I've never played a fighting game before, what's the best SNK fighting game for beginners?
I've never played a fighting game before, what's the best SNK fighting game for beginners?
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Don't start with an SNK fighter. Try Capcom.
pretty sure this guy wants to start with snk because of Terry being and smash and naturally wants to learn about the series that character comes from and try it out instead of crying about it cause it wasnt his pick
Okay then SNK Heroines.
Just slap a rom of KOF 2002 into OpenEmu and let it rip
When you get to Rugal restart, his boss battle is fucking unfair
Samurai Shodown is super low execution but really fun at any level. Also seconding this recommendation from , but keep in mind the bosses in every SNK fighter are bullshit.
SNK Heroines is easy to get into but it's borderline shovelware.
NeoGeo Battle Coliseum
There's really no such thing as a SNK fighting game for beginners, unless something like Breakers counts. The first KOF and Fatal Fury games have evil AI and stiff controls, so avoid them.
KOF '98, Garou, Samurai Shodown II and Last Blade 2 are the best fighters on Neo Geo so just go straight for them.
Capcom VS SNK 2
Its a Capcom game but good for beginners. SNK games have interesting 2D animations and backgrounds. Its fun to see those even if you suck at fighting games.
I suck at SNK games too, but love seeing those arts of KOF, Samsho, etc. I personally like SNK VS Capcom made by SNK. Its much darker than CvS2.
Get the new Samurai Shodown, you'll learn real fucking fast what the concept of neutral is and how it works
The new samsho has a pretty good tutorial
Garou and KoF XIV.
Fellow fighting game newfag here. If you want to get into fitan, I highly recommend playing the Skull Girls Tutorial, because I legit think there is no better way to actually teach somebody the basics and core functions of fightan, and once you are done with that, I recommend getting into Tekken 7. Tekken 7 is probably the noobie friendliest fightan game you can get into. I was certainly able to win some matches, while in Skullgirls I largely got my ass handed to me in online. It's good fun, too.
If you wanna talk tutorials, Under Night probably blows everything else out of the water in terms of the scope and depth of the information provided. I don't think I've ever seen fuzzy blocking even mentioned in another game's tutorial, as just one example.
Can't say really, But I know that Skullgirls was incredibly in debt as well, and made me understand a lot of concepts, while other fighting games usually just do the "ok this to kick and this to block, have fun faggot" at best they show you how to break a block or something
is the gamecube port of snk vs capcom 2 bad? saw a copy of it at a thrift shop a couple days ago but didn't pick it up
KoF 2002 is the peak of the franchise
>Samurai Shodown 2/V Special/2019
Very easy fighters to get into. Nearly no combos, lot of universal systems and pressure is very limited generally favouring the defender.
>Fatal Fury Special/Real Bout Special/ Real Bout 2
Kinda like a more aggressive SF, but still has a decent neutral as you have good walk speed and aren't always stuck in pressure. The two plain system seems weird at first but it works quite neatly
Pretty much the basics of KoF, sort damaging combos and execution generally isn't that hard
Combos can get pretty long for high resource stuff, but most are pretty short and if anything the inputs have become overly easy.
Is there a discord or some other dedicated community for KoF98/02 outside of Fightcade? I really like these games but the fightcade lobbies suck.
try to get some of your friends into the game, i'm able to get most of my friends into different shit like blitzkampf, unist, and virtua fighter
Gamecube controller sucks for fighting games
its cvs, not svc those are different games.
CVS2 on gamecube is alright but it fixes an exploit that is popular in top level play.
its absolutely fine to dick around with though. just dont use the special gamecube groove, thats some retarded autoplay shit.
The latest Samurai Shodown is simple enough, as is KoF14 and SNK Heroines.
>blitzkampf, unist, and virtua fighter
abk is so based
>2002niggers shilling their mess of a game
Play KoF 98 to get a good grasp on the basics of the series, after that the series tries a variety of different game mechanics, but 98 serves as a good basis, then jump off into whichever KoF you fancy.
If you're jumping in because of Terry, go for Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 or RBFF Secial. Niggers will inevitably tell you to play Garou Mark of the Wolves, it looks great, but can be unbalanced, but if you don't mind that Go for it. The real bout games might be easier for you to grasp though. Also if you're curious try Fatal Fury Special (different than the one I already mentioned). I hate to make this comparison, but think of it like the Street Fighter 2 of the series. It still gets played to this day in certain circles.
For a quick rundown on Terry's lore check out Memories of stray wolves on jewtube. It covers the important bits.
If you want a game that's easy on execution Try Samurai Shodown 2, or the current one released a couple months ago. They're not as execution heavy, but they are high reward, but can also be high risk. If long combos and high execution are something you want to avoid, this is for you. Samurai Shodown V special is also great, but there's a few more things to keep track of.
If you want a FG based on historical figures try World Heroes perfect.
If you want your balls busted Try Art of Fighting 2. Art of fighting 3 has great sprites and animation on top of that.
If you want kof history, just go for kof 94-03 and then hunt XI, and XIII. XIV could be ignored at this point.
My recommendations:
KOF 97 just for the arcade mode
KOF 98 is so much fun. Great overall package. Great music and graphics, enjoy all the characters interactions.
KOF 99 follows the improvement of the graphics and artstyle. Peak here. Less characters, but much better environments. Get free play to unlock Kyo and Iori. Dreamcast version for more alternative stages, strikers and better sound and music (best sound 'till XIII.)
KOF 00 is the last true SNK game. Worse music, didn't improve graphically since 99, but is a fun ride with the new characters. Agent team is just so cool.
KOF 01 is were the game started to went nosedive. Graphics are worse than 98, and the gameplay is so weird. I still kinda like it. Horrendous backgrounds, mediocre music (though, it have some kind of trashy charm.)
KOF 02 is amont the best gameplay wise... but is suffers literally everywhere else. Worse sound, the most horrible stages of all the series, bad music, bad UI. It contrast this with a great selection of characters and play system. Many people will tell you to start here, but boy, this isn't really is peak SNK. The game is so downgraded graphically that even with all it's hype... I don't have fondness of it. Is better if you get the improved versions of it on PS2 and PC, but is still so bad looking.
KOF 03 is trash. Better looking than 02, but eh, is overall so forgettable.
KOF XI is actually kinda neat. Gameplay is as good if not better than 02. Improved everywhere graphically, but still not reaching 98-99-00 levels. Really fun. Great new characters (Oswald debut here)
KOF XII is an alpha
KOF XIII is the best KOF ever. Ignore the idiot zoomers. Latino here, +30yo; on top of the game being one of the most beautiful games ever, the gameplay is so tight. Though, I can't really recommend it for a beginner. Is goddamn hard. Hard even for veterans.
Capcom vs SNK 2
Don't play fighting games. Stick to smash. Fighting games are zoomer repellent.
reminder that SNK bosses are bullshit, but the more general combat AI still have nothing on SF2 era AI which will hyper-spam attacks, read inputs and then break the rules in every match just to fuck you up
reminder that you shouldnt waste your time with single player in fighters
Garou is still the better game of all the Fatal Fury saga. As much as one can love the Bout series, is just so wonky. Yeah, you can recommend those, but don't talk shit like this. Is just fake and you know it.
I would recommend Samurai Shodown IV for a ride since is the best combination of fantastic SNK sprites and gameplay. III may look better, but is a buggy mess, and so incomplete. I can argue that IV is way more fun than II. V onward are so ugly; great games, but yeah, so, so ugly compared to IV.
World Heroes may have been cute, but mate, c'mon, the game is trash. Not even Jet couldn't help it. Even Kizuna Encounter is better.
The Art of Fighting series are... just bad. You could ignore all of them and not miss anything. I say this having played it literally on the arcade back in the day.
Go play Waku Waku 7 OP. Add it to your list.
>KOF 99 follows the improvement of the graphics and artstyle. Peak here
I fucking DARE you to defy me on this idiot. I DARE YOU. Go ahead. Write your case.
Unless you are 18 or younger, how the fuck have you not played a single fighting game? You couldn't even bother to emulate sf2 on the snes or something?
he also thinks 13 has good gameplay.
>KOF 01 is were the game started to went nosedive. Graphics are worse than 98, and the gameplay is so weird. I still kinda like it. Horrendous backgrounds, mediocre music (though, it have some kind of trashy charm.)
It also introduced this guy.
You're right I jumped on the reply there because saying 99 is the peak of KoF is such an outrageous statement, but clearly I shouldn't have bothered.
I might be losing my mind but I swear there's a single dude who goes into every SNK fightan thread and keeps recommending 13 as the peak of the series.
nah, you backed 'cause you simply couldn't answer. And ehehe, are you the same little gnome that come to these threads talking shit about XIII at every chance? We talked about this in another side. It isn't just this random user opinion, it was stated by the top KOF players of Asia and South America just a couple of months ago. Literally official.
The only people who like XIII are zoomers whose first game was XIII or Mexicans who love it because it's just 02 but not a fucking busted piece of shit like 02.
he was a based tetsuso colne
>ecelebs/progaymers matter now
>anything other than a statement by SNK
latinos arent even good at fighters. all this wank about being obsessed with SNK fighters and then some SF player from corea who has never touched samsho before wins EVO at it.
>Garou is still the better game of all the Fatal Fury saga. As much as one can love the Bout series, is just so wonky.
If you are going to complain about a game being wonky, you can't exactly be recommending Garou at the same time. You can do 0 frame unblockable supers
>I would recommend Samurai Shodown IV
Fuck no, it is fun as a weird broken kuso but the game completely fails to capture what makes SamSho good.
Fatal Fury 1. If you want a laid-back, fun experience, KOF '96.
If anyone is interested, SNK is currently having a sale on Steam, 50% discount.
Well Fatal Fury Special is good enough that it was even played at Evo this year.
lmaoo, buddy, people that have played the game way more than you, studied it, lived on the community and shared knowledge over the years will have a much better opinion than the little view you have from your little room. And yeah, official since is the most informed opinion on the subject.
wonky in the way the game feels and behave. Yeah, I never said Garou was the perfect game, but is still the better FF game on the whole series for so many factors combined.
Yeah, IV is good. Is it's own Samurai game, not following the II or V way. Trying to judge it for it is like what, comparing the Alpha series with classic? And yeah, on casual no broken matches, IV is such a beautiful game. Just look at some JP tourneys on the tube.
Now that I remember, if you want a quick refreshment (and for some reason have a Xbox) get Neo Geo Battle Colliseum. It is really a fantastic and underrated game. Combos on it feel so good to make (Moriya ones are spectacular; Lee skill ceiling is monstrous.)
the problem I have with posts like these is that they're most definitely made by fucktards that cant press their bnbs in any of the listed games.
Real Bout Fatal Fury has easy combos and very little footsies, just mash and have fun
what even triggered you there user?
Latinos are among the best KOF players on the world. The only reason why you NEVER see most of them on EVO is because of 2 huge reasons:
Not being able to participate for fucking political reasons is so bullshit. We have been deprived of some of the most gorgeous and coolest matches 'cause of this. AND FOR THE FUCKING DOUBTERS:
Watch on timestamp. That is the goddamn Xiao Hai playing on the commodity of home. Beautiful KOF.
some shit spic trashpost.
>muh evil american popo
latinos arent winning shit anywhere in the world.
just racist shit then? Tsk, grow up kiddo.
imagine unironically thinking that a trashpile like that has good gameplay.
mugen is better than this.
sounds like I was right.
but muh sprites
the sprites arent even good.
most characters look like trash.
Stop playing vanilla 02.
While XIII's sprites are nice on there own, in game at high resolutions you really start to notice how low res they are. They're mostly saved by the art style, but I almost feel like 98 is nicer to look at cause it isn't even trying to pretend they aren't super pixelated.
That was a great showcase of combos from both sides. Both on their last character and 5 bars; this is impossible to do otherwise (and even there, Ash could have finished it, but wanted to be flashy and screwed up.) And dear lord, the execution needed to do so. But yeah, see:
and wouldn't surprise me if it is the same guy:
They don't even play the games. Even worse, spit nothing but garbage out of their fingers with their uneducated art takes. You have to be a really special kind of retard to think XIII looks bad in any kind of way. You are just trying to hard little buddy.
The resolution matters here because? You do know they are crazy expensive to do right? This of course, and then... that they become more and expensive the larger they are? And that they just can't be done straight on modern HD resolutions for plethora of reasons (money already mentioned) and art direction? And no, as lovely as 98 sprites are, they aren't better than XIII. Good Lord.
>defending 40 seconds combos
dumb spic
What does my team say about me?
You're a lolicon and into BDSM?
The fuck are you doing user? Play on 4:3, why would your force 16:9? It looks so bad.
who gonna see me in kof98 before I go to bed instead of being a fraudulent ass nigga
>They're mostly saved by the art style, but I almost feel like 98 is nicer to look at cause it isn't even trying to pretend they aren't super pixelated.
Spics aren't winning anywhere else. Xiaohai would rape any spic in kof free. People from mexico even travelled to that kof98 world championship and I think none of them ended up in top 8, it was all asians.
Who's the cheapest SNK boss, Yea Forums?
just move to mexico
>He doesn't play SNK games in Spanish
It's like you don't want to get the REAL SNK experience
That does not resolve the initial issue!
Why would he drop the combo and fall back anyways? You don't do that when you are just about to kill the player. Looks to me he got cocky and got rekt for it.
Kof 98 UM and Kof 2002 UM are my favorite.
Samurai Shodown and King of Fighters XIV (XIII is a good game also)
problem with SNK games is that you will always see people online talk about them like in this thread but when you actually boot up the game shit is dead.
I like how everything after whatever that game after Guilty gear is, looks like absolute garbage. That's not even diminishing returns at work, that's just drawing ultra-low-effort bare minimum shit at unnecessarily high resolution so mouthbreathers like you eat it up and think it's high quality. Eat shit and die, you blind retard.
Samurai Showdown. Ignore all of these retards. If you wanna learn a more traditional snk fighter then you might wanna give garou or kof 98 a try.
what did Ryo mean by that face
>Nespresso, what else?
I'm not interested in a single thing code mystics touched since they complained that ggpo is hard to implement. I've considered them a joke since 2015. They fucked over every port with literally unusable netcode on steam.
He's trying to pretend he didn't see Kyo's dick poking out of his shorts.
If you read their post you'd clearly see
Try the new Samurai Shodown
like how the fuck noone posted this. It came out not long ago, is still alive, it's easy to pick up since it relies completely on footsies instead of long combo strings
uh, I'm pretty sure some dude won 13 at evo
Vanguard Princess definitely doesn't look like shit. But they did let a shit ass publisher get ahold of it and it definitely killed everyone's interest in what was literally a free game.
Learn to hop and superhop. It's a universal thing in most SNK games
I wish AoF became the standard of fighting games
>special moves use up meter, makes you commit to them rather than spamming them
>desperation moves flow better to the actual state of the player rather than how SF4 did their arts
>dodging has both benefits and disadvantages of passing through attacks but having vulnerability frames
>clothes ripping
>beautiful large sprites
Hands down a tie between magaki and Igniz. Igniz just will fuck your shit up without question and does too much fucking damage
KoF98. Ignore 02 and XIII. Max mode was a mistake.
I started with KOF '98 Ultimate Match on Steam, it has every KOF character from the Orochi Saga ('94 - '98) playable and it plays great.
this isn't on PC yet though right?
Shit taste, SNK has better fighters.
fighters so great that nobody plays them.
You don't get it.
Start with Capcom fighters, then move onto SNK
And start with Street Fighter V. You'll learn fighting games real quick.
Popularity =/= Quality.
fighting game with no players=useless
98 has a Max mode too you fucking mongoloid.
Gas yourself, chink. The 98 is good meme needs to end.
Not the point.
Don't see the reason why some can't like both, I play both SNK and Capcom games, sfv is absolute shit tho
Kof98 is pretty good and you might find players for it. I like it most because it isn't about long ass combos.
The King of Fighters '98
>sfv is absolute shit tho
yes it is. all this "quality" you claim is in the game is utterly pointless when nobody wants to play them.
being able to actually attract a stable playerbase is a quality in itself.
you can jerk off snk shit all you like but when I boot up my copy of kof14 I wont be able to play it because nobody is online.
Let me be more specific then. Max mode combos were a mistake.
KOFXIII is the most fun and easy to get into due to the high quality of it.
>being able to actually attract a stable playerbase is a quality in itself.
What a retarded statement.
poorly designed neutral game, a meta revolving around pure 50/50 situations out of anything, overly simplified characters and/or unnecesarily reworked, lack of OSs and deffensive options and bad online.
its retarded to claim otherwise.
you're in an snk thread bitching about the online of other games.
get the fuck out.
>KOF '98
I have two versions of this game on my MAME set which one do I use
98 still had those, sweaty.
Let me help you out: What you actually pretend to hate are max cancels. I say pretend because I doubt you are capable of giving a reason why, like most people who pretend to like 98 better than modern KoF games.
I like how you ignore the other problems I mentioned, also you fucking asked me why
The best way to get into SNK stuff is KOF98, which you can play on fightcade.
Fairly reasonable balance apart from the bottom-most rung of characters (what the actual fuck are these characters going to do against Iori/Chizuru/Daimon), huge roster, reasonably sensible mechanics.
2002 would be better, but that game is a jank, screwy mess where I am continually surprised at the ways what should be a simple trade can send the characters flying (or one side will eat shit and I couldn't hope to explain how or why). Played that game for four years straight before getting tired of its bullshit.
2002UM would be better, but the netcode is ass. Same with 98UM.
if you're new to fighting games, literally go play Street Fighter though -- KOF's additional movement options like hops, running, and rolling obscure the fundamentals that you'll want to learn to git gud
this is true of most other fighting games too, this isn't an issue with SNK games or KOF
KOF 2001 is an absolute joy for sheer trashy fun.
Visually, KOF99 is great.
Game kinda sucks otherwise, but it looks nice.
Isn't that in great deal cause games like Tekken for example are more known, so a lot more flock to them? Plus, KoFXIV stopped getting DLC, whereas Tekken 7 still keeps getting season passes. That's not quality of game, that's quality of marketing.
Although Tekken 7 does have nicer models to look at.
Not the same user.
>playing SNK fighting games when Twinkle Star Sprites exists
Not him but there are SNK games with basically cult following that are alive, also samsho is still alive, besides it's been a few years since kof xiv launched and there is plenty of other fighters out there, it's rare for modern fighting games to create a stable following
>playing snk's new jank fighters
I havent looked at a standard 2d fighter after getting tekken 7
shame about soul calibur
KOF is one of the most played games on fightcade.
thumb through the list of replays to get a good idea of what's active
This 2002 and 98 are always at the top
because I can already tell that you're clueless about fighting games.
easiest to nail retards like you on netcode though. SNK has never released a game with good netcode. only emulation and third party porters managed to get passable games online.
>I say pretend because I doubt you are capable of giving a reason why
Not him but let me answer this one: Quick activation's auto dash is absolute trash because you can get a big reward from any random neutral you happen to hit, and the way it was back in 2002 made it pretty hard for average players to benefit from it.
HD meter in KoF XIII had the better ideia, you could cancel specials at any given moment but only 2 times, which if it wasn't for the max mode itself the game wouldn't have consisted into converting low kicks into 80% damage repetitive combos.
a lot of the issue is that the netcode in SNK games is absolute ass
fightcade eats SNK's lunch just by virtue of actually working
only ever managed to get like two matches in KOF2002UM that ran at full speed when online and like five in KOF13
out of dozens of tries
SNK is just shit about it.
that samsho V port made by some other company runs better online than their 2019 main release.
KOF 02 magic. and you gotta use your mother tortilla money to beat rugal
I've never said anything about SNK games having good netcode wtf, both kof xlll and xiv have terrible netcode, and you still can't prove me wrong about what I said earlier cause you know it's true, literally only good thing about sfv are girls and even their models look like shit with those unnaturally big feet and hands
>and you still can't prove me wrong about what I said
I could. But there's no point in it as you're just some Yea Forums shitter that doesnt even play fighting games.
Tekken 7 ain't beginner friendly at all. You will get stomped by smurfs, and the combo strings are complicated for all characters that matter.
it's very beginner friendly lol
it even has autocombos and you can mash without knowing what you are doing and the game will be cool and look fun
there is no projectile zoning so it's by a factor easier to get into for new people
>Tekken 7 ain't beginner friendly at all.
Except it is, just as any other 3D fighter.
> new samsho
Dead game.
It doesnt even have a tutorial.
its beginner "friendly" for braindead mashers, but its hell for anybody who actually wants to leave that mindset behind to actually learn the game.
all those easy strings you can mash out actually makes it hard to deal with as a starter if you want to use conscious thought to beat it without resorting to mashing yourself.
Probably Samurai Shodown, either the second one or the most recent one. Combos aren't complicated, there aren't a ton of systems to memorize, and the pace of the game is slow enough that you won't get caught in constant rush down hell like in a lot of the KOF games.
Alternatively, Fatal Fury or Garou: Mark of the Wolves. Play sort of like a slightly more complicated Street Fighter. Garou in particular is excellent for having a low skill floor and a very high ceiling. Plus if I'm right in assuming you are here for Terry Bogard those are the games he features in.
I wouldn't recommend starting with a KOF game but if you can git gud at one of those it will make most other fighters seem easy in comparison. Ditto SamSho V Special.
The actual real answer though is World Heroes 2
Garou is actually great for a beginner fighting game. It's got easy inputs and systems that are universal across the cast and the 4 button style is easier to parse for newer players who may not be ready for the nuance of 6. It's got tough AI sure but if he has someone to play with it's very easy to quickly pick up, kinda like Third Strike.
>Play KoFXI
>Have a good time and liked fighting cute chinese chick sub-boss
Who the bloody hell thought Magaki was a good concept for a boss?
SNK bosses are just cunts in general.
I'm still mad about '96 Goenitz.
>cute chinese chick subboss
thats a man baby
How good is Neowave?
Fuck off.
is the steam version of KOF98 good? i dont really care about the online community right now i just wanna practice and learn the game
>he fell for the trap
Yeah it is a good port. You can even play the original version in 98UM
It and 2002UM (which also has NeoGeo mode) are perfectly fine ports, if you don't mind losing the 3D backgrounds the PS2 ports had (which isn't really missing out on much to begin with). Their only problems are the same problem that's plagued a lot of the SNK ports to XBLA/PC, Garou included, and that's shit netcode. If you're going for local or AI play though, then you're golden.
02UM steam doesn't have NeoGeo mode
oh, then i'm a derp. the PS2 version had it so I assumed it did on PC too, but damn
Is out on December iirc.
A big nothing. Such weird music. Everybody ignore it for a reason.
>You can do 0 frame unblockable supers
because Rock Howard sometimes hitting you with a random super is enough to make a game jank and busted.
the game only becomes kuso at higher levels where everyone buffers JDs and GCs and the timer + TOP dictate the entire pace of the match, forcing you to take big risks else you watch the opponent comfortably run the clock