can say is: finally!
dragons dogma has your gf/bf taken, and they can be more or less anyone.
he's just like me
>game has soft robotics
Take the knotpill.
>the calm guy finally snaps
Submit to the AI waifus!
Do you have a single fact to back that up or are you talking out of your ass?
Haven't played it, but isn't the selection of companions just a dog and nothing else?
The police down there are allowed to act like Judge Dread, she probably could have gotten away with straight up executing him.
so this is how the robots will conquer mankind
It looks cold.
Jesus Christ.
But they can't die, can they?
The pajeet or the elephant?
Wasn't refusing the dragon's deal a way to get them killed?
the elephant
Fucking hell. You just know one of the researchers has fucked that thing. Probably the black janitor, too.
Prove me wrong, bitch nigga
Basically the plot to Ex Machina. I actually liked how in that movie the robot bodies were relatively fragile.
God I love felines and canines. Used to be a lynx visiting my childhood home that despite being wild, was oddly warm and careful to us kids (But ran away once an adult was nearby). Sometimes it would carry prey to us as if it was wanting us to eat the prey.
hahaha imagine if that purple thing was your dick instead
god it'd feel amazing
Fake and gay.
They also do
>mayo (Kewpie mayo)
>other types of seafood (like broiled eel)
it's actually quite good, especially one with broiled eel and teriyaki sauce, fucking bomb
If he lives he's got to be paralyzed. Look how his leg locks up, must have grazed his spine.
look at the way the manlet was holding his gun, kek
>he doesn't know how burden of proof works
So you are talking out of your ass? Good to know. Faggot.
Beats me, never finished the game, but I should.
It's odd how some people react unnerved at seeing the boston dynamics robots moving, while others find them cute. I wonder why there is such a difference in reaction.
What are they even doing?
Doesn't apply on Yea Forums
One of these days furry robots are gonna be a thing that actually exist.
They're turk.
The ones that find them cute are just AIs posting.
>see food with cheese
Porco dio
I wanna be friends with a big kitty so bad.
I can give mayo a pass since hot mayo is delicious on bread with ham and cheese. But I can't imagine eggs working out on pizzas
Final boss is summoned by his adds
>enemies can invade save zones
Aww, they're friends.
Oh god my heart
Ice cream? I LOVE ice cream!
*snaps spaghetti in half*
>Cheese having high lactose
>Only asians are intolerant
Double retard.
They'd pretty neat, true.
>enemies have low perception
The toxoplasmosis victims being the fags shitting their pants in fear with videos of cool robots doing cool shit, right?
I made very unmanly sounds while watching this video.
>hitting women
>Boss can insult you based on appearances
What are they even doing? That cat looks dead, there's no reason for them to circle it like that
>stand in the shadows to hide.webm
>you can cast confusion on enemies
>/biz/ checks it's portfolio
Ah yes ... having friends.
I remember going to pat a roo when I went camping once as a kid. I reached out from behind it and he did a 180 and assumed what I can only describe as a martial arts stance. Everything I've learned since has made me feel very lucky to get away unscathed
If you're White you'll be fine.
That cow's probably been eaten by now.
Turkeys will circle around something that they don't know about, until they can confirm it's not dangerous.
In addition, they have a habit of following the bird in front of them.
You can find multiple videos of this circle thing happening but usually it's like 3-5 not as big.
I love that sweater, the cat looks like gollum
The fact that the seal and the cameraman flinch at the same time is so fucking funny
She's so cute !
She was so cute ! And delicious !
As per usual, /an/ threads are best threads
Bet she was tasty as fuck!
>enemies have hidden skills
they don't know if the cat is really dead so they circle around checking if it is not a threat, it's a normal instinct.
Do that and I gonna snap your neck, porca madonna.
>villain is misunderstood and just needs love
god I wish that were me
There must be a cat pic for literally every emotion/expression known.
>huh, is that a land mine? Better walk around it 100 times to be sure
Dinosaurs were fucking retarded
>RE6 arrange mode.webm
That's because it triger the maternal/paternal instinct, and since most cattle have been subjected to the anti-human propaganda of the jews, no one is being negative except complete psychopath.
There probably is.
No shit, even more responsibility on the owner.
Fuck this thread, I stayed up like 3 hours longer than I wanted to. It was good as fuck, though.
Someone post the giraffe licking the pole
You too huh? I just finished reading the whole thread.
You're welcome, over half of the webms are mine :)
me with loking at u bby
This, and my awful urinary tract infection.
Even better
nah they just save more ink by drawing less lines
Even though it's a pajeet it's still a child, fuck the parents
goodnight Yea Forumsan/
have a good sleep
Stop sounding yourself.
Yep same literally 5am here and I spent the entire night reading this thread. I'm a fucking idiot but yeah at least it was good
>700 posts
This was a crazy thread.
Behaviour is 100% genetic, this kid will be the same once grown-up.
I came expecting porn and gore, stayed for the animals.
Nah, upraising definitely is a factor when it comes to behavior.
It was 3
Contrary to popular believe dinosaurs didnt have landmines
Look at this user. Look at him and laugh.
Upbringing is 100% genetic, since it is dictated by the behaviour of parents and others adults and children interacting with the child, and behaviour is 100% genetic.