its a fucking AAA walking sim
Its a fucking AAA walking sim
Other urls found in this thread:
Its gonna be praised here despite being trash
Have they shown more gameplay the past week or so? Tbh it looks like a complete disaster so far
mgs4 had more gameplay than this pretentious trash
I-it's GOAT... or at least GOTY... how dare you not acknowledge the greatness of playstation exclusives....
Just woke up. What did I miss?
you can drink Monster energy drink in the game (not joking)
literally nothing
its a game where you just walk around doing fucking nothing
I am so glad all you trannies are so upset at this. I am going to enjoy the comfiest experience ever created in gaming while you jaded fags can keep seething. There is obviously nothing that can ever meet your standards.
It looks fun as fuck
keep seething niggers
>The chiral network shall belong to Yea Forums AND ONLY Yea Forums
>Scope out (((era))) and (((Reddit))) threads asking for strands/bridges
>Create structures to block them
Any questions? Let’s reconnect America, and then Yea Forums!
40 min of close ups of Norman Reedus's stinky feet
isn't every game that's not on rails a walking sim?
Jesus Christ
Rdr2 met my standards and was comfier than this could ever hope to be given the fact that you’re all alone in the middle of fucking nowhere whereas based Arthur has a massive comfy gang to hang out with by the fire every night telling stories singing songs and getting drunk as fuck off whiskey and beer
you have BB and all of Yea Forums to help you
Kojimbo said you're never alone
Not gonna lie rdr2 was prime comfy as well but saying this game looks bad just makes anyone sound like a massive contrarian faggot
>Yea Forums hates walking sim trash
>kojima makes walking sim with Yea Forums celebes
>Yea Forums loves walking sim trash
it's like pottery
>game doesn't constantly assault your senses with a variety of actions and events
>"what a snorefest walking simulator!"
Its more the fact that good developers make good games no matter the genre. Nobody cares about genre if the game was made by a dev who isnt some random AAA cunt. If Yoko Taro made a racing game or a sports game it would still get hype even though people on here hate those genres because you can trust the man to deliver.
>bro its SUPPOSED to be boring
>its deep and artistic, you just don't get it!
haha oh fuck
>game makes travling slow and cucumbersome
>"guys its kino"
nono its a game that actually simulates walking.
haha aha ahahahhahahahHAHAHAHAH
>Playstation AAA exclusive
>Yet another walking simulator
Honestly, did you actually expect anything different?
>Monster Energy drink consumed
>Stamina restored
So every mode is movie mode? Konami really did a good thing firing his ass this guy is a hack
I bet you like these "horror" games and it's jumpscares too
It's boring on purpose!!!!
>drink Monster energy drink
>putting ladders for everyone to see
>10 minutes of walking.. suddenly enemies
>MGSV style takedowns and combat
>suddenly black monster
>back to walking
>can take baths in muddy water
>can listen to music like MGSV
>10 minutes more walking
>Delivery complete
>oh.. also you can shower
Someone give me the full 50 minute stream please
THAT'S NOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the only one where the meme is actually true
Am i the only one that thinks it looks cool as shit?
oops, sorry :)
no i want this more the cyberpunk
Yep. Probably because you've never played a game outside your censorstation
yes you are the only one you fuckin faggot
I think the game looks cool as fuck.
>hurr durr no gameplay
Its slow and heavy, and i fucking love it. More games should go for this feel instead of
>character feels like he weights 5kg and can traverse 500m in about 2 seconds
Based. Im looking forward to late night walks with music and meticulous map studying and route/gear planning
This is the Playstation pleb-fliter like BoTW was to the Nintendo and Zelda fanbase
I think it looks amazing, people here who shitpost about it being a walking sim are fucking crazy. It's gonna be incredible, you know it , I know it, they know it
>mfw you can use your cargo holder as a levitating skateboard
>Comfy walking sim full of exploring like Shadow of the Colossus was for 99% of the time
sign me the fuck up.
>slow and heavy
Its janky and clunky
is "pretentious" just the autistic zoomer buzzword for "patient" ?
>people here who shitpost about it being a walking sim are fucking crazy
>shooting guys guns shown
>sneak up and stealth take down shown
>melee combat shown
>throwing weapons shown
>grenades shown
>giant monster boss fight shown
Retards yelling walking sim on suicide watch.
30 minutes ago on PlayStation YouTube channel was an hour long live demon. It had a boss fight but it was mostly walking. Fucking walking.
If you're going to shill your shitty video, just post the youtube link. Or better yet, stop posting.
That we cant see until we play it, RDR2 was clunky as shit because it took like 2 seconds for the character to respond to your actions.
>spend 90% of the game walking
>not a walking sim
now THIS is your brain on Kojima
The difference is rdr2 had wildlife and npcs to interact with. This is just walking with a baby strapped to your chest. It’s fucking lame.
Why can't stylistic games have this much scale and atmosphere put into them like this? I want a Cyberpunk or Space western game with this much budget put in
>enemy appears
>shoot them
>continue walking
>enemies appear
>stab them
>walk some more
>enemies appear
>throw a grenade and blow them up
>Walk even more
>piss in a corner
Yeah great game, I cant wait to see it fly off the shelves
It's going to be great but normies will hate it so it will flop.
Cyberpunk 2077
>Space western game
No Mans Sky/Star Citizen/Elite Dangerous/Mass Effect
have you even fucking browsed this website before? it's already being panned despite being revolutionary
Because only Kojima can get a blank cheque for such a risky sort of game.
But we already seen action with a giant lion boss and it's looks like shit too
well how the fuck else are you gonna get from the East coast to edge knot city? fast travel? fucking pleb
It isn’t even revolutionary. It’s just piggybacking off flappy bird by making a tedious as fuck game.
>walking game is revolutionary
So this is the power of branding
The gameplay systems look cool but the things to do with them seem boring. Like needing to take the tools to traverse the world and have them physically on you, which means they can fall off and also slow you down which means you can offload shit to get away from danger makes that whole dynamic very interesting.
Why are people actually defending this? 49 minutes of fucking “gameplay” where we saw walking for 80% of it, MGS bases with wonky combat and awkward animations, then a boss fight where you walk and throw grenades. I’m actually angry that I even invested energy into being excited for this trash. Silent Hills died for this.
>No Mans Sky/Star Citizen/Elite Dangerous/Mass Effect
The first 3 are shit and the last one is dead.
>what is a gameplay loop
>Silent Hills died for this.
No it didn't.
This is how it will go:
>Upcoming Release
Threads that are shit posts and some real discussions increase with frequency
Many threads and discussions claiming it’s great or shit
>1 month post release
Never heard of again
See RDR2 as an example.
Shut the fuck up, you actual retard. That was not even 10 minutes of the entire 49 minute segment
Am I THE ONLY fucking faggot who likes the snappy animations? That's right, snappy, not jank -- not clunky. I don't care about realism in a game, I only care about feedback, and if janky animations can provide more feedback then I'm all in for it. You wouldn't want your fightan punches/kicks to have a stupid long windup right fags?
Because, shockingly some people have different opinions you mouthbreathing retard, zoomers like you prefer adhd ridden games while some others want comfy experiences
>kojimadrone cope
Those animations weren't just snappy, they were awful.
That was claymation tier aka shit
>implying that excuses shitty gameplay
Wait, my mistake. You need to have actual gameplay before it can be judged as shitty
Kill yourself you delusional monkey. If your idea of walking aimlessly is fun then I guess gone home is a masterpiece compared to this.
>haha walking around doing nothing is so comfy
>wow I love drinking monster while singing to my fake baby
Dumb retard chimp
I thought they looked really cool with the right amount of exaggerated motion and properly implemented merihari payoff, kys plebs.
see that mountain? you can strand it
>he didn't show ENOUGH run n' gun though
The point is it's in the game, the only way you're playing a walking sim is if you choose to avoid the vehicles, stealth, weapons, ghosts and boss monsters.
kojima does it again! genius!!!
The game seems ok but I'm worried about all the walking.
Walking in this game seems so frustratung to do and it seems to take a gokd 50% of the playtime...
It seems so boring they allways had to cut the walking during the last gameplay presentations. Even today you can see cuts where made during the walking part.
The allways fully show you the "slide" and "gotta go fast" parts, but I know you are gonna spend a lot of time doing basically nothing.
The world seems even too much desolate and empty to have any kind of appeal compared to RDR or even the less dense BotW.
>but they have to made the cuts for time costrains
Dude, they even cut the walking part during the Pope presentation. Why are they hiding what is basically the core of the game?
I think they also know how ubalanced, boring and tedious the all experience is gonna get after 4 hours into the gameplay.
none of that shit was in 50 minutes of gamplay, u sure it's gonna be in the other 6 hours?
>the point is it’s in the game
Neat, things that should be in this game are present
>you can choose to avoid it
Yikes. You can’t argue this is a good thing. The fact that 5% of that gameplay was combat is a red flag. The quality looked worse than MGS5, too.
take a breath, dawg. they showed Sam playing harmonica and bathing in a sauna with a baby. if that doesn't sound chill to you, youre not cut out for this game.
>bad animations are just artsy and exaggerated!
This is a new level of delusion
Oh greaat kojimbo you who shine like thousands of suns please summon the cult to defend undefendable!!!!
All of those things were in the TGS presentation just now. What is this, an attempt to debate the game for people who will never even watch the footage? As if people are going to make their final decisions about this game based solely on what anons say in this thread?
>Silent Hills died for this.
to be fair, Silent Hills under Kojima would probably have been the same game to a far extent except for the setting itself
40 minuets of walking
>it's bad on purpose, so it's good yay Kojima!!!!
>mfw you can use your cargo holder as a levitating skateboard
So innovative!
It just looks so bland and dull. If this is what they choose to show off, I cant imagine how boring it gets.
>it's ok when nintendo does it
Good luck doing boring stuff X times during your 200+ hours wasted into nothing my dude. I prefer playing 4 50 hours game of crazy shit like Bayonetta or even the fucking MGSV.
BOTW with guns confirmed.
>Silent Hills died for this.
no it didn't, this is silent hills, you ding dong.
Go back.
>people i dislike are trannies
See you in C P threads.
Are people not liking it? I kept away from the banwagoning and shittalked this game a bit but that gameplay trailer roped me in. Its a madman’s venture to even try to pitch this kind of game to a boardroom especially in this day and age, and thats what i find appealing, it’s fucking insanity. A hyper realistic fedex simulator, thats completely off the walls and swarming with magic robots. Who puts so much detail into fucking center of gravity mechanics and that degree of context sensitive walking animation? This game is quality in all the oddest places. at least its not another fucking cookie cutter title. Im pretty interested now.
Seething retards, why don't you faggots fuck off back to your Mario rehash nr 506
my thoughts exactly. it's the bonkers innovation of a weird little indie title, with the staggering execution of a AAA. nothing like this exists. can't wait to get my hands on it.
Since when does Yea Forums's predictions come true?
More often than not the complete opposite happens.
People are loving it and it is driving contrarians into overdrive with rage.
>Silent Hills died for this.
I couldn't care less about Resident Evil's less popular and boring cousin.
Name one (1) AAA title game that ISN'T a walking simulator.
this to be honest
there's not enough package delivery games
No, it's just DS is like Cyberpunk, it makes Yea Forumsedditors boil with anger at the mere fact that it exists.
At this point Yea Forums's only purpose is to tickle the contrarians everytime they predict a popular game is going to flop because Yea Forums unironically thinks anyone outside here agrees with this place.
The desperation to sell MG Survive to people was fucking hilarious.
The moment you even dared not suck its dick you had 10 retards accusing you of being a Kojimadrone.
That was the games entire defense, "UR A KOJIMADRONE".
Nice. Ill keep my eye on this game from now on. Im still wary, but what they just showed off really got me interested.
It was pretty obvious what survive was. It was just konami trying to get some fast value out of the mgsv framework that kojima left behind.
Wrong. God of War 5 will be the biggest walking sim ever.
man i love RE but a lot of the fans seem like total brainlets, you included.
>hunt down moses over the course of 40 years in a huge desert map
>loner becomes a courier to inspire independent towns to join together as a country
Kojima is such a damn hack. He can't even get his ideas from good movies anymore.
Nope. I was gonna pass on the game but i'm unironically looking forward to just exploring that giant quiet map for dozens of hours. I wish they cut out all the black goo enemies thing. And it was just a game about a delivery man trying to bring back 'murrica one delivery at a time while fighting off CIA spooks trying to take my packages.
>tfw I legitimately enjoy just walking/driving around worlds
>tfw loved Grow Home/Grow Up, ETS2/ATS and even the money grind in GTA Online
>tfw legit excited for this but honestly surprised they're going so hard in the literal delivery sim angle for such a mainstream game
Aside from the piss you literally described the gameplay for hundreds of other games
all his games are based on movies... like Snatcher is Blade Runner with Terminator and Akira... Policenauts is Lethal Weapon and so on...
>the ability to piss is the only thing that makes this game unique
Great way to admit your game is slightly less shittier than total shit
My african american brother. Can't fucking wait.
walking simulator is a meme term for boring games. this on the other hand IS in fact the first real walking simulator and it looks great.
So it really is confirmed now that it's the sci-fi mailman delivery game people expecting but with Kojima's weirdo shit and quirks? That's excellent. I'm going to have to watch the demo.
No walking sim is a game that has walking in it now. Get with the times gramps.
>MGSV is a mission based game that just so happens to have an open world map so you can approach those missions differently, but you still just choose them from a menu and besides the awful helicopter transitions you go in and out of gameplay
>Yea Forumsedditors describe it as an empty open world game where all you do is walk and they hate it ignoring that it has 37 original scenarios to play through with a well defined core gameplay
>Death Stranding actually is an empty open world game where all you do is walk and reflect on the depth and artistic merit of the videogame medium
>Yea Forumsedditors love it
>>Yea Forumsedditors love it
Yea Forums literally can't stop seething about it.
>Silent Hills died for this.
The cruise still hasn't reached the sea floor just yet.
As a non-white trans woman I think more games should be like this.
>This Xcuck and Steambicile cope
Kek. Keep seething.
Not him and he's not the only one, I don't even have a gaystation but i'm getting one just for this and Bloodborne. I play many games such as Souls, Street Fighter, DOOM, RDR2, Bloodstained, Terraria, Breath of The Wild and far more I haven't played recently, and judging on what i've seen I think i'm going to enjoy this more than most of those.
>death stranding has awful anim....
now post the ridiculous 30 feet jump he does straight after that
>he doesn't understand Japanese
He had special boots for that, though.
It would have made more sense with the power skeleton, but he was using the speed skeleton so the sheer power of that jump is very jarring. If he just barely landed past the edge it would have looked great. The jump from the bus to the roof was fucking mind boggling though, I hope to god Kojimbo fixes that before release, but it's not like it will ruin the gameplay or anything.
I mean he said SUPEEDO SKERETON as he did the jump so it seems part of the design that it allows you to leap further by building up supeedo.
While I don't necessarily want to get into the engineering of fictional sci-fi exosuits I think I can see speed being the long jump suit as increasing speed works by a spring-like step in gait making each stride longer and translating long steps to a long jump.
That would make sense, if he was actually building up speed. He was running at the normal speed before the jump, which makes zero sense. If he didn't slow down, then I would be perfectly fine with the jump.
Are there niggers in this game?
Yes, but they have the decency to hide their faces behind masks so you don't see them.
There's one named Die Hardman.
I assume the people saying its a walking sim are hoping that nobody actually watches the footage, right?
Because I see terrain traversal (aka, climbing, etc) stealth combat, gun combat and and a boss fight.
It's literally, unironically, non-facetiously Idris Elba behind the mask.
People see what they want to see. They watched the same stuff you did. They just deny what they saw to keep up the walking sim / movie shitposting because that's more fun than going
>Oh, it's MGSV gameplay but with more to it, sci-fi gadget shit and no fultoning.
Death snoring haha
No. MGS4 is worse than Superman 64.
>no fultoning.
Thank christ. That pokemon cross you had to carry around killed the pacing of the stealth.
How the fuck is this revolutionary? Do you even know what that word means?
What about that god awful takedown animation?
>90% of the demo is walking
>uhhhh it isn't a walking sim????
No he wasn't, he was sprinting up the rocky slope before jumping over the ravine. You can see the energy bar depleting for the speed skeleton as he runs.
That's Tommie Earl Jenkins.
But that wasn't at the same speed as the speed skeleton.
Better than the jumping one, and plus 5 bad animations out of hundreds of good ones doesn't bother me.
>no fultoning
He did something, he crept up on the one guy and used a "Strand" from his inventory, I didn't see the description for it but it left a holographic umbilical cord stretching up out of the guy.
>nooo its not a shitty early access arcade shooter or an anime VN, it fucking SUCKS
Seething PCocks
>Better than the jumping one
You have to be joking.
At least it appears to be intentionally stylized unlike the jumping. I'm not joking
BoTW was the opposite of this shit. Say what you will about it, but it was nowhere near slow or clunky. You had tons of movement options to experiment with precisely so that traveling wouldn't be boring. The whole point of BoTW is to make exploration fun, this game just sucks the life out of it.
>it's bad on purpose i swear
You people are fucking pathetic.
It obviously looks like some super-ninja type shit, while the falling and jumping just looks outright terrible with no excuse. Fuck yourself.
only thing janky about that is the dude's parcel just limply falling off
The weapon sam used....will be the the non lethal take down version of the sleeping gun
>he did not show Hades
>It obviously looks like some super-ninja type shit,
Not him but that just looked like the game was glitching out to me. If that was intentional then that's really baffling when you can barely process the movements.
How the fuck is the concept of inventory management and walking across an environment revolutionary?
Except is has an ammo limit.
This is a joke right? This animation is some "haha people think this will actually be in the game" type deal?
>looks cool
But user, you're supposed to play it
am sure we could upgrade
Get some better eyes.
Because in every other game with inventory management it's just
>hit limit
>you are overencumbered and cannot move
Literally /ourgame/
>can of monster
Have you literally only ever played Bethesda games?
>that product placement
Well now we know how Kojima could afford all of those actors.
Like the other guy said it's just stylized for efficiency. If it was a slow garrote animation you would be screaming about how the game needs to stop jerking itself off and get on with it already instead.
What the fuck is even happening here? You put a string around the neck of a guy who's in a heavy full-body suit and that instantly causes him to die with no resistance?
I don't understand, why would you want this game to fail this fucking badly?
We know nothing about the actual definitive game, you're as retarded for calling it good as you're for calling it bad
A slightly more complex inventory system isn't revolutionary, though. It might be unique, but it's hardly treading new ground or blowing anyone's mind aside from people hypnotized by Kojima.
>This is just a walking simulator with inventory management, it looks fucking boring.
>HURR DURR we don't know anything about the game yet!
can people stop posting dogshit like this already? People have been saying for years exactly what this game is going to be.
The only shit that hasn't been revealed yet is probably stuff you would want to discover for yourself.
It Yea Forums it just shitposting.
it it fail we can spam with the OH NO NO NO NO
if it succeed just join in the Yea Forums got btfo again ect...
it all part of the plan
No it's a bad animation. He moves at super speed and then goes slow and then goes supersonic again. It looks really fucking retarded.
>why would you want this game to fail this fucking badly?
Because it's trash and it's success would only mean that games fall down another rung on the quality ladder.
reminder that Hackjima is afraid of CDPR that's why he pushed release date for 2019
You can have pacing without having nothing fucking happening.
except weve had a sandbox type game focused on combat with MGSV/Survive and I would describe both as extremely barebones and borderline unfinished.
This is an extremely similar looking experience without a focus on combat, but with nothing supplementing. Im not saying combat is necessary for a game to be good or functional but it really seems relevant in this setting and a lack of any other stimulus like puzzles or a curated story makes me nervous this is a going to be a wankfest.
bros....konami were the good guys all along...
>We know nothing about the actual definitive game, you're as retarded for calling it good as you're for calling it bad
We have over an hour of gameplay over various videos now, as well as plenty of pretentious cut-scenes. The 40 minute gameplay shit they showed today is representative of what the actual gameplay is, which is what we've been basically told and shown the entire time. It's 70% walking Sim in an empty world with nobody in it anywhere, 20% cutscenes and random shit, like seeing Norman Reedus naked every 20 minutes and hearing him sing cringe japanese shit, and 10% MGSV combat but significantly worse.
You are only fooling yourself by believing this game isn't going to be boring pretentious shit. Kojima literally thinks he's created a new genre of video game with it. He hasn't made a good game for god knows how many years, probably MGS3. He just wants to hang out with his favorite american actors and pretend like he's a cool hollywood guy.
i couldnt watch it. the stupid whore there being a fucking typical weeb OOOHH OOOOH bullshit. fuck off
Did trailer bring up any sjw issues such as race or asexuality?
gameplay had an option to use toilet sitting down or standing up. im sure somehow that will trigger sjws
Yes, the Bridge Baby is trans.
It's done like that on purpose. If you've ever seen old ninja/kung-fu/martial arts movies that have any amount of sneaking you would know where it comes from. I've you've ever seen this webm you know what they're going for.
Stylized nonsense. Same reason people were confused in MGSV why the game went slow-mo and made "that weird noise lol xD?" when punching someone.
I don't think porn acting is something you should aim for.
The whole theme of this game is "making America whole again", so you tell me. It's literally Trump Derangement Syndrome: The Game.
The main character literally thinks that's full of shit, and plus there's no actual evidence that it's symbology for modern day America and not just what someone would want to do in a post apocalyptic destroyed world
that sounds fun as shit though. Imagine using track methods and bartering with nomads.
The slogan is LITERALLY "Make American Whole Again"
It's just more Trump shit. That's all it is. It's going to be dated in ten to twenty years.
If its as good as a short hike with that bird character then im getting it.
it no different then the metal gears speech about coming together.
This world will become one. I have found the way. Race, tribal affiliations, national borders... even our faces will be irrelevant. The world that the Boss envisioned will finally become a reality, and it will make mankind whole again.
So can I play it without PS+? My internet wifi connection sucks ass. Game looks awesome btw, at least something new in indusrty
Right, but you're stripping the context of our modern political climate, and Kojima is hanging out with American celebrities. I can guarantee that's all there is to this game. All of Death Stranding's themes and messages can be boiled down to, "the orange man is bad and we need to stop him".
It's not about the porno, it's the goofy over-the-top movements to take someone out quickly.
Never seen a kung-fu movie where someone waves their hands around goes HAH HEH HUH and snatches someone's eyeball? Or even a HAIYA karate chop to the neck of a guard? Same principle. Except he throws a "strand" around someone's neck and goes HUH HEH and the guy is out cold, or dead.
Why am I even explaining this to a shitposter like you're going to listen?
I've never played any Kojima games, but does his stuff normally comment on American foreign policy? Just watched the Death Stranding cutscene in the white house and it had a lot of shit like
>americans need to come together or the world is over
>some americans want to remain isolated
I can't help but feel like it's neo-con sounding. Am I reading too much into it?
but the orange is bad and we need to stop him by purchasing death stranding on November 9 2019.
let make AMERICA whole again
Nope, that's absolutely it. Death Stranding is very much a pro-Antifa and pro-Isreal sort of game.
play metal gear solid 2
You're not reading too much into it, you're reading it the wrong way. It's a post apocalyptic story, so obviously people are seperated and people want to restore the world.
>pro israel
ok retard
He's been talking about American politics, cold war, nukes, freedom, nationalism, brotherhood, separation and all kinds of fun stuff for 30 years.
So the "innovative" strand system is just giving other players likes Dark Souls style?
Truly a genius
>Kojima pretends to make a game so he can use Sony money to get close to his favorite actors
Is this weird that it looks good, polished and refined? for a fucking walking sim, that i'm actually interested? is this because games became so bad, that walking is better than most games?
>a prize awarded by an industry of journalists smelling their own farts somehow is 'winning"
get out of this board and go pickup some interactive movie, retard.
no it didn't
More like Kojima's Death March.
Kojima has never made a bad game, let alone an unpolished one
No, that's Snoy pushing it out because they want it on shelves for Christmas and the for the inevitable console bundle. Kojima would have kept working on it for another few years if he could have.
MGS4 was bad but that wasn't exactly his fault
The Postman is good.
That would be unironically fucking great if you could do this
The actual biggest question is... will the female characters have this next-gen armpit hair tech applied to them?
I hope so.
Imagine pretending to like shit this much to protect your corporate masters
Why does the backpack jitter up and down awkwardly when he's running around? It looks like an animation bug but it made it in the trailer
so many cope fags here, the game will review and sell well, deal with it faggots and eat my shit
Then it comes full circle when RDR and DS release on PC and then somehow they are both the greatest game of all time. Poorfags are to blame.
>All of Death Stranding's themes and messages can be boiled down to, "the orange man is bad and we need to stop him".
Not the worst moral for a game to have.
It's multiplat. No one cares about console wars, Bing Bing. PC version is going to be the best version.
I hate open world games so goddamn much
Is anyone surprised? Kojima famously only became a game director because he wanted to make movies and failed to break into the industry. Now that he's got carte blanche why the hell would anyone think he wasn't going to go full on movie game? Hell, MGS... 3 was it? included fucking three hours of a single cutscene at the end.
All AAA games are worthless dogshit, thanks for the reminder
It plays exactly like I wanted it to, my only problem is the environments are super boring
>Metal Gear 1&2
>Metal Gear Solid 1,2,3,4 and 5 all had great gameplay with depth
Kojima may shove his love for movies in his games but to pretend he doesn't care about game designs is an absolute lie.
This is what happens when you don't harness Kojima's autism for good and instead let it roam around unrestrained, it's too powerful
I am eternally grateful that my brain isn't this braindead.
>implying he was a scenario, gameplay or ai designer
GOTY of the gear. The greatest game of hour time
>Fucking walking
Ignore the polish feel of controlling your character. Ignore the resource management. Ignore the aspect of item management. Ignore the fact that there's no straight line to your destination. Ignore that you have to find and create your own paths to reach the destination.
Yeah, ""just walking"".
This game wants you to take your time.
he's a game designer retard. Not just the writer/director auteur meme. He chose the jsettings for MGS 3 specifically for the environment level itself first, not because he wants to make a prequel about Big Boss.
>game designer
He is a game director, check the credits next time boyo
take your own advice and actually lookup for yourself. I never said he wasn't the director.
He didn't show up in any of the credits for mgs 1-3 outside of a director credit that showed up 5 times and 3 times the size of any other names, but keep telling yourself he is more then an idea guy.
As project lead he tells all the other departments what to do, what it should be like and okays or vetos everything.
The various departments don't all work in a vacuum and then put it all together at the end.
>he tells people what to do
Like an idea guy, he has no idea how the chedder is made he just asks for cheddar.
>Hideo Kojima - Planning / Original Game Design
>Hideo Koima - Original Story / Planning / Game Design
>Hideo Kojima - Original Story/Planning/Game Design
Kill yourself.
That's a bit like saying an army doesn't need a general, or a film a director.
Also: he writes the story, dialogue, oversees the cutscenes, and does a bunch of whatever the hell producers do in running things.
Kojima being a fucking hack, nothing new
Been a while since I've seen someone get this BTFO.
>game design
>not the idea guy
why do you think you see so many "game designers" without jobs ?
people were okay with shadow of the colossus and okami and elder scrolls and breath of the wild where the majority of gameplay is fucking walking to places
but if one game suddenly decides to focus a little more on the depth of the traversal aspect and it's produced by Kojima, oh nooooo, it's a blunder!
That's not my point, my question is y u mad tho
What are you babbling about now? You claimed he wasn't credited as a game designer for those games, he was. Now fuck off.
But walking sims are always low budget games, therefore Kojimbo is breaking new ground by making a AAA walking sim.
Reminder Nintendo made this exact game without Dark Souls signage, and was hailed as an untouchable masterpiece.
i wasn't the guy you replyed to, i just read the end of his post
>but keep telling yourself he is more then an idea guy.
also you didn't read his post correctly
> outside of a director credit that showed up 5 times and 3 times the size of any other names
directors credit are teh credit you see at the end of a game or at the start, in MGSV his appear at every mission start for whatever reason there is
Opposite you fucking idiot, KojimboDrones and GameAwards fags will jerk off to the game when it's really just a mediocre experience. I hope it's good, but nothing has been all that promising and it comes out in 2 months.
It was pretty fucking awesome.
nice janky animation there, if kojidrones are hyped for this they are mentally ill
It definitely is a walking sim but till look kinda kino desu. I might give it a try.
Funny how their game is totally about a human carrying a weight but they completely failed most of the aspects of weight feel.
There could be heavy flinching and tilting from big back load in one second, but suddenly he jumps on a bike and his backpack becomes weightless, not flinching the character at all and not obstructing his ability to stand up while riding.
Overall, looks boring as fuck.
can't wait to see the drones off themselves in droves after the "game" releases and bombs spectacularly lmao
this looks terrible
Death Stranding doesn't have the shitty cel shading they call 'art style' to be palatable for estrogen pumped s oy boys
Good. I'm tired of combat in video games.
Takeaway the video game
>Overall, looks boring as fuck.
This. The trailers looked so promising.
This hack only knows how to make good trailer.
The game is pretty half and half on this board. Half think it's god's creation and the other half think it's pretentious shit
The voice of Kojima is insufferable, also it gave fucking monster energy drink. However, I want to play it unironically like I want to play Eurotrack simulator
>imagine watching a 10 hour movie of a guy walking and running away
same. Can't wait to just walk around exploring comfy caves and stuff
>look we have artistic closeups with dramatic faces
Too bad 3d scanner can't make a good game for you, Kojimbo.
is he wearing an exoskeleton or something?
>it's supposed to be a boring open-world walking simulator, you just don't get it dude Kojima is a genius
Except BOTW has way more content than Death Stranding. Just because both games have some mushroom on the ground you can interact with don't make them the same game.
When they showed BOTW gameplay at first, they showed the climbing, the fire system, horse riding and taming, the physics and the survival mechanics. When you watch DS what exactly can you do in the gameplay, deliver packages and walk a lot? and also walk in the water and place ladders.
The funny thing about this gameplay trailer is that despite having all those things aboud placing ladders and being able to rappel down mountains, it all looks pretty boring, it looks nice but it's not as engaging as a simple parachute + simplistic climbing system of other games.
>BOTW has way more content than Death Stranding
Pissing on a rock, real-time sleep, and nursing a fetus is still more content than shrines ever will be.
Yes, makes you run faster and jump further.
why does this stupid nip female monkey keep going EEEEEH? every 2 minutes in the gameplay showcase
shut the fuck up monogloid
Gone Home has no enemies that can kill you. It'd probably be way more interesting if it did.
I preordered it. Can't wait to play it.
In that case wouldn't a walking sim still be better than your life?
sshhh calm down. this is a comfy thread for a comfy game
Why has Kojima completely forgot what level design is? The 49 minutes of gameplay just have the MC running away from enemies in a HUGE empty space. It's so dull looking.
Cope. Seethe. Dilate.
>Except BOTW has way more content than Death Stranding.
stopped reading there. death stranding isn't even out yet, sweatie
>snoynigress telling anyone to dilate
ITT: anons watch a video for 50 minutes, get bored, and think that playing a game is the same as watching a video of it
I guess it's to be expected given that it's the Twitch generation. These are the same people, no doubt, that watch a game from start to finish on Twitch before buying it. And if you watched more than a few minutes of that video, I'm talking about YOU.
He hasn't forgotten. He's just using the level design to create the atmosphere of the game.
I think Kojima said he doesn't want to go back to standard levels anymore after messing with open worlds in MGSV?
>a generation that grew up on watching people play games get bored watching someone play a game
Your argument makes zero fucking sense.
It looks great user. Exploring and traversing the wilderness has got me excited the game looks super comfy.
Reminds me of like Roadside Picnic but not as dark and gloomy.
>100,000,000 black trannies bought the PS4
The Nincels brain cells hard at work.
fuck off normie
Not every game needs to focus on gameplay
>sonic is a running sim
Yes user, because normally they get exposed to hours and hours of people getting shot and action and shit. I doubt these same people actually watch grand strategy games or whatever, and if they do it'll be with some faggot talking to them as if they were his dear friends. There's basically no cerebral function going on in their heads anymore.
So they're hiding all this amazing content for some reason?
Why did Kojima & co were so careful to not release any gameplay footage of this thing for all this time? Because it obviously looks terrible and they're insecure about showing how playing this is about.
Sean Murray did the exact same thing with No Man's Sky, he spouted how this experience is so amazing and all that, kept evading questions regarding the gameplay, and we all know how that turned out.
twin towers fell
I cringe
> walking sim
so basically every modern horror game?
user, you can complain about the new generation all you want but that doesn't automatically make this game good. There's barely any gameplay to it and what gameplay we've been shown has been running around in wide empty spaces with barebones combat.
Sonic used to have platforming in the 2D days, before it got turned into a "just homing attack everything lmao" turd
Because it is a sony exclusive. Exclusives are masivelly overrated see Astral Chain.
>based traversal
>based boss battles
>based base infiltration
>based souls single player communication with other players
>Kino settings and story
Look at the smile on Kojimas face. He knows. You trolls know. I know. We all know. Death Stranding will be great and there's nothing you can do about it.
I'm not complaining. This is the status quo for Yea Forums. If anybody is surprised at this reaction they're either a newfaggot or child.
>hurr durr BOTW is empty muh nintendo bonys
>omg kojima delivers another masterpiece, walking in a empty world is kino guys *slurps onions drink yup, I'm thinking GOTY
Hair color doesn't match. In the trash it goes
It's OK.
>There is actually stuff to do other than walking around
>None of it seems terribly exciting
>everygame needs to be Borderlands/callofduty/fortnite trash or else...
those long jump animations look really off, it's like the character is being catapulted from nearly a standstill position, there's no notion of momentum at all
Japanese Women: Oooooooooooooh, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, OOOOOOOOOOOOh, Sugoiiiiii
the video end with reedus cick a literal shithole
Fuck off shill
yes, like the shit
Then whose was?
Reminder that all of this is how people reacted to BotW before it released.
Death Stranding is getting a 97 too, WITHOUT the Nintendo bonus. It will be the greatest game of all time.
Looks comfy as fuck, can’t wait to play it.
The level of delusion is alarmingly high now friend, better keep close eyes on yourself
We have seen more ''gameplay'' for this than 95% of any other game doing its usual reveal-> market
Except that its the exact opposite case. This is the board that desperately screamed and cried about how shit bloodborne is when in reality its maybe in the top 5 games ever made with TOH in the package. it would be universally recognized for what it is if it was on PC but seething pajeets cant be objective about their sour grapes so what can you do. Its the exact same situation with death stranding except its even easier to come up with epic meme buzzwords to throw around about DS like the whole walking sim shit
Those games have combat and an interesting story. They are also shorter games where you don't have to travel far for an objective.
This combat is ass and the story was ripped from the postman. It seems like most of the game is.just walking to point A to B.
I'm sorry son but you just got btfo.
if you slap "zelda" on the box, Yea Forums would be slobbering all over its dick.
that's the funny thing. BOTH are walking sims with big empty worlds.
Did Kojima make a full open world map of the US?
Fuck off shill
just a vocal minority going nuts. the game looks amazing
Fuck off shill, my God this foresaken place really has reached the unsalvagable point now...
talk about delusion, people were all shitting their pants over the mechanics shown in it, the E3 booth with BotW was the most visited and there was clearly hype around it
I rarely find posts that are this pretentious and desperate. Holy fuck, you kojimadrones have no self-respect.
No, there are plenty of other tasteless fanboys like you.
You can polish a turd, user. You can make it the best looking, and feeling, turd in the world. It doesn't change the fact that it's a turd. Everything you mention in your post is just auxiliary to the main event, which is still, walking.
What did Kojima mean by this?
The more Yea Forums angrily screams about a game the greater the game will end up being.
Game's going to be good deal with it.
Did kojima explain why they don't just use drones to haul the goods around?
Why does it have to be a man carrying all that shit?
>We know nothing about the actual definitive game
They showed us over 40 minutes of the core gameplay, you faggot.
>it has 37 original scenarios to play through
yeah, original scenarios such as extract the tank unit, extract the interpreter, extract the electrospinning specialist, extract the highly skilled soldier, extract the mother base soldier, extract the animal, extract the captain, extract the general, extract the kids and my favorite of them all, extract Miller, the very first one and coincidentally the most interesting one
>The trailers looked so promising.
No they didn't.
>Kojima fanboy is now resorting to "It's not boring shit, you're just an ADD zoomer!" defense
Holy shit, you fags are desperate to defend this trash.
I still cant believe it's a LITERAL walking sim fuck hahaha!
Complete with gravity, boot wear, stamina, and baby mechanics.
Are you saying you aren't an ADD riddled zoomer?
they've run out of legitimate arguments and have devolved to spewing meaningless Yea Forums buzzwords
its pathetic
lol where's that sticker
>Xcucks scraping the barrel for things to shit on because a year of coping and buzzwords got flushed down the toilet
>Exclusives are masivelly overrated see Astral Chain.
most discussion about AC has generally agreed upon it being a decent, but not amazing, game - like a 7/10
name 5 times this ever happened
it depends on reddit really
if they love it we will hate it, if they dislike it we'll cherish it
>its a fucking AAA walking sim
so RDR2 but actually interesting? sounds great
because the only people who are pissed are retards like you who didn't see this coming from a mile away. it was always going to be a weird walking sim. it was never going to be anything like silent hills. this is a good thing.
I actually like that it’s a walking simulator, with actual mechanics tied to said walking, not just as a method to go from A to B
I can't wait
The game's not out yet. Why do you hold such hatred in your heart?
mgs1, mgs2, mgs3, mgs4, mgsv
That's the point of the gameplay faggot have you played mgsv it's very limited and time consuming at first
the main event is survival. it's a survival game. crafting, exploring, managing your health, escaping monsters during certain times of day. sound like any billion-dollar voxel-based indie games purchased by Microsoft recently? you're pathetic if you don't have the patience for a little walking.
I need you to post what you think the word "pretentious" means so that we can laugh at you
you posted this shit in the other thread you corny autistic fuck, go back to the PewDiePie comment section
so you liked Drive, the movie about the silent stoic who can't connect with other human beings and broods for 50 percent of the film before finally popping off and getting people's shit wrecked, and not this gameplay trailer which is exactly like that? fucking dumbass, this game is gonna be kino.
That's because they WERE extremely barebones and unfinished. It's almost like they drove the guy making the game out of the company so he couldn't finish it or something?
Another fucking survival game? Fuck that.
>pfw the madman puts mech in it
so you ignore everything else how convenient zoomer
Yeah I don’t have friends either
so you admit having slow eyes
>walking sim is a new genre
What did Kojimbo mean by this?
That post reads like a fucking advertisement.
>Create your own paths™
You mean what you do in pretty much every open world game? The other things you said were also done before in games.
>why would you want this game to fail this fucking badly?
When one lazy hack developer makes shit game that sells well, it influences all other developers. Why should they try? Just make a tech demo for walking and it will sell like hot cakes.
Would have been way cooler if it was underwater or on exotic planet or something.
>You mean what you do in pretty much every open world game?
Like which? BotW is the only one I can think of where I've actually had to think about how I wanted to get somewhere. Pretty much every open world game either has a GPS system that guides you directly to your objective, or is some Assassin's Creed style shit that lets you magically climb over everything with zero effort.
Not something a bunch of AUTISTIC SHUT-INS would understand.
its going to be zone of the enders by the end
coool moooole luuuuuulllé
Every single shitpost makes me want to play this more. Literally can’t wait.
I’m literally tired of fighting in video games. Been doing it for years and years, in literally every game I’ve ever played aside from puzzle games.
Though there’s fighting in this, the focus is obviously exploration, inventory management, traversal Options. This game is 100% for me, and I’m really glad about it.
It was never going to be mass appeal, and that makes me like it even more.
>Kojima won’t make me a looty shooty anime big titty game, he’s a hack
I sincerely hope you faggots mean this, so I can know deep down no one is playing this fucking game that I’ll despise.
You are right; DS is not for Sissy Boys
This, but unironically.
Why did you say "literally" so many times
It'll be a story clusterfuck with overhyped exploration and mechanics.
I agree 100%
Why are millennials like this?
I don't know but if you dislike you the game nobody's forcing you to play it.