Friendly reminder this is dropping today.
Friendly reminder this is dropping today
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Not if I have anything to say about it
The SouunxRan story line is pure kino
It'll be delayed. Screencap this.
Overhyped trash, obnoxious main character and the whole rape everyone gimmick just tarnishes what could be a good game cause the gameplay looks solid.
I appreciate your bait. Maybe I won't have to keep this bumped after all.
call it bait all you want, I endured several Rance games and his character is a massive turn off
Steam with trading cards and chievos or no buy
His character is the only real criticism I have with any of the games as well. He could be less of a douche. But I guess it's tough to write a nice guy rapist.
Only beta males think Rance is a bad character. Even females love Rance.
>wanting a version tied with DRM
Uh, no it isn't.
It already was, like a week ago.
>unironically referring to another man as a douche
Wanna know how I know you drink soi latte on a regular basis?
Imagine being this beta
FUCK I just wanna replay this already. What is farther than the blue sky? Is it lolige?
>mfw I showed this game to my Chad friend
>mfw he LOVED it and strongly identified with Rance
I'm not even joking.
Isn't this the one with unavoidable NTR?
>What is farther than the blue sky?
A VN that's pretty highly rated in Japan and filled with rocket autism.
As for lolis, would you count this?
Yeah I'd count that. Might have to check that out as well. Read the plane autism and train autism. Now time for rocket autism.
depends if she has a route
Explain this autism thing to me.
Games made by and for people who are really into certain things e.g. trains (maitetsu), gliders (if my heart had wings) and so on.
I assume he means the visual novel revolves around the concepts of rockets. How the work, how their built, shit like that. If my heart had wings was plane autism. Literally everything revolved around this single plane. Maitetsu was all about trains and the politics surrounding them. So I'm guessing we are going to space in this one
Lol no, mangagamer is still being fucked in the ass by their payment processor and they're jumping through hoops for them instead of just using any other payment processor.
Dude, it dropped like a decade ago.
Steam is not DRM, steamworks is drm but it is possible to release a game on steam without implementing steamworks
But I've played this for years.
You've played an inferior version for years.
by today you mean today two years from now right?
Why do you copy and paste this in every Rance thread? Did some dude steal ur gf or something
>tfw want to win over girls like rance but to scared to approach them
why live
>His character is the only real criticism
Literally wouldn't touch these games without Rances unique personality that no other game offer.
rape is just surprise sex. nothing wrong with it.
One of the most overrated games out there
>Rance coming out soon
>Taimanin trending at #1
The fuck timeline is this?
Is this why their website has been down for the past month? You'd think they would hurry up and try to get that shit in order. Talk about missed sales. Or they know everyone pirates their shit anyway.