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forgotten in less than a week
So were you
No one asked for this
fucking destroyed
i was genuinely surprised so many people didnt know who Terry was
but then i remembered my age
It's kind of ironic, people complain about them only adding "shill" picks from new games to Smash, and then an actual old character gets in and those same people have no fucking clue who it is.
>shill pick! no vidya history at all!
>literally who? forgotten has-been!
Its all so tiresome
and the fact that King of Fighters is still being released (last one being on PS4 + PC), you'd think more people would know Terry.
What songs do you anons want Terry to come with? I know it'll never happen but this theme is unironically great
None of the Banjo themes I hoped for got in so I'm not going to say what I hope for in case I jinx it. Frankly the music choice for the DLC has been pretty disappointing, they pick the most basic songs possible and there's barely any of them.
The best song DLC wise is Megalovania.
pipe dream to want this in
i have a bunch of Fatal Fury songs but I don't want to spam the thread with them
>and the fact that King of Fighters is still being released (last one being on PS4 + PC
to be fair fighting games isnt as mainstream as other genre's. I didnt even know there was a kof for ps4.
Just goes to show you how meaningless those criticisms are.
Well Kurikinton and Onions Sauce with Geese are definitely in. I hope we get stuff like Arashi no Saxophone.
Ugh, onions sauce? Doesn't sound very tasty.
>Onions Sauce
kek almost forgot about that
Ahaha man fuck that meme.
I'm pretty sure that Esaka and Arashi no saxophone going pop on soundtrack.
welp boys, we gotta be weebs and call it "Shoyu"
they'll definitely have both crack shoot and burn knuckle as specials. but how will you translate them to inputs when both are qcb?
>you will never be a japanese woman thirsty for some bogard
Hoping for this song or an arrange of it.
Reminder that if you play a Nintendo game past the age of 12 youre a fucking phagit.
>not posting the video
If you play a decade old game like tf2 in 2019 you're braindead
Nintendo games are literally made for children tho, but I guess manchildren also count
t. Manchild who plays Nintendo games past age 12.
Damn, she sounds cute. But if she cares about Terry she's gotta be around 30-40. So she's absolutely perfect then.
>you will never play kof 98 with your snk loving wife
Actually feels bad
I need gay art
If he doesn't have that Japanese-English accent, I'm going to riot.
He literally does in the trailer you hotheaded fool.
There was a really good story I saw on Yea Forums years ago and I'm never going to be able to find it because all the Smash spam will have filled up the archive with busta wolf posts.
I know, but that was Jap acting.
We still don't know if he'll be "localized".
Literally fucking who? No wonder Sans overshadowed this Hat Ken motherfucker despite only being a costume. Sad!
You hotheaded fucking fool, Terry has almost never had a game with an English voice actor, because he speaks in English anyway, which is why he had that voice actor in the ENGLISH TRAILER. If he was going to have a different voice they would have showed it already.
I hope for Athena's theme with her voice.
Which theme is that?
I wish I could be that happy about something
Oh, cheer up, user! Whatever you're going through, keep your spirits up.
I wish we got Goose
Damn, I've played Psycho Soldier so I'm familiar with the original but I haven't played KoF96 so I hadn't heard this. That is a really good remix.
Him and Billy.
There's more different versions of this song in each of the earlier KOF games.
At least he's guaranteed a mii slot
He's too weak against grabs.
>japanese react
>it's all either just voice or some faceover animation
>there are people who never watched the Fatal Fury OVA animated by Masami Obari
What's your excuse? It's just 45 minutes and it's even on YouTube.
Japanese people feel more comfortable to be seen as anime characters.
I can't imagine it's very good.
>But Obari!
Virus Buster Serge is also Obari and it's complete garbage.
Because Obari is fucking great when animating giant robots, but his humans characters...
While I agree that Obari's thing is robots, the OVA is actually a pretty fun adaptation of the first game.
Why does everyone always look sleep-deprived in Shinkiro's art?
Obari also got excited with Terry's inclusion.
Why does he draw noses so damn big?
His noses aren't big, you're just used to anime with super small/non-existent noses.
Perhaps, but even compared to real noses these are undeniably larger than the average nose.