List things you want in Minecraft but can't have because it's autistic community doesn't want it's technical Redstone shit changed.
Realistic Water
Other urls found in this thread:
A complete rewritten engine with 16x16x16 chunks
Some actually good ambient noise
A girl mob that has in every version
Banjo Kazooie mod.
Villager wigs, skeletons with various outfits and dresses
More stuff to find underground, and I'm not that same user but he has a point.
But, my man, realistic water is an actual mod that exists. Please stop shitposting
and this .
Better sound would really fix this game.
apparently 1.16 has a cave update.
How can anyone enjoy clicking on the same 3-4 mobs with the same diamond sword when they interrupt you minding the same 5 blocks to build your same dull "base" with half assed bootleg decorations.
The ability to use firework rockets for my elytra in bedrock edition REEEEEEEE
More adventuring throughout the world, more loot to find, more structures. And get rid of hunger, it's stupid.
The 2d chunks are why the map height is so low, right?
Not Redstone related, but I wish Mojang would add more decorative blocks (including furniture) so the community can finally stop using "pretend blocks", if you know what I mean.
I'd love to build a facility with cool, Half-Life-esque steel walls, and have chairs you can actually sit in. Just more variety.
But if I'm being totally honest, before any of that even gets added, they need to fix the game's awful progression and add a lot more layers between:
>Get wood
>Slay Ender Dragon
because I've beaten and seen people beat this game so fast.
Climate to make somewhat sense according to the geography and you being able to control said climate. I want a snowy hutt, but don't like travelling a billion miles just to get lost
they are literally doing this according to the latest release notes
as opposed to figuratively doing it...
Removing hunger would be fucking retarded. Motivating the player to create a decent food source before they adventure/put themself in harm's way is one of the only obstacles the game has left.
Hell, I'd love it if the game even had a thirst bar, and you'd have to purify water or get milk to fill it. Add or switch consequences depending on which one is empty.
Even better, make deserts drain your thirst bar fast when you're in the open sun, forcing you to take water with you.
Moving on from thirst bars, add a temperature system so you have to prepare before even stepping foot in certain biomes. You have to get animal pelts or leather before going into snowy biomes, and you need fluids before deserts.
Survival should be fucking SURVIVAL. You know, a mode requiring some actual though and effort at staying alive/thriving. Anything lesser than that is retarded.
i want redstone that i can put on walls and ceilings
as opposed to half assing a 2d underground biome generator, but you know damn well what i'm talking about
sure why not add dinosaurs you can tame and ride while we're at it
submitting to Jeb as we speak :^)
Way, WAY more fucking loot. The amount of items in-game is fucking shamefully small.
You think THAT is the reason you can't have "realistic" water? How about nothing else in that world being realistic either?
Mod it in, you sperg.
A way to turn off the creepy ass sounds in a mine. Like fuck I dont have to switch to peaceful to wanna mine in peace without thinking I'm in a horror film.
Listen we want to make the game fun, not a fucking chore.
nice looking water
This is a child's game, not fucking dwarf fortress. If you want those things, then make a mod
stay mad cuck
more weapons
where are the catapults? Where are the cannons? where are the other variants of swords rather than just a longsword?
Let us have chairs you can actually sit in
I'm surprised they still haven't added them, and at this point if they release a "tables and chairs" update people are gonna bitch about chairs being in before a cave update.
>16 chunks of height
Wouldn't it take ages to reach diamond then ?
they could combined it with a mining update to justify it
I'm asking for decorative blocks like chairs and sofas since late alpha
In what update they finally added different wood colors for stairs & signs?
Play using the Worley's Caves mod sometime. Having actually nice caves to explore means you find diamonds so easily it's not even an issue.
1.14 18w43a
>Motivating the player to create a decent food source before they adventure/put themself in harm's way is one of the only obstacles the game has left.
Nigger, you had to do this pre-hunger anyways because food didn't stack.
Is it actually fun now? I feel like playing.
There should be 3 types of water:
Ocean water
Flowing water
Legacy water
Ocean water spawns in oceans and rivers and infinitley scoopable, works like classic water as long as it connected to enough blocks
Flowing water is water fr buckets, works like water from terraria
Legacy water is current water, can be used to create waterfalls or cave rivers. Can be also created with lategame item.
It's fun if you have autism, friends, imagination or all of the above
1.12.2 modded is peak minecraft
1.7.10 with mods was and still is fun
You can turn off ambient noise in the sounds menu my man
That is not an actually exciting gameplay change, but pure busywork. It doesn't add anything, it just has you doing chores.
They changed combat, adding whields and a stamina bar, making it much slower on your end while not giving it any actual depth.
Yeah because spam clicking with a sword was so deep
There's no fucking way you don't actually know what's going on with this game if you follow gaming news in the slightest.
Time to start playing dragon quest builders if you really want decorative blocks.
Take a look for yourself here
Goofy "features" like doors becoming air pockets are part of Minecraft's SOUL, save your autism for mods
That's exactly what we have now, the y-axis goes from 0 to 256. It's just that more than half of it goes almost completely unusued except for the tallest mountains and any autistic megastructures you might build.
The problem with actually making use of that space, like if they raised "sea level" to y=128 so you had double the underground to work with, is you now have way more blocks per chunk for the game to be updating. Load up an Amplified world to see how badly the game handles that.
mojang has had to bend over backwards every time they fuck with water because way too many important farms/builds/machines rely on it, they probably won't touch it ever again
That's a good thing.
Just make minecraft 2 already
>Open up game
>Decide to create new world
>Maybe you already have a seed in mind, or you decide to leave it blank and see what happens
>Wait as world loads
That’s when you know you’ve found a perfect world.
But you can already do that.
but yet they keep fucking with mob AI/spawn mechanics to specifically fuck with Farm systems
Excellent looking water in this game
They could actually make it so that hitting the bottom of the overworld seamlessly drops you in the nether, like that one mod that makes seamless portals to the nether and aether realms
More ores more weapons and tools but that will never happen since the game is flawed from the start. You have the wooden and stone tools that are immediately discarded after obtaining the first iron ingots. After that there's no reason to use anything other than iron before finding the end-game gear, diamonds. Golden tools are useless, they can't add anything in between iron and diamond since people won't even use them.
>make realistic water and all the stuff to make it not completely drain lakes into random underwater caverns
>make all the old water that isn't naturally generated into blessed water that works like it did before
>you can make that water with enchanted buckets, but early on you'll have to purchase it from priest villagers
Here, sloved it.
Spamming was never an optimal strategy. Non-autists wouldn't have played enough or payed attention, but the cooldown always existed, they just shifted it from being on each mob, to being a global cooldown. If you spammed on a mob you would just do half heart damage and waste your durability.
This meant that previously if you had 3 mobs coming from different directions, the optimal strategy was to hit one and switch targets. As fast as your motor skills allowed. Managing each of them. Now you just have to fucking walk backwards and wait for the global cooldown to whittle them down one by one.
They took the already paper-thin combat depth and turned it into fucking cellophane. Fuck you and fuck this gay earth I just want what little fun existed in my dumb block game to not be taken away and you sons of bitches just couldn't let it be.
Hey, Ark is fun even if it's a shitty pvp focused game...
I want more animals/creatures in the game and more enemies for me to send my animal army against.
Any good animal/dino mods?
Wasn't Minecraft supposed to be compatible with Dwarf Fortress at some point?
It wasn't, but at least you got it over with quickly. This just drags it on.
Realistic water isn't implemented because would lag the average's player pc. Specially now that they have to cater to kids playing on console.
Imagine if touching a single block didn't constantly update a chunk containing literally the entire vertical column of blocks within a decent radius. What if, instead of that, the game was made by actually smart people and not by retards?
What if light level was client side or just calculated independently and was not a concrete block state that when changed causes the entire vertical column of blocks within a decent radius to update? What if mob spawning checks didn't look at block light state and instead looked at proximity of attempted spawn location to nearby light source blocks or time of day + can the sky be seen or fuckin something else I dunno.
There are mods that do exactly the things you want and those features fucking suck outside of gimmick custom maps.
then play in creative you goddamn casual
Hunger mechanics suck ass, you always end up making your autistic farm you need to spend time to maintain (not really in minecraft) and that's it. If you can't have a farm then it's all about the luck of finding food or not while exploring.
Look at Don't Starve, that game is all about hunger technically but you solve that problem pretty soon, and the devs had to put bosses and the weather system and a story mode that resets your progress because otherwise the game would become boring as shit pretty soon.