>been here since 2014.
How do i escape bro?
Been here since 2014
Other urls found in this thread:
Been here since 2007. Get the fuck out of here.
There are people here that have been trapped well over a decade.
You can't
Just break free!
>post-fappening and GG redditor fags feel like they are oldfags now
Oh no how embarrassing. Just go back bro.
We are here forever
am i still a newfag if i came here in 2011
not as new as some fags but it doesn't matter, you're still a newfag to people who came before you
Could be worse, you could be a redditor newfag like most of the site is now.
the only non newfag is literally the first person to come here
you missed the golden age and experienced only the shit part of 4chinks
play sodoku non-stop until you are free trust me it works i just don't wish to leave anymore
Do you really want to?
Get a job. The only reason people rot in here is too much free time.
No. This is just a bait thread
Been here since fucking 2004. You can't fucking leave no matter how bad it gets it's worse everywhere else.
>Been here since 09
>Lost my Folder 3 times over which arguably had every thing that ever made me laugh on this site
>Can't enjoy posting because not only do I not have my old reactions but I couldn't use most of them in current Yea Forums threads
>And yet I'm still here
I wish there was escape.
the game
>there are people on this board who never experienced pre captcha Yea Forums
you become an hero
2011 was the bane year
When will you fucking faggots realize this shithole is the only decent place left on the internet?
List me 3 websites where you can type nigger and faggot without getting banned or insulted to death.
close computor
there is nothing to escape to
"escaping" is like taking the red pill and then living in a really shitty world without getting any additional powers to make it better
is this a serious post?
I've known about this place since at least 2006, didn't become a regular poster until around 2009, been here since. Nothing has changed really but it seems like the world has gotten worse overall.
You get banned for saying those on most boards lol. Even the mods here are redditors and I am going to assume that so are you.
>I decided that you're a redditor XD
And I decided that you're a faggot. How does it that feel?
just fap to pics of satania's retard butt
i've been here 10 years and i'm still a newfriend. i saw people get banned for saying their first console was a ps1, and now we have people old enough to post who started with a 360. it's sad that this shithole is getting worse but it's still better than the alternatives
depending on how many times the mod has dilated today you could anywhere from a 2 day to a 2 week long ban for saying either of those now
>been here since last week
how the fuck do i leave?
I never got banned for typing those words. What the hell are you guys smoking?
There's no place to escape so you'll always come back here.
Been here 9 years now. It’s not all bad
>The MGSV hypetrain
>Fucking gamergate
This board is so shit. No one ever talks about video games I play. Why am I still here?
>the majority of the people here have no idea what sage and noko mean
nigger faggot
On Yea Forums the mods don't give a shit. Go on Yea Forums, Yea Forums or /g/ where there's proven redditor mods and you will see real fast.
You niggerfaggots are retarded. Shut the FUCK up.
Me too bro.
>Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /g/
So, literal shit boards.
Well that's sad anyway.
I'll try someday
I've been here since 2005 and I've tried to leave this site a couple of times but after venturing other parts of the internet there is nothing that emulates the type of community in Yea Forums (or other "chan" boards for that matter), honestly the other websites are just a cesspool of self-fellation and attention whores
One of the things that I really like is that you can disagree with someone on a thread and call him a faggot but can still appreciate them and share opinions on something completely different
Despite how exponentially shit it's been getting since 2006 (Habbo Hotel raid), 2008 (Project Chanology), 2014 (Gamer Gate), 2016 (Trump election campaign) it's still the best place to discuss almost any topic on the internet
>Yea Forums
I haven't posted there in 2 years. Do they still parrot everything Fantano says?
>been here since 2007
>just want to go back to when Yea Forums was about a sincere passion for nerd shit
Or at least I wish I could talk to new people easier
But really, what went wrong?
I could never go on Yea Forums I know the general userbase would hate my tastes and I would get too angry arguing
Listing dates you got off a wiki doesn't make you an oldfag friend.
I remember the day moot required captcha to post. I was so fucking mad because you had to solve one for each post and it made dumps on Yea Forums impossible. I'm pretty sure that stupid faggot said it was a temporary measure too
We need to bring back /prog/
anyone who came here after the fox news report is eternally a newfag
2011 here.
I wish, I would've started lurking earlier.
Do they still ride Fantano's cock and just mindlessly parrot everything he says?
dumb satania poster
I don't know, like I said I could never go on there. I've looked at the board like once or twice in my life
newfriends don't lurk anymore, and post quality has declined significantly as a result. board culture's out the window, it's been nonstop pepe/wojak spam for the past few years
2011 was a good year for Yea Forums but Yea Forums in general was on the decline
2010-12 had MGQ and Tribes
but I think the most fun I had on the board was umineko theorycrafting on Yea Forums, /jp/ and Yea Forums before 2010. That was a wild ride.
>How do i escape bro?
don't visit the website
get a hobby outside the internet
have sex
summer of 2008 never ended
what games do you play lad
The cancer killing Yea Forums evolved and became more lethal before spreading to the rest of the website. Honestly I fucking miss Chanology because somehow it didn't shit this site as bad as 2014 and 2016 did.
/prog/ and /lounge/
fucking gook moot
Those dates are common knowledge and I've probably been here longer than you mate, no way to prove it other than years worth of useless Yea Forums trivia though
That's because every single normie faggot website relies on Yea Forums for epic upboats. They produce no original content, they just take whatever is popular on here and repost the fuck out of it so they can feel good about their likes or whatever. It's fucking cancer. That's why we've had wojack spam, because normies beat a meme way past dead. Whatever they can do to keep it relevant they'll do because it gets them their dopamine high when they see upboats.
>tfw electioncoon
Why did I even bother with lurking for a year before posting if the other newfriends didn't give a damn?
Miss my antics, Yea Forums?
Yes, I'm a newfag and I came here in 2008
>Tfw I use sage with every post
I wonder if people still think that sage and photo bumps a thread.
it's the thought that counts
>their dopamine high when they see upboats.
remember when Yea Forums didnt have (you)? when threads were just loose strings of discussions instead of people replying directly to (you). haha.
>blaming hiro when moot killed them
You're not a newfag, you're cancer. I'm a 2007 newfag. 2010-12 is the cancer era. I'm too lazy to dig up the image describing the years.
Holy fuck I forgot about that lmao. Once you posted in a thread it'd redirect you to the front page and noko kept you in the thread after you posted right? I haven't used that shit in a literal decade
Been here since the steaming hot summer of 10'
We can never leave, friend. Been stuck here since 2011.
I had one guy think it did after I told them to use sage when replying to garbage threads.
omp omp omp omp
I cant remember which one it was but if it was moot he did it in his very last years to reduce server fees. the jap retard is to be blamed for not bringing text boards back though.