>Starfield on Morrowind's engine
>$7 for a fucking fridge in Fallout76
>Wolfenstein Youngbloodz is ugly
>Nintendo Online
>No games
>Metroid Prime 4
>California censors Japanese games
>Death Stranding goes to PC
>No games
>2 blu-rays for 1/3 of FF7 Remaster
>FF8 Remake & ethics department
>No games
>2004 mmorpg
>Commercials during loadings
>Slot machines & Casinos
>Boredomlands 3
>steeling games
>store sucks ass
>tiananmen square massacre
>Brexit is bad, mkay?
>$15 Uplay Plus
>Zoey Quinn
>Body shape
Gayming Industry is done done
>No games
Did you miss the Sony seething for the past 2 months?
It’s not stopping either when Zelda, Luigi’s Mansion 3 and Pokémon drops
>>Zoey Quinn
if zoey quin is the worst thing you have seen then you haven't been paying atention to the indie scene, it's much worse than it looks.
>t. indie dev who has to work with these asshats
honestly you do not know how bad things truely are
>how bad things truely are
Tell me more about it please.
Nowhere to go from here but up, right? :D
... :'(
Go on
>Toby fox and indies are beating out multinationals by a fuckton especially with cultural relevance
That reminds me, the recent messages that’s being shown on Twitter?
It’s actually the bases mother fucking bitch guy Phil fish, if this asshole hates hates Zoey, you know you fucked up
>gonna make loads of money with it
>gonna make even more money
>still gonna make a bunch of money
>People are gonna buy the FF shit anyway, no matter what
>enough games to sell
>Still the most played MMO now with microtransactions, swimming in dosh
Take Two
>Both sports and Borderlands will sell forever
>and making lots of money
>and making even more money
>the hypemachine is alive and well, selling games
I mean face it, I don't like most of these things either, but it's selling like crazy, so I'm not sure what "Gaming industry is done" means to you. Maybe you meant to say: "I'm done with the game industry"?
Almost every indie dev is a Phil Fish-esque character. I personally know of a guy who will refuse to use the term gamer when referring to video-game players, but only says gamer when he is bashing players.
They will constantly bitch about companies preventing anti-consumer actions.
they whine about crunch, which is stupid, you set the deadlines for your own game retard, there is no crunch at your workplace. All of that is self inflicted
Radical leftist politics, now don't get me wrong, I really don't give a shit about politics of a game dev, but the group i meet up with works with antifa game devs. They aren't the agree-to-disagree types of people and I personally feel uncomfortable when they try to bring in politics when we are designing games.
They for some reason, are really keen on making game jam bundles free (or pay as you go) meaning, you can get a shit ton of new titles for jack all and then bitch that they can't make any money.
They all are very eager to do cancel culture, Zoe Quinn was just one example of it.
Most of them hate gamers and for some reason expect gamers to buy their shit when they keep insulting their audience.
I am only working with them so I can learn some coding tricks and to have some connections but as soon as the game launches i might just burn those bridges and cut ties with them as I don't want to be seen with the anti-consumer anti-gamer crowd of indie devs
>even Phil Fish hates Zoe
oh thats just great, made my day LOL
Why do they make games if they hate gamers?
What happened to FF14?
I am not going to bring up the game, as it would cause a Streisand effect and cause the game to get more popular, but one of the ugliest games was made by antifa game dev that most of the local game devs here are friends or colleagues with.
Literally the worst looking game by far, it looks worse than an asset swap, it is beyond parody too, the most pandering bullshit you can come up with.
The fact these people associate with antifa types and antifa sympathizers says how they will deal with differing opinions when it comes to politics and religion.
I don't have much of a support system or a backup plan and everyday I feel like that one protest I was apart of will come back to bite me in the ass.
Indie Dev deserves it
Spill the beans, user. How bad is it?
>California censors Japanese games
Why do you care about this when every other part of your post implies you're a westacuck who hates Japanese games? Nintendo has plenty of titles lately, only a westacuck would ignore them.
How is ff14 going with classic wow released? Seems like most talk about ff14 is dead and dusted.
When the Oblivion horse armor came out they all laughed
>I died a little
When the online passes started they all laughed
>I died a little
When the cut content was sold separately despite being on the disk they all laughed
>I died a little
When expansions turned into $20 map packs they all laughed
>I died a little
When the season passes started and people were paying for unannounced, unreleased content they all laughed
>I died a little
When you were locked out of content because you didn't buy a bag of pizza rolls to get a code they all laughed
>I died a little
When games turned into slot machines where you gamble for color schemes they all laughed
>I died
You zoomers can go ahead and lay in the bed you made. Enjoy it.
>except it isn't
If I were you user I'd abandon indie and pursue a different industry to work in. By everything I've seen and heard It really sounds like a horrible environment.
That's because they see it as a means to toss in a political agenda, or a way to make some huge money. That's my guess, They don't want to make art, or an adventure. You know, what games are supposed to be? They want a means of beating someone over the head with it. They want to include unnessisary politcal things so they can cry victim and whatnot.
They care about politics first and games second.
These people like the drama they cause and the attention they get. They honestly don't even care about their causes.
Also, I suspect some use cancel culture as a way of killing their competition.
boomers are the ones who introduced the practices and retarded kids didn't know what they were getting into when they started using mommy's card for games.
boomers are the reason this world is in the shitter, we're just living with the shit had you gave us.
reminded me of the industry crash soon spam at the start of this gen
incel version of hobo carry apocalyptic sign
I'm glad I stayed a gen behind. The way this gen has progressed hasn't made it worth investing in.
What's wrong with 14?
The thing is, I don't have to work with these people but they are important assets so more people hear about my game.
If it really came down to it, I could just shill my game here and say some spicy things so that the e-Drama youtubers like The Quatering give me publicity and encourage his viewers to buy my game.
But yeah, I am getting the sinking feeling that something bad is lurking in the shadows, but it could be my paranoia. I am trying to find a way of distancing myself further and further from them as I learn more and more about the connections they have.
thank god. i can finally kill myself
just off yourself if you're this negative, holy shit.
don't do it retard.
make games and overturn the industry
So basically you're upset they don't share your retarded politics
Reality is breaking apart because the universe runs off of a quantum immortality model. Ever since CERN made their device, the universe has been getting more and more surreal because the alternative would be annihilation, which will never happen under a quantum immortality model.
meanwhile, on the music charts...
No, I don't care if they share my politics.
What unnerves me is that they sympathize with people who have a history of violently attacking people they see as political enemies.
I don't have a problem working with leftleaning people, but these people are off their rocker and sympathize with people who encourage violence and riots.
If they were ones that encourage peace I would have no issue with their politcal leanings as long as they don't demand me to change my political beliefs.
>thinking about what new games I liked this year
>can't remember anything else
>2 blu-rays for 1/3 of FF7 Remaster
More like 1/8
Developers made those things. It had nothing to do with what generation anyone was from as it was simple greed fueled by publicly traded companies. The difference is that boomers tried like hell to get those practices stopped but couldn't because the market had already shifted to zoomers. The boomers tried to help you. You didn't let them.
>"I'm working with people I DO NOT NEED TO, because I need to use them for my own personal gain"
>Literally acts like the people he seems to be on a hate/fear relationship
>Scared of saying the name of the game he's supposedly working on
Whatever you believe it's happening around you, it's your own fucking fault
That's the shit I don't get. Being intolerant of political disagreement is hardly a new thing in human history, but it takes a special kind of retardedness and willful ignorance to not only excuse, but side with violent fascists, because they call themselves "anti fascist".
What the fuck has to happen to someone's brain to reach that point? Has social media really destroyed all sense of self awareness?
>"Hey user please tell me the name of your game"
Yeah, no, I am not going to, at least not in this thread. They are the type of retards who only see Yea Forums as /pol/ and Yea Forums instead of the rest of Yea Forums. Not happening. Not on this thread.
Yeah, I am using these people for personal gain as it's kind of required in this field? The entertainment industry works much like this.
>Hate/Fear relationship
Again, your saying like I do not have any reason to fear or hate them. You don't know how much reign they can pull. ResetEra has as much power as it does for a reason.
>Death Stranding goes to PC
Bullshit. Hope it's not, I hate playing vidya on my UnderpoweredStation 4
>top albums
That's what I really don't get,
Daryl Davis, the guy who helped de-radicalize many KKK members, black nationalists and white nationalists, and other assorted racists by simply being kind and being a friend to them and help get them out of those groups was called a White Nationalists by those thugs..,
Think about it....
Antifa, was less tolerant than the fucking KLAN
I've been telling you kids gaming is dying/dead for years. Are you finally starting to realize it? Will you finally quit buying fucking modern shit games and let the industry fucking die like it should have years ago? Will you actually start playing games from the 80s and early 90s when gaming was actually good and demand that if the gaming industry was to be reborn that it should make games like that again, instead of modern style-over-substance, graphics-heavy, storyshit garbage like today?
No, because you dumb kids don't learn or even understand shit.
>10 years from now
>Pops in a copy of MegaMan 2 on the NES
Oh, wow. This game is fun and it's complete and I'm still enjoying it nearly 30 years late.
>Logs into three different services to play the game that just came out 4 months ago
Oh shoot, I need to pay the subscription fee for two of these services. Only 4 hours of updates?
That's not too bad. Hmmm, it seems that the game I wanted to play is no longer supported and was never released physically. Guess I'll have to go buy something else.
Gaming needs to slow the fuck down to many good games coming out this year aaaaaaaaaaa
we as a species are pretty much fucked right now and video games are fucking small potatoes. It's fucking insane.
If only you knew how bad things really were.
I've mostly been playing stuff from like 1990-2004, and I've been enjoying it much more. I still find a new game once in a while that I like, but it's something that almost feels like it could've come from that timeframe.
I think if VR improves enough, it could start another golden age. Thinking about playing my favorite games in VR made me see the potential. And what reinforces that thought is that from 1990-2004, it seemed like most technological development resulted in gameplay improvements, whereas from 2004-2019 technological development was used to improve graphics, add more cutscenes, etc. VR is the only thing lately that has really opened up new possibilities for gameplay again.
Kids are into mobile gayming.
Consoles have one foot in the grave.
Games will be cheaper on a streaming or gamepass-like service.
It's over
>games will be cheaper
We heard that when they were just starting to go all in with digital, too.
Games will never be cheaper as long as hedge fundies can come with excuses for them not to be.