They were right all along... apologize
They were right all along... apologize
I never thought they were in the wrong. Kojima is a hack. And every post MGS3 has shown that.
I'm tired of Kojima's pretentious attitude and the direction he wants to take Video Games (Movies). Fuck him. I'm with you Konami.
what did they do ?
He is the Lucas of video games. Death Stranding is going to be prequals levels of bad.
Both of them are the fault.
Capcom atleast it has some reemdemption.
Death Stranding looks tons better than Bloodstained or any other game where a stray developer has gone off to make their own game.
You can tell Kojima has tons of money for his game. It actually looks like a big production title rather than an indie title.
Ignoring the fact that you can't spell, does this mean he'll get bought out and we'll wish we had him back?
>muh gwafix
It's game over, Takuya. Kojima has won. You don't control him anymore.
>impling to a post two times
>Kojima makes a piss simulator
Konami is indeed fucked but Kojima is a fucking faggot.
This. The story went to shit after Fukushima left.
Metal Gear Survive was a really good spinoff game and the hate train against it was absolute bullshit.
Looking forward to MGS6 and the next Silent Hill.
MGS is the most overrated franchise in gaming.
t. former kojimadrone
>Konami hasn't made anything good for years
>Konami shills are still seething over Death Stranding which looks good
Send Mr Hiyakawa my regards
>Death Stranding which looks good
Nigger did you see the shitty "boss fight" and terrible animations? It's literally MGSV with shallower gameplay and more walking.
I saw serviceable gameplay, atmosphere and a story. Reminded me of MGS1. Sorry, Konami shill.
Well the only cure for stupidity is death.
Hey, did you know some guy modded the game and figured out that ghost bitch follows you the ENTIRE TIME you play this. You know how you can swear you hear her right over your shoulder. That's because she is. Fuck me, as if this game needed to be any creepier.
shill threads are just so exhausting
New Momotaro Dentetsu looks lit, you mean?
Cope harder in the break room, shill.
Konami can't afford shills. Even the execs lose all their money playing pachinko.
They still ruined yugioh. Fuck em.
>Konami hasn't made anything good for years
Neither has Kojima
any game that makes you be patient for 10 minutes is "pretentious?" play fortnite you absolute child
Maybe if they released Mega Man Legends 3.
If you don't like the prequels, you lack the self awareness and sense of humor to be a human being. you're not allowed to consume media ever again. you're too autistic.
keep posting, you'll fill your quota soon
>Death Stranding which looks good
Yeah, I wanna play a shitty walking sim with a bloated budget by a hack who is just going to steal the ending from a Hollywood movie.
MGSV was good. Keep seething.
>He's still pushing his busted talking point