Get ready for another shit and pointless addition from Tetsuya Nomura.
Will he be worse than Genesis?
Worse than Denzel?"
New FF7 villian
Other urls found in this thread:
Are those shoulderpads? Is he a SOLDIER?
Yes. Which I like, because it never made sense why 1st Class Soldiers were never more of a big deal, being throwaway fodder enemies in the original was really lame.
Crisis Core went into it, where it turned out that all the 1st class were killed before the game to clean up when the Army was taking over. Same reason why the army was in kind of shitty shape, it got fucked over trying to fight like three internal wars at the same time and was still rebuilding.
He's a 1st Class?
>wacky woohoo SOLDIERman level
Wait a minute, that's not a turtleneck! And where are the suspenders?!
I already love this dude desu
I'm assuming he's going to play a relatively small role given how cautious they've been with spreading Sephiroth around
That's a shinra soldier, not a member of SOLDIER.
He's gonna die
The first episode of FF7R only follows the plot up until you get out of Midgar.
They probably decided they needed a more climatic final battle for that section than the random steamroller with spikes you normally fight at the end of the highway.
I mean, they also could have fixed this by having the final battle be against the president's son at the top of the Shinra building and moving the motorcycle sequence to the first thing in game 2, but w/e.
I'll wait until all parts+ dlcs are released on ps 6 or whatever. It's not like you fags can spoil anything. Since sqenix is pure shit these days I'm 100% convinced it's gonna be shit.
This sucks. They are destroying the name FFVII. One does not simply remake the greatest game ever made and the best game it is possible to make. New characters are heresy. Its bad enough they changed the camera angles and dialogue. Not even leaving Midgar? You can fuck off.
>Crisis Core went into it, where it turned out that all the 1st class were killed before the game to clean up when the Army was taking over.
That's stupid and I'm glad that isn't canon.
What's so shit and pointless about him? Why should we listen to you?
Watch the english trailer.
>thinking that's the end when they show Jessie alive during it
The captions on the English trailer say "A SOLDIER" not "A soldier"
The hot troll tactic for this game is "OMG IT'S DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL GAME, IT'S GOING TO SUCK"
When the whole fucking reason many of us are even bothering with this game is BECAUSE it's different from the original. I already played FFVII, multiple times. I don't need to see the exact same story with prettier graphics.
He is probably included so that he can be the final boss of part 1. Square obviously wasn't going to have the game end against a random giant robot. And adding this fag is better than shoehorning a Sephiroth fight at the end.
Shit this guy beat me to it
>it never made sense why 1st Class Soldiers were never more of a big deal, being throwaway fodder enemies in the original
No they weren't. There's only two first classers in the original, Sephiroth and Zack, and Cloud has Zack's abilities. All the other Soldier are lower classes and so is that douche in the OP as well I assume.
Jessie will be unlockable
Then remove yourself from the fandom.
Enjoy waiting 15 more years
Its shouldn't be called FFVII then. Enjoy wasting money on this shit instalment game.
you're a fag
I will!
You guys do know the point of a remake, right?
I'm surprised Yea Forums isn't going ballistic over this after the disaster that was Crisis Core.
I'm thinking there won't be any open world exploration. Chapter two will probably be Kalm-Ranch-Cave-Ft. Condor-Junon-Boat with no world in between.
You literally fight nameless Soldier 1st and Soldier 2nd classes in Shinra tower and Sector 8.
Thats bullshit. Probably no Highwind, chocobo breeding for KoTR either.
Why is it not FF7? Because it's not the exact same thing with the exact same text and the exact same everything except prettier graphics?
I'm fine with almost anything, as long as there's no L'cie and Fal'cie bullshit.
Identical except for the graphics and sound. Replicate everything as it is, even all the bad design and game breaking flaws. If Republic Commando ever gets remade, it should once again be the worst PC port in history that ends in the middle of the campaign but with fancy graphics. Because apparently all everyone cares about is how something looks
I forgot about those 1st classers in that one location. The lower classes are all over the place, in the Shinra building and Junon.
You're being irrational.
You make me fucking rage you fuck. You are an apostate of FFVII if you think this emo fucking not even half a game can be called FFVII. It's not even half the first disc. Id love to wrap my hands around your neck and squeeze you little fuck, but you will always remain a little cunt on the internet. FFVII does not deserve to be tarnished with faggotry, this is a deliberate attempt by Squeenix to sully its good name. I bet its globohomo in tone and atmosphere now. Makes me mad.
Calm down, child, it's just a video game, and the original still exists if this triggers you more than sexy women trigger SJWs.
ok retard
Most of us already gave up on SquareEnix.
We don't know, doubt it though
Name one good character from after the first game.
Nomura should have stayed as a concept artist ideas guy. Him in charge of FF has basically destroyed it.
bring me your neck little zoomer cunt I want to squeeze.
He's been in charge of every single FF game after VII?
yes daddy
>a random giant robot.
>the random steamroller
Why the fuck not?
Final Fantasy has been ABOUT that kind of shit since DAY ONE. Does anyone remember that random vampire? Or Astos? Borghen? Hell no.
Not to mention, as far as "random" robots go, it's a pretty good world-building element as it reinforces the Battle Angel Alita inspiration since it's literally called "Motor Ball".
And finally, if you're a baby and really REALLY need a humanoid to pretend is the cause of all your problems, there's ALREADY a climactic battle with fucking Rufus H. Shinra on top of the Shinra building before they all make a break for it.
Sephiroth (FF7)
Angeal (Crisis Core)
Genesis (Crisis Core)
Zack Fair (FF7)
Kunsel (Crisis Core) (never seen helmetless - fate unknown)
Luxiere (Crisis Core) (never seen helmetless - fate unknown)
Nero the Sable (Dirge of Cerberus)
Weiss the Immaculate (Dirge of Cerberus)
Essai (Before Crisis) (dead)
Sebastion (Before Crisis) (dead)
He drew the characters forTeen Angst VIII and FFX. He had nothing to do with IX or XII though.
Crisis Core and Advent Children.
Is this some waifu? Don't even remember this bitch.
Looks like a cool bro to me.
Look fag, he's not saying they are going to remove it, they haven't REMOVED anything so far.
>Nomura is just reusing King
For fuck sake.
>Is this some waifu? Don't even remember this bitch.
ok fag
This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It’s me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you’d see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say “Yup, that’s me”. I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I’m assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I’ve found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It’s really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it’s almost like we’re identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?
How long do you guys think this will be? 5 hours?
Nomura only drew Genesis' design though, he didn't come up with him.
Nice reading comprehension incel
Nothing in my post implies I think they're removing it
I'm making a case FOR having a """random""" giant robot for being the disc one final boss. It's perfectly appropriate and there's no reason to change it unless you're a fucking retarded baby, which I guess explains why you like the change.
Kitase said 60+ hours, so it’s going to be 60+ hours
Okay in the original Nibelheim mission these were the members that took place:
Sephiroth - Soldier 1st Class
Zack Fair - Soldier 1st Class
Cloud Strife - Shinra Electric Company ground trooper
Unnamed man - Shinra Electric Company ground trooper
In the original game, the fate of the Unnamed trooper is never revealed. He is seen wounded in the burning but is told he will live by Zack. He does not die. It's possible that Nomura could rework the story to include the Unnamed man as a 2nd attempt at the experiments performed on Cloud in the mansion.
This Soldier could be that same guy.
In Japanese, they say ソルジャー for SOLDIER, and that's exactly what they said in the trailer. If he was just some grunt they'd have used a different word.
How many of these FF7 Remake threads we need? I think one at a time could suffice
>And adding this fag is better than shoehorning a Sephiroth fight at the end.
And thank god for that. If there's one thing I'm thankful for it's the way they seem to have let up on shoving Sephiroth into everything as much as possible when his lack of direct appearance is part of what made him so memorable.
Guys I solved it
With all the changes they're making, who knows if she even dies anymore.
I'm 90% sure they're going to spend a good portion of the story trying to endear Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie to you, just so it hurts like fuck when they die.
This guy was kinda cool desu
No one fucking played Type-0.
What about her? Will we get an explanation what happend to her?
Maybe SE should clear things up about characters they already introduced instead of introducing even more new characters
Crisis Core isn't canon retard.
>Kitase said 60+ hours
Which means it'll be around 40+. He's always overstated times.
The first unnamed soldier at Nibelheim dies/goes missing after the bridge collapses. Zack and Sephiroth remarks on that. The second who's left alive is Cloud. Cloud is the grunt lying on the ground when Nibelheim burns but he doesnt die. Instead, he gets up, heads to the Mako Reactor, picks up slashed Tifa and beats Sephiroth by tossing him to Mako stream.
She wouldn't pursue Cloud and co. in Midgar, didn't she leave the Turks? She's one of the better characters from the Compilation, you'll probably find her hinding somewhere in the world and will reminiscent about Tseng and Zack
It was confirmed ages ago they will add stuff from the Compilation, even though just like with REmake 2 any FF VII sequel material isn't inherently canon to the remake which is way fucking better, get fucked Genesis and AC
For just midgar? How?
Okay cool. Fuck that
Close, but not quite.
SOLDIER 3rd Class: Shinra HQ
SOLDIER 2nd Class: Junon post-Crater (CD2)
SOLDIER 1st Class: Stairs leading up to Sister Ray after BTFOing Heidegger and Scarlet and their shitty superrobot (Midgar)
The wiki says sector 8.
If you want to participate in the thread, make sure you got your facts right. The original game induces lot of autism so please do not trigger me anymore than necessary. If you are not 100% sure about your facts, just look them up BEFORE posting. Great, thanks, bye.
Why even get upset at this? This remake won't just be a remake but also a re-imagining of the story and events that took place. If you didn't want this you shouldn't have begged them to remake it.
The wiki is wrong.
>Trust some user or a wiki run by ff autists
And where are the stairs? On the top plate of that sector. Cool down for one hour before resuming posting.
they know, that's why they are going full gamefreak and reusing designs and animations from it
Or do you mean about the "stairs leading up to Hojo"? Then that might be because I don't remember in which sector the stairs were located.
If you haven't realized how by now, you are mentally deficient.
They should call it FFXVI - I: the milking.
is that demyx?
>and reusing designs and animations from it
ok retard
I fucking played those parts and remember where I fought them. Of course if it's about that New Threat mod I haven't played yet, then maybe, as I don't know about that or any other mods myself.
It literally has remake in the name, not re-imagining
I begged them to not make it because I learn from history.
Fire up the game and check for yourself.
thought I had it but there is a webm of Tifa doing the same animation as a fist fighter from Type-0
As many people pointed out, it's pointless to do a remake without any changes except in the graphics aspect. That's what Link's Awakening did, and there's no way I'm shelling out more than 20$ for another exact playthrough of a game I already played countless times.
That being said, fuck nomura-era FF, I don't need anymore of that jap shit or emo-cool-slender characters. They already ruined FFVII's legacy with that shit in everything that came after the game
>Soldier 1st class aren't in the game besides Sephiroth and Cloud!
>Yes they are, here is proof of them as a regular enemy in multiple locations
I know that webm, the animations were completely different.
I was begging them not to make FFVII: Sinspawn and Demyx edition.
Oh well at least they always treat FFXII as some untouchable sacred cow.
You shouldn't trust the definition of Engrish titles. Is "Fa-i-na-ru Fa-n-ta-si" actually a "Final Fantasy" as defined by the English language, or just some "fancy random-ass title"? Why do you think "Fa-i-na-ru Fa-n-ta-si Se-be-n Ri-me-ku" is any more accurate than that?
Fact is it is both. From PS1 to PS4 a lot of time passed and technology has gotten far above the capabilities of PS1. People kept begging for them to remake it with Advent Children like graphics and action combat so now they finally are giving you all that. This is also going to have to come with a lot of re-imagined alterations to the story of course. In short its both a remake and re-imagined game.
>REmake is called remake
>wait wtf Lisa Trevor wasn't in the original Capcom stop shitting up my vidya REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
At least she didn't overshadow the other monsters, unlike "Mr X is everywhere Now: the Sequel"
Lisa treavor was the worst part of the remake
Nothing can be worse than Genesis unless Nomura actually tried his hardest to make a worse character, either out of spite or for the lulz
Genesis isn't even Nomura's doing, Genesis was written by the producer of CC (always forget his name) and Gackt himself. Of course Nomura did the character design but his design is just red Sephiroth so there's nothing offensive about it.
I thought Nero and Weiss were tsviets.
Every major event and evil deed done by now popular characters (turks) will be done by new people like this so they can justify mass murdering corperations being wacky and cool
>no why is soldier a thing in the ff7 remake
okay but reno still shows up at the pillar in the trailer
Doubt it. Probably a dropout or some shit, because he's wearing the MP suit. The only thing that identifies him as SOLDIER is the sword.
They've already shown a bunch of shit that never happens in the original. Like not even remotely. Aeris won't even die in the remake, and it'll be the big plot twist at the end of the second game.
I know I just want to love this game so much I can't help see any minor change as a potentially game ruining change
Alright, but many of those don't exist and aren't canon and won't be in the remake.
this whole deal of shirking the blame is all coming from your own mind dude
He's wearing a grunt uniform minus the helmet.
I hope Genesis comes back just in spite of fags like you
Outta have more faith. I feel like Nomura is pretty shackled on his choices, potentially by Kitase.
He also has a belt similar to Sephiroth's.
Alright fuck it, I hope Weiss comes back. Let's just shit all over the board.
his outfit's way different to the officer uniform
for starters he's wearing the SOLDIER belt and holding a SOLDIER sword
he won't, Gackt and Square don't do business anymore and Gackt hated Genesis anyway
If anything I think FF7R is squares way of re-establishing the expanded universe with Gackt and his army of lawyers cut out
They could remake Genesis without Gackt's likeness. He doesn't own the character.
you know how autistic japs are about voice actors and shit. Besides, Genesis was an awful character anyway
only reason genesis existed was because they needed a villain for their spinoff
he's gone dude
>super long mullet
>patchy beard
why don't you like joe dirtiroth OP?
don't forget that flat-top
If he doesn't yell WEEEEHHEEEEEW and speak in a southern accent ima be mad, he calls out for being white trash soldier
>Get fuck AC
Nomura personally worked on AC as a director. The chance of it not being canon is really low and it wouldn't really affect the story anyway since it's set after the main game.
you'd think she'd be in Midgard early on though
Why though?
Why does he even need to exist?
CC was Tabata.
So you can kill him
They're adding an extra motorbike chase sequence to the game so this is your boss for the duration of that chase and possibly a boss fight at the end of it. He's fine for showing off how SOLDIERs are meant to be a big deal when you generally don't see them do anything impressive outside of Sephiroth and spend the game just fighting them as anonymous mooks, and he'll probably have a throwaway line about how he's never heard of Cloud. The most I can see him being is a reoccurring boss for the remake original segments of the game made to pad Midgar out.
You won't though, he's going to be fucking with you all throughout the game.
Yeah, throughout the first episode of a multiple episode remake.
He's there because they needed a mid-boss for you to kill at the end of part 1
i'd guess hes just some new minor antagonist, maybe a new boss fight that chases avalanche down after the bombing run, hes definitely first class
right, either you kill him at the end of part 1 or he parts ways with Shinra in part 2, like the turks do at Big Ray
It won't be a death match, just watch.
I mean Zack and Sephiroth are the only guys in SOLDIER who ever live up to the hype. The rest are just random encounter jobbers. Makes sense that there'd be at least one guy who does sick motorcycle tricks working for Shinra.
To be fair the original FF7 was critically lacking the named SOLDIERs.
As long as he's a fun character who will give Cloud a challenge i'm not against it.
>every time he shows up the bgm changes to a random whitesnake or def leppard song.
Free Bird, the part at the end that picks up
Not him, but I will do that.
judging by the motorcycle stuff he must replace the tank at the end of the motorcycle chase, they said part 1 was midgar with extra stuff added in didn't they?
for the last time, that scene isn't the Motorcycle escape at the end of the Midgar segment, they added more motorcycle sections
I'm diggin' his mullet at least.
>they added more motorcycle sections
great, did they bring back the hardy daytona at least or is it a rice bike?
why does he wield a medieval sword?
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills, the gameplay looks exactly like FFXV's shite; is Yea Forums so susceptible to hype that they become shills over the course of a single fucking trailer?
The suspenders, baggy pants and shoulder pads are exactly like something SOLIDER wore. My guess is that he's not a 1st Class though.
There were SOLDIER enemies that attacked you in the original, in random battles, when you were climbing up the Shinra HQ building.
This trailer would be more hype if he was wearing this.
don't worry you'll mow through a bunch of them in the shinra hq raid :^)
yes. why do you think shitty games have survived for this past decade?
Isn't he the guy from Dirge of Cerbersus multiplayer?
damn they really do not look anything alike
the doujiin where he rapes tifa with those spikes and causes her to have orgasms with them
Anyone think that they made Reno look a bit too much like a twink? He was always skinny but I don't remember him being that much of a fucking stick in CC and AC.
so you don't actuakly know but are too embarrased to admit it?
they sure are taking many liberties with this
Dunno. Why does Sephiroth use a katana that's longer than he is?
And why the fuck do they keep it that long in every spinoff? It looks silly.
>Seph in the flashback
seemed pretty strong to me senpai
So this guy being a actual 1st class SOLDIER means he knows about Zack and can just disprove Clouds LARPING at any moment, right?
but then you meet this dude and you one shot him
>did they bring back the hardy dayton
yes, a fig of Cloud riding it is part of the deluxe pre-order package
He'll be a dropout just like Cloud supposedly is. Maybe even older than Zack.
>concept art shows actual sword design
>3d model wields a weird ass needle instead
gotta cut down on them polygons for muh performance
>weird ass needle
Its a lance.
You're a Lance, fgt
user, i hate to be the one to tell you this, but Crisis Core Is canon in the FF VIII Remake, even DoC Is...
>the FF VIII Remake
"one shot"
Definitly not. These guys had absurd amounts of HP compared to other random encounters. They also dealt comparatively more damage. They were like mini-bosses, basically.
Genesis and Angeal were not added in by Nomura and 7R is written by Nojima you uninformed retards. Blaming Scapegoatmura for everything is why the actual retards who are at fault this garbage are still there and still do this shit.
I like SOLDIER being interpreted as a bunch of jumped up superpowered rockstar soldiers instead of just random mobs you destroy. When they ask Cloud if there was anyone from SOLDIER at the reactor he sais no, because if there were they'd all be dead. Then you meet them and you barely notice what you're fighting.
>only 5k hp
yep that's one shot
If you grinded like that, then basically any enemy is a "oneshot".
>needing to grind to break 5k dmg at endgame
Shit, i fucked up the number. lol
It sold 3 million which is more than FF1-5 sold and more than FF tactics sold
Yes? You don't break 5k so easily unless you deliberately grinded for stuff like Ultimate Weapon and such.
whatever you say boss
Nomura was creative producer and character designer on CC and Nojima wrote it
>3 millions
no it didn't
We loved XV tho so that's a good thing.
I think it's only you
didn't sell more than 2 million copies and half of those came from the ps4 port that had XV's demo in it, which is the reason everyone bought type-0.
Almost nobody played type-0 when they got it for ps4. Not even you XV-kun,
Yes it did
It sold 800k on PSP in Japan and 2.2m across PS4, PC and XB1 ww.
>2.2m across PS4, PC and XB1 ww.
no, barry you delusional faggot.
oh shit you're right it is bazza
watch me dab on him
wow, he begun obsessing over neithof again?
we're doomed
>we've seen you range banned multiple times with confirmation that it's you for 10 years
I literally thought it was some random Yea Forumsro exposing Barry when i started reading this but then it turns out it was the nigger himself, talking about himself. Got baited hard.
Yeah we did
it even has higher userscores than majority of FFs
Not everyone is as retarded and blind as you.
hey barry remember how you kept posting that holding the attack button did a normal combo and that it was the same as tapping it, nay that it was in fact the superior option? what do you think of this button holding gameplay? how does it make you feel?
It sold 800k+ on PSP in Japan and 100k+ on PS4 in Japan, did 200k-500k on Steam and 1 million on PS4
At absolute minimum it did 2.1m which is around the same as FF Tactics sales
This, it was wasted potential that washes out when you actually play through and fight them. Seph is basically the only 'real' SOLDIER that exists in the game.
Playstation themselves and everyone who played it said holding charges ATB faster so cope
You said 3 million, i said 2 million and you start your post with "nope" then proceed to admit it sold 2.1m.
Thanks for admitting you were for the millionth time, you're a joke on Yea Forums.
kek you're always so cute when you double down on being retarded
Why are you lying? No one ever said that, it was always said tapping does a 5 hit string while holding does a 3 hit string but charges ATB faster.
>1 million on PS4
>2.1 million total
>replied to a post that said
>2 million copies and half of those came from the ps4 port that had XV's demo in it
Is Bazztek retarded or is he just pretending?
but that way it's not the SAME AS FFXV making you a liar...
also brb gonna make a webm comparing atb build rate expect to be booty blasted
To be fair. SOLDIERs are overblown memes and just stronger than your average soldier because of drugs. If you want real spec-op shit go join the Turks.
And then I followed up by not even counting the latest sales data or all versions and still came to at least 2.1m which is more than what you said Type0 sold
KH3 sales in Japan = 900k
FF Type0 sales in Japan = 800k+140k=940k
But you're the one making shit up nate
Bazztek, holy fuck you're retarded.
Cloud's stances are the reason he was charging faster, the resegayra poster was just too dumb to figure it out. Operator mode makes the ATB bars charge faster, retard.
Source: i played the fucking demo
Ok Nate or Nathan.
Are you samefagging and retarded Neithof? You said it didnt even sell 2m when it factually did, also Type0 sold more in Japan than KH3 did
why the fuck do you keep comparing type-0 sales to other games when the only thing i did was correct your bullshit 3 million number
>2.1m which is more than what you said Type0 sold
No i am just no autistic like you, 100k difference doesn't mean i am wrong, it means i am not retarded to look up the EXACT number and instead rounded it down like every normal human would do.
Trying to tell me i was wrong cause i was off my 100k when you were by almost a million is rich, you fucking afterbirth.
Except you have different attacks if you hold or tap in XV too, you can only do manual finishers by tapping, and your base attack on broadsword has a 5 hit string if you tap not counting directionals and only does a 3 hit string if you hold.
In other words those who want it to feel more ATB-y can hold it and get less action + more menu-based combat, while those who want more action time their attacks better for more immdiety regular damage for more action but less menu-based combat. Don't see what's the problem with that. Neither option is "hold O to win".
>Hey guys, you don't have to wait for your ATB to fill to do basic attacks! This is just like FFXV!
There isn't actual stances in 7r
For example Eight has actual stances with different combos like wildfire stance and thunderclap stance and gale stance, those are actual different stances for him.
7R does not have stances and no Cloud does not have them.
What Cloud has is punisher mode which is heavy attacks and you press triangle to toggle to operator mode which is regular attack because that's his triangle input to go between slow strong attacks and regular quick attacks, each character has their own unique triangle input that all work different, only Cloud has that toggle between regular and heavy attacks which is really no different than weapon switching between a 1h broadsword sword and 2h greatsword in XV, which also fill up different bars at different rates in XV too.
Tifa's triangle button is Omnipunch which becomes Bash in context sensitive situations just like Eight has Diamond Knuckles which becomes Rising Uppercut exactly the same way as Tifa's triangle action
Barrets triangle action is Overcharge which you press after it Charges which will charge up while you hold it then it'll become overcharge where you press triangle to use it then you charge it again, its literally not a stance
They are not actual stances in 7R and anyone saying that they are is wrong.
Shit, it's just the bike from AC now. I loved the classic Hardy Daytona design.
Except you didnt correct anything and you literally tried to say it didnt even sell 2m either when at fucking minimum it did 2.1m and thats using 5 year old sales data, you are objectively fucking wrong just like you've always been neith of
it is inherently hold to win and you only hold for barret
And guess who is writing the Remake?
>Kitase's former writing partner Kazushige Nojima is back to pen the story once more
>Do you see the larger iconic plot points as an opportunity to surprise fans, or are there things that you and the team consider untouchable?
>I, along with Nomura-san and [Kazushige] Nojima-san – who are involved with the remake – were involved with the original Final Fantasy VII. We were the people who created it, so in that sense, we don’t think anything is untouchable.
> you literally tried to say it didnt even sell 2m
i said it didn't sell MORE than 2 million, which isn't the same as "it didn't even sell 2 million" you literate fuck. Kill yourself along with whoever the fuck neith of is.
>The guy who broke up Tidus and Yuna and had her become fantatical christian and also fucking other men to protect him from memory loss which will make him disappear if he remembers
Welp this game is going to be pure trash
Type0 did 800k on PSP
1.4m on PS4
200k-500K on PC
300k + on XB1
That's already 2.7m to 3m
cope neith
Meant for
Cope you lying fuck
>making shit up
Nope those are facts
>Lisa treavor was the worst part of the remake
This man speaks the truth.
>left started with a full bar
>right started with less than half a bar
>left finishes with less than 1 and a half bars meaning it couldn't even fill half a bar
>right finishes with 1 bar and a bit meaning it fulled more than half a bar
this happened because the spin is specifically to serve as an AoE attack you insert whenever you need it into your combo and not meant to be treated as its own combo
at the end of the day this is just for building atb anyway so I don't know why you got so autistic about proving anything here because even if you were right you still would spend that atb on abilities which is like the og ff7 and not ff15
He just became playable in one FF spinoff and was referenced in two others.
can we hope for different story line where waifus not kill this time ??
The left side is clearly filling faster, you're blind and retarded and didnt even align the footage properly to hits either you lying fuck neith of
good lord mate the attack and spin only fills 30% of a bar, even if you did two of these "combos" that would only be 60%
the full combo fills like 80-90% and at that point would be faster too
Nothing can be worse than genesis
>left side hold does 84 damage in 4 hits
>right side tap does 64 damage in 4 hits
oh no nooooo
I doubt we can make any such judgements based on just the "tutorial level" one way or another. And the trailers don't really show us how exactly the alter battles will play out.
but what if three hits THEN spin
So you're blind and retarded and didnt even compare it from equally blank bars
also ignoring holding did 14 damage, 2 damage, 4 damage then 50 damage in 1 string of 4 hits for total of 84 damage in 4 hits holding
while 4 hits on tapping did 14 damage, 9 damage, 30 damage, 12 damage for total of 65 damage from 4 hits
if you hold you'll deal damage much faster rate than tapping and your hold fills up ATB faster too
cope neith
you can always make your own webm pal
Compare them to any of the lower class Soldier you meet in the game. If you'd pit them against each other the 1st class mook would mop the floor with the others.
There are supposed to be different combos based on different button presses. Also this is the Demo where the triangle abilities were disabled (or is an old "stable" build that didn't have it included yet), so who knows how much else of the gameplay is going to be different in the actual release.
using the scorpion sentinel who has resistance to physical attacks was a mistake now he's flipped the script to it being about damage instead of atb gain
>coping at facts
the state of neith
No that footage just reveals holding deals more faster and charges ATB faster
wait a minute...
14 + 2 + 4 + 50 is 70
you can't even do basic math
Are you fucking kidding me? If you're not breaking 5k easily by that point then how the fuck did you even make it there?
Just steal it you fool. Don't have the balls? Gamestop employees can't fight.
>caring about a trash game
mistake #1
Because you can't actually deal that much damage without the Ultimate weapons with standard attacks? Even the second strongest weapons, IIRC only do 2k-3k damage at level 60 or so.
I cringed hard when this fag appeared.
I hate Nomura. Cannot stand his hot topic garbage.
Back in the Sakaguchi must have filtered out all their shit ideas.
KEK I made a better webm for you mate, also damage isn't a factor in atb gain so I don't know why you're trying so hard to flip the script here
This guy reminds me about ACK more and more
This is an actual clinical schizophrenia
Shotgun, Martial Arts (Female) and Evan Townshend. That's it.
Left side literally fills faster and more per hit
70 is still more than 65, also he does 5 hits holding quicker than 4 hits tapping took so it was 84 holding in the same duration it took to do 65 damage tapping
>time works on a per hit basis
lmao this dude
Fuck off nintentard
Meanwhile the people who wanted an actual remake rather than something completely different with the same name on it can go fuck themselves I suppose
Ehhh, but really, that's the niche remasters are for, and that's more because of dev laziness.
Remakes can allow for rebalance and new content, look at all the successful square remakes before this one. Where VII fails is in going too far, and uprooting fundamental gameplay elements like, oh right, ALL OF THEM
Fuck you're illiterate. Fucking ESL German Greek faggot.
left is after two(2) spinny bois
right is after one(1) combo
the one(1) combo finished first
Nice lies when the footage clearly shows left side filling faster
>I'm thinking there won't be any open world exploration.
I think it will be mission based like Crimson Sea 2 or maybe like a Chapter>Episode selector like RE5.
What this user said. I stopped enjoying square enix games a long time ago. I didn't know it at the time, but it was the merge with Enix that did it. There's extremely few games they released after that which I thought were any good, and their lineup was excellent before that. A real bummer.
Crisis Core was better than 7.
I finished that but I just cannot force myself through 7.
Must suck having a mental illness, feel bad for you user
Crisis Core was good
he's just a random bike mini boss filler character. literally nobody. but guess OP is such a huuuuge fucking faggot and needed to meme about it.
That's just an excuse to have a literal triangle as a weapon to save on production costs. The concept art has actual swords that weren't used in-game until Crisis Core 15 years later.
So they got the characters flailing around on autopilot motorbikes like in Advent Children?
It's fun
Fun, hammy nemeses are fun
I thought the turks always worked with Shinra.
shit is so campy I love it
ye the turks work under The Shinra
>it was the merge with Enix that did it.
>It was when they stole a successful company's money and kept making the same mistakes they had been making since the 80s but burned through all their talent that did it.
I'm so sick of people blaming the company that got gutted for Square's own failings.
Nah, that'll be his final boss fight when he's jaded with Shinra, but knows no way but to commit wholesale to the fight.
>Recharacterizes Zack so hard that 7 doesn't make sense anymore.
>Ruins most of the backstory.
>Shit combat.
>RNG level system just for one cool gimmick.
It did a pretty cool recreation of Nibelheim, but that's it.
The focus of the trailer should be Rufus. His boss fight was the absolute highlight of disc one.
Fucking rooftop 1v1 with a helicopter in the background and the back and fourth switching between parties.
>President Shinra's helicopter replaced with giant hologram.
>You will now fight giant hologram Rufus instead to keep him "cool" and "not weak."
shut the fuck up you dumb shitposter
Prove me wrong, bitch.
prove yourself right dumb shitposter
>Helicopter is missing from previous scene
>Hologram exists
This us more proof than you have of the helicopter returning. Seethe if you like.
helicopters appear in the opening
checkmate dumb shitposter
They're gonna have the final boss still be the giant robot at the end of the highway, but with a Shinra villain inside it, like Heidegger or Rufus, to give it more weight in the story.
using some numbers pulled out of nowhere what if bar1 requires 10 points but bar2 requires 15 points 25 points total
you see if you scroll down you'll find I remade the comparison with both using similar bar levels
sure but that doesn't change the question and could be applied to either scenarios of the argument
If by end game you get 5 bars and they each increase by 10 then the total gauge number would be 150 but they'd be separated by 10 pts (10+20+30+40+50)
I mean you can always use your eyes and see it fills at the same rate
You mean FFXV
>Both helis moved to opening to make room for holograms
Proves my point.
Is that just for part one?
alright that one got me
Yes it is fag
Stop being optimistic user, that shit is coming to the PS7 where we inject the game into our brains.
clearly it doesn't
>Him in charge of FF has basically destroyed it.
how is nomura "destroying" final fantasy by making the first good main-series game since ff9?
dude what
Yeah, that's Sector 8
fucking cumskulls have finally shut up about Tifa too, finally
taken from left 2 images are from the start
right 2 images are a frame from the 2 second mark when one side gets a full bar
clearly different growths
dude we were talking about the two bars having different growths those are comparing the first bars doing different attacks
you're supposed to compare bar 1 with bar 2
Tifa's breasts have been relocated to Cait Sith. Please enjoy the copious moogle moobs in Remake 2.
it's still comparing the 2 videos
and it shows different growths
well yeah no shit that's the point of the vid lmao
and yet my image replied to a dude who said their growth was the same
Mainly adding/finishing stuff they didn't have time to for the original. This board is ignorant and beyond retarded
am I misunderstanding something, were you not theory crafting about if you potentially had 5 bars each bar would get progressively harder to fill
Cuter than Cloud.
After FF15, expectations are so low that the TGS trailer looks good
it is good
>the disaster that was Crisis Core
The fuck are you talking about? Crisis Core was fun.
He looks fun.
Good, add more. If the game was going to be shit it was going to be shit whether they add or cut. Whatever they do it's going to depend on talent. You'd be a retard to think FF7 is perfect as a piece of work and can't be expanded on. Rather than rejecting additions entirely you should only be concerned about their quality.
They were later, but Crisis Core shows them retrieving Genesis wearing 1st Class uniforms so people assume they were regular SOLDIER before Deepground started. Of course, they might've just been wearing them so people wouldn't question who they were when taking a Shinra helicopter.
Why are her arms so skinny?
her big bobs make her body look small
you mean her small body makes her bobs look big
Look at those triceps though
Big tiddies are distracting from her nice arms.
no no it's the big bobs
I would only expand the Materia (and their stat costs). Doing anything to the story or characters jeopardizes them fitting together and the pacing in particular will immediately be in danger. VII is a masterpiece.
(I wouldn't reject additions in theory, but I'm certain it really can't be improved. I just would welcome the resulting lesser product for variety. Call it foolishness if you wish.
I don't even think VII has the best FF story, but it does have the best VII story.)
Because Tifa is and has always been a stick. It's all Materia providing the power here. I'm very glad they kept her body the way it was, but it's a shame her breasts are gone, so now she looks like an NPC. Two wrongs don't make a right, so she shouldn't be made muscular to alleviate that.
FFXII, the game that already had a direct sequel and had characters cameo in two other Ivalice games? Yeah, totally untouchable.
It's that legendary SOLDIER, Nimbus Struggle!
Not him, but your mindset shows your problem. You are stating the original as the "ceiling" and not even considering the possibility of the remake actually SURPASSING the original as long as you don't drown yourself in nostalgia.
And he was right. You get stronger over the course of the game, dipshit. With the strength, equipment and materia you and Barret have in the reactor section, even a third class soldier from the Shinra building could have easily wiped the whole party out singlehanded.
You're one of those people who wanted tank controls and fixed cameras for the RE2 remake aren't you?
>not even considering the possibility of the remake actually SURPASSING the original as long as you don't drown yourself in nostalgia.
He's right to not consider that a possibility. Square's talent has declined hideously, the idea that they could ever make anything as good as 7 with the squad they have no let alone better is completely laughable.
for the love of god Nomura please don't bring dirge into this
Not him but I am. You might be legitimately retarded if you think REmake 2 is better than REmake. It's just an infinitely clunkier, shittier RE4.
Go to bed, grandpa.
>Gackt hated Genesis anyway
yes because even shittier controls would have made the game better right?
Don't get me wrong I love those old games but tank controls are objectively ass and all keeping them would have done is made the game worse
I would really prefer you zoomers not speak to me.
Actually address the argument or fuck off and continue to hide behind your buzzwords like a faggot.
Which is why he gets a super special ending dedicated to him in DoC
I don't know why you feel the need to defend Square, you're not getting paid for this.
>more motorcycle shit
You fags complain about capeshit movies and then gobble it up when video games do the same thing.
Let's be clear here, the whole point of the Compilation of FF7 was to establish Genesis as a character complete with a backstory to create a new antagonist for a FF7-2, but FF7-2 never happened.
It would be dumb to drop Genesis altogether when they already invested so much time and retconned so much to put him into the canon.
we already knew this would be psuedo open world how else would he get around
and that's a good thing!
>why yes I breed with humans how could you tell?
Who is that? I don't remember him from FF VII
>Allowing Tetsuya Nomura to be anything but a monster designer
I like the original manga looking character concepts for FFVII. But after that game it just went downwards and Nomura became more retarded with his designs. What's worse is that this man is given any role in storytelling when he's just going to splooge in retarded shit.
That's what I'm arguing for, though. Genesis was Nomura's personal pet project, shoehorned into the plot in spite of all logic and common sense.
You people must not have played any of the KH games because it's stuffed to the bursting point with shit like this. Retconning every other character and plot detail to cram in more heartless and Xehanort nonsense with every new installment.
What would their kid be like? Would Shinra kidnap him or her to study summon/human hybrids?
posting real best girl
>He's been in charge of every single FF game after VII?
He's had a great deal of influence on each game with the exception of FFXII. The problem is that he's given a game to work on, it usually ends up in development hell, and then he drops out leaving whatever slop he's left on the front door to the new director. FFXV is a great example of that. Just take a look at how much of a clusterfuck Kingdom Hearts is.
I asked this before; when did Shiva start being an elf?
you can't just call everyone with pointy ears an elf that's racist bro
>end Advent Children at a cliffhanger for Sephiroth's big return
>Genesis appears at the end of Dirge of Cerberus to wreak havoc
There was too much going on to NOT have some kind of proper sequel to FF7.
Weiss was pretty dank.
This remake announcement is reminding me why I absolutely fucking hated the FFVII community in the 2000's while still loving the original game itself. I can't believe retards will defend this remakle. But of course they also defended shit like all the other crappy ass spinoffs such as Dirge of Cerberus and that shitty movie Advent Children.
Technically he wasn't there to wreak havoc. He pretty much lives as a WEAPON now; he put an end to personal involvement when he'd refused to assist Weiss and Nero with their crazy plans.
It's literally the best minigame from the original you absolute gaylord
These aren't cat eyes.
These are snake eyes.
Yeah it was a fun minigame, not a core mechanic of a fucking ATB JRPG you knuckle-dragging cockgargler
Considering they recently started putting him into spinoffs (complete with voice acting), it's almost certain they're not dropping him.
Literally zero muscle mass. She can't realistically even pull her body weight with those puny arms. She probably can't do a single chin-up.
It's also really, really wrong. There was a "mass desertion" of SOLDIER troops (in reality, Genesis infected them with his blood and recruited them into his ranks of clones) but SOLDIER was never disbanded and there were still 1st Class SOLDIERS on active duty.
>thinking your headcanon matters
I don't care if they (including genesis) get written out or not.
she looks like she fucks dragons
get in your coffin and play the classic instead and find the definition of a video game remake before you tamper tantrum online.
>still holding onto the sword
Hope that doesn't cause aoe damage if party members get too close.
Manly tears is the only worthy tripfag to have made Yea Forums bend the knee.
I bet you believe Phantom Menace was a good movie too.
I think you mean Manlet tears.
>83 MC and 8.8 user score
Only in some alternative universe, where TPM was universally well received.
Why not just make a new game then?
15 is the best FF
no wonder nomura keeps copying it
Why do they wield an umbrella?
Because the original creators left many ideas on the cutting floor and want to give them a try? As that guy said, the changes are the only reason why the Remake is potentially interesting.
>>wacky woohoo SOLDIERman level
perfect, I'm dead tired of the "bad guy is a tormented soul and actually sad"
fuck this trope, we need bad guys who just want to fuck you over with style
You actually think XV invented "bad guy drops on good guy, who blocks the attack"?
>the gameplay looks exactly like FFXV's shite
That's the keyword: it *LOOKS* like FFXV
But it PLAYS not even remotely close to it.
Square's Dante
That exact jump flip onto the character then backflip off them and the entire camera angle and framing is near identical to only that specific sequence from 15, not to mention the visual colors and aesthetic is basically the same too
It does play like xv mixed with Type0
>There's a lot of Final Fantasy XV DNA on show here, but the team has still kept the game incredibly faithful to the PlayStation original
15 was basically a tech demo for this
its not on the same engine and 7r looks ti be more restricted gameplay wise than 15 since there's no jumping or weapon switching, its like a mix of type0 and 15 with elements of ff13 and dissidia
Except Aranea doesn't do a flip into the attack, but instead a corkscrew dive, and the back flip out of a blocked attack is an extremely common move in japanese media.
That "dragoon" scene was made by nomura back in 2011
Sounds good. XV did a lot of things I'd like to see in the mainline titles from now on, but VII is obviously a different game.
Well, sort of. XV devs were basically SE's pioneers in proper HD development, so it'd be dumb if the other teams didn't learn from them and refine their work.
LMAO, Barry literally BTFO'd himself
>FFXV cuts the big city out of the game
>FF7R is just the big city
>FF7R Part 1 Is just the big city
>there were SOLDIER intended to be characters that would antagonize the crew
>hearsay implies that the two cut creatures of Red XIII's kind that were supposed to serve as boss fights may be re-added
What next, Yuffie's gonna suddenly have some of her SOLDIER origins in old documents restored as some sort of discriminated dropout with a grudge for the real thing on Shinra hire? It feels fishy to have President Shinra exclaiming that AVALANCHE are just Wutai agents butthurt about the war and acting on their own or some shit in the newest trailer.
perhaps they added a part whetre the shinra send soldiers after cloud and co
and yes I know he was probably just saying that as part of the cover story of how to explain the collateral damage that would probably ensue, but I dunno, it feels like shit's really getting whack with some of these beta concepts revisited. plus Tifa has to be unlocked sooner than expected after the second bombing run or the story's being stretched out for sure, because there was no opportunity to revisit the Wall Market after you "rescued" her from Don in the original
The Wutai thing is CC related. In Crisis Core, it was established that Wutai had some legitimate terrorism activities in Midgar some years ago. Shinra is using that to associate AVALANCHE with the terrorists everybody in Midgar knows and hates.
No it wasnt, that was a completely different animation, camera motion and sequence and she doesnt jump on noct or backflip off of him in the 2011 one and the 2011 one is mainly showing her acrobatic fall then landing on a platform, not leaping onto noctis then backflipping off him like in the 2016 one
the 2016 one was brand new made from the ground up with entirely different camera angles, animation and motion and the reno scene is copying the 2016 scene with reno leaping on cloud then backflipping off him, not the 2011 one
dumb german fuck
Thats one of the seph clones from Advent Children but his hair isnt silver.
Wonder if they'll bring up Before Crisis elements too, like the prior AVALANCHE. We already see that whether it's just random civvies trying to prevent the plate fall or genuine recruitment efforts AVALANCHE isn't alone in defending the pillar, but it would be neat to have hints at the bigger picture and larger atrocities that have happened in the past. Or at least have someone bring up the fact that the Turks were larger in number but got downsized very recently.
Anyone else have a crush on Jessie or is it just the Sector Plate?
Loz? it's not Loz. I don't think the remnants were actually people before they got jenova'd.
No they didnt
I was under the impression all the seph clones were people who got the same treatment as cloud but it didn't work for them.
how much of Insomnia was in Epsiode Ardyn, btw?
The douchebags from advent children aren't clones like those other robed douchebags.
a few blocks of the central area in front of the tower palace. not that there's really much to do besides break things to be a dick between your objectives and encounters of slaughtering while Lotus Juice raps in the background.
If I remember correctly when you climb the wire to get to the Shinra HQ you have Tifa in the Wall Market
>canon is what I say it is.
er, that's not quite how it works user
did you mean to reply to
Why can't this be remastered?
Someone wanted to do a 3DS remake of it but it never got around to being pitched properly I guess.
And the fact that nobody ever acknowledge them is a bit underwhelming.
They will probably pick and choose. CC is the only part of the Compilation that is referenced on a regular basis, along with some parts of AC. So I wouldn't be surprised if most elements came from CC, with other stuff referenced only rarely.
Its bigger than the royal edition insomnia and all the inaccessible broken areas are accessible and you can run on top of and shadowwarp to every building
there is a cutoff the further from the citadel you go
Well besides the Genesis subplot and the Angeal melodrama, aka the original parts of the game, CC is probably one of the best Compilation works when it comes to canon stuff at least, so i'm fine with that if need be.
So does Jessie live? It looks like they all parachute off the column. Also... is Cloud no longer cross dress? And is Corneo the goddamn Joker.
but look how long it is!
Are you a goddamn ESL?
He's Hillbillyroth
Yea Forums is full of braindead 20 year olds that actually like that garbage and Kingdom Hearts.
She's probably a vore fetishist
It’s Johnny!
how the fuck did XIV get away with that being a plot point anyways
he's giving me good vibes
>The greatest game ever made
You should honestly kill yourself, FF7 is only famous because muh 3d models and muh first FF
The latest mainline got away with having the good guys practice ritual human sacrifice. Fucking dragons seems pretty tame in comparison.
literally don't care. As I said it's gonna suck. This is nusqenix afterall.
Are people really upset that SOLDIER are being made relevant now?
SOLDIER were always relevant.
No they weren't. They were nothing but generic enemies in the original.
Not really. They were just generic enemies with absolutely no presence.
Sephiroth and Zack were relevant but SOLIDER the organization never mattered.
I know it's FF and all but how the fuck do you even justify these enemy designs in universe?
dumb liar poster
Shinra uses only the latest and most advanced weaponry.
I always figured a lot of the weirder shit were people or creatures exposed to Mako and mutated without control. The Makonoid monsters at the Nibelheim reactor being failed attempts to control such research on humans.
And then you've got Hell House.
The same way you justify the demons in SMT.
Nigga he's wearing a mullet.
Hell House looks like some criminal slumlord's attempt at creating a killer robot without any of the government's technology.
I usually just think it's Hojo's doing.